TF Writer / Big Men Simp
196 posts
Transformation4life - Bodybuilder Appreciator - Tumblr Blog
I love your stories dude! I was wondering if you could help me out. I’m a beginner bodybuilder and my growth has stalled. Could you help blow me up into a huge roided bodybuilder for the show?
Been a while since I've helped someone with their growth but I'm sure I'll get back into the groove of things.
Let's make things simple. I'll put a necklace around your neck and watch magic happen. Okay there and... it's happening! Look at your pecs plumping up. Those big new and juicy biceps. Can't forget the abs and thighs! So many changes I couldn't begin to describe! Look at how big you've become.

I think you should put on some more clothes there big guy. Here. Now go out there and ROCK.

Back in Prime
Requested by: @mannykinlove
Simon wish he could be anything more interesting than he currently was just browsing through social media on his summer vacation. He had just finished his first year of college and he wasn't sure he wanted to continue it, but that's not something he wants to think about right now. Simon is more focused on looking through posts of an account he recently followed. It posted pictures of old bodybuilders in their prime and Simon was obsessed with it. He always did enjoy the aesthetic of those times alas he was born way after the 90's.
"Man, I would kill to be a bodybuilder back then..." Simon retorts. He looks down at his skinny arms and sighs.
He looks back up on his screen and keeps scrolling, only to find a peculiar post after a while. It look to be an old sponsored post from a couple months back posted by the account.
"Today's post is sponsored by Back in Prime! This service allows you to take an extensive look into what Bodybuilding was like back in the day! Exclusive Content awaits! Use promocode: OldBodybuilders at the link below for a free trial!"

The associated picture definitely looked good. This site seemed like a dream come true for Simon. The words were a bit vague on what exactly it meant by "extensive look" but the promise was too good and Simon needed more content FAST. Simon quickly clicked the link and the site definitely looked professional. There still wasn't any details but Simon found the Sign up button as fast as humanly possible. "Do you have a promo code? If so, please enter it now."
Simon typed in the code and thankfully it still worked. "Thank you, please enjoy the trial!"
Simon was expecting some sort of account creation process but the site just loaded back to the main page. It said he signed in... but what now? Does he just look around the site for other pages. Simon tried to move his cursor except it was frozen. "What the- Aw come on not now I need my-" Suddenly without prompting, Simon's computer screen started glowing a bright light. Simon could barely see and then... nothing. "What the fuck was that? My computer shouldn't do that. Ugh. stupid machine." He punched the computer with some force as it took the hit.
Just then, Simon noticed something about his hand. Did it look... bigger to him? That can't be right. Simon looked at his hand again. Okay he must just be seeing things but then an excruciating amount of pain was registered by Simon as he fell to the floor groaning. It was time to experience bodybuilding back in the day. Simon's body starting surging in growth. His flat chest inflated giving him two strong muscled pecs. His once flat abdomen popped in beautiful abs. The sticks Simon had for arms grew grew now being more like large beef trunks. His thighs widened and filled with beef. The two drumsticks forever fated to touch another. Simon's height went from a average 5'5" to a hot as hell 6ft. With that a miscellaneous set of changes happened to Simon such as his hands and feet growing and his body becoming becoming more tan as well as his face physically aging and finally his hair becoming a much more 90's hairstyle. With the transformation over Simon got back up from the floor, his muscles on full display as his clothes completely evaporated leaving him in blue and black shorts.

"W-What happened? Why am I-"
Amidst the confusion, Simon's room also went through its own changes. His flatscreen computer became a much older and sturdier one. All modern devices becoming 90's counterparts. Books and other reading materials having more time approriate material and finally a shelf of bodybuilding trophies appeared on a new shelf. Simon look at the computer once again. Despite the change in computer a new pop up showed up on the site. "Integration complete! Your trial experience begins now!"
Simon realized that it was the website that did this to him. He flexed his left bicep in pure awe.

"I can't believe..." He looked down at himself.

"Oh.... yeah."

Simon's new muscles caused new memories in him. Memories of simpler times of the 90's. Working out, flexing, the bodybuilding works. And a new name entered his mind. Jean. He had no time to walk around on his dingy computer. He needs to WORK OUT. So Jean grabbed some clothes and made his way to the gym. Ready to workout with his friends.
At the gym, Jean was talking with his friends and flexed to them.

"Like what ya see boys. Well I'm just getting started!" He flexed again.

Jean stripped and flexed again. He was living the dream. Simon definitely got what he wanted. I wonder when that trial will end...

New Year New Ford
New year's Eve, 2023. 11:55pm. You were watching your local channel that had the New York Ball Drop. Like past new year's you were alone in your apartment. All your friends had got invited to parties besides you so here you were. However one of your friends handed you something interesting last you saw them. "I heard that if you blow the candle and make a wish right as midnight hits it'll come true!" Your friend said as he handed you a star candle.

It sounded like superstition but this year was rough for you as you found yourself unsatisfied with your life and your job so hey it can be worth a shot! You remembered that right before you went to watch the countdown you enviously scrolled Instagram to where you followed a concerning amount of bodybuilders. They seemed to have the perfect lives. Big beautiful body, a loving partner, sponsorships, and getting to show off. Just thinking about it makes you a lil' hard. One bodybuilder that you saw while scrolling caught your eye in particular. He looked so perfect... so large...

"If only I looked like him..." You mutter. Then you hear the people cheering on from 10 to 9 then 8 and so on. You look at the counter with the candle and a lighter and then the tv screen. It was a mad dash to light the candle and put it close to your face closing your eyes and speaking your wish. "I wish I was a bodybuilder with big huge muscles!" You blow out the candle right as it hit midnight.
You open your eyes again and find yourself looking the exact same. What a disappointment. Time for bed though you are very tired. You grab your green blanket and settle down on the couch as you snooze. Unbeknownst to you, your life was going to get a whole lot better.
As you slept, your body started to glow as your white pale skin became that of a bodybuilder tan for competitions. Your clothes evaporated from your body leaving you completely in the nude. Your body now started to expand in all directions. Your flat chest filled with meat and become thick pecs. Your arms became thick like trees. Abs popped in, shoulders becoming bigger, back widening. Your legs became thick and juicy like a drumstick. Your hands became calloused and worn and just a bit bigger. Your small pencil dick increase to a girthy 8 inches of a beer can while your adam's apple became more prominent and neck more thick. Your flat ass became large and bounced like a bubble. Your hair was cut into it was a buzzcut as your body physically aged. The transformation was now complete as you continued to rest. snoring in a much deeper tone.
As the morning came you were still fast asleep unaware that you had a completely new body.

You yawn as you awake not yet realizing your muscular body as you scratch your ass. You seem to forget that you were wearing clothes last night as you walk to your bathroom, letting your new dick dangle. You reach the mirror in the bathroom and rub your eyes and that's when you realize. "OH MY FUCKING GOD?!??!?!" You scream. You finally realized your body changed.
It wasn't long until you started to explore your new body, commenting on your new ass and big dick. While you tested out your new body the scenery around your bathroom became bigger and much more luxurious. In fact, Your entire apartment was remade into a much more massive house not that you knew this was happening. You just let your muscles captivate you. You closed your eyes and you put your massive arms to your head as you thought about your new life. As that was happening your bodybuilder tan slowly disappeared and a cross necklace wrapped itself around your neck and some workout shorts covered your member. No underwear though.

You eventually put your arms down as you realize you should probably check your phone to see if it changed in any way so you leave your bathroom completely blissful of the changes to both your house and bathroom. You head to your new bedroom and check your phone. Much to your surprise, there are notifications from many including dating apps. Seems like the new you gets around. You rub your head as you realize the reality of your new life is going to be a doosey.

As you ponder what to do next you feel something happening in your brain. You can feel your brain processing slowing down. Most academic knowledge you ever had being flushed down the metaphorical drain as it was replace with solely the need to bulk your already large body. You space out as this was happening and a little drool came out of your mouth before you snapped back to reality. The only thing on your mind now is to go to the gym and get RIPPED. So you grab the workout gear you suddenly now have and ride in your car to your favorite place in the world.
You arrive at the gym and scent of musk overwhelmed your nose and it felt like home. With it being the new year you see many new people but that doesn't stop your grind. You walk to the gym lockers and your instincts lead you to a locker with the name "Lunsford". You put your bag into the locker and get back to the gym floor. With ease and effort you work out for hours. You always loved that pump. After working out you adjust your sweaty tank and hand to the gym area with full body mirrors.

Once you arrived you immediately stripped into just underwear and socks and flexed. God you looked so good. You loved your body. You loved your life.

A few months later...
Your life has been such a breeze and you were invited to the beach with some bodybuilder friends you made over the months. In a cocky fashion you flex on the beach before stripping into your beach attire.
was only a matter of time until someone wanted a picture or a video of you. With the first person who asks you put on some shades you had in one of your pockets and put them on, only to take them off immediately after and wink at the camera.

"it's going to be a good year!" You say to yourself as you jog to the water with glee.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hey everyone! Late new year story for ya! Hope this year brings you good fortune and fun! See you in the next story!
Army, Man
Juan was your average guy before his life was changed forever. Decent grades at his dream college, but no friends to speak of. So when he received a letter to join the US army in his assigned mailbox Juan was very confused. "The army? They must joking." Juan spoke as he looked at the recruitment flyer in his dorm room.
Juan and being enlisted in the army sounded like a twisted joke to him. He was scrawny and could barely do one pushup in gym class. Either way, Juan noticed a number at the bottom of the flyer in big bold letters and some voice in his head was nagging at him to call it.
"I guess it wouldn't hurt. Maybe it'll be fun! Who knows!" So Juan grabbed his phone and dialed the number.
Some rings later and it sounded like a guy picked a phone. "Hey there, Name's Gruff, I'm assuming you're calling cause of the flyer you got in the mail, yeah?" Gruff's was deep and masculine. Definitely Juan's type but I bet he was straight.
"Y-Yeah! I thought I'd give it a shot since it's not like I got anything better to do!"
"That's the spirit man! Our army count has been real low due to... events so even one guy joining is great! But first I just need to ask you a few questions..." "A-Alright. Go on ahead..." Juan had to wonder what they would ask. "First question! Are you sure you want to join the army?" Gruff's tone was dead serious on this one and it shook Juan up a bit. "U-Uh... Yeah!" Juan was too far in to quit now at least that was his reasoning.
"Wonderful! Next question. How muscular are you?"
Juan frowned. As mentioned before, he barely had muscle and never went to the gym. Still, he felt the need to answer honestly.
"N-Not really sir. Sorry." "Haha don't worry about it! Alright that's all see you soon!" Gruff hung up before Juan could even say bye.
Juan was a bit shaken but that wasn't too bad. Juan pondered the interaction and something hit him. "Wait... I didn't tell him my address and he said he'll see me soo-" A wave of pain immediately hit Juan and he fell to the floor.
It wasn't before long Juan's body began to grow and get more muscular. Juan's arms became much beefier as his biceps were the size of sports balls. Six perfect abs popped onto Juan's stomach as his nonexistent chest began to inflate and become thick poppable pecs as his back expanded to support his new musculature making his tshirt real tight. Soon after, Juan's neck got thicker as his adam's apple was now ever more prominent than before as he gained some facial hair around his mouth. Juan's legs were next to grow as his thighs became much larger and his legs more defined as feet increased some sizes. Luckily Juan wasn't wearing any shoes but Juan's socks definitely didn't survive the growth. Some more minor changes appeared like a bigger dick and Juan's body aging physically. It's a miracle none of Juan's clothes ripped apart but it's not like it mattered anyway as Juan's apparel began to change.
Juan's graphic tee became more tough material and more generic as it became a dark green. It was still tight around Juan's figure though. Next up was Juan's pants as it gained a camouflage pattern and became cargo pants. A belt magically appeared and looped around the belt holes of his news pants as well as an army hat wrapping around Juan's head. Juan's socks were stitched back together and went a dark black and suddenly army boots were now being worn by Juan. The last change was an army tag appearing around Juan's neck saying "Juan Graham". Juan was now the definition of a buff army man.
Once the pain subsided and Juan regained his bearings he readjusted his glasses and looked at the mirror nearby. "What the- WHAT THE FU- Oh god, my voice... my EVERYTHING!" Juan was amazed but also scared. He gained muscles in seconds but how?
And before Juan could question things further, Juan's phone rang once again. Juan saw that it was the army recruit number. He concluded they must be involved so he answered the call.
"Hey Juan, ready for your first day?" It was Gruff again "First day? You did this to me, didn't you?"
"Not sure what you mean, but you agreed to join the army and we need you now." "But I don't even know anything about how to do anythin-" One more sound of pain hit Juan as memories of years of military training and gym workouts filled his mind. Everything he could ever need to be in the army was now in his brain. Juan now much more confident started a new sentence. "Nevermind. When does the car get here?"
"That's our Juan! Should be there soon. You can walk out and wait already." "Perfect. See you soon." Juan hung up and left his dorm and old life behind. It was probably for the best anyway. He much preferred being a beefcake army man than some twink in college.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Apologies for not posting for a couple months. I got major writer's block but here's a story for you guys hope you like it!
Peak Musclenity
Josh was your average skinny american blonde. Average grades and average life. There was nothing remarkable about this guy... besides maybe one thing.
Josh was gay. Very very gay and was trying to get big like the men he admires over the internet waves. And against all odds he managed to make a friend at the gym! A czech bodybuilder named Alois. Unlike Josh, Alois was as straight as can be and understanding gay people was the least of his problems, but Josh was failing at using a workout machine so bad it led to the two to meeting and becoming workout buddies.
Josh was never one to give up and despite his currently lacking frame he continued to workout even after weeks of no results. Alois noticed this and was starting to get worried Josh's body just wasn't able to get big like his. Alois wanted to do something so do something he did and it was going to be drastic...
"Hey Alois! My man, my big burly man! How's it going?" Josh ran up to Alois mid-flexing routine.

