thoughtfulpotatous - Scrolling around
Scrolling around

~Just trying to survive -01

21 posts

Okay, Wait, Hold Up, Wait, I Just Realised.

Okay, wait, hold up, wait, I just realised.

Kakashi literally killed a jinchuuriki just like that and when he was a teen?? The kid was so powerful and he just used chidori?? He killed Rin just like that and she didnt go in any kind of chakra mode ?? Or was it just because she just became the jinchuuriki and both of them were too tired?? But didnt they make the seal so weak that it would break in konoha?? I probably should watch it again and see if I missed something

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More Posts from Thoughtfulpotatous

4 years ago

Guys you remember this photo

Guys You Remember This Photo

Here we see a little inside of Oikawa's phone. We all just thought that "Oh he is such a sweet uncle who loves his nephew (I love how both of them are showing the peace sign, so cute) and likes to watch sunsets (and to annoy kageyama) and take pictures of them.

BUT he just broke up with his girlfriend??

Maybe he deleted all those pictures he had with her because he felt he had failed at something again and it brought bad memories to him and/or dont people just delete pictures with their s/o when they break up? (or he was really bad boyfriend and they hadnt dated that long and thats why he didnt have any photos with her...boy just wanted to be good at volleyball girl should have just respected that smh)

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2 years ago

Finland and Inuyasha

That post about death note being "everyone's first anime" (untrue statement) made me curious and now I want to gather data for science

Can you reblog this and tell me where are you from and what was your starter anime?

4 years ago

I was washing chairs and I thought that now they are good enough. Then I thought would Levi approve of these and then started washing them again.

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4 years ago

The fact that we dont know Hak's parents irritates and scares me. What kind of parents create such a powerful child and then just dissappear (or perhaps get killed, another question is why?) and how was Hak equal or perhaps more powerful than the dragon's. How on earth did he also survive the fall in the beginning when he was badly injured and also on countless of fight's they battled and he didnt sweat at all??

Also when they met zeno they joked Hak being actually a dragon descendant which would be actually hilarious if it turns out to be true.

But what if he would be someone who fought against or with the original dragons or something like that and just wasn't mentioned in the legend. Or he is just really that powerful I dont know I just think it would be more interesting if there would be a reason for him being that powerful.

The Fact That We Dont Know Hak's Parents Irritates And Scares Me. What Kind Of Parents Create Such A

All I am trying to say is I reeeally wanna know his past.

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4 years ago

So I just now realised why this pic of kuroo for some reason felt weird for me

So I Just Now Realised Why This Pic Of Kuroo For Some Reason Felt Weird For Me

IT'S BECAUSE BOTH OF HIS EYES ARE SHOWING?!?! Why does it look so weird to me??

They also aren't that squinted as they usually are so I guess that also has something to do with it🤷‍♀️

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