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Deja Brew | Bang Chan X Male Reader

deja brew | bang chan x male reader

genre: fluff

Chan's day was going poorly, no other way to put it. Luckily for him, fate was about to pull him back to the past in the best way possible.


word count: 1.9k

a/n: there was hardly any mention of reader's gender (except for one explicit line), so this could mostly be read as gender neutral reader as well! I wasn't entirely sure what you (requester) meant by a soft reader, but I tried my best! hope you enjoy:)

reblogs and comments are always appreciated:)

Deja Brew | Bang Chan X Male Reader

It was turning out to be a pretty terrible day for Chan. 

One of his newest projects got rejected by the company, he was scolded by Minho during dance practice, and he couldn’t seem to get any of his lines right during recording. The gym was full, so he couldn’t even let out his stress properly, and the dryer was broken, so his favorite hoodies were unavailable to wear. All in all, a day where nothing worked out, and a lot of small inconveniences built up. 

He went to his favorite coffee shop not too far from the dorm, Deja Brew, just to clear his mind and cheer himself up. As he entered, the scent of sweet lattes and pastries filled his senses, only slightly, and the familiar whirr of the coffee machines and subtle chatter of patrons wafted through the air. There weren’t many people, which was his favorite part. The atmosphere of a coffee shop, accompanied by the sweet solace of privacy. 

He received a piece of his favorite cake and a drink from the familiar barista that always seemed to be on the clock whenever he visited, and made his way over to a seat by a window tucked away near the back of the shop. Excitement began growing at even the thought of enjoying his treat when—


Chan watched in horror as his drink spilled all over the stranger. His horror only intensified as he watched the lady’s expression morph from smug to irritated to angry in the span of a few seconds. He felt the yells before they left her lips, and when they actually landed on his ears, he felt a carnal desire to crawl up into a ball and sleep the entire day away in hopes that he would wake up and find it to be a nightmare. 

“I’m so sorry, maam, it was an accident. I can provide you with compensation for your clothes, or—”

“I don’t want your filthy money! This is a luxury brand! I bet a commoner like you couldn’t even begin to imagine affording something like this!”

“Then how can I—”

“Maam, please, you’re causing a scene.”

A new voice joined the conversation. Chan turned to face the new person, internally screaming at the thought of having to deal with another stranger, but the agony faded when he was met with a familiar face. 

Well, kind of familiar. You were older than the last time he saw you — just as he was — and you were… well, cute. You wore an evidently soft, somewhat bright sweater, and somehow managed to have a pleasant smile on your face as you dealt with the lady. 

He wasn’t sure how you did it, but the lady eventually left, leaving the two of you alone in the middle of the coffee shop, standing in a puddle of fruity liquid. 

Chan stared at you, starstruck, and you did the same. The silence was only broken by an employee coming by with a mop, asking the two of you to move so she could clean up the mess. You made your move then.

“Do you wanna come sit with me?  Maybe catch up a little?”

And before he knew it, he was sitting across from you at a booth near the back of the coffee shop, sipping on a new drink and nibbling on a new slice of cake (that the barista insisted he get as compensation for the trouble). 

“Are you alright?” You asked, startling Chan from his daze. He looked up at you, shocked at the concern in your expression.

“Oh— yeah, I’m fine. Just another Karen, right?” He laughed awkwardly, brushing off the interaction. You didn’t seem convinced, but let the topic go.

“It’s been a while, hasn’t it? Nearly ten years now, I think.” You comment, drifting the conversation away from the incident. Chan internally thanked you for it. 

“Man, ten years, huh? Been a crazy few, that’s for sure.” You smiled at him.

“Yeah, feels like it’s been forever if you ask me. How’s everything? How are you?”

“Pretty good! I mean, it’s been a tough few years but it was worth it, y’know? Becoming a producer and the leader of a K-pop group. It’s all I ever dreamed of.” 

“No kidding! You’re the topic back in Sydney. Nobody believed it when they saw you on the telly, and I was telling everybody, ‘that’s my best friend!” You chuckled, thinking back at the memories, and Chan did too, imagining the scenario unfolding. 

He considered it for a moment. Life back in Australia. He thought back to his old friends and living with his family, fiddling away on the guitar whenever he got the chance. Being a kid, carefree and oblivious to the difficulties to come. Spending time with you at school during lunch times or recess, making memories he didn’t realize would fade over time. He missed it. 

“I miss it too, sometimes.” You say, pulling Chan out of his thoughts. Had he said that out loud?

Before he could reply, you continued.

“But I wouldn’t change it for a second. I’m proud of you, Chris. Really. I know we haven’t kept in touch since you left, but I’ve been rooting for you all this time, and seeing you be so successful is more gratifying than you could imagine.”

When Chan looked at you, he felt his heart clench at the endearment and adoration he found. The warm overhead light cast down on you, creating the illusion of a glow around your sweater and your hair. The hustle and bustle of the cafe seemed to die down as he focused his attention onto you, and it made him feel like it was just the two of you in the world. A little pocket of memories and warmth. He nearly missed your next words, having gotten caught in the moment. 

“You could say I’m your biggest fan.” 

The sounds of the world seemed to seep back into his perception at that, and he managed a small laugh. 

“Maybe you could be more?” He questioned. At your confusion, he leaned over the table and reached for your phone, stopping at the lock screen. 

He raised an eyebrow, silently asking for the password, and you smirked in response. 

“I’m pretty sure you could guess it.” 

No way… 

He input the numbers 31097 and, lo and behold, it opened. 

“Really? You remembered?” He asked, incredulous. 

Before he left for Korea, you and he had made a promise that, when you got your cell phones, you’d set the password as the other’s birthday. It was ages ago, and although Chan kept his promise, he wasn’t sure if you would. 

“Of course I did. Besides, it’s a pretty solid password, isn’t it? If I ever forget it, it’s just a google search away!” Chan huffed in amusement, a part of himself relieved that you held up your half of the agreement even after all these years. 

“What are you doing with my phone, anyways? You better not be poking around in there.” You joked, and Chan rolled his eyes. The banter came as naturally as the day he left. Without a word, he opened up contacts to put his number in. He took a quick selfie for the profile picture and slid your phone back to you. 

“You should be honored! It’s not every day my biggest fan gets my number.” He then opened his phone and slid it over to you, a silent invitation to do the same. 

“Just Chris? A bit boring, isn’t it?” You teased, picking up his phone to put your number in. 

“Oi, don’t judge! I don’t share my number often these days, I’m outta practice!” He exclaimed in mock offense, taking his phone back. 

“It’s not like you did much–” He trailed off as he looked down at your contact name. 

Your Number One Fan<3

The heart did inexplicable things to his own. He filed it into the back of his mind to inspect later. 

“Much better. Now we’re matching!” You turn your own phone to show him the screen, and the change made him nearly concerned at how much his heart was moving around that day. 


“Yeah, matching…” 

From there, the conversation flowed naturally between topics. The two of you talked for hours about anything. What it was like for Chan to produce music, respective memories that were created during the time you lost contact, reminiscing about the past. Before long, the window at your seat grew cold as the sky faded to black, and the barista came by to inform the two of you that the cafe would be closing soon. 

The two of you stepped out into the evening air, hesitant to say your goodbyes, but knowing it was inevitable. You walked in silence in no particular direction, just enjoying each others’ company for as long as you could. It was as though the moment existed in a bubble outside of time, and to address its existence was to pop it. 

Somehow, a few minutes in, Chan ended up leading you a few blocks away from the dorm, and he knew it was time. 

“I’m going this way… ‘bout you?” He looked at you hesitantly, as though afraid of the answer. You pointed your thumb towards the way you just came. A direct opposite to the dorm. Chan sighed. 

“Keep in touch, yeah? Can’t promise that I’ll answer right away, but…” He felt his eyes sting just slightly. He blamed it on the nonexistent wind. 

“I don’t want to lose you again.” 

Even as he said it, he kept a pained smile plastered on his face, and it tore your heart apart just a little bit. 

“You won’t. You gave me your number, remember? You’re stuck with me now.” You hit his shoulder playfully, and soft laughter filled the air. 

“Good, good. I’m counting on it.”

Silence filled the air once more, this time somber. This was it.

Chan knew he had more to say. He knew there was something unspoken, and he wanted to make it heard, and he knew this was likely the only chance in a while to do so. 


Before he could speak, he was cut off by a sudden weight on his torso. You surged forward and captured him in a hug, wrapping your arms around him and holding him just tight enough for him to know. It wasn’t over. You were there, and you would continue to be there, even if not physically. 

Chan responded by holding you back. 

