WORLDS MOST INCONSISTENT ART STYLE (self proclaimed) | he/him, aspiring artist
734 posts
Trypo-p - Trypo - Tumblr Blog
I hate to do this, but seeing that my other posts have been getting recognition and this one hasn't is heartbreaking. This is an actual genocide we're talking about.
I know these aren't my typical posts but this is an actual genocide we're talking about.
I've been in direct contact with Hiyam and she and her family need your help.
They have been vetted by several accounts.
I will also take the time to share other gofundme that are out there that have been in contact with me

$19,245USD / $50,000USD
Verified By: @90-ghost

CHF8,448 / CHF60,000

$8,868 USD / $35,000 USD
I am Muhammad Shehab from Gaza🍉. I support a family of 6 people. My sick mother and father, my wife Hiyam, and my sons (Zain and Yahya). I have a gofundme campaign that I created to treat my mother and father, protect my family, and get them out of the danger of the war on Gaza🍉. We live in very difficult circumstances Help me we are still very far from the goal. I hope everyone will donate even a little. I am confident that you will stand with me and support me until I achieve my goal and save my family from the danger of war. Share my story. Pin my story to your page. Everything helps. Can you share some of my posts from time to time? Maybe the internet will be cut off in my area. Thank you

it is insane how people do just . not know what objective is. like if you are trying to argue there is some objective difference between “good art” and “bad art” and your first argument is that “well objectively good art makes people feel good and bad art makes them feel bad” you . have no clue what art is. and also have no clue what objectivity is.
I've been reached out to by Hiyam Shehab to help spread awareness about their family. I sadly don't have the money to help myself, but I hope that any of my followers can please help and/or spread awareness too.
I am Muhammad Shehab from Gaza🍉. I support a family of 6 people. My sick mother and father, my wife Hiyam, and my sons (Zain and Yahya). I have a gofundme campaign that I created to treat my mother and father, protect my family, and get them out of the danger of the war on Gaza🍉. We live in very difficult circumstances Help me we are still very far from the goal. I hope everyone will donate even a little. I am confident that you will stand with me and support me until I achieve my goal and save my family from the danger of war. Share my story. Pin my story to your page. Everything helps. Can you share some of my posts from time to time? Maybe the internet will be cut off in my area. Thank you

World Population : 7,810,521,683
just in case somebody start feelin too important

just let me be delusional in peace

Zinh's GFM can be found here if you want to support her family during this nightmare

Me 10 seconds after joining a new fandom

if you're ever feeling down just remember that drinks are potions.
what do you mean there's a drink made from beans that gives you an energy boost? that's a potion. even alcohol is kind of a potion in its own way. a whole drink that gives me a charisma boost but a reasonable thinking debuff? obviously a potion.
howmst the hell have I gotten 12 ,ore folloers from that murder drones post 😭
every time some jerk complains about the new minecraft update “not adding any value to the game” i think about that one jschlatt clip where he discovers a lush cave for the first time and is genuinely rendered speechless by its beauty. so much of minecraft’s charm and beauty is exploring and discovering new lands and generation and falling in love with a world that was made for you and to love you
who give a shit if the pale garden doesn’t “add” anything game breaking. it will be worth it for the hundreds of thousands of players who stumble upon it by chance. only a few people will be able to relate to being handed a new op block/mechanism on a platter but everyone remembers the feeling of still being new to minecraft and the wonder of uncovering all its quirks. it’s about the loving the universe for its smallest of features and creatures as the love letters tho humanity that they are not exploiting the universe for all that its worth jackass ‼️‼️‼️