tippyeddy - Hi Stranger
Hi Stranger

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Tippyeddy - Hi Stranger - Tumblr Blog

1 year ago

Can We Always Be This Close?

Can We Always Be This Close?

Steve Harrington x fem!reader [22.4k] A biggie. Best friends to lovers, summer, childhood, pining, crushes, a kiss that wasn't supposed to happen, the last cherry popsicle and three promises.

When you were both eight years old, Steve Harrington handed you the last popsicle and told you he loved you. 

It was the most innocent kind of talk, from the mouths of kids, fresh faced, summer freckles, ankles dipped in the pool and sunburn on your cheeks. 

You weren’t truly sure you both knew what those words meant back then, the depth and meaning that they held. But you said them back, lemon and sugar on your tongue and he’d beamed at you, brighter than the Indiana sun and that was that. 

And that night, when you were camped out on his bedroom floor, the first day of summer vacation and his bed sheets draped across your heads, he shared his secret stash of twizzlers with you, lips tinted red and pinkie fingers linked. 

His eyes were solemn when he whispered to you, the dulled yells of his parents downstairs acting as his backing track. His mom was slurring a little, his dad laughing mirthlessly and something smashed. You had both flinched, moved closer together between the pillows and stuffed animals.

You remember his mouth brushing up against the shell of your ear, hushed promises falling from his lips, the kind that only an eight year old could make. 

Steve Harrington promised you three things that night:

One, he’d always be your best friend. 

Two, he’d always protect you from everything bad and scary. 

And three, he’d never break your heart. 

He only kept two of those. 

Have I known you twenty seconds or twenty years?

“I think Jessica is coming over,” Steve said as he handed you a can of soda, the cold condensation on it making your fingers slip over his. 

You screwed your face up and rolled your eyes behind your sunglasses - Steve’s sunglasses - ‘cause it was a rare Saturday that you’d managed to get off work together, seventeen and desperate for time to do nothing with your best friend. 

It wasn’t meant, but you let the sound of annoyance slip from your lips, stretching yourself out on one of the Harrington’s sunloungers. Steve looked at you from where he’d sat himself down by the pool edge, exasperated and somewhat fond. You picked at the edge of your bikini bottoms, peachy orange and still damp from the water. 

You scrunched your nose, looking over at him from over the top of his old Ray Bans as he took a sip of his cola, eyes on you, waiting for you to talk. He knew you wanted to say something, could tell from your face, the way you twisted your lips and fidgeted with your swimsuit. 

“What’s wrong, sweetheart?” 

If you didn’t know the boy well enough, you’d have thought his tone was condescending, maybe even a little mocking. But when you were both fifteen, he’d stood by your side at the counter of the ice cream parlour, watching your cheeks flush a pretty shade of pink when the older guy behind the freezer had winked at you, handed you your cone and called you ‘sweetheart’.  

Steve had called you the same ever since, never getting tired of the way you lit up at it, all soft and full of affection, lips twisted to hide your smile, nose turning pink. 

“I thought it was just gonna be us hanging out today?” You asked, trying to keep your voice level, casual. 

It was silly the way your chest was hurting, an anxious creep across your bones, making your skin too warm in a way that the sun wasn’t. It wasn’t necessarily because you didn’t like Jessica, you didn’t really know, honestly. 

But you’d been in Steve’s life long enough to know that not many of his girlfriends had liked you. It made hang outs and movie nights awkward, a fresh set of eyes on you, watching the way you and Steve interacted, holding back from the way you’d normally touch him, keeping your head off his shoulder, throwing your legs over the arm of the chair instead of his lap. 

You’d go to the kitchen, the bathroom, bringing back more snacks and a drink only to hear the boy being interrogated about how long had Steve known you, didn’t she have a boyfriend and god, why was she always here?

You’d stand with your back against the hallway wall, a packet of twizzlers crushed to your chest as you listened for Steve’s response. It was always the same, sure and strong and leaving no room for argument. It made you feel warm and a little safer, like you belonged in the Harrington house just as much as him, brought up in the large home with its pool and absent parents together, barbecues in the summer, Christmas in the dining room, mom and dads by your sides. 

“She’s my best friend,” he’d always say, “where she goes, I go.”

Some girls put up with it for longer than others, dirty looks given to you out of the car window when Steve would insist on dropping you home too, a messy press of a kiss pushed to your cheek before he made sure you got in your front door okay. 

There were girls that were done after bumping into you in the school hall, a sweater on your frame, the hem almost covering your shorts and god, they’d think, that looks awfully familiar. They’d sit in whatever class they had next, eyes on the chalkboard but their minds trying to decide if they’d seen that sweater on Steve’s bedroom floor before, thrown lazily over the back of his desk chair. 

You’d find them arguing about it at his car after school, voices clipped and raised, drawing a little too much attention and you’d hear your name said like a curse. Steve would let them walk away, hands rubbing at his eyes and when he’d pull himself onto the trunk, he’d find your gaze across the parking lot and he’d smile, a little soft and a little sad. 

But he’d look at you from the driver seat when he was taking you both home, eyes flickering with something else as they dare to roam across your shoulders, your chest. You’d catch him staring, brows raised and your knowing smile would make him blush but he’d tell you, everytime:

“Looks better on you anyway.”

Steve shrugged, looking a little guilty but swung a leg into the pool, letting the water swish around his shin. 

“I know, but,” another shrug, his gaze on the blue tiles, “she’s my girlfriend.”

You sighed, pushing yourself off of the lounger and walking over to the edge of the pool, chlorine and cedar from the garden filling the warm air. You poked a toe to the boy’s side before sitting down next to him, both feet in the water and the garden slabs sun-warmed against the back of your thighs. 

You nudged a shoulder into Steve’s, fighting a smile when he did it back, shuffling closer so your arms brushed together. 

“We haven’t hung out just the two of us in ages,” you told him, trying to sound annoyed but your words came out a little mournful, huffy even. “It’s been weeks.”

You knew it wasn’t Steve’s fault. Between school and both of you working weekend jobs, it was hard to find time to see each other. And since the startling realisation of finding out there were kids with superpowers out in Hawkins, other worlds that held monsters and magic, you figured trips to the cinema were at the bottom of both of your lists. 

“M’sorry,” Steve said anyway, and you hated the way he sounded, like he really meant it, like it made him sad too. “If the kids didn’t need rides to the arcade all the damn time, maybe we’d-”

You rolled your eyes, fond. “You know it’s not the kids I mind, Harrington.”

And that was true. You and Steve had taken your unofficial babysitter roles pretty seriously, and with six twelve year olds to wrangle together, it would’ve been a hard enough job without the threat of impending doom lurking behind every corner. 

You’d grown up thinking monsters only lived under your bed, hiding behind your closet door, and they could be banished with a flashlight, a kiss from your mother, the promise of chocolate chip pancakes in the morning from your father. 

But you’d grown up too fast, seeing things that weren’t supposed to be real and you hated the way you knew how to butterfly stitch someone's skin back together, how you’d seen too much of your best friend's blood. 

He pressed his nose to your shoulder, warm skin on warm skin and he let his teeth graze you, a playful threat of a bite before he sighed, knowingly, understanding. 

“Jess said she likes you,” Steve offered, hands on the grass as he leaned back, head tilted to the sun. He was watching you from under his lashes, the length of them casting shadows over his cheekbones. “Said you had chem together and you were crazy smart.”

You scoffed, laughed mirthless, because the only reason Jessica Preston knew you had class with her was ‘cause she used you to cheat off of you before you moved seats.  

“I bet she did,” was the only answer you gave, because the garden gate was suddenly squeaking and Steve was standing up, splashing water over your thighs as he greeted the girl in question. 

“Jess, hey!” Steve called out, reaching for her and pressing a kiss to her lips. His came away glossy and a little pink as Jessica reached into her bag, pulling out a tube and quickly reapplying. He gestured to you, smiling, “you two know each other, right?”

You grimaced, holding your hand up in some sort of wave before you pushed Steve’s glasses onto your head. 

“Sure,” you said, not sounding sure at all. You stood up, brushing drops of water and small flecks of gravel from your skin. “Chemistry, Mrs Telford’s class.”

Jessica squinted at you, pretty features twisted in confusion and Steve wanted to jump head first into the pool from the awkward silence that had filled the yard. 

“Right!” The girl finally gasped out, all false smiles and white teeth. “Totally! Of course.”

And then, you were dismissed.  

“Steve, there’s a party tonight,” you heard the girl tell him, stomach twisting as you walked past them, grabbing your shorts from the lounger and dragging them up your legs. “Matt’s parents are gone and,” she tapped a finger on his chest, trailing it down his sternum. “So are mine.”

You wondered if you had too much sun, wondered if the heat was what was making your insides bubble, your chest feeling too tight. You found your way into the kitchen, the open patio door doing nothing to curb the same heat that had leaked in from outside. 

You ran the tap, waiting for it to turn freezing before filling a glass and chugging it, back pressed against the counter so you didn’t have to look out the window. 

You could still hear them though. 

“You can pick me up, right? I’ll be ready at eight and then you can stay over at mine,” Jess was practically purring and it made you slam the now empty glass down into the sink a little harder than you meant to. “We’ll have the place all to ourselves.”

“Uh, actually, we’re having a movie night later,” you froze, turning to look over your shoulder to see Steve gesture to you through the window. Jess followed his hand, lips downturned and eyes holding venom. 

“You’re kidding right?” The girl asked, disbelief spilling from her lips. “I’m offering you a night in my bed and you’re turning me down for Back To The Future with her?”

It was actually The Goonies, you’d wanted to tell her, but Steve was licking his lips nervously, eyes flickering between you and Jess and you really wish you could say something to save him. 

You stepped out the patio doors, arms crossed self consciously over your chest. “Steve, it’s okay, we-”

Steve shrugged and he didn’t look surprised when Jessica stepped out of his embrace, glossy lips twisted in shock and annoyance. 

“We’ve had it planned for a while Jess,” he explained, “movies, pizza and-”

“Well come after,” Jess demanded, like it was simple. “Or better yet, just do your stupid movie night some other time.”

Steve looked confused, staring down at the girl as if he was wondering which part she wasn’t understanding. You grimaced, eyes wanting to fall shut ‘cause you knew what the boy was going to say and god, you wished you could hide from it. 

But then he was explaining to her that you were staying over, crashing at his like you always did, like you had done for years. 

Steve said it so plainly that you almost wanted to laugh. In fact, your lip twitched, the threat of a smile pulling at it and you turned, toeing at the grass as you waited for the impending blow out. The boy had an endearing habit of stating the truth with such a sincerely soft tone, almost oblivious to the carnage his honesty could sometimes cause. 

“I’m sorry,” Jessica stated, voice climbing a little higher in volume and pitch as she took in this new information. “I could’ve sworn you just told me you had another girl staying with you tonight.”

Steve scrunched his nose, mouth parting as he wondered what he was supposed to say to that. He floundered, hands gesturing wildly as he tried to gain some control on the matter. 

“Jess, what? It’s not a big deal, it’s not like that.”

And he was right, it wasn’t. Not yet. 

Nothing had ever happened with you and Steve, not when you were pressed together at night, side by side in his bed, moving closer as you slept, pillow creases on your cheeks, hands close to places you shouldn’t have been touching. 

Nothing happened in the mornings either, when you were both soft with sleep, hair mussed and misbehaving, warm hands and toes pushing into the other's skin as you tried to find the comfort of that lazy feeling in each other. 

You’d never noticed him stare at you when you got out of the shower, skin still damp, hair pushed back from your face and a too big shirt clinging to your thighs. He never realised you held your breath when he pulled his top off at night, body warm and solid beside you, fingers desperate to trace a map of constellations across his back, freckle to freckle. 

Your realisation that your best friend wasn’t just attractive, but was pretty, was a slow burn. It came as you aged, an appreciation growing as you did, Steve too. You noticed the boys in your class as they grew taller, filling out, and you didn’t realise the same was happening to Steve until the summer you both turned fifteen. 

You’d spent school vacation at his parents lake house, watched him laze shirtless on the small motorboat, new muscles flexing, drops of water casting tiny rainbows across the tanned skin it clung to. He’d grown his hair out, chocolate brown strands out of control and messy, boyish as it was pretty. You didn’t know what to do with this new information, new feelings, and when Steve continued to throw you over his shoulder, playing in the shallows of the lake, his wide hands spanning the curves of your thighs, your hips, you ignored the burn his touch left behind. 

Jess huffed out a laugh and it sounded dangerous, a little like a threat. She found your gaze, held it until hers dropped to scan you up and down, doing her best to make you feel small. 

“Whatever, Harrington,” she shoved past Steve, shoulder edging into his chest as she headed for the gate. “Ask your little friend to suck your dick instead.”

You burned at her words, eyes wide as you stared at a crack in the patio, refusing to watch as she stormed through the gate, the hinges protesting loudly as it was slammed shut, leaving you both in silence. 

The trickle of the pool filter was the only sound for a minute, maybe two, then you heard Steve sigh, heavy and world weary. You looked at him, feeling a little guilty. 

“Shouldn’t you go after her?” You asked. 

Steve gave a half shrug, already moving to sit down on the lounger that you’d spent your morning on. You joined him, sitting on the end so you didn’t touch, like you weren’t supposed to after Jessica’s accusation. 

“Nah,” he told you, “it’s fine, it’s… whatever.”

You snorted and the sound made the corners of his mouth lift a little, eyes flitting over to you, always interested in what you were going to say. 

“That’s a new height of romance, Harrington,” you mused, foot dipping into a small puddle of pool water. You drew lines and shapes on the dry concrete with your toe, watching the sun dry them out almost instantly. “It’s whatever?”

“I dunno,” Steve sighed, reaching over to pluck his sunglasses back from the top of your head and pushing them over the bridge of his nose. He looked good with them on, you mused, too pretty, too nice. “Wasn’t like we had that much in common.“

“Then why date her in the first place?” You asked, face twisting with annoyance.

Steve had developed a habit in freshman year of dating girls who gave him nothing more than wandering hands in the back of his car, passive aggressive comments when he missed their calls and whiplash when they found out about you. 

A smirk tugged at his lips, a handsome match with his Ray Bans and messy hair and he turned to you, eyebrows raised. 

“You’re a pig,” you muttered, trying to sound disgusted but Steve was pushing his fingers into your sides, hands dragging over your ribs and you were laughing despite yourself, “get off me!”

You were ignored, unsurprisingly, and you wondered if Jessica had made it back to her car yet, if she’d driven away or if she had heard your shriek of delight when Steve suddenly stood and scooped you up. 

One arm was wrapped around your waist, a wide, rough hand pressed against the skin just under your breast, his thumb grazing the of your bikini. The other curved itself on your thigh, your body held tight to his as he ran with you, hurtling you both to the edge of the pool and you pressed your face into his neck when he jumped, bracing yourself for the cool water. 

Steve didn’t let you go until you both surfaced, his feet planted on the bottom of the pool as he pushed you both to the surface. Your hands were around his neck and you gasped, water dripping from your lashes and lips, hair a wet mess and he was laughing. That soft laugh that made any summer day feel warmer than it already was, a laugh that reminded you of fresh lemonade and bedroom sheet forts. 

He let go of your legs before you waist, letting the lower half of your body slide out of his grasp and slide against his, so you were chest to chest, your abdomens pressed together and you almost lost your footing, chin slipping under the water, eyes gazing up at him despite the way the sun made it hurt. 

Maybe it was the way you pressed a hand to his stomach to ground yourself,  feeling the muscles tense under your touch, maybe it was the way you were looking at him, maybe he just forgot he wasn’t supposed to look at you like that. But something happened and Steve cleared his throat, letting go of your waist and allowing himself to fall backwards and under the water. 

He reappeared a few feet away, hair darker and slicked back, eyes a little wild as he looked at you, like you were suddenly dangerous. 

And I'm highly suspicious that everyone who sees you wants you. 

You weren’t overly fond of Nancy Wheeler, not at first. 

You couldn’t deny that the dislike you felt for the girl stemmed from jealousy and your own inability to get a handle on your feelings but, you had to admit, she was better than most of the girls Steve had dated before. 

Pretty, smart, sharp and with a keen eye. She liked journalism, the quiet and even you. You shared the knowledge of The Upside Down, bonded over the fear you both felt for her brother and his friends and when you passed each other in the hallway, you nodded, civil and overly aware of all the things you’d both seen together. 

You weren’t joined at the hip and you didn’t love how she slid her hand into Steve’s, or how he kissed her at her locker, telling you he’d catch up with you at lunch. You’d spent months telling yourself you weren’t jealous of Nancy, just that you missed your best friend and you resented the way the girl took up all his free time. 

You missed the way he snuck in your bedroom window, a pointless task and waste of his energy, ‘cause your parents would hear him clambering up their drainpipe, eyes rolling, fond and affectionate, ‘cause it was Steve. 

He’d always told you that he did it for the fun of it, to see you smile when his head appeared over the sill and so you’d help him clamber over the window frame. He’d spend the late hours with you, whispering about nothing and laughing about everything, shoulder to shoulder in your bed until you both fell asleep, sprawled on top of the sheets, his shoes in the middle of your floor and his arm slung over your waist. 

You liked it when the sun woke you early, the curtain still opened from when you’d forgotten to close them after Steve’s sudden appearances, the light pink and peach as it leaked into your room. It painted stripes of light and shadow over your walls, over the boy’s broad shoulders and cheek, the other smushed into your mattress, hair a mess and lips parted sleepily. 

You got to admire him like that, when his eyes were still closed and he was so unaware. Steve couldn’t catch you staring, wondering if his lips were actually as soft as they looked, if he knew how pretty you thought he was, if he thought you were pretty too. 

He still picked you up for school in the morning, his BMW sat at the end of your drive but his clothes were sleep creased, hair mussed from spending the night with Nancy instead, sneaking through her bedroom window and not yours. He still smacked a kiss to your cheek when you parted for class but it wasn’t the same, he wasn’t quite just yours anymore and you hated the way it hurt. 

So yeah, you could appreciate that Nancy was a nice person and seemed to be good for Steve - at least, until she wasn’t - but you didn’t have to like her for it. 

When she broke your best friend’s heart, you’d found him sitting on the hood of his car after school, lips downturned and expression sour, nothing but worry beating in your chest ‘cause you hadn’t seen him since the morning before and no one answered your calls to his house that night. 

But then rumours started swirling around the halls, floating over tables in the cafeteria like wildfire and you couldn’t fucking find him. You saw Nancy in the library during your free period, her head bent close to Jonathan Byers as they whispered about something you couldn’t hear, their hands on the table, fingers too close to touching and Nancy had the right to look guilty when her gaze met your own. 

So you’d marched straight over to Steve and he crumbled a little when he saw it was you, slipping off the hood and letting you usher him to the front seat. He didn’t really hesitate when you held out your hand to him, silently asking him to let you take care of him. 

He placed the car keys in your palm, eyes tired, face sad and you were desperate to fix it. You hadn’t seen Steve like that before and you didn’t know what to do, his pain was yours, your heart beating hard against your chest until you felt like your bones were bruised. 

There were talks of the girl cheating on him, wandering around late with Jonathan and you knew they shared the same worries and trauma that you all did when it came to knowing things the rest of the town didn’t, but you didn’t know what was happening between the pair. 

So you drove him home, listened when Steve told you that he loved her, that he didn’t know how to fix it. But then it was and then it wasn’t, a game of on and off, yes and no, that you couldn’t really keep up with. 

It all came to a head on Halloween, after months of leaving your window open for no one. 

Steve climbed in, startling you, hands finding your bedroom floor before his feet did and when he stood, eyes meeting yours, you wanted to be mad at him. 

It had been a week since you hung out, passing in the halls and waving when you could, exams stressing you out and his time taken up by Nancy and all the parties he seemed intent on going to. He’d given up trying to get you to go with him, sick of it all after the second time, a spare part, third wheel, an audience to his kisses with Nancy. 

But he stood by your bed with the most forlorn expression on his face, features soft and watery and you simply pulled back the sheets, shuffling over to the side that had been made yours when you were both seven, so Steve could claim his. 

The boy toed off his shoes, his jacket falling to the carpet as he shrugged it off and you felt like a kid again when he crawled across your mattress, shuffling underneath the covers and pushing himself against you. 

Steve got as close to you as he could without asking for a hug, his pride already seemingly too hurt to put himself out there, even with you. But he didn’t hesitate when you turned into him, wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him into you, your nose pressed into his hair. He smelled like smoke and weed from the party, a little like Steve underneath it. 

He returned your touch instantly, seeking it out with a desperation that almost shocked you, eager to accept it when it was offered. He tugged you in by the waist, arms wrapped around you and his face pressed into the crook of your neck. 

He wished he told you then, that you smelled like summer and afternoons by the pool, like cherry popsicles and promises and home. But he didn’t feel brave enough, not then, not yet. 

“We broke up,” Steve finally mumbled, voice a little broken and muffled by your neck and hair. “She broke up w’me. Called us bullshit.”

You frowned, confused, pulling back a little in the hopes that Steve would look at you and explain but his grip on your waist only tightened and you patted at his hair, smoothed the almost curls at the nape of his neck and whispered his name. 

“Steve, hey, babe, what?” You received a groan in answer but you persisted, shuffling out of his grasp and gripping his chin with your finger, pushing at him a little pleadingly until the boy looked up and met your gaze. 

“What happened?”

Steve didn’t answer until you pulled the sheets over your heads, your own little bed fort that let the dim light of your bedside lamp filter through, soft and warm and hazy. You let go of his chin, your hand smoothing his hair back from his face and he pushed his cheek into your touch as he spoke. 

“Nancy, it’s over,” he told you, a frown pulling at his brow, “she said the whole relationship was bullshit, that I was bullshit.”

You held your breath, letting him talk as you smoothed a thumb over his cheekbone, feeling him relax into you despite the way he was letting his words tumble from his lips, mixing in with his emotions until he was stuttering over himself. 

“She, she said we were just acting like we were in love?” Steve caught your stare, his eyes confused as he looked at you, as if he could find an answer in your gaze but you just gaped at him. “Said that I only thought I was in love with her ‘cause I was too busy tryin’ to pretend I wasn’t in love with someone else, or some shit like that, I don’t fuckin’ know.”