A sense of deja vu washed over him. He was sent back to the airport, young and teary eyed and holding you like you were the only thing keeping him on the surface of the Earth. The announcement that he had to board booming through the airport and resonating through his skull. You pulled away, also crying, but smiling like the angel he always saw you as. 

“See you later, alligator” you nearly sobbed out, failing to keep in the tears and the snot. It made Chan cry more. 

“See you soon, raccoon” and he was taken away to the plane, from his home, and from you.

If only your younger selves knew how untrue the farewell was. The moment felt so far away now. 

You pulled away before he could get too immersed in the past, and it was as though the brightness of your smile transcended time. 

“See you later, alligator.”

He remembers. 

“See you soon, raccoon.” 

Chan watched as you turned and walked away without so much as a glance back. It looked like goodbye, but he knew. He would be seeing you again soon. 

once again, reblogs and comments are appreciated:)

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More Posts from Tokyo-silhouette

1 year ago



𝖘𝖚𝖒𝖒𝖆𝖗𝖞. you're sinfully divine, an addicting drug no rehab could fix. it's not like mickey wanted to, anyway.

𝖕𝖆𝖎𝖗𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖘. mikhailo "mickey" milkovich x male reader

𝖜𝖆𝖗𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖘. nsfw content, foul language, top!reader, bottom!mickey, attractive nerd reader (with glasses n' shit), rough sex, choking, praise kink, degradation if you squint, pet names, size difference, reader's a freaking giant with big dick lmao, slight possessiveness, belly bulge, dumbification, dacryphilia

𝖆𝖚𝖙𝖍𝖔𝖗'𝖘 𝖓𝖔𝖙𝖊. mickey milkovich brain rot. also tumblr quality being shit 😠



Mickey found himself unable to keep his eyes and hands off of you. He would convince himself there's nothing to the way he stares at you from across the room, how his eyes would cloud with unspeakable lust as they run along your tall frame, checking out every hidden muscles he knew was underneath your slightly oversized clothing, how he unconsciously licks his lips when you tilt your head back and stretch with a tiny moan of satisfaction over the cracking back bones leaving your lips.

He convinces himself he isn't into you.

At least, he does in daylight. But when the sun falls and moon rises instead as the sky darkens into a midnight blue, those denials and convincing ends up disappearing into the void within his mind, thoughts consumed by you alone. Your low voice as you speak praises and degrading words to him simultaneously, your hand wrapped around his throat and squeezing while the other grips his hips and no doubt leaving bruise, your hips thrusting relentlessly at a speed he didn't know you could muster, your fucking cock that's long and thick and hits every right spot.

There's a little sense of triumphant in him, the knowledge that only he could ever see you like this — so rough, so dominant, wild, like a beast had been freed from its chains. Your usual angelic demeanor and personality drastically changing behind closed doors as you slowly pick him apart piece by piece, the want and need to break him flashing itself dangerously in your dark and lustful eyes, sending waves of thrilling excitement throughout Mickey's body.

You had him bent over the cold desk, his wrists pinned to the surface by one of your big hands as the other held his hips in a bruising grip, roughly and relentlessly thrusting into him that had him moaning loudly and spurting series of curses and nonsense words. His hole still tight and almost sucking you in despite how used it already was being a proof that you managed to rearrange his guts into the shape of your own cock, making them perfectly fit against each other.

"(Y/n)— Oh, oh, fuck!" Mickey cried out as you continuously rammed your dick in him, keeping a steady rough pace, grunts leaving your lips once in a while. He had already came three times, the side of the desk stained in his cum and dripping down to the floor, his legs trembling from the overstimulation.

"Take it so fucking well, Mikhailo." You nearly growled, punctuating your words with strong thrusts that had him seeing stars, your cock reaching deep into his guts with each snap of your hips. "Taking it like a good slut, letting me use your cunt whenever I want..." You let out a dark chuckle, sending shivers down his spine.

"More, please," He whined and arched his back, both hands gripping the edge of the desk, not even struggling against your tight hold on his wrists. Surely, there would be a hand-shaped mark around them once you're done with him. "Deeper, fuck, wanna feel it poking my fucking stomach, pleasepleaseplease," Brain too fucked out to think coherently, Mickey babbled and pushed his ass against you, moaning.

"Look at you," You whistled, leaning over to lick the back of his ear, making his hips jerk. "So fucking pathetically drunk on my cock. Almost want them to see what a whore Milkovich you are." The whispered humiliation going straight to his brain and cock, you felt him clench around you as he mewled, tears spilling from his pretty little blue eyes. Even your words alone could make him feel this euphoric, almost cumming right then and there.

Mickey could never get over how you drastically change between morning and night — so divine and angelic in the morning with your hands reaching out to people in need of help, gaze soft and welcoming as melody of kindness and warm heart spill from your lips. You're soft and warm, practically the epitome of peace with how everyone finds themselves relaxed around your presence. The sunlight creating an illusion of halo above your head. Light colored clothes and round spectacles adding more emphasis to your gentle tall giant persona. However, at night, you pull off that kind and perfect mask only to Mickey, soft smiles turning into cocky or arrogant grins and smirks, atmosphere entirely changing to that of lust and filthiness as your lips speak sinful words that never failed to make his head spin and heart jackhammer against his ribcage. You're sly and arrogant, and too proud, to say the least. Very very prideful due to the knowledge that only you can manhandle, use, and ruin the Milkovich. An angel suddenly morphing into a sinful being.

He couldn't get fucking enough of it despite the internalized homophobia tightly attached to his soul.

But with you, he doesn't have to think about that. Insecurities that are drilled into his mind being pushed back by your sole presence; he doesn't have to be afraid of being feminine or not matching the Society's gender stereotype, because with you, he can be weak, vulnerable, be good. There's no toxic masculinity to hold him back.

Mickey was fucking addicted to this angelic sin, and you sure as hell felt the same even though words of confirmation never left your lips.

His mind started to go blank as you angled your hips to adjust your cock inside him, wanting to make sure it perfectly hits his prostate, before abruptly snapping your hips to his. Mickey cried out, nearly screaming when you started going deep and fast on him, the roughness of your thrusts making the desk almost move with each movement. "Oh! Ohhhh, fuck! Ahgh, mm!" His moans were loud, you're sure the neighbors probably hears it. The stinging pain of your big fucking dick stretching him more open with each drag of your hips causing him to see stars in pleasure.

"Come on, baby," You cooed, a big contrast to your relentless pace fucking his brains out. "You can take it more."

Mickey whines, throwing his head back and eyes rolling back to his skull when you sink into him deeper, he could feel his stomach bulging from the thick and big size of your dick. "F-fuck, too deep... Yesyesyes, please, (Y/n), fuck— Fuck me more."

He fucking loves it, the way your massive size and height never fails to have complete control over him. How your big body traps him between you and the desk, figure towering over him; it makes it so fucking easy for you to assert dominance and manhandle him however you please. He loves everything about you and your large frame.

"You love it, don't ya? Having my cock so deep in you that it's poking your stomach? Ruining you, fucking you dumb?" You chuckled, fastening your pace as uncontrollable moans and whimpers fall from Mickey's lips. His mind in a daze, drool dripping from his open mouth that long forgot to close itself, fat tears running down his cheeks, the euphoric pleasure becoming too much.

"Y-yes, oh my god!" Mickey moaned, nodding his head vigorously. "Love— Love it so fucking much," He stuttered as another broken moan slips out.

You hum appreciatively, "Pretty little slut." Leaning over him, your hand reached over to his throat and squeezed, earning a guttural moan from Mickey as his hole clenched tightly and his cock twitched. He tilts his head back and allows you more access to his throat, which encouraged you to squeeze more until he became light-headed.

"F-fuckfuckfuck, gonna cum, gonna cum," Mickey breathlessly cries out, legs shaking violently as cum spilled from his rapidly twitching cock, vision seeing white and mind going absolutely dumb.

Groaning, you cursed quietly and let go of his wrists to grip his hips with both hands, continuing to pound into his oversensitive hole and ignoring his sobs of stop i just came, followed by screams of pleasure and overstimulation. He's so sensitive it hurts, but he didn't want you to stop despite his pleas to. He wanted you to use him, be your cum dump until you're satisfied, wanted you to fill him to the brim and feel the white sticky cum dripping down his legs. He wanted you to take your frustrations out on him. He wanted to be your toy.

Mickey knows you know that. You know how he feels and how he thinks. It made excitement course through his veins, knowing you're willing to fulfill every bit of his unspoken desire. You were angelic like that.

"Such a good boy," You whispered, kissing his shoulder and making goosebumps rise on his skin. "Gonna make me cum, aren't you? Let me fuck you 'til I'm satisfied like a good boy, hm?"

