multifandom - 22 (minors dni) - I write sometimes

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Not Alone - Peter Rumancek (Hemlock Grove) Part 1 Of 2

Not Alone - Peter Rumancek (Hemlock Grove) Part 1 of 2

*shrug* I was bored


"Y/n! Y/N! Get the fuck back here!"

You ignored your father's shouting and kept running, as far away as you could not knowing where you were going. And until you didn't recognize where you were.

You eventually stopped running, leaning your hands on your knees, trying to catch your breath.

After you caught your breath, you looked around and only saw trees. Miles and miles of trees. 

You sighed heavily, frustrated that you didn't pay attention to your surroundings. But you couldn't help it, you just kinda blacked out once you got hyped up on fear that your father instilled in you.

After being called useless one too many times, you finally got the courage to defend yourself, but all that did was get you a smack in the face.

So you ran, and now…you were fucking lost.

You just walked through the dense forest, hoping that you'd reach a clearing eventually. But after walking for what felt like an hour, you started to lose hope.

You hated the woods, and of course out of any direction, you had to run towards the woods. Hearing all the breaking of branches and animal noises really didn't help. The only real light you had was the light from the full moon.

You've always been easily spooked, so it was no surprise to you when you almost screamed when you heard the muffled thumps of what sounded like footsteps.

You turned to look every which way, but it was so dark that all you could see were shadows.

The footsteps kept getting closer and closer, and you felt more and more helpless.

"Hello?" You shouted out, a stupid idea really but you didn't know what else to do.

Suddenly, you heard growling. You quickly turned around only to be thrown to the ground, pinned down by an unknown creature.

You quickly came back to reality to see who or what your attacker was.

You were face to face with a large black wolf. You tried you push it off, but the creature was so heavy. It's breath was heavy on your face, looking down on you, almost seeming angry.

You started to cry. You weren't ready to die, you had so much to experience in the world. You didn't wanna be mauled to death by this dumb animal who didn't know any better, yet here you were.

Another stupid idea you had was to beg for your life, although you knew the animal wouldn't understand. And yet, "please don't. I don't wanna die." You muttered out, already trying to accept death.

The wolf suddenly stopped growling and got off you, almost like it actually understood you. But you were grateful anyway.

You sat up and scooted away, wide eyed at the creature that could kill you. A sudden pain in your upper arm made you hiss. You looked to see claw marks, bleeding. "At least I'm not dead…yet." You chuckled breathlessly.

You looked back at the wolf who was watching you intensely, you noticed he kept looking back at your arm, like he was regretful. "It'll heal." You voiced, then laughed. "Ugh, why I am talking to you like you can understand. I must be going crazy."

The wolf whimpered.

"If I stand up, you're not gonna kill me right?"

The wolf backed away a few steps, bowing his head slightly.

You carefully stood up, still aware that this was a wild animal that you did not want to spook. You looked around once more, unable to get your bearings. "If only wolves could navigate, then I'd be all set." You joked.

The wolf only tilted in head in confusion.

"I ran into the woods, without really paying attention to where I was going. Of course, now I'm lost. Fuck me." You groaned and sighed. "I'm probably gonna die here. Great. Maybe it would've been better if you had killed me, wolf friend."

The wolf suddenly walked towards you, making you step back cautiously. The wolf stopped, it then lowered itself to the ground and slowly crawled to you.

It was like it was trying to gain your trust, it made you feel weird. Why would an animal do this?

The wolf slowly stood up, lifting up his head and started to lick your hand. "Well, I'm not sure if you're apologizing or just tasting before you dine. Either way, it's cute."

The wolf bit onto your long sleeve gently, pulling you in a direction. "God, this is weird. I'm actually letting a dog drag me to who the fuck knows."

Eventually, the wolf let go of your sleeve and kept walking, assuming that you'd follow him. You did. You had no idea where to go anyways, so why not follow a wolf?

After a few minutes of following after the wolf, you legs started to ache. The wolf would occasionally look back to see if you were still following.

It was kind of like a leap of faith, following after an animal that seemed like it had some sort of intelligence. "If I wasn't as smart as I am, I would actually believe you could understand everything that's happened tonight." You chuckled softly.

The wolf suddenly stopped, and you were afraid that your luck had finally run out.

The wolf upturned it's head. You followed it's gaze, it was looking at the moon that was going down. You didn't bring your phone with you, but you figured it was almost sunrise.

The wolf turned to you and started to whimper. You furrowed your brows when it didn't pounce on you like thought it would, but instead, it kept whimpering.

"What's wrong, bud?" You asked softly.

The wolf started to lower itself to the forest floor. You had no idea what was happening. The wolf then laid on its side.

"Oh, no, no. You're not dying, are you?" You asked nervously. "I need you to get me out of this damn forest!" You kneeled beside the animal, seeing that it was closing it's eyes. "Damn it, bud. I was starting to get emotionally attached."

You didn't know what to do now that your buddy as taken the forever nap. You just decided to sit there, your back to the wolf. You thought that it would just be easier to find your way out of the woods when the sun came up.

