Japanese - Tumblr Posts

So i thought i should put some more well done art. This is for my amico , who is actually Han mainer. so here it is. ////I’m planning to do Mcree in same stile , which eventually will conclude in some Mchanzo ///// - Your’s always, Salve.
He really looks like a fuckin' hot criminal🔥🥵

Dedicatoria para el cumpleaños de un amigo amante de la comida japonesa

Hashimoto’s nephew
© Starlight Express 1984-2024
His theme, "Ling Li Ling" by Trem da Alegria ("Jolly Train", in free translation)

Hashimoto’s nephew
© Starlight Express 1984-2024

아름다운 라벤더처럼 보이네

Some of the good food trucks at Matsuri Brisbane 2024.

Matsuri Brisbane food truck extravaganza part deux!
Who knew a matcha mojito works?!

Matsuri Brisbane food porn part 3.
I went to Sydney for Alphonse Mucha
by: Icie
One thing to know about me, I was an interior design major back in my home country. I absolutely sucked at it, but I fell in love with Art History. In that minor, our professors taught us about different art styles through the ages and bit by bit I saw the progress of art through the ages. I loved the OG Gothic Style, Romanesque, was disillusioned with Baroque and Rococo from the west... It was too Western focused and it didn't interest me as much (because I was an Asian kid) until we got towards the end of the 19th century where the grandparents of weebs (of which I am a part of) hailed from and Japonisme was a thing. Japonisme inspired so much beautiful art and it triggered a domino effect that ultimately led to Art Nouveau where Alphonse Mucha was a main character.

This was it. My favourite art style! I can never go back to loving other art styles after discovering Art Nouveau. It spoke to me about how feminine it was and it awakened something from my mostly masculine soul. I wanted to see more of these beautiful girls surrounded by flowers and stars, wearing kimono-inspired clothes in pretty pastels. The macaroni hair only added to the romanticism of it all. This is what love is like, but in art form!

Fast forward to 2024, The Mucha Foundation collaborated with the Art Gallery of New South Wales to host over 200 of this master's works which was "the most comprehensive exhibition ever seen in Australia of this visionary artist's work". I had to see it. I needed to see it! I am a big fan of Mucha and Art Nouveau, and one of my dreams was to go to Paris, Brussels, and Prague for all of the beautiful swirly-whirlies. Being a Brisbanite, I was exited. Please come to my city! Please, please, please! But AGNSW said "sorry, it's exclusive to Sydney."
Dammit. It's off to Sydney I go. I donned my Sailor Moon dress, packed my bag for a 3 day trip with my partner just so I could see this legend's works and boy, I was not disappointed. I learned to love Mucha and his works even more. We landed in Sydney, didn't check in our hotel, and went straight to the main quest:

Outside, they had this big banner of Mucha's name. Inside was this glorious area that showcased Summer (left) and Rose (right). Oh wait, the exhibit is next door. So we went to the more modern building, down two floors, bought tickets, and enjoyed the art.

In the newer building next door, I was treated to pre-art nouveau Mucha. We learned about what his life was like before his popularity. He designed some clothes for a theatre, hung out with everyone's buddy Paul Gaugin, Ludek Marold and Annah the Javanese. The tour guide said, "if he wasn't a painter, he would've been a great photographer".
Then we were treated to the meat of the exhibit: the Sarah Bernhardt stuff, his lithographs, his sketches, but what struck me most were his concept art to reality. (Excuse my phone's shadow. For some reason, AGNSW decided to put these works on a 45° angle under bright lights. The girl beside me even said "fucking glare!" and I wholeheartedly agreed.)

We were treated to so many wonderful works and I cried when I saw parts of Le Pater. I'm an atheist but this made me think that maybe there is a god. Maybe. But still, beautiful artwork that left me speechless.

I got to stand next to my favourite work of his: White Star. Joy!

At the end of the exhibit, the tour guide talked about how Mucha who was somewhat influenced by Japan, now influenced Japan. Now we come full circle with anime and manga characters depicted in art nouveau styled paintings and posters. Oh boy, we had our Lord Yoshitaka Amano's works in the gallery as well. I was so lucky to see works of my two favourite artists in one day!

It was almost 2PM by the time we finished the tour. We spent at least 4 hours in the gallery after landing just because I fangirled and was willing to spend money on Mucha. Yeah, I bought stuff. A reproduction of Alphonse Mucha's original "Documents Decoratifs" which focused more on his industrial design work (jewellery, cutlery, furniture etc) which I rarely see on the internet, a set of badges and make-up from Japanese brand MilleFée.