"Oh hey kid, what's up?" Alois replied back.
"Nothing much! Just excited to work out with you!" Josh smiled.
"Great, great...." Alois frowned.
"Is... something wrong?"
"Be honest with me Josh, I've noticed you haven't been gaining muscle for weeks now and you keep that damn smile like nothing's wrong. Your lack of muscle has to be bothering you!" Alois put his hand on Josh's shoulder
"I'm just concerned for ya-" Josh politely removed Alois's hand.
"Don't worry about me! I've noticed this myself actually... and I don't mind at all! I'm just glad to be doing with you!" Josh smiled again.
Alois looked down to his pockets. Alois knew that he had to do this. He needed to give Josh what he DESERVES.
"Look Josh, you deserve to get big like me so I got this supplement for you." Alois grabs a bottle from one of his shorts pockets.

"Don't worry. It ain't no steroid. Just lather it on your face and the effect should spread to your body." Alois put the bottle in Josh's right hand.
"Please, for me." Alois said sweetly.
Alois's deep voice was always something Josh adored so despite his reluctance to accept the gift he did keep it.
"Alright then... uh... are we going to work out now or-"
"Nah. Let's go to your apartment. Just us two."
"Oh! Ohohohohohohoh!" Josh started to blush a beet red.
"A-Alright let's go then!!" Josh quickly turned around as Josh led the way to his apartment.
After a 30 minute drive for both of the men they both arrived at Josh's apartment. Josh unlocked the door with his keys and put his arms towards the apartment living room as if to showcase it.
"Here it is!!! It's not great, but it works!" Josh said with confidence.

Just looking at the place tightened Alois's resolve to go through with his plan.
"Yes... very. Say Josh, how about you apply that supplement now?" Alois gestured to the bottle in his pocket
"Hm? Why now? We're not even at the gym plus I don't think we're gonna be at the gym again until-"
"Just apply it for me please." Alois interrupted Josh again.
Josh was getting really confused at this point, but if the bulging man is asking you to do something you might as well. At least that was Josh's reasoning. So Josh unsealed the lid to the bottle and removed the foil covering the liquid inside and dipped his fingers in and out of the bottle before applying it to his face all over. The substance was a bit thick and a very dark black and it made Josh's skin crawl, but somehow Josh could feel the liquid seeping into his skin leave his face clean again.
"Woah... that was weird! Hopefully it actually works..." Josh looked at Alois for some affirmation only for Alois to be deep in thought.
"Alois? you good?" Alois jumped at the mention of his name.
"Yes, yes! I'm fine!!"
"Okay then, so now that we're at my apartment do you want to do anything?" Josh asked a bit nervous.
"Oh, sure! Though there's something I've been meaning to ask you, Josh,"
"Yeah?" Josh gave a really curious look this time.
Alois opened his mouth only to pause for a second... only for Alois to shake his head before speaking again.
"Josh, when did you have such a beautiful manly beard?" Alois knew there was no going back from this.
"A m-manly what?!?" Alois implying Josh had a beard certainly wasn't something that Josh was expecting.
"Yeah, that beard of yours is thick like mine. a real item," As Alois spoke little by little hairs began to grow on Josh's clean shaven face.
The growing didn't stop for a long while and before long a beard that looks to have been growing for years was now on Josh. Unexpectedly though the facial hair was a deep black and Josh's blonde hair was now black to match the beard. A quick pain went through Josh's head before Josh's confusion turned into confidence.
"Oh thanks, I did always pride myself on not ever shaving it! Doesn't really fit my frame but my genetics blessed me!" Josh smiled as he caressed his beard.
"Of course! Can't forget that almost shaved head of yours too!" Alois continued his trek across Josh's body.
"What are you talking about Alois? I love my curly locks!" Alois stopped messing with his beard and grabbed his hair to show Alois that he did have the locks he said he did.
"No need to lie to yourself, Josh. That shaved hair is a good look with your beard!" And just like Alois planned Josh's hair began to fall off and melt into the floor like it wasn't even there until there was barely any hair on Josh's head.
Josh was still grabbing his hair but his mind caught up with the new reality and smiled again.
"Silly me! You're right! I love the kind of masculine look it gives me! Still no muscle though haha..." Alois knew that last comment wouldn't last long.
"That masculine look really suits you, Josh. Especially with those big muscles and tattoo of yours," Now Alois was the one to smirk.
This absolutely flabbergasted Josh. There's no way Alois was telling the truth. Wasn't it just an hour ago Alois was worried about his muscle gain. Josh was a stick!
"Alois I appreciate your compliment but it's simply untrue... I'm a twig and I definitely have no tattoos. I hate tattoos!!"
"That was what you thought years ago, but look at you now! Gruff and tough and just as old as me!" This was the big one and Alois was ecstatic to see Josh's frail body begin to grow.
Before the growth could start, all of Josh's clothes evaporated off his body. The growth now began in Josh's chest as he developed two large pecs that were dying to be popped. Next was Josh's stomach as it became a strong gut and slight hint of abs being there. Josh's back expanded like a large map meanwhile his stick arms were sticks no more as they were now more like tree trunks and his hands grew into sausage like fingers with very rough texture after years of lifting weights. Josh's legs weren't far behind in growing until they were two thick rocks of pure muscle. Josh's flat ass ballooned up into the perfect bubble butt and his feet grew a couple sizes too. Josh's face was next up to bat when it began to physically age and become much more gruff and masculine. Josh's neck thickened as his adam's apple became more prominent. Josh already looked like a completely different person at this point and Josh was none the wiser, but the show still wasn't done. Out of nowhere ink began to surface on Josh's skin with various patterns running all over his arms, back, fingers, pecs, and chest. The most unique one being one that was just "5%" etched on his left pec. While this was happening Josh's dick became quite the well endowed one with a generous 9 inch schlong. The final change wasn't too major with Josh's body being flourished with body hair all over his now huge frame. Josh didn't speak through the whole ordeal, but with a quick change of Josh's memories he just smiled.
"Yeah... you're right. I am BIG and I am a true man!!" Josh flexed his bulging arms and with a shiny gleam a ring appeared on his ring finger.

Alois was quick to notice the accent and deep voice Josh now had. Alois supposed the "just like me" comment changed his birthplace. He also noticed Josh's face being more like his own as well. Alois couldn't believe the black liquid worked. That purchase from the black market was worth all the money he spent. Alois just wasn't sure what to do now-
"Hey Alois, do you see this ring on my ring finger? I don't remember putting this on... Did you pull a prank on me? Pretend we're married? Haha!" Ah right, Josh was still as gay as ever.
Alois thought for a moment. Should a gruff and tough guy like the new Josh be gay? Alois was straight as an arrow and didn't feel like he had the right to change Josh's sexuality.
But... imagining Josh in his current state as gay didn't seem right to Alois. This Josh belongs with marrying a woman! Atleast that's what Alois reasoned. So Alois readied his response and spoke.
"Oh come on, Josh you know full that-"
"Wait we're actually married? I thought you were straight," It was time for Josh to do a little bit of rearranging.
A wedding ring appeared on Alois's ring finger and memories were injected into both men. Memories of meeting way earlier than they actually did. Memories of falling in love through the power of bodybuilding. Memories of their wedding as they kissed under the altar. It wasn't before long after the memories of their lived changed as they passionately kissed right in Josh's apartment which slowly changed into their joint home.
"Babe, у тебя скоро фотосессия..." (Babe, you have that photoshoot soon…) Alois spoke after the kiss ended.
"I know... I have to take a shower.." Josh spoke back.
Josh was still naked and wasted no time hopping in the shower. Josh turned on the showerhead and hopped in letting the cold water lay waste on his large muscular body. Alois while watching his beloved get in the shower realized they were no clean towels in there oh no! Alois quickly grabbed one and rushed to the shower.
"You forgot a towel!" Alois slammed the door open right as Josh finished his shower. Guess it was a quick one.
"Thanks babe, but I can get my own damn towel next time alright" Josh grabbed the towel and started to dry himself.

Before he continued drying himself off he flexed to his husband just to make sure he knows that he loves his man. Josh even did a little pout with his lip!

After Josh finished drying, Alois handed his husband the clothes for the photo shoot later today. Josh quickly put on one of the American flag branded shorts and underwear then went straight to grooming his beard for the shoot.

"Удачи в фотосессии. Я тебя люблю!" (Good luck with the photo shoot. I love you!) Alois said to Josh as he started to leave.
"Тоже тебя люблю!" (Love you too!) Josh left his house completely different than when he entered it moments ago.
Josh became the man of his dreams and Alois was along for the ride as his husband. Josh's photo shoot showed off the new Josh in a glorious way.
First picture by the pool...

Second picture with a cat...

Third picture lifting some mad iron...

And the final picture by the local beach...

As the shoot finished Josh couldn't help but flex in triumph. This was the life! a huge husband, a huge him, and a promoter for products! Josh was a true man. Always has been and always will be with a muscular husband by his side.
Who was the guy you used for that new story He looks great
pitchai kusuwan! here's his instagram:

Thinking Straight
"Hey Faggot, bet you want these guns?" The gymbro flexed to Parker.

Parker was your average gay twink trying to get some muscle at the gym much to the dismay of the straight homophobic gymbros. Even with that in mind he still came back every single time. Even with their comments he couldn't help but keep drooling at their bodies especially with their asian heritage.
"Yes I do. Now keep belittling me please," Parker didn't hesitate to keep staring.
The gymbro snarled and grabbed Parker by the neck.
"You. Faggot. Shut up! You will be like us soon enough and understand how much faggots like you deserve to suffer." The gymbro let go of Parker as the words left Parker with a terrible feeling in his stomach.
The collective bunch of gymbros all laughed and pointed at Parker soon after and Parker's hard on quickly faded and the poor skinny guy was filled with embarrassment and left the gym to go back home. Usually Parker would be filled with lust after the gymbros insulted him, but after getting grabbed he felt... different. Either way Parker needed to be alone for a while.
Parker arrived at his apartment and opened the door and was quick to collapse onto his couch.
" *Groan* That was so weirdddddddddd. What did that guy even meannnnnn? I'm as gay as can be!" Parker didn't want to think about what happened anymore so he resorted to his usual at-home activity of watching videos of male bodybuilders to get a hard-on.
So Parker pulled out his phone and was quick to search stuff like "Bodybuilder Flexing" and "Bodybuilder Posing" and "Pec bounce" hoping it would give him the desired tent in his pants. Much to Parker's dismay though, that tent never appeared even when it usually should have. Parker felt like something was off. The words the gymbro said to him ringed in his head again.
"AUGHHHH This is infuriating!!! Y'know what I'll just go to bed now. It's getting late anyway," Parker closed the YouTube app and made his way to his bed.
An urge quickly took over Parker as he out of characteristically decide to sleep nude.
"I-It's a bit hot in here this is perfectly fine..." Parker told himself.
Parker closed his eyes thinking of strong, large, and muscular men hoping he could maybe stroke his cock before bed but he still felt nothing. Infact he felt more challenged that he wasn't like them.
"I'll show them tomorrow. No more horny," He mumbled before drifting off to sleep as his life would soon change drastically.
As the night continued Parker kept rolling around in bed as he kept twisting and turning his sleeping position as he tried to think of large men in order to calm himself down but it still wasn't working.
"You will be like us soon enough," The words suddenly entered the thoughts of Parker making him sweat. Almost sweat too much.
Parker's face began to morph as his eyes became thinner and his lips a bit plumper and more changes to give his face a more asian look. Although his eyes were closed Parker's vision started to worsen while suddenly a pair of glasses appeared on his nightstand. Parker's pale white skin was slowly becoming much more tanner and much like he's been out in the sun for a lot longer than he actually has. Memories of being a Thailand immigrant quickly surfaced into Parker's brain as they replaced the ones of being born in the United States. Still as gay as ever, Chet Wong still wanted to get big and stare at men all the while.
"เชี่ย…" (Fuck...) Chet moaned in perfect Thai as he was about to get a hard-on thinking of the same asian gymbros before something stopped it.
The next most important change become evident as Chet began to pack on TONS of muscle. As the muscles packed on so did the memories of Chet going to the gym at young age of 14. It wasn't before long that Chet had two massive suckable tits, washboard abds, pythons for biceps and thick juicy thighs not to mention the bubble butt of all time along with other ultra masculine features.
And now... the star of the show couldn't wait much longer as Chet's currently small dick erected and grew into a thick girthy 10 inch monster just waiting to fuck.... something. Boys! Girls? Chet was a bit fuzzy on his sexuality as he continued to moan as he remembered his long rod and hanging out with... those asian gymbros?! Wait... that's right those were Chet's friends. Have been for a while now. But why would those homophobic shitstains want to hang out with-
-and understand how much faggots like you deserve to suffer." Chet grabbed his rod thinking of how hot his gymbros were and how lucky a gay bodybuilder like him was lucky to be around them until his stopped in his tracks and his dick softened.
"Why am I thinking like a Fag? I'm no Fag!" Chet's homosexuality quickly became 100% heterosexuality.
Thoughts of men pecs and hairy bodies were quickly replaced with the thoughts of busty women and their curvy bodies that Chet needed to seed with his 10-incher. Chet adopted every single toxic masculinity trait in the book as he thought about all the women he fucked and all the fags that he turned down. Chet's rod quickly rose to it's full girth as he began to masturbate until releasing a sea of cum onto his bed.
"ที่รู้สึกดี….." (That felt good...) All of Chet's worries were gone as he finally drifted into a peaceful sleep.
Morning arrived as a flurry of notifications brought Chet awake. Chet groaned a bit as his morning wood was evident due to his thoughts of women last night. Chet grabbed his glasses from his nightstand and went for his phone.
"Wonder what Fag texted me last night. Let's see..."

