A Little Too "Daddy"
A Little Too "Daddy"
It was a typical summer day after work for Joseph in his aparment. He typed away on his computer talking to his boyfriend, Carl.
Carl: Saw a really hot guy today while walkin' home today babe
Joseph: Oh yea? What body type
Carl: A total Daddy!!! Like damn... wish he was my boyfriend. Not to say you're bad but like... you know. Joseph: Haha... I see.
Carl: It's whatever anyway lol he was with his kids and clearly banged a woman.
Joseph: You can't say that for sure-
Carl: He was every stereotypical dad trope in the book bro. I know my stuff!!!
Joseph: If you say so... but like are you trying to say I should try and bulk up?
Carl: Maybe...
Joseph: Aw Carl, You know that's difficult.
Carl: Yea but imagine me calling you daddy haha
Joseph: You're lucky I love you.
Carl: Yea i know! Anyways Gotta go now. My favorite telenovela is about to start. Love you babe!
Joseph: Bye. Love you!
Joseph closed the messaging app with a sigh. He did a "bicep" flex and yup still skinny.
"Ugh. This sucks! Why can't I be what he wants?" Joseph slammed his face on his keyboard in despair.
"I should really talk to someone about this- oh wait! Joseph recalled the therapist hotline stapled onto the breakroom pinboard at his work.
"I guess I'll text it right now..." Joseph was quick to turn on his phone and with a bit of help he eventually texted the codeword to activate the automatic transfer.
Thank you so much for being here we'll get you to one of our members immediately!
"Oh great... this'll take a while hu-"
???: Hi my name is G3NI3 how can I help you, today?
Joseph: G3NI3? Did your parents hate you?
G3NI3: Nah dude it's a CODENAME. Gotta keep some sort of confidentiality
Joseph: Ah right fair enough
G3NI3: Alright so what's your name and why did you text us today?
Joseph: Joseph, and I'm here because of my boyfriend...
G3NI3: Aww did you break up?
Joseph: No... it's more... he saw a hot dad today and said "i wish he was my boyfriend"
G3NI3: Oh i see... was the dude straight?
Joseph: Yea why do you ask?
G3NI3: Just wondering... Anyways so I'm guessing the dude was like super buff and stuff? Joseph: Yea... meanwhile I'm a scrawny man in my 20's...
G3NI3: I see I see... so what you're saying is that if you were an older "daddy" you'd be happier?
Joseph: Yea. Atleast it'd appease my boyfriend...
G3NI3: Alright then, say Joseph why don't you tell me about your life and how you met your boyfriend maybe this'll help
Joseph: Uh... sure. Okay so like... we met in highschool and we REALLY hit it off so we started dating pretty soon after and now we're here.
G3NI3: Makes sense. Though... based on your talks I feel like you'd be more bros than boyfriends
Joseph: Huh? what makes you say that?
G3NI3: Idk just got the vibe.
Joseph: How WOULD you say that you only know him as my boyfriend.
G3NI3: Yea but like for people your age, not sure i'd go randomly say "hey this man my age should be friends with me!"
Joseph: What are you talking about? My boyfriend is like 24 and the dude seemed 40.
G3NI3: Nah man, didn't you say you were both in your 40's?
Joseph: No... I said 20's
G3NI3: Pretty sure I saw 40's
Joseph: Yea well!! I can just scroll up and see!!
G3NI3: Suit yourself.
Joseph was getting furious at this "G3NIE". He 100% told them he was in his... 40's? Joseph read the text again.
"Joseph: Yea... meanwhile I'm a scrawny man in my 40's..." Joseph couldn't believe it, but then it dawned on him oh wait... he IS in his 40's haha imagine actually being in my 20's again that would be WILD.
Joseph: Sorry about that. You're right me and my boyfriend are in our 40's.
G3NI3: Told ya. Though you never told me your boyfie's name.
Joseph: Oh it's Carl. Pretty normal name.
G3NI3: Weird... I feel like he would be more a Carlito.
Joseph: Uh... What makes you say that?
G3NI3: Isn't he from Mexico?
Joseph: Uh... yea? But how did you know that?
G3NI3: Lucky guess. I mean... imagine having a mexican hottie like him as your bro.
Joseph: Not sure what you mean. We're DATING and he's skinny like me. Even though we're both in our 40's...
Joseph paused for a second. Wasn't Carlit- Carl in his 20's and skinny? but then he "remembered" the last pic his boyfriend sent him.
"Get ready to some farm work for my bonita~ What do you think?"

