Mainly Star Wars and defending the Jedi because that is the hill I am going to die on.
332 posts
Obi Wan And Yoda (along With Pretty Much Every Other Order 66 Survivor) Lost So Much Its Painful. Please
Obi Wan and Yoda (along with pretty much every other Order 66 survivor) lost so much it’s painful. Please SW writers, leave the space monks alone.
man do you ever think about what a fucking travesty it is that poor yoda had to outlive the jedi order. my grandmother outlived her eldest son & it destroyed her. yoda spent 800 years outliving everyone he ever knew & then their collective legacy was utterly wiped out & he had to survive it. my god, this fandom does not give him enough credit for coming through that at all, let alone as well as he did. i'm fucking sad
Also why do you think he died from 'old age' when he was so spry a mere 20 years prior.
Also don't think about his S6 arc and the visions he had of Order 66 and how it was already almost enough to make him shut down, and then he had to live through it again, for real, and live with the knowledge that he couldn't stop any of it, and still cling to the hope that victory 'for all time' would come.
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More Posts from Tiredbastard59
Another thing I hear all the time (typically as an offhanded way of justifying their genocide or need to have cultural change imposed upon them). is “tHe JeDi SuPpOrTeD a CoRrUpT sYsTeM”, that therefore by “supporting” the Republic the Jedi are intrinsically flawed and should be forced to change (or deserve genocide).
Do they really “support” a corrupt system? The Jedi are constantly critical of the Republic’s conduct, they aren’t happy with how things are going. Also-and this is an incredibly simple distinction seriously what kind of idiot can’t pick up on this, but the Jedi are not the Republic’s government. The Jedi are under the Republic’s-more specifically the Senate’s-authority, they are duty-bound to obey it and they have no say in how it is run. The Jedi specifically reject such roles of authority, they do not want, and even believe they don’t deserve, to rule over people.
Also here’s something the people wailing on the Jedi’s “support” of a corrupt system never address: What is the alternative? What other system of Galactic governance should the Jedi align themselves with? (also think of the implications, instability, and potential disasters that could stem from a Jedi order constantly hopping from one government to the next whenever they feel like the current one is not up to code) At the time of the fall of the Republic there was only one other Galactic power, Hutt space
And don’t you dare suggest “jUsT lEaVe ThE rEpUbLiC” because that is fucking stupid. Oh, the government doesn’t meat your standards? Well logically the best thing to do is refuse to be a part of it and therefore refuse to try and change things for the better. The problem is still ongoing, but your arbitrary holier-than-thou morals are secure and you didn’t have to actually do anything. But also, and people really need to get this in their fucking heads, the Jedi can’t just do as they please. They act with the Republic’s consent, they have to ask for permission, their authority to act in a situation comes from their place as representatives and defenders of the Republic, the Jedi are not vigilantes.
And now comes the part where people go on about how the Jedi should just change the government. Again, the Jedi are not vigilantes, they are not the government, and they are not a legislative body, they can only do so much. And there are only 10,000 Jedi (of all ages) in a Republic that has more planets than that and a population in the Quadrillions (low number). To give an idea of the numbers we’re looking at, if you put the Jedi on Earth that’s 780,000 people per single Jedi, and that’s just one planet! And why do the Jedi have to be the ones to fix the Republic’s corruption? Why don’t all the leaders, senators, politicians and common people have a responsibility to hold the system accountable and change it when it needs to?
And last we have this, in spite of corruption, the Republic still is the best government in the Galaxy. Its Democratic, its not conquering the Galaxy, slavery is illegal, it wasn’t designed as a means of dominating the Galaxy by an evil cult of edgelords, and it lasted for thousands of years, whereas every other Galactic government caps out within decades at most. The late Republic definitely had flaws, but that no reason to leave it, throw it away or not try to make things better.

look how likely is it that Obi-Wan would come across a giant animal companion and not immediately become best friends??
[from my series of underrated sw atla duos: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
Honestly, Mandos are more like the SW version of Batman but on the scale of an entire race. Their badass normals who skills get played up to the point of absurdity at points and who develops a fan base that can be really obnoxious about just how skilled they really are. Not a 1 to 1 comparison for sure but the basic concept of “normal people who do batshit insane things and get a really big fanbase cause of it which causes some writers to make them even more badass” is there.
Not to drag star trek into this but does the whole different factions of mandalorians fighting among themselves kind of resemble Vulcan history? I'm not sure if the connection is deliberate probably not but it's interesting if it were
Nah, I don't think it mirrors the Vulcans much. The Vulcans had that anti-Surak faction that became the Romulans all the way back in TOS. That duality is foundational.
The Mandalorians are just a retcon pissing contest.
>rando with a gun fetish writes the Fremen into Star Wars and makes them the even-strongerer-than-Jedi Gary Stu race
>George Lucas goes "k, well, I never intended to do that with the Mandalorians so you're going to have to deal with what I actually choose to write" after six movies and a ton of shitty comic books; retconned late like the Klingon forehead thing
>massive backlash from the Gary Stu fandom because now their cool gun men are faggy pussies who don't beat their children
>new show re-retcons the Fremen back to earn Disney fandom goodwill after the sequel dumpster fire
That's about the shape of it.
Qui Gon was totally an absolute menace at these conferences. Man would probably show up high as balls and give some totally batshit presentation about like prophecy’s and shit that would get him called a pretentious fuckwad at least once while Obi Wan dies in the corner.
I still want to write the fic where an outsider has all these preconceptions about what the Force is and then goes into a room with a bunch of Jedi who are tearing into each other like bitchy old academics.
“Ooh, look at Master Structuralist over here with his ever-so-deep ‘everything is attachment actually’ reading”
“I don’t want to hear that from someone who calls every new opinion ‘new depths of their relationship with the Force’”
“The Jedi Order is a social construct–”
“Could you stuff the po-mo and pick up a book once in a while? These aren’t new ideas! You are not a pioneer because you asked one question!”
“I think you could all benefit on more reflection on how our rooting in the Force is actually deeply sexual–”
“If I have to hear one more word about lightsabers being penis envy you are going to be one with the Force immediately.”

May the 4th be with you! Or in other words, HAPPY STAR WARS DAY!!!
Tried to get in as many of my Jedi/Light Side Force sensitive favs as I could. From top to bottom: (Prequels/Clone Wars) Yoda, Mace Windu, Kit Fisto, Plo Koon, Adi Gallia, Depa Billaba, Luminara Unduli, Barriss Offee, Quinlan Vos, Aayla Secura, Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Ahsoka Tano, (Rebels) Kanan Jarrus, Ezra Bridger, (Original Trilogy) Leia Organa, Luke Skywalker, (TFA) Finn, and Rey.
Also, condensed version I made for Twitter:

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