Levi Ackerman - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago

So... I started reading attack on titan like two days ago and let me tell you I wasnt prepared for all that and have spoiled myself wayyy too much about things that wont make sense. But before I started I was confused on why did everyone like Levi so much but now I totally understand and I-💀👀

So... I Started Reading Attack On Titan Like Two Days Ago And Let Me Tell You I Wasnt Prepared For All

(I will see if I can watch the anime because of the titans eating style)

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4 years ago

I was washing chairs and I thought that now they are good enough. Then I thought would Levi approve of these and then started washing them again.

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2 years ago
Out Of All The Shit This Mans Been Through Has Surely Developed A Bunch Of Yandere Traits
Out Of All The Shit This Mans Been Through Has Surely Developed A Bunch Of Yandere Traits

Out of all the shit this mans been through has surely developed a bunch of yandere traits

The cruel reality is that he’s lost so many people in his life, left to thrive on his own and make his own judgements to survive

But you, Levi couldn’t take his eyes off you, being intrigued from the little he can see of you

Levi never gets attached to anyone, he’s forced himself not to after losing his closet family, but you kept on finding your way past his emotional wall and hell you barely even spoke to him

After several sleepless nights filled with questions of you, why your the special one that ran through his thoughts, why he couldn’t shut you out, Levi finally made his way through paperwork to transfer you under his lead

From what Erwin and Hanji see in your history reports Levi had absolutely no reason to recruit you, rather you were qualified for where you already were, a low chance possibly of a titan fight was a good suit for you, to protect instead of being in the front lines

They both make passive jokes at him for it, ones that Levi constantly pushes to the side, it seems only he can see the possibilities you possess

Levi’s possessive, protective and obsessive

Out of all the years of having no one you made your way through his barriers without even knowing it, even if Levi doesn’t believe in true love it still brings out his curiosity, slowly bringing him to accept you

It’s noticeable too, every cadet mentions it and calls Levi out on favoritism before getting yelled at

Once Levi lets you into his life you aren’t leaving, which both leads to his possessive and protective trait

He’s seen some shitty ass people, and know that none of the people you work with are acceptions, Levi doesn’t want you going through anything he’s been through, even if it’s just insults and jabs he’ll destroy whoever harms you either mentally or physically

Rarely lets you come out on a expedition, to go beyond the safety of the walls is a absolute no, both as your commander and love interest he forbids you from going anywhere beyond where your safe, at least not with out him

Maybe on rare occasion he’ll take you to the edge of the wall, just to stare above it all and admire the sun setting along the horizon of trees, just to give you a feeling of freedom with him, Levi will get you true freedom, within a lot of time of course

Is not afraid to break a mans wrist for mocking and harassing you, imagine what will happen if inappropriately touches you

That filth will spend months in the hospital, multiple areas wrapped up in bandages and stitched up, flinching anytime they see Levi once they’re healed not even daring to be within 10 feet of you

He might not seem like one for affection, and honestly he isn’t, but wouldn’t complain if you were to show your affection now and then

Long supporting hugs mixed in with little comments of praise will do Levi well, especially within his mental state

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2 years ago

Farlan: how was your relationship with Kenny?

Levi: oh, it was a little hit and miss

Farlan: sometimes it was good and sometimes it was bad?

Levi: Sometimes Kenny hit me and sometimes he missed

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2 years ago

Isabel: so you’re admitting you’re gay?

Levi: … what?

Isabel: you just told me you’re homocidal.

Levi: …

Farlan: Remind me why we kept her again?

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head empty just the (oddly specific) lengths that an ackerman will go for their beloved

Head Empty Just The (oddly Specific) Lengths That An Ackerman Will Go For Their Beloved
Head Empty Just The (oddly Specific) Lengths That An Ackerman Will Go For Their Beloved
Head Empty Just The (oddly Specific) Lengths That An Ackerman Will Go For Their Beloved
Head Empty Just The (oddly Specific) Lengths That An Ackerman Will Go For Their Beloved
Head Empty Just The (oddly Specific) Lengths That An Ackerman Will Go For Their Beloved
Head Empty Just The (oddly Specific) Lengths That An Ackerman Will Go For Their Beloved
Head Empty Just The (oddly Specific) Lengths That An Ackerman Will Go For Their Beloved
Head Empty Just The (oddly Specific) Lengths That An Ackerman Will Go For Their Beloved

*rocks in corner while hugging the bucket for my ugly crocodile tears*

_ _ also this _ _

Head Empty Just The (oddly Specific) Lengths That An Ackerman Will Go For Their Beloved
Head Empty Just The (oddly Specific) Lengths That An Ackerman Will Go For Their Beloved

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9 months ago

Your Help - A Levifar Story

Chapters: 5/?


