8 posts
Satoru Is The Type Of Person To Laugh At You While Crying And Take Photos Then Apologize Saying He'll

Satoru is the type of person to laugh at you while crying and take photos then apologize saying he'll delete the photos (which he won't).

Tuesday morning!
You woke up in your bed stretching slightly before sitting up against the backboard suddenly a strong pair of arms wrapped around your waist dragging you back down into bed. "Stay...... with me" Satoru said in a husky morning voice which made your cheeks heat up. He held you against him kissing your neck biting all your sensitive spots, you couldn't help but let out a soft moan which he chuckled at.
Suddenly in one Swift movement he sat up against the backboard wrapping his arms around your waist hugging you close as your legs wrapped around him. He was always so clingy in the morning which you found adorable. He buried his head in the crook of your neck running his hands through your hair, chuckling against your skin. "We can wait an hour before going to jujutsu high.... Don't you think?" He said cheekily against your skin making you shiver at his voice against your neck.
As much as you wanted to have sex with him right now, you remember that you promised to help Shoko with something. You shook your head softly, to which he looked up, his beautiful blue eyes looked into your eyes. He nodded and kissed your cheek, he was mesmerized by your beauty he would often just stare at your face touching your cheek and touching his favorite parts of your face. He smiled softly lifting you up into the air with ease just with one hand.
You immediately let out a gasp touching is biceps with your pointer finger telling him to put you down. He nodded kissing your cheek and lifting you into his arms before getting out of bed with you in his arms. You wrapped your arms around his neck. Thirty minutes later you both finished showering and changing your clothes putting on the uniform, you were downstairs in the kitchen plating the pancakes you made Satoru he quickly sat down around the counter and shoving two pancakes into his mouth and mumbling something along the line of "these are... delicious thanks!"
You chuckled and nodded, suddenly as you walked behind him to wash his plate you slipped on maple syrup, he spilled on the ground from his pancakes, before he could catch you, you fell on your butt, You didn't even cry you just laughed. You laughed so hard that tears fell down your face, Satoru just stared at you confused then chuckled, taking out his phone and taking a picture, you didn't even care. After taking three photos he helped you up and wrapped his arms around your waist and kissed you on the cheek.
"I would apologize... But you seem to be fine falling" , he said softly playing with your hair. Which you just shrugged in response.
The end!

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More Posts from Tinytinalifes