“What?” You whispered, voice full of surprise because what the fuck? 

“Right?” He answered, indignant and wide eyed. “I don’t know what she was talkin’ about, she would answer me, just told me she wasn’t in love with me and god, fucking Byers took her home.”


You screwed up your face, hardly even reacting when Steve groaned again, pushing himself back into you, his face comfortably pressed into your chest, just above the swell of your breast, his mouth warm through your shirt. 

It should’ve startled you, the proximity, the intimacy, especially after missing him for so long. But it was still Steve, your best friend, the boy that promised to be there until the very end. 

“Why’d Jonathan take her home?” You asked, your cheek pressed to the top of his head as you spoke, the sheets fluttering around you both as Steve shifted, arms wrapping around you more, pulling you until you were flush with his body. 

He couldn’t have been touching more of you if he tried. 

“She was drunk,” he mumbled into your chest, lips moving over your shirt, making the material shift across your skin and it lit you up, body electric and the air buzzing. “I told him to. She didn’t want me.”

You sighed, eyes closing at the pained sound in the boy’s voice and you let him hold you, your own hand taking into his hair, scratching at his scalp in a way you knew he liked. 

“Steve,” you murmured, soft and sympathetic. 

He whispered your own name back to you, his tone the same and it made you smile. You could feel his own against your chest, lips lifting, breath coming out in a small huff. 

“You could still talk to her tomorrow, y’know?” You said conversationally. You hated yourself for trying to fix it for him, for attempting to out the girl back between you both but fuck if you weren’t a good friend. “Maybe she just said all that shit ‘cause she had too much to drink.”

You twirled a length of the boy’s hair around your finger, making it curl. “Was it Jack Templeman’s punch? That dude makes rocket fuel in a bowl, she might have been absolutely wasted.”

Steve shook his head before he pulled back, falling into your pile of pillows and gazing at you.  

“Nah, I don’t wanna chase her,” he said and despite the sadness in his voice, he sounded sure. “I don’t wanna be with someone who thinks I’m bullshit. I mean, I know I’m not perfect, but damn, bullshit?”

You shook your head, gaze hard and you wanted to shake him, to make him understand how wrong Nancy was. 

“Steve, you're not bullshit.” He held your stare, lips parted. “You’re the furthest thing from that, I’m sorry I don’t know why Nancy said that, I wish I could-”

He stopped you before you could continue, a small smile lifting at his lips and he found your hands between the tangle of sheets, tugging you over to him and onto his chest. You lay your head there, protesting when Steve’s finger poked at your cheek, fond and soft. 

“I know what you’re gonna say, sweetheart, and it’s fine.” He sighed, sleepy and weighted. “You don’t need to fix everything for me, not this time, anyway.“

You fell silent, thinking about the times Steve was referring to, wondering if this was finally the year he stopped needing you. The thought made your chest hurt, your eyes blur and you sniffed. 

“My dad’ll be home from that conference soon,” he mumbled softly and you could tell without even looking at Steve that he had his eyes closed. “You can come fight my battles for me then, how’s that sound short stuff?”

It was silly, his words. The way they made you feel. Like you were needed again, important. Like he didn’t wanna face the things that scared him without you. It hurt that after all those years, he still felt like that about his own father but it calmed a part of you to know that he didn’t seem as cut up about Nancy Wheeler as he once was. 

“Are you okay?” You asked, tentative, and you made a face ‘cause god, that seemed like a stupid fucking question. “Will you be okay?” You asked instead. 

Steve hummed noncommittally and you craned your neck to look up at him, smiling when you were proven right at his closed eyes. His lashes fluttered against his cheeks as you shifted over him, tucking yourself into his side. 

“I mean yeah, sure,” he murmured, voice dropping lower and rougher as sleep pulled at him. “I’ll be fine. I’ve got you, haven’t I?” 

He turned his face to yours at that, nose nudging at your forehead as he blindly sought out your features, pressing a soft, warm kiss to your temple. 

“M’sorry,” he whispered into your hair and you stilled, swallowing the lump that had caught in your throat. “I’m so sorry I’ve not been around.“

You squeezed your eyes closed at his words, letting them burn until you were sure you weren’t going to cry. 

You wanted to say it was okay, to soothe him, to make Steve feel better but the lie got caught on your tongue and you couldn’t bring yourself to tell him something that wasn’t true. 

You shrugged instead, lips twisted to keep them from turning downwards, his words heavy on you because god, you’d missed him so much. 

“I missed you,” Steve whispered and fuck, it lit you up inside. “Like, really missed you.”

He was soft and gentle with it, words brushing against your temple, breath warm, hands twisting in the sides of your shirt, barely grazing at your skin, head butting at yours playfully. 

He was Steve, he was late nights, long days, summer rainstorms, driving lessons, flunking your test, Saturday afternoon drives, feet on the dash, music too loud, smile blinding. 

He was a little bit yours again. 

“Yeah,” you sighed, feeling a little lighter than you had before, eyes falling shut like Steve’s. “I missed you too, Harrington.”

Steve’s breath was becoming slower, chest falling heavy and lazy and you both curled into each other on instinct, sleep pulling both of you together, the same way it did when you were both ten and piled on the sofa, movie still playing. 

“You still my best friend?” His voice was a soft mumble, and you heard the worry there, hidden behind a crack of humour. 

“Yeah, I’m still your best friend.”


You didn’t see Nancy until a week later, and when you did, you didn’t expect her to corner you at your locker, big eyes wide and asking if you could talk. 

You met her after school, walking to the opposite end of the parking lot from where Steve would be waiting on you, perched on the hood of his car as usual. 

Nancy saw you coming, her face a little nervous as she bid goodbye to Jonathan who’d been standing beside her and you watched as they squeezed each other's hand before he took off. 

You raised your brows as you approached, tugging your headphones to sit around your neck and you wondered what Nancy Wheeler could possibly have to say to you. 

The world wasn’t ending, the kids were all safe and she wasn’t your best friend's girl anymore. 

She squinted at you, trying to work out your mood, your emotions but you remained a little stoned faced, wondering if Steve would be pissed if had to see you here. You knew they’d spoken since Halloween, a chat that Steve had said felt too formal and stilted, but the air was cleared enough that they could cross paths when dropping Dustin, Will and Lucas at Mike’s house, an awkward wave exchanged from the front door to the car. 

“You wanna sit?” Nancy asked, gesturing to a bench that sat by the edge of the school line, shadowed by trees that provided a little coverage from the wind that was picking up now that winter was approaching. You kicked at the leaves on the ground and shoved your hands into your jacket pocket, holding it tighter to your body. 

“Sure,” you muttered, following her across the grass, leftover rain sticking to your boots. 

The sky was still blue, a crisp Fall day that turned your nose pink, numbed your fingers and had you wishing for a Hawkins summer, the smell of sunscreen and cut grass replaced with rain and the promise of snow. 

You sat on opposite ends of the bench, bodies turned to face each other and with the safety of your school bags between you both. You picked a dead leaf off the sole of your shoe, waiting for the other girl to talk. 

“Look, I don’t know what Steve’s explained to you,” Nancy said, voice cracking a little with what seemed like nerves. “You know, when we spoke the other week.”

You shrugged, “I mean, not much,” you answered, “but it’s really not my business to know.”

Nancy nodded at that, appreciative, “I guess but I just want us to be friends, you know? I wanted you to understand why I broke it off with Steve. He’s a great guy but-”

“I know he is,” you interrupted, brows pulled together in confusion ‘cause there was never any debate about that. You softened a little when Nancy smiled at you, lips pulled up and eyes a little knowing. “Sorry, that was rude.”

“It’s fine,” she told you, voice lighter than it had been before. “Like I said, Steve’s great… I guess I just didn’t love him the way I should’ve. And maybe that would’ve been a little easier if I didn’t see the way he looked at someone else.”

You frowned, staring at the girl as she looked back at you, silently willing you to catch on. 

“What?” You asked, “I thought this was about you and Jonathan? You can’t act as if you haven’t been glued to Byers hip since this happened.”

Nancy had the right to look guilty, picking at her nail before looking back up at you. “Yeah, no, you’re right. I didn’t mean for what happened with Johnathan to happen… it just did, but that doesn’t make it okay.”

She brushed a curl from her face, bringing her bag down to her feet so there was less separating her from you. The wind rushed at you both, stinging your cheeks and whipping at your clothes before it settled back down and let Nancy speak. 

“I’m not blaming this on Steve, I’m not, and I shouldn’t have said he was bullshit,” she rushed out, “maybe we were just meant for other people you know? And think that, maybe, Steve doesn’t know that he’s already found his person.”

“I genuinely don’t know what you’re talking about,” you huffed, “but whatever. I’m just glad I don’t have to hear the two of you arguing every other day.”  

Nancy nodded, smiling at the way you were avoiding her gaze, your mind suddenly racing with what she’d said. 

“For what it’s worth,” the girl murmured, foot nudging friendly against yours, “it would probably make it a lot easier on the poor guy if this girl could admit that she was in love with him too.”

“Alright, yeah,” you stood up suddenly, cheeks flushed and your head a little scattered. “I think you’ve got it twisted Wheeler, but, uh, good talk.”

The girl hid a laugh, pressing her lips together as she watched you gather your bag, eyes shining. Nancy nodded, looking up at you as you stood a little awkwardly. You raised a hand in a goodbye, a small smile lifting at your lips in what seemed like an amicable agreement. 

You stopped before you got too far, the sun in your eyes as you squinted back at the girl who was still sitting on the bench. 

“Hey, Nancy?” She looked at you, eyes surprised. 


“Are you happy?” You asked and she was taken aback at how genuine you sounded. She paused, eyes flicking over to where Jonathan’s car was parked, engine idling as he waited for her. 

She nodded, resolute. “Yeah, I am,” she answered quietly and confidently. 

You nodded too, surprised at how it warmed you to hear that. You never wished ill on the girl, you just didn’t like how she broke your best friend, leaving you to put him back together again, piece by piece. 

“I’m glad Steve’s got you, you know,” she called back before you could start to walk away again and her words made your heart stumble. You swallowed, looking at her with parted lips. “He’s lucky to have you.”

And well, wasn’t that a statement to behold?

When you finally clambered into Steve’s car, bringing the chill and some stray leaves from the outside, Steve was frowning softly, concerned by your lateness. 

He looked at your flushed cheeks, pink nose and glassy eyes from the sharp wind and cranked up the heat, pointing his vents to your side too. 

“Where’ve you been?” He asked, voice worried, “I was gonna call in the kids, start a search party.”

You laughed, a little strained after the conversation you had, rubbing your hands together for warmth and you shrugged, noncommittal. 

“I was uh, just catching up with a friend.”

Can I go where you go? 

When Steve got a job after graduation at Scoops Ahoy, it was supposed to mean free ice cream and catching a late showing at the cinema after his shifts. 

It brought you Robin Buckley, Steve in a sailors hat, a new flavour of ice cream every month and fucking Russians. 

You thought dimensions and demogorgons were about as much as you could handle but Dustin came back from camp with a new gadget he’d built, some kind of high tech radio that looked like it was held together with duct tape and paper clips but the thing actually worked. 

It worked well enough to pick up secret codes from underground labs, translated by Robin and well, fuck. Suddenly you were trapped in an elevator that wasn’t actually supposed to be an elevator and Erica Sinclair was going to miss her Uncle Jack’s party. 

You knew Steve wasn’t happy with you, you could tell by the way his jaw was set, the way that he looked at you when he thought you weren’t paying attention, and his lips twisted and his gaze dropped when you tried to catch his gaze. 

It made the air in the elevator crackle and buzz, tension on top of tension as you moved around each other, looking for a way out, hardly touching, hardly speaking. Robin twisted her lips, sympathetic, when she caught your gaze, your face flushed with annoyance. 

He’d told you not to come. 

Not out of meanness, or because you had fallen out, simply because he didn’t want you in harm's way. You’d ended up yelling at each other, a hundred feet below the mall and trapped in a metal box because why did it matter when Robin and the kids were stuck there too?

Steve, of course, cared that he had another friend, a thirteen year old and a ten year old to keep safe and he had every intention of doing so. But he couldn’t help but feel sick, his stomach rolling, at the thought of you being put in a dangerous situation. 

You’d told him that he was being stupid, that you weren’t leaving him. You thought you’d seen all the dangers Hawkins had to offer, you could handle yourself, you could help him. 

His worst fears came true when you all got split up, Dustin and Erica hopefully somewhere above you all, on their way for help, for something, anything. 

But then a man came, tall and dressed in uniform, badges adorning his chest, and he took one look at the way Steve stood in front of you when he entered and swung for the side of his head. 

The boy fell backwards, dazed, groaning at the shock and pain of it all before pulling himself off of the floor, body slow and sluggish. He lifted his head in time to see the same man gripping you by the back of your neck, hair fisted painfully in his grasp as he pulled you out of the room. Robin was yelling, swearing as she tried to get a grip on you, her hand wrapped around your ankle from where she was on the floor but you were pulled from her easily, a swift kick sent to her stomach for the audacity of her trying. 

Steve felt his heart leave his chest, plummeting to his stomach, his blood running cold and everything around him slowed down. His vision was fuzzy but he could see the panic on your face, lips parted in a gasp as you tried to get to grips with what was happening. 

Russians. A lab. Under Starcourt Mall. 

He couldn’t move fast enough and he wanted to yell out, he wanted to run. But it was like being trapped in a bad dream, body damp, sheets tangled around his limbs as he tried his best to scream, to move, but nothing fucking happened. 

The door slammed shut before the ringing in his ears could stop and he could taste blood in his tongue, metallic and horribly warm. He made his fists bleed from pounding on the door, knuckles cracked and bruised, voice wrecked from yelling your name. 

He only stopped when the man came back, pulled him from Robin's side and threw more hits to his face, his body. His skin was littered with angry bruises, almost black, skipping the shades of lavender and pink, turning inky within minutes. 

Between each punch, Steve spat out blood and asked where you were, groaning as he spoke. He was ignored, time and time again, until he lost it completely, tried to lash out, fists swinging, legs thrashing and he wasn’t sure if he was crying, or it was just blood dripping down his face but he wanted to sob, desperate for you. 

He was thrown to a chair, tied back to back with Robin as some guy in a white coat threatened him with surgical equipment that looked like it didn’t belong in a hospital and when his eyes fell shut with the weight of his injuries, he wondered if he’d ever see his best friend again. 

You were finally gathered up in what could’ve been hours later, maybe one, maybe five. A guard tugged at your wrists, taped together and red raw from where you’d tried to pull them apart and suddenly you were pushed through the same door they’d taken you from, thrown at Steve’s feet and the yelling continued. 

Who did you work for, who did you work for, who did you work for?

It didn’t end until people were dead and Starcourt Mall was on fire. 

Alarms had gone off, Dustin rushing in with an electric cattle prod of all things, weidling it like battleaxe and telling you all you had to run. You weren’t sure who was supporting who as you all tumbled back to the surface, dripping blood and tears onto the mall floor as Steve gripped your hand with a fierceness you’d never experienced from him before.

But then there were guns, El broken but still fighting, the rest of your friends, concern and confusion written on their faces ‘cause when you had all been fighting Russian Soviets, they’d been fighting Billy, the evil inside of him turning him into something different from the boy you’d seen in the school halls.

You’d held Max when he fell, body bloodied and ripped open, eyes glassy like he’d known what was coming. You left the mall that night with a new fear of loud noises, of fireworks that cracked and snapped in the sky. You knew what burning flesh smelled like, you knew that there was more to be said about monsters, more danger in the world than just the creatures that lurked in the cracks of the earth.

You knew that evil could come in the shape of a man, a familiar face, behind a uniform, a doctor's white lab coat. 

You were tired, beaten, a little bloodied and bruised and your throat was raw after you’d screamed for Steve, fists beating on the door as you went ignored. You heard him from behind the steel walls, his voice as wrecked and panicked as your own and you sobbed when you heard his yells turn to groans, sickening wet thumps of bone hitting bone, breaking up the sound of him calling out your name. 

You sat beside him in the ambulance, hands still clutching each other tightly, fear of being torn apart again ripping through you both. The medic wanted to take him to hospital, to make sure his cheekbone wasn’t shattered, that you both weren’t suffering from shock or concussion but Steve refused, just wanting to go fucking home.

The sky was angry, red and crying, plumes of black and crimson smoke billowing from the broken building and you didn’t know what to do. People were dead and the whole world seemed to be burning. 

But Steve took you by the hand, pulled you to his side as you made sure everyone was okay, as well as they could be considering the circumstances and the boy stood a little numb as he watched you drop to your knees and fold Max into a hug, tears streaking through the blood and dirt on your cheeks when you pressed a kiss to El’s forehead. 

Everyone was a little broken, barely standing, barely breathing and it didn’t seem difficult to continue the lie to your parents, calling them from a pay phone to say that you were okay, you had seen the news but it was fine, you had been at Steve’s the whole time, you’d be home in the morning.

You let Jonathan bundle you both into the back of his car, one of his old jackets thrown around your shoulders as Nancy sat in the front, Steve beside you, shoulder to shoulder, thigh to thigh. He dropped you both at Steve’s front door, little to be said between the hour of you as shock and tiredness tugged at your bodies, your heads. Hands were pressed to shoulders, squeezing softly, telling each other everything you all needed to say but couldn’t - not then, not just yet.

Thank you, I’m sorry, I’m glad you’re okay, I’m happy you’re safe.

The Harrington house was empty, as expected and the rooms felt darker and colder than they had before, empty and too big, your harsh breaths rattling too loudly and you could feel a panic building inside you, clawing at your chest. 

It grew when you looked at Steve’s face, dried blood and dark bruises making him look like he was about to fall apart and when you squeezed your eyes closed, you could hear the way he yelled your name, raw and broken.

A sob bubbled from your throat, spilling from your lips and you’d barely taken a breath before Steve was in front of you, arms pulling you into him, a hand around your neck, foreheads pressed together. It was supposed to ground you - and it did, in a way - but the cries still came, stuttered and broken, the heavy kind of sobs that made your body heave with the exertion of it all. 

Steve held you through it, both of you swaying unsteady on your feet in the middle of his hall, shoes streaking dirt across Mrs. Harrington’s white tiles. Neither of you could ask the other if they were okay, ‘cause the answer was obvious but when your tears finally stopped, your face wet and your head sore, the boy took you by the hand and led you up the stairs. 

He walked past his bedroom door, the little slice of heaven you most wanted at that moment in time, the only place in the large house that truly felt like home to you both. It was a surprise when he nudged open the door to the main bathroom, rarely used due to all the ensuites that were accessed through bedrooms but the large corner tub there suddenly looked like a gift from above. 

You felt like a spare part when Steve let go of you long enough to turn the taps, filling the bath with hot water and a mixture of his mother’s expensive soaps and bath milks, sweet smelling bubbles and steam filling the room. 

You found a first aid kit underneath the sink, pushed to the back of the cupboard, unused and when you motioned to the boy to sit on the closed toilet seat, he did without arguing. He spread his legs for you without you needing to ask, standing between his knees with a bottle of antiseptic and some cotton balls, more tears slipping down your cheeks as you mumbled out apologies, dabbing the stinging liquid into his skin.

Steve simply held onto your legs, eyes closed and his hands wrapped around the back of your knees, his thumbs stroking over the sensitive skin there as he whispered back, telling you it was okay, it’s fine, I'm fine sweetheart. 

The cuts on his face didn’t seem as angry, as severe, when you wiped away the blood that crusted around them but the dark bruises seemed mean and vicious against the pale cast of his skin, shock seeping out all the colour from his cheeks. 

He let you press a kiss to his forehead, clutching at the sides of his head, fingers buried in his damp, messy hair and the push of your lips was fierce, conveying everything you wanted to say but couldn’t, because fuck, you didn’t know how to tell your best friend that you think you were falling in love with him. Because how else could the thought of losing someone hurt so fucking much?

Steve left you alone to bathe, skin stinging as you stripped down to your underwear, your body and bones lazy as you pulled at your jeans and shirt. You gave up when you got down to your underwear, cotton pants and lacy bralette mismatching in a clash of cherry print and forest green and they both stuck to your skin as you slid into the hot water. 

You drew your knees to your chest, eyes closed and head pressed there as you let the heat nip at you, cuts and scrapes protesting but it was good to feel something when your head felt numb, your chest hollow. You weren’t sure how long you sat there for but you could've sworn someone was calling your name, a knock on the door echoing on the tiles and your mouth felt too fuzzy to answer. 

Steve could only hear the slow, steady drip of the tap and panic rose in his chest when you didn’t answer him and he had thoughts of you unconscious and slipping beneath the bubbles. 

So he knocked once more, heart racing before he turned the handle and pushed at the door a little, calling out your name. 

He heard the water splash at the sides of the tub, movement at least. But then he heard you sniff, the noise turning to soft sobs and it gripped at his heart, crushed it a little and before he knew it, he was in the bathroom, bare feet on the tiles and staring down at you, tucked into the smallest ball you could amongst the bubbles.

Neither of you spoke as Steve pulled off the shirt and cotton sweats he’d changed into, his own eyes glassey as he left his boxers on, stepping into the water with you, sitting down in the space behind you.

It felt like the most natural thing in the world when he spread his legs and pulled you into them, your back to his bare chest as he wrapped his arms around your knees too, holding you to him. He let you cry like that, head bent over yours, the two of you curled into the water together, steam licking at your skin. You think you felt a tear drop from his eye, warm as it slid through your hair and onto your cheek and the feel of it made you search for his hand, scrambling desperately under the hot water and foam so you could link your fingers through his.

Your grip on each other was as tight as it was when he’d pulled you to your feet after Dustin saved you from pliers and scalpels, the same way it had been when a six year old Steve had helped you up from the playground, knees scraped and front tooth missing after falling from the monkey bars. It was the same touch you granted him when you were twelve and he had to go to the emergency room, his arm broken after falling off of his bike. You’d begged to ride in the ambulance with him and his mom, his ink stained fingers reaching for you, not Mrs. Harrington. 

When you had no tears left to give and the water was turning lukewarm, Steve turned the tap again, let the hot water fill the room back up with steam and soothe your tired bodies. He grabbed a sponge, tapped at your knee until you turned to him, face to face and unbelievably vulnerable. 

