Younger Sister - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago

My little sister: "My hair is puffier on one side than it is on the other."

Me: "Maybe because you sleep on that side?"

Sister, frustrated: "I- I don't-... I don't sleep..."

me: *Loses it*

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9 months ago

TW: Pet loss

So one of my cats died yesterday around this time, our little black panther was just 2 years old and it was a sudden death. I've been trying to stay strong and put together cause my older brother is devastated, but now that my brother is asleep i can't stop crying.

I even got a nosebleed cause of all the crying. I can't stop thinking about how i tried to resuscitate him and how i held him in my arms until his body became cold.

It still feels like a bad dream i'm trying to wake up from, i can hear him jumping on the forniture, and his scent still lingers around. I just hope my brother can heal from this and allow his heart to keep giving love to others.

And i don't even know why i'm writing this in english if it's not even my first language, it just feels right.

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4 years ago

We smell of sweat and loss.

Me to my younger sister while we were playing tennis; both of us being equally bad at it.

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8 months ago
Haitaka Matsumoto's Younger Sister, Hanako. She Looks Shy But She Is A Pervy

Haitaka Matsumoto's younger sister, Hanako. She looks shy but she is a pervy

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6 months ago
Well, I'd Say It's Unluck

Well, I'd say it's unluck 🤷‍♀️

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6 months ago
Well, I'd Say It's Unluck

Well, I'd say it's unluck 🤷‍♀️

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My younger sister sent me this… Any advice?

My Younger Sister Sent Me This Any Advice?

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I am livid

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7 months ago

I had a child in my dream but it D*ed in my dream

I Had A Child In My Dream But It D*ed In My Dream

Just discussing a few dreams I had.

[ I I want to tell you guys this PLEASE tell me if you having crazy dreams I Love love LOVE talking about dreams no matter what they are about and I love the consept of dreams !!!]

So this was a few months ago where I had a dream that I was pregnant (in the 4 or 5 month) and in my dream I knew it would be a girl and I was so existed to have my Baby.

I even prayed to god in my dream and I said: please god give me a girl I'm also happy with a boy but I want my first child to be a girl

Anyway, like I said I was pregnant and I felt that the Baby would come out but like I said it was only the 4 or 5 month (I was also older in my dream alot more older then I am in real live I think I was in my 30s and I am NOT in my 30s) and the Baby came out but like I the Titel says it was dead guys.

I hold the Baby in my hands and it looked like a Baby that was sleeping peacefully but I knew in that moment that my Baby was gone it was also full with blood.

Also it wasn't like a real miscarrige in real life my belly opend up (somehow) and then I was holding my child the next Minute.

It was so sad then I woke up and I was like "where is my child" but then it Hit me and I realised it was just a dream and I was SO SAD i wanted to cry I was so happy in my dream with my child but my child was taken from me in my dream and it was a dream...

One time I dreamed that I had a younger brother and a younger sister but it was in 2 different dreams. (I am the youngest child in my family)

And I swear to god my younger brother was so beautiful he was a sweetheart.

He was an Angel guys and still I am so CRUSHED that he aint real 😭

Even my acual brother interacted with him (I was away but I witnessed my dream in the 3 person it was like I was watching a movie lol)

I was away and my family didn't know where I was and my older brother talked to my younger one and my younger brother was SO worried about me and wanted to know where I was guys he is an Angel he was such a sweetheart

And he looked like me he had a very VERY similar face like I do and he had the same hair as my brother ( I and my acual brother look very alike but my brother in my dream looked even more like me)

Guys he is my Baby like why can't he be real I am so upset I'm not even joking.

And for my sister in my dream my sister looked more like my brother but I and my sister had the same hair but our hair typ is a little different my younger brother and I had the same waves but she had Curly hair and she was so beautiful.

She was soooo playfull and funny mannnnnn

In my dream she fell asleep and my mother Was also in my dream and I carried my sister on my back she was asleep at first but then she woke up and I teased her. (in my dream of my brother my father was there but not my mom and in the one of my sister my mom was there and my acual brother wasn't there)

I also once had a dream where I was pregnant and then had a Baby who (thank god) didn't die in my dream I watched my child grow and the I woke up why is the World so cruel ?!

