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I’m tv and i doodle stuff | 19*scribble scribble scribble*

72 posts


*wait's and silently hopes someone asks me about my tsbs au* sun sketches under cut because they're not as great T^T


okay, so let me preface by saying that this takes place a little while back in the sams timeline, as in solar is still alive in his old body, ruin never destroyed those universes, and nexus is still just new moon (but also dazzle has her new body? makes sense in the story i swear) .

so what if one day, there was ...some virus? just some terrible disease that makes every human is their universe into a destructive, unfeeling force? they just want to tear everything and anything apart, and when they get ahold of other humans they turn them?

aka, zombie apocalypse au.

basically, i started thinking about how neat that would be, and then i though about how to incorporate all he stuff currently happening in the show into it in a different way so it fits-

and now im writing a screenplay T^T

its only about 15 pages right now but i have so many plans and ideas for it im going crazy trying to get it all written down.

so far (without spoiling too too much) my plans are to have sun and moon be the main focus to introduce like, what all has happened off screen between the actual episodes and when this all takes place, and then at the end of each section/chapter/whatever you wanna call it (i know its not a book but chapters feels better to say than episodes to me right now T-T) there will be a little section where a couple unspecified characters have a few lines before not being shown till a few chapters later where they'll get revealed, and then they'll be part of the main cast for the rest of it. and, if you pay really close attention, you can tell who they are from the way they talk, their voice, etc.

since i posted the first part already on a03 i think im fine with talking about some of the backstory that i kind of already give some information on in there.

there's this virus going around and it's raising a bit of concern but no one really gets exactly how big of a problem it is. then one day there's a huge surge in people getting it and while the celestial family are all just going about their day at the daycare, taking care of the kids, etc, people just start running in freaked out and screaming and grabbing their kids before just bolting out the door. next thing you know, the main cast is fending off hoards of zombie-esc people, and trying to protect the kids. things go terribly wrong, they end up not being able to save anyone, and now they're almost all separated cause of the chaos and off on their own. basic plot of the screenplay is to see everything after that with a few flashbacks here and there because what is a tsbs story without mass amounts of trauma? (and maybe the fam reuniting in some cases)

sun is gonna be going though it, moon too, but man...sun is just not having a good time. i mean, he's still never getting over july 16th in the show, imaging if he feels like he's failed at protecting all of the kids. that is some prime angst right there, and i love it.

im having such fun with the designs too! since they're not able to just go wherever they want, they're pretty limited on resources. that leaves them to keeping as much of what they have as possible. including battery! which is where their outfits come in. i would think that their temperature regulation would be using a decent amount of charge, so they'd probably just turn it off to save power and wear a jacket/coat and some boots instead.

also, i was thinking about what kind of back-up they'd have for power in case of the recharge stations not being accessible, and i was like 'why not solar panels?'. 3 hours and a lot of knowledge about different kinds of solar panels and batteries and car parts later, i had a cool few sentences about them charging in that way.

when it comes to when they're avoiding all the infected, the whole point is that, while they might not be human, they're also not indestructible. people aren't just going for other people in this au, they want destruction and chaos. they don't care that the celestials aren't human, they want to rip them apart anyways!

i wont give away everyone that's gonna be in it, because i feel like that'll be fun to find out as it progresses, but i will say earth and lunar are in it, and solar is one of my absolute favourites so not having him at all would've been a crime.

anyways if anyone wants more about this i am so so glad to spend all day talking about it i would be happy to answer most anything :D i love them so much i wanna just keep typing about them all and drawing all day long.