But you let him smooth the sponge over the bare skin that he could see, up your arms, wiping away the soot from the fire, the stubborn dried blood that didn’t want to leave. He squeezed warm water over your chest, looking at your eyes and definitely not your bra, the pretty, green lace turning darker against your skin.

He pressed a kiss to your hair when you let your head fall into him, too tired to sit up and when you couldn’t hear the far away whine of sirens in the distance anymore, he helped you stand, the water that was light pink with blood swirling down the drain. He wrapped you both in towels, murmuring the whole time that you were okay, he had you, it was gonna be fine. 

You pulled your favourite shirt from underneath his pillow, tugging it on and falling into his bed, the smell of Steve and home surrounding you in the same way that the sheets did, soft and comforting. The boy clambered in beside you, body stiff and pain settling in his bones but you glued yourself to his side, hands intertwined and pressed between your chests and you couldn’t close your eyes until Steve leaned into you, breath warm and smelling of mint as he pressed his lips to your ear as he told you: “Remember when I promised you that I’d protect you from everything bad?”

You nodded, remembering that cherry flavoured popsicle and the way Steve’s pool looked so much bigger and deeper back then. “We were eight, Steve.”

He hummed in agreement, forehead rubbing fond against your own and you revelled in the fact that you both smelled like the same cotton and lemongrass body wash. 

“We were,” he agreed, voice a soft whisper, cracking a little from the yelling that had ripped his throat apart. “But the promise still stands, sweetheart.”

You opened your eyes to look at them and he looked a little fuzzy as you teared up. But Steve shook his head gently, hand tightening around your smaller one.

“No more tears, please babe,” he sniffed too, as if the entire night suddenly hit him, “I got you now, yeah? I’m never gonna let anythin’ happen to you, promise.”

You slept then, a little broken and fitful, but every time you shifted in your sleep, the boy followed, bodies traversing across the mattress and between the sheets. When you woke in the morning, you had your head on Steve’s chest, a leg thrown over his own, your thigh hitched high over his and his arms were a vice grip around you, his face pressed to the top of your head. 

The sheets were on the floor, a pillow by the door as if it had been kicked and the sun was shining through the gap in the curtain, bright and warm and mocking. The world felt a little different after that night, and so did your friendship with Steve Harrington. 

I've loved you three summers now, honey, but I want 'em all. 

Working at Family Video with both Robin and Steve meant that you got to spend a lot more time with your friends. It also meant that Robin was more privy to watching how you and Steve interacted with each other and it had the girl taking notes on your relationship with the boy like her new favourite science experiment. 

“Look, I’m just saying, he’s not really dated since Starcourt and the boy lost it over you that night.” 

You rolled your eyes, still putting away the videos that were stacked in your arms as Robin followed you up and down the aisles. The store was quiet, a Tuesday afternoon giving you little to do but you’d graduated after you fought a monster and survived the soviets, so applying for colleges wasn’t all that high on your to do list. 

Your parents had taken that news better than Steve’s, both couples perplexed at their kids' choices to stay in Hawkins and work for the summer but at least your Dad had threatened bodily harm against you when you’d told him. 

You eyed Steve who was on the other end of the store, leaning lazy against the counter as he ticked off the delivery list. He looked a little older, like you did, but the stubble on his jaw and the broadness of his shoulders made your lips part every time you chanced a look. 

He was still Steve, but he was a little taller, a little stronger. He was still late night drives and sneaking through your window, mixtapes on your birthday and cherry popsicles in his backyard during the summer. Maybe he flirted a little more with you, comments suggestive and compliments coming easier but you tried not to think about it. When you did, late at night and alone in bed, it made your head spin, your lips part, your eyes close. 

You sighed, turning to Robin to tell her with an exasperated whisper, “we’ve been best friends since pre-k, of course he was upset that I was dragged away by a fucking Russian Soviet, Robin.”

She rolled her eyes at you, stumbling over her own foot as she tried to keep up. Steve glanced up at you both at the noise, brows furrowed as you both froze, eyes a little wide and you waved, hands raised awkwardly in unison. 

“What’re you both doing?” He called out, suspicion lacing his voice and you felt heat travel from your chest to your cheeks. 

“Nothing,” Robin called out at the same time you told him you were fixing the horror section. 

Your voices piled over each other and you wanted to groan, because Robin couldn’t lie to save herself and now you both looked like idiots. But Steve just smiled, fond, and turned back to his stack of papers. 

“I'm telling you,” Robin continued, voice a little lower now, “Steve likes you, like, he likes you, likes you. Why can’t you see that?”

You stopped and turned at her last words, truly taken aback at how sincere she sounded, how confused she seemed. 

‘Cause Steve was still Steve and you were still you and nothing in the world could really change that. Steve had promised you that he’d always be your best friend, and at nineteen, that still seemed like a pretty sweet deal. 

You shrugged, pushing the last copy of Nightmare On Elm Street onto the shelf and you crossed your arms over your chest, suddenly feeling far too exposed at her interrogation. 

“It’s not like that,” you told her, whispering still, “it’s never been like that with Steve.”

She huffed, swiping a finger along the row of videos and blowing away the dust she’d collected. Robin turned, an eyebrow raised. “Would you want it to be like that? ‘Cause seriously, dude, I still can’t believe that, in like, sixteen years of friendship, you’ve never even kissed once.”

You shrugged again, holding back on telling the girl that sometimes you thought the same. 

When you were fourteen, you thought that Steve was going to be your first kiss. Looking back, you weren’t sure why, you just did. Maybe it was a feeling, maybe it was hope, maybe it was just inevitable. 

‘Cause you grew up beside the boy and never once did he feel like a brother, and that had to mean something, right? He held your hand when you watched scary movies, when you crossed the road on Main Street, when it was rush hour, just like your parents had told you to when you were seven. He never dropped your hand, he never kicked you from his side of the bed when the movies you watched together became too much. 

You went through middle school and high school still the same, joined at the hip, still sharing secrets, still holding hands when things got too hard. 

But then one summer, Hayley Collins had a birthday party and you’d been sick, too ill to attend but Steve had still stood underneath your bedroom window, features twisted with conflict as you told him it was fine, he could go without you. You remember telling him to have fun, and to bring you back some candy. 

He did. He brought you back fistfuls of sweet stuff, bags of M&M’s and pop rocks but you didn’t expect him to bring his lips to your ear and tell you a secret you never expected. 

Steve had had his first kiss. A game of spin the bottle in Hayley’s basement with her cousin who was from out of town. A girl a year older, a girl who had pretty blonde curls and a reason to wear a real bra. 

You remembered the feeling when your heart sank and the pop rocks stopped fizzing on your tongue. You wondered why the sugar tasted bitter, why your eyes were suddenly pricking with hot tears and when the boy asked if you were okay, a grin slipping from his lips, you lied and told him that you still felt sick. 

You turned to Robin, a fake smile pulling at your lips as you tried to act casual, as if her words weren’t kickstarting a feeling in your chest that you had been trying so hard to ignore for the last five years. 

You furrowed your brow, turned to the cart that was still full of videos no thanks to your friend, and picked up another pile. You stacked them until they reached your chin, until they gave you a reason to walk to the other side of the stands and take a deep breath.

“I haven’t really thought about it,” you lied, and it felt heavy on your tongue, tasting too sweet and sinful. Because of course you had. “It’s not something that’s crossed my mind.”

Robin saw right through you and you could tell by the way her brows rose and she hid her smile behind a press of her lips. 

“Sure,” she said, voice too light. “Humour me then. What do you think would happen if you did let it cross your mind?”

You stared at her, mouth agape, because what the fuck was the girl getting at. 

She grabbed some of the videos you were holding, The Exorcist close to slipping from its slot underneath your chin and she started stacking them beside you, completely out of alphabetical order, but that was a problem for another day. 

“Just listen,” she said and you hated how she sounded excited. “What do you think would happen if you asked Steve to kiss you?”

She dropped a box, cursing when the corner of it hit her toe but she bounced back up, bright eyes still brimming with all the thoughts that were swirling round her head at once. 

“Cause you know he would, right? Like the poor guy can’t say no to you, he’s never been able to.”

You made a sound of protest, heart hammering in your chest because Steve was still right there, fingers running though his hair, pen between his lips and so completely fucking oblivious. 

But Robin suddenly stopped and spun to face you. She wrapped a hand around your wrist, soft and warm and you could tell she was choosing her words carefully before she said them, a sure fire way to tell that the girl was being serious. 

“There’s a reason that none of his girlfriends have stuck around, babe,” Robin murmured, sincerity lacing every word. “It’s ‘cause he always picks you, every time.”


It had been a week since Robin had cornered you at work, whispering to you about Steve and kissing and god, you couldn’t stop thinking about it. 

You thought about it when he gave you a ride home after work, sun setting, the day turning pink and casting indigo shadows over his face, the line of his jaw, the curve of his mouth. 

You thought about it when he pushed himself into you during Saturday morning shifts, his body lazy as he leant against you, his chest to your back and his head on your shoulder. It felt softer and intimate than when he’d done it before, your mind running wild with the idea that if you turned around and kissed him, right there in the middle of Family Video, he might kiss you back. 

You thought about it when you were lying by his pool, his parents gone, the kids and Dustin’s new friend Eddie starting water fights on the lawn. You’d watch the way Steve watched you, jealous eyes and lips pouted when Eddie soaked you with a water balloon, skin damp, cheeks flushed and eyes bright. You watched how he softened and lit up again, your attention on him when you shook your wet hair over his bare chest and you couldn’t help but notice how his gaze followed the movements you made when you bent to slide your shorts back up your legs. 

So maybe it was for those reasons that you turned to him one Friday night, when it was just the two of you out in his backyard, and asked him why he’d never kissed you. 

It could’ve been the joint you’d been sharing making you feel braver, or maybe the shadows that you were hiding in, the spaces that the pool lights didn’t quite reach. 

Maybe it was the way Steve had been looking at you each time you took the joint from his lips and put it between your own. Hair a little messy, eyes hooded, jaw slack. 

Maybe it was because of all of it. Maybe it was because you were nineteen and growing impatient. Maybe it was sixteen years of build up. Of wondering, wanting, waiting. 

The air smelled the same way it did when you were eight, chlorine and cedar from the trees, that afternoon's sunscreen mixing with weed and smoke. Your tongue was stained red from the popsicle you’d had, Steve’s blue and there were new freckles on both of your faces, noses a little pink from lying out in the sun all day. 

And when the afternoon faded into evening and the sky was lilac, Steve produced a joint with a grin, a wiggle of his brows and suddenly you were lying on the deck together, the pool filter trickling in the background and laughing soft as you blew smoke into the night. 

There was a buzz of insects from the forest that stood behind the house, the faint hum of someone’s music that played from a couple of yards over and you felt the warmth radiate from the boy from where he lay beside you. 

Your bare feet pointed to opposite ends of the pool, one of yours dipped into the water and your heads were touching, cheek to cheek. If you turned to look at him, you knew your lips could slip over his easily and the thought of it made your body fizz. 

He had just plucked the joint from your mouth, thumb grazing clumsy over your top lip, fitting pretty into the dip of your Cupid’s bow when you tilted your head, cheek resting on the patio, the slabs still warm from the afternoon sun. 

“Hey, Harrington,” you sounded quiet and lazy, like you didn’t have a care in the world. But god, your heart was in your throat, pulsing like a warning. “You ever thought ‘bout kissing me?”

If Steve was shocked, he didn’t show it, not really. His eyes widened slightly, joint hanging slack from his lips and he stubbed it out on the concrete before swallowing, hard. 

He turned to you, noses almost brushing and you watched the way his gaze settled on your lips. 

“Why d’you ask?” His voice was a hush, warm and rough. 

You shrugged, boldness faltering because he hadn’t answered your question but holy shit, he was still looking at your mouth, the way your tongue snuck out to wet your bottom lip before you spoke. 

“Just something Robin said,” you told him, nose scrunched. 

Your words made his lips part, nodding in understanding because of course Robin was involved and the girl had been at him too, hounding him in the stockroom at work, calling him out on his obvious crush on your over old, dusty videos. 

But all the boy could say was, “oh.”

And then there was silence, for a second, maybe two. It felt like minutes, like an hour, like the sky was suddenly crashing down on you, as if lavender clouds and the stars were going to bury you were you lay but then-

“I have,” Steve said, quietly sure. You looked over at him as he blew out a breath, “course I’ve thought about it. ‘Bout kissing you.”

“Oh,” it was your turn to keep silent, his admission washing over you like a tsunami sized wave, one that you weren’t sure you’d be able to keep your head above. 

You sat up suddenly, shocking Steve and he leaned up onto his elbows with wide eyes, watching as you turned to face him, legs crossed and knees knocking into his thighs. 

“Why haven’t we?” You asked, bemusement colouring your tone and you couldn’t help but press your hand to his where it lay on the deck. Your fingers brushed over his, a new kind of touch. “Why haven’t we ever kissed?”

You wondered if he could hear your heartbeat, if it was rattling against your ribs as loud as it seemed to be. You held your breath as Steve sat up too, mirroring your pose and crossing his legs until you were knee to knee and looking like a couple of innocent kids again. 

He shrugged, blowing out another breath and he tugged a hand through the front of his hair, making it stand on end. He looked a little wild, like you short circuited him, like you were half way to ruining him. 

The boy’s voice cracked a little when he tried to answer and you wondered if this was okay, if you should’ve asked but then Steve was speaking, his thumb drawing absentminded circles over your bare knee.  

“I’m not really sure,” he said and he spoke soft and quiet, like he was telling you a secret. “I suppose I just didn’t wanna lose my best friend.”

It was the answer you expected. Best friend first, the prospect of a girl to kiss in the background of his mind. You should’ve been happy, you should’ve felt loved, but the idea of never having Steve in the way you realised you wanted him was becoming more crushing by the day. 

“Or maybe,” he suddenly continued, “I guess… I guess I didn’t realise I was allowed to.”

Your lips parted at that, a small bomb dropped in the middle of the Harrington’s backyard. You waited for the pool to empty, for the small wave to hit your back, for the sky to light up but nothing came and Steve was watching you, waiting. 

“You’re allowed to,” you whispered and oh my god, you didn’t feel high enough for this, but you continued, tummy dropping and skin electric. “You’ve always been allowed to.”

You heard Steve’s breath hitch and it only felt natural when his hand came up to cup the back of your neck, thumb pressed to the spot behind your ear and god, he was leaning in and so were you. 

“I just don’t know if we should,” he was telling you but he was still moving into you and his hand never fell away from your face. 

“It’s just a kiss,” you told him, voice shot, lips falling apart and you could smell his aftershave, the leftover chlorine that stuck to his skin and he was summer, he was cherry and smoke and god, he was forbidden, he was yours. “Friends can kiss, doesn’t have to mean anything.”

“It’s really just curiosity, right?”

His nose was bumping against yours, both of your eyes fluttering closed at the feel of the other's breath falling across your lips and you wondered if he’d taste like his popsicle, blue raspberry, sugar and fizz. 

You nodded at his question, too gone to speak and the movement made your top lip brush against his. Sparks against your skin, electric, dangerous and it made you sigh. 

“Steve?” You whispered, eyes squeezed shut like you were seven again and making a wish beside your birthday cake, candles making your skin glow.

He hummed, thumb still pushing against that spot on your neck, “yeah sweetheart?”

“Will you kiss me?”

And fuck, maybe Robin was right because the boy didn’t say no. In fact, Steve didn’t say anything, he just moved into you until your nose was pressed into his cheek and his lips were plush against yours and oh my god you were kissing your best friend.  

He still tasted like raspberry, like you thought he would. Like summer and promises and pool days and a little smoke and Steve. 

It was a slow push of his lips to your own, mouths slanting over each other’s, soft and languid like you both knew this was your only chance. You thought you heard him moan, a soft, low noise that made your chest hurt and when the kiss lingered, you brought your hands to his cheeks, fingers splayed over his jaw as you tugged him a little closer, greedy. 

And when his tongue licked at the curve of your bottom lip, his hand travelled to tilt at your chin, asking you to open for him, you did, no questions asked. You sighed, blissed out, when his tongue slid over yours, a hand falling to fist in his t-shirt, soft cotton crumpled in your hand because you felt like you were going to float away. 

Then Steve was pulling back, chest heaving, forehead pressed to yours and eyes still slammed shut as he gave you another secret, pressed to the corner of your mouth, your jaw, the curve of your neck. 

“I always thought you were gonna be my first kiss,” he said it like a confession, like something holy. “M’sorry you weren’t.”

And then he was back on you, lips melted between your own and you knew that the pretty noises that you pulled from him would play like a record in your dreams for months on end. Steve was grasping at your hip, the material of your dress bunched under his hand, making the cotton hitch higher up your thighs. 

You were in his lap, wide hands on your sides, guiding you as you kissed him, lovesick, eyes closed, body buzzing and you fell across his knees, thighs shifting apart to cage him underneath you and oh my god. 


You sat a little higher than him, knees planted on the deck and his head was tilted back to kiss you as you crowded him. One hand was on your jaw, thumb rubbing against your cheek as he kissed you deeper now, a little dirty and when he pulled a small moan from you, his hand clasped at the back of your thigh, skin on skin. 

You could feel him hard underneath you and it made your head feel fuzzy, your body pleading with you to drag yourself along the length of him, hips rolling, chest heaving. 

When you pulled back, panting, the reflections of the pool were bouncing off your faces, ripples of light dancing across the boy's features, hitting his eyes and turning them caramel. You felt golden when he touched you, skin lit up, the air around you both crackling like a storm was coming. 

Maybe it was still the weed, maybe it was a new found courage, maybe it was just teenage hormones and the thought of seeing each other naked for the first time since you were both four, but when Steve asked if he could take you inside, you didn’t hesitate to say yes. 

It felt different in his bedroom when you both tumbled in, colliding with the dresser as you kissed each other like you meant it, like you’d never do it again. The room felt smaller, darker, softer, more intimate than it had ever been for you and suddenly you felt like a girl at the end of date. 

Steve touched you like you were more than just his best friend and it made your stomach roll, your thighs rub together and you couldn’t quite get over the way his hand spanned the width of your cheek, fingertips grazing your hairline whilst his thumb managed to pull at your bottom lip, eager for more of you. 

It all got a little wild after that, loose change and bottles of aftershave cologne clattering off of the drawers, falling to the floor as Steve picked you up and slammed you on top of it, legs spreading for him to fit in between. Hands roamed up your thighs, pushing at the soft skin there until he hitched a knee up and over his hip, pressing himself into you. 

Your dress came off first, his shirt following, a mix of colours on the carpet and he pressed his lips to the skin he uncovered, mouth over lavender lace and delicate straps. 

It felt desperate, you felt desperate. And when he sucked a bruise into the column of your throat, you keened, high and needy. It made the boy groan, mouth vibrating against your chest as he kissed over the lace triangles covering you, his gaze flicking up to watch you nod at him before he was pushing one aside, tongue smoothing over a nipple. 

It made you grab at his hair, fingers delving deep, tugging in appreciation and you were prepared for the sound it pulled from him, low in the back of his throat and it made his eyes flutter shut. 

“Sweetheart,” Steve huffed out, hands skimming up and down your sides as he pressed his forehead to yours, “I’m gonna come in my pants if you keep that up.”

He sounded wild, unravelled and sharp around the edges. It made you feel full of power, pretty lips and lace and soft skin, and you pressed the softest kiss to Steve’s mouth, his breath coming in harsh pants and before you could ask, you were being manhandled again, legs around his waist and his hands on your ass. 

He sat you both on the bed like that, spread out pretty on top of him, knees pushed into the mattress as you pulled at his belt, holding yourself up as he shuffled out of his jeans. He sucked tiny bruises on your collar bones as your bra was peeled off, nothing but your underwear separating you both and you felt his hands drag down your back, a touch that was so affectionate and soft that it took your breath away. 

Then night seemed slower after that, like time paused for you both, just for you to remember every touch. Like the world stopped spinning on its axis just for you two, just so you would both remember the way the other felt, ‘cause fuck, you had a feeling this wouldn’t happen again. 

“We don’t have to go any further,” Steve gasped, lips barely leaving yours as pushed and pulled at your hips, helping you rock over him, body rolling across his lap. “We don’t have to do anything you don’t want to.”

But you were ready to climb him, your hands grabbing at his hair to tug him back to you, kisses swallowing his words and telling the boy that you wanted exactly the opposite. 

It was strange how natural it felt, to tug the length of him out of his boxers, the feel of him hot and hard in your hand. You shuffled in Steve’s lap as he palmed you over the lace of your underwear, breath uneven. It didn’t take long for him to tug them down your legs as he slid on a condom, your foot kicking purple lace to his bedroom floor and you suddenly felt like you were underwater; body moving lazy and slow as you lifted yourself onto your knees, Steve’s hands strong and reassuring as you took him in your hand and sunk down onto him.

Neither of you moved, bodies tangled and still as you fit perfectly in his lap, arms wrapped around each other as you panted heavy into parted lips. Steve whispered your name, like a prayer, soft and broken before he pushed his lips to yours, head tilted into you so he could catch your lips deep and slow.

He grunted in surprise when you tightened around him, body clenching on his at the touch of his tongue across your bottom lip and you whimpered, hips beginning to wiggle. This was more than you’d felt before, more than wandering hands in back seats, more than a quick and fast hook-up in a party bathroom, more than fingers under skirts in your bedroom when your parents were asleep across the hall. 

“Can I move?” You ask, quiet, your hands grappling desperately at Steve’s shoulders palming over the muscles there. “I need to move, Steve, please.” If you were begging, you didn’t care, because you felt so full, so tight around him and you couldn’t help but admire the way the boy looked underneath you. 

But Steve didn’t have you waiting long, any teasing long forgotten about ‘cause he felt like he was wound too tight and you felt like fucking heaven around him. You didn’t know your eyes were wet until his thumb smoothed over your cheekbone, breath stuttering and you both gasped and swore when you lifted yourself up, just to rock yourself back down.

He moaned your name so prettily, lips glossy from your kisses and his eyes were hooded, gaze set on you, jaw slack, hands roaming across the expanse of your back as he held you to him. 