"Yes, yes," He nodded dumbly, slamming his hand against the desk and arching his back. You snapped your hips harshly, which made Mickey's eyes roll back into his head as he came once again with a guttural moan, painting the side of the desk with his seed.

"Fuck, I'm so close," You groaned, slamming your dick into him mercilessly, uncaring of how Mickey's legs were giving up as your hands are the only thing that kept him up. His toes curling, nails scratching on the desk's surface, sobs wrecking through his body. God, you were fucking ruining him. It made you shiver with sadistic thrill. Your thrusts slowly becomes sloppy with your own orgasm getting near, cock twitching inside him.

"In me, fuck, in me, please." He whined, reaching back to grab your hand that was gripping his hips.

A grin spreads across your face and you intertwined your fingers with his, "Of course, sweetheart. Wouldn't cum anywhere else." You thrusted harshly a few times before burying your cock completely inside him as the orgasm hits, filling every bit of him with moans erupting from your throat. Mickey mewls, followed by a whimper, feeling the warmth inside, face showing absolute bliss. He touches the formed bulge on his stomach while letting out soft moans and whimpers, seemingly in trance.

Thrusting sloppily to ride out your high, you press kisses on his back before sinking your teeth on his shoulder to leave a bite mark. Mickey's hips buckled, moaning.

"You're mine, Mick." You mutter in his ear, sending shivers down his spine. "No matter how much you deny, you're mine. And at the end of the day, you'll always come back to me, begging to be fucked and stuffed full." Wrapping your hand around his throat again, you squeezed lightly as Mickey whimpered at the possessive gesture. "Can't escape me forever, sweetheart."

Mickey closes his eyes, humming and melting against your body, the denial dying down deep within his mind, looking almost in content.

He wouldn't dream of it. You're an angelic sin he could never repent of.


© ᴀʟʟ ʀɪɢʜᴛs ʀᴇsᴇʀᴠᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ʜᴀᴅᴇsʀɪsᴇ. sᴛᴇᴀʟɪɴɢ, ᴘʟᴀɢɪᴀʀɪᴢɪɴɢ, ᴏʀ ᴜsɪɴɢ ᴍʏ ᴡᴏʀᴋs ғᴏʀ ᴍᴏɴᴇᴛᴀʀʏ ɢᴀɪɴ ɪs sᴛʀɪᴄᴛʟʏ ᴘʀᴏʜɪʙɪᴛᴇᴅ. ᴀsᴋ ᴘᴇʀᴍɪssɪᴏɴ ʙᴇғᴏʀᴇ ʀᴇᴘᴏsᴛɪɴɢ ᴏʀ ᴛʀᴀɴsʟᴀᴛɪɴɢ.

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1 year ago

Miguel O’Hara X Black Cat! Male Reader


|| Masterlist ||


Authors Note: Took some inspiration from Felicia Hardy and Selene Kyle, let’s be honest Selene is my mother and will let her whip me whenever she wants 😌, so why not make this shot full of sass and perhaps some slight sexual tension? Also all Spanish words are correct, I am fluent in Spanish and Latino myself!

Summary: Every universe had a black cat, weather it ends in a good or bad outcome every Spider-Man had at least experienced being around a black cat. Miguel had his own variant back at his universe, but his story with black cat is interesting.

Warnings: ATSV Slight Spoilers! Some angst, mentions of time travel, breaking and entering, kissing, language, Miguel is tired, mentions of past divorce, mentions of Gabrielle, timeline, loop holes, miles wants to be adopted, reader is trying to bring hell, reader is protective of Miles, breaking the rules, toxic Miguel, Toxic reader, a negative plus a negative is a positive.

Word count: 4.1K

— || Part Two ||

Miguel OHara X Black Cat! Male Reader

Noir didn’t know why he enjoyed watching the kid mess up, but it brought some joy into his daily task. Here he is standing on the edge of a roof top, staring down at the city’s number one hero trying to get himself untangled from his own webs. Both he and the little spider in red and black were chasing each other throughout the entire city, nearing midnight he was caught by the cities hero stealing a very valuable gem that was worth thousands, good enough for Noir to steal. How could he not? Now, after hours of chasing here he stands, head tilted in disappointment as he watches the little spider trying to escape his own webs after a malfunction in his own creation.

“Now this goes—wait, no…”

Noir tilts his head back, signing deeply to himself as he tucks the gems into his pocket before jumping down from the building and landing in front of the kid. He was a thief, not some cruel person who’s going to leave this poor kid stuck. “Kid—“

“I got it! I got it! Just have to—AH!”

The kid only get himself tangled into the web even more, causing the thief to roll his eyes, using his own claws to cut thought the webbing like it was nothing. The little spider looks around in surprise and smiles under his mask. “Hey, that worked!”

“Indeed it did.” Noir mocks him back, rolling his eyes from underneath his goggles.

“Now, I’m turning you in—!”

Noir holds his hand up to cut the kid off, pinching the bridge of his nose with a deep sigh. “Kid, we’ve done this too many times. We all know that you’ll never be able to get me so just let it go and go after someone who is actually causing harm.” He give the kid a pointed look before using his grappling hook to get back to the roof top and continue his way back home. Only for the kid to follow after him, he expects himself to get into a fight with the kid again, knowing that he would win the fight and end things quickly.

“Wait! Look, I get that what you’re doing isn’t entirely dangerous nor are you harming anyone but, why do it? Why steal when you can just get a job?”

Noir’s eyes widen and bursts out laughing, shaking his head as the kid stares back confused. “Get a job? Kid, I did have a job but, no matter where I worked it was never enough to survive. Not everyone has an easy life and if you have to take some risks then take it. You can try and stop me all you want, kid. But, it won’t make things better.”

The kid stays silent, taking in his words as Noir brushed past him and makes his way towards the other side of the roof.


Noir sighs, hand on his hip and looks over his shoulder to see the kid standing his distance. “I’ll stop coming after you.”

That causes him to raise a brow, confused and surprised by the kids sudden words, before he could ask why the kid speaks up. “If you teach me how to fight.”

Of course.

That’s how the two have been getting along after a year of teaching the kid how to defend himself, he was new to the whole hero thing and Noir was the only one who was able to teach him a thing or two. It was rare for him to connect with people who weren’t trying to kill him or let alone take him to prison for stealing something valuable of theirs.

Currently both of the two are sitting on top of a clock tower, the kid eating some pizza while Noir sips his morning coffee, watching the sunrise after spending all night training the kid on how to land his punches. “Isn’t it too early for you to be eating that stuff?” He mumbled out, getting the kids attention who turns to him with a stuffed mouth full of pizza.


Noir chuckles at the kid. “Don’t come to me if you start getting heartburn.” He mumbled around his coffee cup before taking another sip, focusing on the view ahead. The two spend most mornings like this, eating ‘breakfast’ together and enjoying each others company. The kid had stopped trying to get him arrested and each time Noir was caught stealing he always made it out without an issue.

He’s known the kid for a year now and he’s grown onto him. The last time he was around someone he cared about he ended up losing everything and always pushed people away from getting too close, but the kid always found his way back into his life. Noir breaths softly, glancing at the kid who had just finished his box of pizza and closed the lid while whipping the grease from his fingers onto his suit, causing the older man to grimace at his manners.

“All done, so what’s the training today?” The kids voice is full of enthusiasm which causes Noir to chuckle. “No more training.” He sets his coffee cup to the side and stands from sitting on the edge of the clock tower, towering over the kid who tilts his head back, staring at his second mentor. “You’re ready to do things on your own and I am done here.”

“Wait what?” The kid tilts his head to the side. “What do you mean your done here? Are you leaving?”

Noir placed a gentle hand on the kids shoulder. “You’ll do fine on your own, I taught you nearly everything I know. I’m clearly not needed anymore and I have business to attend somewhere else.” Noir was reaching a deadline with his stay here with the kid and had to move onto his next task, wanting to avoid bringing the kid anymore trouble that he’s already dealing with alone in this city.

The little spider before him doesn’t know how to react to this situation, clearly not happy with the outcome but knowing that he can’t do anything about it. “Will you be back?” He asks.

“Maybe, maybe not.” Noir shrugs his shoulders, sighing deeply to himself. “I don’t know…” He really didn’t, one moment he’s here and the next he’s gone. That was his plan and always has been.

Noir can see how bummed out the kid is and can’t help but, pull the kid into a gentle hug. “I’m ever around I’ll make sure to meet you. Perhaps during one of our usual chases.” He gets the kid to chuckle at his humor before the two pull apart. He’s staring at the kid with a sad smile, with a clawed index finger he bops the kid on the nose or where he thinks his nose is at due to him wearing the mask.

