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Trans-masc-michelangelo - Untitled - Tumblr Blog

Many Palestinians who have launched fundraising campaigns on Tumblr face ongoing challenges, as the platform often does not adequately support their causes.
Tumblr has banned some Palestinian accounts that were aiming to raise funds and raise awareness about the situation in Palestine, which has angered many.
Some of my accounts and those of some of my friends who used Tumblr to launch campaigns in support of Palestine have been banned, reflecting the platform’s disregard for just causes.
Despite the efforts of Palestinians to spread fundraising campaigns through Tumblr, the platform continues to unfairly restrict some accounts, which hinders humanitarian support efforts.

@nabulsi @ibtisams @tododeku-or-bust @turian
@paper-mario-wiki @sar-soor @determinate-negation @determinate-negation @sayruq @90-ghost @dykesbat shared
sorry i cant hang out i forgot how to mimic human like behaviour
Do it
Do it
Do it
Y’all don’t understand how close I am to making a PowerPoint presentation to explain the multiple Robins and entirety of the BatFam to my dad, a man who collected DC comics as a kid himself, who insists that Dick Grayson is the only real Robin and the others were fan creations and that it’s only ever been Batman and Robin.
What is or isn’t a slur can be highly contextual, y'all.
“Jonny Sims bummed a fag off my ma” doesn’t contain a slur, but “What are you, some kind of fag?” does.
“Queer studies”, “the queer community” and “I’m queer”? Not a slur. Some bigot calling you a “dirty queer”? Slur.
“Be gay, do crimes” and “He’s gay” ≠ slur, but “Ew, that’s so gay” = slur.
In conclusion, stop buying into this fucking “q slur” bullshit. Queer people talking about the queer community aren’t using it as a slur any more than a gay man calling himself gay is using that term as a slur.
TW for talk of menstrual cycles and medical-ish talk.
I'm prolly about to give a tmi about AFAB health, but I don't really care right now because I'm pissed about what I found out:
So, I am doing research for a fanfic, one of the suggested searches that come up when you already search, "People also ask", it has "when is uterine pain an emergency?" As one of them. Me being the curious person I am, while also being born with a uterus, clicks on it. Do you wanna know what it says??
"Get emergency care if you have sharp, sudden pelvic pain accompanied by: Excessive vaginal bleeding. Fever. Nausea or vomiting."
You wanna know a little tidbit about most people who have periods?? When we have our periods, we sometimes get a fever to go along with it. Or vomiting. Or nausea. Or, when we bleed excessively we don't always know that something is wrong until it's too late. Or we do, but we get TURNED AWAY by MEDICAL "PROFESSIONALS" because they think we're exaggerating or it's not actually "that bad". Like, sorry Mister Cis White Man! I didn't know that you're an expert on MY body and that this is normal even though it's actually not and has never happened before!
Like, I've gone to the hospital for bleeding before from my asshole, and I had the SAME doctor ask me THREE different times "are you sure this isn't just your period?"
I'm so fucking sick of male doctors who have never experienced anything like a menstrual cycle question whether or not it's actually a problem. Even female doctors!! I had a woman gynecologist tell me that "all women have a little bit of IBS."
Sorry for my rant. I'm just questioning why people are the way they are. Have a nice day.
Statute of limitations is up so imma blab!
A while ago, probably going on six years, I was in another state for a family church camp thing, it was held at a college in the state. Me and a few other kids were rolling these rolly chairs around in one of the rooms.
Long story short, the chair put a goddamn WHOLE in the wall and we panicked and ran away from it to play somewhere else in the room.
They made a whole ass announcement to ask whoever did it to come forward to pay for the damage (╥﹏╥) like hell a bunch of CHILDREN under fourteen are gonna do that! Anywho, that happened and the room was closed for the entire week.
We all made a vow to never tell our parents without making a vow. Someone said "should we tell our parents??" And the rest of us were like "no! We can't do that! We'll be in so much trouble and not be able to do anything during camp!!"
