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If You Havent Heard There Is A Literal Massacre Going On In Sudan.
If You Havent Heard There Is A Literal Massacre Going On In Sudan.
If You Havent Heard There Is A Literal Massacre Going On In Sudan.
If You Havent Heard There Is A Literal Massacre Going On In Sudan.
If You Havent Heard There Is A Literal Massacre Going On In Sudan.
If You Havent Heard There Is A Literal Massacre Going On In Sudan.
If You Havent Heard There Is A Literal Massacre Going On In Sudan.
If You Havent Heard There Is A Literal Massacre Going On In Sudan.
If You Havent Heard There Is A Literal Massacre Going On In Sudan.
If You Havent Heard There Is A Literal Massacre Going On In Sudan.
If You Havent Heard There Is A Literal Massacre Going On In Sudan.
If You Havent Heard There Is A Literal Massacre Going On In Sudan.

If you haven’t heard there is a literal massacre going on in Sudan.

People are getting kidnapped, arrested, raped and killed. This has been going on for a few days now but naturally there’s hardly any media coverage.


There are a few ways to help:

 - Emergency Medical Aid Donation

If You Havent Heard There Is A Literal Massacre Going On In Sudan.

- Facebook campaign raising funds for food and other necessities

- International Rescue Committee

- Save The Children

Even if you can’t donate please help spread the news!!


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4 years ago

Can you please reblog if your blog is a safe place for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, asexual, aromantic, pansexual, non binary, demisexual or any other kind of queer or questioning people? Because mine is.

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4 years ago
This Is Luigi. She Is 8 Months Old, And She Is So Incredibly Sweet. She Is One Of The Very First Rats
This Is Luigi. She Is 8 Months Old, And She Is So Incredibly Sweet. She Is One Of The Very First Rats
This Is Luigi. She Is 8 Months Old, And She Is So Incredibly Sweet. She Is One Of The Very First Rats
This Is Luigi. She Is 8 Months Old, And She Is So Incredibly Sweet. She Is One Of The Very First Rats
This Is Luigi. She Is 8 Months Old, And She Is So Incredibly Sweet. She Is One Of The Very First Rats
This Is Luigi. She Is 8 Months Old, And She Is So Incredibly Sweet. She Is One Of The Very First Rats

This is Luigi. She is 8 months old, and she is so incredibly sweet. She is one of the very first rats I’ve ever owned, and i love her so much. Having her in my life has seriously helped my mental health, and I am so grateful to be able to have the experience of loving her.

Unfortunately,  as pictured above, she has developed a mammary tumor. Tumors, especially mammary ones in girls, are too common in rats. They also unfortunately have the risk of returning.

The surgery will cost about $403. I need to speak with the vet about also having her spayed during surgery, which will reduce the risk of developing another tumor. This may cost extra. If she is not able to, I will need to contact a specialist, which will likely be more expensive. I will update if this happens.

Extra money that comes from this would be saved for any other medical costs that I would need to cover. I have 4 other rats that may have complications like this in the future.

If you are unable to donate. I completely understand and I appreciate you taking the time to read this. Thank you so much. If you are able to, please reblog this post and share with anyone you can.

Please Help Me Get My Rat's Tumor Removed organized by Kyle Tyburski
This is Luigi. She is 7 months old, and she is so incredibly sweet. She is one… Kyle Tyburski needs your support for Please Help Me Get My R

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4 years ago
Who Do You Call When The Police Murders?

‘Who do you call when the police murders?’

Seen in Hong Kong

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4 years ago

This is why Drag Queens are the best

When I was 16, I had a fake I.D. and decided to go to a gay bar by myself because some friends bailed on me. While there, an older gentleman bought me a drink. He wasn’t a creeper, and he definitely wasn’t unattractive. I accepted the drink and began talking to him. No big deal. As the hour progressed, I felt myself feeling strange. I mentioned that I felt like I had a headache, and this guy helped guide me out of the bar. As we were walking down the street, the thought of, ‘Oh god, he’s drugged me, I’m going to die’ came to my head. I tried to get away, but I was so drugged up that I could barely walk, let alone speak. It also didn’t help that I had really large ‘goth’ platform shoes because I was going through a phase. Anyway, this guy brought me to his suv and began undressing me. As a final act of defiance, I hit him over the head with my platform shoe. He then punched me, and I remember thinking, ‘Why don’t they ever give workshops to gay guys about being victims of rape too?’ While I was as careful as possible, I never saw the guy slip something in the drink. I even watched the bar tender make the drink. Anyway, I lied there completely paralyzed while this pervert was lubing up. I locked eyes with his for a moment, and that’s when it happened. A very large and angry drag queen opened the door of the vehicle and beat the shit out of my attempted rapist. She and her other drag friends helped dress and care for me while the police arrived. I was saved by a group of guardian drag queens. They were basically the modern day ‘angels from heaven.’