You moved over him with purpose, Steve answering with low groans and he pulled soft whimpers from you, your hand catching his face so you could look at him, gazes heavy and hot, pinned to each other. Your thumb found the curve of his bottom lip, tugging a little and Steve moaned when the pad of it slid over the edge of his teeth. “Steve,” you gasped, hips moving messy and the boy grabbed at your ass, helping you ride him a little faster. 

“That’s it, sweetheart, tell me, tell me what you want and I’ll give you it,” he pressed his lips to yours as he spoke, words slipping over your lips, your tongue and god, they tasted sweet. “I’ll give you anything.”

“More,” was all you could manage, breath hitching, eyes slamming shut ‘cause Steve’s hand dropped between you both, skin slick and he pressed his thumb over your clit; quick, hot circles that made stars flash behind your eyelids. “Close?” Steve asked, voice rough and you nodded, moving a little wilder over him, the boy reciprocated, hands holding your hips still so he could thrust up hard into you until you were biting down on the muscle on his shoulder, thighs tensing, eyes tearing up. 

Steve whispered your name when he came, arms tight around you, head buried in the crook of your neck, eyes squeezed shut, hoping and praying that he’d always remember the way you felt around him.

He kissed you one last time that night, bodies still naked and stretched out between his sheets and you didn’t say anything to each other as you caught your breaths, eyes wide on each other. There was a part of you that wished you could have the excuse of alcohol, too messy after some party to remember. You couldn’t blame the weed either, the half smoked joint still stubbed out in the backyard, hardly enough to do anything than let you both share a buzz. 

In the morning, you pulled on your clothes, wrinkled on Steve’s bedroom floor, still smelling of smoke and the boy. You tiptoed around his room, searching for your underwear, your shoes, all while the boy lay on his bed, face down, hair mussed and the white sheets barely covering his waist.

You wish you had it in you to let yourself drop back down into bed with, to have the courage to press a kiss to the freckle on his right shoulder, smooth a soft hand down his spine. But the sun was coming in through the window and your lips were still swollen from your best friend’s kisses and everything was starting to taste like a mistake. 

You didn’t know it, but Steve was awake as you left, eyes open and face pressed into the pillow that still smelled like your shampoo, heart beating wild in his chest but he didn’t move, didn’t call out to stop you. And well, that was that. 

My heart's been borrowed and yours has been blue. 

You didn’t talk about it. 

A week passed and neither did Steve and before you knew it, you were a month down the line, the feel of your best friend's lips on your skin feeling like a fever dream and you didn’t know if you’d ever be able to forget the feel of him moving against you, inside you. 

It hurt to look at him, for a while. It got worse before it got better, stilted conversations and awkward eye contact, the taste of regret in both of your tongues and all the things you wanted to say to each other were left unsaid. 

But it was fine. 

Steve asked you round for a movie one Friday, videos stacked on the coffee table in his living room, your favourite sweater of his lying out on the arm of the sofa along with red vines and the good kinda popcorn. 

You didn’t push yourself into his side like you normally would and you didn’t know if that disappointed him or not, but when he dropped you off home later that night, the sky was a dark, rosy pink, the lingering smell of rain in the air and he smacked a messy kiss to your cheek before you climbed out of his car. 

It was fine. Until it wasn’t. 

Steve started dating again, one girl, two girls, three girls. Lucy on Saturday, Matthew David’s cousin Paula the next Friday, Cindy from last year's cheer squad the week after. 

You didn’t ask about it and he didn’t tell you, just poking an affectionate finger to the apple of your cheek when he told you he’d see you the next day. You were his best friend, again, still, only. 

It was fine until one Friday shift, when you disappeared into the back room a little earlier than the store closed. You came back out in a new dress, short and pretty, with blush on your cheeks and a gloss on your lips. Robin had wolf whistled, Steve had frowned. 

“Where are you going?”

His tone of voice cut you in half, accusatory and a little shocked. Steve leaned over the counter, a finger picking delicately at a lock of hair that you’d spent too long trying to get to sit nicely. 

“A date,” you told him, voice soft, gaze lowered as you tried to cram lip gloss tubes and perfume bottles into your bag. 

“With who?” Was the instantaneous response, that same tone of voice. 

You saw Robin’s gaze flitting between the pair of you, not privy to the events that took place a month prior, but not for a lack of trying. The girl was perfectly aware that something happened. She just didn’t know what and neither your or Steve had told her anything. 

“Nate Owens,” you told him and god, why was it so hard to meet his eye? “You know, he was on the team with you.”

Steve pulled his brows together, bewildered at your answer. “Yeah, I know him, why the fuck are you going on a date with Owens?”

You heard Robin’s sharp intake of breath and she watched as you squinted at the boy, annoyance on your features. Knowing what was to come, she grabbed the last of the returns and made her way to the other side of the empty store, leaving you two alone.

“What?” You huffed out, exasperated already. Your stomach was tumbling and you hated the way you didn’t know why. Maybe it was first date jitters, maybe it was the way Steve was looking at you, maybe it was because you knew you had absolutely no interest in dating anyone that wasn’t your bet fucking friend. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

Steve grappled for something to say, stuttering over excuses until he tutted and grabbed the stapler, carelessly turning it over in his hands as he told you, “you’ve got nothing in common with him, like, at all.”

You scoffed, pulling at the hem of your dress and smoothing out imaginary creases, you were annoyed, something burning and twisting inside of you. “Sure Harrington, I forgot you choose all your dates based on compatibility and shared goals for the future.”

“He’s a douchebag,” Steve tried again, “he’s only after one thing.”

“Yeah, well, maybe I am too,” you said loftily and you didn’t look for Steve’s reaction, you didn’t want to. You moved from behind the counter, leaving a cloud of perfume in your wake and headed for the door. “Robs, I’ll call you later, ‘kay?”

Before the girl could answer, Steve was tailing you, moving across the store with that stupid stapler still in his hand and he called out your name, making you stop and turn.

“He’s just gonna hurt you,” the boy explained and you hated how his voice had turned a little softer. “You can do so much better than him.”

“Yeah?” You turned fully, chin raised and shoulders set as you locked eyes with Steve. “Who should I date then, Steve? Who’s good enough?”

The air felt electric, fully charged as the boy stared back, lips parting, chest barely moving as if he was holding his breath. If Robin was still there, you didn’t know, your mind only registering the way the boy was still silent in front of you. 

“That’s what I thought,” you eventually muttered, hot tears threatening to prick at the corner of your eyes. “Don’t wait sixteen years to start taking an interest in my love life Harrington, I’ve got by just fine without your advice.”

You’d opened the door by the time Steve replied, voice hot and clipped with anger and something else, a tone you’d never heard him use with you before. “Yeah, well, don’t come fucking crying to me when he turns out to be a dick.”

You laughed humorlessly, your back turned to him as you faced the night outside, the cool air nipping at the heat on your cheeks. You wanted to go home, to chance a look at Robin and silently ask her to clamber into bed with you, if she’d let you cry onto her shoulder as you ate pizza and watched reruns of Charlie’s Angels.

There was also a part of you that wanted to turn to Steve, glassy eyed and confused, to ask why it suddenly felt like you were fighting for the first time since middle school. 

But you didn’t.

You walked out into the night and let the door slam shut behind you. 

If you’d hung around, you would’ve heard Robin slam down the copy of Stand By Me that she was holding, eyes a little angry and disappointed as she looked at the boy and said: “You’re a fucking idiot.”

‘Yeah,’ Steve thought, ‘he knew he was.’


You hated that Steve was right, you hated that Nate Owens was a pig, you hated that he did nothing but look at your chest over the dinner table, you hated that he tried to lean in for a kiss the minute you both got back into his car, you hated that he got pissy with you when you didn’t let him push his hand up your dress, you hated that he told you to put out or get out.

You hated that he left you on the side of the road, a little out of town, at a restaurant that you didn’t really know, dinner paid for with his daddy’s money.

You hated that when you finally found a payphone at the side of a dark gas station, you punched in Steve’s number. You hated that you started to cry when you heard his voice, you hated that he told you was coming to get you. 

Steve found you easily despite your awful directions, and when he asked if you were okay, voice quiet and gentle, you choked out a little sob, feeling pathetic and Steve told you to stay put, that he would be there as fast as he could.

He definitely broke some laws to get to you, flashing through amber lights faster than he was supposed to and when he pulled into the station only twenty minutes later, his heart ached at the way you leaned against the brick wall, half in shadows with your arms wrapped around you, the slight wind picking at the hem of you dress, lifting it from you thighs.

Steve got out of the car before you could move, pushing yourself off of the wall and he hated that your eyes were glassy, that you seemed embarrassed. You let him tug one of his sweatshirts over your head, one he specifically grabbed for you before rushing out of his door, ‘cause he watched you leave work without a jacket and if he’d been in a better mood when you were going on your date - if you’d have been going on a date with him - he would’ve teased you about being cold later.

Steve opened the passenger door, waiting for you to fold yourself into the front of his car and when he got back in, the only light coming from the old neon sign that was flashing red, telling customers that the store was open. 

He wrapped his hands around the steering wheel, squeezing it until his knuckles turned white and he glanced at you, expression almost unreadable.

“Did he hurt you?” he asked.

“No,” you shook your head, and it was true. You’d thrown an elbow into the Nate’s chest when he tried to push you too far, too fast, the sharp point of your arm catching him just below his throat and he’d turned on you, telling you to get the fuck out. “The only thing hurt is my pride, but I guess that’s on me, huh?”

Steve sighed at that, turning fully in his seat so he could face you, his hand coming up to press into your cheek, his thumb running gently under your eye, catching the tears there before they fell.

“Sweetheart-” Steve started, but you were overwhelmingly emotional, everything from the night and Nate and Steve suddenly becoming too much and god, you just wanted to yell with it. 

“What? Is this the part where you say I told you so?” You tried to sound biting, but the words hitched in your throat, fresh tears springing to your eyes. “Why’re you even here Steve?”

You knew why. 

“Cause you asked me,” he answered, simply and that was all there was to it, wasn’t there? “And I’m not gonna tell you shit, I’m… I’m sorry I acted like that early, I dunno what was wrong with me.”

You wanted to press further, you wanted to ask him if he truly didn’t know the reason he acted like an asshole. You wanted to ask if he was jealous, if he wanted you the way you wanted him, if he missed you, if he thought about you when he went on all these dates, if he wanted to kiss you again, if he thought about it all the time, the same way that you did. 

But Steve was still talking, fingers slipping from your face to pick at a stand of hair, playing with the end of it absentmindedly. The car felt too small, too warm and too dark, and you were sure that the last time you were both this close, you’d been in Steve's bed, wrapped around him as he made you come. 

“He didn’t deserve even an hour of your time,” he told you, brows knitted together in a frown. “And you deserve better than Nate fucking Owens, you’re too good for him,” he repeated his statement from earlier and it made you chest ache, your tummy tumble over because god, you wanted to be brave.

“Who’s good enough then, Steve?” You breathed it out, voice almost a whisper because you were so close to losing it, to grabbing the boy by his face and telling him how you felt, how’d fallen in love with him fuck knows how many years ago and you’d only recently let yourself believe it.

He started, wide eyed, lips parted and waiting, the same reaction he’d had back at Family Video. But you didn’t walk away this time, you let out a huff of laughter, no humour in it as you sat back in the seat and started out of the windscreen. The gas station was deserted, the night creeping into a new day, the clock ticking closer to midnight and the light was still flickering. 

It painted you both crimson, eyes brighter than they should’ve been, cheeks rosy. You pushed a foot to the dash, dress slipping up your thigh and gathering in the crease of your leg, showing off way too much skin but you didn’t care.

“I grew up with all the other guys in our grade knowing that I was Steve Harrington’s best friend,” you told him, voice hushed and cracking, “all of them too scared to touch me ‘cause your stupid ten year old ass always threatened to beat them up.”

He was still staring, lip twitching as if he wasn’t sure if he was supposed to laugh or not because it was true. But then he watched a tear slip down your cheek and it caught the light, a flash of ruby before it got caught on your top lip and you licked it away.

“Then in high school, I was a challenge, ‘cause I was still Steve Harrington’s best fucking friend. Boy’s would either be terrified to talk to me or treat me like the best prize they could win. They thought I was off limits, some thought I was your girlfriend and god, Steve, fuck…”

You swallowed, hard, breath catching in your chest and the car was so silent, the boy watching, listening. 

“I never thought that I wanted that, to be anything more than your friend. I didn’t,” you tried to sound convincing, but even to your own ears, your protests sounded weak. “But then you kissed me.”

You looked at him from under your lashes, hands twisted nervously in your lap, his sweater fisted between your fingers and you hated the way it smelled like him, like mint and cedar and smoke and suddenly, it was all too much.

“I know I asked you to,” you blurted out, eyes brimming with tears again, spilling over the line of your lashes and suddenly, you didn’t care about what you said anymore. “But fuck! Robin said that you never say no to me, that you’d do anything for me and god, I just wanted it once, I didn’t know it would go that far that night… I don’t regret it,” you rambled, words falling clumsily over the next and you chanced a look at him, his eyes full of shock but there was a softness behind it, familiar and fond. “I don’t regret it at all, I just-”

You sucked in a breath, let your head fall back onto the rest and let your eyes fall closed before you admitted another secret.

“I just can’t stop thinking about it.”

You kept your eyes closed as you kept talking, the words, the confessions, falling so much easier now that you’d started. The dark made you feel a little bolder, the silence of the boy encouraging you to just keep spilling your heart out, no interruptions.

“I thought that maybe you would feel the same, that you’d say something first, ‘cause you’ve always been braver but then you started dating that girl, then the other one. And maybe I was just stupid, maybe I was wrong,” you sighed, gazing to the side to catch Steve’s eye, a warmth blooming over your entire body, embarrassment, adrenaline and the feeling that you were throwing yourself off a cliff surging over you. “But there was a part of me that thought you’d maybe figure out you loved me too.”

You didn’t know what you expected, really. There was such a large part of you that still believed you were only going to ever be friends, that if Steve wanted more, he would've told you by now. That part told you you were imagining things, that sleeping together was nothing more than an experiment, a product of being high and bored with your best friend. It told you to ignore the way you thought he looked at you, the way that sometimes, you were so sure his touch lingered for longer than it needed to. 

But then there was a voice in the back of your head, a shit, it sounded a little like Robin’s and it told you that the boy before you would do anything for you, anything you asked. And wasn’t that why he was here now? It told you that friends didn’t look at each other like that, that friends didn’t have to untangle themselves from each other's arms each morning, that friends didn’t kiss like you had both done. 

Steve whispered your name then, a hand reaching out to catch yours. 

“You know I love you,” he whispered, voice a little shocked, a little awed. He sounded broken too, like he didn’t know what he was supposed to say, like he was terrified of saying the wrong thing. “I’ve always loved you, you’re my best friend.”

Your heart fell. 

“I- I don’t wanna lose you,” Steve said and he was rambling, falling over his words as his eyes searched your face for something he wasn’t going to find. The softness you’d held in your features was gone. “Babe, you’re my best friend, I can’t lose you-”

“Don’t call me that,” you choked out, your heart racing, your stomach twisting. You thought you might be sick. “Fuck, shit, take me home.”

You pulled your hand away from where the boy held it, your demand sounding harsh and too loud in the quiet of the car. You couldn’t look at him. The red light was still flashing, flickering and it suddenly felt like it was splitting your head in two, like it was pulsing to the same beat as your heart. 

Steve said your name again, pleading, his hand on your arm, silently begging you to turn, to look at him. 

“Can you let me explain? Please, god, I didn’t mean it like that, you have to understand-”

“Take me home, Steve, please.”

But he ignored you, tugging the keys out of the ignition and leaning forward, a hand tilting at your chin to try and a catch your gaze but your cheeks felt too hot and the burn at your eyes told you that you were going to start crying again and all you could think about was the list of boys who were too scared to make you theirs, too happy with a quick fuck in the back of their shitty cars and you never used to care because you were only ever happy with one boy. 

You knew you should’ve let him talk, that you owed him his chance to speak but the burning sensation of embarrassment and rejection was creeping up your spine like poison and you hated it, you couldn’t stand it. 

You panicked. 

You pulled at the door handle, fingers clumsy as you pushed the door open, clambering out with Steve’s sweater still swamping your frame and you could hear the boy calling your name even after you slammed the door shut. 

You made a start for the alleyway behind the gas station, somewhere the car couldn’t follow and by the time you made it a few streets over, you realised Steve wasn’t coming for you anyway. 

You got halfway home before the rain started falling, a pathetic spit that misted into the air and soaked you through. It made your hair stick to your cheeks, Steve’s sweater damp and hanging heavy on your body and by the time you reached home, it didn’t smell like him anymore. 

Good, you thought. 

Because when you were eight years old, Steve Harrington was the first big to tell you he loved you and then he promised you three things:

One, he’d always be your best friend. Two, he’d always protect you from everything bad and scary. And three, he’d never break your heart. 

It took almost twelve years, but shit, the boy finally broke one of them. 

Take me out, and take me home. 

It took Steve twelve years to break his promise to you, but only four days to fix it. 

Which was impressive really, when he spent the first three days agonising over what to say to you. You’d been avoiding him like the plague, worse than the plague, quite frankly. 

He expected you at work the next day, chest sore from holding his breath as he watched the door, eyes tired from staying up all night.

 He’d stayed in that gas station parking lot for too long after you’d left, eyes wide as he watched you leave, disappearing behind the alleyway almost instantly. 

Steve had slammed his hands on the dash, overwhelmed with everything you’d said, admitted to him, with glassy eyes and he fucking hated how he’d made your bottom lip tremble, your breath hitch and stutter as you tried not to cry. 

He’d panicked. 

And you’d left. 

He’d driven home slowly, trying to catch sight of you on the sidewalks that led home, rolling down the streets that looked unfamiliar to see if you were there, trying to find shortcuts. When the rain had started, he’d cursed, no sight of you anywhere and by the time he’d pulled up outside your house, he was relieved to see your bedroom light on, a sign you’d made it home safely. 

He wanted to knock on the door, to climb into your bedroom window and try to make you smile again, to stop you crying because he couldn’t fucking stand it when you cried, especially because of him. 

But the window was shut, a rare sight and he knew it was a hint, a very obvious clue for him to stay the fuck away. He watched your light flicker off, the house bathed in darkness and he’d sat, pushing the heels of his hands to his eyes and cursing himself. 

He should’ve told you, he shouldn’t have been so fucking scared. 

You didn’t show up at work and when he asked Robin if she’d heard from you, the girl had told him that you were sick, had called in early and spoke to Keith. 

“She’s put in a line for the entire week, actually, said it’s a bad bug,” Robin had told him knowingly. “Whatever you’ve done, Harrington, I suggest you fix it.”

Steve didn’t ask how Robin knew, didn’t press her for any more details, ‘cause he knew her too well, knew she wouldn’t tell him shit so he just slammed a video he was supposed to be rewinding on the desk, and sighed, heavy and tired. 

“I know.”

You didn’t answer his calls. With your parents visiting family out of town, there was no one in the house but you and you made a point of refusing to pick up the phone at all. 

Robin would visit, not bothering to knock as she slipped into your house, huffing and humming to herself as she climbed your stairs, barging into your room unannounced. 

She set a careful gaze on you, a lump underneath the duvet, as she dumped your favourite snacks at the foot of your bed. 

“You’re not sick, are you?” You hated how it didn’t even sound like a question, just an accusation. “You wanna tell me what happened?”

And you did, you told her everything from the joint, to your kiss, the entire night. You told her about Nate, about your confession, about the way Steve looked at you when you told him that you thought he loved you too. 

Robin listened, curled up by your pillows beside you, your head on her shoulder and her cheek resting on yours, a bag of Reece’s Pieces between you both. 

“I know that this probably isn’t what you wanna hear right now,” the girl began, patting your hand with her own, “you know, with you being all heart broken and what not.”

You huffed. 

“But I don’t believe for a second that Steve doesn’t love you, that he isn’t in love with you.”

“Robin, please,” you groaned, shoving your face into her arm, because she was right, you didn’t wanna hear it. You’d spent too long trying to convince yourself that she was right, Steve was in love with you, only to blurt out your feelings for him and have him look at you, sheer panic on his face, in return. 

She sighed, knowing it was useless trying to make you see her side of things, so she pushed her nose to your temple, blew a raspberry to the side of your head and stole another Reece’s Piece. 

“Have you spoken to him?” She asked, voice unusually quiet. 

You shook your head. 

“Have you let him try?” The girl said knowingly. 

You shook your head again. 

Another huff, a somewhat affectionate butt of her head to yours and then she turned, shuffling against the pillows until you were face to face. 

“He’s really broken up about this,” she told you and her words made you wanna cry again. “You need to let him explain.”

You sniffed, eyes watering and despite the ache that still lived in your chest, you nodded. 

“‘Cause I don’t think you said things right, y’know?” Robin squinted at you, trying to make sense of what you’d told her Steve had said that night. “He’s a guy, shit, he’s Steve. Communication isn’t his strong point.”

“I don’t know what’s more clearer than ‘you’re my best friend, I can’t lose you’. Idiot or not, he made it pretty obvious that we’re never gonna be anything more.”

The movie that you had both hardly been watching was over, the screen fading to black and the credits rolling. A love song started to play, soppy and too cheery and you grunted, searching for the remote between the sheets before angrily pressing the off button. Silence fell over you and Robin snorted, flinging herself over your lap and looking up at you with a small smile. 

She pressed a finger to the tip of your nose and you scowled. 

“Ever think that maybe he’s just scared?”

Your frown deepened and you stared down at your friend, lips parted at the absurdity of her question. 

“What?” You scoffed. “I’ve watched him take down a demogorgon with a baseball bat, Robin, the boy isn’t scared of much anymore-”

“He also got his heart broken by the first girl he told he loved,” Robin interrupted. “He dates girls that he isn’t really interested in, that are the complete opposite of you. His folks are never around, he’s made his own family out of his friends.”

You swallowed, throat suddenly feeling thick, your chest tight. 

“You're probably the most constant thing in his life, y’know,” she mused, voice unbearably soft. The girl brought a hand up to tuck a stand of your hair behind your ear, the gesture fond. “He’s always had you, maybe he’s just scared to fuck things up and lose you.”

