transformation4life - Bodybuilder Appreciator
Bodybuilder Appreciator

TF Writer / Big Men Simp

196 posts

Transformation4life - Bodybuilder Appreciator - Tumblr Blog

7 months ago

Transformation Swap

a quick trade with @transformation4life

It had been a while since you had managed to get yourself to the gym and even longer since you were able to go for a dedicated strength training session. You walk into the gym and are instantly greeted by the trainer at the front desk.

"hey man long time no see!"

You become a bit flustered as exactly what you dreaded would happen came to pass, he recognised you and recognised you had taken a few weeks off.

"haha yeah, I've been really busy and don't really have time" You awkwardly stumble over your words as you try not to get distracted by the trainers arms filling out his shirt.

A moment passes and you realise the trainer was staring at you with one raised eye brow and it suddenly hits you that he had asked you a question that you didn't hear.

"eer, yeah! haha" you smile and laugh nervously trying to play it off like you understood what he was saying.

"great!" the trainer quickly ducked under the desk and came back up a moment later with a shiny golden key card, "that should help you get in the gym at night"

You take the card from his hand and let out a small sigh of relief that it was just a night access card and you hadn't accidentally agreed to some weight lifting classes. Looking at the card it was a bright gold with the black silhouette of a bodybuilder doing a double bicep pose. On the back was a back code and nothing else. Nothing too out of the ordinary.

You thank the trainer and make your way to the scan in terminal, as you pull out your regular white scan card the trainer quickly calls out to you to scan your new card so he can set it up for access. Fumbling your bag in your hands you swap the cards back and scan your way in with the new card. The terminal light flashed green and you walked through the steel gate. As you left the lobby area your body began to feel warm, like someone had put the heating on in the gym.

walking over to the bag rack you take your hoodie off and put your bag away as go off to start your workout. Working out your body begins to feel warmer and warmer, with each rep your muscles feel more and more exhausted and pumped up with blood, your skin feels tight and rubs against your clothes. You didn't think about it much at first but as you continued to workout you felt uncomfortable as your clothes got tighter and tighter. Your biceps felt like they were about to split through your shirt and then you saw yourself in the mirror.

Transformation Swap

At first you didn't even know it was you, your clothes now skin tight and muscles huge. You took a moment to flex your bicep when it split straight through your sleeve.

"ah fuck"

leaning across yourself with your other arm to check how bad the tear was you heard a much louder tearing noise and felt the fabric split across your back, if you weren't careful you'd bust out of your clothes in the middle of the gym.

Making your way to the gym lost and found you find a 6XL tank top and shorts, no way it will fit you but its better than what you are currently wearing and you just need something to get out of here and get back to your car.

Slipping on the loose clothing your muscles feel tighter and tighter by the second. At one point you were sure the skin around your biceps was about to split open. Moving started to feel like a chore as it began to feel like something was weighing you down, like you were trying to pull a car that had been piled onto your back.

As you make your way back out into the weights room you hear yourself taking deep heavy breaths, it takes a few seconds to fully inflate your lungs and the clothes begin to feel tight again. You stop and lean against a bench to catch your breath, looking up you see yourself in the mirror....could it really be you...

Transformation Swap

"'d I get so....big" you struggle to say between gasps of air trying to catch your breath.

Almost automatically you began posing , you could feel your muscle wasn't done expanding as the tightness continued to get worse in your body. You moan as you flex trying to ignore the ever stretching discomfort as your body expanded even more. You could hear the fibres in the tank top barely holding together and you tried to take it off. You looked stupid desperately trying to lift the tank top up and off your body as your huge muscles collided and the fabric got stuck on your pecs. Finally you were able to slip it off and you stood in the mirror panting, your chest heaving up and down filling with oxygen making your frame impressively wider for a few seconds with each breath.

