Jedi Order - Tumblr Posts

Can we get an f in the chat for this absolute legend? Man really came out here and used protecting civilians as a battle cry and I respect that.
Another thing I hear all the time (typically as an offhanded way of justifying their genocide or need to have cultural change imposed upon them). is “tHe JeDi SuPpOrTeD a CoRrUpT sYsTeM”, that therefore by “supporting” the Republic the Jedi are intrinsically flawed and should be forced to change (or deserve genocide).
Do they really “support” a corrupt system? The Jedi are constantly critical of the Republic’s conduct, they aren’t happy with how things are going. Also-and this is an incredibly simple distinction seriously what kind of idiot can’t pick up on this, but the Jedi are not the Republic’s government. The Jedi are under the Republic’s-more specifically the Senate’s-authority, they are duty-bound to obey it and they have no say in how it is run. The Jedi specifically reject such roles of authority, they do not want, and even believe they don’t deserve, to rule over people.
Also here’s something the people wailing on the Jedi’s “support” of a corrupt system never address: What is the alternative? What other system of Galactic governance should the Jedi align themselves with? (also think of the implications, instability, and potential disasters that could stem from a Jedi order constantly hopping from one government to the next whenever they feel like the current one is not up to code) At the time of the fall of the Republic there was only one other Galactic power, Hutt space
And don’t you dare suggest “jUsT lEaVe ThE rEpUbLiC” because that is fucking stupid. Oh, the government doesn’t meat your standards? Well logically the best thing to do is refuse to be a part of it and therefore refuse to try and change things for the better. The problem is still ongoing, but your arbitrary holier-than-thou morals are secure and you didn’t have to actually do anything. But also, and people really need to get this in their fucking heads, the Jedi can’t just do as they please. They act with the Republic’s consent, they have to ask for permission, their authority to act in a situation comes from their place as representatives and defenders of the Republic, the Jedi are not vigilantes.
And now comes the part where people go on about how the Jedi should just change the government. Again, the Jedi are not vigilantes, they are not the government, and they are not a legislative body, they can only do so much. And there are only 10,000 Jedi (of all ages) in a Republic that has more planets than that and a population in the Quadrillions (low number). To give an idea of the numbers we’re looking at, if you put the Jedi on Earth that’s 780,000 people per single Jedi, and that’s just one planet! And why do the Jedi have to be the ones to fix the Republic’s corruption? Why don’t all the leaders, senators, politicians and common people have a responsibility to hold the system accountable and change it when it needs to?
And last we have this, in spite of corruption, the Republic still is the best government in the Galaxy. Its Democratic, its not conquering the Galaxy, slavery is illegal, it wasn’t designed as a means of dominating the Galaxy by an evil cult of edgelords, and it lasted for thousands of years, whereas every other Galactic government caps out within decades at most. The late Republic definitely had flaws, but that no reason to leave it, throw it away or not try to make things better.
Obi Wan and Yoda (along with pretty much every other Order 66 survivor) lost so much it’s painful. Please SW writers, leave the space monks alone.
man do you ever think about what a fucking travesty it is that poor yoda had to outlive the jedi order. my grandmother outlived her eldest son & it destroyed her. yoda spent 800 years outliving everyone he ever knew & then their collective legacy was utterly wiped out & he had to survive it. my god, this fandom does not give him enough credit for coming through that at all, let alone as well as he did. i'm fucking sad
Also why do you think he died from 'old age' when he was so spry a mere 20 years prior.
Also don't think about his S6 arc and the visions he had of Order 66 and how it was already almost enough to make him shut down, and then he had to live through it again, for real, and live with the knowledge that he couldn't stop any of it, and still cling to the hope that victory 'for all time' would come.
Hey y’all. Gonna just shimmy on in here.
Always nice to find another Jedi fan, lol. It's astonishing how rare that sometimes is in this fandom.