Much to Chet's betterment it was one of his gymbro friends also from Thailand.
GB: เฮ้ Faggot พร้อมที่จะทำซ้ำแล้วหรือยัง? (Hey Faggot, ready to do reps?)
BigDick: ฮ่าๆ! แน่นอน ขอแค่ให้ฉันเตรียมไม้เรียวให้สาวๆ แล้วฉันจะไปที่นั่น (Haha! Of course just let me get my rod ready for the ladies and I'll be there.)
Chet put his phone down and got out of his bed to give a good look of himself on his closet mirror. He was feeling cocky and ready to seed.

After a self-obsessed ten minutes Chet put some clothes on, but making sure his prized schlong was big and out there. Chet then grabbed his gym bag and set out for where his bros were at.
"ไอ้เหี้ย! นั่นแหละ!" (Faggot! There you are!) One of the gymbros shouted as Chet approached
"ฮาฮาฮามาก. ฉันไม่ใช่ตุ๊ด แม้กระทั่งยกออกเมื่อคืนนี้กับผู้หญิงบางคน" (Haha very funny. I am no faggot. Even jacked off last night to some ladies.) Chet smirked.
"และนั่นคือเชตที่เรารู้จัก!" (And that's the Chet we know!) The gymbros all cheered.
"มาปั๊มกันเถอะ!" (Let's get our pump on!) Chet cheered back.
The thai gymbros worked out for hours as they built their muscles to show off to the ladies. A couple ladies at the gym even noticed the group making some comments about them. This caught the attention of Chet as he was ready to get some pussy tonight. While the other gymbros were distracted with their workouts Chet stripped of all of his clothes except for his underwear poorly keeping his rod in check.
"Hey ladies. Like what you see?" Chet did a little flex.

The girls giggled and nodded. Chet was ecstatic and made his move.
"So how about you feel this 10 incher in ya later tonight at my place?" The girls giggled again but politely decline much to Chet's rage.
"What?!?!?! You bitches don't know what you're missing on!!!" Chet walked away to his bros absolutely fuming.
"What's wrong bro?" One of the gym bros asked.
"Ladies didn't want my seed it was not fun!!!" Chet replied solemnly.
The bros showed deep concern for Chet and began to hype him up.
"You got big ass Chet! Those bimbos know nothing!!" One of the gymbros said prompting Chet to look at his ass in the nearby mirror.
"You are right!"

Almost as if right on cue another set of ladies walked by and Chet's libido was higher than ever. Chet adjusted his loose underwear ready for a seeding opportunity.

Surprisingly one of the ladies actually agreed to a date later tonight and the whole gymbro group cheered.
"นั่นคือเชตของเรา!" (That's our Chet!) Any sign of Parker was long gone as Chet pulled down his pants thinking of all the ladies he was going to fuck.
Chet's prize swayed back and forth as Chet began to smile as he moved his legs in excitement.
"ฉันรักการเป็นผู้ชาย!" (I love being a man!)

You also play housamo? Do you intend to write anything relate to transform to a bara man in there?
i do have some in my drafts but never had motivation to continue them, but someday i do hope to make one so yeah.
look forward to them if they ever release!!
You're a powerful and generous being. I have to wonder what life is like as a hunky and young, "Boy Next door Type". It would make all this yard work easier. ;)
Just another day of yard work for you. Hours wasted just to make your lawn look good. You begrudgingly put your hands on the lawn mower only to feel something course through your veins when you put hands on the bar. Your scrawny body suddenly become just a bit meatier as you gained a noticeable pec ridge and some meat in your bones. You could feel a bit of your age being taken away as you appeared a bit younger and yet you had a bit of a sexy beard and a noticeable tan.
I think that yard work will be a lot more fun for you. Just remember to take your shirt off to show off the goods.

Buff, Japanese, and Bald.

Those were the keywords you put into the "Life Change" app thinking it was some sort of joke app thinking you could really change your body in a instant.
But then... your head started to groan in pain. Memories you never experienced entered your brain as your body began to grow in mass and muscle. The faces of your parents in your memories began to morph as they became japanese and your own face became more asian plus knowledge of the japanese language being all you knew. Soon enough you had the body of a bodybuilder and the ethnicity of japanese. The last change as any hair on the top of your head fell off giving you a shiny bald scalp. An unexpected change become known as your intelligence was reduced to that of a brick. You couldn't help but immediately strip, exposing your new musculature to an imaginary audience and flexing while smiling with not a thought in sight.
"私は筋肉質です!" (I am muscle!)
Do The Chul Dance!
"Alright Darren, get ready!" The dance director shouted with his megaphone.
Darren the scrawny white man walked onto the stage.
"Okay Darren, we need you to do something like those KPOP stars now chop chop!" The director waved his baton.
"U-Um sir... I don't... watch KPOP-"
"Nonsense! Just feel it in your body!" The director interrupted Darren.
"N-Not to be mean sir but I'm just a an american white guy..." Darren isn't korean let alone someone that's ever left the U.S. so he wasn't sure how he could "feel it in your body".
Infact this whole gig was weird from the start. Darren was an amateur dancer and was trying to find a bit of work to fund his student loans and this job just came to him on a phone ad one day.
Dance like a star!
Get money and change your life!
The tagline was a bit weird but money is money. But now... he was at a loss.
"Now now darling, how about you put these on!" The director got out of his chair and handed Darren an impressive pair of shades with Darren reluctantly putting the eye covers.

"Let's take it from the top! Show your korean gusto, Darren!" The director shouted into the megaphone once more
"S-Sir... like I told you before I-I'm america-"
"What are you talking about my good chap? Being korean was part of the sign up process. You are 100% one!"
"But I'm not-"
"You are Korean. Always have been," The moment the words left the director's mouth Darren's new shades began to glow and Darren's body began to change.
Darren lost a bit of muscle as he became a bit skinnier while his face was restructured to be much more authentically korean with narrower eyes, a bit plumper lips and slimmer nose. The final physical change for now was Darren's becoming a bit tanner. Memories of being on American soil all Darren's life were replaced with memories of korean city skylines and immigrating at age 20. Despite it all he's somehow pretty good with english but still stumbles from time to time. Darren's mom was always enamored with american names so she named his son with one.
"Ah, right. So sorry! Don't know what came over me!" A korean accent quickly overtook Darren's former voice like it always been there.
"No worries no worries! Now you said your name was Darren correct? That's not a very korean name is it? Why did your parents choose it?" The director gave a curious smirk.
"Oh! Well my mom has always been fascinated with american culture so she named me something american so she felt like it was always a part of her life-"
"Good. Great. Fantastic even. Just one tiny problem with that. It says on this paper here your name is 황철순..."
"Hwang Chul Soon? Like the famous bodybuilder? Oh please the fact we're the same race is more insane than anything let alone me sharing the same name as him-"
"Your name is definitely 황철순," the shades glowed again as Darren's or rather Chul's timeline was changed to fit the director's vision.
Chul's mother never had a knack for american culture. Instead it was just pure coincidence that he would share the name of famous South Korean Bodybuilder Hwang Chul Soon. Chul felt like he never deserved the name and yet he still had it.
"Apologies. I slipped up again... yes... my name is 황철순... But can we get to the dancing now? You've been asking a lot of questions-"
"It's all part of our process for a perfect korean dancer, Chul! Just a bit more now!" The director smiled
"Okay... what else do you want from me?"
"Hmm... how well do you know your korean?"
"I was born and raised there so I would say it's about as perfect as it can be..."
"Excellent! How about your english? Doing good on that front?"
"My english? Not too bad... I do fumble a bit sometimes though,"
"그래서 당신이 말하는 것은 당신이 더 이상 영어를 몰라도 괜찮다는 것입니까?" (So what you're saying is that you wouldn't mind not knowing english anymore?)
"어… 뭐?" (Uh... what?)
"당신은 더 이상 영어를 모른다," (You don't know english anymore.) The shades shining glory returned and absorbed all knowledge of the english language from Chul. Despite immigrating to America he never quite figured out the language so he stayed in mostly korean immigrant areas leading to this korean dance company.
"...더 이상? 그래 내가 영어를 전혀 못하잖아..." (…Anymore? Well yeah I don't speak english like at all…)
"좋아요! 스타가 될 순수한 한국인!" (That's right! A pure korean that will be a star!) The director was being especially loud this time.
"어… 그래? 난 널 위해 한 번도 춤을 춰본 적 없어-" (Uh… yea I guess? I haven't even danced once for you-)
"나는 당신의 조급함을 이해합니다 하지만 여기서 거의 끝났습니다. 조금만 기다려줘 알았지? (I understand your impatience but we're almost done here. Just wait a bit for me okay?) The director gave a look that gave Chul chills in his spine.
"자, 당신의 체격을 어떻게 설명하시겠습니까?" (Now, how would you describe your physique?)
"오, 별거 아니에요 선생님… 저는 평생 체육관에 가본 적이 없어요. 황철순 같은 사람과 이름을 공유하는 것조차 의욕이 없었어요-" (Oh, it's not much sir… I've never been to the gym all my life. Even sharing a name with someone like Hwang Chul Soon I've just never been motivated to-)
"무의미한 말! 당신은 신의 체격을 가지고 있습니다! 누구나 당신이 되고 싶어할 것입니다!" (Nonsense! you have the physique of the gods! Anyone would want to be you!)
"부럽긴한데 근육이 거의없어서..." (I'm flattered but I barely have any muscle… ) Chul twiddled his thumbs in shame
"나한테 거짓말 할 필요 없어 철. 카리스마처럼 근육이 엄청나다!" (You don't need to lie to me Chul. your muscles are huge just like your charisma!)
"선생님… 저는 그 둘 다 가지고 있지 않습니다-" (Sir... I have neither of those-)
"신의 근육과 고기 가득한 근육과 HIGH 카리스마," (You have the muscles of gods and the pecs full of meat and HIGH charisma.) The shades shone like never before as Chul began to pack on muscle at an alarming rate.
First there was the massive biceps, then the faint appearance of a sixpack with Chul's back widening soon as his neck become thicker and his adam's apple more prominent. The star of his upper half began to show itself as his flat rack became massive chunks of meat that could rival the most gifted of women. Chul got a bit taller as his swishy pants rode up exposing the thicker legs that he just obtained. A smirk overcame Chul as his hairstyle become much more suave and he threw his lousy shirt side exposing his new muscle body and charisma.
"알아차리셨다니 다행입니다! 이제 충분히 말하고 더 춤추세요!" (So glad you noticed! Now enough talking and more DANCING!) Chul's new charisma immediately showed itself as Chul began to show his moves.

"내가 찾고 있는 바로 그 철! 나를 위해 밈 댄스를 해주세요!" (That's the Chul I'm looking for! Do a memey dance for me!) Chul nodded and began his routine.

"그리고…. 플렉스!" (And... Flex!) Chul walked up to the stage and flexed to the director.

"잘했어 철! 당신은 당신의 분대에 완벽합니다. 당신은 내일 시작합니다." (Great job Chul! You're perfect for your squad. You start tomorrow.) The director stood up and clapped.
"이런 기회를 주셔서 정말 감사합니다 선생님. 내일 봐요!" (Thank you so much for this opportunity sir. See you tomorrow!) Chul waved goodbye to the director and left the building.
With no one in the room the director began to laugh manically.
"Heh... another transformation complete I almost surprise myself with my power. I'm going to have the greatest bodybuilding dance group known to HUMANITY!" The director laughed even harder.
"Poor ol' Darren..." The director pulled up a picture of Chul or rather Darren.
"He doesn't know anything... how much happier he is now."