A wave of pain washed over you as you felt blood desperately try to get into your muscles to support their colossal size. Veins appeared all over your body visibly pumping, they then began to appear on your forehead and temples, you grimaced in pain rubbing your temples trying to ease the headache but it was starting to become hard to think...

You looked at yourself in the mirror you were big, you came get big....yes, big and get big....big...get big....

You took a few steps forward to the dumbbell rack, already panting again from the amount of effort it was to move your massive frame. You picked up the largest dumbbells you could see as the numbers didn't make sense and you began lifting.

As you curled you felt the pleasure of your muscles pumping with size, as you panted to keep your breath your fat tongue fell out of your mouth slightly without you even big....get big....big...big....big....big...

the only word you could make out in your mind

Transformation Swap

and the gym claims another gold member....

7 months ago

Big Ol' Gains

(Trade with: @bigwishes)

I never understood why my body just wouldn't grow. I've been going to the gym for months now and my body hasn't reflect that at all! My chest is flat, no abs to be seen, and twigs for arms! It's just not fair. I see the big guys around my local gym and I get so jealous... But that changes today! I found something that will most definitely change that. It's called... "Big Ol' Protein". I found an ad for it that promised results or my money back and I couldn't resist guaranteed gains. I even paid for express shipping so it arrived before my next workout. i waited patiently by the door until i heard a bell ring and the box arrived. I was so giddy that I unboxed it and looked at it in awe. The first thing in the box was some sort of warning and side effects of using the protein but like I care! I make a shake and put it in the fridge for tomorrow. I'm gonna get some gains!

The next morning I wake up bright and early and grab my workout bad along with my shake arriving at the gym soon after and dousing the shake in one sitting before getting on with my routine. Compared to my last gym session this time it felt amazing! Maybe this stuff actually worked! I was dripping in sweat and felt like I had the best pump of my life. I looked down and it looked like I've gained some bulk! It worked! I just need to consume more of this stuff and I'm set.

One week later...

God, this stuff really works... I've gained so much bulk in just a week. I even took a selfie to commemorate. The first I've taken since I've started working out!

Big Ol' Gains

I wasn't expecting to start growing facial hair but maybe it's the extra testosterone in my veins and I'm definitely not complaining. I could even fear my rear and "down there" growing... For the first time other gym goers have asked ME for advice and even seasoned gym goers want to talk to me! My life is finally coming around! Although I still need to get bigger... I'm not done yet...

Three weeks later...

I can't get enough of Big Ol' protein I've started putting it in my food and day to day drinks. A meal without Big Ol' protein is a meal not worth eating. I've gotten some friends who want to bulk up just like me and are happy to take progress photos for me. Don't I look even huger than last time?

Big Ol' Gains

Every part of my body has bulked immensely since I started. Just looking at anything is euphoric. My legs are like two thick trunks of pure beef.

Big Ol' Gains

Some of my workout buddies are getting concerned with how much Big Ol' protein I've been consuming, but they just don't understand the grind of getting big. My rear has also blossomed into two bouncy balloons of pure muscle. I can't help but give 'em a squeeze.

Big Ol' Gains

With that mind however I must do whatever it takes to get big. Nothing else matters. I must get bigger... I need to get BIGGER.

Three months later...

It's been so long since Big Ol' Protein changed my life. All my clothes are getting too small for and I couldn't be happier to find that out. I live, breathe, and of course eat Big Ol' Protein. Testosterone is flowing through my veins and it's exhilarating. I don't care if I'm addicted I love it almost as much as my gains. I'm even sponsored by the company now it's great! My workout buddies look at me in awe now and I'm basically the kind of my gym now. People fawn over to me asking for advice. All I say is start consuming Big Ol' protein. God I love my big Bulking body more than anything, but I'm not done. I will never will be done. I need to get bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger. And also a flex wouldn't hurt.

"Fuck yeah look at those biceps..."