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4 years ago
I Want My Gay Rights Now! - Marsha P. Johnson (NYC Pride Parade, 1973)
I Want My Gay Rights Now! - Marsha P. Johnson (NYC Pride Parade, 1973)
I Want My Gay Rights Now! - Marsha P. Johnson (NYC Pride Parade, 1973)

I want my gay rights now! - Marsha P. Johnson (NYC Pride Parade, 1973)

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4 years ago
Race And Racism Is A Reality That So Many Of Us Grow Up Learning To Just Deal With. But If We Ever Hope
Race And Racism Is A Reality That So Many Of Us Grow Up Learning To Just Deal With. But If We Ever Hope
Race And Racism Is A Reality That So Many Of Us Grow Up Learning To Just Deal With. But If We Ever Hope
Race And Racism Is A Reality That So Many Of Us Grow Up Learning To Just Deal With. But If We Ever Hope
Race And Racism Is A Reality That So Many Of Us Grow Up Learning To Just Deal With. But If We Ever Hope
Race And Racism Is A Reality That So Many Of Us Grow Up Learning To Just Deal With. But If We Ever Hope
Race And Racism Is A Reality That So Many Of Us Grow Up Learning To Just Deal With. But If We Ever Hope
Race And Racism Is A Reality That So Many Of Us Grow Up Learning To Just Deal With. But If We Ever Hope
Race And Racism Is A Reality That So Many Of Us Grow Up Learning To Just Deal With. But If We Ever Hope
Race And Racism Is A Reality That So Many Of Us Grow Up Learning To Just Deal With. But If We Ever Hope
Race And Racism Is A Reality That So Many Of Us Grow Up Learning To Just Deal With. But If We Ever Hope
Race And Racism Is A Reality That So Many Of Us Grow Up Learning To Just Deal With. But If We Ever Hope
Race And Racism Is A Reality That So Many Of Us Grow Up Learning To Just Deal With. But If We Ever Hope
Race And Racism Is A Reality That So Many Of Us Grow Up Learning To Just Deal With. But If We Ever Hope
Race And Racism Is A Reality That So Many Of Us Grow Up Learning To Just Deal With. But If We Ever Hope

‘Race and racism is a reality that so many of us grow up learning to just deal with. But if we ever hope to move past it, it can’t just be on people of color to deal with it. It’s up to all of us – Black, white, everyone – no matter how well-meaning we think we might be, to do the honest, uncomfortable work of rooting it out. It starts with self-examination and listening to those whose lives are different from our own. It ends with justice, compassion, and empathy that manifests in our lives and on our streets.’ — Michelle Obama

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4 years ago


ZIMBABWE NEEDS YOUR HELP (please read and signal boost!)  there is little to no coverage on this crisis worldwide. Rally for it just like you have for Black Lives Matter in the US, Yemen, Australian bushfires etc. 

˗ˏˋ Link to petitions/donations!  ˊˎ˗

reposted from: @theslacktivists on IG 

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4 years ago

for all of you guys getting anxious about the environment and pollution

y’all deserve to hear the good news too, and yes i fact checked these.

7 miles of habitat for bees will be planted in london

the biggest coal plant in north america has been converted to solar panels

roads in edinburgh will close once a month to help pollution

maine has banned styrofoam

new york city and los angeles have both made “green new deals”

The london marathon replaced 200,000 single use water bottles with seaweed water pods

the bees in notre dame survived the fire, and the roof could possibly built in a more eco-friendly way.

the population of flightless kakapos (a cool bird) is rising

the carbon emissions in the uk are the lowest they’ve been since 1998

Another large bee habitat (.5 mil acres) has been created

there is a robot that delivers young coral to help repopulate the great barrier reef

portugal plans to stop using plastic on fruit, vegetables, and bread by 2020

106 new species of bees have been discovered in australia since 2010

a group of Sikhs plan to plant 1,000,000 trees as a gift to the earth

disney has made a mickey-shaped solar farm

Morgan freeman turned a 124 acre ranch in mississippi to a bee habitat

China plans on making a “forest city” to help clean up their air

An increasing amount of countries and states are beginning to ban single use plastics.