Thank you! Also nice to meet you, we really can be hard to find in the wilds of tumblr, lol.
anyway today I’m emotional about how the rebel insignia is a combination of the jedi order insignia and sabine’s phoenix because the jedi order may be gone but their spirit, their ideals, their love for the universe, their fight, their legacy lives on in the rebellion and so they will never truly die

@jedijune 02 The Force
✨🌙 ART LOG -> @404ama
It’s jarring seeing how young Anakin and Ahsoka are in live action,and that’s the point. You look at these two babies,responsible for hundreds if not thousands of men in the middle of a war zone,with blaster fire reigning down,and you think oh god they’re children. And it’s not the Jedi’s fault,it’s exactly as Anakin says,it’s fight or die. They didn’t want war,to raise their padawans on battlefields or change the entire purpose of their order from keepers of the peace to soldiers.But the Separatists don’t fight fair,and certainly not Sidious backing it all. They pull unwilling planets into war they want no part of,and murder innocent civilians,and conquer entire systems in the name of “freedom and justice.”
The fact is this isn’t a war involving hundreds or thousands,it’s billions upon billions. It’s entire star systems and planets of families and children. The Separatists poison welled entire planets and THAT is what’s on the line for the Jedi. Not politics or the ideals of the Republic,but billions of people they’re meant to protect. And they don’t have a choice,not really,they have their own children on battlefields because of it,because it’s fight or die. And there’s no winning for the Jedi posted out in the field,because they are few and stretched laughably thin,and stuck between saving civilians and taking care of their own men in hopeless situations. They die doing it,one after the other. For a galaxy that turns on them and swallows down Sidious’s poison to believe they were to blame,that it was all their fault and they were greedy and warmongering.
Jedi padawans,children,fought to survive on battlefields,because they had to and for an order sworn on protection,there was no other choice. But as Anakin says,that is not their legacy,and it is not all they are. The Jedi are not the Clone Wars,and they are not children on battlefields,they are more than that. They are sacrifice,and selflessness,and hope,and giving everything for a galaxy that turns its back on them. They are enduring love,endless love.
Well there are these fic's
I think they are exactly that
I'm not sure if that is what you meant but I love these fic's.
The first ones are compleate, but the last one is on hold.
P.S. This fic is similar
imagine if the senate made the jedi like make a documentary for whatever reason so the public view during the war of them gets better or something and it’s just the funniest shit ever bc the Jedi might be seen as just rigid or uptight by the public but it’s the total opposite

Oc : Anna Skywalker, la sœur jumelle d'Anakin Skywalker
Oc : Anna Skywalker, twin sister of Anakin Skywalker
I love to think that the Jedis could fall in love all along and Anakin was just too obtuse to realise that "no attachments" and "can't get marry" doesn't mean "can't fall in love"
I love Self Forefilling Prophecies.
“The quote is simple enough, it’s Qui-Gon’s defense of Anakin after Obi-Wan insists that he and the entire Council can see that Anakin is dangerous.
‘His fate is uncertain. He’s not dangerous.’
And it’s true, Anakin wasn’t dangerous, not at this point. Ani was a relatively happy little boy who was expressive, emotive, and unerringly kind, who had been raised to think intelligently for himself and problem-solve along the way. But the things that made him a good person in normal circumstances were the very things that turned the Jedi Order against him. The Jedi would need to take everything that was /Ani/ away and instill their own doctrines, beliefs, and ways of seeing the galaxy to make him one of them, but at his advanced age, Anakin’s personality was likely setting into place. They wouldn’t be able to fully overcome his own instincts and opinions – he wasn’t a baby or a toddler who they could teach or force to think how they chose – therefore he was /dangerous/, he was other, and they immediately treated him as such.
Instead of welcoming him with acceptance and understanding or even compassion, the council immediately set themselves apart from Anakin and make it clear – to a child who had just escaped enslavement and had helped two of their own order – that he was not welcome in their company because he was going down the dark side path simply because he admitted to feeling fear. …In an entirely new place with strangers who are testing him left, right, and center, far away from the only source of love and security he’s ever know, it’s no wonder Ani is afraid. The Jedi use a little boy’s love of his mother to make him unworthy of their time and consideration, they twist love into a weakness and call themselves the better for it.
…Qui-Gon was right. Anakin wasn’t dangerous until the Jedi made him so. The Jedi created their own destruction and it eventually cost them everything. I think this is a theme that often goes overlooked because it’s the ‘good-guys’ doing the wrong things and we like to turn a blind eye to that sort of thing, but it bears noting that the same thing happens again in the sequel trilogy. Lessons are not being learned here. Ben Solo struggled with the darkness inside himself all his life, but it was Luke – a Jedi – who sealed his fate and the galaxy’s by deciding for everyone that his nephew was /dangerous/ and needed to be dealt with. Another great evil is born because of the judgement of the peace-keeping righteous. And it’s just as Rey says, Luke created Kylo Ren, the same way the Council created Darth Vader, and it began here in The Phantom Menace.”
