||✧*×{Ask Box Open}✧*|| Banner by: pipileo (tumblr)|| If you reading this, you need to know I have no clue how did you get there, but welcome! I'm happy to see you / Grab a drink, a snack, and get ready for a lots of chatter about my fixation / Enjoy!
330 posts
Thisiswasabis - ItsWasabi - Tumblr Blog
My toxic trait is that I like getting notes so much, that sometimes I need to turn off the notifs or I'll be anxious that nobody is reacting to my stuff
Like, GIRL, Those are real people. They have their own lives, Heck, their own blogs often even!
What do you want from them!? They won't react to every single post you make hchcbdbxhchchcbxvbxhx
I've stabed my wrist on a cactus. I don't think it's damaged, but um. . .

Reblog if you want more interaction with your mutuals and followers :D
I feel like I've made a mistake o -o
I've realised the ending for NoP finally and, if everything will go as planed, we all are going to cry do ugly LMAO
I've realised the ending for NoP finally and, if everything will go as planed, we all are going to cry do ugly LMAO
*cutely kidnaps you and drags you into the void*
You wanna grab a bagle or smth?

Wasabi??? More like-
Wassup bee /j

OMG, Sthaaaapp~, I'm at school, you can't make me blush rn!
"So, ummm. . . How's your Tuesday?"

What can I say? Piro is a wild fire, you can't really control him, brother
(Do me a favor - reblog my art. As much as I appreciate the kudos you leave under my posts, reblogs will help spread my art around - so please, reblog, thanks)
Ref ↓

Edit: tagging @endomentendo and @artsandstoriesandstuff bc they said they want to :D
AAAAA, SORRY FOR THE LATE REPLY, I hope you don't mind it
1. You have it almost right - there's both characters inspired by phobias AND normal people. The phobias are super rare and most people (expect for family and people who happened to see/meet them) dosen't know they exist at all. Their family often hide them from the society to keep them safe
2. It's between late 1939 (autumn) and (summer) 1940!
3. I'm bad at world building so maybe you won't find disappointmently boring but one of the more interesing think (I think) about it, despite the time period standarts, Devil Town is not homophobic or (mostly) rasist. It comes from the mainly mixed racied habitians, which is already very untypical for one city, so the same gender couples are nothing weird to them. And racism is literally ILLEGAL in DT! Depending on what type of it someone did, they can either pay a large amount of money (spreading hate word, for ex.) or even land in aresset (for attacknig someone because of their race, etc.)
Dumb ask, dumb like anything else, but give me your speculation about NoP - like, how is it going to look like, based on what you know already (I know there's not too much info, I'm sorry :[ )
If I remember correctly, everyones based off of a fear/phobia of sorts which affect them as a whole, which I find so interesting as you know from like when I first followed you sbshsjjs
I don’t remember the exact decade it’s in but I know it’s in the late 1900’s? I think that will be fairly interesting
I’m also just entirely curious on how their world works and the views people have and shehsbjsn I’m eepy answering this buuuuttt I’d rather answer it while I’m tired than forget to answer it at all
I haven’t looked at much lately so I’ve forgotten some stuff, I’m sorry :< but from what I can remember I really like those aspects in it :>
Yeeeey, I love you
Okay, so, the basic plot is pretty much that Piro lives with his alcohol addicted dad in a village where he has a reputation of a hooligan and a. . . monster
But after (another) unfortunet indcident, Piro gets into a huge fight with his father and comes through his final braking point. He packs his things. And runs away.
His plan is simple - jump on a train, go as far away from this shithole as possible and start living some normal life like you should to.
But as life like to say "sike", he ends up in Devil Town - a city occupied by the army of the Italian Facists - and meets Amnesio. Who turns out to be just like him. And who's crazy enough to want fight with the town's occupant, for her. . . Personal reasons. And when she ask him to take part in this madness, desperate Piro wills to join in.
They can't even imagine, what did they just started.
NoP is full of action, mystery and weird-ass ideas, but it's not only this.
It's mainly a story about Family; Not the one you're related to by blood or who calls themself that, but the one you find somewhere in the way - Family, that would do anything for you and who are there for you, no matter how much you've fucked up. It's about people like you, who are somewhere out there in the world, waiting for you. All you need to do is jump that train and look around.
But it's also about the smaller things. About growing up and healing your inner child. About forgivness. About searching for yourself and finding your place on earth.
It's about all the ups and downs and "I help you"s and "Let's go home"s
It's NoP