Cop Out

"Put your hands where I can see them!" A Cop got out of his police car to apprehend the vigilante spray painting a public building
Officer Harold had been on the police force for almost 20 years now and has been through all the hate Cops have been given over the years from being called a pig, to the protests, and all the mockery and slander. To him he didn't understand he was just trying to help people!
"Alright PIG, I'll stop," The vigilante Maxwell snarled back.
Harold sighed. Another day of being called a pig. Without much thought he grabbed his cuffs to detain Maxwell and send him to the station.
"Just so you know PIG. You may catch me now but I WILL be back!!!!!" Harold stopped in his tracks as Maxwell spoke again.
"Alright that's it Mister. I'm DONE with people like you. I've been on the force for years!!!! You will NEVER understand what we have to go through. We serve this country and we get treated like shit!! I just wish you would understand. Be in the shoes of someone on the force and then we'll see how you feel!" Harold blurted his frustration out at Maxwell which probably wasn't the best idea but he was his limit.
Maxwell couldn't care less but when he tried to open his mouth to speak more insults he found himself unable to speak. Not to mention something felt odd to him. Like he felt like he should respect Officer Harold despite all his earlier statements.
"O-Okay, sir..." Maxwell spoke in a meek tone.
Harold was a bit surprised to hear Maxwell suddenly respect him, but he appreciated the sudden niceness.
"Alright, I'll let you be just this once! Don't get in the way of another officer like myself and you'll be good in my book," Harold put his cuffs away and bids Maxwell farewell.
Maxwell waves goodbye and for some reason... he wanted to see the officer again. It was against all his bashing of police over the years and he knows it and yet... he yearns for it. He walked home to his meager apartment to sleep it off.
Maxwell woke up groggy as he stumbled his way to his dingy bathroom feeling like an entire weight dropped on him. Making his way to the mirror he looked like his usual self. Blond hair, brown eyes, skinny frame.. He remembered his encounter with Officer Harold and the strange feeling Maxwell got after Harold spoke his heart out. He longed to see him again, someway somehow.
"I wish I could see him again..." Maxwell said without thinking.
Suddenly Maxwell's phone began to rang loudly in his pocket. As a vigilante he always answered calls without question so he picked up the phone.
"Who is this?"
"Hello... Maxwell." a enchanting voice called to Maxwell immediately putting him in a trance that made him not want to hang up.
"Listen to me very carefully..."
"What are you doing?? How do you know my name??"
"You're a strong bodybuilder that's been working out for YEARS,"
"But I'm not-"
"You're a strong bodybuilder that's been working out for YEARS,"
"I'm a strong bodybuilder that's been working out for years," As soon as the words left his mouth Maxwell's body began to grow to fit his new lifestyle. Large pecs, massive shoulders, huge back, killer biceps that would make gods jealous with strong visible veins, a sexy set of abs, thick neck with a prominent adam's apple, and his crowning feature of thick beautiful thighs. His clothes melted away leaving him in his just his underwear as he remembered his years pumping iron and winning competitions. It was all Maxwell cared about.

Maxwell broke from his trance to give a quick bicep flex before the voice lured him back.
"You've been a cop for 10 years and LOVE your job."
"That's preposterous!! Bodybuilding is my only calling and not to mention those pigs-"
"You've been a cop for 10 years and LOVE your job."
"I've been a cop for 10 years and love my job." Years of bodybuilding now mixed with years in police training and Dean proudly showing his badge to any criminals that dared to cross him.
Black pants materialized onto his frame along with an accompanying black belt and black police boots with black socks that wrapped around his big feet. The belt was slowly being equipped with police gear one by one. Handcuffs, knifes, guns, and other miscellaneous things. All the things a cop like himself needs.

Maxwell was getting for work at the moment before this mysterious man called him. He does know he could get him arrested in seconds right? Oh well might as well toy with the fellow at least that's what Maxwell rationalized.
"Of course I'm an officer. Been one for ten years and I of course love doing my part, even the naysayers doubt my squad!"
"That's right Maxwell, oh sorry... Max,"
"Do you know who you're talking to? My name is Maxwell! Always have been always will-"
"Your name is Max Schmidt,"
"My name is Max Schmidt," Max loved his name. Fit his manly exterior and manly interior.
"So what do you want with me? Are you one of those ACAB folks? Trying to make me slip?
"No sir, I only want what's best for the force! And you... Now check yourself out..."
"That's inappropriate behavior unbefitting of an officer! What is your name so I can call the stati-"
"Open the camera app and check yourself out NOW," Max immediately took the phone off his ear and opened the camera app. He immediately zoomed in on his chest and abs and then felt those great abs of his.

While this was happening a black police shirt wrapped around Max's large frame as his hair darkened into a light black and his eyes became darker becoming a black color. Max's hair become more put together and more uniform fit for a police officer. A somewhat expensive white watch appeared on his left arm that he always wore. Max still wanted to obey the caller's comand so he used his hand to lift the new shirt to reveal his abs.

Underneath the tight pants Max's newly enlarged cock was having a hard-on.
"Good... Good... Now how do you love?" Max stopped checking himself out in order to respond.
"Haha! You really think I'd tell some criminal that! I don't have my eyes on anyone! Just hard work as police and muscle!
"That's not right, what about your loving husband... Harold?"
"Harold? My superior? Nah we're just good friends! I respect him a great deal but I'm straight as an arrow! No way I would ever marry a ma-"
"You're married to Harold Schmidt your loving husband,"
"I'm married to Harold Schmidt my loving husband," Max remembers the wedding well. Everyone in the force was there cheering them on as they kissed under the altar. Not to mention what they do in private at the police office. Max's already hard cock got even harder as a shiny ring appeared on his ring finger.
"That's great Max, just great! Just one more thing. How's your age going? Must be hard being 39 years of age,"
"I'm only 25, criminal."
"Nah, You're definitely 39,"
"I'm definitely 39," How could Mike forget his age. He reveled in his almost 40's age while his husband was a good ripe age of 50.
"Amazing, brilliant. My work here is done. Have a good day Officer Max," The call ended.
"...What was that?! I need to report this to the station immediately! Better get to work!" Max made another flex as a name tag with his manly name shined onto him. "M. Schmidt"

Max made his way to his cop car. He always loved throwing those pesky cop haters into the back and hear their screams and cries for help, usually with his husband in the passenger seat. Speaking of his husband he should send a pic to his husband to know he's coming to the station. But first his signature shades!
"Hey Honey, bicep flex for you <3" And sent.

Max's nametag shined in the glistening heat as he adjusted his rearview mirror.
"Lookin' good there, Schmidt." Max said to himself.

Max turned the car engine on and he gripped his strong weathered hands onto the wheel and drove to the station.

The drive was long, but standard for a officer like himself. Along the way he already had to apprehend a couple criminals that shouted the slurs he was oh so used to. It was quite tiring and had him quite parched so a good drink would do him good so he used his meaty hand to gulp down some fresh water from the bottle in the cupholder of his car.

"Honey I'm home!" Max shouted as he opened the door to Harold's office at the station.
"M-Max! Don't say it so loud! People will find out what we do in here!" Harold stammered out before getting hit with a kiss on the lips.
"I know I know, but can't the two strongest police officers on the force have a little fun while on the job?" Max said with a lustful smirk.
"Oh Max, I could never get mad at you. Although... Let's deal with the criminals you arrested first," Harold Nudged to the paperwork regarding the arrests Max was currently holding.
"Right..... forgot about that!" Max promptly threw the papers aside and began to undress himself right in front of his husband much to said Husband's shock.

"Harold! What are you-" Harold was interrupted as a passionate kissed began to form between the two lovers.
Harold's worries washed away as the lovebirds embraces with a passionate and long kiss. What felt like hours passed as they made out all over the room. The rustling of papers, knick-knacks all over the floor, and even a whole phone on the ground.
"I love you, babe." Max muttered
"Love you too..." Harold muttered back before snapping back to reality. The entire office was in disarray but the two of them were happier than ever.
"Say... let's get the boys out for a shooting range!" Max mentioned as he put his uniform back on.
"Sounds like a great idea! Those criminals can wait." The pair left to tell the boys they were about to a wild time.
Two unlikely people now bound together and neither were none the wiser of their old lives.
"Let's get to shootin' boys!"

Protein Makes the Body Grow Bigger
Suggested by: @bigwishes
The man at the gym promised instant results. The man promised you would grow beyond belief and those promises came true at a cost...

You used to be a scrawny young man wanting to get big for such a long time. You idolized the strong men you saw on tv.
"I wanna be just like them!" You said thinking it'd be easy.
Quite the contrary it was quite hard. Your entire life had to adapt to the challenge of becoming big and you were not handling it well. That's when HE arrived.
"Hey bro you look like you need help there," It was someone that looked to be a gymbro.

You politely said no but the gymbro continued to pester you.
"I got the thing just you need bro... Come on...." The gymbro pulled out a container of something called "Big Protein".
"Instant results bro...." The gymbro leaned really close to you and gave a look that almost scared you a bit.
You wanted him to go away so you promptly grabbed the container so he could go away. You opened the container as the smell of protein overcome you. It was quite euphoric, but now's not the time for that. You used the provided scooper to scoop the protein into the bottle you've been using with some milk and shook the contained substance. After a couple seconds you gulped a bit of the protein infused drink ending the experience with an "ah". The gymbro was gone and you were alone in the gym. Then without warning you could feel your body heating up. In seconds you were gaining huge amounts of muscle. The drink worked?!?!?!?
Meaty pecs, large pythons for arms, shredded arms, thick thighs, a manly beard, a hot ass, and thighs to die for along with big hands and feet. You couldn't believe when you lifted your tank top in front of the mirror as a tattoo appeared on your right arm.
You were astounded the drink actually worked. You looked completely different than who you just a minute ago! You looked at the protein container and smirked.

"You and I are pals now~" Your new deepened voice spoke to the container.
From that day forth you would consume the protein powder at least once a day. You would get mildly bigger and bigger with each consumption. Your clothes were getting hard to fit into, but you managed for now. With that new body you enlisted into bodybuilding competitions to show off to the masses your new physique and you were rocking it just look at you!

Months passed like this with your new life and your clothes were becoming harder and harder to fit in. An entire pile of ripped clothes began to stockpile all across your living space. The only things that fit were the posers you would use for competitions. That didn't stop you from consuming that entire container of protein was empty and not a crumb was left. At that point it was final the only clothes fitting you were your posers. You looked at the mirror in your room as it set in that this is your wardrobe till the end of your days.

Even when you tried to stop eating the protein your bulky physique never wavered even when you scarfed down tons of fatty foods if you could even enter any with the strict No shirt no service policy. Competitions were the only place where you felt like you belonged now. This is your life now and there's no going back.
The life you wanted but to an insane degree...

Daddy Growth
"Become a real Daddy in minutes with Daddy Growth! Buy NOW!"
Those were the words that brought Dean to his local supermarket. Dean had been trying to bulk up for ages, but just couldn't no matter how hard he tried. The 22 year old was fresh out of college taking freelancing work in art and making it by but just barely. Dean was desperate for any quick solution to his muscle building problem and this product promised fast results he couldn't have driven faster to the supermarket than he already did.
"Is that all?" The cashier said to Dean as he put the bottle on the conveyor belt"
"Yea- WOAH!" Dean was shocked to see that the cashier was JACKED.

"Notice the guns? Pretty weird for someone like me to be working here yeah?" The cashier spoke with his deep voice
"Y-Yea.. a little... And how come they let you wear no shirt!" Dean was getting a little bit flustered as his attraction to guys was starting to show.
"Oh believe me, after this stuff came out dress codes got REAL lenient," He points at the bottle of Daddy Growth
"Wow... I didn't even really notice..." Dean twiddled with his thumbs.
"Don't worry about it, bud. Say... random question but are you a parent?"
"W-Wha? No... I'm only 22!" Dean was shocked to get asked that by a random person let alone a buff one.
"I see... yea good luck with that. Here's your bottle. Have a great day!" The man said with a wink giving Dean shivers.
Dean arrived home shortly after with the bottle in hand a little shaken by the whole experience, but was still determined this bottle will be the solution to all his problems. Dean carefully inspected the bottle instructions: Step 1: Open Bottle
Step 2: Drink bottle all at once
Step 3: Enjoy The Muscle!
"Seems simple enough. I can't understand the warning though... Oh well!" Dean popped the bottle open and drank the whole thing in one chug.
"Damn... that was actually pretty refreshing... so now what..." Dean pranced around the room expecting something to happen but a couple minutes pass and nothing did.
"Is this a scam? Did i just spend 20 dollars on a drink? Hell why do I always fall for these kind of thi-" A jolt hit Dean as he clenched his head in pain.
Dean's body began to sweat at a rapid rate as his body began to grow. First to grow was his chest as they ballooned up into two massive clashing meat mounds with sweat adorning their surface. Next to change was Dean's stomach as a sexy set of abs popped in with the sweat making them glisten. Soon after Dean's arms became behemoths in size both having large biceps and triceps and... veins with an accompanying back widening and shoulders prop up! That marked the end of Dean's button up as a loud *rip* led the shirt to fall to the floor. As the shirt fell it was beginning to change. The buttons fell off as the sleeves rescinded and the shirts blue became a white with a black rim until it was the perfect bodybuilder tank top. Letter by letter the words "Better Bodies Gym Issues" appeared with the change finished right as it reached Dean's feet.
The top of Dean's body had their fun so it was the lower half was ready to grow with the thighs as thick as chickens and godlike status were already forming on his legs. Dean's feet growing by a couple inches whole too good thing he wasn't wearing any shoes. Unlike his shirt dean's bottoms held on pretty tightly before becoming elastic and breathable shorts as a direct cut sliced his pants right above his now thick knees as the rough material became more free. The leftover material wrapped around his feet becoming a nice pair of blue and black shoes with the laces tied tightly. Everything about Dean had changed besides his head, but not for long.
The main change began as Dean's body began to age. Wrinkles forming in the face and general gruffness that definitely didn't suit the 22 year old as he became someone in their late 40's as derek gained some stubble and his hair flattened and became slicked to the side with some gray hairs here and there as well. Dean couldn't speak through the whole ordeal as the pain in his body was too much, but it was finally over... right? WRONG
Dean's room morphed into a busy gym in a flash as the pain subsided little by little. Dean was able to snap back to reality as he now realized he wasn't in his room anymore and he was sweating like a bullet... on a workout bench? Dean couldn't even speak as a gold necklace with a cross wrapped itself around Dean's thick neck signifying the end of the changes.