(Satoru x black fem reader)
Idk if it's just me but if you ever caught Satoru crying he would either tell you to look away or ask if he looks ugly while crying. 💀
Christmas morning!
You were walking around jujutsu high looking for someone and suddenly right underneath the torii there was that someone, Satoru leaning his back against one of the polls of the torii head down crying. "Uh.... Yo you good?" The answer was hella obviously he wasn't but it's the thought that counts you told yourself.
Satoru's head springs right up at your direction, "does it fucking look like I'm okay... Y/n huh?". He said coldly, you were just trying to help and this is what you get in return. "Hell no" you thought, but you held your composure. "Sorry.... That was hella stupid..... I'm here to listen wanna talk about it?", you said softly walking forwards closer I the torii.
He was mumbling something to himself but what was it, "uh sorry what?" You asked nearly above a whisper, you stopped right at the torii. He suddenly stopped mumbling the same word and looked at you and let out a bitter chuckle. "I fucking killed him I FUCKING KILLED GETO THAT'S WHAT!", he bursted out yelling he yelled so suddenly it made you flinch. "Leave. Me. Alone....." He said sternly, you didn't listen "because I'm not scared of him no matter what, the fuck this guy thinks he is....I'm just tryna help" you thought.
"I THOUGHT I SAID LEAVE Y/N!?" suddenly Satoru used his cursed technique breaking the torii which left you in shock and also left you on your ass because of a piece of the torii that came crashing at you. He had his back turned to you, you could see through the dust him wiping his tears. You quickly stood up dusting off your outfit before shaking your head and walking past and over all the debris of the torii on the ground.
"why did I have to be the person to kill him huh? Why couldn't it be someone else......" He said his voice shaking tears daring to fall down his cheeks again,You walked up to him. Turning him around and hugging him letting him do the talking, you weren't sure was you were doing but it was the best you could do for now. "He was a student here too.... But once he turned into a cursed user it's like he never existed to them...... Just another cursed user.... THEY SENT ME! His own friend to kill him...... It's fine right?..... he's the strongest and doest have any emotions or some shit..... he'll be fine" you stayed quiet hugging him after some time he hugged you wrapping his arms around your waist. "It was wrong of the higher ups to do that"
You said softly understanding what he was going though. "I even forgot it was Christmas morning" he said with a bitter chuckle. "And nobody dared to check on me... I'm 'the strongest' I'll be fine..... But you, you checked on me... why" he ask his beautiful blue eyes looking into your eyes his arms tightened around your waist. "I just wanted to spend time with you for Christmas with my family..... Shoko wasn't around so I just.... Walked around..... Nigga my legs hurt like I'm not even playing...." You said pausing right after you said that realizing you were rambling.
To which Satoru chuckled to, he loved your personality would Brighten the day with the way you talked, already making him feel better, "My bad rambling about myself.... Again..... But even if you don't think anyone thinks of you as human, just remember I do" you said reassuring him while wiping his last tear. He didn't even say anything he just smiled playing with your braids before pausing. "What did you mean spend time with me with your family?" He asked raising an eyebrow there was a hint of worry in his voice to which you chuckled at.
"oh nothing just kinda told my mom that you would be coming over for Christmas to meet all my cousins and aunties and uncles..... Don't worry they have a good impression of you!" You said with a smirk suddenly the confusion on his face turned into a smirk. "Aho! They have a good..... Impression of me.... What did you tell her huh?" You smirk dropped into emotionless expression. "That you are a very annoying person and own me five hundred dollars" you said dryly, his smirk dropped once again into a shocked one then a soft smile.
He chuckled and shook his head his hands moving down from your waist to your ass giving it a good slap with one hand as the other hand held your waist. Before you could say anything he kissed you his tongue demanded to go into your mouth which you allowed, his hands roamed your body moving around each curve before stopping. "Sorry for making you fall earlier.... That ass of yours should have cushioned your fall though" he said with a big childish grin. Your mouth was left opened.
The end.

Let's be so fr Katsuki's mind is so dirty but he keeps it in his mind 🌚.
Also please play the song when I tell you to for the best experience!

Love me back?/part one.
"Oi! Idiot stop picking flowers and help look around huh?" You hummed in response after picking up another flower. For a little backstory you came to U.A by recommendation because your quirk was one of a kind and had serious potential. You made friends with Mina, Kirishima and Jirou, you and Jirou are literally ride or dies probably since you both love music. Right now you were in hero training.
You were unfortunately partnered up with Katsuki, you didn't even talk to him he seemed really rude and you didn't enjoy his attitude if you could you would literally slap him. But being honest he was very attractive handsome and had a nice smile AND a pretty laugh, BUT you still hate him...or at least that's what your brain tells you.
You sighed softly before looking at him, "want a flower?" You asked holding three marigolds up in your hand with a soft smile. "The fu-.... No" he said unimpressed knocking all three marigolds out of your hand. Your mouth was open, this was the exact reason why you hated him...... Annoying and rude you were pissed stomping over to a large brick and sitting on it stomping over the marigolds on the way, you crossed your arms. Katsuki just shrugged and stood beside you in the forest looking for mina and denki who were the 'villains'. Suddenly Katsuki ducked.
Play the song!
"Oi, I saw Mina, plan is you get Mina I get denki I'll probably finish before you so I'll help you" he said the last part proudly which you just rolled your eyes at and nodded. "K on the count of three we go....got it" he whispered softly, you nodded. "One... Two........ Three" you both shot up and you ran towards Mina. Mina didn't even know where you came out from but quickly dodge your punch by throwing for acid at you which you quickly dodge and used you quirk. Easily beating her and making her fall to the ground.
You had Mina pined to the dirt as you looked for something to tie her with. As you looked around you heard Katsuki and denki grunting. Finally you found an old piece of rope, maybe not the strongest but strong enough to tie Mina with and help Katsuki for some time. You quickly tied Mina to a tree with the rope and looked at Katsuki, he needed help and badly which shocked you. Even with your week of going to U.A it was weird to see denki this close to beating him. You quickly used your quirk then charged towards denki doing a roundhouse kick then Katsuki jumping in hitting him with a good big punch, before he could even fall from your roundhouse kick.
Denki plummeted to the ground after two seconds he lifted two thumbs in the air indicating he was okay, even though his nose was bleeding plus his neck looked a little crooked. After finishing hero training you all went back to the dorms Katsuki remained silent though, his head down grumbling about something. As soon as you went inside you went beside Katsuki siting down beside him in the common room on the couch. He gave you a dirty look before looking back at the TV. "You okay?" You asked softly".
"No! I'm not okay, I would have beaten denki in two fucking seconds if I slept properly! It's all shitty hairs fault!" He muttered yelled his face slightly red. "How is it his fault? Did he say something?" You asked softly, how is it Kirishima's fault? You thought. Suddenly with a big huff Katsuki stood up and left storming off to his dorm. The fuck was that about?. You thought before standing up going to your own dorm.
The End of part one!
Check on my profile for part to if not there then your too early sorry! 🌚 ❤️-tinytianlifes