“Take care of yourself kid.”

“I’m not a kid…”

Noir chuckled. “You’ll always be a kid.” He picks up his empty coffee cup, making his way over to the ledge of the clock tower, facing his back towards the kid before looking over his shoulder to give the kid one last advice. “Don’t let anyone tell you what you can’t do, remember that.”

With that he jumps off the tower, leaving the kid on his own to continue on his own path.

Noir already planned to leave this place and couldn’t delay it any longer before he finds him. Upon arriving to his apartment, he slips through the window undetected from the neighbors and slips off his tinted goggles along with his gloves, letting out a deep exhale as he looks around the semi empty apartment that he was only planning to use for a short period of time.

He toss the gloves to the side and keeps the rest of his uniform on as he works around the apartment, collecting certain things to take with him while the other stuff he stuffed inside a trash bag, clearly not needing that stuff any longer and tossing it out the window, where it landed down below and into the dumpster.

Once the apartment is fully empty he reaches inside the bag he was planning on taking with him, unzipping the front pocket and pulling out a silver bracelet. He stares at the blank screen, knowing that once he turns it on he will be traced, only giving him a few minutes to plan his escape. He zips up his bag and slips on his goggles again along with his gloves, slipping the bracelet over his wrist and with his index finger he taps on the blank screen, watching it turn on, activating.

“Five minutes.” He whispers to himself as he quickly types in Earth-42502, watching as a portal opens before him.

Adjusting his goggles, he takes a step forward only to freeze in place when another portal opens behind him. “The hell?” He looks over his shoulder, eyes widening under the goggles as a flash of red and blue zips towards him. He doesn’t have time to think as a hand wraps around his throat, knocking him back into the other earth.

The two are free falling through the air, grunting as his hand finds the others wrist and glares. He’s quick to use his strength, kicking him off as they continue to fall. “That was faster than usual.” He calls out, getting the other spiders attention who glared under his mask.

It didn’t take long for them to arrive to Earth-42502, portal opening onto the roof top of Oscorp Tower. Noir lands gracefully, but is quick to jump out of the way when the other spider lands where he once stood.

“Here I thought I’d never find you.”

Noir remembers that voice too well, remembering the days that the two would wake up next to each other.

“Seems like your desperate to find me.” Noir speaks up, taking cautious steps back as his eyes follow Miguels large figure. The man showed off his talons, taking dangerous steps forward as if stalking his prey.

“Let me guess, you were waiting until I activated this little guy, huh?” He raised his left arm to show off the bracelet he wore. The same bracelet that once belonged to Miguel and that he was able to snatch from during the time he was running away from Miguel. “Lyla’s not good at tracking.” He adds with a grin on his face.

“At least she found you before you can even open a portal to this earth. An earth that you don’t belong too.” Miguels voice is full of irritation, tired of having to chance Noir from different universes each time he disappeared off the radar.

“I know where I belong.”

Noirs voice drops down to a serious one, glaring under his own goggles as he takes steps back, slowly stepping on top of the ledge. “I’m not going back to that place, not after what you did.” He spits out.

“I was only trying to fix things.” Miguel sneers.

“By destroying a universe for our daughter? A daughter that wasn’t ours.”

“She was!”

“She belonged to another version of us and not us.” He points between himself and Miguel. The two have been chasing each other since day one, Miguels cannon affected him badly, causing him to lose his own child. Miguel had tried to find ways to fix it by going to other universe in hopes of getting their lives back together again only to mess things up badly and to cause a whole universe to be destroy. Their constant arguing grew worse as the days went on the two couldn’t be in a room together without trying to tear each other apart, leading to a divorce between the two. Well, a divorce wasn't really an option due to their universe being gone and instead was considered a break up between the two without having to sign he paper work.

In the public’s eye they were seen as married still. For them, they were separated.

Noir didn’t start stealing until after he stole Miguel’s bracelet, finding a way to stop Lyla from tracking him down and using it to escape from the man he loved. Giving himself a new life, stealing from every universe and only causing trouble for Miguel due to the constant anamolies being placed in the wrong universe, only giving the man extra work on getting it fixed.

You could say that it was Noirs way of showing revenge for all of the times Miguel blamed him for trying. Earning himself a reputation and treating it like a game.


“I don’t have time for you, right now.” Y/n hissed out, turning around and jumping off the building, getting Miguel to panic all of sudden and run after him, jumping off and diving down to wrap his arm around Y/n’s waist and using his talons to grip onto the side of the building also using his webs to hold on.


“I’m not letting you go that easy.” Said Miguel, grinning under his mask as Y/n’s eyes widen at the realization.”Don’t you dare!” Y/n uses his own claws in a threatening way only for Miguel to ignore his threatens, getting Lyla to open a portal back to their earth and quickly dropping his (ex) husband down the portal. Only for Y/n to land inside Miguels little anomaly prison as one of his traps is set around him, caging him inside a tight space as he tried to use his claws to claws his way through.

It wasn’t until Miguel drops down in front of him. The two could easily be face to face if it wasn’t for the barrier stopping them. “You’ll stay here until everything is fixed and then you can scream and yell all you want.” Said Miguel a hand on his own hip as his mask dissolves away, showing his real face to Y/n who frowned. “You can keep me here all you want, but I will always find a way out.” He was testing him.

This wouldn’t be the first time that he was trapped under Miguels watch, he’s escaped plenty of times before and he will do it again.

Miguel chuckled deeply. “Oh, mi amor. This time it’s different, because I’m going to make sure that I have a close eye on you twenty-four seven.” He looks over his shoulder to nod at one of the spiders from his society who turns around to type away on their computer. All of sudden Y/n is transformed to Miguels lab, appearing in the room in a flash as he yelps in surprise.

“Jesus…” He breaths out in surprise a hand over his beating heart as he falls back onto his bottom. “A heads up would have been nice.”

“Stop being annoying and be quiet.” Said Miguel, circling him like prey and focusing back on his work. Y/n grins, reaching up to push his goggles up and over his head. “Listen, cabeza de mierda. You brought me here in order to keep an eye on me, but never did you say that I couldn’t annoy you.”


“So, I won’t stop talking your ass off until you let me go.”

Miguel stares down at his husband, knowing the man well enough to know that he was keeping that promise. The taller spider sighs in annoyance, already regretting his choice as Y/n grins at him and leans back against his elbows and crossing his leg over the other, lying down as he groans out loudly.

“Who would have thought, the two of us together again. After a year? Damn, it’s already been a year, I remember you slamming into a wall when chasing me through Earth-6574. God, the anger in your eyes was so satisfying!”

Miguel tried to focus on his work, ignoring the mans words as he continues on, rambling on about anything that will annoy Miguel until the man gives in.

The conversation went for hours, with Y/n changing positions every few minutes, one minute he’s lying down and the next he’s sitting. Another time he’s doing a handstand in the small space he’s trapped in or using his claws to try and penetrate the force field around him only to fail. He didn’t stop until he suddenly grew bored, lips sealed as Miguel finally takes in the peaceful silence, letting out a deep sigh of relief.

“There it is.”

Miguel snaps his head towards Y/n, already knowing his plan.

“Enjoyed your five seconds of peace and quiet? Because, I was just getting started.”

Miguel wants to shout, opening his mouth to throw back an insult only for him to be disturbed by the sound of people entering his lab, getting his attention. Y/n also looks over to the group of teens approaching them, one specific teen getting the thief’s attention as he narrows his eyes, focusing on the curly hair and dark skin until his eyes widen in realization.


Even though he’s only known the kid for a year and had trained him on the side, he knew who the kid was under the mask, but never said anything. Not wanting to freak the kid out. Whenever the kid wasn’t hiding behind the mask, Y/n would keep a close eye on the kid, making sure that he was focusing on school and attending his family diners and parties, somehow feeling responsible for the kids disappearance each time he skipped classes or lunch only to meet up with enthusiasm, excited to learn something new from the thief that the teen befriend somehow.

It didn’t take long for the platform to lower, reaching the ground and getting the teens attention. Before Miles could introduce himself or hand Miguel the empanada that he had in hand. The kids eyes fall onto Y/n, narrowing his eyes a bit. “Noir?”

This gets everyone’s attention, including Miguel who snaps his head in Y/n’s direction with a knowing glare that he knew too well.

“Hey kiddo!” Noir waves at Miles with a wide grin on his face, side eyeing Miguel as he feels his burning glare. Miles doesn’t think twice to quickly rush over and jump onto the platform, worry in his eyes as he ignores Miguel’s surprised look along with Gwen’s panicked looked and Hobie’s grin. The teenager was too focused on Noir to care about what the others were thinking about his actions, his palms against the force field that separated the two as he tries to find a way to get him out. “Why are you here? How are you here?” Miles began to ask as Y/n looked at Miles with a fond look and faint smile.