"W-What... happened... to..." Dean couldn't process what just happened. How did he get at the gym and why did he feel sweaty.
Just then he felt something move. It was his new pecs... bouncing.

Dean looked down to see his new BIG and MEATY body in complete dumbfoundery. The drink actually worked. He became a "daddy"! Dean immediately stood up and flexed to the nearby mirror.
Dean looked great and he KNEW it. He did every bodybuilder thing under the book. Flexing, pec bouncing, and touching his muscles. the works and Dean loved every second of it. He felt like a new man!

The fun had to end though when someone walked up to Dean with a look that definitely wasn't friendly.
"Dean. What are you doing here?" It was a sterner older man not dissimilar to one Dean met at the store.
Dean wasn't sure what to say and just looked at the guy and spoke nothing.
"That's all you got to say to me? Your SON has been looking for you!" Wait... Son? Dean didn't have a son, let alone sex! How did he-
"Not to be rude sir, but I don't have a son I just drank this potion and-"
"Don't sir me, young man! I am your TRAINER. Now take off your tank top that shit is too sweaty to show your son!"
Dean not wanting to be rude to his "Trainer" reluctantly removed the tank top in order to satisfy him.

"Now put this on!" The trainer holding a tank with the word Evogen surrounded by stars.
Dean put it on and when he put it on he felt... comfortable in it. Almost like he's been wearing it for the past ten years. Like he...
Suddenly a whole slew of memories came flooding into Dean. Firstly being the 20+ years of life now under his belt, his years bodybuilding, and of course his son. Daniel. Dean always loved how the rascal took after him ever since he was young.
"Wait... no I don't-" Dean fought against the memories but when he saw the spitting image of his son in his mind dancing just like how Dean remembered he would, he felt at ease he somehow helped brought someone into this world.

Xander was a lot like his father. A bodybuilder and knew when to have fun. Dean was proud of him more than any father could ask for.
"Feel better now?" The trainer he now remembered as his longtime friend Ron.
"I'd say... yeah," Dean giving his pecs a firm lift.

And right on cue came Dean's just as big son.
"Hey pops," Xander was sweating from presumably a workout.

"Son! Good to see you! How's... Maria?" Dean randomly blurted out the name, but somehow knew it was related to his son.
"Oh, she's doing great! I'm so glad you were so accepting me being straight dad, you know how you can be sometimes?
"Know how I can be sometimes? What do you mean oh son of mine?" Dean said in a cocky manner before getting into a dance.
"That's what I mean dad! Anyways... ready to workout?" Dean almost already forgot he was supposed to be working out with his son.
Wait... what just happened? How did this all happen? Dean didn't realize that none of this was normal. First he become buff and older and not to mention has a child??? That's not normal in the slightest. Even with the new memories he still he had his old ones, the ones where he was skinny and scrawny and lived in a shoddy apartment, but he also had the memories of his kid and living in a big house. The mix of memories was getting to his head, and yet when he saw his new life and now body... he was fine with this. All this. He's never been a parent, but it won't hurt to try! And this BIG body is a huge bonus Dean can't complain at all. Now the real question is who did he fu-
"Dad? You good? We should head to the machines!" Xander looking at his father with confusion
"Oh! Sorry my boy, just lost in thought. Let's get to work!" Derek gave a confident flex to his son.

"Well I'll see you two later. Have fun!" Ron promptly left to help out other bodybuilders.
This new life was gonna be a bit hard for Dean to adjust to and Dean knew that and his old life was over but he was ready to start anew in exchange for this sexy body.
And so the new Dean waddled his way to the workout machines with his new son and looked as hot as hell doing it. He was a real Daddy now!

Love your work! Your writing is second to none!
I was hoping you could help me out: I’ve always been kinda lean, but I really want to bulk up. I was to be big, cut, and most of all, I want a lot more melanin in my skin. A bulge that’s intimidatingly large, and a libido that makes more more of a rapid animal than a man. Is that possible?
Last night was a real doozy for you. Another day feeling like you couldn't achieve anything and that wasn't being helped when you saw a group of bodybuilder guys chatting on your way home. You crash onto your bed hoping one day you could be just like them. You didn't realize that your wish would come true reallll soon.
You're awoken by bright light that you can't quite discern where it's coming from. After a couple blinks you realize there's people and they're... pampering you up for a photoshoot?

You look down and to your amazement you see a massive set of tits and a lot more melanin in your skin than you remember in your vision. Not to mention you're shirtless. "Alright shooting in... 3.2.1!"
Before you could even think your new instincts make you flex to the camera.

You question for a second why you did that, but then you brushed it off pretty quickly. Infact your memories were rewiring your habits and fast. Any intelligence you had was slowly dwindling as all you could think about was the men you were gonna have fun with tonight in bed. This job of yours was just to show off and make buttloads of money for those magazines.
The cameras kept taking pictures and the more pictures taken the more you turned into a brainless libido filled man ready to take on anything.
Next stop after this... the gym!

Late to this but I’m IN LOVE with your Hadi Choopan caps.
Idk something about that I’m just obsessed over!
Hopefully we’ll see you write more about him cause I keep coming back to the ones you’ve already written!
aww thank you! I actually have one in the works atm so look forward to that!
Dungeons and Jocks
Suggested by: @sivfenrir
Gregory slammed another book down on his apartment table. It was another book for his upcoming DND campaign with his friend Louis. It was quite heavy for his scrawny body but he somehow managed to carry it all the way from the library. He was going to be a wizard artificer for the campaign over discord call and wanted to learn as much as he could before properly getting into it. Gregory opened the book and began to look through the pages. The nerd he is absorbed all the information quite quickly and before long landed on a very peculiar page... "Make what you wish come true! A spell of a lifetime for your campaign... Huh..." Gregory was very intrigued.
A spell to make what you wish come true is quite a bold claim from a book from a random library and a nerd who was quite a nerd. "Alright I'll guess I'll try this totally real spell!" Gregory didn't believe it would work so he recited the spell with a hint of sarcasm. "drhs drhs drhs drhs drhs ivzo ivzo ivzo ivzo!!" Gregory chanted the spell right then and there. "Now let's see if this worked... I am rich!" "..." "Haha... as I thought," Gregory was unphased, but just as he was about to go to the next page a notif popped up on his nearby phone. Louis: Hey dude, time for our DND session hop on discord! It was Louis!
Gregory: Alright hopping on now! Gregory quickly made his way to his room where his computer was located and hopped on call. "Yo Louis wassup?" "Oh... hey... I'm... okay.." Louis had a melancholy tone to his voice. "Is... something wrong dude?" "Yea... mind if I vent before the session?"
"Oh, sure what is it?" "It's just these guys that were bullying me..." Gregory felt a chill in his spine.
"P-People were bullying you??" "Yea..."
"What were they? Who were they?" "They were these... high school jocks. Large ones t-too. B-Based on their size they easily went to the gym everyday," Gregory felt more tingles. Gregory's body was beginning to change. Gregory began to gain an extreme growth in muscle like he worked at the gym everyday because well he did. Massive pecs, big biceps, and meaty thighs were some of his greatest features. Gregory's changes didn't stop though as his mind became warped and his past began to change. Instead of being a nerd he was always a jock. Bullying all the little guys More obsessed with muscle than school or anything else. That's when reality snapped back to the new jock Gregory. "H-Huh? What am I doing here? Where's my bros??? And why is this shirt so tight?" The new gregory looked around his room and saw all sorts of nerdy shit that repulsed him. How did he get here and where are his bros??? Louis didn't notice the change in Gregory's behavior and kept going. "A-And I think one of them was bald??? How much steroids did that they take??" And in one fell swoop all of Gregory's hair fell off leaving him completely bald. "I'm pretty sure all they wore was tank-tops with how cocky and self-obsessed they were..." Gregory's shirt began to remold itself into a gym tank-top and Gregory's mind suddenly become self-obsessed, immediately giving his left bicep a kiss.
"At least i got you with me!"

Louis continued on.
"They were total jerks. They piss me off just thinking about it!" Gregory stopped loving himself immediately. He recognized who was speaking. It was Louis the Louiser! Why was he talking to a twink ass on some messaging service. He'd rather beat him up directly than on some app. Gregory was ready to destroy the computer but then... "I wish they were like you, my best friend... kind, nice, nerdy like me." Gregory's mind changing again. He was still a bit of a jock but still spent time to nerd out with Louis and would protect him with his massive size and play DND all the time too!
Gregory paused right before he was about to punch screen as his anger dissipated into a cocky grin.
"Right you are, you're glad to have a friend like me haha!" Gregory's new voice gave a hearty laugh "Oh wow Gregory, your voice sounds different than I last remember..." Louis asked in a shocked tone.
"Whatcha talking about? Always been sounding like this ever since I took the steroids remember. I just had to get PUMPED! GRAHH!" Gregory did a flex with a grunt making Louis jump in his seat on the other end.

"W-Who are you and what you have done with Gregory?" "Come on bro it's me Louis. Your good old pal. We play DND remember?" Gregory turned on his webcam.
"See? It's me! Don't you want to give my bicep a kiss like old times?"

"W-Who is this?! You're not Gregory you're more like a Greg!" Gregory or rather Greg paused for a moment before smirking. "Yeah you're right! Sorry 'bout that. My name is Greg! But come on bro don't remember your lovable nerdy big guy best friend?" Greg flexed again.

"I-I'm still not convinced... I'm going to your house in person...." Louis immediately left the call before Greg could even say "See you later bro,"
Louis arrived to Greg's apartment and knocked on the door expecting the same twink he's known since elementary to open it but nope... it was "Greg" "Hey bro! Good to see you!"

"How did you- When did you-" Louis was in a gay panic.
"Lots of hardwork and steroids bro. Remember. Come on let's talk on the bro-couch!" "W-When did you take your shirt off?"
"Took if off before you got here bro. Needed to let my muscles breathe you know?" "U-Um,,, o-okay,,," Louis's words were barely legible
"Anyways bro let's go to the bro-couch pronto. We can talk like we always do. As bros!" Greg turned around not a moment sooner abandoning his shorts leaving him in just his underwear.
Louis cautiously entered the apartment. It looked about the same as he last saw it but there was a lot more... bodybuilder. There was still all those awards from math bowls but there was also some trophies from competitions. Louis continued to look around while Greg grabbed a huge can of Whey Protein before sitting on the bro-couch. "Want some?"

"N-No thanks..." Louis sheepishly declined
"Your loss," Greg opened up the container and ate the protein powder raw. "Delicious! Anyways whatcha wanna talk about bro?"
"Isn't it obvious? How you became THIS?" Louis blurted out.
"We were supposed to be doing a DND campaign but instead you became a meathead!" Greg's mind changed again.
"Yuppppppp that's meeeeeeeeeeee!" It looked like Greg had no thoughts and only thought of muscles as the math bowl trophies began to disappear. "But at the same time you do seem like my best friend..." Greg got hit with his old intelligence and stopped drooling.
"Yea bro! We'll always be bros! Now come on let's DND!"
"Okay fine, but put some clothes on!"
"Alright bro, alright!" With Greg walking off to get changed.
Greg returned in a tank top and some shorts flexing as he entered.

"Let's do this bro!" Louis almost forgot how hot Gregor- Greg was now.
"Alright alright, let's do this!" And so the buff nerd Greg and the twink nerd Louis did their campaign with Greg's character being a buff as hell Jock wizard artificer with magic and muscles on their side. It was a grand ol' time and Louis finally let this be the new Greg. Luckily for Louis the chant that Greg made was wearing off making this Greg permanent. It's a good life being a large and in charge jock and nerd.

