Just a random person who is in multiple fandoms and loves to draw their own characters and put them in to different fandoms
29 posts
Some Humor Im Working On
Some humor I’m working on
i am not going to finish this today so expect the next update in a few months.

thytealfox liked this · 1 year ago
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Transformers| Team Purple
It would be so cool to see them team up!!>3

This is foxy but, the fox goddess made a deal with the jade emperor and she is the goddess’s champion, meaning she has some of the goddess’s powers but their was a demon that was miss understood. So people decided to seal it inside of her when she was a kid. She is from the imagination space, which is a place where the center of everything is and everything is a void with a bunch of boxes in it that are all connected together with portals. The first of every mythical creature, god (some of them because in Buddhism the gods were once mortals but ascended to godhood), Demi god, And demon was created there.
so back to the deal part, she was sent to keep the monkey king in check incase the cursed crown wasn’t working, she is observing until she sees the need to jump into the sicuation and she also she decided to try to join them on their quest before the redboy insident.
this is too funny
its Thursday so i get to post the one meme i made this year
I have hated this sense I figured out I was pan romantic and I think that the rumor of all pan sexuality’s dating frying pans has gotten out of hand. I’m not trying to offend the pan sexuality’s over a joke, but I been stated as a fact recently in my eyes and only my eyes from my understanding.
I’m am very sorry if this has offended anyone but, please remember that this is my opinion on the understanding of the joke.