  • slicedreams39
    slicedreams39 liked this · 5 months ago

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5 months ago

RIGHT?? I can’t quite put into words how annoying it is to see people get forgiven or given another chance after murdering so many.

but when Nexus trues to kill one person, a completely psychopathic murderer who caused everyone nothing but problems mind you, to bring back someone they all care so much about so they would be happy, and suddenly he’s so evil that they have to put him in space and cut all ties to him like he never mattered at all.

don’t get me started on how the show is basically making fun of people that like his character too now, as if we’re all so stupid for caring about a character that got totally fucked over by everyone else for absolutely no reason. like how dare we want him to be happy or get redeemed or get revenge, just anything at this point.

like how is it that he finally started getting through to sun, making a point that he is his own person and not some copy or replacement, that he was used by all of them, and sun actually seemed to start getting it-

but then monty shows up and fuckin shoots him.

and everyone is so happy that monty saved the day and now they can all talk about how awful nexus is again. like no, sorry, i don’t feel that bad for moon right now. he wouldn’t be re-living most of those awful things if he just hadn’t done them.

also i feel it’s worth mentioning how in all the things he said he had to re-live he never once mentioned abusing sun as one of those awful things. (i don’t think so anyways correct me if im wrong)

okay, yet again i would like to acknowledge that nobody treated nexus like he was his own person, not once, but now that he’s doing bad things he’s suddenly completely different from moon?? like, he was held to such high standards and now that moon is going through it everyone suddenly decides they’re not the same anymore?

in the laes episode yesterday lunar and earth are like ‘None of us acknowledge Nexus as family anymore cause he tried to kill earth’ but moon abused sun for so long and that’s somehow not held to the same standard?? i would argue it’s worse personally. At the very least, Nexus wasn’t specifically going for earth, moon knew what he was doing the entire time he treated sun that way.

and now today on sams Earth talks about how Moon acted with KC and how Moon just wanted his independence and that him separating from Sun was his first time with his own decisions and free will.

that is exactly what’s happened (and is happening) with Nexus right now.

Nexus has had to be Moon since he woke up. well, he had a tiny bit of time to be himself before seeing how Moon was and knowing he was supposed to be that, but then he was just acting the same way Moon did out of necessity. He finally pushes to be himself for the first time now (albeit very violently now- though at first it wasn’t ) and yet everyone has treated this the same way since he started acting like his own person. they hate him now.

they don’t see him as family, they don’t see him as anyone they care about. a year of experiences and friendship, and family, and they give up any and all hope instantly.

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5 months ago

i get what you mean on your last post... buuut i don’t understand the point of being upset over it since the issue was resolved within the same episode. she knew she was being a hypocrite and apologized. and sun/moon were in the wrong for pushing a subject she clearly didn’t want to talk about (like foxy said). and puppet cut them some slack cus she knew they didn’t know. also they handled it in a very mature manner; why would you want moon to ban puppet for speaking to them? that just seem petty.

i’m not trying to be rude btw i’m genuinely wondering?

You’re all good, didn’t seem rude to me, just asking a question :]

I don’t think just because the issue was ‘resolved’ that it’s just as simple as, ‘it happened and everyone is cool now so it’s all fine.’ The problem is that this isn’t a one off thing. This kind of thing seems to happen every time there’s something from the other dimension makes sunshine and/or moonlight curious.

The problem is that when puppet came to apologise, it wasn’t an apology at all, and was more just her giving reason for her actions (which does not excuse them).

I don’t think her yelling at Sun for being curious was handeling it maturely. I don’t think her leaving the situation after blowing up at them, instead of leaving beforehand to maybe think about what to respond with, was her handling it maturely. I don’t think her using her experiences as an excuse for how she reacted both before and after getting mad (especially when she has repeatedly told eclipse that he can’t do that) was her handling things maturely. I don’t think her not apologizing for those actions despite clearly stating they were not okay, was her handling it maturely.

After how she’s treated them both so far, especially recently, i just think it would be really satisfying to see them like, tell her to leave them alone. Just for a little, like a break. I just don’t really like the way anyone is treating the people that are from the dimension they’re in. It’s like they act as if they’re all inferior and know nothing because they’re just before all the horrible stuff happened.

I guess i mostly just want them to be able to do their own thing and learn and grow without being yelled at for it because they asked about something they shouldn’t have, especially when they had no way knowing, and then they didn’t even get a genuine apology. Just a, ‘I shouldn’t have blown up at you like that’.

