i do stuff sometimes... yeah... he/him, but genuinely i don't give a phuck
112 posts
Tur-bot0-4 - да & нет

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Yeah, open my eyes, make me cis your gender, do it
I'll trans my gender right in front of you. I'll do it
If any of my friends comes out as transmasc, i without any hold back, start buying T, so they won't struggle with this fuckery, it's not even legal being trans here, so it's a double "fuck you" to the system. And to all closeted, eggs, or open, you are who you are, don't let anyone say otherwise, even those intrusive thoughts, you're valid and loved, even if you don't see it yet. It's not only to trans, or any other kind of queer people, you're all wonderful and capable of great things, even if i can't support you financially or, sometimes even mentally, because I don't have the words, or knowledge of full picture, i still want you to feel supported and valued... Keep going, no matter how hard it gets, take breaks, slow down, run fast, doesn't matter, just don't give up on your life! You matter, no matter who you are! Pun intended...
I went on a fucking supporting tangent again, didn't i?...
Well, you really are all those things, so fuck you, you deserve support!

He... He wouldn't say that though...
He most definitely would say 🖕

Back on my bullshit, let's fucking go!!!!!!!!