tokkishouse - Come Sit with Me
Come Sit with Me

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194 posts

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Arc 1 is taking off! I'm slowly getting more comfortable with everyone's voices and learning how to represent them through texts/tweets. It feels nice to get more writing experience. Shout out to all the genshin smau's that I consume.

1 - ?!

Synopsis: It’s your senior year of college-- 4 years of slaving away during the summer heat in Mondstadt and practicing with the marching band, winning awards after awards, but never making it to championships. But this year was different! You were going to make Lead Majorette and bring your school to victory with...Diluc?! The Ragvindr recluse who’s been giving you the stink eye since freshman year? As fellow drum major? Just your luck!

𝕡𝕣𝕖𝕧𝕚𝕠𝕦𝕤 | 𝕞𝕒𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕝𝕚𝕤𝕥 | 𝕟𝕖𝕩𝕥

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@sugakookiessss​ , @shayewrites , @lez-zuha , @baelloraa , @monaypo1 , @n-i-f-y , @aixaingela

1 - ?!
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More Posts from Tokkishouse

2 years ago
(SFW) Security

(SFW) Security

(SFW) Security

Characters: Tighnari x GN!Reader

Warnings: A little suggestive in the beginning but nothing explicit, descriptions of anxiety (separation anxiety??)

WC: ~0.9k words

(SFW) Security

Sunlight peeked through the curtains of Tighnari's room, bringing light into the room. Vines unfurled their leaves, inviting warmth and light. As the light spreads throughout the room, it shines over your face. You groan, turning your body so you can bury your face into your lover's chest. Tighnari purrs in response, pulling you closer to his body.

The bliss is short-lived of course. The light continues to spread and soon the forest ranger is unable to ignore the reminder to wake up. He growls under his breath, slowly arching his back in a stretch. His tail unfurls from around your waist, and the lack of warmth makes you whine in dissatisfaction. You open one eye, watching the canine let out a big yawn, revealing his sharp teeth. He smacks his lips and his eyes flutter open, pupils dilating as he takes in the sudden bright light.

"Ack! Ah...'s bright," he mutters to himself, looking down. He smiles and leans down, nuzzling your nose with his. "Good morning."

You smile tiredly and tap his face in acknowledgment.

"Good morning. Are you going on patrol today?" You're hopeful for a day spent being tangled in the sheets and lazing under the sun. The sound of joints popping and sheets being rustled disappoints you as you watch Tighnari slowly sit up.

"Today's another day of scouting for me dear." One look at you and he can see the disappointment painted all over your face. He gently cups your face and leans back down to kiss your temple.

"I always return safe and on time, don't I?"

And it was true-- without fail, for as long as you can remember, he never was gone longer than predicted. If it was a daily patrol, he was back before the moon was high. If he had a trip out to the desert and he said he would be gone for a week, he'd be back seven days later, 168 hours on the dot. It didn't make his departures any less disappointing.

He thumbs your cheek and rises from the bed, revealing his half-naked form. You look away shyly, the marks from your intimate previous night still evident on Tighnari's toned back. You turn your gaze back to him, watching as he moved around the room to prepare for his patrol.

Within the hour, both of you were standing in the doorway, bidding your farewells.

"If anything pops up, I will send a hawk out. Otherwise, I'll see you by moonrise," he promises, and he raises his hand to pat you lovingly. "Don't get into any trouble, or I'll give you that nasty medicine again."

You cringe, the memory of the last time you got needlessly hurt flashing in your mind. Tighnari laughs, pleased to know his message got across. Instinctively, his tail wraps around your leg and you stumble forward a bit. He wraps his arms around you, and you reciprocate.

There you two stand, enjoying each other's warmth. It's routine for you-- it should get easier every time. It should never be long-- after all, he always made it back home. But that doesn't stop the fears from creeping into your head. From the Fatui to the Withering Zones to stray Eremites and treasure hoarders-- anything could surprise him and leave him injured. And who's to say you'd find out in time?

"I love you," he whispers, and you're pulled out of your worrisome thoughts. Tighnari's the first to pull away, offering you a reassuring smile as he holds your hands in his. You take a deep breath, squeezing his hands.

"I love you too."


Night has fallen and the moon has risen. Robin chirps are replaced with owl hoots. Instead of hearing the ambient chatter of the villagers in Gandharva Ville, trees rustling and crickets chirping. What you don't hear is the footsteps of Tighnari approaching your shared abode.

You glance outside, noticing the high position of the moon. You hadn't received a letter from Tighnari and none of the rangers who remained had notified you of any delays. He should be home by now. Your thoughts from earlier returned, doubt swirling in your mind.

You feel your breath become shaky, your hands becoming clammy and your chest tightening. The flowers were hypnotizing and you felt yourself getting dizzy as your environment warped and twisted around you. Tighnari is never late without reason.