Wait... Bonita? Carl- No... Carlito would never call Joseph that. Not to mention his boyfriend never looked like that! Or... did he? Joseph scrambled through his memories and every memory he had of Carlito was him as jacked af Mexican man. Guess he forgot how lucky he was. The bonita bothered him but he just ignored it for now.
Joseph: Sorry nvm yea he is all that. We're dating though so we're not just "bros".
G3NI3: nah man, you seem like bros to me. Don't you remember he married Maria and got like 2 kids.
Maria??? who is- Oh right. Maria is Carlito's "Bonita" He rants about her all the time to you at your weekly bar hangouts. Joseph remembers how his two kids Mateo and Juanita would call him Uncle Joseph! Ah he loves those little rascals. Wait.. something felt off to Joseph.
Joseph: How do you know all this? Isn't this our first session?
G3NI3: What are you talking about dude? This is like our 20th one together
"W-What???" Joseph could not believe what G3NI3 was saying. This was definitely his first using the hotline. Joseph could prove it he just has to scroll up a bit and- Huh?
To Joseph's amazement, G3NI3 was right they've been talking for months. And what do you know they bring up everything about Carlito too. Guess that's that mystery solved.
Joseph: Oh man, you're right guess my age is starting to show...
G3NI3: Don't count yourself out yet old man. You have a kid to care for!
Joseph: Kid??? You must be joking I'm single and could never get a kid! I'm gay!
G3NI3: Oh come on don't be like that just cause you had a divorce with Kate doesn't mean you gotta deny being straight as an arrow or deny that kid you helped make! Joseph: Okay now you're crazy! No way I got married to a LADY. I was never into them!!
G3NI3: No need to get worked up big guy. Your son is following in your footsteps as a bodybuilder! Bodybuilder???? What kind of insanity is G3NI3 spewing now! Joseph was skinny as stick. Always has been.
Joseph: You must think I'm crazy if you want to believe I'm anything but a stick! It's a miracle Carlito even wants to hang out with a single skinny guy like me!
G3NI3: Oh don't be so shy! I know you love flexing in front of Carlito to show how you can attract the ladies! Your libido is off the charts bro.
Joseph had enough of this. He'd crush his phone with his big strong hands if he didn't have the money to replace it.
Joseph: Now listen here! I know I love a good flexing or two but I wouldn't say I have a high libido! Besides... I'm not manly enough I don't got a beard or any cool tattoos...
G3NI3: Come on, Josef! You're the manliest they come! With a luscious ginger beard and a tattoo of a cross between your tits AND one on your left arm you're peak masculinity! And you even married a WOMAN. Sure it didn't last but it's something!
Josef: You really think so? Aw shucks. Maybe if I was a faggot we could've dated... as if! The only thing I love more than muscles is a good looking women to take home and fuck silly.

G3NI3: Focus Josef. Use that bald head of yours for once and think! You came here because you didn't think Carlito doesn't want to hang out with you right?
Josef: Yes... we might've been bros since middle school but idk ever since me and the divorce with Kate it just doesn't feel like the same...
G3NI3: Puh-lease. You guys are two peas in a bro-pod. Do you really think Carlito would send you this if you weren't bros for life?