So, yeah. *Starts playing teenager dirtbag by Wheatus sarcastically*
Tim tells the Batclan he's going on a space mission with Young Justice for a few weeks, he's got everything sorted civilian side and his cases and patrol routes covered, and also if any of his usual Rogue's Gallery suddenly comes looking for him don't worry about it.
And all of that is fine and normal - except that last part hey Tim what the fuck does that mean?
and Tim just goes it's fine don't worry about it anyway gotta go bye! and then he just bounces
and everything is fine until not even a day later when Babs forwards them a video Red Robin uploaded to his social medias that is a music video of him (Red Robin) seductively lip-syncing along to Chappell Roan's "My Kink is Karma" against a backdrop of fail compilation clips of several of the villains Tim has a particular grudge against, including Azrael, Lex Luthor, and most prominently Ra's al Ghul.
so there's Tim, in a form-fitting catsuit styled like his Red Robin costume, in heels, feeling himself up with a video clip in the background showing Ra's tripping on his own robes and face planting into the brickwork, evidence he dyes out some of the gray in his hair, his sash coming undone and pants falling off in the middle of a fight, trying to swipe the effects of a glitterbomb off of himself, etc.
It all ends with the Mean Girls clip of "why are you so obsessed with me?"
The video is immediately viral.
(There's some clips of Red Hood in there fucking up but Jason can't even be mad because he's laughing so hard he's gonna throw up)
Tim's Rogues absolutely DO show up to Gotham looking for him, and while they all want revenge, Red Robin is THEIR arch enemy like HELL are they going to work with these other embarrassments, so they all start fighting each other and it is absolutely CHAOS (Lex decides discretion is the better part of valor and makes a statement that no of course he has nothing against Red Robin he has no idea why he was included in that video haha yes of course it was Very Funny when a bird accidentally pooped on his head he is Very Capable of laughing at himself Thank You, and then he quietly goes to one of his vacation houses and moodily drinks for several days waiting for things to blow over)
Tim, meanwhile, is having a wonderful vacation with Young Justice, catching up with Lobo and Slobo, chasing down some space pirates, and just getting out of Gotham and away from his Rogues trying to challenge him/seduce him/kill him/whatever.
Bruce is taking the constant psychic damage of having the image of softcore Red Robin erotica burned into his brain along with the realization that way, way, WAY too many of Tim's Rogues want to sleep with him like an absolute champ. (Dick is not taking it like a champ, Dick is taking it like an unhinged vengeful wraith and has had to be benched for trying to tear out Ra's throat with his teeth.)
Stephanie is having the Time of Her Life. Damian cannot look anyone in the eye and absolutely cannot look Ra's (or his mother who ALSO showed up prominently in the video) in the face and is Not Having the Time of His Life.
(Jason is with Steph on this one, he is having SUCH a blast, this is so fucking hysterical)
From now on, I am calling Garfield Logan (Beast Boy) Wild Kratt. 😌
From now on, I am calling Garfield Logan (Beast Boy) Wild Kratt. 😌
Reblog if you think asexuality is a legitimate sexuality.
I'm trying to prove something.
Do you mean as in when you wake up? Or during the morning? Because for morning, probably leftovers in the fridge. For when I just wake up, leftovers in the fridge.
(spoiler alert, hardly ever anything for me so I just end up drinking one of my mom's boyfriends Doctor Pepper's and call it good)
(or water.)
If I ask nicely will people reblog this and tell me what their most common breakfast is? Not your favorite necessarily, just what you have for breakfast most frequently? 🙏🏽
good things will happen 🧿
things that are meant to be will fall into place 🧿
*Me, drinking a monster at 2AM* is this what you want from me?! Is this what you need, useless fleshy lump?!
That feeling when your body is requesting something but you're not sure what so you just start eating and drinking random stuff to try and figure it out
saw a grown woman on tiktok snidely calling gen z the christopher columbus generation bc someone’s fifteen year old son ‘thought he’d discovered weezer’. newsflash every generation finds out about the music of the previous generation at some point it comes free with being fifteen. being annoying about music also comes free with being fifteen. a kid saying yeah i’ve just found this band nirvana have you ever heard of them should be a thing of joy