A Little Too "Daddy"
It was a typical summer day after work for Joseph in his aparment. He typed away on his computer talking to his boyfriend, Carl.
Carl: Saw a really hot guy today while walkin' home today babe
Joseph: Oh yea? What body type
Carl: A total Daddy!!! Like damn... wish he was my boyfriend. Not to say you're bad but like... you know. Joseph: Haha... I see.
Carl: It's whatever anyway lol he was with his kids and clearly banged a woman.
Joseph: You can't say that for sure-
Carl: He was every stereotypical dad trope in the book bro. I know my stuff!!!
Joseph: If you say so... but like are you trying to say I should try and bulk up?
Carl: Maybe...
Joseph: Aw Carl, You know that's difficult.
Carl: Yea but imagine me calling you daddy haha
Joseph: You're lucky I love you.
Carl: Yea i know! Anyways Gotta go now. My favorite telenovela is about to start. Love you babe!
Joseph: Bye. Love you!
Joseph closed the messaging app with a sigh. He did a "bicep" flex and yup still skinny.
"Ugh. This sucks! Why can't I be what he wants?" Joseph slammed his face on his keyboard in despair.
"I should really talk to someone about this- oh wait! Joseph recalled the therapist hotline stapled onto the breakroom pinboard at his work.
"I guess I'll text it right now..." Joseph was quick to turn on his phone and with a bit of help he eventually texted the codeword to activate the automatic transfer.
Thank you so much for being here we'll get you to one of our members immediately!
"Oh great... this'll take a while hu-"
???: Hi my name is G3NI3 how can I help you, today?
Joseph: G3NI3? Did your parents hate you?
G3NI3: Nah dude it's a CODENAME. Gotta keep some sort of confidentiality
Joseph: Ah right fair enough
G3NI3: Alright so what's your name and why did you text us today?
Joseph: Joseph, and I'm here because of my boyfriend...
G3NI3: Aww did you break up?
Joseph: No... it's more... he saw a hot dad today and said "i wish he was my boyfriend"
G3NI3: Oh i see... was the dude straight?
Joseph: Yea why do you ask?
G3NI3: Just wondering... Anyways so I'm guessing the dude was like super buff and stuff? Joseph: Yea... meanwhile I'm a scrawny man in my 20's...
G3NI3: I see I see... so what you're saying is that if you were an older "daddy" you'd be happier?
Joseph: Yea. Atleast it'd appease my boyfriend...
G3NI3: Alright then, say Joseph why don't you tell me about your life and how you met your boyfriend maybe this'll help
Joseph: Uh... sure. Okay so like... we met in highschool and we REALLY hit it off so we started dating pretty soon after and now we're here.
G3NI3: Makes sense. Though... based on your talks I feel like you'd be more bros than boyfriends
Joseph: Huh? what makes you say that?
G3NI3: Idk just got the vibe.
Joseph: How WOULD you say that you only know him as my boyfriend.
G3NI3: Yea but like for people your age, not sure i'd go randomly say "hey this man my age should be friends with me!"
Joseph: What are you talking about? My boyfriend is like 24 and the dude seemed 40.
G3NI3: Nah man, didn't you say you were both in your 40's?
Joseph: No... I said 20's
G3NI3: Pretty sure I saw 40's
Joseph: Yea well!! I can just scroll up and see!!
G3NI3: Suit yourself.
Joseph was getting furious at this "G3NIE". He 100% told them he was in his... 40's? Joseph read the text again.
"Joseph: Yea... meanwhile I'm a scrawny man in my 40's..." Joseph couldn't believe it, but then it dawned on him oh wait... he IS in his 40's haha imagine actually being in my 20's again that would be WILD.
Joseph: Sorry about that. You're right me and my boyfriend are in our 40's.
G3NI3: Told ya. Though you never told me your boyfie's name.
Joseph: Oh it's Carl. Pretty normal name.
G3NI3: Weird... I feel like he would be more a Carlito.
Joseph: Uh... What makes you say that?
G3NI3: Isn't he from Mexico?
Joseph: Uh... yea? But how did you know that?
G3NI3: Lucky guess. I mean... imagine having a mexican hottie like him as your bro.
Joseph: Not sure what you mean. We're DATING and he's skinny like me. Even though we're both in our 40's...
Joseph paused for a second. Wasn't Carlit- Carl in his 20's and skinny? but then he "remembered" the last pic his boyfriend sent him.
"Get ready to some farm work for my bonita~ What do you think?"

Wait... Bonita? Carl- No... Carlito would never call Joseph that. Not to mention his boyfriend never looked like that! Or... did he? Joseph scrambled through his memories and every memory he had of Carlito was him as jacked af Mexican man. Guess he forgot how lucky he was. The bonita bothered him but he just ignored it for now.
Joseph: Sorry nvm yea he is all that. We're dating though so we're not just "bros".
G3NI3: nah man, you seem like bros to me. Don't you remember he married Maria and got like 2 kids.
Maria??? who is- Oh right. Maria is Carlito's "Bonita" He rants about her all the time to you at your weekly bar hangouts. Joseph remembers how his two kids Mateo and Juanita would call him Uncle Joseph! Ah he loves those little rascals. Wait.. something felt off to Joseph.
Joseph: How do you know all this? Isn't this our first session?
G3NI3: What are you talking about dude? This is like our 20th one together
"W-What???" Joseph could not believe what G3NI3 was saying. This was definitely his first using the hotline. Joseph could prove it he just has to scroll up a bit and- Huh?
To Joseph's amazement, G3NI3 was right they've been talking for months. And what do you know they bring up everything about Carlito too. Guess that's that mystery solved.
Joseph: Oh man, you're right guess my age is starting to show...
G3NI3: Don't count yourself out yet old man. You have a kid to care for!
Joseph: Kid??? You must be joking I'm single and could never get a kid! I'm gay!
G3NI3: Oh come on don't be like that just cause you had a divorce with Kate doesn't mean you gotta deny being straight as an arrow or deny that kid you helped make! Joseph: Okay now you're crazy! No way I got married to a LADY. I was never into them!!
G3NI3: No need to get worked up big guy. Your son is following in your footsteps as a bodybuilder! Bodybuilder???? What kind of insanity is G3NI3 spewing now! Joseph was skinny as stick. Always has been.
Joseph: You must think I'm crazy if you want to believe I'm anything but a stick! It's a miracle Carlito even wants to hang out with a single skinny guy like me!
G3NI3: Oh don't be so shy! I know you love flexing in front of Carlito to show how you can attract the ladies! Your libido is off the charts bro.
Joseph had enough of this. He'd crush his phone with his big strong hands if he didn't have the money to replace it.
Joseph: Now listen here! I know I love a good flexing or two but I wouldn't say I have a high libido! Besides... I'm not manly enough I don't got a beard or any cool tattoos...
G3NI3: Come on, Josef! You're the manliest they come! With a luscious ginger beard and a tattoo of a cross between your tits AND one on your left arm you're peak masculinity! And you even married a WOMAN. Sure it didn't last but it's something!
Josef: You really think so? Aw shucks. Maybe if I was a faggot we could've dated... as if! The only thing I love more than muscles is a good looking women to take home and fuck silly.

G3NI3: Focus Josef. Use that bald head of yours for once and think! You came here because you didn't think Carlito doesn't want to hang out with you right?
Josef: Yes... we might've been bros since middle school but idk ever since me and the divorce with Kate it just doesn't feel like the same...
G3NI3: Puh-lease. You guys are two peas in a bro-pod. Do you really think Carlito would send you this if you weren't bros for life?

Josef: Ah I remember that! Carlito made those fags think they had a chance with him when he and Maria been fuckin' for years! Got a good laugh out of that!
Carlito: Exactly! Who would send that to a straight friend otherwise!
Josef: You're right... What did I have to worry about? Me and Carlito? We're buds for life!
Just then a knock came at the door.
"Dad! Carlito's here!" "Coming, Son!"
Josef: Welp, looks like Carlito's here. Thanks for the talk G3NI3. Always appreciate ya!
G3NI3: No problem! and remember... you asked for this
Josef: W-Wha?
G3NI3: Nothing! Bye
"And to think that's my therapist... Anyways gotta get ready for my bro!" Josef got up from his seat and left his bedroom stationed at the 2nd floor of his house. Gotta thank Kate for that child support money. But before he could enter the hallway...
"Son! I told you no underwear and caps in the house! Put some damn clothes on!"

Sorry pa, I just loveee my muscles. Do you mind if a girl comes over tonight? I think it'll work this time!"
"'Course Son. The Women will love ya! You get it from your old man!" Josef flexes to make his point clear.

"Thanks dad!" Josef's son flexes back before getting ready for his date.

"How did I get lucky enough to get a son like that?" Josef chuckled. He might not got much but at least he has son and his bro Carlito.
"Oh right! Carlito!" Josef almost forgot to get ready so he grabbed a fresh set of clothes and went to go change in the bathroom.
Before he changed Josef did one quick flex in the mirror.

"G3NI3 wasn't kidding. That libido of mine is ready to go!" Josef was proud of his physique. But now's not the time for that he has to go meet his bro.
Josef adorned his massive figure with a tank top saying "BEAST" and some killer designer shades he was ready to finally answer that door. With a strong force Josef opened the door to find the man himself, Carlito.
"Hola amigo. Have you seen that faggot Josef anywhere? Haha!"

"Oh come on Carlito, you know I'm as straight as an arrow!" Josef said back in a playful tone.
"Would you change your mind if I were to... do this?" Carlito took his shirt and removed his shades and did a flex right in front of Josef.

"..." "GAHAHAHA" The two large man laughed in unison.
"Nah bro, you're my bro forever and always." Josef smiled.
"As always mi amigo, now let's rapido we're gonna be late for our gym sess!" Carlito put his shirt and shades back on and headed for his luxury car.
As for Josef he didn't have a car as cool as Carlito but had a car from the 2000's and it was like his second child but don't tell Josef's son that. But before he got in his car Josef took a moment to feel his masculinity in the car window's reflection.
"I look damn fine."

And So Josef and Carlito went to have grand old brotime together. Working out together like true bros, hanging out at the bar like true bros, and of course trying to get Josef with a woman for the 30th time this month. You'd think they were a couple but nah they're both straight as arrows no doubt about that. Josef lived a happy life despite his circumstances and that meant more time to flex flex FLEX!

Safe to say he was a real... daddy. He's even got the kid to show for it.
hey bro, think you can make me a iranian/persian hulk kind of like Hadi Choopan? Always loved his physique.
Wanna become a big bodybuilder. Well I can never deny a guy begging to become a big strong meat head so lets see what we can do.
As soon as you pressed send on your message you felt yourself begin to shift and change. Lifting your hand up from your computer you can see your skin has noticeably become larger and darker. The veins in the back of your hands stick out pulsing as blood is pumped around your body. Your skin colour begins to change as it slowly creeps up your are. Each inch transformed becoming darker, more muscled and a faint layer of hair formed on top of your skin. It felt like a muscle pump in real time as your body became tight. Within moments your entire body had been transformed into that of an Iranian hunk.

A small layer of sweat began to form under your arm pits as your body began to heat up. You began to feel your muscles spasm as you began to grow in short bursts all over your body. You were constantly flinching and trying to stop yourself from falling over as each part of your body randomly inflated with muscle. Soon you found yourself bent over your desk trying to catch your breath from the extreme size you had just gained.

You couldn't believe what had happened to you, within minutes you had completely blown up with size although something felt strange, a tingling in your spine. Finally catching your breath you stood up. You were quivering when suddenly if felt like you spine was replaced with jelly. Your eyelevel quickly dropped down as you rapidly fell down to 5,6ft tall. None of your muscle vanished with your height, instead it bunched up making you look like a roided out muscle bull.

Your pecs practically touched your chin, your thighs couldn't be separated causing you to waddle and sweat started to glisten from all over your body but you couldn't help but pose your new roided body.
A few seconds later your skin started it itch and you watched as dark hair started to sprout all over your body. You didn't realise how hairy all those Iranian bodybuilders really were as they were always waxed. You watched as the dark carpet of fur covered up most of you muscle, in fact the layer of fur made you look even bigger. It occurred to you, it's gonna take you a while to scrub all that sweat out of all that body hair.
You do such amazing changes. I was hoping you could help me out with something. I've got a friend I have a giant crush on. He loves the look of massive muscular men, especially with big pecs and asses. But he's also into obviously slutty guys - the type that's always dressed to show off and would take pride in getting ogled or cat called on the street. I wish I could be both for him.
So you want to impress your crush I see? Well how about taking a quick shower with these babies.

Just remember to use the shampoo, body wash, in that order okay?

Ooh I can hear the shower running. How's it feeling over there? Oh I can hear the moaning sounds of glee. Come on out Big Guy and remember to pull a towel on!

Oh damn.... getting bold already are we? Where did that bead necklace even come from? Doesn't matter you're looking real fine. Though a real SLUT's only got a couple things on their mind and it's sex and showing off. I hope you didn't miss any sign of intelligence cause all that went straight to your big and massive tits. I wouldn't count on ever wanting to wear a shirt or any top really cause you want your muscles to be SEEN.
Your crush will love you have fun out there!

Just a Bit Bigger
Jung was a 22 young college athlete and vice captain of the rowing team. He had been the vice captain since he was a first year which was no probably. Jung was a fairly easy going guy and never getting captain never really bothered him, lately he wasn’t even sure if his heart was still in rowing. He had an incredible body but lately he had been admiring the young bodybuilders on the deadlifting team. Jung finished the last rowing practice before the winter break. The lake would freeze over and Jung would have a lot more time on his hands for the next few months. He got home thinking about his new workout plan for the winter. He thought about it for a while and decided he’d go out and try a bodybuilding program to get bigger, there was no way he’d get as big as the bodybuilders on his campus before the next rowing season but he would at least start to see if he liked it and wanted to continue with it. Jung opened up a word document and pasted a pic of himself he took a few days ago as his first progress pic.

Jung had no idea where to begin creating a bodybuilding plan or workout. for the past 6 years he had relied on daily rowing to pretty much do everything for him and the occasional heavy weight lifting over winter break but even then he never really went that heavy, he had mainly stuck to his maintenance to keep the boat as light as possible.
Googling away for a few hours he had gotten a diet and macro plan sorted and some of his workout plan but he was still lost in a rabbit hole and youtubeing heavy weight lifting form and what the best plan to build more muscle fast. He was about 8 pages deep into google when he saw a strange link. It was decorated with emoji stars and arms flexing. With nothing to lose and the best antivirus money could buy Jung shrugged and clicked on the link hoping he would get an easy free workout plan.
Moments after Jung clicked the link his computer screen began to glitch out and the sound of electricity and sparks filled the room. Jung began to freak out and he backed up expecting his computer to explode. Jung looking at the glitching screen and watched as two spectral hands grabbed the sides of the monitor and something began to pull itself out from his computer screen.