Josef: Ah I remember that! Carlito made those fags think they had a chance with him when he and Maria been fuckin' for years! Got a good laugh out of that!
Carlito: Exactly! Who would send that to a straight friend otherwise!
Josef: You're right... What did I have to worry about? Me and Carlito? We're buds for life!
Just then a knock came at the door.
"Dad! Carlito's here!" "Coming, Son!"
Josef: Welp, looks like Carlito's here. Thanks for the talk G3NI3. Always appreciate ya!
G3NI3: No problem! and remember... you asked for this
Josef: W-Wha?
G3NI3: Nothing! Bye
"And to think that's my therapist... Anyways gotta get ready for my bro!" Josef got up from his seat and left his bedroom stationed at the 2nd floor of his house. Gotta thank Kate for that child support money. But before he could enter the hallway...
"Son! I told you no underwear and caps in the house! Put some damn clothes on!"

Sorry pa, I just loveee my muscles. Do you mind if a girl comes over tonight? I think it'll work this time!"
"'Course Son. The Women will love ya! You get it from your old man!" Josef flexes to make his point clear.

"Thanks dad!" Josef's son flexes back before getting ready for his date.

"How did I get lucky enough to get a son like that?" Josef chuckled. He might not got much but at least he has son and his bro Carlito.
"Oh right! Carlito!" Josef almost forgot to get ready so he grabbed a fresh set of clothes and went to go change in the bathroom.
Before he changed Josef did one quick flex in the mirror.

"G3NI3 wasn't kidding. That libido of mine is ready to go!" Josef was proud of his physique. But now's not the time for that he has to go meet his bro.
Josef adorned his massive figure with a tank top saying "BEAST" and some killer designer shades he was ready to finally answer that door. With a strong force Josef opened the door to find the man himself, Carlito.
"Hola amigo. Have you seen that faggot Josef anywhere? Haha!"

"Oh come on Carlito, you know I'm as straight as an arrow!" Josef said back in a playful tone.
"Would you change your mind if I were to... do this?" Carlito took his shirt and removed his shades and did a flex right in front of Josef.

"..." "GAHAHAHA" The two large man laughed in unison.
"Nah bro, you're my bro forever and always." Josef smiled.
"As always mi amigo, now let's rapido we're gonna be late for our gym sess!" Carlito put his shirt and shades back on and headed for his luxury car.
As for Josef he didn't have a car as cool as Carlito but had a car from the 2000's and it was like his second child but don't tell Josef's son that. But before he got in his car Josef took a moment to feel his masculinity in the car window's reflection.
"I look damn fine."

And So Josef and Carlito went to have grand old brotime together. Working out together like true bros, hanging out at the bar like true bros, and of course trying to get Josef with a woman for the 30th time this month. You'd think they were a couple but nah they're both straight as arrows no doubt about that. Josef lived a happy life despite his circumstances and that meant more time to flex flex FLEX!

Safe to say he was a real... daddy. He's even got the kid to show for it.
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More Posts from Transformation4life
Daddy Growth
"Become a real Daddy in minutes with Daddy Growth! Buy NOW!"
Those were the words that brought Dean to his local supermarket. Dean had been trying to bulk up for ages, but just couldn't no matter how hard he tried. The 22 year old was fresh out of college taking freelancing work in art and making it by but just barely. Dean was desperate for any quick solution to his muscle building problem and this product promised fast results he couldn't have driven faster to the supermarket than he already did.
"Is that all?" The cashier said to Dean as he put the bottle on the conveyor belt"
"Yea- WOAH!" Dean was shocked to see that the cashier was JACKED.