“Easy kid, I’m alright.” He tries to reassure the kid.

“Get him out.” Miles blurts out, turning to Miguel with a frown on his face. The sudden demand shocks the others, but not Y/n who can only smirk over Miles shoulder and towards Miguel who frowned deeply. “I’d listen to the kid.” He whispers, loud enough for his ex to hear.

Miguel grunts in disapproval and had no choice but to do as told as gets red of the red field around him, finally setting him free as Y/n stands from his spot, stretching his arms in the air like a cat and getting caught by surprise when Miles hugs the other man. “Whoa! Easy kid, I’m alright.” He reassured him, giving his back a soft pat.

His actions don’t go unnoticed as Miguel watched the two interact with each other, clearly reading the signs that Y/n had claimed this kid as his own, treating him with care and respect, knowing that if he comes between the two, Y/n wouldn’t hesitate to fight back like a feral cat. It’s happened before and it won’t stop him from doing it again.

“You said you had to leave.” Miles speaks up, getting Y/n attention who sighs deeply. “About that…” He mumbled, rubbing the back of his neck nervously and giving Miles an awkward smile.

“Noir isn’t from your universe, he belongs in mine. He was caught breaking the rules and had no choice but to bring him here. He’s a slippery one and likes to get away, so letting him out of his cage wasn’t a good idea.” Said Miguel, getting an eye roll from Y/n and placing his hand on his hip. “Don’t be so dramatic, I’ve gotten away from it many times and you didn’t seem to mind.” Y/n said back, making his way around the platform and taking in Miguels work.

He takes notice of the videos and pictures of them both together along with this their daughter, causing a small sad sigh to escape his lips knowing that Miguel hasn’t gotten over the death of their daughter. Y/n was the only one who was able to move on from everything but Miguel, he couldn’t blame him. Everyone coped different with death and took their own pace in recovery. With a clawed finger he turns the pictures off, glancing over to Miguel who was watching him this whole time with a sorrowful look on his face.

Y/n quickly turns away, refusing to look at the man he once loved.

“Wait, you two know each other?” Gwen points between Y/n and Miguel, approaching the duo that stood before her, getting Y/n to smirk widely. “Actually were married.” He quotes out, getting a surprise look from both Gwen and Miles. “Divorced.” Miguel added, hands on his hips as Y/n pouts at his words.

“Divorced? Really, you two would look cool together.” Said Miles. “Adopt me?”

Y/n breaks out in laughter, throwing his head back as he laughs at Miles words. He jumps offer the platform and takes miles into his arms, pulling the kid close to him and squeezing him tight. “How did my ward become so adorable? If I could adopt you then I would!”

“Wait, your ward?” Miguel asks, clearly not likening this.


“He’s taught me a thing or two.” Said Miles and with a proud smile on this face he extends his hand, opening his palm to show Noir the hard-drive that he stole from Miguel, getting a very proud Y/n to hug him again. “My child is learning!” He cheers in excitement while Miguel growls. “No, no, I refuse to let you take in a spider. You are enough trouble, let alone having a kid do it too?”

“If it wasn’t for me the kid wouldn’t have gotten better on his skills. I taught him how to defend himself and perhaps get away with a thing or two…” Even though Miles was suppose to be his universe hero and protector, he couldn’t help but, teach the kid a thing or two when it comes towards breaking and entering. Teaching Miles how to sneak back inside his room or dorm without being noticed and to pick on locks in case of emergencies.

Miguel pinched the bridge of his nose, mumbling to himself in disappointment. “No puedo mas, no puedo mas.”

Y/n rolled his eyes. “So dramatic.” He mumbled as he listens to Miguel ramble on while Miles is being saluted by Hobie, admiring the kids new skills form a very well known thief in many universes.

“Did you know that he stole this guitar for me?” Said Hobie, pointing over his shoulder where his guitar was strapped over his shoulder. “Mad genius.”

Miles laughs. “I don’t like stealing, but Noir once helped me with getting my mom a present for Mother’s Day. He stole a necklace for me, nothing too expensive but also nice.” Said the teen. Clearly he was nervous and ashamed for it when he first got handed the jewel from the known thief only for the anxiety and worry to fade away when he say how happy his mother was about the gift.

His father questioned him and all Miles told his dad was that he worked hard for it.

Noir smiles at the two before looking over to Miguel who stared with disappointment, but Y/n didn’t seem to care one bit wanting the teen to enjoy his life and he wouldn't mind breaking a few rules in order to give the kid what he wanted. Even if it meant bumping into his husband ever once an awhile.

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1 year ago

Darling, You Killed Me

Relationship: rock god!Thor x college!male reader (eventual CEO!Carol Danvers x reader teased)

Words: ~4.6 k

Summary: Meeting your celebrity crush goes much better than you had planned.

Warnings: explicit language, explicit sexual content (m/m sex, m receiving blowjob, protected anal sex, maybe unrealistic size kink, multiple orgasms, feminization, minor degradation), male reader, tall reader, athletic reader, age gap, meet cute, SMUT! 18+ ONLY!!

A/N: It’s pride y’all! This month I’m gonna be doing my best to celebrate all my fave queer couples and also introduce you guys to some new ones! And we are starting things out with perhaps the biggest bang possible by introducing you guys to rockstar Thor and all the goodness that comes with it.

I am no longer doing taglists so if you want to stay up to date on all my fics, follow my sideblog @the-iceni-library and turn on notifications!

Darling, You Killed Me

“”Wait, Yel!” You laughed a little louder than you normally would when the tiny blonde kept dragging you further forward through the crowd, still feeling a pleasant buzz from all the alcohol you had to drink before you arrived at the concert venue. “We’re missing Kate. And Wanda and Pietro.”

“They’re already at the front with Peter and Shawn.” Yelena squeezed your hand and grinned at you over her shoulder as she kept pulling you after her. “C’mon, spike. What good is having a giant for a friend if you don’t use your height to make people move out of my way?”

“Excuse me for being polite… sorry!” You shrugged uncomfortably when you bumped someone with your elbow, waving when you finally saw Kate bouncing on her toes with the rest of your group right by the stage. “Everyone is gonna hate me for blocking the view.”

“They’ll get over it.” She jumped to kiss you on the cheek then gave Kate a hug. “I’m so bummed Johnny couldn’t come but this is fucking amazing. Maybe we’ll get some spit on us.”

“You’re so weird.” Peter shook his head and beamed at Yelena as he leaned on Wanda’s shoulder. “But I’d let Fandral step on me, so what do I know?”

Everyone started to ramp up to debate who the hottest member of Aesir was, but then the stadium lights went down and the spotlights illuminated the stage and the crowd seemed to hold its breath.

Smoke filled the stage and a single, mournful note from a guitar wavered through the air at the same time the deep throb of a bass drum’s beat began and the crowd went fucking insane. Yel basically climbed you until her legs were wrapped around your waist and she was screaming in your ear when the shadows of five people appeared through the fog. Not that you minded, since you were whooping right along with her.

The guitar started to speed up and everyone got even louder when they recognized the opening notes of “Darling, You Killed Me.” Flashing lights lit up Sif first on the drums, a grin on her face as she spun her sticks through her fingers and winked at the crowd then started drilling out a heavy rhythm that you could feel in your chest. Next was Volstagg on bass, his thick red hair kept away from his face in a braid that swayed with his movements as he started plucking out a rhythm. Then came Hogun on keys, a soaring melody washing over everyone when he began to play. After Hogun, Fandral was illuminated, flicking a blonde curl out of his eyes with a toss of his head and beaming wickedly at the frenzied masses as he gave them a thoroughly dramatic strum of his guitar.

And then, finally, a trio of golden spotlights focused on the lonely mic in the middle of the stage and a sweet, low voice greeted the crowd as the god of a front runner for maybe the biggest band in the world was revealed to the crowd.

“Well, hello there New York. I’m Thor and this is Aesir. How are you all doing tonight?”

Judging from the absolutely wild and unhinged shrieks that filled the air, along with what you were pretty sure were several pairs of panties and a few bras, the answer to that question was insane and horny.

But who could blame them? Every single member of the band was like a god, mysterious and otherworldly and charming in all their leather and metal, with intricate braids in their hair and tattoos covering their skin. Just the chance to touch one of their boots had the throng of fans behind you pressing you into the stage until Yelena and Pietro gave them a pair of intimidating looks.

