The trials and triumphs of 8.Years.Of.Silence as she writes through that beast of a fanfic.
13 posts
S5.E4 "The End" Musings
S5.E4 "The End" Musings
Okay, okay, I thought of something to discuss! I've got the boys playing on my TV as I (attempt to) write and it's the 2014 Croatoan episode. This is one of my favorite episodes. But I have thoughts! And questions! So why not share them :)
It's never clarified in the show, but I always assumed that Zachariah didn't throw Dean into the future so much as...craft one that served his purposes. My reasoning!
Chuck: Chuck as God ditched once the apocalypse was averted in the OG timeline (end of Season 5). I don't think he'd stick around in the Croatoan verse. Zachariah obviously didn't know Chuck was God, which is why I think he threw him in. (side note: this could also be because the writer's hadn't decided Chuck was god yet, but since we're going with canon, it is what it is :D)
Future Dean's Behavior: It's not out of character for Dean to be cold, hardened, and angry. It worked so well for this episode. But the fact that like, the second thing out of his mouth is "Say yes to Michael" just had a liiiittle too much of Zachariah's influence. It was very convenient, serving the angel's purpose. Perhaps too convenient. Not to say that Dean didn't go through a lot. Oh boy, he did. But I always felt even a broken Dean would have had a couple things for 2009!Dean to do, and saying yes to Michael wouldn't have been the first (and only) one.
Multiverse: the show never clarifies how time travel works, so it's hard to say if Croatoan 2014 was an offshoot of the timeline. A possibile future, but not the only one. I like this theory more than there being one fixed future. Which is why I think Zachariah either rooted around for the perfect one (he's kinda too lazy for that...), or picked one close enough and made some tweaks.
Angelic Pocket Dimensions: The show did make pocket dimensions as an angelic power canon (at least archangels). Zachariah may have the ability, or may have asked Michael to craft what he needed (I'm not entirely sure it's Michael's style, so this may be a little wiffle-waffly)
Dean Suspects its a trick: Dean even asks Zachariah if this is a trick, and that douche only says "the time for tricks is over". Convenient, now that your last trick is over :D It's just too fitting for Zach's normal tactics for it not to be at least somewhat of a manipulation.
Anyhoo, nothing particularly solid, just my thoughts as I watched through it over the years. It actually took all those years before it even occured to me that it wasn't just a manipulation, and it could have been meant to be a real future. Why is this important? Omg, it's totally not XD Just the musings of a writer who may, or may not, be including this episode in TRSF (which means I may, or may not, need to define the guidelines of throwing a human into the future and/or crafting one around him). But I'm curious what other fans' take on this episode was! Do you think it was a legitmate future, untouched by Zachariah? Or a full pocket dimension instead? Something in between? Gimme your thoughts on how this one worked! And any other musings. I may or may not need the inspiration in the future XD (The way, waaaay future. Oh god, Season 5? We have soooo far to go. But let's just pretend we don't for the sake of some fun conversation :D)
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Verbose AF 🙄

When you're doing a random re-read and spot this gem 🤦♀️
Procrastinating in the Best Ways
So I've spent the last couple days house-sitting for my mother, who lives in Albuquerque, New Mexico. For the most part, I've done nothing but lounge around the house, play with the dogs, get covered in cat hair, indulge in at least one too many Old Fashions, and attempt to write.
Sadly, the writing has not been particularly abundant, though it has been forward-moving, at least. I've got the rest of the Battle Royale so thoroughly planned out, all I have to do is write it. But every time I put my hands on the keybard, the muse pulls them off again. Muse: What if we just...thought some more
Me: No, we need to WRITE. We're done thinking! There's nothing left to think about. *puts hands back on*
Muse: Pfft, there is always more to think about. *slides hands back off* Like Bela. Let's talk about Bela-
Me: No, we're talking about Sam, and Andy, and the battle royale. *puts hands back on* NOW WRITE, BITCH.
Muse: ...how about a nice walk in the bosque? Me: We are not going for a walk in the damn bosque! We are WRITING.
Muse: ...we can stop at your favorite brewery on the way home. Me: ..........God damnit. Enjoy a photo of the Bosque, everyone. (The bosque, for anyone not familiar with Albuquerque, is spanish for "Forest" or "Woods" and surrounds the Rio Grande. It's fucking gorgeous this time of year.)
In conclusion, the Muse is a manipulative beyotch, y'all. We did absolutely stop at my favorite brewery on the way home and I wrote this post while there just so I could complain about her. And take some time to reply to reviews.
...And maybe brag about how beautiful Albuquerque is 😜

Post Coming Soon!
I owe you all a post this weekend, and while it is behind schedule (I usually post Sat night), it will be up tonight. I am in Las Vegas for a whirlwind birthday weekend, but heading home today. I will get the chapter up tonight, once I get home and have a moment to edit and organize 😊
Postings resume tonight! And I have many, many fingers crossed that we'll keep those posts regular. I've got a stockpile of chapters finally. I'm a couple shy of my original goal, unfortunately, but I think it's time to resume anyway. In part becasue I'm too impatient to wait (I neeeeeeeeed to share Gabriel's evil, evil ways with you!) and in part knowing that getting back in touch with readers will spur the Muse.
She's been fiesty lately. See, the Battle Royale was never my favorite episode. Totally necessary, huge part of the plot, etc, but just never my favorite. Battle Royal stories have never been my favorite, actually. Turns out, despite my love of action, pew-pew guns and explosions (you know, generalized violence), I have a much harder time with groups forced to kill each other off. Especially innocent people. So yeah, we hit the battle royale and the Muse kinda yawned and wandered off 🙄. Which means it's time to spart posting, despite my fears she's gonna stay wandered off. Because nothing brings her back faster than fans. She's an attention whore, is what she is. (Yes, her. Definitely her, not both of us, or anything. Nope, no, that's totally all her)
SO WE'RE BACK!! Let the party begin!
Day 1 - And we're stuck already!
Okay! Day 1 (I actually think it's day 3...I might have forgotten I was supposed to be posting on here regularly XD) of blogging while I try writing.
This is a great day for it, because I was all geared up for some writing, pulled up my word document, aaaaaaand nothing. I've been doing SO WELL lately, guys! I'm 6 chapters in to my 10 chapter goal! How amazing is that?!? I have been a writing CHAMP!
Until tonight. Really, this is all Loki's fault. No, not our favorite Trickster-turned-Archangel. Although he did give me so much trouble for months. But I finally broke through that a couple weeks ago, started churning out chapters. This, tonight, is all another Loki's fault. Because I decided I needed to rewatch Marvel's Loki before the next season comes out. So this is THAT trickster's fault.
Actually, it's not. I wrote pages no problem while watching the first half. It's that I don't want to write Henriksen right now becasue I don't have a plan for this part of his chapter. And apparently the Muse is taking a nap at the moment. When she's wide awake, she'll just write whether I have a plan or not. But apparently I'm on my own at the moment.
Also, my dog keeps kicking me. It's cute, but it's not particularly helpful at the moment. (and that's all I got. Is that...is this how we do this? Man, I have no idea what I'm doing.) ((Oh good, the other dog is now snoring. Loudly. Like a demon.)) (((..........it's kinda cute too. Also not helpful, however.))) Cheers,