"Notice the guns? Pretty weird for someone like me to be working here yeah?" The cashier spoke with his deep voice
"Y-Yea.. a little... And how come they let you wear no shirt!" Dean was getting a little bit flustered as his attraction to guys was starting to show.
"Oh believe me, after this stuff came out dress codes got REAL lenient," He points at the bottle of Daddy Growth
"Wow... I didn't even really notice..." Dean twiddled with his thumbs.
"Don't worry about it, bud. Say... random question but are you a parent?"
"W-Wha? No... I'm only 22!" Dean was shocked to get asked that by a random person let alone a buff one.
"I see... yea good luck with that. Here's your bottle. Have a great day!" The man said with a wink giving Dean shivers.
Dean arrived home shortly after with the bottle in hand a little shaken by the whole experience, but was still determined this bottle will be the solution to all his problems. Dean carefully inspected the bottle instructions: Step 1: Open Bottle
Step 2: Drink bottle all at once
Step 3: Enjoy The Muscle!
"Seems simple enough. I can't understand the warning though... Oh well!" Dean popped the bottle open and drank the whole thing in one chug.
"Damn... that was actually pretty refreshing... so now what..." Dean pranced around the room expecting something to happen but a couple minutes pass and nothing did.
"Is this a scam? Did i just spend 20 dollars on a drink? Hell why do I always fall for these kind of thi-" A jolt hit Dean as he clenched his head in pain.
Dean's body began to sweat at a rapid rate as his body began to grow. First to grow was his chest as they ballooned up into two massive clashing meat mounds with sweat adorning their surface. Next to change was Dean's stomach as a sexy set of abs popped in with the sweat making them glisten. Soon after Dean's arms became behemoths in size both having large biceps and triceps and... veins with an accompanying back widening and shoulders prop up! That marked the end of Dean's button up as a loud *rip* led the shirt to fall to the floor. As the shirt fell it was beginning to change. The buttons fell off as the sleeves rescinded and the shirts blue became a white with a black rim until it was the perfect bodybuilder tank top. Letter by letter the words "Better Bodies Gym Issues" appeared with the change finished right as it reached Dean's feet.
The top of Dean's body had their fun so it was the lower half was ready to grow with the thighs as thick as chickens and godlike status were already forming on his legs. Dean's feet growing by a couple inches whole too good thing he wasn't wearing any shoes. Unlike his shirt dean's bottoms held on pretty tightly before becoming elastic and breathable shorts as a direct cut sliced his pants right above his now thick knees as the rough material became more free. The leftover material wrapped around his feet becoming a nice pair of blue and black shoes with the laces tied tightly. Everything about Dean had changed besides his head, but not for long.
The main change began as Dean's body began to age. Wrinkles forming in the face and general gruffness that definitely didn't suit the 22 year old as he became someone in their late 40's as derek gained some stubble and his hair flattened and became slicked to the side with some gray hairs here and there as well. Dean couldn't speak through the whole ordeal as the pain in his body was too much, but it was finally over... right? WRONG
Dean's room morphed into a busy gym in a flash as the pain subsided little by little. Dean was able to snap back to reality as he now realized he wasn't in his room anymore and he was sweating like a bullet... on a workout bench? Dean couldn't even speak as a gold necklace with a cross wrapped itself around Dean's thick neck signifying the end of the changes.

"W-What... happened... to..." Dean couldn't process what just happened. How did he get at the gym and why did he feel sweaty.
Just then he felt something move. It was his new pecs... bouncing.

Dean looked down to see his new BIG and MEATY body in complete dumbfoundery. The drink actually worked. He became a "daddy"! Dean immediately stood up and flexed to the nearby mirror.
Dean looked great and he KNEW it. He did every bodybuilder thing under the book. Flexing, pec bouncing, and touching his muscles. the works and Dean loved every second of it. He felt like a new man!

The fun had to end though when someone walked up to Dean with a look that definitely wasn't friendly.
"Dean. What are you doing here?" It was a sterner older man not dissimilar to one Dean met at the store.
Dean wasn't sure what to say and just looked at the guy and spoke nothing.
"That's all you got to say to me? Your SON has been looking for you!" Wait... Son? Dean didn't have a son, let alone sex! How did he-
"Not to be rude sir, but I don't have a son I just drank this potion and-"
"Don't sir me, young man! I am your TRAINER. Now take off your tank top that shit is too sweaty to show your son!"
Dean not wanting to be rude to his "Trainer" reluctantly removed the tank top in order to satisfy him.

