a silly little lesbian who loves godd howard too much (they/them)

463 posts

9 / 25 / 20 Um Hiii Idk How To Start This But My Name Is Roxanne & Im A 16 Y / O Lesbian . Im Living

9 / 25 / 20 um hiii idk how to start this but my name is roxanne & im a 16 y / o lesbian . im living with my mom and her power has been out for about 2 weeks and we have nowhere else to go because shes recently lost her car keys , which means we cant go out & get food or anything . my cat is also running out of food . the electricity bill is about $600 and she doesnt know when shell be able to pay it , it may be months because she doesnt have a job bc of her disabilities . i work at a seasonal halloween store but i dont get paid nearly enough to help her . if u could donate id appreciate it a lot

cashapp : $roxanne146

venmo : @roxanne146

im an artist btw ... if u want me to i can draw u something please im desperate my art blog is @todomatsu-matsuno

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More Posts from Todd-howard-devotee

4 years ago

Please Reblog is Your Blog is Safe for Non-Binary People.

4 years ago
I Want My Gay Rights Now! - Marsha P. Johnson (NYC Pride Parade, 1973)
I Want My Gay Rights Now! - Marsha P. Johnson (NYC Pride Parade, 1973)
I Want My Gay Rights Now! - Marsha P. Johnson (NYC Pride Parade, 1973)

I want my gay rights now! - Marsha P. Johnson (NYC Pride Parade, 1973)

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4 years ago

Please help me deal with my abusive parents!

What’s the situation?

It’s Christmas as I write this, and my siblings have just left to go back home. Which means that my parents are going to be focused on me again, which is not really a great situation! My paycheck is going to be nice and big because of the glut of hours I worked over the past few weeks for the Holiday Season, but despite my hard work I won’t get to touch any of it. I have no way to save up because my parents take my paychecks and just deposit them. I get no allowance, am not allowed to keep parts of my paycheck, my parents are hardly willing to give me money for coffee while I’m at work half of the time, and if I work late they often won’t give me money to actually get dinner, just make me eat before I leave (which is a real pain if I work, say, 3-11pm).

Why are you asking now, though? 

I asked my friends to send some money out of my PayPal Pool to my friend who’s been getting it for me in part because him having it earlier would mean that he could do more to help his son for Christmas. I was happy to help, but also did it with the understanding that I would be able to count on the gift of a family friend, who gives my siblings and I a $100 bill in a card each year for Christmas.


So, this text was sent to me as I was going to sleep, my mom told me that I would have to give her my money that I got as a gift and that it would be hers to dole out to me as she sees fit. This is ostensibly so I can’t use it in ways that she wouldn’t like, but in effect the chance of this working out in any way favorably for me are very low. 

When it comes down to it, I don’t really trust my parents. The way they take my paychecks means that they have complete control over just about everything financial in my life, and that is incredibly isolating. So, having $100 to do what I want with would be welcome, would be a very nice gift, but having to debase myself to my parents for it sounds pretty awful.

My parents deadname me on a literally constant basis (and generally refuse to acknowledge my transness even if they’ll acknowledge that i’m neither cis nor straight), are abusive, and very much make it so that living at home is hostile, miserable, makes me more depressed than should be possible. My depression is already treatment-resistant, but not only have they made living at home so bad that attempts at getting it treated have failed, they have gone on to blame me for that.

I can’t receive PayPal donations normally, because PayPal is unusable thanks to my parents confiscating my ID (which makes my paychecks uncashable!) and their control over my debit card (which i dont even have possession of!) and their general suspicion of me. So, where can you donate?


As it stands, my parents control all my money, the food I eat, where I go, and I essentially have no way of changing anything without money, whether it is trying to better my life or just have one that feels worth living.

This is the best place to donate to me because I can actually get this money, even in a roundabout fashion. I am going to try to do what I can to get out of this situation, but for now being able to access money on occasion is helpful to keeping me from doing anything drastic, which I am often tempted to do. it’s an awful situation but I’m trying to get through it, and I can hopefully use your help to get through it. Thank you!

4 years ago

Just an experiment. Reblog if you actually give a fuck about male victims of domestic violence and rape.

Of fucking course

What sick bastard doesn’t