The loneliness is suffocating and you're brought to your knees. You clasp your hands on your head, curling up within yourself in the center of the front room. You're so swept in your own anxieties and worries that you don't notice the door opening and Tighnari's voice calling for you. Noticing your hunched-over figure, he crouches in front of you, green and brown eyes swirling with worry.

"-/N! Y/N!" You jolt in surprise as your brain recognizes him. Slowly, the tension in your body melts away as you feel a familiar furry mass wrap around you.

"Are you okay? Are you sick?" He questions, ears perked and alert. His gaze wanders around your body, looking for an obvious source of your pain. When he sees you unharmed, he looks back at you, meeting your gaze. Instantly, you latch yourself onto him, nearly sending him toppling back. He sighs in relief and hugs you, holding you flush against him.

"Apologies. I ran into some trouble and met up with Cyno and the traveler. I meant to send a hawk but it slipped my mind. I'm here now, he explains, pressing a kiss on your head. You nod in understanding, but don't move your head from his shoulder. You both sit there in complete silence, enjoying each other's presence.

(SFW) Security

Requests (both sfw and nsfw) are open~!

(SFW) Security

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2 years ago
(Sfw) A Day With Albedo

(Sfw) A day with Albedo

(Sfw) A Day With Albedo

Characters: Albedo x GN!Reader

Warnings: None

WC: 943 words

(Sfw) A Day With Albedo

For Albedo, the mornings in Dragonspine start with him hunched over his alchemy table as the sun rises. Beakers bubble and boil as steam rises through the air. Complete solitude and quiet-- the perfect environment for experimenting.

For you, the mornings in Dragonspine start with you making your way to Albedo's lab. When you arrive, his back is turned to you, clearly focused on the mess of papers and reports sprawled all over his table. You set down the basket of snacks you brought him, carefully approaching the alchemist so as to not make a sound.

By the time you were right behind him, he had yet to even acknowledge you. You watched him at first, observing the small movements of his body. How his hair shifts as he looks around his desk, and how his coat twists with his body. Deciding you finally want attention from Albedo, you reach over and gently grab him by his waist, wrapping your fingers around and digging them slightly into his sides. He lets out an uncharacteristic yelp in surprise, nearly dropping the test tubes he was holding. He looks back, about to snap at whoever just grabbed him, but the words die in his throat when he sees it's you, flashing him a cheeky smile.

"Oh, Y/N. you enjoy startling others who are holding dangerous and unknown liquids?" He questions, slowly putting down the tubes. You giggle, shaking your head.

"I like watching you work. It's very calming. Maybe I can finish some work today!"

Albedo nods in acknowledgment, understanding the reason behind your visit.

"If you need anything, just ask."


You both ended up getting lost in your work, not looking up from what you were both working on for hours on end. Albedo remained by his alchemy table while you sat at the writing desk, scribbling away on some reports. You two probably would've worked till sunset if it weren't for one thing: your stomach letting out a loud growl. You stop working at once, feeling your cheeks get hot.

"Maybe it's time for a snack. What do you think Albedo?"

You don't get an answer. Assuming he was still trapped by his experiments, you turn around to ask again. You're greeted by a slumped-over alchemist whose face was pressed on the table. His cheek was squished, forcing some drool to dribble out. The sight made your chest swell-- you knew the man didn't sleep much and the fact he felt comfortable enough to fall asleep with you nearby made you feel especially elated. You didn't have long to enjoy the moment because your stomach growled again, reminding you why you were trying to get the alchemist's attention in the first place.

You step closer and lean down, gently nudging his shoulder.

"Albedo, wake up. I'm a little hungry," you try, keeping your voice low. He stirs a bit, making a low rumbling sound as he rises from his slumber. His eyes flutter open, and he looks up at you as they regain focus.

"Y/N...did I fall asleep?"

You nod, watching as he slowly sits up properly, blinking the sleep away. His hair was slightly out of place-- some of the strands sprawled on his forehead.

"I apologize. I'm sure you're hungry-- the position of the sun indicates we've been here for quite a few hours. We can-"

He stops himself when he can feel your fingers on his forehead, gently swiping the hair strands away from his face. He watches you carefully as you tidy up his hair, picking up on your quiet humming. When you're done, you pull away and offer a small smile.

"Sorry, I just wanted to get that for you. I am in fact hungry though--let's eat!" You turn and walk off to grab your stuff. "I'm sure I have my portable stove and some ingredients to cook us something yummy."

Albedo watches on, slowly bringing his hand up to his head. The feeling of your fingers on his head remains and he can't help the fuzzy sensation traveling through his body.


After a nice warm lunch, you both resume your work. Before long, the sun has start to set-- the day was coming to an end. You didn't want to travel back to Mondstadt at night, what with the cold and darkness, so you had gone ahead and packed your things.