As gorgeous and unattainable as the rest of the band was, the main object of everyone’s attention and obsession was definitely the massive, built, gorgeous lead singer and guitarist, Thor. He was the only thing you could look at, that deep voice making you shiver and your dick get half hard every time his eyes seemed to focus on you.

Which was such a weird thought. He couldn’t see you. He couldn’t see anything with all those lights on him. You were just way too drunk and maybe a little moony from being this close to your biggest celebrity crush.

All through the rest of the show you just kept watching him, smiling like a goddamn lunatic until your cheeks ached. It was probably… no, it was definitely the best night of your life, with all of your friends who seem to be just as giddy as you. You all were smiling and shouting nonsense at each other that none of you could hear over the music and the screaming crowd until the lingering notes of the last song died out and the arena lights came back up.

“Holyshitholyshitholyshitholyshit…” you were starting to freak out as you and your friends made your way backstage, squeezing Yel and Kates’ hands while they dragged you along and giving Shawn a nervous grin when the bodyguard unclipped the velvet rope and let your group past. “I’m gonna fucking throw up.”

“You’re not allowed to throw up unless it’s all over a rock god’s dick, spike.” Kate laughed when you spluttered as your face got unbearably warm. “Just enjoy yourself, make some memories to tide you over when you have to go back to writing your damn thesis on Monday.”

You shrugged uncomfortably but couldn’t say anything because all of a sudden they were there. More specifically, HE was there.

It felt like your tongue was too big for your mouth and your jaw was about to hit the floor as you just stood there dumbfounded while you watched the most famous people you’d ever seen in your life greet Yelena and ask about her sister like it was no big deal. You must’ve looked like a moron with your mouth hanging open, not even managing to get yourself even a little bit under control by the time Yel started to introduce everyone, you barely even registered it when she said your name.

“You’re lucky you even got to see him.” Yelena was still talking about you, but all you could focus on was the way Thor’s eyes were practically boring into yours before you dropped your gaze to the floor with a nervous titter. “Always so busy with grad school or volleyball practice, had to drag him here tonight.”

“Well we’re so happy you managed.” There was a very large hand pressed to the wall beside your face all of a sudden and it made your breath catch, just barely peeking through your lashes and trying not squeak when those same intense blue eyes were fixed on your face. “I would have been very disappointed if I hadn’t gotten to see your pretty friend, Belova. What do you want to drink, pretty boy?”

“Hmm?” Was he talking to you? Holy shit, he was… what was happening? “Um, beer is fine.”

“Beer it is.” Thor grabbed a newly filled cup out of Volstagg’s hand and ignored the bassist’s offended grunt as he handed it to you. “You’re quite tall.”

“Yeah…” you decided to stare at the bottom of your cup while you chugged its contents to try to settle your nerves, only vaguely aware of the conversation the rest of the group was having when Pietro let out a boisterous laugh.

“Did little Yelena tell you that I have always been particularly fond of tall boys?” The feeling of his fingers gripping your chin and tilting your face up until your eyes were level with his was making you practically vibrate.

“Nu-uh.” Words seemed to escape you at the moment when you saw his gaze drop to your mouth and licked his lips almost obscenely. You also may have dropped your cup.

“Well I do.” Oh shit, his thumb was tracing over your bottom lip and this could not be happening. “You wanna get out of here?”

“Yes! Yes he does!” Yelena and Kate almost tripped over each other when they rushed towards you and tried to shove you into your jacket before you could even think, beaming between you and the rockstar while your mouth worked silently and your eyes bugged out of your head. “Yes you do.”

All you could do was nod enthusiastically then almost swallow your tongue when Thor wrapped his massive arm around your shoulders and started guiding you towards the door, giving your friends a terrified look over your shoulder while they just gave you thumbs up then went back to talking to the rest of the band. Before you even knew what was happening you were outside waiting for the car to show up and looking at Thor with huge eyes as you struggled to come up with something to say.

You didn’t know what the fuck had come over you. You hadn’t even said a full sentence to the man and you were about to get into a towncar with him and let him fuck you… you didn’t even know where you were going. Oh, his home, he just told the driver to take him home, Jesus Christ. Good thing there was a minibar in the back, you needed something to settle yourself down so you could hopefully enjoy what was about to happen to you.

As soon as you had downed and tossed your second mini bottle of tequila his hand was loosely gripping your neck and he was pulling you towards him, his lips finding your ear and sucking on it while you just let out a truly pathetic sounding whimper as you gripped his shoulders. His breath was warm against your neck and the hand that wasn’t wrapped around your throat was insistent on your waist while he pressed your body against the passenger side door. He smelled like cigarette smoke and leather and clean sweat and you had never been more aroused in your entire life.

“You are so sweet for such a big boy.” He licked your jaw and purred when you flung one of your legs over his lap. “You ever sucked a god’s dick before, love?”

This was going to be the death of you. You were ready to sink to the floor right away and bury your face in his crotch while you humped his boot before choking on what you were sure was going to be the most magnificent cock you’d ever seen in your life. The opportunities for you to suck dick were few and far between. Every single date you had saw how big you were and just started calling you daddy and slobbering all over you. It wasn’t fair, you loved sucking cock.

Of course, if this was going to be your only chance to get in bed with a rock god, you were gonna make the absolute most of the opportunity.

“No.” You wound your arms around his neck and batted your eyelashes as you gave a lewd roll of your hips, feeling flushed from the alcohol and especially bold when he growled at you. “And I’m not gonna tonight unless you ask me real nice.”

He froze, blinking slowly as he stared at you and making you feel slightly panicky when he still didn’t say anything while you chewed on your lip. And then he laughed, a beautiful, warm, booming laugh that made him toss his head back and pull you closer while he squeezed your waist. That thunderous sound made you feel so fucking giddy you almost giggled when you buried your face in his neck, at least until he gripped your hair tight and yanked your head back so he could look you in the eyes.

“You sneaky little minx.” Thor grinned when you gasped as he smacked your ass, tutting when you tried to grind into his lap and pouted at him. “Made me think you were so sweet and shy and pliant. I’m gonna have so much fun with you.”

“Maybe, maybe not.” You groaned when he bit your bottom lip and squirmed when you felt more blood rush to your dick. “You have to be sweet first.”

“Do I now?” Thor grabbed your ass again and jiggled it, growling while he bit along your jaw and licked your throat. “I usually save that for after.”

“Hmm, well I want it now.” The limo came to a stop and you kissed the tip of his nose before climbing out, groaning when his massive hand wrapped around your throat from behind and hit your ear. “Just say please, and maybe I’ll let you feel how tight I am.”

“Brat.” He laughed and swatted your ass again, shoving you into the elevator and beaming at you as he ran a hand through his golden hair. “Alright… please get on your fucking knees and suck my cock like a good boy.”

His voice had somehow gotten even lower and it made you shiver. Without even bothering to check in there were cameras you sank to your knees right in front of him and rubbed your cheek over his incredible bulge that held the promise of something truly monstrous. You were already drooling, your own cock throbbing and leaking as you undid his jeans as you kept looking up into his eyes. It was short work, his zipper coming down in a flash and then your hand reaching in and wrapping around him and…

“Jesus fucking Christ.” Yep, monstrous. “Fuck me.”

“Later.” Thor growled and grabbed the base of the flan python he had been hiding, slapping it against your cheeks until you opened your mouth wide and let him slide between your lips. “I told you to suck like a good boy.”

He didn’t have to tell you twice, your tongue swirling around his velvety head while you hollowed your cheeks and used your hand to stroke his shaft. It was, without a doubt, the biggest dick you had ever had in your mouth. This was confirmed by the ache in your jaw and the way you gagged messily when he shoved his tip down your throat.

Thor hit the brake on the elevator so he could truly enjoy the sight of you on your knees, leaning on the wall and grinning down at you while you slobbered all over him. He groaned when you swallowed around him, reaching down with a deep chuckle and wrapping his hand around your throat so he could squeeze his cock even tighter. The feeling was absolute heaven, it was everything you needed. Your eyes fluttered closed when his hips met your face, your body going lax at the feeling of being used so thoroughly and completely.

“That’s fucking it.” Thor shoved you against the wall and braced his thick thighs on either side of your head, his fingers burying themselves in your hair so he could keep you in place while he fucked your throat in deep, slow strokes. “Oh, you love this shit, don’t you? Mouth off like a fucking brat and then turn into a dumb little baby as soon as you have a dick in your mouth. Bet you wish you could get shut up with cock all the time, don’t you pretty boy?”

As much as you tried to nod, you could barely move your head, not with him holding you tight and his massive cock filling your throat. So you just whined around him, drool dripping down your chin in thin strings and staining your shirt. It was getting harder to breathe, both from the enormous blockage of your airway and from the heady pleasure of finally getting what you so desperately needed.