Jung fell off his computer as he watched the glitchy images pull itself out of the screen forming the silhouette of a man, the shape became more detailed every second until soon a torso spectral head and torso of a man was floating above the computer, connected into the screen through a long glitchy lower half where legs would be. The man was incredibly muscled with a deep jersey tan, bleached blonde hair, a red backwards cap and tinted glasses. “YO YO YO WHAT IS UP MY GUYYY” the man yelled “WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU AND HOW ARE YOU IN MY FUCKING PC”
“aww what? like bro you like, totally summoned me?”
“SUMMONED YOU?? HOW THE FUCK DID I SUMMON YOU?? WHAT THE FUCK EVEN ARE YOU??” Jung shrieked clinging to the wall behind him trying to stand up.
“ohhh okay, I totally got you bro, so I’m a modern Djinn, like, the millennials of Djinns, instead of shitty lamps I got uploaded to the internet and blah blah” the Djinn noticed his reflection in the mirror in the corner of Jung’s room and began to flex to himself
“s-s-so I get to wish for anything?”
“NAAAH BRUH, I’m for sporting, muscles, health, blah blah all those boring rules”
“rule? what are they” Jung sheepishly asked
“UUUUUGGHHH” the Djinn stopped posing and turned to fully face Jung “its easy as bro, rule one you can wish for anything to do with sports, fitness or health” the Djinn flashed a double bicep pose “rule two, no backsies, don’t be a coward bro, be confident in your wish” the Djinn changed to a sideways pec pose “and third rule, you only get three” the Djinn began to flex his triceps and let out a loud grunt
Jung had managed to scramble himself up to his feet, still having no idea what was happening.
“so, any…sports wish?”
“YEAAH BRUH, NOW YA GETTIN IT, although I dunno why you got my link, you got a fuckin rockin bod bro, normally nerds and dorks click on my link, what do you do? tennis? baseball?” The Djinn asked turning to the mirror again
“I’m a rower, although I might wanna get into bodybuilding? I’m not entirely sure”
The Djinn stopped posing once again, Jung’s words catching his attention “YOOOOOOOOOOO BODYBUILDING, BRO, THATS MY FUCKING JAM BRO”
“Well I dunno, if I wanna go fully into bodybuilding” Jung sheepishly scratched the back of his neck
“nah nah nah bro I got you like okay” The Djinn put his hands on the sides of his head, rubbing his temple looking like a frat bro trying to generate a though “OKAY SO BRO I GOT IT, okay so like, you wish to be a bit bigger, if you like it, go full bodybuilder, IF you don’t like it, use the last wish for a rowers body like the one you got, TECHNICALLY you don’t break the rules”
“Okay, l-lets do that”
“nah bro, you gotta say it like, wish it”
“Okay, I wish, I wish you’d make me a bit bigger”
“YO WISH IS MY COMMAND BRUH….just accept the terms and conditions, normal tech shit bruh”
“oh okay…I accept?”
“YO WISH IS MY COMMAND BRUH” the Djinn snapped his fingers forming a finger gun pointing at Jung.
There was a flash of light from the computer screen blinding Jung for a moment, but he felt his body begin to grow and stretch. He couldn’t see what was happening but he felt like he was inflating, like blood was being pumped directly into his body. The light finally faded from the room and Jungle was able to see his new body once again.

“d-d-DUDE, IM ACTUALLY BIGGER?” Jung yelled feeling up his new body.
“you lookin at a mystical tech genie and you surprised you actually changed?” The Djinn laughed
“yeah dude, I, thought I hit my head or something but now I’m actually bigger? not bodybuilder bigger but bigger?
“oh you only said a bit bigger bro, we can go even bigger”
Jung thought for a moment, feeling his newly enlarged biceps and tracing the lines of his chiselled muscles, he saw his already great body enhanced into something better, he definitely wanted to see what was next, and if he didn’t like he he could always wish for a rower’s body again”
“aight tech genie do your thing, I wish to be a bit bigger”
Once again the Djinn snapped his fingers and the room filled with light. Jung began to groan and moan as he felt his body expand again. The same feeling as before only this time he head his skin stretch and bones grind as he felt himself grow a few inches taller. The light in the room faded.
“daaammmn bro, I’d tap that” laughed the Djinn
But Jung was too interested in himself to notice the comment.

Jung was massive now, looking like he could be part of the deadlifting team, looking like he could be the captain of the deadlifting team. Jung grabbed his bicep, feeling the strength and size behind it, his hands found his way to his pec, it was the size of a dinner plate, bigger even. Jung squeezed his pec and moaned.
“Bro, why, why do I feel so, ummmm, horny?” Jung nervously looked away from the Djinn but staring in the mirror just made it worse.
“Coz you gay bro?” The Djinn said posing in the mirror floating above Jung.
“Bruh?? you serious?? terms and conditions bro, these bodies need to be appreciated none stop, so I make dudes gay to ya know?” the Djinn was barely paying attention to Jung’s shock.
Jung couldn’t keep himself from squeezing his body, sure he could be called a bodybuilder now but, if he thought he was hot now, how would he look in the next phase?
“Ready for the next wish bro?
“errrr, what should I do?”
“bro, I got chu, lemme hulk you out”
Being hunked out seemed awesome, and he had one more chance to go back to being a rower if he wasn’t into it.
“Okay Djinn, I wish you’d do your thing” Jung nervously said.
Once again the Djinn snapped his fingers. “alright bro LETS HULK YOU OUT!!!”
“WAIT HULK?? I THOUGHT YOU SAID HUNK??” Jung tried to protest but it was already too late, the room filled with light and Jung felt his body expanding, but not only his body, he felt his package expand in his underwear too, size increasing everywhere, more than he experienced the past few times. Jung felt himself growing even taller and the light began to fade from the room.
“DAAAAM BRO, LOOKS LIKE MY WORK IS DONE YO” The Djinn grabbed Jung by the shoulders shaking him with excitement
It didn’t take long for Jung’s eyes to come back into focus and for him to see his new body.

Jung couldn’t stop himself from feeling up his new massive body
“bro, wha, what did you do to me” Jung nervously rubbed the back of his neck whilst staring at his new massive form in the mirror.
“I hulked you out bro, and you look fucking huge, a human tank, an absolute BEAST”
“duuude, I thought you said hunk, like you were gonna turn me into a massive HUNK” Jung was doing his best to protest his new body but couldn’t help but feel himself up.
“why would I hunk you up when I could hulk you out bro?” The Djinn began to float towards the computer
“aight, okay, nah, I wish for a rower’s body, this is a bit too bulky” Jung said as he tried to pull the underwear that was uncomfortably wedged in his muscular ass
Jung caught himself in the mirror again and flexed his huge arm. Instantly the horniness came back and it was stronger than ever. Jung couldn’t help but pose his arms and feel his pecs.
“ayyy sorry bro, three wishes are up man, you a bodybuilder now”
“wha?? you mean?? THIS FUCKING BULKY FOREVER??” Jung began counting on his fingers double checking his wish.
“yeah sorry man, catch you on the flip side” The Djinn began to fade back into the computer.
“WAIT BRO, atleast gimmie some clothes that fit this huge, bulked out bod” Jung’s mouth almost watering as he looked down at his mountainous pecs
“sorry bro, not my area of wishes, catch you laterrrrrrrr”
and just like that, the Djinn was sucked back into the computer leaving Jung standing in his room alone.
Jung tried to find something in his room that would fit his new body, even if he had to go commando, anything to get out of this tight restricting underwear but everything in his room was tiny. His pants could barely get around his calves. His training shorts were the only thing that sorta fit even though they had practically become underwear to him but the issue was his new height and size below. Jung was now 8ft tall and packin, Jung had to find something to wear, he couldn’t deal with how tight his underwear was anymore.
Jung bent over to pick up a pair of stretchy training legging to see if they’d fit when *ping* Jung heard a small rip and felt the confining underwear release him. Jung slowly stood back up and looked in the mirror.
Jung’s tight underwear let go in the back, falling to the front, his underwear was now his loincloth. Jung walked over to his computer realising he had to order all new clothes, stomping with every step causing everything loose in his room to shake.
Jung sat down at his desk, feeling his chair almost break under him. He leant forward on his desk hearing it creak under his massive weight. Jung went to search but got a notification.
“Hey bro!! sorry I had to leave you disappointed, hope this helps” it was signed from the tech genie. Inside the email was a folder filled with photos. Jung clicked on it and saw at least 10 photos all of his knew body flexing in the mirror, the Djinn must have taken them when Jung wasn’t looking.
“god…I look so good” Junk thought to himself, his mouth began to drool and his hand found its way under the thin clothe barely covering his junk. Jung leant back in his chair hearing it creak like it was about to break under him. Jung started to jerk himself off, staring at the pictures of himself on the screen. Jung lifted his other arm next to him and flexed his bicep.
“fuck I’m big”
Hey bro, I'm back. Cosplay with the bulk and mask is doing great! People are eating that uniqueness! Problem though, I'm a bit too nerdy for their tastes. They didn't like my gaming posts. Think you can add in my history that I'm a big jock too? I need the experience. I don't mind my brain shrinking.
Continuation of:

A rewriting of your history huh... Let's see where you last left you off.

Yea... unfortunately someone as big and bulky as you just doesn't fit gaming NERD. Sure you got the bod of a lifetime but not a single change in your personality let alone your past. Subby furries been asking you for fun in DM's but you're still as shy before so you have to turn them and they think you're homophobic! You've been going to the gym to maintain your new body and got yourself some gymbro friends but unlike them you've never participated in sports in your life so you have to nod and smile when they start talking football. Your social media presence is all sorts of wack too with your fans demanding to post thirst traps and flexing pics but you just keep posting gaming clips since you don't want to make your only thing on the online world being a beefy meathead that only cares about their bod. It was all piling up and wish you could just change your past to fit the body you wished for...
Well that's where I come in and help you once more! You hear a knock on your home door and you went to check who was there. No one was there but you saw something on the ground so you opened the door to find a strange device and a note on the ground.
Hey Dude!
Heard the beef life was getting hard with no change of memories or life so I thought I'd help out. What you see is a Reality Augmentation Device! Just say what you want and reality will change to suit your desires.
It's one use only so no going back!
Choose wisely,
Reality Augmentation Device? You'd think I was crazy if I didn't give you the bod you currently possess so you trusted my judgement.
The device was a sphere shape and had a screen for soundwaves and a singular button. Looks like you press the button, say what you want and reality will change. So much power in such a small device. Well with a bit of hesitancy you press the button and say your wish.
"I wish my life would fit my body" And then you let go of the button. Immediately after you let go the device warped itself out of reality and you suddenly passed out. Your past would now change.
The changes begin in middle school. Instead of staying reserved and quiet you LOVED to act out much to the dismay of your teachers. You adored sports, especially football which ended up with you on your middle school football team as the star player. You eventually got a ton of friends that were just like you. You were known as the school troublemakers and sports buffs. You didn't learn a damn thing the whole time you were there.
Come High School you continued this attitude fully becoming a typical jock with the friends to match. This is when you began to work out almost every single day leading to that hot bod of yours. Your bros were your everything... your... everything. You realized you were gay. Any who you of course joined your High School Football team and once again was the star player. The whole school loved you for constantly bringing home trophies. Your grades took an even bigger decline than what was even possible. You were already a major meathead with the only thoughts being sports workout and hanging out with bros. It's a miracle you didn't get expelled but the fame and trophies was what allowed you to stay. You graduated with multiple sports related schools BEGGING to have you and despite that meathead brain of yours you eventually picked a college to attend.
College was more about working out than actually attending classes. When you did attend classes it was an excuse to be the meathead jock to ever meathead jock. Luckily this was a sports college so all that mattered was your ability on the field. You still had your craft in football and landed your college football team multiple trophies and eventually graduating with a "Degree in Jock" the person who handed you the degree at graduation joked. Which might I add you were completely shirtless during graduation? Yeah.
Brimming with jock confidence you got tattoos on your arms and started posting your workout journey onto social media and to say people were interested would be an understatement. Thirst trap comments would pour in on every single post just look at the ones with this selfie!

"You're so lovely~"
"I want you"
These were a common occurrence and you loved all of it. You were able to stay in contact with your gymbros even after school and hung out almost every single day pumping iron with the bros. Talking about sports was a nonissue as you knew every single football term under the sun. You will willing to help your bros if they had a hard time lifting something.
"Just like that bro..." You whisper to him.

And there's still more! Hanging out with gymbros means bouncing those meat mounds with your gymbros.

And maybe a flex or two...
And that leads back to the new present. Despite all the changes to your past there was still one thing that stayed. Your love of masks. You would sometimes wear your wolf bone mask and black balaclava to workouts and your bros found it very amusing.

Those same subby furries that wanted a strong werewolf to dominate them you were too shy to reply to in your old past was now in your bed being fucked silly by you in a wolfmask. Safe to say your entire social media presence WAS being a meathead jock and you owned it.
"Video games? Never heard of it. I got GAINMES right here" You said to one your gymbros once at the gym with a flex.
With all that in mind and your past altered you woke up from your impromptu nap wondering why you were on the ground in front of your house. The meathead jock in you just brushed it off before you remembered something.
"Oh right, gotta go work out with my bros!" Immediately running back inside to get ready to workout like you have been for multiple years.
You loved working out with your bros they were your everything to you and you couldn't be happier. The shy nerdy you was long gone and your life finally fit your body. And to make sure of that you posted another post-workout selfie to your social medias.
" Gains 💪💪💪💪"

Hey bro, 21 year old guy. Pretty fit, not much muscle, nowhere near as much as I want. Kinda bored so why dont you spice things up by changing me anyway you like?
Anyway I like huh... well that certainly provides a lot of opportunities. I do have one idea in mind at the moment so let's go for that shall we?
You plop down onto your couch with a sigh. Another day another attempt at trying to bulk your body. Progress was slow but steady and you were content with it for the most part.... Still a part of you wanted to get bigger and that side wanted it NOW. As if the TV across from you heard your call it turned on right as a interesting commercial was starting immediately catching your attention.
Want to get jacked?
Want to get jacked quick?
Want to look like the korean beast you see flexing before you?
The man in the commercial flexed.