"Thanks again for letting me stay and work here, 'bedo! I got a lot of work done," you thank Albedo, slinging your bag over your shoulder. "Can I come back another day?"

"You're always welcome here at my lab, Y/N. You never need to ask," he answers.

And he meant it-- you were respectful of his time and his need for complete focus. You treated passing adventurers with kindness and were always patient. And when you spoke to Albedo? There was this look of adoration that was always present in your eyes. And that nickname you sometimes called him-- 'bedo. How could he not want you by him?

"Thank you so much, 'bedo!" You reach over and squeeze his hands tightly in yours, smiling up at him. "I'll see you next time!"

With that, you were off-- you started sprinting down the snowy path back down the mountain, back towards Mondstadt where your house was. As Albedo watched you leave, he couldn't help but feel...sad. While he knew you would come back, he seemed no longer interested in continuing his experiment or updating his journal. Nothing seemed appealing without your presence next to his.

No matter, He muses to himself. I'll just prepare for their next visit.

(Sfw) A Day With Albedo

Requests are open ✧˚~

(Sfw) A Day With Albedo

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2 years ago

Kicking my feet giggling and shit at a recent reblog’s tags

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2 years ago
Omg 52 Followers

Omg 52 followers 😳

Maybe I’ll write my first smut at 100 flowers…

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2 years ago
(Nsfw) Moonlit Intimacy

(Nsfw) Moonlit Intimacy

(Nsfw) Moonlit Intimacy

Characters: Scaramouche x fem bodied!Reader

Warnings: NSFW-- explicit sex, vaginal penetration, oral (f. receiving), fingering, pet names (princess), implied cockwarming at the end, Scaramouche is probably softer than he would be lmao, mdni!!

WC: 1.6k words

Note: Thank you for 100 followers! I'm so happy you all enjoy my writing ❤️

(Nsfw) Moonlit Intimacy

Under the light of the moon, outside your shared home, you and Scaramouche were pressed up against each other, kissing as if you'd never felt intimacy before. Hands roamed each other's bodies, groping and grabbing at whatever you could.

While out walking around Sumeru, some random drunkard made a couple comments to you. You brushed them off, but Scaramouche didn't let it slide. He let a few harsh words spill out and dragged you home.

That's how you got to the position you're in right now. You hadn't even made it past the front door when he spun you around and held you against the door.

You manage to break free from the heated kiss, gasping for air. He looked at you, cheeks flushed and breathless. Violet eyes watch your every moment, darkened with the familiar and dangerous look of lust.

"Inside...let's go inside," you manage to breathe out, hands sliding down and grabbing the door handle. The wanderer hums in response, watching you enter the home. He stays quiet as he follows you, taking your hand into his as you lead him back to the bedroom. The moment you're both inside, he's stepping forward to guide you to the bed, tossing his hat to the side.

You fall back as your legs hit the bed, sinking into the cushioned bed. He crawls on the bed, leering at you, and suddenly you feel like prey being hunted down. He reaches one hand up and grabs your neck, applying enough pressure to make you gasp.

"You're so precious to me, Y/N. You know that right?" He questions, brushing his thumb over your bottom lip. You nod, grabbing fistfuls of the sheets under you. He pushes his thumb inside your mouth, rolling it around your tongue and gathering spit and saliva. You whine, unable to do much else as your lover has his fun. As drool builds up and starts dribbling out the corner of your mouth, he gets his fill, pulling his hand back.

Scaramouche sits back on his legs, working on undressing himself. You sit up to watch as he carefully undoes the ropes and sashes holding his outfit. You bite your lip, rubbing your legs together as you watch him undress, taking in the milky white skin shining under the moonlight. Muscles flex as he slides his arm covers off, tossing them to the side.

He looks over at you through his lashes and his lips curl into a smile.

"Not going to strip? That's not fair to me Y/N," he teases, and you sit up embarrassed. You move to strip, but his hands stop yours.

"No no, clearly you want me to do everything. So just sit your pretty little self still and I'll handle it, hm?" His words make your cheeks darken but you nod, watching his hands slide down your arms and work to strip you of your clothes. They're careful but quick, and soon you're down to your undergarments.

Slim fingers hook under the elastic waistband of your panties and he looks up at you, waiting for you to stop him. You make no moves to slow him down and he pulls them down your legs, hissing at the sight of a sticky string of your arousal clinging to your underwear.

"So pretty, and just for me," Scaramouche murmurs, laying down and adjusting your legs so they're on either side of him. He leans forward and kisses your clit, causing you to squeak in surprise. Instinctively, you try to close your legs but his hands are fast and dig into your thighs, keeping them spread.

"Keep 'em spread for me, princess," he commands, and you nod. You don't get any further prep before his lips are against your folds and his tongue is lapping inside your pussy. Moans tumble out your mouth as his tongue works its wonders inside you, lapping up your juices and exploring your walls. His lips wrap around your bundle of nerves and suck, sending your back arching and forcing an unholy scream out of you.