You couldn’t say anything. You didn't want to. ‘Cause that stupid burn was scratching at your eyes again, at the back of your throat and you were so done with crying, you were so over pushing your face into your pillow to dry your face.

Robin sat up suddenly, stretching and bending down to pull on her shoes. She popped another piece of chocolate in her mouth before smacking a kiss to your cheek and you were still silent, bundled up between pillows and blankets in bed. 

“Talk to him, babe,” she told you, heading for the door without any other goodbye, “ I’m sure he’s got a lot to say.”


You picked and put down your phone six times before you decided to pull on your shoes and start walking. It didn’t take long to walk from yours to the Harrington’s, but you moved at a snail's pace, playing tightrope along the edge of the sidewalk before you stopped at the corner of Steve’s street, heart suddenly ready to burst from your chest. The sun started to set as you waited, hesitating. The sky turned from blue to lilac, tangerine and peach and the air became still. 

You walked up his front path, hand raised, ready to knock. 

It was a sparkler between your ribs kinda feeling, jump off a cliff kind of feeling, take a shot of tequila kind of feeling, risk fucking everything kind of feeling. 

You’d walked away from the boy, his words stuck in his throat, your name dying on his lips and now you were ready to make it up to him. ‘Cause Steve was right, whatever either of you felt, you couldn’t lose him either. 

The idea of rejection hurt, but not having Steve Harrington in your life hurt even more. 

So you knocked. 

Once, twice, three times, but no one answered. His car was in the drive, no parents to be seen and you took a deep breath before you plucked up the courage to open the door like you normally could. 

Your footsteps echoed in the large hallway and the only sound you could hear came from the backyard, the tinny sound of music playing from outside. You found him there, spread out lazy by the edge of the pool, shirt off, one leg dipped into the water and his hair messy from swimming and the leftover heat from the day. 

 Shadows from the tree branches above fell over him, cutting through the gold light, streaks of pink and rose painting his skin pretty and you stood for just a second, watching through the open patio doors. 

You tugged anxiously at the tagged hem of your shorts, the T-shirt you’d tucked into it suddenly feeling too constricting and you wanted to pull at the collar, you wanted to take off running again, because the sight of him hurt. 

Before you could step out into the last patch of sun, Steve sat up, muscles flexing, pool water swirling and he froze, lips parted and staring at you. 

It had only been four days since you’d last seen him, but it felt like far too much time had passed. You hadn’t gone that long without him in years, not since your parents told you that they were taking you to Utah to spend a summer with your grandparents. They’d cut the trip short by two weeks, aggravated and done with their fifteen year old daughter who didn’t shut up about how much she kissed her best friend. 

Yearly trips to the lake house with the Harrington’s resumed the summer after that. 

The boy whispered your name as if he’d scare you off and he sounded tired, sounded a little broken, just like Robin had said. 

You lifted your hand in an awkward wave, stepping out into the yard and into the streak of sun that stretched across the patio. It warmed you, skin lit up, a golden glow slanting over both of you and even from where you stood, Steve’s eyes looked like honey. 


He stood, a hand raking through his still damp hair, making it even messier than usual and he mimicked you, hand raised, wingers waggling shyly, as if you hadn’t known each other for seventeen years. 

“I was just coming to see you,” Steve admitted and he sounded as nervous as you felt. “I tried calling you. A lot.”

You nodded, feeling guilty and it burned at your chest. “I know, I’m sorry.”

Steve nodded, bare foot scuffling against the slabs and you wanted to crawl back into your bed, already feeling defeated. It wasn’t supposed to feel like this with Steve. 

“I was gonna come round, you know,” Steve started again, gesturing to you, he looked lost, a little helpless. “Before now I mean… I just- I didn’t wanna upset you and you didn’t answer the phone so I just,” he shrugged, looking at the pool instead of you. “I didn’t wanna upset you any more.”

Almost silence; the trickle of the pool filter, the buzz of insects, the sway of the wind in the tree branches. 

And then, “I’ve missed you,” Steve said, voice softer than before. “A lot.”

You let out the breath you didn’t know you’d been holding then, feet moving forward and you let yourself fall into one of the loungers, a space beside the pool that was so overly familiar. 

You looked at the boy then, and god, he was the last cherry popsicle, he was sunshine, he was summer, he was full of promises and all your secrets, he was late nights and early mornings, first crushes and last kisses. 

“I’ve missed you too,” you told him, voice hurting with sincerity. 

It seemed to be all the boy needed to surge into action, because he relaxed at your admission, moving to the other lounger so he could sit across from you, bare knees almost bumping and he was leaning forward, invading your senses and he smelled like chlorine and sunscreen, mint and cedar and boy and summer and Steve. 

“Why’d you leave?”

“I’m sorry,” you told him, eyes suddenly filling with tears because you were so embarrassed by it all. From your outburst to your storming away, leaving the boy sitting confused after he’d come to get you. “I just- I couldn’t sit there and handle the rejection, I never should have said anything, it was so stupid of me-”

You were stopped by his hand reaching out and covering your own, that familiar warmth of his fingers twisting between yours, a wide, rough palm, calloused on your own. 

You looked at him, cheeks warm with your ramblings and he sighed, affection radiating from him as he gazed at you. He didn’t look confused this time, or panicked. Maybe a little bit scared but there was something else there and it shone a little brighter. 

“Sweetheart, I never once tried to reject you,” Steve huffed out a soft laugh, “shit, I don’t think I could if my life depended on it.”  

“What?” You froze, brows knitting together as you replayed the same conversation you both had in the car and you shook your head, confused. “You literally told me I was your best friend, Steve, that you couldn’t lose me.”

“And that’s true!” He burst out, “you just never let me finish!”

He sighed, using his free hand to scrub over his face and he took a deep breath before he faced you again. 

“I panicked.” He said it so simply, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. “I’m so sorry babe but I fuckin’ panicked. You don’t know how long I’ve wanted to hear those words from you, you can’t even fucking imagine how long. I just didn’t wanna mess it up, I couldn’t. I couldn’t risk not having you.” 

A sound of surprise left your lips at his words and you wanted to laugh at the irony of them, ‘cause yes, yes could imagine. But you kept quiet, letting the boy speak, making up for how you didn’t last time. You squeezed his hand instead, hoping it was reassuring enough. 

You watched him lick his lips as he thought about his next words and your brows rose when he suddenly moved, kneeling in front of you and tapping at your knee, silently asking for you to spread your legs and let him in. You did, almost embarrassed by the lack of hesitation on your par but Steve moved into the space tour created for him, suddenly too close. 

You exhaled a little slower, could count the new freckles on his nose, could see the small scar that cut through his brow, the one you gave him when you were seven and pillow fights got too boisterous. 

He smoothed his hands up and down your thighs, a touch that brought comfort and he took another deep breath, readying himself for what he wanted to tell you. 

“I’ve been in love with you since we were sixteen,” he said slowly, each word dropping like an atom bomb and you wondered if the earth was shaking. “Maybe longer, I was probably too stupid to work it out before then.”

You let out a disbelieving laugh and Steve grinned at the sound. 

“It took me a little while,” he admitted, gaze lowering as if he were suddenly shy, “I didn’t know the difference between loving you and being in love with you. You’ve been in my life for as long as I can remember.”

His fingers found the frayed hem of your shorts, twisting the strands between his fingers absentmindedly. 

“I remember Nancy telling me that, uh,” he cleared his throat, words catching on his lips with nerves and hesitation, “she uh, told me that I didn’t love her like I thought I did. That I was in love with someone else.”

You inhaled sharply, remembering the girl telling you something similar that day on the bench. You’d been confused and a little irritated at her, defensive maybe, now that you looked back on it. You remembered the way she twisted her lips to hide a grin that she didn’t want to annoy you with, eyes all too knowing. 

“I kinda realised then,” Steve nodded, eyes finding yours from under his lashes and god, you wondered when his face had moved so close to yours. “She was totally right, I just didn’t really wanna admit it.”

“Why not?” You asked, voice a little sad, ‘cause that had been years ago, and you felt overlooked, like so many missed opportunities had passed you both by and god, were the two of you really that stupid?

“I was stupid!” Steve burst out and you laughed, a little sad with watery eyes but shit, you were too. “So I kept dating random girls, anyone, really. Tried to take my mind off you, tried to forget about you in my bed.”

God, the memory made you burn. 

“I didn’t know what to do,” he whispered, still leaning into you, eyes closed like he was at confession. “Asking you out on a date seemed so ridiculous when I already know you better than anyone else.”

Your nose grazed Steve’s, and you let out a small sigh because as much as you were hurt by it all, you understood. You and Steve had seen every movie there was to see, had taken trips out of town to every concert, spent too many evenings at burger joints and ice cream parlours. You probably wouldn’t have guessed you were on a date with the boy unless he was in a tux and there was a chandelier above you. 

And that seemed like a big ask. 

“I would’ve loved to go on a date with you,” you said anyway, cause the idea of Steve pulling up outside your door with flowers in his hand gave you butterflies, tugging at your heart in a way that made you warm. 

“Yeah?” He smiled, blinding and it only widened when you nodded. 

He moved impossibly closer still, cheek to cheek so he could find your ear with his lips, hands moving to your thighs, thumbs rubbing circles on the inside. 

“I spent so long tryin’ to work up the courage to ask you to be my girlfriend,” his admission sounded like his biggest secret yet and you held your breath as he whispered it to you. “So long that years passed and we got older and suddenly the word ‘girlfriend’ didn’t seem enough.”

It was strange, but you knew what Steve meant. The word seemed too arbitrary, too normal, to describe the relationship you had with each other, how you felt about the other. 

“I know,” you told him, voice just as soft and quiet as his. “I’d still like to be yours though.”

His grin was contagious, warmer than the sun that was starting to set, brighter than the rays on the pool and you swore the world was spinning a little faster in excitement, as if the planets and the moon were just as happy as you were. 

“Yeah?” He asked, low and rough, nose pressing to your cheek, lips just brushing yours. 

You nodded, eyes fluttering closed, waiting, wanting.  

“Can we always be this close?” Steve asked, and you melted a little at the question, at that soft sincerity he always managed to give you. 

“Yeah, god, please,” you answered and your voice sounded a little husky, a little pleading because you couldn’t imagine anything else. “Can you kiss me, now?”

The boy swore under his breath, the curse mixing with a huff of laughter and he smiled against you, mouth pressing happy to your cheek and you beamed at him, lashes tickling his skin, both of you warm against the other. 

“Could never really figure out how to say no to you, y’know that?” He whispered, as if he was giving away a secret. Steve let his lips hover over yours, his hands wrapping around the small of your back, fingers playing with your belt loops, pulling you flush with him. Your hands smoothed over his bare chest and around his neck, skin hot with the sun, with being near you. 

“Can I take you on a date?” 

Something bloomed inside of you, wildflowers between your ribs, a new day of summer, a heatwave in your chest. 

“If I say yes, will you kiss me?” you asked, a little bratty, a little teasing. You’d waited so long for both, you didn’t know what you wanted first.

But then Steve was pushing into you, lips pressing down onto your own, his hand along the underside of your jaw as he used his thumb to push a little under your chin, tilting you up to his mouth so he could lick into you, adoration pouring into you. You felt the way he loved you, like the way everyone else saw it. It still felt new, his lips on yours, new in an exciting way, new in a ‘god, I could get used to this’ way.

“Lemme take you on a date,” he said again, a smile on his lips, pressing it to yours and his voice was sunshine but rougher, even warmer and it made you smile that cheek hurting kinda smile.

You nodded. 

“You still my best friend, Harrington?” 

Steve pulled back to look at you, eyes shining. “That and more, sweetheart.” And when he said that, it felt enough. ‘More’.

“You still gonna protect me from everything bad and scary?” You nudged the tip of your nose to his, voice sweet. 

“With everything I have in me,” he answered honestly, pressing a kiss to the corner of your mouth, catching your laughter. “Baseball bat and all.”

“Promise you won’t break my heart?” You asked, forehead to his, eyes full of every emotion you felt. Love, excitement, fear, hope, nervousness, adoration. 

“Promise you won’t break mine?” Steve whispered back, a hand on your cheek, thumb grazing over your lip. 

“I promise,” you told him, hands gripping right at his shoulders, running across the nape of his neck, diving into his hair. 

“I promise,” he repeated, and shit, you believed him. 


Ko-Fi ♡

2 years ago

Fanfiction Authors: HEADS UP

(Non-authors, please RB to signal boost to your author friends!)

An astute reader informed me this morning that one of my fics (Children of the Future Age) had been pirated and was being sold as a novel on Amazon:

Fanfiction Authors: HEADS UP

(And they weren't even creative with their cover design. If you're going to pirate something that I spent a full year of my life writing, at least give me a pretty screenshot to brag about later. Seriously.)

I promptly filed a DMCA complaint to have it removed, but I checked out the company that put it up -- Plush Books -- and it looks like A LOT of their books are pirated fic. They are by no means the only ones doing this, either -- the fact that """publishers""" can download stories from AO3 in ebook format and then reupload them to Amazon in just a few clicks makes fic piracy a common problem. There are a whole host of reasons why letting this continue is bad -- including actual legal risk to fanfiction archives -- but basically:


You can search for your fics by title, or by text from the description (which is often just copied wholesale from AO3 as well). If you find that someone has stolen your work and is selling it as their own, you can lodge a DMCA complaint (Amazon.com/USA site; other countries have different systems). If you haven't done this before, it's easy! Here's a tutorial:


First, go to this form. You'll need to be signed into your Amazon account.

Select the radio buttons/dropdown options (shown below) to indicate that you are the legal Rights Owner, you have a copyright concern, and it is about a pirated product.

Enter the name of your story in the Name of Brand field.

In the Link to the Copyrighted Work box, enter a link to the story on AO3 or whatever site your work is posted on.

Fanfiction Authors: HEADS UP

In the Additional Information box, explain that you are the author of the work and it is being sold without your permission. That's all you really need. If you want, you can include additional information that might be helpful in establishing the validity of your claim, but you don't have to go into great detail. You can simply write something like this:

I am the author of this work, which is being sold by [publisher] without my permission. I originally published this story in [date/year] on [name of site], and have provided a link to the original above. On request, I can provide documentation proving that I am the owner of the account that originally posted this story.

Fanfiction Authors: HEADS UP

In the ASIN/ISBN-10 field, copy and paste the ID number from the pirated copy's URL. You'll find this ten-digit number in the Amazon URL after the word "product," as in the screenshot below. (If the URL extends beyond this number, you can ignore everything from the question mark on.) Once this number has been added, Amazon will pull the product information automatically and add it to the complaint form, so you can check the listing title and make sure it's correct.

Fanfiction Authors: HEADS UP

Finally, add your contact information to the relevant fields, check the "I have read and accept the statements" box, and then click Submit. You should receive an email confirmation that Amazon has received the form.

Please share this information with your writer friends, keep an eye out for/report pirated works, and help us keep fanfiction free and legally protected!

NOTE: All of the above also applies to Amazon products featuring stolen artwork, etc., so fan artists should check too!

3 years ago
tippyeddy - Hi Stranger
tippyeddy - Hi Stranger
3 years ago

I need this right now 💥💳💥💳💥💳

If Grogu chooses the armor, then he will be a Jedi no more, and Din was declared ‘a mandalorian no more’ so then they both will have chosen a whole different way of life because of the other.

3 years ago

Please help a bihhh out yall!

ok for the hoes like me who have a size kink I need y’all to post yall favorite photos of Henry that showcases it. I honesty should have out them in a folder (for reasons 😏) but I’m tryna explain to my home girl why specifically Henry is the king of my size kink with the receipts 😩

Please Help A Bihhh Out Yall!
3 years ago

That man literally murdered women and is unattractive, don’t understand the hype he receives from women like I think you’re clinically insane.

Ted bundy isn't ugly, you're just a lesbian

Congratulations, this is the worst ask I’ve ever gotten

3 years ago

Listen,  stop tagging your fics with characters that have no damn relevance to the fic itself. Bucky fics do not need to be tagged Sam, Loki fics do not need to be tagged Thor,  Tom Hiddleston fics do not need to tagged Chris Hemsworth (that goes for pics too. Please stop that shit).    Some of us want to read and see the actual person whose tag we are visiting. 

3 years ago

The Tumblr writing community is dying.


It’s something I’ve noticed over the past two years of using this site. It was gradual, imperceptible at first, something that most would brush off as a silly concern, or fault Tumblr algorithm for. While it’s true that Tumblr’s engine leaves a lot to be desired, I’ve noticed that even popular blogs have started to dwindle in terms of interaction or motivation. There could be a lot of reasons for this, but the biggest two I’ve noticed, experienced myself, and asked fellow writers about is this: (1) content being stolen, and (2) lack of feedback or interaction. I’ve never seen any logical person defend content being stolen, so I want to address point 2 instead.

Lack of feedback and interaction. I’m not saying this on my behalf so much as I’m saying this for friends and smaller blogs who have lost motivation to write. I was looking at my yandere writing blogs list the other day and noticed that a good majority of them no longer write. I usually update the list every few months, and by that point, more and more writers have stopped writing entirely. This isn’t a problem confined solely to the yandere fandom; in fact, there’s less writing blogs in general these days, especially ones that are active. I used to run a very popular BNHA blog with some friends, but that dissolved after our content was stolen and our followers stopped interacting as much. Out of our 8,500 followers, we hardly got 0.015% notes (~128 notes) on an average post. Tumblr is to blame for the lack of eyes seeing our posts, for sure, but that also means that at least 128 people saw one post and didn’t leave a comment or ask. We were considered a big blog; imagine what it’s like on a small blog.

My friend recently made a post that summed this up perfectly: 

“I’ve seen people say “Be grateful that people even lurk on your page.” and, while I get the message they’re trying to say, it’s more dismissive and hurtful in my opinion. Like you’re saying, “Oh your writing is mediocre, you should be grateful people even LOOK at it.”

Me personally? I’ve heard the argument that AO3 is a better place to post fanfics, and while that might be true, I’ve had friends experience firsthand the lack of interaction there too. I’ve heard the argument that interacting with some writers is intimidating (me included). I’ve heard that argument that followers might be too shy to interact. I’ve heard the argument that writers should write for themselves and not for views / likes / reblogs / etc, and while that’s ideal, it’s not sustainable for everyone. What works for one writer won’t work for another, but you know what will? Interaction.

That comment or ask that took you 2 seconds to write? We remember it. That reblog with the compliments in the tags? We remember it. Every single ‘named’ anon we get (heart anon, sunflower anon, etc)? We remember them. And the best part is? It’s actually easier to do these things on Tumblr since you have the option to send anonymous asks or make a sideblog specifically for reblogs! Trust me, whether the lack of interaction is the cause of a lack of motivation or what have you, every writer appreciates feedback (don’t be shy to offer some critique or compliments) or even a simple keyboard smash with some emojis. Even sitting down for 5 min a day per week to comment on your favorite writers’ new pieces makes a huge difference. Personally, since Tumblr’s activity feed is beyond terrible and I have over 1,500 posts, I don’t always see new reblogs or comments on my content; asks though? Always see those, can never go wrong with those. If you don’t want to reblog or leave a comment, then you can never go wrong with an anonymous ask. 

As my wise friend says: writing is an art, and in order to improve that art, we need other people’s eyes to see what we don’t.


For the sake of every writer (past, present, and future) on this platform, please share this post.

4 years ago
tippyeddy - Hi Stranger
4 years ago

Kinda would love this to become a full imagine because I really need some heart breaking angst🤌

No place - Din Djarin Drabble

-There isn't a place for you here anymore- he said, with his helmet on and standing right in front of you.

-What? Din, what are you...-

-Gro...The kid is not here anymore, I don't need you here, so this is over now- he said, interrupting you.

-But Di...-

He turned around.

-Goodbye.- he said, walking out of your life.

4 years ago

‼️ support ‼️ ur ‼️content ‼️ creators‼️and ‼️fic ‼️authors ‼️ by ‼️ reblogging ‼️ and ‼️ stop ‼️ treating ‼️ this ‼️ site ‼️ like ‼️ instagram ‼️

4 years ago

I need more din djarin x reader, you people don’t understand my current obsession with this man in his mandalorian armour.

Tags :
4 years ago

I need this story fully fleshed out and everything, would currently die just for this to be made.

I Had This Weird Story Idea. What If The Reader Was A Mandalorian Like Din. The Same Beliefs And The

I had this weird story idea. What if the reader was a mandalorian like Din. The same beliefs and the same ideal privileges- and one day the reader and Din are doing a bounty and it gets a bit rougher then its supposed to be and the readers helmets fall off for whatever reason in the middle of it, so like everyone who's there is just starting at them (or Din could be just the only one who saw.) and their just frozen in place. I don't know what else to add to that but that's been something that I've been thinking about, but I know I don't have like the mentality to put it in motion.

4 years ago

I love this concept so much man, I can’t even

unsuspecting| j.jk |


☁︎ Summary: You’ve been oblivious for so long, you never suspected your own best friend of being the imposter. You battle with your fate as Jungkook finds himself in a dilemma.

☁︎ pairing: yandere!jungook x reader

☁︎ genre: angst | fluff | among us au | imposter!Jungkook | yandere!jungkook | crewmate!reader | 

☁︎ warnings: mentions of murder and blood but not that much to be actually called a warning, but I’ll put this here just in case.

☁︎ word count: 2.29k


‘’It’s… It’s you,” you muttered under shaky breaths. You tightened your lips, biting your tongue to keep yourself from breaking down and once again exposing yourself from someone who you should’ve been running away from in the first place. 


It’s not Jungkook. It couldn’t be him. How could it be him? You’ve been with him from the very start, you’ve seen who he was. You can’t have missed something about him. You were his best friend and he was all you had. He can’t do this to you. How the hell can someone who had been helping you with your tasks this whole time, be an imposter? A murderer? 

The thought itself made you feel sick in the stomach. 

