128 posts
Mi Cumpleaos Est Cerca Y Mama Prometi Que Traera Un Mago Para Mi Fiesta. Ltimamente Ella Acta Muy Extrao

Mi cumpleaños está cerca y mama prometió que traería un mago para mi fiesta. Últimamente ella actúa muy extraño cuando papa y mi hermano mayor salen de la casa, pues una vez nos quedamos solos, ella cierra todas las cortinas y de forma precavida deja entrar a un joven a la casa, no me deja hablarle y me dice que solo es un amigo que a papa no le agrada y que era mejor que no le dijera nada a nadie.
El matrimonio entre mama y papa no va bien últimamente, mi hermano mayor dice que mama ya no ama a papa y es probable que se separen. Yo no quiero eso y sabía que el joven que mama siempre entraba a la casa tenía mucho que ver con eso.
El gran día había llegado, mi fiesta era genial y todos mis amigos del colegio habían asistido, mama nos dijo que nos preparáramos para la sorpresa principal pero teníamos que esperar un rato mientras que ella recibía un pedido, por supuesto yo sabía que ella iba a preparar la sorpresa así que no aguante las ganas y la seguí sin que se diera cuenta. Me asomé por la ventana y vi que aquel joven estaba dentro de la sala, no sabía que hacia aquí hoy, ya que papa estaba en la fiesta, así que decidí esconderme por fuera de la casa para que no me viera y con ello poder saber que era lo que pasaba entre él y mama.

En seguida paso lo impensable, él le dijo a mama que era hora de que todos se enteraran de lo que ocurría entre ellos, mama dijo que en la fiesta no y salió de ahí un poco nerviosa. Una vez que se quedó solo en la sala, empezó a desvestirse, susurro que si ella no quería demostrarle su amor ante todos, él si lo haría frente a papa. Yo estaba muy triste porque papa se acercaba y si lo veía ahí desnudo, mi familia se destruiría.

Debía actuar rápido, no sabía que hacer así que empecé a llorar, de repente todo se puso blanco y una voz me dijo “para proteger los vínculos que más amamos, debemos hacer sacrificios” cuando volví a tomar consciencia, ya no era yo, estaba en el cuerpo de ese joven y estaba desnudo en la sala de mi casa.
Comprendí que el sacrificio que debía tomar para proteger el matrimonio de mis papas era dejar de verlos y el de él era tener que ver a mama todos los días y ver el matrimonio entre ella y papa. Pero antes de eso debía salir de ahí sin que me viera papa o todo estaría arruinado, busque rápidamente sus boxers y me los puse, me escondí detrás del sillón esperando que no me vieran y cuando todos salieron corrí hacia las ventanas, cerré las cortinas para que él joven y nadie me viera dentro y busque ropa porque mama se había llevado la que el joven traía puesta.

Una vez vestido hui para nunca volver. Sin embargo, no puedo negar que ser este chico se sentía bien, por alguna razón sentía una sensación que me causaba placer, bueno, lo que viene será conocer esta nueva vida y conocer este nuevo yo, la vida trae muchas posibilidades.

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More Posts from Treymendoza18

↳ 1.02 chapter two: a touch of evil

↳ 1.01 chapter one: the river’s edge
Shades of Cuckold (Version A)
Well, I don’t know why there’s such a high demand for this type of story but let’s see what I can do
I know there’s something wrong with the poolboy Guillermo but I don’t know what is that. Like, he is just way too hot to become a poolboy, as if he got sidejob as model or actor in Hollywood. It’s actually true though, but it’s just a weird shot for someone as hot as him and still willing to become a poolboy.

I’m working in Palo Alto and rarely spend my days in home so it’s just my wife and several helper, including Guillermo. Yes I’m nervous to have such a hunky stud walking around in my house when I’m not even there and not like I don’t believe my wife, but things can certainly happen when you have “trouble” like Guillermo and not to mention that my wife is pretty too, she’s an actress after all.
Eventually, I decided that maybe I should stay at home for one full week and observe things around and what kind of dynamic that happen between my wife and Guillermo. To my surprise, he actually dressed up very properly for a poolboy and also driver, like some of his suit looked better than mine
“Where do you get that?” I asked him
“The designer give this to me after I use the clothes in the runway, sir,”
“Aaaahh, I see. What an interesting piece,”
“Yeah, not everyday I can dress up this good,”

Everything rolled like normal as he even rarely make contact with my wife so I decided to leave my home at ease as I slept with my wife previously and actually her pussy is quite tighy, sign of the lack of the sex I suppose. What a bad husband I am to actually not believing that my wife is faithful to me.
I almost arrived at the airport when I realized that my passport left in home. I called Guillermo and my wife and no one picked up the phone so I forcefully have to go back to my home and grab the passport. As I walked into the house, I heard this weird whispers and moans and as I trace the sound, I eventually found out what really happen behind my back. She sleeps with Guillermo yet what hurt me the most is
“You like this dick deep inside you, huh? Making you filled with warmth and pleasure your husband can give? You even wish your husband to actually witness all of this so he can learn how he please you right, bitch?”
My wife can only moan and Guillermo hollered as he pumped faster and faster while I remain frozen in the slightly opened door, afraid, bewildered and devastated all in the same time.

And to make it even worse, I don’t know, I feel less worthy as my dick somehow stood up at this devastating sight……
I left the home silently and directly drive my car to the airport, screaming and sobbing all the way back to the airport as all of the moment flashes in my head like a documentary movie. It’s just too vivid and real and all I want to do is revenge. It drives me insane and enraged and suddenly boom…….
I saw my body down below in hospital bed, very critical yet I flow away and that’s when I witness a lot of things. My panicking wife is in front of the room with my uncle yet the driver/poolboy is nowhere to be seen. I assume he is in home so I float there and to my surprise he sleeps in my bed!

I tried to punch him and kick him and even stomp him but resulted in nothing except……..
*6 months later
Been a while as my body remains in coma but I guess I moved on nowadays because living as Guillermo is fucking fun. She loves me back, well, in the form of Guillermo but I don’t care though because I enjoy this kind of game. Maybe I should just let my body go and live fully as Guillermo, the bitch even already stop visiting me and actually busy taking care of my will when my body even still have the chance to wake up from coma. Guess I need to think about future plan on how to get rid of the bitch because with me in control of Guillermo now, I definitely won’t wish to stay with unfaithful women like her and I actually enjoy the freedom as bachelor, means a lot of good fucks with whoever people we wish and with this look in store, bet almost no one can resist me