"F-feels good..more please~" You plead. Scaramouche chuckles against your dripping entrance, and you feel your muscles tighten from the vibrations.

"Whatever you want, princess." He continues his focus on your clit, flattening his tongue against the nub. Juices gush out of your pussy, staining the sheets, and the smell of sweat and sex fills the air. You could feel your high approaching-- it was like a coil tightening in your stomach, winding up more and more. It was just out of reach-- like your fingers were brushing right against it. So, so...

You choke on air at the feeling of Scaramouche's fingers curling inside you. They pump inside your fluttering pussy, coaxing more of your arousal out. Your desperate cries fill the room-- the added stimulation pushes you closer to your bubbling orgasm. Just one more push and-

His fingers brush against a special spot and it's enough to send your orgasm crashing down. He quickly pulls his fingers out and replaces them with his tongue, and you can hear him slurping up everything you give him. You chant his name over and over, eyes fluttering close. Your thighs tremble and twitch, barely able to keep their upright position. It's like floating on air-- your voice devolves into quiet whimpers, even after Scaramouche pulls away from your pussy.

His face glistens with your juices and he watches you, absolutely enamored by your blissed-out state. His hands slide up and grab your waist as he adjusts himself to be slotted between your legs.

"Hey pretty, are you still with me?" He gently questions, giving you a loving squeeze. "Do we need to stop here?"

You hum and reach up as best as you can-- your hands felt like jello.

" 's okay...keep going. Wan' you to cum in me," you sigh. You watch your lover's pupils become blown out. Your words go straight to his dick and he's quickly working to get the rest of his clothes removed.

He readjusts the both of you and you feel the head of his dick pressed against your entrance. It was on the slimmer side but had a nice vein that trailed from the tip down to the base. Your essence coats the tip, working as lube. One of his hands grabs yours and squeezes while the other grasps the sheets next to your head. In one swift motion, he pushes himself in. You let out a pathetic sob, the feeling of being split open overwhelming you.

When he's fully sheathed, he stays in place, giving you a moment to breathe. Scaramouche watches the slow rise and fall of your chest as you gasp for air. You look up at him through your lashes, clumped together by your tears and tongue lolling out.

"How sinful. To think that I did this to you," he curses, and he rolls his hips, eliciting a lewd moan out of you. "How ruined can I make you, princess?"

He pulls his hips back, making you whine at the sudden emptiness. Your complaints are short-lived as he thrusts back into you and begins a steady pace. Instantly, you wrap your legs and free hand around his body, sobbing out moans. The bed rocks and creaks with his movements, the sound of wet slaps echoing in the room. He leans down and captures your lips with his, groaning in pleasure.

Your walls squeeze him as the tip brushes against that one tantalizing spot inside you. Every time he thrusts fully into you, your cloudy juices squirt out, coating the base of his cock in a white ring. And when he pulls out, one glance lets you see that his shaft is coated in your essence, reminding both of you how well he was treating you.

That familiar feeling of an orgasm approaching creeps over you-- like waves batting against a wall moments from crumbling.

" 'm close! K-Kuni I'm close~" you plead to him, fingers sliding up and curling in his hair to tug hard. His eyes roll back and he lets out a despicable moan, his lust absolutely evident.

"C'mon princess-- cum for me. I've got you," he manages to whisper. He moves his hand to between the both of you and starts palming your clit, timing it on the off-beats of his thrusts. Your vision turns to stars as you arch into his touches, and the walls come crumbling down. Your 2nd orgasm washes over you, sending your pussy into flutters as it squeezes around Scaramouche's cock.

He doesn't slow down, instead picking up his speed as much as he could with your walls squeezing. Your high was never-ending as you gushed more and more, drenching the sheets under you.

"So good to me...I'll give you what you want. I'll cum in this pretty pussy of yours," he promises, kissing down your jaw.

His thrusts falter a bit as he feels his muscles tire in his thighs. One, two, three thrusts-- and he pushes fully inside one last time, cumming. You whimper, feeling hot as his cum floods inside you. You two stay there, intertwined with each other. You slowly quieten as the aftershocks of your orgasm run their course. Scaramouche absentmindedly thumbs your waist, humming lowly.

"You okay?" He questions, keeping his voice low. You nod, peeking up at him.

"Tired, want to sleep."

He doesn't waste any time, slowly lowering himself onto the bed. He maneuvers you around, still sheathed inside you fully. Wrapping your arms around him, he buries your face in your back, wincing when he feels your insides squeeze him.

"Good night, Y/N."

(Nsfw) Moonlit Intimacy

🙈 It's been a hot minute since I've written smut.

Requests (sfw and nsfw) are open~!

(Nsfw) Moonlit Intimacy

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