-> "Your sweet boyfriend, Satoru Gojo, who pouts whenever you tease him, also secretly enjoys making you beg for his c*ck"
satoru gojo x fem!reader | cw: fingering, oral, unprotected sex, teasing, begging
lyneira's (18+) mini event: Your Sweet Boyfriend!

@muli-wam 's result!
Gojo is a joker and a man full of audacity, so it shouldn't have come as a surprise when he pouted after you teased him.
He was "sulking" after you lightly jabbed him with a line.
"How could you be so mean, Y/N...? After all that we've been through... you wound me...", he'd whine with the expression of puppy who had just been kicked, and it would cause a vein to pop on your forehead. You knew he was just being dramatic like he always was.
You would scoff at his pouting. The man was a menace to everyone when it came to his jokes and small acts.
He was often a little shit, and unfortunately, that would apply to the bedroom as well.
He quite enjoyed it when the tables were turned in which you were the one pouting at him, and he would grin at your expression. He'd grin so smug at the whole situation, really.
At the current moment, you were underneath him, your cunt soaked with desire from all of his skilled touches, and from the way he used his tongue on you moments prior, his mouth still glistening with your essence.
You were more than ready to have his cock inside you. But, like the little shit he was, he wouldn't let you have it yet. Instead, he'd have two fingers inside you, slowly pumping in and out, knowing that you would rather have his thick cock fill your hole and absolutely wreck you. It was torture, and he would hum in amusement whenever he felt your walls trying to squeeze around his fingers, knowing so well that you wanted more friction.
He, himself, was feeling just as eager as you with the bead of precum currently staining his tip and his dick shot up so proudly. Yet, he wasn't going to give in until you begged.
So when he finally heard the sound of your voice calling his name, he was happily all-ears.
"S-Satoru...please...", you moaned weakly.
"Hm?" He leaned in close to your face while still having his fingers buried in your cunt. "What is it, Y/N? I couldn't quite understand you"
"Please...! I need it", you cried louder.
"Need what? You're gonna have to be more specific than that, sweetie", he'd whisper that last bit huskily, his grin growing wider and his fingers playfully swirling inside your pussy.
You could no longer take it.
"Your cock! FUCK...! I need your cock! I want you to fuck my brains out already! Satoru, please, please-ah..!"
Finally. Those were the words he loved to hear.
With that final outburst, he'd grant your wish at last, quickly removing his fingers and sticking his dick inside you. As he pushed himself further in, it deliciously stretched your walls with each inch before he finally buried himself balls-deep into you.
"Well, why didn't you just say so?", he smirked.
You'd have yelled at him for that last comment if he didn't then proceed to thrust in and out of you at a violent pace, making you moan instead. The rate at which he was fucking you had you digging your nails into his back and had you seeing stars already.
"Ahh...that's my good girl," he'd shakily breathe out. You're pussy embracing him so tightly like this felt like heaven to him. "Look how wet you are. You're sucking me in so well."
This, paired with the erotic sounds of skin slapping against skin and the gushing noises of your pussy with each thrust would be enough to make him come already, but the greatest jujutsu sorcerer would have to prove himself worthy especially after you've been so good for him and had begged him so sweetly. He'll ensure that his teasing would be worth it throughout all of the night.


