64 posts
Trans-masc-michelangelo - Untitled - Tumblr Blog
hey. HEY. artists. writers.
take your TIME

Well it’s been one hell of a ride @somerandomdudelmao I just want to give you this is tribute to your comic and a personal thank you
You have been one of the biggest inspirations to me and I know you probably hear that a lot, but to me it means the world, so thank you!

Everyone reblog this IMMEDIATELY
Collab between me and Tapa, she handed me the animatic of this and it went into a big journey
Have a happy New years eve!
The music: Kais theme - Kung Fu Panda 3
I really thought you would pick the angsty option
Well, I was mistaken

Human future Mikey let's goooooo
All the cool kids were doing it, so here’s my take on the Rise boys as humans!

Here’s a few headcanons regarding the designs:
Was forbidden from getting piercings until he was at least sixteen, so he took matters into his own hands. Initially he pierced his ears himself, but later he managed to rope Donnie into helping him and they figured it out together. Raph gave them one hell of a lecture when he showed up with his first proper piercing, but he assured him that he got all the details covered. Raph gave up on stopping him after his third piercing.
Likes to cover scars and tiny wounds of any kind with colorful bandages. Sometimes he slaps them on when he isn’t really hurt simply because he thinks they look cool. Leo may be the medic but Mikey will put a little band aid over it, no matter how big the wound it.
Started wearing the bi colored pearls in his hair without telling anyone why. Just as he planned, he came out the moment someone questioned them. He enjoys the color combo so he just permanently kept them after it.
Painted all the patterns on his jacket himself.
Mikey was the one who made the Mad Dogs t-shirt for him after they established the name as a gift. He cried.
The white band aids on his chest cover a nasty scar he got when they were younger. Though he got it from something a lot more mundane than fighting crime or demons.
The buzz cut is a recent development. He used to have braided dreads.
Often forgets to change the bandages he has wrapped around his hands so when he finally puts on new ones the old ones are often either stained of barely hanging on after days of usage.
Has vitiligo.
Started bleaching his hair around 13. Did it very wrong the first time and had to cut off all his hair and he cried so hard he threw up.
Prefers more traditional clothing
Decided to pierce his ear when Mikey was getting his eyebrow piercing and got scolded way more than his brother because he insisted on doing it himself. Fortunately, it didn’t get infected.
Still has his lil’ pouch and does in fact keep medical supplies in there.
Keeps his tech in his backpack that he prefers to keep on at all times. The backpack is of course also a piece of technology in itself, with the spider arms and jetpack respectively.
Has scoliosis and general back and neck problems. Often needs to wear a back brace.
Still decks himself out in all his tech. Due to having the most health issues out of his brothers he feels he still needs to compensate.
Was unfortunately stopped from giving himself lazer eye surgery so he still needs glasses.
Masks are only worn on missions. (Though I’ve usually excluded them from other drawings, but shhhhh)
Been thinking about this more as a human au rather than just the human designs though it could also just be designs for potential cloaking broaches.
*deep inhale*



what's up chronic pain nation ! (hundreds of ow's hum in unison)
Remember how in rottmnt: The Movie F!Mikey had spots on his head?

What if what if he covered up his spots as a teen because he didn't like them?
What if he thought they were ugly and didn't want to be seen with them?
But when the apocalypse came and he didn't have whatever he used to cover them up he decided to embrace them and started to like them?
But then he got hair and they got covered again? And he tries to cover his hair somehow?
But then he got used to his hair and let it be on full display.
Then he started balding and they were on display again but he didn't like his hair going away but they were glad to have their spots back.
I don't know just a thought ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I like the punk movement, and I'm a cripple. So thought I'd reblog this to spread what it is!
Hey, cripples. We have to talk.
This movement is called Cripplepunk. And I know some of you don’t know what this shit is about. It’s okay, when I first found this movement I just saw people who looked like me and rushed in, too. It’s okay.
So I am here to teach you. Okay?
What is punk?