A couple replanted a whole forest in brazil (2.7 mil trees) in 20 years, and the animals have come back to live there

The hole in the ozone layer is repairing itself more each year

China plans on spending 360 billion dollars to improve renewable energy and has scrapped plans for coal powered plants that were going to be built.

A national park has been built in the amazon (3.3 mil acres in peru) to preserve the rainforest

Ireland and the uk have declared a climate emergency

The guy who played aquaman (jason momoa) has spent 31,000 dollars to help clean up plastic

South korea is now recycling 95% of food waste

There is a cleanup campaign being planned for mt. everest

Puerto rico wants to use all renewable energy by 2050 and is setting official goals for that

Some schools have special water bottle fill-up stations that encourage you to use refill and reuse plastic bottles rather than throwing them out after one use, these are becoming more common.

9 endangered species are thought to make a comeback this year

20 countries in africa are planning to make a “green wall” of trees and plants that will span the width of africa to stop desertification

recently, a lot of volunteers and organizations are planting a ton of trees.

Awareness about the environment and climate change is growing super fast right now among people and countries, which will only help us

Most pollution is caused by like 100 companies, but a few of those (like pepsi) are trying to cut down on that.

if this stuff keeps happening things will get even better, and the only thing stopping us really are those big companies who don’t want to pay the money to switch to more eco-friendly energy sources. i know the media tends to cause fear and stress about this stuff for a lot of people, but there really is hope.

easy things we can do: 


Plant gardens in your yard for bees if you can

Participate in community volunteer things that plant trees and gardens

Theres this search engine called ecosia that plants a tree for every 45 searches you make, it has almost 2 mil users. 

Pick up trash if you see it when you’re at the beach or in nature

If you have a fair amount of money, consider donating some to trustworthy environmental organizations

Start using a reusable water bottle (like those ones at target) rather than relying on single use plastic ones.

Cut the plastic rings on plastic milk bottles. You know, the little spiky plastic ring near the cap. Birds get those things stuck around their neck and die, so cut them so that they can’t get stuck on a neck.

If you can afford it, get some of those reusable grocery bags and sue those. most grocery stores have them, and it saves a lot of waste.

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4 years ago

Hello angels, I'm in a dire need of help and kindness. I understand these are awful times for everyone right now and I understand that everyone is trapped and limited. But please hear and spread my story if you can.

Hello Angels, I'm In A Dire Need Of Help And Kindness. I Understand These Are Awful Times For Everyone
Hello Angels, I'm In A Dire Need Of Help And Kindness. I Understand These Are Awful Times For Everyone
Hello Angels, I'm In A Dire Need Of Help And Kindness. I Understand These Are Awful Times For Everyone
Hello Angels, I'm In A Dire Need Of Help And Kindness. I Understand These Are Awful Times For Everyone
Hello Angels, I'm In A Dire Need Of Help And Kindness. I Understand These Are Awful Times For Everyone

I'm living in a very unsafe place. I live in a severe hoarding situation, and this is actually the best it has ever been. Earlier this year the hoard was worse but my family cleared a lot if it out which only made my grandmother panic and she has actually gotten worse. I've been physically stuck, buried and trapped in this hoard before, the white on the left photo is the ceiling. It almost crushed me to death.

Hello Angels, I'm In A Dire Need Of Help And Kindness. I Understand These Are Awful Times For Everyone
Hello Angels, I'm In A Dire Need Of Help And Kindness. I Understand These Are Awful Times For Everyone

This is really awful for me in so many ways. Rats and mice are everywhere, I see one every day. The building structure of the house itself is collapsed in two rooms next to my room and my room is collapsing now. I dont have any electricity in my room... I have a broken window and I live in Wisconsin. When winter comes I will freeze to death because I'm disabled and cant regulate my body temperature. I cant cook food here because next to the stove behind me in the third photo is where most of the rats run from and I'm afraid everything will fall on me. I can't even safely use the toilet because the toilet isnt secure into the floor. We dont even have an actual floor. :(

I'm getting really sick because of the decades of mold and decay and vermin in this house. The stairs are majorly blocked by hoard and has no railing, I have almost fallen and for me that would mean something dislocated and broken.

