Horny on main, Gay bitch ⛓️🖤Local expert in mlm historical fiction📚Philosophy student
475 posts
Showed My Mum Around To Some Of Our Working Class Industrial History And Took Some Cool Pictures While
Showed my mum around to some of our working class industrial history and took some cool pictures while at it

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Your name is Russel Feeld. You are trapped in a VHS tape. You are in the body of a super sexy female cat burglar. You are wearing a latex body suit and a “I ❤️ my slut dad” tee shirt. You spent the past few hours getting repeatedly kicked in the head by the district attorney of Los Angeles. You just put an FBI agent into a 4 month coma. You are in the air ducts. You hate it. And now you think there are wild boars in the building.
I’m taking my mum around my ”new” hometown (I moved here 2 years ago) and a few museums, and I’m so glad we’re appreciating our history

I tried to order the last binding trilogy in hardcover bc i love me some hardcovers to collect but some bastard decided that a restless truth is sold out ???