Big Ol' Gains

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8 months ago

-I've going to gym by one week now, before go to work; -One day, in the entrace of the gym, I found this on the floor and kept it;

-I've Going To Gym By One Week Now, Before Go To Work;-One Day, In The Entrace Of The Gym, I Found This

-How do I look like/What am I when I get to work?

You pick up the card and walk to work. It was strange to see a IFBB pro card just on the floor and double strange to not try and return to its owner, but you need to get your way to work and fast. That early morning workout was cutting it close. You power walk to the bus top

As you walk, you can feel your body getting heavier. You get looks from passerby much more than before and you feel like you're your sweating up a storm until you make it the bus stop just in time and take a seat. Someone walks up to you and asks for a seat calling "big guy" which is strange considering your very skinny build, but you just let it go.

Once you get off the bus you feel your clothes be a lot draftier and more free flowing and you look down to see you're in a tank top and shorts. You wear a suit to work what is going on? You walk into work and realize the area looks a lot different than you remember... wait a minute is this a gym?? But you thought you... yknow what nevermind you always loved going to the gym and your big body shows it. You got a competition to compete in let's go those muscles pumping!

-I've Going To Gym By One Week Now, Before Go To Work;-One Day, In The Entrace Of The Gym, I Found This

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8 months ago

At Masters Side

Mark wasn't one for superstition, but ever since a few weeks ago everything has felt like its changed. When you live in a random town you expect not much else to happen except... that's now how it's been. Over the past weeks, people have gone missing. No trace of their existence anywhere. It's caused quite a stir in town. Conveniently... right when these disappearances started going rampant a strange antique store opened up in the town square. People were quick to assume it was the store's doing but no traces of any victims were found in the establishment so the police had no grounds to do anything and the shop stayed open. And that's where we find Mark, currently outside the store. Hoping for a lead. He may not be in any police force let alone a detective but his best friend Kody was one of the missing victims and he wanted answers. "Here goes nothing..." The sounds of a bell rang as Mark entered. Looking around, he was the only one in the store at the moment. Looking further down he sees an old man brushing the floor with a broom. That must be the owner, Mark thought. The owner looked up from the floor and made eye contact with Mark. Mark waved and then walked off. The owner made no attempt to make contact. The store was a lot bigger than it looked from the outside. Shelves lined the store and it was very easy to get lost. Mark looked around for any clues or even a little bit of a suspicious and found nothing. Very demotivating, but he needs to do this for Kody! As Mark walked over to the next aisle he bumped into a box on the floor and it tipped over with something falling out of a box. Mark not wanting to be mean picked it up.

It was... a mask with a strange symbol on it. And a crack?

At Masters Side

The eye felt like it was piercing into Mark's soul and he got chills almost immediately. "You know... a mask like that one got sold just a couple weeks ago" The owner suddenly appeared behind Mark. "Gah! D-Don't scare me like that sir... please..." Mark said.

"Ah sorry... I tend to do that sometimes. My apologies."

"I-It's okay... But anyway. You said a similar mask was bought recently" The owner nods.

"I think the guy who bought it looked like someone your age... They had blond hair and brown eyes..."

The description hit Mark like a truck. That was Kody's hair and eye color! A clue!

"R-Really? I see..." "Yeah... you know how it is. I'll leave you alone now. I'll be at the cash register if you need me..." The owner slowly walks away leaving Mark alone with him and the mask. Mark looked back at the mask. The piercing gaze still there. It almost felt like... it was telling Mark something. "Wear me...." Mark looked around. Who said that?

"Don the mask... You will find who you seek..." This time it was very clear. A sudden urge to wear the mask overcame Mark with a unstoppable force. He couldn't fight it.

"I'll find who I'll seek... we'll see." Mark put the mask on and with that his fate was sealed. The eye on the mask started to glow a bright red as Mark got a massive headache causing him to clench his head in pain. Red fabric appeared from thin air and covered Mark's head and neck. Somehow Mark could still breathe and even see. The real changes were about to begin however.