—The Phantom Menace: Judgement and Consequence
Me *supposed to be trying to fall asleep*: Oh my gosh, none of the Jedi Starfighters had hyperdrives! Palpatine didn’ want them to escape if they were in a starfighter when the time came to execute Order 66!
That sneaky, clever, manipulative monster.
Fear is the Path to the Dark Side, Fear Leads to Anger, Anger leads to Hate, Hate . . . Leads to Suffering
I don’t think that there’s a single Star Wars fan that doesn’t remember the sentence. It’s iconic and a prophecy of what Anakin’s life would be like in 13-14 years.
But has anyone considered that it isn’t just the fear, anger and hate that is in your heart that leads to the Dark Side and suffering?
Yes, Anakin was afraid. Who honestly wouldn’t be afraid after nine years as a slave, where you could be sold if your owner considered you useless or fell onto hard times or just no longer needed a slave with your talents, Anakin himself tells Padmé that he wouldn’t have lasted long if he wasn’t good at building things, and you’re surrounded by twelve of the most powerful people in the galaxy, hoping that they will accept you into their ranks and instead they read you like an open book and act like you missing your mother and worrying about her because she’s still a slave and your Master lost heavily on bets he made is a bad thing and will lead to a bad place.
However, I would argue that the whole fear, anger and hate leads to the Dark Side is a two way street. Yes you can get there by yourself but others can and often do help on the way.
The Jedi Council was AFRAID of Anakin and what he represented. They were afraid because if he really was created by the Force that meant that the Sith, who they dismissed being around still just a few hours ago, were either back or had never been destroyed and, if you want to delve into the prophecies in Master and Apprentice, faced condemnation and destruction because of their actions or lack of action. And if reading the Bible and knowing Human Nature no one likes to be told that they are not living a good life and that there will be consequences for their choices. So if Anakin is the Chosen One than that would mean that the Sith are back or never were destroyed like they thought and if the prophecy of the Chosen One is right than the prophecy about the loss of many Jedi lives could happen and that prophecy says that the Jedi had lost their way which is/led to their destruction so that means that they’re doing something wrong and no one wants to think or believe that they’re not living a good life and need to make changes.
So Anakin represented the possible beginning of their end, not something ANYONE likes to think about, and when they were able to confirm that the Sith were back/still around fear moved in. Fear because they had somehow missed the Sith for a thousand years and fear of what would happen to the Jedi Order.
Anger is harder but I am sure that the Jedi Council felt anger towards Anakin. Some of it was no doubt because he didn’t always listen and obey, hard to control, some of it could have been fear/anger at the idea that the Jedi Order was ignoring its mandate to protect people and that many Jedi would be lost because of it and Anakin represents that.
And while they probably didn’t outright hate Anakin they were angry and later grew to hate how Palpatine maneuvered them into letting him have access to Anakin which led them attempung ti use Anakin to spy on Palpatine which helped lead to their downfall.
I just don’t understand why they just either tried harder to dissuade the friendship, even if it meant assigning Obi-Wan and Anakin to someplace far away from Coruscant, or simply telling Palpatine that they needed Anakin elsewhere in the war, besides there are other Jedi better suited for the role he wants, and immediately assign Anakin offworld to help any number of Jedi that needed support.
And then we have Mace Windu who acted on fear, anger and hate when he learned from Anakin that Palpatine was the Sith Lord they had been looking for all these years.
So we get the destruction of the Jedi Order, something that the Jedi Council had feared for some time, because of fear, anger and hate which led to the suffering of surviving Jedi as well as the galaxy because they had unintentionally helped put a Sith Lord in power but also gave him a powerful and deadly Apprentice/enforcer.
So we have fear, which led to anger, anger that led to hate and the hate gave way to suffering.
And that veered off but instead of ending up in the weeds I ended up at a slightly different destination. Either way: your fear, anger and hate don’t necessarily lead YOU to the Dark Side and suffering but it can lead others to it.
Jedi June 2022

A creative fandom event dedicated to appreciating the Jedi, taking place during the weekends of June! Each day of the weekends will feature a prompt, around which people can create fanwork (of any kind – fic, art, cosplay, edits, anything you can think of) or meta focusing on the Jedi and the Jedi Order. All eras and continuities are welcome; OCs, established characters, doesn’t matter – it just needs to be about appreciating the Jedi!
