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Beware all ye who enter this blogAge:21Pronouns: She/Her When will I update anything? Not even god knows.

109 posts

So Something I Have Never Understood Is Why Some Teachers Dont Allow I Dont Know As An Answer. If I Say

So something I have never understood is why some teachers don’t allow I don’t know as an answer. If I say I don’t know than I mean I don’t know. I had a meltdown from literally the people that were meant to be there to help me because I didn’t know what would help me not hate my environment when my environment was on principle my own personal sensory hell. That incident made me not feel safe even going into that room anymore. That isn’t even getting into the importance of knowing if a student doesn’t know something because if you’re a teacher it’s your job to make sure every student knows the subject and if they don’t to HELP THEM LEARN IT. How are you going to do that if you don’t allow them to tell you they don’t know? So someone explain why this was ever even though to be a good idea.

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2 years ago

Chetana: realizing that I control everything. That I made everything terrible to ever happen to her world happen. “That Goddamn bitch”

Chetana: Also realizing that now that she has become self aware she’s an mc or at least a future one “Fuck”

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3 years ago

So funny story I thought of… I remember back in either freshman or sophomore year of high school I was in biology class and this older student who was friends with the teacher came in and was talking to the teacher and asked her for some food and for some reason I decided to go “Anything can be food if you try hard enough“ and they both looked at me for a moment before the older student went “That’s true”

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3 years ago

👆as someone who’s had to fight the school system to have two hidden disabilities acknowledged

No Truer Words Ever Spoken

No truer words ever spoken

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2 years ago

Good luck with that Air

Hey I’m Timber I also go by Izanami sometimes within this group to make this easier. My main blog is https://www.tumblr.com/blog/view/timberpen if anyone is interested

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2 years ago

I’m ticcing, stimming, and cramping all at the same time while on sleep medication that isn’t working. If you don’t know on of my stress stims actually caused damage to my scalp. Everything hurts