Your breaths were uneven, eyes darting around the room as you mustered up all that you had that might be able to prove that your best friend wasn’t who everyone thinks he is. You felt your breaths getting cut short, each one shorter than the last. He’s not the imposter, you repeated in your head. He’s not the imposter, he’s not the imposter. He can’t be. He couldn’t be when he was the same person who had helped you with your tasks when you were having a difficult time because you weren’t trained that well. He can’t be the imposter when he was the reason why you weren’t thrown out because of everyone accusing you of using the vents. Though it was a tad weird how the same person who had first accused you immediately died right after. 

You also kept him from being thrown out when everyone had their eyes on him. You barely knew where he was exactly or what he’d been doing but you trusted him. Why shouldn’t you? You owed him a lot. There was so much that you wanted to repay him for. 

But if you really thought about it… you’ve never really seen him do a task. He was only ever there when you were having a hard time with yours, like that one time when you were struggling to connect the wires.


“That’s not how you properly connect them,” you hear Jungkook laugh from behind you as you find yourself in a tangled situation. You nervously laugh and glared your fellow ‘crewmate’. 

Jungkook stalked towards you and examined the wires. 

Keep reading

4 years ago

I love this idea, yandere JungKook in among us, BEST IDEA EVER

not an imposter | j.jk


☁︎ summary: You were wrongly accused as an imposter and everyone decided to vote you out. Everyone but Jeon Jungkook.

☁︎ pairing: Jungkook x reader

☁︎ genre: angst | yandere!jungkook | imposter!jungkook | crewmate!reader | Among Us au because why not

☁︎ warnings: none

☁︎ word count: 808

☁︎ a/n: lmao I should be in online class, sorry for being short 




Everyone watched pitifully as Jungkook banged on the glass windows, screaming out your name, yelling at you to come back. He watched helplessly as you floated away into the void. He didn’t even care if everyone had to watch, he wanted you back.

“It wasn’t her,” he chanted, exhausted. Tears rolled down his face until he was a complete sobbing mess on the floor.

“It wasn’t her.”

It was absolutely painful, seeing the strongest of them all… breaking down and exposing his vulnerability to everyone. He had always been the one who constantly helped everyone with tasks, guiding everyone when sabotages occur. Seeing him now like this broke them.

Jaewon, who had already proven himself to be a crewmate, put a hand on Jungkook’s shoulder in attempt to comfort him. He wasn’t one to comfort others, but he couldn’t just stand back while one of them broke down in front of everyone.

“I’m sorry, Kookie,” he muttered. He was one of the crewmates who had suspected you for so, so long now. Of course, he was relieved to see you get thrown out away, but it was also heartbreaking to see Jungkook like this.

“Come back to me,” Jungkook mutters under his breath, until the only sound to be heard in the room were his sobs.

Jaewon then looked back at everyone who had been watching him cry the whole time.

“Give her back,” he muttered, looking up at the crewmates. His eyes were something no one had ever seen before. They weren’t sure if it was a murderous glint they saw in his eyes or if it was simply just his way of grieving for a friend.

They all looked at each other, exchanging glances, not knowing what to do.

They had to do it. It was kill or be killed. What else could they have done? They couldn’t afford to lose another crewmate to an imposter. They had to take you out. Otherwise, another one would die. They knew better than to ignore their guts. It was the right thing to do, isn’t it?

Isn’t it?

It was only fair. Whoever gets voted out had to be thrown away. Those were the rules. They can not give second chances. Second chances only meant more deaths. If they can’t throw you out, who else would they have thrown out?

“TAKE HER BACK,” he screamed one more time. This time, his voice cracked. He kept banging on the window. Someone had to pull him away before he throws himself out to try and save you.

“Jungkook please,” Jinsoo, a crewmate, pleaded as he held Jungkook, keeping him as far away from the window as much as possible before he manages to actually break it. He was, after all, the strongest of them all.

“Get off!” He exclaimed as he elbowed him right in the stomach. Jinsoo immediately backed away, clutching his stomach in pain.

There was nothing they can do.

Everyone knew Jungkook very well. He had always been one who was unable to vote, since he was indecisive and skipped voting everytime. He was, however, the most valuable member of the crew.

Of course, it couldn’t have been Jungkook. He had been helping everyone with their tasks, guiding an entire group of people to their responsibilities, he couldn’t have been the imposter.

Everyone else had been behind him the entire time.

Everyone but you.

Who else could the imposter have been? When they found the dead body, you were the only one separated from the rest.

Of course… unless if one of the members in that group was smart enough to kill someone and going unnoticed. But that can’t be the case, can it?

…can it?

One by one, the crewmates left the cafeteria, leaving Jungkook alone to grieve for you. They couldn’t do anything else. You had been a suspect for too long, they can’t ignore that. It was best if they leave Jungkook and give him space and time to move on.

Jungkook cried and screamed, yelling out your name in hopes that you would at least hear him one last time.

One last time.

You floated away in the void. Your body was motionless. You might as well be dead.

“Y/n,” he muttered, sniffling one last time.

He didn’t even realise that the rest of the group had already left. He stood alone right in front of the mirror. He’s seen dead bodies before. This was different. It was you.

“It wasn’t her,” he chanted. “It wasn’t her it wasn’t her.”

Jungkook leaned against the wall, exhausted. He couldn’t do anything to help you. He rested his forehead against the glass, his eyes still focused on your body.

He didn’t mean for it to be this way.

“It was me.”

It was clear what he needed to do.

They all need to go.

4 years ago

This man is hot

200929 Jungkook X Idol
200929 Jungkook X Idol
200929 Jungkook X Idol
200929 Jungkook X Idol
200929 Jungkook X Idol

200929 — jungkook x idol

4 years ago
About A Week Ago I Posted This.

About a week ago I posted this.

I’ve been getting horrible messages like this in my ask for months, including:

About A Week Ago I Posted This.

and my personal favorite

About A Week Ago I Posted This.

After getting the message saying “Just go kill yourself” I was completely done dealing with this person’s horrible messages and replied with just an “Okay.” and logged off tumblr.

About a week later I logged back on with 17 messages in my ask, most of them from the anon. I scrolled down and at first when I logged off, the anon messaged me things like

About A Week Ago I Posted This.

I scrolled up more and all of a sudden they started sending me more and more messages like

About A Week Ago I Posted This.

This was extremely surprising to me. I thought “After all those horrible messages you sent to me for MONTHS about hating me and wanting me dead, you say ‘sorry’ and that you ‘cant be responsible for someone’s suicide’?”

But I guess the lesson goes like this:


4 years ago

All I want is some Yandere Malcolm Bright imagines and stories, is that too much to ask

Tags :
4 years ago
Tips That Can Save Your Kids Life.
Tips That Can Save Your Kids Life.
Tips That Can Save Your Kids Life.
Tips That Can Save Your Kids Life.
Tips That Can Save Your Kids Life.
Tips That Can Save Your Kids Life.
Tips That Can Save Your Kids Life.
Tips That Can Save Your Kids Life.

Tips That Can Save Your Kid’s Life.

4 years ago
tippyeddy - Hi Stranger
tippyeddy - Hi Stranger
tippyeddy - Hi Stranger
tippyeddy - Hi Stranger
tippyeddy - Hi Stranger
tippyeddy - Hi Stranger
4 years ago

I so happy it’s got a part 2, everyone needs to appreciate how good this story and authors writing is

Fear 1996 (Yandere Jungkook x Reader)

Fear 1996 (Yandere Jungkook X Reader)

Pairing:Jungkook x reader

Genre: Thriller/Drama/Smut

SUMMERARY:You've always been daddy's girl. Until your live wire best friend invites you to go clubbing, there you meet the charming Jeon Jungkook, following after, the two of you fall in love. However things take a turn when Jungkook reveals his darker side.

Warnings:Violence,Abuse,misogyny,obsessive relationships, unhealthy relationships,reader is in highschool,older Jungkook,Jimin is younger and around your age(so sue me), mentions of drug trafficking,death,Sejin is your dad(should this count as a warning?), Virgin reader, semi public sex,cursing,animal abuse/death(I know!I don't like it either!),rape,use of drugs,reckless driving, getting fingered on a rollercoaster. (Yep, you read that right)

A/N: This is a rewriting of one of my favourite movies,Fear(1996) with probably one of the most recognizable actors, Mark Wahlberg, if you don't know who he is then get the fuck outta my gaff I have no idea what rock you've been living under. This is the first time I'll be writing & publishing a story, I'll only be accepting positive and constructive criticism. This will be part one of the story and I will try get everything else down too. Hopefully, at the the end I will make more then one ending.I hope you you like what I got.


Chan-hee was fuming when you came in the door. Jungkook had dropped you home at around 2:00 am with plenty of kisses and a promise of reunion (plus his phone number~! =>•<=) before leaving. You had wished your time with Jungkook could of last forever but atlas you must return home at some point.

Chan-hee was waiting for you to come home so she could put the house on security lockdown. So it was no surprise when you came home three hours pass you curfew, that Chan-hee was screaming at you.

"You could of at least found a way to call me Y/N! I was sitting in the living room all this time imagining god knows what!" She practically yelled at you you while you stood by the entrance looking guilty. "I'm sorry Chan-hee, I can't help it if my watch broke I mean...." you laugh nervously but she just stared at with a face of un-amusement. "....how would I even notice if.....unless I was staring at it every second..?"

She scoffed as she began to gather her things. "Go to bed Y/N. When your father gets back tomorrow, we'll be having a discussion about this." You shuffled your feet nervously. "Please Chan-hee...!"

"Go to bed Y/N! I'm angry." You began to ascend the steps when you hear her call out. "And wipe all that makeup off, you look like a slut."

You had stared at her in shock, then you felt hurt. But then you decided that anything you say now will not help the situation so you stomped up the stairs to your bedroom.


"So....2:00am..Am I missing something here..?" You were in your father's office, as promised by Chan-hee, that was the first thing she ratted out to Sejin the minute he walked in the door. He was tired from the 2-3 hour drive back from Vancouver but that didn't stop him from calling you out from your room and marching you in to the office.

"Come on pumpkin,Help me out."

You sat nervously on the chair and he continued interrogate you. He had got you to confess about leaving the party to hang with guy.

"So,who was this...guy you where with?"

"Just a guy.."

"Is he a good guy?"

"He good to his car, you'd appreciate that."

He chuckled." Well that's a good start, Maybe I should meet him." Your face turned red. "Dad! I just met the guy! I don't know if I'm gonna see him again.." you had looked back up to see your father get up from his seat. "But still, you didn't come home when asked so here's the deal, kitchen duty and yard work for two weeks. No exceptions and no subcomtracting out to Mal-chin, is that fair?"

"Do I have a choice?" You questioned.

"No." He answered.

"Then I guess its fair." You scoffed as you hopped from your chair but Sejin stopped you before you could leave. "Also, make sure you apologise to Chan-hee."

"Apologise? Yeah right!" You then began to stomp out of your dad's office. "I'll apologise to her when she apologises to me for calling me a slut!"

Sejin just stood there confused. Chan-hee he called you a slut? Why on earth would she do that?


"You were too easy on her, she should have been grounded."

"She knows she screwed up!"

Later that night Sejin and Chan-hee were discussing your punishment. She was displeased hearing you only got two weeks of yard work and kitchen duty as she was folding the laundry on the bed as he was in their private bathroom brushing his teeth.

"Its all easy fixes with you, Sejin. You give her whatever she wants, like your forever trying to make it up to her." Chan-hee warned as Sejin spit in the sink. "Please Jagi-"

"Its gonna blow up in your face Sejin. Everyone needs rules! She'd respect you more if you laid it out and plaid it straight." She stated affirmatively. "Straight huh? Is that why you called her a slut?" Sejin stated back, studying his wife being hypocritical.

Chan- hee on the other hand gave him the the most vexed look. "I said she looked like a slut, never said she was a slut."

"Then why?" Sejin interrogated.

"Because she had two gallons of makeup on! That's exactly what she looked like." She said trying to justify herself. Her husband did not agree on the other hand.

He simply gave her a disappointed look. "Pretty shitty choice of words, don't you think?" He stated before closing the bathroom door. Chan-hee had let out a sigh. Maybe she shouldn't have said that to you. She was tired and angry and let the frustration sink in.

Could you really blame her?


Despite yard work and kitchen duty. You were having a great two weeks.

Why you may ask?

Because you spend the two weeks with your new boyfriend Jungkook!

Since the Monday after the King and Occidental concert, Jungkook had begun picking you up from school in his slick green monza Convertible. The jealous and shocked stares you would get from from your fellow class mates to see you getting picked up by this gorgeous egnima of a man.

Jimin took this like a punch in the gut. The fact that you were going out with was a 23 year old guy, a man that was almost a decade older then you. It was almost unbelievable to his ears! But in your head, age was just a number and you weren't going to get into any legal trouble since you were 16 so everything was fine.

The friday on the second week, Jungkook had taken you to Largos where you met up with Jisoo and the rest of Jungkook's friends. Turns out, the night of King and Occidental, Jisoo and Namjoon had hooked up. You were expecting it to be a one time thing that night but the monday you came back to school, Jisoo had announced her new found love with Namjoon. Another punch to Jimin's gut that his other friend was going out with a 25 year old.

You had been introduced to Jungkook's small group of friends, Namjoon who you knew prior to Jisoo, who was said to be very passionate (especially in bed, Jisoo's words,not yours). Yoongi who looked cool,calm and collected wherever he was. Hoseok was sweet and loved to have fun. And taehyung who was very affectionate.

You were immediately drawn to them as they were to you. You all got along quickly. Taehyung at some point whispered into your ear that you were the first girlfriend Jungkook had in a long time which honestly surprised you, how can a man as handsome as your beloved Jungkook stay single. You spend your afternoon's ritually at Largos for the past two weeks with him. Playing snooker with him. As you bend over the table with you cue stick, Jungkook would lean over you, his arms guiding yours to help aim the stick while at the same time gently grinding against your ass, letting you know what your tiny skirts do to him.

"Jungkook-!" You whispered in a hushed voice and you could feel his breath on you ear before whispering.

"Go on baby, shoot."

Later on he pulled you outside of largos into an alleyway, where he began to kiss you passionately. His eyes had a dark hooded look to them, like he was hungry for something. He slid his tongue inbetween your lips and explore your warm wet cavern, coercing your tongue to move with his. You felt so hot, you core was on fire due to the amount of passion you received by Jungkook. He had his leg right inbetween yours which gave you the motivation to relieve yourself and grind up against him thigh. You could feel the strong,jean clothed thigh right through your silky panties sending electric shots to your clit that made it's way too your core and left your shivering for more until he pulled your leg away, leaving you whining.

"Come now baby, not yet, I don't want to make you come too soon, not now anyway." He chuckled darkly.

"But kookie...!" You whined in agony.

"Come now princess, I have to take you home soon, but before we do that.." he them undid your coat buttons and dragged the sleeves of your shirt down. He began littering hickies across your collarbone,neck and shoulders. You moaned in bliss at the feeling of your man leaving lovebites all over you. Once he pulled away he gave you a sweet and tender kiss. "I bet every single part of you tastes so good~."

After a while you and him began to walk down the street back to his car. He had his arm around your shoulders as you were huddled to him. "Y/n" he asked.


"I wanna meet your family."

You looked at him confusion and dare you say it, surprised. You had only been going out with you for two weeks and he wanted to meet you family so soon?

"Really,are you sure?"

"Yeah!" He smiled. "Now that I'm your boyfriend, don't you think I should have your parents blessing before we move on to bigger things?"

At that moment, you felt so happy. He was clearly dedicated enough to meet your family just to prove he cared about you.


"Mmh?" You had blanked out for a bit.

"Will it be ok?" He questioned.

You gave him a final smile before replying.



"Dad, Meet Jeon Jungkook."

Sejin had got up from working on his mustang's engine to see you, Jisoo and a man in his early 20's. He was tall, lean and built. He had a handsome face and a charming presence as he strode up to him to offer his hand.

"Pleasure to meet you Mr. L/N, sir."

Sejin offered his own hand in return as they shook hands.

"Same here,Jungkook"

Jungkook then strut over to where your younger brother was standing with Min-ho.

"Hey Mal-chin, right?What's up big guy?" He crouched down next to him as he began to rub Min-ho on the head, making him excitedly lick Jungkook's face. "And this must be the savage beast, Min-ho!" He exclaims enthusiastically as he begins scratching under the dogs chin. "That means he likes you.." Mal-chin nervously whispered, trying not to sound nervous but Jungkook pretended not to notice. "Oh yeah? Tell him the feelings mutual." He looked the boy up and down with grin. "You look bigger than your sister described. Or maybe you just grew since yesterday, which one?"

You had taken Jungkook to meet your family the very next day. Jungkook had been very insistent on meeting your folks and convinced you it would be better since he and Namjoon were bringing you and Jisoo to the new amusement park in town and didn't want your family thinking he was avoiding them or trying to keep a secret.

Although on the other hand, Sejin was quite curious about Jungkook. He knows you went on a few dates with a couple of boys from your school already but he's never been introduced to one of your courters and one so much older than you. "So Jungkook, you're not in school with Y/n, are you?"

Jungkook had a flash of panic on his face for a second before reverting to a sort of awkwardness. "Um...no,sir. But maybe U-Doub in the fall? I'm just exploring my options, I guess. Earn some money before starting?" Sejin just gave him a slight chuckle. "I guess I can respect that."

"Y/n! You gotta help me plants these trees before you leave!" Chan-hee ordered as she walked around with the baby trees in hand. You automatically had an inner panic attack. How could you forget about the trees?! You were suppose to do them earlier but Jungkook had picked you up so you could get Jisoo! "But I have to get changed." You tried to excuse yourself but Chan-hee simply smiled as she picked up the shovel. "Well, y'knew it was one of your chores."

"Excuse me, Chan-hee, right?"

He had walked forward grabbing her attention. "Hi, Im Jungkook, I-" he stopped for a minute to let Mal-chin step beside him. "I don't want to interfere, but I used to work summers in a nursery. I'd be happy to give you a hand." Chan-hee examined the new comer as Mal-chin spoke up. "Can I help too?" Jungkook gave him a cool look. "Couldn't do it without you partner."

Chan-hee decided she liked Jungkook.

"Okay, come on. Grab the big one!"

Jungkook gave both you and Jisoo a smug look as he and your step mother went off to the back garden to plant the tree's while filling her head with wisdom on how to carefully and correctly plant the trees.

All the while you and Jisoo went off to get ready.

Sejin just stood back to witness to interaction with him and his daughter.

How very strange...


"Oh, excuse me, Mr L/n. I was looking for the bathroom."

Jungkook had walked in while he was in his office checking on some documents. He had his sleeves rolled up and dirt all over his hands. "Its rights in there." He says as he points to his office bathroom.

"I'm not disturbing you, am I?"

"No,no. Go ahead."

"Thank you."

Jungkook walked into the bathroom as Sejin went back to his computer, he heard the faucet running when Jisoo knock on his door.

"Did Jungkook come in here?"

"I'll be right out!" Jungkook yelled out to her as Sejin took a break from his computer to turn around to greet Jisoo.

She was dress in a crop top, mini skirt and knee high boots. Her hair was nicely done in curls as her face was dressed fairly with make up. "Jisoo, come on in! Tell me about life" he announced casually as he relaxed in his chair.

Jisoo strutted in with a seductive look while giving a little giggle. "Mr L/n, I'm sure you know a lot more about life than I do~." Sejin sat up in his chair to talk with her properly. "I wouldn't be so sure. I get surprised at least once a day."

Then the sound to the tap turning off was heard and Jungkook stood again in the doorway, wiping his hand in a towel. "That's the fun part though, isn't it Mr L/n?"

"Depends, Jungkook. Kinda cuts both ways, you just never know." Sejin noted sensible.

"I'll be down in two minutes!" His daughter yells as looks back at his computer. "You should come with us to the orbit Mr. L/n. It'd be fun~" he heard Jisoo suggest. He let out a chuckle.

"Y/n! Get me a coke!" He then heard Jungkook yell suddenly. Then he herd his daughter obediently yell back. "Okay, I'll be right there!"

"Come on Sejin, you could play pinball.."

Sejin was ignoring all the chat at the moment when he notice something about Jisoo. She clearly was wearing a bra because he could see her nipples right through her shirt and then she turned around to but her leg on a chair to fix her boot but her skirt rode up on her to reveal her black Lacey thong underneath her short skirt. Sejin was beginning to feel uncomfortable and tried to look away but then caught Jungkook giving him a dark look, he was smirking at him like he knew a secret of his. Jisoo just continued to blab away while he and Jungkook and a stare down. A battle of wills to see who would crack first. But then you came down into the room, Jungkook had ripped his attention away from him to give you his undivided attention.

"Here you go!" You passed him a cold can of cola as he praisingly kissed you on the head. "Good girl, thank you. Make sure you grab your jacket, ok?" "Mm-hmm~!" You nodded adorably. "Its gonna get dark out soon and we need to get Namjoon before that ok?" You smiled happily to him. "Okay, I'll grab it and we'll go!"

You skipped out the door with Jisoo in tow but before Jungkook could leave he heard Sejin call out to him. "Jungkook!"

Jungkook turned to look at him."Y/n's curfew is 12:00, not three after, all right?" Jungkook just smiled "Yes sir." Sejin's telephone rang as he turned around to pick it up. "Hello? Yeah Jin."

Jungkook just smiled darkly while he casually flicked the table clock's hour hand back a few hours while his back was turned. "Pleasure meeting you Mr L/n !" He yelled while walking out of the house with a smug look on his face. "Take care!"


Their drive down to town was lovely. The sun set highlighted the two couples as they drove down to the amusement park.

While you and Jungkook were waiting in line for the new fast rollarcoaster, he could not keep his hands off you. He would kiss you lovingly while groping your ass with both hands. He'd play with the bottom of your shirt and the rim of your skirt. He'd swipe his thumb over your bottom lip to stop you from biting it and whisper sweet nothings into your ear.

When you both got in the front seats of the roller coaster and had the protective bar strapping you both in, he slid his hand inbetween you thighs, his fingers playing with the rims of your thigh highs. Your legs were crossed over the other so when the ride started moving he gave you that loving and lustfully look as you slow uncrossed and spread your legs as far as you could to allow him more access.