Then I've got the thing for you!
Beast Shades!
Look like a BEAST and BADASS to impress all your deniers!
Call now at 1-BEA-STSHADE to buy one today!
Beast Shades!
The commercial ended as your TV turned off once more.
"What was THAT?" You said out loud. That was probably the weirdest commercial you've ever witnessed in your life.
Even so, the words said by the commercial intrigued you. Jacked and Quick? That doesn't seem physically possible but how could the nice big korean man lie like that! That's what you reasoned anyway. With that in mind you decide to call the number. You click on the phone app on your phone and begin to type in the phone number. Despite the fact the number was 11 numbers you clicked the call button and it began to rang.
Ring.... Ring.... Ring...
"Hey Representative Soon speaking!" It was the same voice from the commercial.
"H-Hey... I watched your commercial. Think I can get those shades?" You politely tell this Representative Soon.
"Oh! Someone actually saw the commercial! Phew I was worried no one would! Sure I can! Just give me your address and I'll send 'em right away!" The man was beaming with charisma as he spoke
"Just my address? Don't I need to like buy it?"
"Nah man, consider it on the house!"
"Really? Thanks dude. Anyway my address is..."
You told the man your address and he thanked you for the information. After some pleasantries you told Representative Soon goodbye and sighed. You wondered how long they would take to arrive-
It was your doorbell. You wondered who it could be considering it was long after the usual dropoff time for deliveries. So you open the door to find no one there but a package with a logo. "Beast Shades" was plastered all over the box. Definitely the shades. How it got here was something you'd have to ask later but wow! You pick up the package and rush to open it on the nearest counter space you could find. You rip the box apart and there it was... The Beast Shades.

They seemed pretty inconspicuous when the commercial seemed to say they would make you jacked quick.
"Well only one way to find out..." You grab the shades and put them to your face. You just stood there expecting something to happen, but it felt like nothing would.
"That's really disappointing. And I had hopes too- AUGH MY HEAD!" A jolting pain hit your brain as you collapsed to the floor.
The shades continued to stick onto your body and even started to glow a radiant light. Your body was beginning to change.
First thing to change was your somewhat defined pecs as they got more plump and juicy and definitely bouncy. You'd bounce them if you weren't in pain or realized they even grew. Next up was stomach as your faint six-pack become MUCH more apparent like you did 100 ab workouts at once. Sweat was even starting to ooze out of them as evidenced by your wet shirt. The changes continued though as your arms and shoulders certainly got mass added to them. Biceps for days and veiny too! Shoulders large and towering. Your hands weren't too far behind in matching the size of your arms giving you sausage size fingers. Your back expanded, widening your entire figure for the better. The massive size that you were slowly becoming led your shirt to start get really tight. Very noticeable strains around the chest to emphasize their new size. It's a miracle your shirt wasn't dead.
Of course with a beefy upper half comes a beefy lower half. Your legs had some definition to them but there was definitely room for more and that room was taken up quick. Large beefy thighs and large feet that the manliest of shades could offer. You definitely looked like you worked out a TON and enjoyed it too with all that sweat all over your body from shoulder to feet. The changes were not done though nope not at all. Your neck got thicker as your adam's apple became much more pronounced to denote how much of a man you were. This would be a fitting place to end the changes but nah the shades had other plans. All at once your white skin started to get a lot more tan until it perfectly replicated typical Asian skin tones. The most important change was becoming evident as your face was beginning to morph and reshape itself into something befitting a korean man. Behind the shades your eyes become more narrow and lips slightly more pronounced. Any semblance of your original ethnicity erased as your hair was filled with gel and styled to a typical korean celebrity hairstyle. Your height increased by a couple inches as a finishing touch to the new you.
And with that... the transformation to your body was complete.
The shades stopped glowing and the aching pain in your head went away. You got up from the ground wondering what the hell just happened. Then you look down and see... pecs? You couldn't even see your feet anymore as your pecs were now hella plump. You stared in silence.
"안 돼요…" (No way...) You mutter in perfect korean. Unbeknownst to you you were never speaking English as your first language ever again.
The commercial wasn't lying. You were jacked! And fast no less. Sure you had to endure a pretty bad headache but this was so worth it! You started to flex and explore your new body in your house. As you continued you didn't even realize your house wasn't even your house anymore. It was a public restroom? You eventually stop flexing as much you didn't want to as you assessed the situation and find yourself staring at public mirror. You still had the shades on so you took them off to find a set of korean eyes staring right at you. Your eyes. This also allowed you to give a proper look at your new body and you look great! But... your clothes were a bit of a mess. Sweat all over and you swear your shorts were beginning to tear apart. Luckily for you, you witnessed in real-time your shirt beginning to get cleaned up of the sweat and it's color becoming a light brown peach color and a logo appearing right your right nipple would be. Your workout shorts quickly became khaki colored pants that weren't too tight to your body.
"와… 잠깐… 더 큰 디-" (Woah… Wait… Do i have bigger di-) You immediately open your pants and what do you know your package of yours is definitely bigger than you remember. You do a mental jump for joy.
Now that you're cleaned up you exit the bathroom you teleported to and it's revealed that was inside of a public restaurant. It was very noisy as conversations all in korean were being heard in your head. Despite not knowing any korean you understood it all. Some housewife drama, a love affair?, and romantic statements all in korean and yet you understood it all. You didn't seem too disturbed by this like you knew korean your whole life. Huh... whole life. Before you could hear any more a waitress comes up to you and starts talking to you.
"아, 순씨! 여기 있습니다! 당신의 테이블이 당신을 기다리고 있습니다!" (Ah, Mr. Soon! There you are! Your table is waiting for you!) You gave the waitress a weird look. Your last name wasn't Soon, but you might as well roll with it.
The waitress leads you to your table and you sit down. The waitress says she'll be right back and you're left to your devices. Speaking of devices... there's one on the table. It can't possibly be yours. You left your phone to charge last you remember. You open it to find a picture of the person you transformed into as the lock screen wallpaper.

It was a definitely showoffish picture for sure... and you loved it! You couldn't want to try all sorts of clothes in this new body of yours. That aside you wondered what this phone was doing here until the phone unlocked thanks to Face ID. You couldn't believe this was... your phone? You scrambled to open the camera app and yup you were still this massively large korean guy... with a baby face? Oh wait it's a filter. Still... something overcame you and before you even noticed it your massive meat mounts were bouncing. You were surprised you already knew how to bounce your pecs but you loved to watch them dance. You even played along with the babyface filter opening and closing your mouth making baby noises.

While you were demonstrating the ability to pec bounce you didn't even notice the assortment and bracelets and a watch wrap itself around your thick arms. You knew you had to stop bouncing but it was... so... addicting! The fun had to end though once the waitress returned. She was asking what you wanted to drink. You replied back with what felt right. It was something you've never tried before. You don't know why you chose it but it just felt perfect for you. The Waitress returned with the drink and you took one sip. It was heavenly! You politely drank the whole thing as fast as you could. With each sip you felt your body feel less and less foreign and more... yours. Especially thanks to glimpses of memories were filling your brain. Memories of you working out but instead of your old body it was this new body. Weird..
You eventually left the restaurant after a hearty meal. Thank god for cheat days you think to yourself. But now you were at a standstill on where to go. Your eyes showed you the massive landscape of a korean city. You were barely a korean man just a while ago how you were supposed to find anything-
The shades. You grab them from your pockets and put them on. Your confidence, charisma, cockiness rose exceptionally. You began to roam the streets saying hello to pretty much every person you came across. Some of the people's jaws dropped at your presence and lots of them were publicly swooning over you.
"이것이 삶이다!" (This is the life!) You say just quiet enough so no one will hear.
Even with this newfound attitude you were still pretty aimless on where to go until another memory hits you.
"내가 어떻게 잊었지?! 마이뉴텍이 만나서 인사드립니다!" (How did I forget?! My Newtech meet and greet!) You never heard of Newtech in your life and yet you had a meet and greet there? Weird...
You run as fast as you can letting your instincts tell you where the building is. Your pecs jiggling as you ran over to the building.
"순씨, 여기 있습니다. 우리는 당신이 성공할 수 없다고 거의 생각했습니다." (Mr. Soon, There you are. We almost thought you couldn't make it.) It was a Newtech Employee. They didn't look very pleased.
"죄송합니다 죄송합니다 팬분들과 이야기하다 들켜서 깜빡할 뻔 했습니다…" (Sorry Sorry, I got caught up talking to my fans I almost forgot…) You apologize profusely with multiple bows.
"괜찮아요. 제자리에 있으면 시작할 수 있습니다." (It's okay. Just get in place and we can start.) The employee didn't specify where "place" was but somehow you knew.
As you arrived you saw hundreds if not thousands of people screaming and shouting. They're all here to see... me? You thought. A different Newtech employee appeared with a microphone.
"자 여러분 어서오세요… 황철순!!!" (Alright everyone, welcome… Hwang Chul Soon!) The cheer roared.
That name... it sounded really familiar to you for some reason. Like it was yours... Anywho though the meet n greet started with a Q&A session and you started getting nervous. But with every question you were able to answer with confidence. In fact these answers felt natural like you didn't just make them up. As you answered more and more questions something in your brain changed. You felt like you WERE Hwang Chul Soon and not someone that became him. You tried to deny it at first but as the Q&A continued any semblance of your past life was gone with the wind and all that was left was the hulking beast of a man that you always were.
"그리고 이제 그 남자의 특별한 클로즈업을 위해!" (And now for a special close up of the man himself!) That was your cue!
You smiled and slowly walked up to the audience, bouncing your pecs with overflowing confidence and the shades front and center.
After the meet and greet it wasn't before long that you remembered where you lived and every day after that was natural. As natural as they can be when you're a bodybuilding celebrity with a bit of a wacky side! You couldn't help but use that baby filter again for a funny gif for your fans. You really got into the role of a innocent baby even putting your finger in your mouth as your pecs continued to bounce with your necklace.

As you said before...
(이것이 삶이다!) (This is the life!)
I want to make people happy, bht have been struggling to make that happen, so i thought, well, might as well give someone a chance to use me to fufill their dreams. Mind transforming me into something thatll make ya real happy?
So you want to be something that makes me happy? Well that's the first someone asked for that. Well I'm into a lot of things so let's look into two scenarios!
As you might be able to tell, korean men are something I'm into so how about we say...
You awaken from a slumber as your phone rings from an unknown caller. Despite your usual attitude of ignoring such calls you were so groggy you decided to answer the phone. The call started and all on the other side was loud static and maybe some words like "muscle", "korean" and "growth", but you were barely awake to even understand anything and the call eventually ended. You were very confused and just shook it off as some weird scam, promptly going back to sleep. Unbeknownst to you your body was slowly being remodeled into the perfect korean bodybuilder as your shirt tightened and your pecs ballooning up as well as other muscles growing. By morning you were already the perfect korean bodybuilder snoozing real cutely.

You awaken from your slumber not realizing you were a big hunk, scratching your head as you headed your way to your bathroom. You looked into the mirror and couldn't believe your eyes. You were hot! You quickly took your shirt off and took no time in flexing for the mirror.

As you flexed, the memories of a korean bodybuilder replaced your own current memories until the korean man you saw before you was all you knew. Of course your apartment was now a house and you had a youtube video to make so you turned on the camera and began to speak.
"안녕하세요 여러분 황철순입니다" (Hello everyone, Hwang Chul Soon here.)

The video making process without a hitch and you uploaded the video and the comments came rolling in. One comment intrigued you though by a someone named "Transformation4life"
"Nice muscles" They said. You wanted to get to know them better and we'll just have to see where that goes...
And that's one possibility... But you know I also like big strong burly guys so...
You make you way to the gym after finally getting the courage to finally get big.
"Oh a newbie!" the large front desk clerk remarked. You didn't expect the clerk to be big but he was pretty good looking.
You sign up for the gym membership pretty quickly and the clerk smiled.
"Now that you're signed up all members get a cool free set of headphones! Enjoy!" The clerk reached into a cabinet with a set of headphones and handed them to you. You completely forgot to get yours so this is convenient.
After putting your extra set of clothes in your assigned locker you make your way to a workout machine and plug the headphone jack in to your phone and the the headphones into your ears with your favorite music blasting and pick up the weights before you. You begin to lift and lift and lift and lift. Despite your inexperience somehow you felt like you've been doing it for multiple years. When you finally feel like you're finished you feel... different. You look down and see that... woah! You have beefed up in size in a flash. Your pecs are meaty yet bouncy, bodyhair all over, strong biceps, a manly bear, and even a tattoo? The pure masculine energy now emanating from you was enough to make you want to flex ripping your shirt right off in the mirror.

That flex was a trigger that caused a whole slew of memories to seep into your brain as you were rewired to be a years experienced bodybuilder who loved being a manly man. The memories made you flex again with a lot more cockiness never felt before.

Before getting back to your routine workout you notice someone that's inexperienced in working out and is having trouble with their workout. Being the bodybuilder you are you approach them and so something begins perhaps....
And that's just two possibilities... either way thanks for the opportunity to write this kind of thing i appreciate it!