And one time I was with a random boy who was like 15 or 13 and we where running bc we where playing a game or something idk but it was also cool (In that dream I was also like 13 or 15 BUT I AM NOT 13 -15 I am 18+ and when I had that dream I was also not 13-15 years old I was older)

And in another dream I was holding a Baby and another child was next to me that was like 2 or 3(?) And both where looking at me and I was looking at the Baby and the child in my Arms but the children weren't mine in that dream.

After those dreams I felt so empty but I still love them

Anyways did that ever happend to you guys?

Do you guys have theories?

Please tell me about it Iam so curious!!!!

Thankyou for reading Pookie ♡♡♡ (This helps me coping with what happend)







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I don’t like my brother. Sometimes even now I cry because all I’ve ever wanted for so long was a sibling who loved me, who cherished me, who I could come to and cry on their shoulder when our parents were fighting or yelling at me, or when I had a bad day. When I was younger I felt he took away the one thing I craved most in life, an older brother, and now I see myself trying to fill the void of that, the void of emptiness that should be filled with love from a sibling but most important the bond between a sister and a brother. But it goes both ways and I can’t blame everything on him, because at some point I stopped wanting to try with him, I stopped trying to be in his presence all the time asking “you wanna hang out” you want to “play games?” I stopped trying to his little sister and I became hatful and devilish with my words. But it hurts to remember all the terrible things he as done to me, SA-ing me, gaslighting me, being friends with the bully that made me suicidal at 12. I don’t even know how it all started but once it did it seemed to never stop rolling off that hill of rage and hate for me. I think the worst part is I still love him, I still cry over him, and it feels engraved in my DNA to love him and I do and I used to despise that when I was younger. We’re toxic for one another and it feel like we tear each other down and when we explode at each other we go for the gut with our words and it always ends in tears. No one actually knows why we are like this, I don’t even think we know but I just wished I could erase all the bad memories I have of him because maybe then I’d want to be his little sister again and maybe then he will finally be the older brother I used to think he was.

Why can’t we love like normal siblings?

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2 years ago

A little thought of mine

Ok, hear me out…what if Paimon is the Unknown God’s younger sister? People say that Paimon is the unknown God, and I find it interesting, but what if Paimon’s her little sister who the Unknown God sent to Monstadt to guide the other sibling while they took the other one???

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1 year ago

Me and my sisters Alexa’s are connected to the same Spotify account and I was trying to listen to korn when she started playing Taylor swift, so I put korn back on and she played “fuck you” by Lilly Allen and now we are at war.

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1 year ago

will you do a platonic yandere older brother coriolanis (I think that’s how u spell it lol) snow x a sibling! reader ? and he kidnapped them? also it can be fem or gn. have a good day/night!!

I love this idea! And thank you so much I also hope you have a good day/night.

I’m open to doing a part 2 since this is somewhat short if enough people like this storyline. I’m curious on where it could go.

His Little Snowflake ❄️

Platonic Yandere Coriolanus Snow x Younger Sister

Female Pronouns

Word count: 1.1 K

Warnings: Obsessive behavior, mentions of murder

Will You Do A Platonic Yandere Older Brother Coriolanis (I Think Thats How U Spell It Lol) Snow X A Sibling!

Coriolanus wasn’t an only child, albeit he was the oldest. He had a little sister named Y/N. She wasn’t as known as he was, after all he was the heir to the snow name and ‘fortune’ so it wasn’t up to her to preserve the name.

When Corio found out he was going to have a little sibling, he was indigent. He knew he would keep all of the rights being the oldest but the idea of having to share with a sibling was torture in his mind.

That was until he saw them.

His mother died in childbirth after having the baby. When his father came home with her, he was prepared to loath the baby that took away his mother, even if she wasn’t the best one.

But one look into the baby’s eyes something shifted.

Corio was the one to look after his sister when his father passed away.

Tigres would always offer to help while Grand’mam claimed she was too old to care for her.

He didn’t care, this was His sibling. His responsibility. His little snowflake.

