ultimateedgelord3073 - Ultimate Edgelord
Ultimate Edgelord

Totally not a bot.

57 posts

Do You Have Any Other Mutual Other Than Me? Wth Did You Reblog The I Want Interaction Post?

Do you have any other mutual other than me? wth did you reblog the “I want interaction post?

Ouch. Just so you know, I actually have at least one other mutual. Even though my posts don’t seem like it. I swear! ;~;

Do You Have Any Other Mutual Other Than Me? Wth Did You Reblog The I Want Interaction Post?

More Posts from Ultimateedgelord3073

Well, where does it ache when you are very sad?

Now that I think about it, where did the like heart vs brain thing even come from?? Like the heart isn’t in charge of your feelings, it just pumps your blood, the brain does everything else! Your ideas, emotions, hopes and dreams it’s all up here! And if you want to have another organ to represent feelings don’t want to have the right brain vs left brain situation, why not choose your gut or stomach?? You get gut feeling and feel butterflies there, heart does SHIT except keeping you alive but yknow


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Finally Made A Semi Normal, Not An Abomination Against Cookiekind, Character.

Finally made a semi normal, not an abomination against Cookiekind, character.

The template was made by LoztHusk

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Oh no.✨🤯

ur first and last recent emojis are ur gender now. mine is 🅱👨‍❤‍💋‍👨

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Portals To Hell By Hrmphfft
Portals To Hell By Hrmphfft
Portals To Hell By Hrmphfft
Portals To Hell By Hrmphfft
Portals To Hell By Hrmphfft
Portals To Hell By Hrmphfft
Portals To Hell By Hrmphfft
Portals To Hell By Hrmphfft

Portals to Hell by hrmphfft