Katsuki would definitely lower his voice at someone he finds attractive/cares about 🌚.
this story gonna be hella long so buckle up!
Don't play the song now.

Monday morning!
"Y/n get your butt down here or your walking to U.A!" You mom yelled from down stairs your eyes widened as you looked at the clock, shit I'm gonna be late! You thought and quickly got out of bed. You made your bed and looked on your dresser, the school uniform. You quickly put it on before running downstairs to see your younger sister siting down at the table with a smirk on her face.
"what?...." You said dryly wondering was she was smirking about. "Oh nothing.... Just finished eating the pancakes..... You should probably, make some toast or some-" her words were cut off by you pining her to the ground with a emotionless expression. "Bro you know it's my first day I'm gonna be hungry!" You said very annoyed and standing back up rolling your eyes taking a piece of bread an toasting it. What's her problem fucking problem dude? you thought taking your toast before walking out of the house waving bye to your sister, she waved back smiling.
Even though your sister would pull things like this you still loved her to death. You quickly ran out the door locking the door and jumping into the car as your mom drove off rambling about how your sister didn't clean the bathroom this week, you zoned out looking out the window. You had gotten accepted by U.A, by recommendation you don't really even know who recommended you but you knew it was one of your dad's friends.
Your mom dropped you off at the gate you got out and put one air pod in just in case you needed to hear something around you, suddenly you saw a girl with short hair about to bump in this guy with blond hair. You quickly used your quirk draining some of the girls energy making her slow down just in time for you to swoop in, quickly take the Starbucks drink out her hand and moving her to the side in one swift movement. You quickly put all her energy back into her.
Play the song!
"o-oh my..... Thank you i-i-i I'm Ochaco Uraraka!" The girl say with an embarrassed smile puting her hand out to shake, which you shook. "No biggie!" You said kindly you glanced at the boy with blond hair and red eyes, he was so handsome you thought you would faint. He just looked at you up and down before mumbling something and walking inside the school. "Uh that's Katsuki bakugo..... I'm guessing your new?" She said softly and bubbly.
You already liked her personality and nodded softly, "uh yeah I'm Y/n L/n.... I'm supposed to go to class 1A..... Could you please show me to that class?" You said softly. Her eyes widened with a smile on her face, "wait oh my gosh that's my class... Of course I can show you around!" She said bursting with excitement and grabbing your hand running into the school with you, you tried your best dodging the people you can, as she ran. You couldn't help but laugh softly at how excited she was, suddenly she stopped at a locker. "This one's yours I'm pretty sure!".
You nodded and put your lock on it then puting the passcode in it opening your locker and putting your things in taking out the essentials before turning to the classroom door where Ochaco was standing she grabbed your hand dragging you into the classroom. Suddenly all eyes were on you, a couple minutes later you were introduced to everyone expect for the blond guy Katsuki, you thought he didn't like you, so you decided to talk to him as you sat in your seat.
"uh hi I'm Y/n L/n.... Nice to meet you" you said softly with a big smile showing your dimples. He looked up at you looking at your dimples, he had an unreadable emotion on his face suddenly a small smirk appeared on his lips. "Katsuki bakugo soon to be number one hero!" He said proudly which you nodded in response. "Uh if you don't mind me asking.... What's your quirk?" You asked softly, he chuckled gosh his laugh was beautiful. "Explosion, I can create explosions from my hands to put it in an easy way for an extra like you" he said confidently.
You couldn't lie that quirk was pretty cool, "uh my quirks being able to drain any amount of energy out of people" you said softly. Suddenly he looked at you with a raised eyebrow, you spent the rest of the morning till Mr. Aizawa came answering all his questions about your quirk. He seemed genuinely curious about your quirk, he listened and hummed softly ever few seconds. As you talked he looked deep into your eyes then would look away flustered.
The class watched silently half listening to you explain your quirk, the other half in complete shock Katsuki wasn't getting bored listening to what your saying, or the fact he didn't even call you a nickname.

reblog if you believe fanfics are as valid as books that were published and sold by authors who write as their main careers. I'm trying to prove a point