That is not an apology. :/

That is acknowledgment that she messed up. Not regret, not remorse, just noticing that it was wrong.

and also- before saying anything about her actions, she trauma dumped for a solid five minutes. she said nothing about regretting it or doing better. she only acknowledged that it was wrong.

I don’t know, i’m just tired of people treating both of them poorly and then not being held accountable past everyone agreeing it wasn’t right.

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5 months ago


that is amazing what

Following my last post (,

not sure I ever showed you guys here on tumblr, but I made this exactly a month ago-

I remade it. I didn’t like how it turned out AT ALL and I decided to remake it today.

Following My Last Post (,

and I like how it turned out, somewhat- I messed up on some parts but I don’t care at this point- the old one took me 4 hours and the new one took me 3 so yay

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5 months ago

how do you draw so well👿👿

i will cry

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5 months ago

YOU GET IT. i love moon and solar i just want them being friends to be like, a separate thing instead of a replacement! i think their dynimic is really fun and interesting but it just hurts too much to enjoy.

also yes i agree completely i wish they could just be a happy little family so badly. -and side note, oh how i wish that nexus and eclipse could chat for a bit. cause i know it would never happen in the show, but imagine- guy who has to be a replacement/copy of his previous version, but is supposed to be better and put everyone’s happiness above his own and do whatever it takes to make them happy even to his own detriment; and guy who’s expected to act the same as the versions of him that came before and gets treated according to what the past versions did and just is supposed to accept it being that way?? they could bond

an di love earth she always gave me such happy good vibes and felt like such a comfort person but seeing how easily she dropped him just sucks when she’s done the opposite for everyone else that’s done stuff similar (and yet his actions are probably the least severe out of everyone’s and only happened once)

and back to moon- everyone is saying how awful and traumatic his experience with nexus was-


like it’s always in the back of my mind how even if everyone knew what monty did to him that they most likely wouldn’t care. (what monty did being the ‘shocking him into unconsciousness so he could go in his head after nexus told him he didn’t want him to so he could plot with moon how to get rid of nexus and bring old moon back’ (bearing in mind that this all happened before nexus did ANYTHING.))

and also- this is mostly theory but i think most of nexus’s current actions aren’t even fully him, like i think the whole ‘trying to bring back solar by killing bloodmoon’ thing was him, but since being infected with the negative starpower he’s only been focused on getting wither shards, which i think is just what dark sun wants.

i think he’s just not doing what he wants anymore, i don’t think he’s in control of his actions fully. like i felt him shining through with the little speech to sun the other day, but everything else feels so off and just bad.

also that thing gemini said about negative starpower effecting people and that if they go too far they aren’t in control of their own actions and are in service to other beings? yeah i remember that very vividly.

okay, yet again i would like to acknowledge that nobody treated nexus like he was his own person, not once, but now that he’s doing bad things he’s suddenly completely different from moon?? like, he was held to such high standards and now that moon is going through it everyone suddenly decides they’re not the same anymore?

in the laes episode yesterday lunar and earth are like ‘None of us acknowledge Nexus as family anymore cause he tried to kill earth’ but moon abused sun for so long and that’s somehow not held to the same standard?? i would argue it’s worse personally. At the very least, Nexus wasn’t specifically going for earth, moon knew what he was doing the entire time he treated sun that way.

and now today on sams Earth talks about how Moon acted with KC and how Moon just wanted his independence and that him separating from Sun was his first time with his own decisions and free will.

that is exactly what’s happened (and is happening) with Nexus right now.

Nexus has had to be Moon since he woke up. well, he had a tiny bit of time to be himself before seeing how Moon was and knowing he was supposed to be that, but then he was just acting the same way Moon did out of necessity. He finally pushes to be himself for the first time now (albeit very violently now- though at first it wasn’t ) and yet everyone has treated this the same way since he started acting like his own person. they hate him now.

they don’t see him as family, they don’t see him as anyone they care about. a year of experiences and friendship, and family, and they give up any and all hope instantly.

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