Before you learn about cripplepunk, I have to teach you about the base movement, the punk subculture. What I need you to understand is that if you are cripplepunk, you are a punk. And a good punk always supports the cripplepunk movement. If they don’t, disregard them.
Punk is about ideology. But it’s also music. It’s dance. It’s art. It’s fashion.
The punk fashion can sometimes seem inaccessible. Punks have to make our own clothes fit the image. The runway and the fashion store don’t embody what we represent. We represent DIY ethics.
However, I personally don’t wear punk gear all the time and you don’t have to, either. You can never wear it if you don’t wanna. I’m a cripple and leaning back on a chair when the entire back panel of your jacket is studded isn’t comfortable when I’m feeling shitty. If you feel like you can, just a pin badge can help us clock each other in public. Punks won’t judge how much you fit the mould, because we aren’t about fitting the mould. Do what you want. It’s about the attitude.
Punks are non-conformists. You see a generic image for us, because that’s what media likes. And it’s what a lot of us like anyways. But if you don’t like it, or you don’t want to, that just makes you more punk. Don’t conform if you don’t want to.
Punks are against authoritarianism. We do not submit to authority. We stand up against the people who try to control us.
We are anti-corporatism. We do not believe that big corporations should have the power or influence they do, we do not think they should have the ability to effect the public health or anything else. We are against ridiculous medical charges, privatised healthcare. There is no ethical consumption under capitalism, though. Don’t feel bad for buying Pepsi.
The DIY ethic is important to punks. We have handmade patches, we stud our clothes by hand. Learning to sew is incredibly beneficial. (Side note: if you don’t know how to sew and have a wardrobe malfunction, find the closest punk, they can probably fix it.)
We believe in direct action. We are against selling out.
Zines are an underground press function, and while it seems there are many artistic zines these days, punk zines are how we get our ideas into paper and out to each other when the Corp papers are scared to let us speak.
Even if you don’t like punk music… try your best. Clubs that play club music and other places that blast it is where you’re gonna find other punks.
What makes cripplepunk different?

First of all.
We are cripples.
Worried if you fit into this category? Easy fix. Have you ever been called a cripple? Are you physically disabled? There you have it.
If you’re not physically disabled you cannot be cripplepunk.
This movement was started by Tyler Trewhella in 2014, right here on tumblr. @crpl-pnk. They died in 2017, but our movement lives on and still is based on their rules. It takes punk ideas and values and uses it to raise our voices higher. It is a movement that strives to push the truth that cripples do not need to be GOOD or SWEET or INSPIRATIONAL or MORALLY PERFECT. We can smoke, drink, refuse any treatment we don’t want, talk back and have attitude, we can be loud and rude and brash. We can do whatever the fuck we want just like everyone else.
The principles are as follows, entirely Tyler’s words:
-cripple punk is exclusively by the physically disabled for the physically disabled
-cripple punk is about solidarity & is open to all physically disabled people
-cripple punk rejects pity, inspiration porn, & all other forms of ableism
-cripple punk rejects the “good cripple” mythos. cripple punk is here for the bitter cripple, the uninspirational cripple, the smoking cripple, the drinking cripple, the addict cripple, the cripple who hasn’t “tried everything”
-cripple punk fights internalized ableism & fully supports those struggling with it
-cripple punk respects intersections of race, culture, gender, sexual/romantic orientation, size, intersex status, mental illness/neuroatypical status, survivor status, etc.
-cripple punk recognizes that there is no one universal disabled experience
-cripple punk does not pander to the able bodied
other rules:
-cripple punk is not conditional on things like mobility aids & “functioning levels”
-always listen to those w/ different physical disabilities & different intersections than yourself. do not speak over them
-disabled people do not need to personally identify w/ the words “cripple” or “punk” individually to be a part of cripple punk
-able bodied people wishing to spread the message may only ever amplify the voices of the disabled
-able bodied people may never use uncensored slurs themselves but never censor our language -able bodied people must always tag things like reblogs with “i’m able bodied”
-physically disabled people wanting to be a part of the movement who are uncomfortable using the slur may refer to it as “cpunk”
What’s the take away?