"Now put this on!" The trainer holding a tank with the word Evogen surrounded by stars.
Dean put it on and when he put it on he felt... comfortable in it. Almost like he's been wearing it for the past ten years. Like he...
Suddenly a whole slew of memories came flooding into Dean. Firstly being the 20+ years of life now under his belt, his years bodybuilding, and of course his son. Daniel. Dean always loved how the rascal took after him ever since he was young.
"Wait... no I don't-" Dean fought against the memories but when he saw the spitting image of his son in his mind dancing just like how Dean remembered he would, he felt at ease he somehow helped brought someone into this world.

Xander was a lot like his father. A bodybuilder and knew when to have fun. Dean was proud of him more than any father could ask for.
"Feel better now?" The trainer he now remembered as his longtime friend Ron.
"I'd say... yeah," Dean giving his pecs a firm lift.

And right on cue came Dean's just as big son.
"Hey pops," Xander was sweating from presumably a workout.

"Son! Good to see you! How's... Maria?" Dean randomly blurted out the name, but somehow knew it was related to his son.
"Oh, she's doing great! I'm so glad you were so accepting me being straight dad, you know how you can be sometimes?
"Know how I can be sometimes? What do you mean oh son of mine?" Dean said in a cocky manner before getting into a dance.
"That's what I mean dad! Anyways... ready to workout?" Dean almost already forgot he was supposed to be working out with his son.
Wait... what just happened? How did this all happen? Dean didn't realize that none of this was normal. First he become buff and older and not to mention has a child??? That's not normal in the slightest. Even with the new memories he still he had his old ones, the ones where he was skinny and scrawny and lived in a shoddy apartment, but he also had the memories of his kid and living in a big house. The mix of memories was getting to his head, and yet when he saw his new life and now body... he was fine with this. All this. He's never been a parent, but it won't hurt to try! And this BIG body is a huge bonus Dean can't complain at all. Now the real question is who did he fu-
"Dad? You good? We should head to the machines!" Xander looking at his father with confusion
"Oh! Sorry my boy, just lost in thought. Let's get to work!" Derek gave a confident flex to his son.

"Well I'll see you two later. Have fun!" Ron promptly left to help out other bodybuilders.
This new life was gonna be a bit hard for Dean to adjust to and Dean knew that and his old life was over but he was ready to start anew in exchange for this sexy body.
And so the new Dean waddled his way to the workout machines with his new son and looked as hot as hell doing it. He was a real Daddy now!

Cop Out

"Put your hands where I can see them!" A Cop got out of his police car to apprehend the vigilante spray painting a public building
Officer Harold had been on the police force for almost 20 years now and has been through all the hate Cops have been given over the years from being called a pig, to the protests, and all the mockery and slander. To him he didn't understand he was just trying to help people!
"Alright PIG, I'll stop," The vigilante Maxwell snarled back.
Harold sighed. Another day of being called a pig. Without much thought he grabbed his cuffs to detain Maxwell and send him to the station.
"Just so you know PIG. You may catch me now but I WILL be back!!!!!" Harold stopped in his tracks as Maxwell spoke again.
"Alright that's it Mister. I'm DONE with people like you. I've been on the force for years!!!! You will NEVER understand what we have to go through. We serve this country and we get treated like shit!! I just wish you would understand. Be in the shoes of someone on the force and then we'll see how you feel!" Harold blurted his frustration out at Maxwell which probably wasn't the best idea but he was his limit.
Maxwell couldn't care less but when he tried to open his mouth to speak more insults he found himself unable to speak. Not to mention something felt odd to him. Like he felt like he should respect Officer Harold despite all his earlier statements.
"O-Okay, sir..." Maxwell spoke in a meek tone.
Harold was a bit surprised to hear Maxwell suddenly respect him, but he appreciated the sudden niceness.
"Alright, I'll let you be just this once! Don't get in the way of another officer like myself and you'll be good in my book," Harold put his cuffs away and bids Maxwell farewell.
Maxwell waves goodbye and for some reason... he wanted to see the officer again. It was against all his bashing of police over the years and he knows it and yet... he yearns for it. He walked home to his meager apartment to sleep it off.
Maxwell woke up groggy as he stumbled his way to his dingy bathroom feeling like an entire weight dropped on him. Making his way to the mirror he looked like his usual self. Blond hair, brown eyes, skinny frame.. He remembered his encounter with Officer Harold and the strange feeling Maxwell got after Harold spoke his heart out. He longed to see him again, someway somehow.
"I wish I could see him again..." Maxwell said without thinking.
Suddenly Maxwell's phone began to rang loudly in his pocket. As a vigilante he always answered calls without question so he picked up the phone.
"Who is this?"
"Hello... Maxwell." a enchanting voice called to Maxwell immediately putting him in a trance that made him not want to hang up.
"Listen to me very carefully..."
"What are you doing?? How do you know my name??"
"You're a strong bodybuilder that's been working out for YEARS,"
"But I'm not-"
"You're a strong bodybuilder that's been working out for YEARS,"
"I'm a strong bodybuilder that's been working out for years," As soon as the words left his mouth Maxwell's body began to grow to fit his new lifestyle. Large pecs, massive shoulders, huge back, killer biceps that would make gods jealous with strong visible veins, a sexy set of abs, thick neck with a prominent adam's apple, and his crowning feature of thick beautiful thighs. His clothes melted away leaving him in his just his underwear as he remembered his years pumping iron and winning competitions. It was all Maxwell cared about.

