any pronouns
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I am not intersex myself but the world needs to understand this as a whole
More queer people need to know that discrimination against intersex people isn't just bigots being bigots. It's rooted in the fact we live in a world that rejects our existence at a fundamental level.
There's only M or F on every job application.
There's only a M or F on every government form.
There's only M or F on everyone's birth certificate.
There's only M or F in everyone's mind.
Even in queer spaces, people ask if you are AMAB or AFAB. Terms borrowed from our community, then simply reduced back to M or F.
When you go to a doctor, they ask if you are M or F, regardless of how your body actually works. Any anatomy or traits you have that does not fit your M or F designation is met with pity or disgust.
You're seen as M* or F*, an aberration of what is "normal", a faulty M or faulty F, a body with a problem.
The intersex experience is being constantly reminded people believe I don't exist.
Im sorry if the gender thing did sound personal
I'm from India
Oh don't worry about it I'm fine with confirming my gender (lack of gender?? Idk). Also is it nice there because I live in Texas and the weather here is awful.
Seems like you're a big fan of fantasy like me
You should definitely try ember in the ashes .... its the first book in a quarter
And if you're a girl then read spinning silver .... its standalone
BTW we've got 2 favorites in common
Harry potter and Percy Jackson
Which country are you from?
I have a lot of unread books rn but when I'm finished with those maybe I'll try those. As for gender I don't label mine. I'm from and currently live in the USA (I've never left the USA before but I'd like to see other places one day).
What genre do you like ??
And what books are your fav
I like books too and I also like to talk about books .
Genres are hard because I just like interesting books. Some of my fav book series are PJO, HoO, TOA, Heartstopper, My Hero Academia (we can count manga right??), and Harry Potter (though I'm not a fan of the author). And I like talking about books too.
Do you like reading?
Yes I love reading! I only fiction though everything else is difficult for me to be interested in.
As we near the end of pride month I would like to remind all the queers + queens that you are still allowed to be you no matter what the @$$hole cis-hets/ homophobes try to tell you. Idk what your lives and the ppl around you are like but know that you are all amazing and nobody can take that from you. Take care of yourselves and know that you're loved. Remember to drink water and try to eat at least two meals a day. Happy end of pride everyone. β€οΈπ§‘πππ©΅π
I don't have a soul but this is cute sooo

And they're trying to convince us these boys aren't in love π
Is that even a question?

yes. next question.

This is beautiful I need a fic of Jason doing this
Crack idea: Jason Todd gets all dressed up one day for smth and styles his hair and everything. Immediately gets mistaken for Bruce.
He cries in the bathroom for an hour
More stuff from my day as batfam incorrect quotes:
Jason: Oh just kill me already why don't ya'!
Dick: Oh you'd like that wouldn't you?!
Jason: At this point? Yeah! I am so sick of trying so damn hard only for you to show up and ruin everything, making me look like the consistent failure in comparison to you and your big ol' 1st place medal!
Tim: Guys, it is just mario kart, it is not that big of a deal.
Dick: stay out of this Tim!
Jason: Yeah, shut up Tim!
Stephanie: Yeah! Shush Tim, I wanna see where this goes.
Tim: Dude!??
Damian: No she's got a point. Shut the fuck up, Tim.
What did we expect from him
guys nvm Jasonβs fine, just a bit dramatic.. . i knew he would eventually be back, but so soon?! purposefully playing with my feelings atp
Okay, yes but hear me out: He then realizes he can use this against Bruce and he starts trying to mess with Bruce's reputation.
Crack idea: Jason Todd gets all dressed up one day for smth and styles his hair and everything. Immediately gets mistaken for Bruce.
He cries in the bathroom for an hour
I'm not apologizing I'm going to go insane and I'm making it EVERYONE'S PROBLEM
im apologizing in advance for the person i'll be when I see Micheal Holden on my screen this October

Stop these assholes please make the queer community safe
im begging anyone who sees this post to prevent rapesexual, im begging you. no one will see this but if you do reblog to get the message out that these fuckers exist and dont deserve to exist heres the flag so you can know who to fucking block, report and tell to fuck off

i dont want this to ruin the pride and help with self esteem of being lgbtq+ so a signal boost from larger accounts might be nice
I'm pan, ace, nb, and DEFINITELY TIRED
Iβm ace, aro and tired
Reblog if you are also LGBT+ and tired
As an nb person I definitely do
Reblog if you support non-binary people <3
(I'm trying to prove a homophobic person in my class wrong :3)
I'm honestly still new to this app soooo

Absolutely need this
petition for a SECOND pride month in halloween month
rb for yes
like for yes
both for double yes