Please please be an angel to me and help me escape here :( my friend is trying to help me move into her home in Wyoming. I'm trying to move around November 17th, before it gets too cold for me to stay alive. We need money for the travel ticket and to send the sentimental possessions I have over to hopefully start my first healthy safe life.

My ko-fi is

My PayPal is

My friend's PayPal:

(Mindful of our deadnames)

Thank you angels please stay safe, stay kind ♡

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My Roommate And I Got Very Inspired Today And This Is What We Ended Up Doing:Rainbow Cupcakes!
My Roommate And I Got Very Inspired Today And This Is What We Ended Up Doing:Rainbow Cupcakes!
My Roommate And I Got Very Inspired Today And This Is What We Ended Up Doing:Rainbow Cupcakes!
My Roommate And I Got Very Inspired Today And This Is What We Ended Up Doing:Rainbow Cupcakes!

My roommate and I got very inspired today and this is what we ended up doing: Rainbow cupcakes!

I didn’t bake in ages (although I love baking&decorating) so I enjoyed it even more than usual (^.^)

@sirussly: you demanded to see pictures ;)

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There is not a single weakness that couldn't be a strength, too.

“Es gibt keine Schwäche, die nicht auch eine Stärke sein könnte” - Vera F. Birkenbihl

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#didn't you mean #he knows how to push Arthurs bottom #??? #but that's cute, too

das-alien-vom-planeten-wooh - das-alien-vom-planeten-wooh
das-alien-vom-planeten-wooh - das-alien-vom-planeten-wooh
das-alien-vom-planeten-wooh - das-alien-vom-planeten-wooh
das-alien-vom-planeten-wooh - das-alien-vom-planeten-wooh

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Munchkins, I'm doing the ooc q&a tonight or tomorrow (depending on how long my jetlag lets me stay awake). So come and ask me stuff! I am willing to answer your questions 😉

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It’s entirely your fault. You dragged me onto this sinking merthur ship and made me go down with you! (Please appreciate the pun)

More Importantly, Colin Morgan Is Beautiful. You Meet Him In Real Life And Think, Yeah, Nice, Sweet.
More Importantly, Colin Morgan Is Beautiful. You Meet Him In Real Life And Think, Yeah, Nice, Sweet.
More Importantly, Colin Morgan Is Beautiful. You Meet Him In Real Life And Think, Yeah, Nice, Sweet.

“More importantly, Colin Morgan is beautiful. You meet him in real life and think, yeah, nice, sweet. But he’s one of those lucky bastards that the camera absolutely loves. All cheekbones and black hair and mmm!” — Russell T Davies 

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Daaaamn. I need to see a video of this!!!! O.o

remember when colin won at the national television awards and he was stood on stage accepting his award and the camera cut to bradley in the audience and he was sat there with tears in his eyes

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It’s hard to find a good servant - Arthur Pendragon RP


Arthur: Merlin. What is this?!

Soo, @tinylilemrys and I noticed that there is a severe lack of bbc’s Merlin roleplayers. And we decided that we have to do something about that. And since my wig arrived today I simply needed to try out Arthur. If you haven’t seen this show yet, go and watch it! Now. It’s amazing!

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Oh my god, I can't stop watching 😂😂😂

If you were a model how would you walk?


(( OOC: This may actually be the gayest thing I’ve ever done…. and I’ve done a LOT of gay things. *wink wonk* )) 

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((Who Said Those Had To Be Nice Pictures? Okay You Get 3 Nice Ones, Too))
((Who Said Those Had To Be Nice Pictures? Okay You Get 3 Nice Ones, Too))
((Who Said Those Had To Be Nice Pictures? Okay You Get 3 Nice Ones, Too))

((Who said those had to be nice pictures? Okay you get 3 nice ones, too))

((Who Said Those Had To Be Nice Pictures? Okay You Get 3 Nice Ones, Too))
((Who Said Those Had To Be Nice Pictures? Okay You Get 3 Nice Ones, Too))
((Who Said Those Had To Be Nice Pictures? Okay You Get 3 Nice Ones, Too))

I was tagged by the lovely @tinylilemrys to post 6 selfies, so here you go. 

Tagging @asktheslytherpuff @huffledoof and @blackpsycat

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I have absolutely no idea how you would have come to that conclusion.

I would give you a potato. A German potato. Oh and the trampoline thingy!!!

((OOC: mhm, wild guess. Is this Sami? 😂))

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