We are angry. We are punk.
These can not be separated.
If you can’t handle the fury that comes with this movement, please wait until you can. Because we are fucking pissed at the world and it’s injustice, and telling us to “stop gatekeeping” or “acting ___” only adds fuel to our fires.
Some of us are living even when it seems like anything else would be a mercy, and some of us are dying before we ever thought we would. Some of us have dead friends. Some of us have a LOT of dead friends.
I bet you feel some of this, too. Don’t you?
That’s why I wanted to post this quick rundown. to weed out abled idiots and people who don't see this for what it is: politics. punk is political. cripplepunk is political.
so… yeah, welcome to our movement. its time to start screaming.
im gettin real tired of ‘trans boy’ meaning conventionally attractive white androgynous skinny kid with an undercut so heres a shoutout post to:
- chubby trans boys
- trans boys that don’t bind for comfort or physical health reasons
- non-white trans boys (i’m one of them so huge shout out to you guys i luv u !!)
- tall trans boys
- trans boys with long hair
- trans boys who wear makeup
- trans boys who love generally ‘feminine’ things
- physically disabled trans boys
- mentally ill trans boys
- trans boys that have health issues that prevent them looking the way they want to
- trans boys who cosplay non-male characters
- trans boys!! with!! dark!! skin!!
- gay trans boys
ur all rly great we in this together high school musical up here…. if ur cis u can reblog this btw !
another really fantastic detail from the s2 finale regarding Leo's powers... I've always loved the hell out of what they did cinematically with it, it looks and feels incredible and kicks total ass. initially I was under the impression that he was replacing his portals with his swords; that he was "traveling through" them per-say. but here --

...we can actually see Leo materializing SEPARATELY from his sword! you can see in the following frame he actually dissipates again and his sword continues flying along the same path untouched, inertia unaffected.

...and then he materializes again to properly align with it and catch it!

he's entirely not in contact with it but is implied to have already crossed spacetime. which means Leo can just... Do That. he's rapidly bending space to transmit his goddamn subatomic particles to a new location. the purpose of the swords isn't to do the portaling; it's to work as a landing pad. it's a vector point by which he re-solidifies the mass he's transporting. a familiar homing beacon he can align himself with on the fly.
YKNOW. AT THE FINALY. SHE WAS LIKE “My friends cal me Casey”


Saw this video took screen shots and it perfectly fits my entire idea of that episode

Cause like everyone had some shit happening and then there’s Leo who wore a wig that steals things
They're brothers your honor
@somerandomdudelmao *hugs them* I can consume so much happiness...
Song: Bahjat - "Hometown smile" (nightcore version)

I can't stop watching this animatic! It's so good!
Sometimes I think... they're all just speaking tongues...
A little animation for Cass Apocalyptic Series by @somerandomdudelmao! Thank you for creating such a wonderful story that brings the fandom together!!
I just realized that Casey has watched Leo die THRICE with this series. Once when he went through the time gateway, once when he closed the portal (technically not died, but they thought he did) and now THIS *uncontrolled sobbing*

Part 12!
Okay. A little insight. I originally wanted to do two separate episodes for Leo and Mikey.
And at the end of his episode, Leo would die alone in the middle of the wasteland. Dramatic, angsty, all that yeah
But then I thought about it many, many more times. Leo was essentially never alone. I used to think of him as such a... kind of... somewhat abandoned and lonely character?, because I've read so many fanfics about him traveling back in time.
But canon Leo was never completely alone. Mikey was there, Mikey was with him until the very end. Mikey and him went all the way to the inevitable defeat together.
This wasn't just Leo who lost everything. It was them. Both of them. Together.
This comic really does things to my brain.
Part 1
*Sad noises*
@somerandomdudelmao... it must have been done in one day, no matter how bad it might look or how short... I must have captured what I felt, the next day it wouldn't be the same... Second day, second memory, same misery, different fate... It's... it always such a miracle to see what you can make my brain do...
I just find this so cool!!

Sun-Spider concept art for Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse by Kris Anka
listen i know turtles is turtles is turtles believe me i love them all
but i just think no raph will ever be quite like him

hes such a beacon of positive masculinity in childrens media (using his strength and size to be protective, being openly emotional and unashamed of crying, and confident in his soft side) and i just want to celebrate that ❤️

I'm back with another crack meme, let's see how well this one does
If it does as well as my New Yorker Post then I'll make a navigation list for the memes :D