Levi has been friends with Furlan Church for what is going on two years now. Though it's never been confirmed, he thinks they could even be best friends. Despite Furlan's cleaning ability being a solid -5, and his level of sex jokes high enough to make a hooker blush, Levi has no regrets over knowing him. Levi doesn't fully despise how Furlan has grown to know him either.


As his unofficial best friend, Furlan knows enough of him to determine when Levi needs some help.

… What was it he said about having no regrets?


So I made a thing :P

It’s a story I was at first very excited to share then very reluctant as the ideas dried up and lack of faith in my writing ability set in, but I’m back now and hope to see it to the end. It’s a shame that there is so little content out there for this ship so I am determined to give this offering to our small but mighty community.

The fic is currently up on Ao3 and can be accessed using this link: (see below)

I would be so incredibly grateful to anyone who would give this story a chance and hope it will bring you some joy.

An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

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8 months ago

Whether it was intentional or not I’ll never get over how this soldier looks like Furlan 🥺🥺

Levi, Levi, Levi
Levi, Levi, Levi
Levi, Levi, Levi
Levi, Levi, Levi

Levi, Levi, Levi

He doesn't berate the soldier who openly disobeyed his orders and caused the Titans to attack. He doesn't punish him even though bodies of the deceased had to be forsaken. He doesn't say "I told you so" even though Dieter is responsible for the fact that Eld, Petra, Oruo and Gunter won't have a proper burial. He doesn't do any of that. Instead he gives him something to hold onto.

He offers him hope that it wasn’t all in vain.

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8 months ago

The way I gave an audible ‘AAAH’ at this artwork 😆 the absolute chokehold these three have on my heart

Hikaru Suruga, Illustrator Of ACWNR Manga, Posts Thug Trio Artwork To Celebrate Season 2

Hikaru Suruga, illustrator of ACWNR manga, posts Thug Trio artwork to celebrate Season 2 


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8 months ago

The Reality of Levi Ackerman's Personality

If he were "personality-less" (a difficult thing to define, honestly) as some people say, it would be due to the sheer trauma he's been exposed to. Humans, when in traumatic situations, turn to the fight-or-flight response for help and turn on the Monkey Brain to survive. This is something of an emotional/personal growth stunt. This is why it is very difficult for people who went through trauma as children. They are not rediscovering themselves; they are discovering themselves. Levi, who has only just escaped the endless trauma of the war, is now crushed under the weight of grief for his mother, the things he saw at the underground brothels, his friends, his comrades, mental issues from all he's witnessed, a sudden loss of independence, and the reality that he's a cripple and will never be the way he used to be (which will only feed the hypervigilance he inevitably developed).

It's been some forty years. His personality is built out of the trauma he's endured, so of course, he isn't going to look/act like your normal guy.

As an old guy with nothing to do, he'll go out and discover himself. The food he likes (in the underground and in the scouts, you take what you get and don't complain), the hobbies he enjoys, posssibly new friends who he won't be so afraid to lose to death, etc. But he's going to spend a lot of his time trying to heal from forty years worth of trauma. He probably won't, not before his life ends, so in short, Levi has quite a few excuses to be the way he is.

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7 months ago
This Totally Represents How Deeply Levi Understands His Comrades. How Much He Trusts Them And Supports

This totally represents how deeply Levi understands his comrades. How much he trusts them and supports their decisions. He's a great leader and a great captain without any questions.

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7 months ago

The way I mentally dropped everything and RAN



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6 months ago

*breathes in with the full awareness that my take will kill the vibe* stunning art but the rain and fog have to be such massive triggers for Levi given how his first expedition outside the walls went…

Tears in the rain

It’s really something with Levi Ackerman and listening to The Weeknd. Inspiration hit me so hard again and I kiss Levi my muse for that 🥰 Also I didn’t ever draw him with his cape and uniform before, definitely gonna do that more often.

Made with Procreate 🎨

Tears In The Rain
Tears In The Rain

!Reblogs and comments as likes, are always appreciated! Please don’t not repost or claim it as yours!

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6 months ago

Placing my chin directly in his hand 😊

Levi Ackerman

Levi Ackerman

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6 months ago

In spite of the issues I may have with the OVA and its deviations from the manga I will say that the way they animate Levi throughout is 🤌

Underground Levi lives in the front right part of my brain at all times ♡

Underground Levi Lives In The Front Right Part Of My Brain At All Times
Underground Levi Lives In The Front Right Part Of My Brain At All Times
Underground Levi Lives In The Front Right Part Of My Brain At All Times
Underground Levi Lives In The Front Right Part Of My Brain At All Times
Underground Levi Lives In The Front Right Part Of My Brain At All Times
Underground Levi Lives In The Front Right Part Of My Brain At All Times
Underground Levi Lives In The Front Right Part Of My Brain At All Times
Underground Levi Lives In The Front Right Part Of My Brain At All Times
Underground Levi Lives In The Front Right Part Of My Brain At All Times
Underground Levi Lives In The Front Right Part Of My Brain At All Times

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