Mark's body started sweating like crazy. Like years of workouts and training from... somewhere were being done in a flash. This did cause a physical change in Mark however. Mark's thin frame began widening as it packed on muscle. Mark's flat chest becoming much thick with wide and beefy pecs alongside an impressive set of abs. Mark's arms grew in massive size becoming like thick trunks of a tree as his hands grew with them becoming strong and calloused. The once small back Mark had widened like a long treasure map. Thick meaty legs were becoming evident on Mark's frame as he had massive thighs and musculature and a new bigger foot size. Mark's rear also gained some extra bounce and size to them. The final physical transformation was Mark's height skyrocketing to at least 10 feet tall. And now came the new clothes. fabric in various shades of red and black wrapped itself around Mark. It was skin tight meaning all of Mark's new muscles were very visible. A black harness fell from above and fitted itself around Mark's chest. Two eye shaped pauldrons popped onto Mark's shoulders. A belt adorned with the same eye shapes as the pauldrons wrapped itself around Mark's wide waist. Dark red arm and leg guards appeared on Mark's arms and legs, small blades emanating from them. A red and yellow collar prompted up, circling Mark's thick neck. The final change was an exotic headpiece. Two "hairs" splitting out tied together with a white band. The physical transformation was complete.

Mark's headache ended and he became aware of his surroundings again, immediately realizing how much taller he'd become. "What the fuck- oh! M-My voice it's so much more... deeper." Mark then looked below him, realizing his new form. "How did that mask... do this? I have to take this off!" But alas Mark couldn't remove the mask. "God fucking damnit... I can't go out in public like this... What am I supposed to... " This was when Mark realized how big his muscles were. Mark always loved big muscles and even though the transformation was not something he wanted, the muscles were very appreciated. Mark flexed a bit to no one in particular. God he felt amazing when he thought about it. He could get used to this Mark thought, but he had to leave this place without arousing any suspicion. He walked just a bit before knocking something over. It was some sort of device similar to a tablet. "Shit, he's gonna notice me... wait what's going on-" Mark was enveloped in a blue light and whisked away to a place unknown.

An unknown amount of time passed before Mark woke up from unconsciousness. He looked around his sorroundings. This place was not anything he's even seen before! The statues had eyes similar to the mask that caused all this so he knew they were correlated.

At Masters Side

"Sooga? Is that you?" A voice rang out. Sooga? Someone starting dashing and waddling towards Mark. The man worse similar garb to the current Mark and also a very strong and prominent gut.

"Who are you? Where am I?" Mark immediately retorted. "Come on buddy, don't play dumb with me! I've been lookin' everywhere for ya!"

"No offense sir, but I don't remember a thing. I was at this store and I turned into... this."

"Huh... really? Strange... I had a dream where something similar happened to me! We're dream buddies now Sooga!" "My name isn't Sooga! It's.... uh..." Mark completely blanked on his name. He should know this right! He was just in that store with that weird old man and he... ugh... who was he?

"Oh I see, having one of those sets of deja vu eh? Don't worry I went through something similar recently too. My soldiers helped me remember real quick." Something similar... Wait is that..? "Let me get you up to speed. You're the loyal right hand man of me, Master Kohga and your name is Sooga! Master of the blades which you don't have on you for some reason and a real beefcake!" Kohga's words flickered something in Mark. What Kohga- no... what his master said was true. How could he forget. How could he forget the day he was saved by him with a mighty banana. The years of rigorous training he had gone through and taught to become what he is today. The conviction of being Master Kohga's right hand man was strong. "Master Kohga! My apologies for ever forgetting about you and the clan." Sooga immediately kneeled. "Now now Sooga it's okay. I can tell you still are loyal to me! Let's get some bananas and plan our next move! Kohga turned around, on his way to the precious banana Yiga Clan hoard. Sooga was not far behind, after all he was always at his master's side.

At Masters Side

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