“Ah, stay with me!” You started when he smacked your face, your cheeks heating up when he laughed richly at your eyelashes fluttering as he started moving just a little bit faster. “You don’t get to pass out yet, love. Now, swallow.”

That was the only warning you had before he was swelling in your mouth and then exploding down your throat. You swallowed as fast as you could, gagging and slurping and moaning while you struggled to suck down every thick and sticky drop he was giving you. It was impossible, though, there was so much. Thor chuckled when it leaked out of your lips around the base of his cock, mixing with your drool in a creamy mess that dripped onto the floor when he started the lift again.

When the doors opened you only had a moment to appreciate the beautiful penthouse apartment before he was dragging you to your feet and kissing you all over again. Your limbs felt too long for this, gangly and awkward when he should just be scooping you up in his arms. But he didn’t seem to mind, squeezing your waist and licking into your mouth while you whined with need.

“Please…” You whimpered when he shoved you into the bedroom and gave you a hickey on your jaw, licking your lips as his hands slipped under the edge of your shirt and touched your bare skin. “I want…”

“Begging like a little slut after giving me so much lip.” Thor nipped at your chin playfully before shoving you back, pushing his hair out of his eyes and strutting over to the bar cart on the other side of the room. “Now it’s your turn to be sweet. Strip for me.”

You opened your mouth to argue but something in the way he looked at you had you snapping your jaw closed again. He just shrugged when you narrowed your eyes, pouring himself a glass of vodka and looking at you expectantly while he leaned on the wall. If he wanted a show, you could give him a show.

Thor watched you pull your cum stained shirt over your head slowly, his eyes widening just slightly once your lean torso was revealed to him. It’s not like you didn’t know how you looked. You were an athlete, you spent a lot of time lifting weights and stretching and you were proud of your body. Especially now when the rock god of your dreams was watching you like he wanted to eat you. For just a second you thought about waiting to take off everything until he begged to see all of you, but you could still taste his cum at the back of your throat, and that blow job had gotten you all kinds of worked up.

Your cock smacked wetly against your abs when you’d removed your jeans and boxer briefs in one smooth motion, kicking them away so you were standing there completely bare while his eyes drank you in. His teeth dragged over his bottom lip while you just teased the head of your cock with your fingertips, his throat working visibly when he swallowed another mouthful of vodka before he growled at you in a husky voice.

“There’s lube in the bedside table.” He started sipping his drink again when you opened the drawer and gasped at the toys that greeted you. “Ah, those are for later. Put that ass in the air and open yourself up for me.”

“Fine.” You poured a little when you got on all fours on the bed, resting your cheek against the cool comforter and spreading your legs so your rock god could see your tight little hole winking at him as you spread the firm cheeks of your ass. “But I don’t like a lot of prep.”

That made him growl, the noise sending a vibration through your body even from across the room as you smeared lube all over your fingers. When your first finger slipped inside of your tiny asshole you couldn’t help but whine, slowly swirling it around and plunging it in and out while you did your best to make slutty noises. You could tell they were working, could hear his breath getting faster and heavier as you stretched your hole. The second finger made you gasp, a shiver running up your spine as you scissored yourself open as you heard the sounds of Thor getting undressed behind you.

“That’s enough. God, you really are a dangerous little minx.” Thor smacked your ass once before pressing kisses along your spine, reaching to grab a condom and rolling it over his length while you panted underneath him. “Gonna turn you inside out, boy.”

“No… just a sec.” You sat up and shoved him back, giggling when he gave you a look full of indignation at you pushing him away. “I wanna ride that fucking monster. Lemme feel it in my throat, please.”

“Fuck… dangerous.” His grin was splitting his face in half when he flopped back on the bed, a rich laugh shaking his chest when you scrambled on top of him and straddled his waist. “You’re a fucking show off. Alright, lemme see you work that boy pussy, love.”

Him calling your asshole your pussy had you clenching so hard you were worried all your prep might have been in vain, not that that was going to stop you. You looked into his sharp blue eyes as you reached behind you to grip his thick cock, your entire body shivering when you lined him up and started to slowly sink down on him. Just the tip had you practically seeing stars, a choked off sob escaping from you without your permission as you circled your hips to get used to the stretch. An inch at a time, you made sure to keep breathing deeply, scowling at him when he slapped you and told you to hurry it the fuck up as he didn’t have all night with everything he wanted to do to you.

“Son of a… motherfucker.” You had to bite your lip to keep from screaming when your ass finally nestled into the dip of his hips, your thighs trembling around his waist while he just looked up at yiu with a pleased smirk on his face.

“Look at you taking all of me, and with just two fingers’ prep.” Thor snapped his hips up and chuckled when you let out a gasp. “C’mon love, work that little cunt like the slut I know you are. You begged for this, now fucking take it.”

You might have called him an asshole, since he did give you ass a rather vicious slap, but you started moving. This… this was exactly what you wanted. He was hitting you right where you needed as you ride him, a sultry moan leaving your lips as you started to find a rhythm that made your eyes flutter. Before you knew it you were riding him in earnest, bouncing up and down on his cock wildly and tossing your head back so you could pant and whine as you braced your hands on his thighs. Your own cock was bouncing too, leaning pearly rivers of precum all over his abs that looked like they were sculpted from golden marble.

When his fist wrapped around your dick you screamed, shaking when your cum exploded out of you without warning and hit him in the face. You wanted to splutter out an apology but then he was sitting up and all you could do was squeal, gasping when he kissed you obscenely and made you taste yourself on his tongue.

“Messy fucking boy, knew you were a little slut.” You never thought you would love being called a whore and having your asshole called a pussy while you were full of dick, but here you were. Maybe it was because he had suck a warm smile on his face while he said everything. “We’re not even close to being done, love.”

“Yes… shit!” You cried out when his hands gripped your waist and he started moving you his own damn self, wrapping your arms around his thick neck and clenching your teeth as his cock completely rearranged your guts in the most delicious way. “Fuck my little pussy, make me fucking take it.”

“Yeah, there’s my dirty boy.” Thor sucked on your neck when you sobbed for him, groaning when he felt your dick getting hard as it rubbed against his stomach. “Gonna ruin you for anyone else, may just have to keep you as my slutty little pet, would you like that?”

“Yeah… mmhm.” You hiccuped when he licked your throat, your breath getting punched out of your lungs each time his thighs smacked against the curve of your ass. “Wanna be fucked all the time.”

“Know you do, baby, I’d take such good care of you.” He slapped your ass and nipped at your collarbone. “Make you so fucking stupid, just my dumb little baby.”

He kept talking like that, driving your body up and down on his cock like it took no effort at all even as you were covered in sweat. You weren’t sure how much time had passed, but pressure started building in your balls and in your core and as soon as he told you to come you were doing it with a bitten off yelp. Thor grinned when it happened, kissing you again and shoving his tongue down your throat while your brain went to some sweet, fluffy place that you found you enjoyed very much.

Then you were on your back, somehow. You didn’t totally remember how you got there but when you looked up your rock god was leaning over you and grunting while he slammed his cock into your sensitive little hole, and that was a sight and sound you found you enjoyed very much. It was disappointing that I find that you didn’t have the strength to wrap your legs around his waist like you wanted, but he didn’t seem to mind and you were still getting the life fucked out of you so it only bothered you for a minute.

“Greedy fucking boy, what’s that, three?” Thor chuckled when a thin drool of cum leaked from the tip of your cock when you came again unbidden, groaning when you squeezed him even tighter and made his eyes roll back. “Yeah, Jesus fuck you’re good. Such a pretty little slut. Fuck, I can’t wIt to fuck yiu raw? Bet you love being full of cum.” He barked out a laugh when you nodded eagerly. “Knew it. Bet you’ll let me take whatever I want whenever I want, pretty thing. Oh my fucking god, this little pussy is so fucking tight. Shit… ah, fuck!”

Thor leaned down and bit your neck when he throbbed inside you, grunting while his hips stuttered against your ass and he filled the condom. You couldn’t take it anymore, the pleasure of having been used so thoroughly sending you to nirvana as you wailed and your poor cock twitched feebly against your abs while you blacked out. He kissed you when you just mumbled stupidly while your eyes rolled in your head, making sure he was very careful when he pulled out so he didn’t overwhelm you.

“That’s it, what a good boy.” Thor smiled when you purred in response and stretched your whole body, a look of absolute bliss on your face while you gave him a sloppy grin before he headed to the bathroom to fill the tub. “Oh yeah, think I’m definitely gonna have to keep you around. May even introduce you to Carol when she’s back in town.”