He gave you approving look when you nervously pushed his hand underneath your skirt to let him take over. He let out a chuckle as slid your panties to the side to allow him more access to your pussy. He gentle teased your clit. You tried to keep in your moans. This was the first time you had every allowed anyone to touched treasured button. The feeling was foreign but exciting.

You had started getting wet from the sensation over your boyfriend teasing your slit on a roller coaster with eight other people who could catch you in the act. He brought his finger to you slit and scooped up some of your slick to rub on your button to make the momentum of pleasuring you easier.

You grabbed his wrist and hand and urged him further into conquering your devil's doorbell. You had to bite your lip to stop the moans from leaking out as he expertly went harder and faster on you. You where reaching your climax when you got to the top of the track. When you went down.

It was like nothing you'd ever experience.

No shower heads or your own inexperienced fingers could mount up to what you were feeling right now.

When you went down, you felt the familiar butterflies in your stomach as you reached your climax. You came around his fingers and let out a scream of pleasure as everyone else let out a cry of thrill. You had tears in your eyes as your pussy spilled all your womanly juices. You had never come so violently before. You where going through hoops and large drops but ths only thing you could focus on was the pleasure in your core. The next time you opened your eyes,the ride was over. Your face was red and full of tears. You were all hot and bothered as you felt your cum leak out of your cunt and on to you panties, soiling them. Your hair was a mess and you give Jungkook a tired look as he smirks and helps you out of your seat.


"I screwed up. I gotta go back up to Vancouver."


Sejin was suppose to deliver the envelop to FedEx at seven but for some reason his table clock said 4:00 so when Seokjin had called to ask why he hadn't send them already and that it was too late, he went through his drawer to find his watch that told him otherwise.

He was now confronting his wife about the dilemma.

"I want you to come with me this time."

She looked up to him from her position with a small potted plant.

"And maybe we can stay in that same hotel, same suite."


Your parents where leaving town, for a couple of days for some business in Vancouver. You weren't allowed to leave home because you couldn't leave Mal-chin alone so you made a bold move, picked up you phone, laid on your bed, and dialed his number.



"Jagiya, how are you?"

"I'm good, listen, my parents are out of town for a couple of day...and I'm all alone in my bedroom. Mal-chin's asleep, no one to disturb us~"


"Yes, kookie~?"

"I promised the guys I'd help 'em out with something tonight.*


"But Y/n."


"I could come by afterwards. Would that be okay with you?"

"Sure, If it gets too late, I might be in bed, okay? So just punch 1-4-3-2 into the keypad and just come in. I'll be waiting."


"Hey...Wake up fuck-nut!"

Jungkook slapped the sleeping man into consciousness. He was dressed in all black as he and the now conscious man (who was strapped down to a operating table) where under a big bright light.

"You with me sunshine?" He asked him as if he were a child. "W-Whats going on?!?where the FUCK AM I?!?" The man screamed as he began to bawl his eyes out. Jungkook just clicked his tongue and rolled his eyes. "I know, I know, you're scared...Huh, looks like you uh...wet your pants a little...hehe, that's understandable." He walked around to the centre of the the table where he dragged from underneath it a trolley tray of different tools.

"Now from my understanding. You're working as a small time dealer for the Green Moths, the same pricks who wanna run on the drug trade. So tell me who's your supplier? I want a name and the location where I can find them." He placed a rather large nail on the back of the man hand as he continued sobbed.

"PLEASE! I don't know what your talking about-!"

He didn't get a chance to finish when Jungkook slammed a hammer down of the nail. The man screamed in pain as the nail went through a bunch of nerves through his hand.

"Now,that my friend, was a wrong answer. Now the next time you speak to me, I want the right answers. Now tell me, what do I want to hear?"

The man let out a choked sob and a whimper before the replying. "t-t-the right a- answers..."

"Good boy!, now on with what we're waiting for~"

"He calls himself Rip Ulrich but his real name is Reginald burke-ugh...and he lives on bluebird road, door 23... that's all I know!"

"Well you were easy to break." Jungkook noted disappointingly. He a cute pouty expression on his face and just stood there like an impatient child before calling out. "RM! We good???"

"Yep!that's all!" Another voice called out. As a group of people emerged from the shadows of room, looking down at the scared man with malice and non existent mercy. He continued to struggle as he looked from one person to the next. "You'll let me go now....right?"

Jungkook had that awkward expression as he looked down at the petrified man. "Yeah well...I never promised you anything...and I doubt you'll leave anytime soon."

One man dragged the trolley table over to his side while another man help a video camera in his hand. Jungkook jumped up and down excitedly like a bunny. "I need to leave soon, so I'll leave you in the company of my friends! This is suga and this is V! V loves making videos whenever we hangout and suga...well. He started watching that one movie, the red dragon? Great movie yeah. Liked all the surgery parts~" He ended his sentence with a little whisper.

"What are you going to do with me...?" The man asked,finally calming down. Jungkook just gave a smirk. "Well you know the story, drugs make a lot money. Organs on the other hand...you know how many people would kill to get their hands on some fresh organs?"

"W-what?! N-no! You can't do this?!" He started screaming again. "Well there's no one stopping us, is there?" Jungkook all but shrugged as he turned around a back to him. "I mean, they're not only going to harvest your organs but record it. Send you bosses a message."

"But I have kids.." the man whimpered. Jungkook just chuckled. "Then I'll send them all of daddy's love." He looked up to Yoongi. "Put his heart in a gift basket, I'll deliver it to his house when I'm not busy."

"What,no!" The man screamed. Jungkook clasped his hands together gave a sly smile and he rubbed his palms together. "Now, As much as I'd like to stay and watch all the fun, I gotta girl to be with and guess what! Shes a virgin!"

"Huh? Kookie, you never told us she was a virgin! lucky!" A new voice appeared. "Oh! Also meet J-hope! Hes gonna make sure...you know, that you stay awake during the operation!" Jungkook chimed.

The man just lay there in disbelief, how could they be chatting with one another so causually when they where literally just about to take his life?! "Come on Kook! You still wanna make it to your date?" Yelled Namjoom.

Jungkook looked at the petrified man once more before singing. "See ya~"

And his screams of agony and terror were the last Jungkook had ever heard of him before sliding the metal door close.



And that was all it took to open the door. Jungkook stepped inside your house and closed the door behind him, hearing a beep. He was showered, dressed in black dress pants,blue dress shirt and dress shoes.

He had a duffel bag with him filled with items of his own possession. He looked around the entrance of you house to clarify if you had been telling the truth. But by how quiet it was, he assumed the truth had been told. He looked around the living room and found a picture of your you, Mal-chin, Min-ho, Chan-hee and Sejin. He observed it for a bit before stuffing it into his bag.

He quietly tipped toed up the stairs as to not alert anyone else. He carefully opened the door to your moon lit room and their you were.

You were snug under the comforter of you bed. Sleeping as peacefully as possible. He creeped over to your vanity to where he took a couple of baby photos of yourself and scooped through your jewellery box, there he found a small bracelet, with the words engraved; 'Daddy's girl'.

After shoving those last few thing into his bag, he took out a condom and slowly pulled the blanket off your body.


You woke up to the chill feeling of your naked legs exposed to the air. You stired from your slumber to see who disturbed you from your slumber.

And there he was.

Jungkook was there, the moon highlighted his naked body as he looked down at you. His hair was in his face but you could still see the love in his eyes as he smiled down at you. Your felt vulnerable yet safe with him. He look mesmerised by the sight of you. But you were only in you panties and t-shirt.

"Hi.." you whispered softly

"Hey." He whispered back.

He sat down on the bed beside you and gave your forehead a kiss before urging you to sit up. He peeled your shirt of you and had you lay back down before grabbed the hems of your panties and slowly peeling them down your legs.

He leaned down to kiss you again. The kiss was sweet and tender, you brought your hands up to his head were you ran them through his hair and urged him to continue with his ministrations. He pulled away from the kiss and leaned his forehead against yours. "I'm gonna prepare you,okay? So just relax and let me take care of you,okay baby?"

You moaned in agony as he questioned you but you knew he wouldn't continue if you didn't reply. "Yes Jungkook, please take care of me!" He went down your body, kissing your collar bone down to stomach, caressing your breasts softly. He finally made it down to your cunt, noticing how clean and shaven it was.

"Aw..baby,you clean up for me before I got here?" He teased you lightly. You brought your hands up to your face your cover your blush. Of course you cleaned up before hand, you didn't want to go into this looking rotten and disgusting. You wanted this to be memorable moment to be perfect.

"Kookie...!" You moaned in embarrassed. He chuckled at your redness of your ears as he got inbetween your thighs and dipped his face inbetween your folds. He peeled them apart from one another and just examined your frail rose. "Your absolutely beautiful baby.."

That's when you felt his tongue gently circle your clit. You jolted at the sensation. It was so foreign and exciting. He sucked on your sensitive button for a bit, he pressed your fingers near your folds to test your waters. You were dripping at this point so he began to ease a finger into your cunt. You squirmed a bit at the uncomfortable feeling of a finger larger than your in your twat but he steadied you with his other arm.

"Shhh,baby it's ok, I got you." You tried your best to steady yourself as he continued to work that single single finger in you. He was starting to get more aggressive with your clit and added a second finger inbetween your folds. What started out as an uncomfortable feeling started to feel good. You moaned at the feeling of him pleasuring you down there. You breathe quicker as you felt your high come. You felt like you could burst at any second but he stopped with his ministrations.

"Kookie...! Why'd you stop..?" You moaned. You were so close to your orgasm you could taste it. You the saw him reach down to the side of the bed to were he pulled out a condom. "Last time, you came on my fingers, this time-" he took the condom wrapper and put it inbetween his teeth before ripping the wrapper of the condom, taking it out before spitting our the wrapper. "-I want you cumming on my cock."

You took a deep breath at the dirty words he let leave his mouth. He rolled the condom on to his dick and settled himself between you legs. "Come here baby, taste your sweet cunt on my lips" he squashed his lips against yours. You could taste the salty precum of yourself on his tongue, he easily dominated your mouth tongue as you both continued to swap saliva with with each other.

After a while he stopped. You had to take gasps of air to get your breath back. He stopped for a second to let you catch up with your breathing, slowly grinding his cock against your flaps. You whined softly as he lowered himself to meet you face to face.

"Jungkook." You softly spoke.

"Y/n,I love you." He replied.

He put his head in the crook of your neck as he gave his cock a few pumps before gliding it into you pussy. You gasped at the intrusion. Your hands grabbed on to to his hair as you felt his massive cock kiss your womb. You both stayed like that for a while. You falling in love with the way Jungkook felt inside you. And Jungkook adoring the way your tight walls cockwarmed him.

He began to slowly thrust inside your cunt, your legs hooked themselves automatically around his waist as the sounds of the bed creaked and the way his balls slapped against your ass made you even more wet.

"Oh my fucking god,baby. You are so fucking tight!" He leaned down to suckle one on your breasts and roll to nipple of your other one. "You wrap around me so perfectly baby, like you were meant for me- no. We were meant for each other."

"Ah-! Kookie! Please- mmh!" You groaned out. He was going at a medium pace at this point. You wanted him to go faster point you were a mess a this point. "Please what baby? Use your words princess, I can't give you what you want unless you tell me." He started going slow again, agonisingly. Watching your face contorted in many expressions.

"P-please Jungkook! Go faster!" You practically yelled. He slowly rolled your nipple inbetween his fingers, looking at you innocently. "Faster? Are you sure baby?" He asked smugly. You had tears in your eyes at this point. He had already denied you one orgasm, the thought of him doing it again like this, when he was already inside you? Was out of the question.You decided to hell with decency. You decide to throw your shame and embarrassment out the window in favour of the delicious orgasm you know Jungkook can deliver you.

"YES! fuck me Jungkook! Go harder,faster! Please..." you looked in his eyes, you could see his look of skock when you looked in his with desperation and lust,no shame, no humility when you whispered those final words.

"I want you to destroy me."

That was all it took to set him off. He grabbed the back your knees and hoisted them above his shoulders, bending you further than you though possible. He grabbed your ass cheeks as your grabbed the back of his neck."Don't let go princess, this is gonna be a bumpy ride." He grunted as he began to thrust into you with more power and vigor than before, you where moaning and whining and sobbing non-stop. You felt the tip of his cock kiss your cervix repeatedly, a bundle of nerves that you never knew existed spark to life. Your screams of pleasure were like music to his ears.

"Yes princess, just like that! You love it! Say you love it! Tell me how much you love Daddy's cock!" You were a moaning mess, he reached down and started playing with you clit again. Your whole body was on vibrate. "OH my GOD! I love it! I love your cock so much! Oh my god! Please don't stop!"

You squeezed his cock harder. You felt your orgasm approaching as you look up at him. "Kookie! I'm gonna come soon! Please help me!" He grunted in your ear. "Let's come together then."

He then started to Jack-hammer your cunt with his cock as he rubbed your clit more ferociously. You came all over his cock in buckets. Your orgasm had triggered his own. He let out a loud roar of pleasure as he thrusted into you a few more times before cumming.

You both stayed in that position for a while. He looked down at your tired form before giving you tender kiss before slowly pulling out of you. Whined at the empty feeling of his organ leaving yours. He quickly grabbed a soft towel from beside the bed to scoop up all the love juice that came dripping from your cooch.

He grabbed you another towel and tenderly wiped all the sweat from your body. He peeled the condom of his now flaccid organ before pulling back the covers on the other side of the bed before climbing in and pulling them over you and him. He pulled you over to him, you laid across his chest, snuggled up to him.

"Hey Jungkook."

"Yes Y/n?"

"I love you too.."

You fell straight to sleep after whispering that to him. Jungkook felt euphoric, you, the girl of his dreams was here, laying in his arms after making sweet love with you. The moon illuminated your face perfected and you slumbered peacefully. He couldn't wait for the day he would swoop you off your feet, marry you and live in some remote area where no one could disturb you both.

The future look so bright. For both you and him.

The he had to show his true colours.


It was Tuesday, your parents had come home yesterday night. You spent the day at home with Mal-chin, Min-ho and of course Jungkook. You had mad Mal-chin swear not to tell your parents of his visit but he was so eager to look cool for Jungkook he promised to not say a word. That's day you had all played video games, watched movies, cook meals. You honestly had such a fun time with him there. He was so good with Mal-chin and Min-ho, he said he always wanted a little brother but then it got you wondering, what he'd be like with kids of his own.

You stopped that thought before you could think more on it. You had come back to school the next day and were currently walking out of school with Jimin. You has confided in him what you did the previous night with Jungkook.

"Please don't tell Jisoo." You asked.

"Not that it's a secret or anything..its just.." you strayed of the topic a bit. You didn't know why you asked him to not tell. But it would sound better if it came from you and you knew she would be pissed off that you didn't tell her first.

"Are we talkin' the 'L' word here?" He interrupted. You thought about his question for a bit but you know your answer. "Yes, I looked back on all the guys I dated before him. When I think about it, none of them were ever as as serious or committed as Kookie is. He always looks for an opportunity to take care of me, he truly loves me Jimin! I know he does." You rested you head on Jimin's shoulder as you walked to the road. "And I love him..so much." You smiled dreamily.

You had gotten to the road, in the place Jungkook normally picks you up. Strangely enough he wasn't there. He was always on time to pick up from school, he must of got caught in traffic or something."Prince Charming must be late." Jimin noted. Standing beside you. "Want me to wait with you?" You shook your head. "No, that's all right. He'll be here." You felt a hand on your shoulder, and looked over to see Jimin giving you a concerned look. "What's wrong Jimin?"

"Listen Y/n, I know it's none of my business who you want to be with but please promise me, that no matter how long your relationship last with him, that'll you'll be careful. I don't want to see you wind up with a broken heart."

You smiled at his concern for you. Jimin was such a sweetheart at times, you didn't know how you were going to let him go after he finds himself a girlfriend. "Don't you worry Jimin. Jungkook has only the best intentions for me, hes the sweetest guy ever and I know he'll take care of me. Now come here and gimme a hug!"

He let's out a giggle before you both embraced each other in a loving hug.



That last job took way longer than nessesary. He and the boys got caught in a shoot out, a transaction with another group gone to shit, He and Taehyung had ended up killing the majority of the rival gang so the others could run off with the goods they cheated out of them. Then that led to him and Taehyung high tailing it out of their, with the cops on their trail. They had managed to lose them but once they did, Jungkook had to burn all his blood stained clothes and scrub the blood from his body. Get a fresh pair of clothes and spray on enough cologne to cover the metallic scent of blood.

He was pissed the job went south like that but nothing was more awful than the thought of his Darling princess waiting for him. She will most likely not forgive him for being late. He had zoomed his way to her school as fast as possible. Hoping she had not left on the bus.When he got to you school, he had saw you, standing there, looking as beautiful as the day before. And there was someone else, another guy, his back was facing him so he couldn't see his face. Then he saw this guy dip down and hug you.

He hugged you

He then lost it.


You were hugging Jimin one minute and the next he was thrown to the ground. There you saw Jungkook, his face was red and you were pretty sure you could see steam coming out of his ears as he began to mercilessly kick Jimin. In his abdomen. You could only stand by and watch the horrific scene as you watched Jimin get his shit kicked in by Jungkook. Your boyfriend.

You began screaming at Jungkook. "Jungkook what the hell are you doing?!" You Ran up to him, tried to pull him off Jimin. "Kookie please! STOP IT-!" you had caught his elbow right in your eye. You fell backwards onto your butt as he showed no signs of stopping his assault on Jimin. "PLEASE STOP IT!JUNGKOOK!"

He had finally halted in his attack. Jimin was left coughing and wheezing on the ground in pain, blood could be see on the corner of his mouth, Jungkook knew he had taught this punk what happens when you put his hands on his his woman, his queen!

He turned around to see you sobbing on the ground. He knew a delicate princesses like yourself didn't like violence but he would reassure you that everything was fine. That he'd keep you safe from harms way. He offered you his hand. "Come on baby, let go. I promise everything will be okay."

"GO AWAY!" you screamed. "GET AWAY FROM ME!" You whacked his hand away and crawled over to Jimin in sheer panic. You turned him over and laid him on your lap. "Please just leave us alone..." you sobbed. He didn't notice it then but having a closer look at the guys face, he realized it was Jimin. Your friend. He looked around to see a crowd gather, he looked down at you once again to see you and Jimin. You were a sobbing mess, holding him close to you as small tear made his way to his eyes, clearly in pain.

He had rushed back to his car and drove off. Once he got to a stop light he banged his fists against the wheel and start bashing his head against it. Why? Why the fuck did he do that?and now...now..you..his precious princes.........

will never forgive him now!

4 years ago

Love this film and love JungKook, what a good mix!

FEAR 1996 (Yandere Jungkook x Reader)


FEAR 1996 (Yandere Jungkook X Reader)

Pairing:Jungkook x reader

Genre: Thriller/Drama/Smut

SUMMERARY:You've always been daddy's girl.Until your live wire best friend invites you to go clubbing, there you meet the charming Jeon Jungkook, following after, the two of you fall in love. However things take a turn when Jungkook reveals his darker side.

Warnings:Violence,Abuse,misogyny,obsessive relationships, unhealthy relationships,

reader is in highschool,older Jungkook,Jimin is younger and around your age(so sue me), mentions of drug trafficking,death,Sejin is your dad(should this count as a warning?), Virgin reader, semi public sex,cursing,animal abuse/death(I know!I don't like it either!),rape,use of drugs,reckless driving.(Might add more warnings later)

A/N: This is a rewriting of one of my favourite movies,Fear(1996) with probably one of the most recognizable actors, Mark Wahlberg, if you don't know who he is then get the fuck outta my gaff I have no idea what rock you've been living under. This is the first time I'll be writing & publishing a story, I'll only be accepting positive and constructive criticism. This will be part one of the story and I will try get everything else down too. Hopefully, at the the end I will make more then one ending.I hope you you like what I got. Please share!

COPYRIGHT @sassysaxsolo please I beg do NOT STEAL my work, this is for everyone's entertainment and not for your personal gain.


A nice hot shower was the best way to start off your morning, the warm water always woke you up from the grogginess of the previous night. It relaxed your shoulders muscles as it cascaded down your body. You were scrubbing off the last remnants of body wash. You would of happily of stayed there for the rest of eternity if your evil step mother hadn't called you out of your day dreaming.

"Y/n! Save some hot water for your dad!"


Ok,so, Chan-hee isn't the evil step mother you described. while in the shower, but anything can be described as evil if they disturb your precious moments of peace in the shower. But right now, what can be described as evil is the vexing whistle- blowing your step brother, Mal-Chin is doing to attract Min-Ho, your german shepard.

You had just finished getting dressed when you heard Chan-hee.

"Come on Y/n! I got your breakfast ready"

"I'm coming!"

You made a quick dash down the stairs with your bag over your back and your jacket over your arm,seeing it was already 7:05 am and the bus would be coming soon. You had already entered the kitchen when you saw your father, Sejin in his suit,reading the newspaper and drinking coffee. Chan-hee was washing the dishes. "Did you get the tickets?" She questioned.


"The Pier? James Taylor?"

"Oh shit.." he whispered under his breath, setting his mug down to scratch his chin. "I'll have Seokjin get 'em today."

It fell silent for bit, when you noticed your dad staring at you. "What?" You asked confused as you grabbed an apple from the fruit bowl. "Nothin', nothing at all.."

You scoffed, something was up and your curiosity was spiked. "Dad, you're looking at me like you didn't know who I was or something." He began shaking his head. "No,no,no. I was just thinking that maybe you'd....like Chan-hee to take you to buy new clothes."

Chan-hee just stared at him with the 'are you serious' look. He gave her the look to explain what was wrong while you began to pick your stuff of the floor. "What she's got on is brand-new."

He had a look of bewilderment on his face. "This is new?" You may not see it but in his eyes, the skirt of your dress was far too short for you to go out in, could you even call it a dress? It was more like a long shirt. "Yeah,why? What's wrong with it?"

You weren't all too worried about the conversation at hand, you were just focused on getting everything you needed when your dad said. "Y/n, it looks like something you wore when you where twelve"

You were starting to get annoyed, was your dad gonna start the morning off like this? Giving him an angered look. "Yeah,so?" You interrogated while putting your jacket on.You're dad looked like he was struggling to find the right words.