Maxwell broke from his trance to give a quick bicep flex before the voice lured him back.
"You've been a cop for 10 years and LOVE your job."
"That's preposterous!! Bodybuilding is my only calling and not to mention those pigs-"
"You've been a cop for 10 years and LOVE your job."
"I've been a cop for 10 years and love my job." Years of bodybuilding now mixed with years in police training and Dean proudly showing his badge to any criminals that dared to cross him.
Black pants materialized onto his frame along with an accompanying black belt and black police boots with black socks that wrapped around his big feet. The belt was slowly being equipped with police gear one by one. Handcuffs, knifes, guns, and other miscellaneous things. All the things a cop like himself needs.

Maxwell was getting for work at the moment before this mysterious man called him. He does know he could get him arrested in seconds right? Oh well might as well toy with the fellow at least that's what Maxwell rationalized.
"Of course I'm an officer. Been one for ten years and I of course love doing my part, even the naysayers doubt my squad!"
"That's right Maxwell, oh sorry... Max,"
"Do you know who you're talking to? My name is Maxwell! Always have been always will-"
"Your name is Max Schmidt,"
"My name is Max Schmidt," Max loved his name. Fit his manly exterior and manly interior.
"So what do you want with me? Are you one of those ACAB folks? Trying to make me slip?
"No sir, I only want what's best for the force! And you... Now check yourself out..."
"That's inappropriate behavior unbefitting of an officer! What is your name so I can call the stati-"
"Open the camera app and check yourself out NOW," Max immediately took the phone off his ear and opened the camera app. He immediately zoomed in on his chest and abs and then felt those great abs of his.

While this was happening a black police shirt wrapped around Max's large frame as his hair darkened into a light black and his eyes became darker becoming a black color. Max's hair become more put together and more uniform fit for a police officer. A somewhat expensive white watch appeared on his left arm that he always wore. Max still wanted to obey the caller's comand so he used his hand to lift the new shirt to reveal his abs.

Underneath the tight pants Max's newly enlarged cock was having a hard-on.
"Good... Good... Now how do you love?" Max stopped checking himself out in order to respond.
"Haha! You really think I'd tell some criminal that! I don't have my eyes on anyone! Just hard work as police and muscle!
"That's not right, what about your loving husband... Harold?"
"Harold? My superior? Nah we're just good friends! I respect him a great deal but I'm straight as an arrow! No way I would ever marry a ma-"
"You're married to Harold Schmidt your loving husband,"
"I'm married to Harold Schmidt my loving husband," Max remembers the wedding well. Everyone in the force was there cheering them on as they kissed under the altar. Not to mention what they do in private at the police office. Max's already hard cock got even harder as a shiny ring appeared on his ring finger.
"That's great Max, just great! Just one more thing. How's your age going? Must be hard being 39 years of age,"
"I'm only 25, criminal."
"Nah, You're definitely 39,"
"I'm definitely 39," How could Mike forget his age. He reveled in his almost 40's age while his husband was a good ripe age of 50.
"Amazing, brilliant. My work here is done. Have a good day Officer Max," The call ended.
"...What was that?! I need to report this to the station immediately! Better get to work!" Max made another flex as a name tag with his manly name shined onto him. "M. Schmidt"