If you are participating, please tag your work/meta with #jedi june and/or @ this blog so that I will see it and reblog it here. All work must be your own. Feel free to crosspost it off-site.
This is an appreciation event, focusing on what we love and enjoy about the Jedi – not what we don’t. This is not the place to air your grievances with the Code, take potshots at the Council, prop certain Jedi/certain eras of Jedi up at the expense of others, or disparage the Jedi Order or their philosophy and way of life in any way (including the concept of non-attachment). You are free to do that on your own time if that’s your thing, but it has no place within this event.
AUs and crossovers are allowed, with caveats: again, the purpose of this event is to appreciate the Jedi as Jedi, so sticking your favorite Jedi characters in something like a modern AU or making them all Sith or Mandalorian is not really within the spirit of this event. However, AUs such as making a non-Jedi character a Jedi, having a character survive their canon death, giving a character a different teacher or padawan, or killing Palpatine off-screen in an unspecified yet embarrassing and painful manner, would all be perfectly fine. Use your best judgement to determine whether an AU fits the spirit of the event or not.
Ships are allowed as long as they’re not between a child and adult, and following the above rules.
Following the weekend prompts is encouraged, but not required. Any sort of pro-Jedi content is encouraged all year month long, and if tagged (and following the rules), will be reblogged. It also does not have to be uploaded on the exact day - if it’s more convenient for you to post (for example) Monday and Friday of these weeks instead of Saturday and Sunday, your posts will still be reblogged here, although it may take until the weekend to get to them.
Saturday, June 4th: Commitment/Service
Sunday, June 5th: Non-attachment/Compassion
Saturday, June 11th: Mischief/Humor
Sunday, June 12th: Knowledge/Defense
Saturday, June 18th: Training/Tested
Sunday, June 19th: Community/Jedi Temple
Saturday, June 25th: Symbols/Faith
Sunday, June 26th: May the Force be with You

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask! I hope you will have fun participating!
Static banner credit @independence1776
gif banner credit @trickytricky1
What if the reason that the Jedi burn their dead is to prevent their bodies from being used as an army of the dead?
I love Star Wars
One of my favorite underutilized bits of Star Wars worldbuilding is how feelings literally soak into the physical world around you, if you’re Force-sensitive. Sometimes in really awful ways–Maul’s rage is still radiating off the walls in the Theed hangar 30 years later, because nobody goes in there to put new feelings into the walls, Luke can still feel Rey’s imprint on the meditation stone on Ahch-To after she leaves, Anakin and Ahsoka can still hear the screams of the dying in the Jedi hangar after the bombing–but that would also be there in good ways. Imagine walking into the Room of a Thousand Fountains where you touch a stone bench where Master Yoda was just meditating on, you’re not even psychometric, you can just feel the warmth and calm he left behind while he sat there. Imagine walking into the the Temple gardens where a Jedi Master was watering their space azalea bushes and you can feel their contentment radiating off the walls. Imagine walking into the refectory and feeling last week’s younglings class’ excitement over their upcoming field trip, how golden and glowing it is in the Force. Imagine walking into the Jedi Temple aviary, where they keep their pet birds, hearing the gentle cooing of the convors, but also feeling the connection all the Jedi before you have had with these animals, the joy that’s been permeated into the floor and walls with how much they’ve loved their time spent there. Imagine how being a psychic space wizard that can soak feelings into the world around you would change how you interact with that physical world. Imagine how giving a river stone isn’t just giving a neat rock, but giving someone the ability to hold affection and care literally right there in your hand, because you focused on putting all those feelings into the rock beforehand. Imagine how art performances would change, if you’re psychic and your audience is psychic, how you can literally hand them feelings or sit them on a cushion that you put a specific feeling into it, when you get to the climatic part of your play. Imagine how being able to put feelings into physical objects and then hand them to someone would play out!!!!
Luke Skywalker not only carried on the Jedi legacy from Obi-Wan, but also the responsibility of serving looks.

really tho i dont think it would matter if a new star war DID take a seriously harsh or critical look at the jedi, because they are not real, and any arguments about "george lucas' original intent" w/jedi will always be muddy bc he's not very smart