tinkertaylorjoy - Beingskeptict Forthefetch
Beingskeptict Forthefetch

72 posts

They Put This Pic In The Article. Messy Hair, Fugly Dress And The Unfit Shoes. Please Remind Me What's

They Put This Pic In The Article. Messy Hair, Fugly Dress And The Unfit Shoes. Please Remind Me What's

They put this pic in the article. Messy hair, fugly dress and the unfit shoes. Please remind me what's the purpose of this news?

Ballsy: So, The Evening Standard (Anna Wintour Connection) Just Did A Style Article On SH Based On The

Ballsy:  So, the Evening Standard (Anna Wintour connection) just did a “style” article on SH based on The Telegraph piece. The amount of shade is Nuclear Wintour level.


Firstly - they put all of her crappy pre Cumberbatch stuff in a gallery (note the pic above).  And then … . under the headline (as I highlighted above) they put “prove himself” in quotes.

Prove himself as a father is becoming a meme almost.  The media are very much picking up on that.  It’s in quite a few of the headlines.

And ALL of the outlets make SURE they point out the timeline.  Like so:

“Having married on February 14 last year, the pair welcomed son Christopher Carlton a few months later before announcing their second pregnancy this week.”

I don’t know if it’s been pointed out, but a HELL of a lot of these articles leave off “Cumberbatch” at the end of CCC’s name.  It’s just CC. 

I really hope they have an end to this before the circling vultures pounce:

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More Posts from Tinkertaylorjoy

10 months ago

7 years later:

7 Years Later:


7 Years Later:

'and it makes him and SunnyMarch into a laughing stock'. But it is already. It is your run-off-the-mill tax evasion vehicle. Its goal is not to create masterpieces but to allow BC to pay lower taxes. It is unsurprising that there are so many projects now after it being idle for years. He obviously got his pay for DS and, probably, also an advance for Avengers.

If they’re going for tax evasion, one could argue that The End We Start From is a pretty safe bet Nonny.  It could stand to lose millions  :D

Tags :
9 months ago


10 months ago
Why Is Gamora?

Why is Gamora?

9 months ago

Weirdo, you are weird and far from fabulous. I can smell your famewhore from miles away.

The big picture post

Now that we’re ‘celebrating’ one year of the sham, it is time for a summary post.

I’ve read a few asks here and there about comparison posts, so I tried to collect quite a few to summarize  the Sham and how  BC is with people in general and then SH. Going through a massive amount of pictures, it was very interesting to see how the quantity and content has been changing over time. I tried to cram in a mix of pictures, not just deliberately picking smiley or pissy ones to prove my point. Please note that apart from the pictures I’ve collected here, I have been following BC’s career and public life for 4 years and I have experience in his public behaviour with people.

First things first, pictures about BC in the company of friends and colleagues.


Let me tell you, it was really hard to pick. There are so many pictures of BC with his colleagues and friend where he is relaxed, happy, content, affectionate, goofy, confident…well consistently being himself.

Then I picked 3 of seemingly close friends AA, JR and KK.


AA: these two are apparently long-time, close friends, work mates, and I think you can see that. Even if they’re not smiling there’s a bond there, these two must have been through a thing or two. He’s not a major player in the Sham, he baited a few times (no names mentioned), he was at the ‘wedding’, but I think he won’t play along any-more that much…he is a family man, he won’t take part I think in ridiculing the notion of it I think…well we’ll see.


JR: pretty much the same as AA, added with all the emotions that come from supporting JR because of his traumatic childhood and later serious mental issues. I can see, they have a strong bond as well, they are seemingly both proud of each others’ achievement. During the Sham he became one of the main collaborator through tweeting, though never mentioned their names (whereas before he  had no problem mentioning BC), since the ‘wedding’ he stopped talking about anything BC related until the court case. See if he takes part in the ‘baby’ narrative’.


KK: These two have amazing natural – not sexual - chemistry for me. It was a hard pick, there was a lot of really nice, relaxed, loving pictures of them. Lately though you could see on her reactions, that she is not delighted by the SH situation, she does not collaborate in selling the lie.

Family: mainly parents – I was surprised that I could hardly find any pictures of them together. Here’s a few and we know how important the parents are for BC – the bond is there, and knowing this, it is hard to look at the last two pictures here…they are seemingly not happy about this 'union’ with SH.


Exes: I picked the two confirmed ones, OP and AJ, rumoured ones don’t count.


OP: bit of a mixed bag, well, it was long-term, but there’s genuine love, gentleness and contentment there, but I kind of felt that towards the end of the relationship you can sort of see the pictures getting understandably a bit  more serious.


AJ: wow, there are only a handful of pictures of them. Now these two had more of a sexual chemistry for me – although these images are mostly quite serious, and Anna seemed to be a bit uncomfortable with posing, there’s genuine affection there, especially shown in this gif.