Max made his way to his cop car. He always loved throwing those pesky cop haters into the back and hear their screams and cries for help, usually with his husband in the passenger seat. Speaking of his husband he should send a pic to his husband to know he's coming to the station. But first his signature shades!
"Hey Honey, bicep flex for you <3" And sent.

Max's nametag shined in the glistening heat as he adjusted his rearview mirror.
"Lookin' good there, Schmidt." Max said to himself.

Max turned the car engine on and he gripped his strong weathered hands onto the wheel and drove to the station.

The drive was long, but standard for a officer like himself. Along the way he already had to apprehend a couple criminals that shouted the slurs he was oh so used to. It was quite tiring and had him quite parched so a good drink would do him good so he used his meaty hand to gulp down some fresh water from the bottle in the cupholder of his car.

"Honey I'm home!" Max shouted as he opened the door to Harold's office at the station.
"M-Max! Don't say it so loud! People will find out what we do in here!" Harold stammered out before getting hit with a kiss on the lips.
"I know I know, but can't the two strongest police officers on the force have a little fun while on the job?" Max said with a lustful smirk.
"Oh Max, I could never get mad at you. Although... Let's deal with the criminals you arrested first," Harold Nudged to the paperwork regarding the arrests Max was currently holding.
"Right..... forgot about that!" Max promptly threw the papers aside and began to undress himself right in front of his husband much to said Husband's shock.

"Harold! What are you-" Harold was interrupted as a passionate kissed began to form between the two lovers.
Harold's worries washed away as the lovebirds embraces with a passionate and long kiss. What felt like hours passed as they made out all over the room. The rustling of papers, knick-knacks all over the floor, and even a whole phone on the ground.
"I love you, babe." Max muttered
"Love you too..." Harold muttered back before snapping back to reality. The entire office was in disarray but the two of them were happier than ever.
"Say... let's get the boys out for a shooting range!" Max mentioned as he put his uniform back on.
"Sounds like a great idea! Those criminals can wait." The pair left to tell the boys they were about to a wild time.
Two unlikely people now bound together and neither were none the wiser of their old lives.
"Let's get to shootin' boys!"

Back in Prime
Requested by: @mannykinlove
Simon wish he could be anything more interesting than he currently was just browsing through social media on his summer vacation. He had just finished his first year of college and he wasn't sure he wanted to continue it, but that's not something he wants to think about right now. Simon is more focused on looking through posts of an account he recently followed. It posted pictures of old bodybuilders in their prime and Simon was obsessed with it. He always did enjoy the aesthetic of those times alas he was born way after the 90's.
"Man, I would kill to be a bodybuilder back then..." Simon retorts. He looks down at his skinny arms and sighs.
He looks back up on his screen and keeps scrolling, only to find a peculiar post after a while. It look to be an old sponsored post from a couple months back posted by the account.
"Today's post is sponsored by Back in Prime! This service allows you to take an extensive look into what Bodybuilding was like back in the day! Exclusive Content awaits! Use promocode: OldBodybuilders at the link below for a free trial!"