Foxi, My Love, My Darling, My Whole Universe, My Poem In the Making, can you give me some speculations/questions about NoP? I need to ramble about my thing, please 🙏🥺
2. You're just saying that. Also wdym "poem in the making"?
3. You're doing this on purpose aren't you.... I'm getting flustered AUGH-
4. Uhhhhhhhhhh what is it about? (I just kinda look at the art but never knew what it's about)
I want to ramble about NoP or something, but there's no thoughts - head empty. Like Dogo's after his arc and Nykto's 13/5
Reblog if you are ASEXUAL, SUPPORT ASEXUALS, or really really want to WEAR A REALLY FANCY BLACK CAPE
Guys, some girls from different school are at my table at McDonald's, what do I do?
Highlights from the yesterday's whiteboard! Thank you, everyone who joined, you all are amazing artists and I couldn't be more impressed for your talent!


I call cool people, to join me on a dangerous trip of drawing on a public whiteboard and get the treasure of
A mini comic based on a conversation me and @glitchyk had once but I was too tired to finish. And yes, I know that the authors of the snog wasn't even borned at 1940s, but Idc

How did it happen, that I was the same joke twice today?
Gay scientists be like “oh, how queer. Let me twink about this”

Reblog if you want Asks/Messages from your followers in your inbox
Amnisio uhhh Pegasus feathers... I think it's called? I forget things easily-

🌼Amnesio + Pegasus Feathers🪶
I was a little sad and listened to "Home" a LOT while drawing this
Thanks for existing
If you scared that your request won't be done, you have nothing to worry about - my ask box is practicly empty and I will gladly take your ideas - I know you don't know most of these characters, but this is why I want to do this challange - so you can at least see how those characters look like.
You iny ask box will make me more that ecstatic, because I made this blog for my story and not beging able to tell you about it without beging feeling left out because not many people see/react to my posts
So please, I beg of you, join in
@yunfox00 @glitchyk sorry for tagging you guys, but I'm so desperate right now, you have no idea
Color Palette Challange!
Send me a name of the palette and the NoP character you want me to draw!

And this is a list of the characters:
(Those are only the characters that I have name for)
I know you don't know most of these characters, but that the fun of it - you not quite sure what you'll get >:D GO JOIN IN
Haha, thank you 💕
Do you wanna hear me yap about NoP a bit?
👉👈 It's okay if you're not in the mood for this or don't want to, I understand :<

So lately I was thinking about the way I going to show death scenes in NoP. I almost always new I don't want any impornant part of the cast to die, but the terrible thing in war is all the things and people we loose in it. So, obviously, some sacrifices had to be done.
But there's was one problem. I have gore and I extremely uncomfortable with death, especially with my kinda traumatic that I would rather not share right now.
So, the only logical solution to this was to in an artistic way
My first thought was to make scene where, for ex.,: someone is shooting the other person dead in black and white, lineless artstyle

But, a quite long time later something came to mind: what if the damage, both physical and emotional, would effect the artstyle or even completly change it?
Like when someone dies, how does it feel for the person frome the side? Is the time slowes down? Or maybe it's moving too fast? In any sound coming through to them? Can I show it in art?
So I started coming out with the ideas.
I was thinking about using some sort of mixed media to achive this effect. Like really bad, sketchy animation for when a character's thoughts are a mess and their head feels like it was about to spilt in half (look up illynimation to get the visual idea) , or the aquarelle painting for memories

"Chłopi", 2023 ↑
or many, many different artstyles in very fast movetion when a character reaches their breaking point
It's all interesting ideas I have for this, but I have a quite few ideas about other aesthetics of the series that I would love to imply in NoP
Do you wanna hear me yap about NoP a bit?
👉👈 It's okay if you're not in the mood for this or don't want to, I understand :<