"Look, all I'm saying its...its"

You still had the look of offensive which told him he's screwed up. "Oh what? I'm not allowed to have an opinion?" You were so done with this conversation as you swung you bag over your shoulder. "No dad, you're allowed to do whatever you want to do.Im the one who has to ask permission to breath! Can I go to school now Father?"

He had a look of defeat of as he waved you off. "Have a nice day, Y/n"

You had left in a rush, rage in your steps as you slammed the door and sped-walking up the forest path. You had only been with your dad a year and you were completely under his thumb and you hated it. Before you moved here, you lived with your mom in California, ever since her divorce with your dad, she was constantly working to make sure you and her had a decent life but all the stress of making sure you had both had a roof over your heads, food in your bellies and still not recovering from the divorce made her depressed so she began drinking frequently.

Though she never said anything to you, you felt her pain. Even with her vulnerability from drinking left you free to do want you wanted, you hadn't dared to try anything reckless. Cause you loved your mother and you wanted to see her happy and healthy again. That's when you got dad involved, he had made a name for himself as an architect up in Seattle. He had only gotten remarried to Chan-hee when you told him of your mother's dilemma.

He asked your mother to send you up to Seattle to live with him and his family while she could focus on getting better. Although reluctant, she agreed for not only her benefit but for yours.

So here you were a year later, passing Myung-Dae in his security booth that watched your house from across the forest.

"Good morning Y/n"

"Mornin' sir"

You had then made a dash for the bus stop. You had to get to school early today, you're best friends Jisoo and Jimin would be waiting for you and Jisoo said she had wanted to do something together before school started.


Sejin had arrived at the office with the airness of authority he usually had whenever in the workplace. Removing the sunglasses from his face, he was met with his co-worker, Seokjin. Although younger,he'd worked his way up from the bottom and gained the respect of his senior staff members and had been partners at work ever since.

"Morning, Jin." He greeted but as Jin walked with him to his office he had an air of seriousness about him too. "Hey listen, The Sweikert project went to the bad guys last night." That's not what he wanted to hear first thing in the morning as he stopped to give Jin a shocked look on his face with a mix of horror. "You're shittin me." Jin let out a sigh. "Wish I were. We're on thin ice here,pal. Vancouver or bust."

As they continued to his desk he shoved his sunglasses in his pocket and loosened his tie. "Show me the drafts,I'll create the presentation myself." This earned a smirk from Jin. "Now that's what I wanted to here."


You sat on the hood of Jisoo's AMC pacer nervously, it was already 7:30 and her and Jimin wanted to drag you with them to Largos, the cafe-bar where all the local college students hung out at. Jimin across from you, giggling at your nervous wreck. "We shouldn't be doing this. We're gonna have to turn around the second we get there."

"Yes, but we can say we were there.Factor in the residual coolness" Jimin smugly says with smart-ass attitude with you about to rebuttle back when Jisoo came back. "Sorry, Mr. Keheela had to stare at my boobs for ten minutes....before he gave me an extension!"


"We should just get something to go,guys" You had gotten out of the car with Jisoo and Jimin and began to scurry across the street. "Y/n,Chill. What do you want to remember five years from now? Being on time for english lit or having a life?" She questioned teasingly as she removed her jacket to reveal her tight cami top. Jimin had turned around and began use his hands to mimic scales.

"Well,let me see? English lit,life ,English lit, life" you growled,annoyed."Oh shut it, Jimin"

He and Jisoo laughed at your vexed state as you walked into the street filled with college students, all of different cliques, they surrounded largos and gave life to the establishment. As you entered the place, the popping music of Raggae pop playing on the sound system began to fill your ears, the smell of coffee,smoke and freshly baked goods filled your nostrils. People all around you looked as they were having the best time.

Jimin looked a bit off put at the sight of all the punks in the corner as Jisoo let out a puff of her cigarette as you all made your way to the counter. Jimin began to order of the guy at the counter as you notice Jisoo's gaze wander off to the upper level of Largos where you could see a pool table. "Ow-oo! So pretty! Kookie,you see me hole that?" her eyes where set on a guy who had his a cue stick over his shoulders with his arms hanging over them,he was lean and muscular, his blonde hair was pushed back and while smiling,you could see his dimples.

"Oh la la~" she sang as she let out a puff of smoke. "God, stop being so obvious!" You giggle as she stuck her tongue out. "What do you wanna eat?" You heard the guy at the bar ask Jisoo. "Um,just some chocolate cake please". "To go" you finished to the bartender who went to get the order.

"Swing and a miss. You're outta here buddy. Batter up Jungkookie!" You heard dimples call out. You kept staring, even as Jisoo looked away.

It was there you saw him.

He came walking over from somewhere behind a wall, his hair was messy and his face was beautifully sculpted. A bit boyish but manly none the less. You wonder how a face could look boyish and manly at the same time, either way, you weren't complaining. He was was wearing blue tight fitting jeans and a tight black long sleeved shirt that allowed you to see his rippling muscles, his abs all though covered where on full display for all to see. He was sculpted head to toe by the gods themselves, or perhaps he was a god himself, a dark one maybe?

He had a mysterious air about him and he walked over to the pool table with his cue stick in hand,he was chalking up the end and he looked over in your general direction, where he made eye contact with you. He had noticed you staring but you hadn't dare look away. His eyes were as dark colour, his lips were a nice tinted red and his skin had a magnificent golden shine. You felt something bubble in your stomach, the same feeling you get when you ride fast roller coasters or when your dad decides to drive like a mad lunatic on the country road.

Attraction? Interest? It didn't take long for him to look away from you to focus on the game before him to which you felt disappointment fill you.You couldn't see what the game was like for them up there but from what you saw, he shot the ball and heard the clack of holes being scored to which dimples hollered.

"Woo-hoo!" He began to fist bump mystery guy. "Winnings a good thing man!" He cheered as he began to pick up a stack of money which you could assume he won in a bet.

You then got distracted by Jisoo tapping your shoulder to show you a neon green flyer she recently got offered. "King and Occidental?" You asked. "Yeah,I'm there." She answered. "Down by the docks?" You questioned again. She looked at you this time. "Yeah,so?" Jimin looked amused. "Better bring your Uzi" Jimin joked when the man a the counter spoke up. "Your order all together is $8.75." "I'll pay." Jimin offered, the ever caring friend he was.

"Come with me!" Jisoo excitedly exclaimed. But unfortunately you had to let her down. "I can't, I've got a family outing. James Taylor at the Pier." Jisoo's face scrunched up humourously. "Yikes! Isn't he bald?" You giggled at that. "Probably~!" You checked your watch to see class was half way done and you'd be damned if you missed the second period. "Gotta go guys" You began walking but turned around to see Jisoo admiring dimples from afar again. "Jisoo, come on." Jimin began to give her the pat on the back to get her moving. "All right, all right." she groaned in disappointment.

You looked back at the scene one more time to see mystery guy get passed one of the flyers for 'King and Occidental' before passing it to dimples. God, he really was gorgeous...You wondered if you should come back here again to stare at him again until you notice he was now looking at you. He had a smirk on his face and gave you from what you could only assume were 'bedroom eyes. You could only blush and give him a small smile and you turned around to join your friends.

His dark eyes following you out the door.


"God, I'd bet it'd be a rush~."

You went to Jisoo's house after school to sunbathe by her pool, she was admiring all the naked underwear models who practically had their tits out for display, on the magazine her mom left her. She was on her stomache,leaning on her elbows as you stared up at the sky on your towel,your head comfortably set on the rolled up towel you used as a makeshift pillow.

You let out a chuckle before responding. "You wouldn't actually do it." She looked at you with a confused look on her face. "Why not? Who wouldn't want millions of guys fantasizing about them?" She grabbed the magazine before shifting onto her back as she opening the magazine back up so you could properly see it.

"Its power."

"Its nuts."

"What? it doesn't feel good to be wanted?" She questioned,as she gave you a libidinous look, a lascivious smirk on her face. "What about Dak-Ho Hangul?He wants you bad~" she gave you a salacious pur at the end of her sentence.

You gave her a scoff. "He doesn't want me.He just....." you had to stop to actually think for a second. "I don't really know what he wants. Everytime I go out with him, I feel like I should be paid for babysitting."

You both let out laughs, the sun beating down on your skin as you could hear the seagulls in the sky and the sounds of the ocean splashing near her house. She looked at you again with happiness on her face. "Come with me tonight! There's sure to be something going on down there." Again, you had to let her. "I told you, I gotta do this family thing"

You them heard the sound of Jisoo's mom coming onto the patio. "Ok,I'm leaving now you guys, there's food in the fridge and money on the counter. If you need to reach me,I'll be at the St.Francis under Hak-kun's name,ok?" Jisoo waved to her. "Okay mom!" Her mother the proceeded to blow her a raspberry. "Be good, love you."

You looked over at Jisoo with a curious look. "Who's Hak-kun?" She turned over on her stomach to rest her chin on her forearms. "Some old coot in San Francisco.....with a potbelly and a lotta dough~" you both let out giggles before she continued. "He promised her a Mercedes. Which means I get the Rabbit. Don't you just love life~?"

Before you could respond, Jisoo's mom came back out onto the patio. "Y/n? Your father's here to pick you up." You look back at Jisoo with a sarcastic but humorous look on your face.

"Oh,yeah, life's just great."




You sat shotgun to your father as he began to drive down the county road with you, oddly enough with country playing on the radio. "Is it absolutely mandatory that I see James Taylor again?" You father looked at you with a confused look on his face. "When did you ever see a James Taylor concert?"

You gave him a droll look. "You,Me, Mom, summer of '85, ring any bells?" Your dad had a surprised look on his face. "85?pffft!You would have been-" "-six". You had cut him off. But he progressed. "That doesn't count! I'm surprised you even remember it!"

You let out a devastated sigh. "I dont think there's a thing that's ever happened....or not happened,for that matter....that I don't remember. You're the one who blocks out the past."

Sejin gave you a disheartened stare before focusing back on the road. "Y/n, I don't block out anything. It's just takes longer to sort through forty years of data....then it does sixteen." Then you chipper. "Maybe you oughts consider upgrading to a faster chip"

He let's out a hefty chuckle as you smile.

"You know,sometimes you're pretty funny."

"I have my moments."

He gave your knee a rub before going back to the wheel and smiling at you. "It'll be fun tonight! You,me,Chan-hee,Mal-chin. Old memories, new adventures...It'll be like real life." You let out a sigh of exhaustion. He gives you one last look. "Okay,my little sugar plum?" You give a big grin.

"Okay, my little nectarine."


"Come on! Not even a nice schmoozy conference call? Please.......All right. What choice do I have?I'll see you at the airport.."


After you both got home, you offered to help Chan-hee with dinner,for which she gratefully appreciated. Your dad was told to make a phone call to Jin before hoping in the shower. You were talking to Chan-hee and Mal-Chin while preparing tempura prawns.

"Shes got this little chain she hooks through it and wraps around her waist. What would dad do if I got one?" You asked.

"You know exactly what he would do." Chan-hee warned.

"Bullet to the brain." Mal-chin joked.

"Mal-chin." Chan-hee strained causing him to shut up.

It was then you noticed your dad standing in the doorway of the kitchen with a sad look on his face. Your gaze was followed by Chan-hee who also shared a a concerned look. "What?" She asked. "I can't go to the concert,I have to go to Vancouver." He informed.

"Now?" She asked, distraught. "I have to meet the client for dinner in three hours."

Once again your father has left you disappointed.

"Oh Jesus,Sejin. We've been planning this thing for weeks. The whole thing was your idea."

"Honey, nobody wanted to go more than me,what would you like me to do about it?"

"Keep your word to your family is what you could do."

"Oh yeah,Then we could all just starve to death."

"Oh spare me the melodrama,nobody's starving to death."

You scoffed,done with this petty argument, your dad was starting to excuse himself. "You're right dad.Just like real life." You heard something slam and crash as you stormed up to you room where you kept your cordless telephone, where you began to punch in the numbers and waited until the other line was on.

"Jisoo, 'King and Occidental'? I'm with you."


'King and Occidental' was fucking lit.

Loud music flooded the warehouse as light flashed all around you people were either dress half naked due to the heat of the room or dressed head to toe in club fashion otherwise they'd be scarlet! Everyone in the crowd was dancing, making out, cheering and having a blast.

You and Jisoo began to manoeuvre through the crowd to find a place to hang. She was wearing a tight body con dress while you had opted for a mini skirt and long sleeved crop top. You could already feel the make-up Jisoo applied to your face an hour ago begin to melt due to the heat of the room. You were stopped by Jisoo when she pointed in a certain direction and low and behold, there was dimples, partying the night away, showing the crowd his moves, and certainly it was a crowd, people were cheering for him and everything.

"Its that guys from Largos!" She yelled, her face was red but you could tell it wasn't from the heat in the room that made her all hot and bothered. "Let's go say hi!" But you quickly shut her down. "Nah, I think I'll just be over here,okay?" You didn't say this because of the introvert you were but because you you know that look she has from anywhere and this was her time to shine.

She began to strut through the crowd and began dancing with him. Although he had look of confusion on his face he quickly past it off and began dancing along with her.

You stood by a pillar by your lonesome. Although you agreed to go to 'king and Occidental' with Jisoo, she was now dancing with a guy she took a liking to and most likely will bring him home with her after this fiasco. You honestly had no clue what to do now, dance with a random stranger who will most likely be rubbing up all over you, hoping to hit a home run? It actually made you shiver. You came here with Jisoo because once again your dad had broken his promise to you and you wanted to forget that afternoon, besides, doing something was better than nothing but then again, what were you suppose to do?

Distracted by your thoughts, you failed to sense the presence of someone strutting up beside you. You were distracted by the flashing lights and grinding of bodies until you felt a hot breath on your ear. A deep and husky voice whisper in your ear.


You were startled. You looked over to see the mysterious man from Largos. He was dressed this time in black jeans and a red flanel that did nothing to hide his muscles. He had in ear piercings and earrings you were 85% sure he didn't have in early. He looked more pale and lips more red. His hair was almost in his eyes and his skin shiny with sweat. He looked at you with those dark eyes as though he was trying to analyse you.

You had no clue what to say or do so you said the first thing that came to mind.


Nailed it.

"Your not dancing."

"I know."

This was starting to turn awkward.

"You're not dancing either." Was all you could say. He just stared at you, with an amused expression. He was clearly waiting for you to say the right thing, something he could respond to giving the heat on the moment and the intensity in the air.

"How come?" You asked, grinning like an idiot. "How come what?" He responded obviously, but you knew he knows but you'll indulge him. "How come you're not dancing?"

"Well...because.." he looked to his feet before looking at you. "No ones asked me." He smirked. The tension between you two was so thick you could cut it with a knife. But that ended when you heard the fight start.

You looked over to where Jisoo was and saw her standing right behind dimples as some guy came up to him arguing until dimples grabbed him by his shirt and head butted him before throwing him to the ground. Other fights started breaking out as you started to panic.

But you were then grabbed around the shoulders by your mysterious knight as he looked into your eyes. "Hey,come on! Let's get out of here!" You grabbed the other hand he offered as you two began to manoeuvre through the crowd,Him, pushing and shoving those who they'd try to get in your way as you clung to him tightly, scared of being separated from your only means of protection.

"NAMJOON!" Yelled your knight as you looked over your shoulder to see where he was yelling for. Turns out it was dimples, Jisoo's new dance partner. Speakers and tall tiki lights were being knocked over as he scanned the crowd looking for the source of his friend until he spotted you. Grabbing Jisoo and making his way over to you guys.

You spotted a flight of stairs and pointed to it as he nodded in agreement. He usherd you to go up first before following you, looking over the stair to where his friend and yours were before yelling yet again while motioning his arm forward. "Namjoon! Come on!"

You had reached the top of the building where it was calm for now. He began to look around to see if there were anymore threats lurking about. "You okay?" He asked. "Yeah,how are we gonna get down?" you questioned.

"I'll think of something..." he said quietly as he quickly jogged over to the side of the building where there looked to be a ladder.

"Come on." He said as you jogged over to him. He was on a ladder that laid next to a fire escape but there was only one problem. "The ladders jammed!" He exclaimed. "What now?" you asked, if you tried to jump to the fire escape, you most likely will sprain an ankle. "This is what we'll do." You saw his movements as you tried to yell for him to stop but he had already jumped from the jammed ladder to the fire escape. He seemed fine enough, then he looked back to you. "You need to get on the ladder and jump from there, I'll catch you from here!"

People were running from the building as you noticed police cars start to surround the area. The sounds of smashing glass and the toppling of metal infrastructures came from inside the building. Fights were breaking out and fires were being unceremoniously lit. A police helicopter started flying over head. Screams filled the air as you worried about the stability of the fire escape you were to jump on. "Don't worry! It's safe! Come on!" The helicopter light shined on you briefly before you descended what was there of the ladder but before you got far you saw a scurry of screaming people fly out the door of the roof, among them way Jisoo and Namjoom, Him protecting her from the flurry of people trying to knock them down. "JISOO!" You screamed.

She looked at you with a happy-go-lucky expression as she waved to you." I'll see you later!" She yelled and she grabbed Namjoon who was kicking some dudes to the ground. "Come on!"she squealed as she dragged him off in the opposite direction. You looked back to your new acquaintance looking at you with reassurance in his eyes. "Its ok! I won't let anything happen to you,I promise!"

It was there you jumped.

And he caught you like promised.

From there you both escaped the chaos of 'King and Occidental'.


You had driven up to the park by the ocean, you both were quiet throughout the whole ride here, you just safely assumed he was taking you somewhere safe. Not the safest thing to do with a stranger but he did safe you from 'King and Occidental'. But you didn't mind, it was a nice spot, a nice change from the loud noise and bright lights. He had parked his monza Convertible alongside the path near the ocean and stepped out when you decided to break the ice.

"Isn't this the car they stopped making cause it...I don't know, blows up or something?" You asked, trying to start make conversation.

"Guess that's why I got her. I saw her sittin' there all alone,cold in the junkyard. You know , it's not her fault they didn't put her together right."

You the began to smile unknowingly.

" You said that like you really meant it."

"I did."


He had introduced himself as Jeon Jungkook, and you had introduced yourself as Y/n L/n. You both sat on the bench overlooking the ocean.You talked more about cars, you talked about your friends and you ended up talking about your home life and then to your life before moving to Seattle, he never interrupted once, he just sat right beside you and listen intently.

"I stayed with my real mom in L.A. After my dad moved up here...I was only nine years old at the time..It was just the two of us in this big house. She was so sad most of the time that I felt like I was the one taking care of her." You had stopped short there..you didn't know if you should continue or not but Jungkook took your silence as sign you were done.

"It must if been tough" he said, his hand making it's way to your lower back to give it a gentle rub. "Yeah.." you sighed, appreciating the way how his touch made you feel safe, even if you hardly knew the guy, you still felt like you could trust him.

"How 'bout your dad? You get along with him alright?"

"I don't know. I moved up here about a year ago. It's not like we really know each other that well."


"Hmm... how about you?" You smiled "Do you have parents?"

He chuckles."Do I have parents?

You chuckle back. "That you see and stuff! You know what I mean."

"Yeah they're back east, I talk to them all the time, seven times a week!" He exclaimed jokingly, causing you to giggle.

"They're still together?"

"Yeah, but they're weird though! I mean they're totally cool, totally together. It's just that they've never had a disagreement more serious than tea or coffee, cake or pie, ham or Turkey."

You both broke out into a series of giggles, you let your mind wonder when you let a mumble slip from you lips.

"What?" He ask.

"Nothing" you quickly said but you were already in his arms.

"There was not nothing going on behind those beautiful eyes of yours. Tell me."

"I was just thinking your not at all what I was expecting you to be the first time I saw you.."

"How so?"

"I don't know.You're just... you're so sweet but.."

You look him the eyes before replying.

"I feel like I'm not the only one hiding something."

He sat up straighter." Its just that I've been taught that if something is too good to be true, then it probably isn't." You nodded your head in agreement with a small "hm-mm" before he continued. "So far what I know about you is you're beautiful.....and incredibly perceptive. I just need to know like one flaw so I can believe the rest."

You grinned. "Got a week?"

"All the time in the world." He prolonged.

You quickly rolled up your sleeve to check your watch to see it was 11:40 pm. You sighed in disappointment. "Oh Jungkook..I gotta go, my curfew's at midnight." so there goes your chance to hang out with a cute,sweet guy. But you then noticed him lean over to your watch. "Really? Let's see about that?" He gently took you arm before reeling the dial to go back 3 hours. "See? All the time in the world~"

He leaned over to your cheek and began to kiss it softly. You turned your head to meet his lips, the kiss was soft and gentle, his lips felt soft and pillowy and moved in perfect formation with yours. This wasn't your first kiss but it definitely felt like it as your body switched to 'vibrate' mode. It began to get more passionate as he tilted his head to get a better angle at kissing you. Both your eyes were closed,enjoying the moment. Your right hand was gripped by his left hand, although calloused, held your more softer one with care. You felt his other hand run through your hair before softly caressing your neck causing pleasurable shivers to run down your spine, making you moan into the kiss. He took this initial to make a more bold move as his hand moved down from your neck,passed your collarbone to grope your breast.

You recoiled from his touch immediately. Pulled away from his lips and tenderly prayed his arm away. "Jungkook...I.." you looked down feeling uncomfortable and embarrassed after what transpired.

Jungkook looked worried and frightened. He held your hand tighter. Had he done something to upset you? Had he been too quick? "What's wrong? Did you not like that?"

You sighed. "No..its just..."

It took him a few seconds to realise what you were trying to relay to him. "Oh..so you're?" You nodded shame. "Guess you found my flaw after all..."

You didn't know what to expect but a small laugh and a gentle smile made it way onto his face. "That's not a flaw, that's one more thing for me to admire and respect." he gently kissed your hand before continuing.

"And wait for."

Your time together was bliss, a full moon shone down on the two of you continued into the night. Everything about it was so innocent and pure and nothing could ruin it. But if only you had the power to look into the future....

....you would have walked away and never of looked back.


So that's part one done! I'll get part two done soon so make sure to keep checking in!

4 years ago

I wish there was more yandere BTS stuff, I feel like I’ve read through them all