The associated picture definitely looked good. This site seemed like a dream come true for Simon. The words were a bit vague on what exactly it meant by "extensive look" but the promise was too good and Simon needed more content FAST. Simon quickly clicked the link and the site definitely looked professional. There still wasn't any details but Simon found the Sign up button as fast as humanly possible. "Do you have a promo code? If so, please enter it now."
Simon typed in the code and thankfully it still worked. "Thank you, please enjoy the trial!"
Simon was expecting some sort of account creation process but the site just loaded back to the main page. It said he signed in... but what now? Does he just look around the site for other pages. Simon tried to move his cursor except it was frozen. "What the- Aw come on not now I need my-" Suddenly without prompting, Simon's computer screen started glowing a bright light. Simon could barely see and then... nothing. "What the fuck was that? My computer shouldn't do that. Ugh. stupid machine." He punched the computer with some force as it took the hit.
Just then, Simon noticed something about his hand. Did it look... bigger to him? That can't be right. Simon looked at his hand again. Okay he must just be seeing things but then an excruciating amount of pain was registered by Simon as he fell to the floor groaning. It was time to experience bodybuilding back in the day. Simon's body starting surging in growth. His flat chest inflated giving him two strong muscled pecs. His once flat abdomen popped in beautiful abs. The sticks Simon had for arms grew grew now being more like large beef trunks. His thighs widened and filled with beef. The two drumsticks forever fated to touch another. Simon's height went from a average 5'5" to a hot as hell 6ft. With that a miscellaneous set of changes happened to Simon such as his hands and feet growing and his body becoming becoming more tan as well as his face physically aging and finally his hair becoming a much more 90's hairstyle. With the transformation over Simon got back up from the floor, his muscles on full display as his clothes completely evaporated leaving him in blue and black shorts.

"W-What happened? Why am I-"
Amidst the confusion, Simon's room also went through its own changes. His flatscreen computer became a much older and sturdier one. All modern devices becoming 90's counterparts. Books and other reading materials having more time approriate material and finally a shelf of bodybuilding trophies appeared on a new shelf. Simon look at the computer once again. Despite the change in computer a new pop up showed up on the site. "Integration complete! Your trial experience begins now!"
Simon realized that it was the website that did this to him. He flexed his left bicep in pure awe.

"I can't believe..." He looked down at himself.

"Oh.... yeah."

Simon's new muscles caused new memories in him. Memories of simpler times of the 90's. Working out, flexing, the bodybuilding works. And a new name entered his mind. Jean. He had no time to walk around on his dingy computer. He needs to WORK OUT. So Jean grabbed some clothes and made his way to the gym. Ready to workout with his friends.
At the gym, Jean was talking with his friends and flexed to them.

"Like what ya see boys. Well I'm just getting started!" He flexed again.

Jean stripped and flexed again. He was living the dream. Simon definitely got what he wanted. I wonder when that trial will end...

Who was the guy you used for that new story He looks great
pitchai kusuwan! here's his instagram:

Love your work! Your writing is second to none!
I was hoping you could help me out: I’ve always been kinda lean, but I really want to bulk up. I was to be big, cut, and most of all, I want a lot more melanin in my skin. A bulge that’s intimidatingly large, and a libido that makes more more of a rapid animal than a man. Is that possible?
Last night was a real doozy for you. Another day feeling like you couldn't achieve anything and that wasn't being helped when you saw a group of bodybuilder guys chatting on your way home. You crash onto your bed hoping one day you could be just like them. You didn't realize that your wish would come true reallll soon.
You're awoken by bright light that you can't quite discern where it's coming from. After a couple blinks you realize there's people and they're... pampering you up for a photoshoot?

You look down and to your amazement you see a massive set of tits and a lot more melanin in your skin than you remember in your vision. Not to mention you're shirtless. "Alright shooting in... 3.2.1!"
Before you could even think your new instincts make you flex to the camera.

You question for a second why you did that, but then you brushed it off pretty quickly. Infact your memories were rewiring your habits and fast. Any intelligence you had was slowly dwindling as all you could think about was the men you were gonna have fun with tonight in bed. This job of yours was just to show off and make buttloads of money for those magazines.
The cameras kept taking pictures and the more pictures taken the more you turned into a brainless libido filled man ready to take on anything.
Next stop after this... the gym!