Now, onto SH. First I have taken the red-carpet pictures, because up until the gag, we had about 3 pictures of them, and as we witnessed, until the Baftas there’s difficult to find decent red-carpet pictures of them. They mostly look, cold, detached, pissy, uncomfortable. So let’s see some of the bad ones first:


In the beginning there was drama right on the red-carpet, they couldn’t handle it. Towards the end they got the hang of it, and by the time the Oscars came, there were hardly any non-smiley pictures of them (BC behaving weird as fuck parading OTT PDA is another issue).

Here are some of the decent ones which might work for the casual observer - well sort of:


As you can see, there’s a big turn-around at the Baftas and here we are at the Oscars:


By this time they learned they had to sell it hard, because the award season was unfruitful, BC had to save face. SH still seems cold and stiff on all the pics, not being able to hold BC’s weird 'love-stare’. I felt very uncomfortable picking these, because they’re just awkward from a fan’s point of few, it is so out of character for BC, it’s unbelievable. To this day, it seems to me he might have been drunk even…ugh…BUT, did the general audience, the casual observer notice it? Did they manage to deceive a few people with this performance? Hm…maybe.

Moving on to the candid shots. Now that is interesting. Up until the GAG we have 4 (!!! only) pictures of BC and SH in one space, I don’t count the Quaglino’s dinner because they were pictured separately. After that up until the end of the year they exclusively appear only on red-carpets and airports for pap shots.


The verdict? We all discussed this to death: no chemistry, no affection, no smiles, hardly any communication. As the time went on and we were getting closer to the big push for the award season and people started to doubt that they are a real couple, the candid and pap shots multiplied.


We have the Christmas shots in Edinburgh, I forgot to add the New Year’s dinner for the Oscar voters, the separately posted January-February shots from Cotswolds, the 'wedding’, the day after the wedding, Moneymoon Part Une, 


Moneymoon Part Deux, and the Primrose Hill pics. I left out the Palace pics, because they’re neither red-carpet, nor candid, and doesn’t change the conclusion. The only times we got some half-arsed smiles during the whole Sham were the Oscars and Moneymoon Part Deux – they had to sell hard, since during Oscar time there was a lot of attention on them. The majority of the candid shots tell the same story as the red-carpet ones -  they look, cold, detached, pissy, uncomfortable.

So, what are the conclusions for me? BC is a person who can have chemistry with a stone, literally shove anyone next to him and he will show some kind of warmth, affection – he can do it with anyone apart from SH, who is said to be his heart and centre, the love of this life. According to all the pictures I have seen, all I can think is that these two don’t care for each other, what’s more, sometimes they look they despise each other. This relationship is lived out on the red-carpet and in front of a few well-positioned, (mostly) arranged for paparazzi. I have yet to see a picture of them that shows genuine affection, because since last May, there’s been none, NADA!

Again, am I trying to convince myself only based on a few pictures? No.

You can easily make a comparison let’s say taking one pic of SH/BC and KK/JRi…and say KK and JRi are miserable, BC and SH are happy, or the reverse is easy to suggest too. Here’s what I mean: spot the happy couple…


It depends on which pair of pictures you’re looking at…it is easy to suggest one way or the other, this is what the tabs do -push narratives based on a few pictures. On the left KK/JRi looks unhappy, BC/SH happy, on the right is the reverse. But when you look at the bigger picture and compare all the pictures and impressions of BC/SH and then look at this:


And then this:


Which one tells you the truth, which one is a lie?  I know who wins my vote for being a real couple it is not BC and SH.

All in all, seeing BC’s public behaviour in the past 4 years, and following the Sham in the past year there is overwhelming evidence for me that BC and SH are not a real couple,  they are involved in a publicity stunt, having all the milestones of the 'relationship’ around major award events.

Over time dear friends and family members disappeared from the pictures, so has the fun, all we can see is two people who don’t want to be together but they still have to go on with this sad, miserable 'union’ until the bitter end. BC did a 180 and from a healthy, happy, successful actor at the top of his game became a seemingly depressed broken man who avoids public confrontation and just wants to hide. 


As time goes on, will this be a year to remember? Was it all worth it?

10 months ago

she can draw arrows

She Can Draw Arrows

"Is there a video of the full interview with Ali Plumb?" - i havent watched the full interview but i think its on YT. Heres a clip of the part about meeting fans tho: (twitter(.)com/AliPlumb/status/838454095937699846 ) like i said, he cut Ali off just to add the bit about family. Like he saw a chance to "organically" plug family talk and wasnt gonna miss it. Even with a big smile on his face its just sad honestly :/ -izzy

Thanks for the LINK Izzy!

Now, THAT is the first time I’ve seen him talk convincingly about the imaginary family.  Either he’s starting to believe it (in which case Karon will need to doof him upside the head to get his brain working again) or he’s remembered he’s an actor and rehearsed properly.

Either way…  did I hear him correctly?  “Your wife’s yelling at you?”

Really Ben?!?!?