When the 10th annual hunger games began and he was forced to mentor, it took up some time. With having to write the proposal for the Doctor and being a mentor to Lucy Gray he barely had time for his little sister. He blamed everyone else for the situation. If a teacher kept him after class? That teacher would have something unfortunate happen to them.

He could just give up but he was obsessed with his little sister getting the life she deserved so he had to win the money by any means possible.

Everyday when he got home from all of his duties, he’d go to her room.

“Corio!” She squealed happily running into his open arms. She would jump as high as she could to try and wrap her arms around his neck but it would often end up with him having to bend over as she wrapped around him like a koala.

“Hello Snowflake, I miss you today.” Thats what he’d always say. That fact that he missed her was true but he would also say it to prompt her to say it back. After all didn’t she miss him just as much?

“I missed you too!” Then she’d ramble about her day to him. Not noticing as his scowl as she talked about her friends since the second she’d look up at him he’d change it to a soft smile.

All you needed was each other and he firmly believed that. Maybe Tigres on the occasion when absolutely necessary but she was a cousin. You are his little sister.

“You need to distance yourself from them, it sounds like they are bad influences”

“That doesn’t sound very nice of them, I think you should stop talking to them.”

“A boy? You’re too young. They’ll old hurt you. Do you want to be hurt? Don’t you trust me?”

Those are just a few things he’d say to try and turn the favor back to him through gaslighting and guilt tripping. Of course it always worked. Y/N loved her older brother, she couldn’t not trust him.

With all of the cheating Coriolanus did to make Lucy Gray win it wasn’t that much of a surprise he was caught, at least to everyone else but him. He was too focused on winning that the idea of getting caught was child’s play.

Now they wanted to take him away from you. He simply couldn’t allow that to happen. The idea of not seeing you every minute was distressing to him but for 10 years as he is sent away to the districts? He would kill everyone in his path back to the capital.

So in order to prevent that he did what he does best, manipulate.

First of all he had to get Y/N.


Bursting into her room he saw her where she usually was, sitting at her desk coloring.

“Y/N!” He spoke urgently as he ran around to pack some clothes “Get ready. We need to leave.”

Y/N saw the panicked look on his face he tried to hide, making her panic about what was happening. Or course she wasn’t told about his treachery, he would murder whoever painted him in anything other than a perfect light to his little sister.

“What’s going on?”

“I’ll explain later, we are going away for awhile.”

“What about Tigres? Grand’mam?”

“They are staying here.”

She was in shock, leaving her family? Her young mine couldn’t process the fact even if she would be with her older brother. It was natural to be scared of change.

And this would change everything.

“I can’t leave them!” Coriolanus was delusional and would hope they would accept to leaving but he planned for the rare possibility of them not.

“Please don’t make me do this the hard way. You want to be with your older brother right? It’s the two of us against the world remember?” She nodded with tears in her eyes as she hugged her little tiger stuffed animal “I have to leave, and I’m not leaving without you. I love you.”

“But-but” Y/N began to stutter out but Corio knew he was losing a lot of time. So he grabbed some sleeping powder he found in Dr. Volumnia’s office and lightly blew it into her face as he caught her as she began to sway on her feet.

“What’s happening-“

“You’ll be okay I swear, we will be okay. We just need to go away for awhile.”


He somehow convinced everyone he came across that he was allowed to bring her with him. Sure it took some convincing for some but the way he could talk circles around people make them give in pretty quickly.

Then he paid the transfer worker money to send him to district 12.

In no way did he trust Lucy Gray with his little sister, but he didn’t want you to see him killing people nor did he want her left alone for any of those district people to get ahold of and poison her little mind. But he didn’t have a choice so he had to go to the person who is his only option. After all her oh so kind heart wouldn’t allow her to get hurt. That is if Lucy Gray was still alive.

When Y/N woke up she was in the arms of her brother as he brought her into his individual room in the barracks due to his higher standing.

“Where are we?”

“Welcome to district 12 my little snowflake. Nothing can get between us now.”

And he meant it. Even if it meant getting a few people killed along the way and sending his best friend to the hanging tree after he suggested she return back to the capital.

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