I went to Sydney for Alphonse Mucha and it was worth it. I end this rabid fangirling with the parting words of the Art Gallery of New South Wales' tour guide: Mucha's style has never been as well loved and as well represented as it is in Japan.
Introduction! 太陽
⌑ପ۵ Kota ۵ପ⌑

*Female* 🕊 ‿ / ꒰ *She/her* ꒱
⌑∞ꕤ ིྀ🪼*S0l*ar1🪼◌ꕤ∞⌑
ᥬ۵︴*Odetari*, *Ayesha Erotica* ۵︴᭄
❁✿♊ *Gemini* ♊✿❁
ꔛ〰︎⌑Fanfics, ocs⌑ও

© @s0l4ri 2024 all rights reserved. Do not use, translate, or copy

(Satoru x black fem reader)
Idk if it's just me but if you ever caught Satoru crying he would either tell you to look away or ask if he looks ugly while crying. 💀
Christmas morning!
You were walking around jujutsu high looking for someone and suddenly right underneath the torii there was that someone, Satoru leaning his back against one of the polls of the torii head down crying. "Uh.... Yo you good?" The answer was hella obviously he wasn't but it's the thought that counts you told yourself.
Satoru's head springs right up at your direction, "does it fucking look like I'm okay... Y/n huh?". He said coldly, you were just trying to help and this is what you get in return. "Hell no" you thought, but you held your composure. "Sorry.... That was hella stupid..... I'm here to listen wanna talk about it?", you said softly walking forwards closer I the torii.
He was mumbling something to himself but what was it, "uh sorry what?" You asked nearly above a whisper, you stopped right at the torii. He suddenly stopped mumbling the same word and looked at you and let out a bitter chuckle. "I fucking killed him I FUCKING KILLED GETO THAT'S WHAT!", he bursted out yelling he yelled so suddenly it made you flinch. "Leave. Me. Alone....." He said sternly, you didn't listen "because I'm not scared of him no matter what, the fuck this guy thinks he is....I'm just tryna help" you thought.
"I THOUGHT I SAID LEAVE Y/N!?" suddenly Satoru used his cursed technique breaking the torii which left you in shock and also left you on your ass because of a piece of the torii that came crashing at you. He had his back turned to you, you could see through the dust him wiping his tears. You quickly stood up dusting off your outfit before shaking your head and walking past and over all the debris of the torii on the ground.
"why did I have to be the person to kill him huh? Why couldn't it be someone else......" He said his voice shaking tears daring to fall down his cheeks again,You walked up to him. Turning him around and hugging him letting him do the talking, you weren't sure was you were doing but it was the best you could do for now. "He was a student here too.... But once he turned into a cursed user it's like he never existed to them...... Just another cursed user.... THEY SENT ME! His own friend to kill him...... It's fine right?..... he's the strongest and doest have any emotions or some shit..... he'll be fine" you stayed quiet hugging him after some time he hugged you wrapping his arms around your waist. "It was wrong of the higher ups to do that"
You said softly understanding what he was going though. "I even forgot it was Christmas morning" he said with a bitter chuckle. "And nobody dared to check on me... I'm 'the strongest' I'll be fine..... But you, you checked on me... why" he ask his beautiful blue eyes looking into your eyes his arms tightened around your waist. "I just wanted to spend time with you for Christmas with my family..... Shoko wasn't around so I just.... Walked around..... Nigga my legs hurt like I'm not even playing...." You said pausing right after you said that realizing you were rambling.
To which Satoru chuckled to, he loved your personality would Brighten the day with the way you talked, already making him feel better, "My bad rambling about myself.... Again..... But even if you don't think anyone thinks of you as human, just remember I do" you said reassuring him while wiping his last tear. He didn't even say anything he just smiled playing with your braids before pausing. "What did you mean spend time with me with your family?" He asked raising an eyebrow there was a hint of worry in his voice to which you chuckled at.
"oh nothing just kinda told my mom that you would be coming over for Christmas to meet all my cousins and aunties and uncles..... Don't worry they have a good impression of you!" You said with a smirk suddenly the confusion on his face turned into a smirk. "Aho! They have a good..... Impression of me.... What did you tell her huh?" You smirk dropped into emotionless expression. "That you are a very annoying person and own me five hundred dollars" you said dryly, his smirk dropped once again into a shocked one then a soft smile.
He chuckled and shook his head his hands moving down from your waist to your ass giving it a good slap with one hand as the other hand held your waist. Before you could say anything he kissed you his tongue demanded to go into your mouth which you allowed, his hands roamed your body moving around each curve before stopping. "Sorry for making you fall earlier.... That ass of yours should have cushioned your fall though" he said with a big childish grin. Your mouth was left opened.
The end.

food for thought but if you primarily consume media that originates from a specific country and all the original publications of the said media is in the mother tongue of the country, then the only way to truly, deeply, insanely, consume that media is to learn the language it is published in. Because you’ll find yourself consumed by this media and often some of the most intimate, life changing details get lost in translation from one language to another. For example, the last mha chapter, Bakugou saying “koi” and the deep analysis into the subtle, intimate undertones of that word alone truly changed everything about that last panel. It made it so much more, jarring. Similarly with danmei novels, so much gets lost in the translation. To truly understand the depth of your favourite media, consider learning the language itself, because it is such a fulfilling experience to be able to understand what the author or creator was truly trying to express without being barricaded by the translations.
it's spooky season

Happy Halloween 🎃🕷️