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1 year ago


Pairing: Reiner Braun x [gender neutral] Reader Summary: Reiner doesn't understand those things you make him feel. Tags: Reiner is actually very soft / Lots of kissing ! A/N: I never wrote for aot on tumblr, so why not not proofread



          Reiner knew you were one of them devils; he had imprinted in his mind every bad thing the Eldians had done and why he should hate everyone on that island, but he could find even more reasons to hate you. You were... worse than the others. Something about you just didn’t tick and made him despise even being near you. No one really understood what was going on—though Reiner could see Connie and Sasha bugging Bertholdt with stupid theories that made Reiner angrier. Why couldn’t they just leave him alone? Why couldn’t you just leave him alone?

Still, there you were, either oblivious to how Reiner never cracked a genuine smile when talking with you or just not caring about it. Where the fuck was Bertholdt? He was there just a moment ago, but then you showed up and started talking to Reiner and Bertholdt just vanished. Annie wasn’t anywhere in sight, so he had an idea.

Still, why weren’t you talking with your friends instead? Or just annoying Jean as he would see you do, sometimes? Even just sit around, as he planned to do since it was mostly a day to learn how to get stuff from one side of the wall to the other and put some stuff in action. Some of you had already finished it all, but there were some stupid people like Eren and that friend of his that couldn’t get stuff done or kept talking with Hange instead.

“Do you think people actually take Hange seriously at some point? I mean, regarding their stuff.” You asked, keeping following Reiner around despite how he had already started walking quite far from the rest already. “Like, Hange’s experiments sound useful, even if people don’t really pay attention to them a lot. They’re cool, too.”

Reiner almost had a permanent scowl on his face as he faced forward, hands clenched into fists as he kept wondering when the hell you’d shut up. It was getting on his nerves. He noticed that you were far away enough for no one to see either of you, among some of the trees near the walls, then grabbed you by the collar of your shirt to bring you closer, making you stumble between your words until falling silent.

“What do you want from me?” Reiner clicked his tongue, looking at you closely. Your eyes had that confusing air as you looked at him, with a surprised hint. “Are you stupid or something?”

A breath escaped your lips and you twisted your mouth a little, eyebrows furrowed. Your breath tickled his face a little, fanning over it as you finally let out a breath after a small gasp. “I know that I’m not the most pleasing person ever to be around, but I thought that going along with you could somehow be useful, y’know, big guy? Like, we’re going to be working together—”

Reiner just couldn’t figure out how to make you shut up. His eyes scanned yours, your cheeks, then your lips, and... Fuck, he was weak. Annie was so right, but she wasn’t there anyways, so he tried to push the thought to the back of his mind as he leaned in and pressed his lips to yours, finally getting his much-desired silence. It was nice, creating a light atmosphere, but the pleasure he got from the silence certainly was nothing near the way your lips felt against his.

Your lips felt better than anything Reiner could have fantasized about while staring at the barrack’s ceiling while trying to sleep at night, or once or twice while observing you chat with the others.

When he pulled away, though, the flustered and surprised look on your face made Reiner’s heart ache—why did you have to be like that? Making him feel those... things.

“R-Reiner?” You looked at him, a little breathless, and only bits of words came from you without the ability to form any coherent thoughts given the fuzzy mind. It was amusing, in a way. “I— Um, that was very good, but you could’ve, y’know, maybe have warned me? That’d be nice, but I’m not really complaining, you’re actually hot, I—” There you went with another nervous rant that just got on Reiner’s nerves.

Reiner took a deep breath and exhaled slowly, but it didn’t help the slightest bit. You actually liked that? You thought Reiner was hot? The thoughts raced through his mind, and when he felt your hands on his wrists, holding them, and yeah, damn, he was still holding onto your collar. He let go slowly, but your hands held on his own, your thumbs slipping inside his palms and Reiner just had to kiss you again to see if that silence would return, if the damn voices inside his head would stop for a little. He didn’t need Bertholdt and Annie giving him lectures in his mind when they already did it in real life.

You were actually kissing back this time, your lips trying to find the perfect face to match his as your grip tightened around his hands a little; were you really into this?

Reiner groaned both at the sensation and at the thoughts, which he pushed away and decided to focus on making the kiss enjoyable because he could finally figure out what it was to touch you. His hand found the back of your neck, holding onto his as he deepened the kiss a little just so he could make it a little slower to guide you better; the new position had your hand slipping to his upper arm instead, holding where his shoulder muscles dived to meet his biceps. Your other hand twitched around his own, but he managed to free it from your grip to hold onto your hip instead.

Nonetheless, it was intense, hence neither of you had your breaths at a steady pace anymore, gasping now and then, going at that messy pace that just came to a halt because the way Reiner pushed you back against a tree made a sound escape your lips. You immediately pulled away, eyes wide and cheeks warm while you tried to come up with an excuse just to be silenced by another kiss—if anything, Reiner expected it and wanted to hear more of those, something he easily achieved when he kissed you again.

The way you were in a mess made it so easy for Reiner to push his tongue into your mouth, trying to take in each of the sounds that escaped your throat so he could keep them in his mind for later. Reiner’s tongue pressed to yours, gliding against it and trying to find out what he needed to do so you’d make more sounds.

Reiner could feel your touch on his other shoulder, but it was all interrupted again by the sound of a twig breaking. Both of you immediately pulled away and looked in the direction of the sound—a rabid sat there, its nose twitching before it hopped into a bush again.


Both of you let out the breaths you’d been holding about at the same time, the grip on each other loosening a little, but it was still there.

Reiner’s cheeks felt unusually warm when he looked at you again, gulping as he saw the state he’d left you in; your lips were swollen and shiny with spit. He adjusted his grip on the back of your neck and rubbed it in a soothing motion until he could feel the tension let go of you at least a little.

You didn’t know where to look, still holding onto his upper arms with a firm grip, but your eyes would now and then take quick looks at his lips. Reiner didn’t waste time, leaning in and giving you a kiss that now was nothing but sweet. He went for many short kisses this time, enjoying the softness it had now.

For the first time, Reiner was in your presence without feeling annoyed by how pretty you looked while laughing with the others, or by the way you’d hug the others and nod him.  He was actually thankful you had tagged along. That discomfort in his chest was filled with something warm he couldn’t quite comprehend, but it was certainly something he didn’t want to let go of.

⋆。‧₊°꧁ ༺𓆩❦︎𓆪༻ ꧂‧₊˚.⋆

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1 year ago

Giving peter a handjob his back to your chest,he’s sensitive groaning,moaning and begging for more,he’s leaning into you his head on your shoulder his eyes closed,sweat building on his forehead his chest glistening with it,you wrap your free arm around him and squeeze him while you work your hand faster praising him and telling him about all the things your gonna do to him

Giving peter a handjob his back to your chest,he’s sensitive groaning,moaning and begging for more,he’s leaning into you his head on your shoulder his eyes closed,sweat building on his forehead his chest glistening with it,you wrap your free arm around him and squeeze him while you work your hand faster praising him and telling him about all the things your gonna do to him

This was something that they did and didn't do on a regular basis. How Peter would come home from a tough mission in desperate need of destressing himself. That's where Y/N came in. He would help Peter relax and feel so good. Peter would drop his dirty costume and stand there in boxers as he waited for Y/N.

Y/N smiled as he kissed Peter before he would turn him around and push his boxers down his legs and grab his flaccid cock and start stroking him. Peter moans softly as he feels Y/N getting him going. It doesn't take much to get Peter hard, especially with Y/N's skilled hands. He's firm and soft. A tease with a hint of sympathy as he slowly strokes Peter off for the first few minutes. It's utter silence between them as Peter just closes his eyes and enjoys the moment.

Y/N's hand would glide on Peter's cock, getting it nice and slick with precum as Peter started to squirm against him, feeling Y/N mercilessly tease his cock head. "Ohh! Y/N! More?" Peter moaned as he begins to sweat. He rested his head on Y/N's shoulder, his bare back rubbing against his shirt covered chest. That's when Y/N holds him tighter with his other hand and started jerking him off faster.

Peter throws his head back and moaned loudly for him as he whimpers for Y/N. It feels so good to have someone stroke your hard cock fast and rough as Peter bucks against him and tried to get more of his come into Y/N's hand.

Y/N smirks as he leans down to his ear and whispers naughty things. "So, good for me, Pete. Can't wait to fuck you long and hard after you blow your load. Want to rim your cute ass and fuck you with my cock and tongue."

Peter mewls as he didn't give Y/N warning before he came all over his fingers and shuttered against his chest.

Giving Peter A Handjob His Back To Your Chest,hes Sensitive Groaning,moaning And Begging For More,hes

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