You didn't expect to fall asleep, but you did. The one thing that woke you up was suddenly hearing fleshy noises from behind you, that scared you enough to wake up.

You stood up and backed away from the wolf, who you realized was the culprit of those noises.

You mouth was agape as you watched piece after piece of the wolf come apart. "What the fuck?" You almost screamed when you saw a human come out of the wolf. "I must be tripping balls…" You muttered, slowly walking towards the human.

The closer you got, the closer you recognized who the naked human was. "Peter?"

The boy suddenly opened his eyes and bolted upright, looking around frantically before landing his eyes on you. "…what…the…fuck…"

Peter smiled nervously. "I, uh…I can explain."

"Uh, yeah. Please explain why you were just a fuckin wolf and now you're not! What the fuck?!" You rambled, starting to hyperventilate.

Peter stood up and walked over to you when he saw you were starting to freak out. He out his hands in your shoulders, trying to steady you. "Hey, hey, hey, Y/N. Chill out, okay. Deep breaths, come on." He spoke softly.

You took many deep breaths, hoping you that you were just dreaming somehow. But after a couple minutes, you finally calmed down. You definitely weren't dreaming.

You started to blush furiously when you briefly glanced down. "Oh my god, you're naked."

Peter chuckled. "You just noticed this?"

"Sorry, I guess I was too busy noticing you coming out of a fucking wolf."

"Well, come on. My house isn't that far away." Peter said, taking your hand and pulling you along with him.

"Uh, wait." You said, taking off your jacket and handing it over to the Rumancek boy. "Don't want your dick to get hypothermia." You joked, chuckling.

Peter chuckled and nodded gratefully. "Right. Thanks." He grabbed the jacket and wrapped it around himself.

"So, do you like remember everything when you were a wolf?" You asked.

Peter sighed. "Here come the questions." He mumbled under his breath. "Yup. Everything."

"Oh." You whispered.

"What were you doing out here anyway, huh?" Peter asked.

"Oh, uh. I told you…just ran into the woods." You tried to deflect.

"Nobody runs into the woods without a reason."

You sighed. "I…I was running away from my dad. He's not a nice man. That's all I'll say."

Peter turned to look at you briefly, but turned back. "Oh." Is all Peter said.

"Have you always been a wolf?"

"Enough with the questions." Peter snapped.

It only took a few more minutes to get to Peter's rundown single wide trailer. He took a table cloth off and wrapped it around himself, handing you back your jacket.

"Well, thanks for getting me out of the woods." You said, getting Peter's attention. "I can find my way home from here. Or…to an urgent care." You chuckled.

Peter sighed. "You can't."

You raised an eyebrow. "Excuse me?"

"Please, just stay here for today. There's...a lot to talk about now."

"If you're worried about me telling someone, I won't. I promise. I'm no snitch."

Peter sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. "It's not that!" He snapped, making you flinch. "Just come in. Lynda will patch you up."

You sighed. "Fine."

Upon entering his home, you saw Peter’s mother sitting on the couch. "Peter, who's this?" Lynda asked nervously.

"This is Y/N. She was in the woods. I thought she could be…you know. I…scratched her." Peter told her.

Lynda suddenly was wearing a face of deep concern. "It was just a scratch, Ms. Rumancek! It's not too bad." You voiced.

"You scratched her?" Lynda asked, a bit too loud.

You started to get nervous. "Jesus, guys, it's just a flesh wound."

Everyone in the room seemed to sigh in unison.

"Okay, can someone explain what the hell is going on?!" You yelled.

Lynda walked up to you. "Why don't you sit down, dear." She suggested. Her tone was sweet enough to persuade you. "Peter, get dressed please." She ordered.

After a minute later, Peter came back in some sweats and sat next to you, making you even more agitated. "Okay, now that everyone's here…please fuckin explain." You huffed.

"When I was out there," Peter started, “I caught the scent of something bad. I followed it, and it lead me to you. The scent was so close. I thought it must’ve been you. But when I...attacked you...the scent started to go away.”

"So, you attacked me for no reason...okay. That's fucked up."

"So, the reason I asked you to stay was…" Peter sighed.

"Tell her, Peter." Lynda said.

"I don't know how well you know about werewolves, but usually, it's said that if a wolf scratched you…you'd turn into one."

You gasped, unable to speak. There's no way. There's just no way. So you laughed, making everyone confused. "Nice prank. You almost got me there."

"This isn't some joke, Y/N. You saw me out in those woods." Peter said angrily, Lynda putting her hand on his arm to try and calm him.

"We just wanna help you now, Y/N." Peter sighed.

After giving it some thought, you decided. "You guys are fucking crazy. No way I'm stuck turning into an animal my whole life." You stood up and walked to the door. "You're secret is safe with me, Peter, but that is it. Sorry…"

You made sure to slam the door on your way out.


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More Posts from Ultraintrovertedgryffindor

Pls can ya do a Roman Godfrey smut where they r just chilling in his room just play fighting and then it turns sexual and they dry hump .

Of course! Thanks for the request, sweet Anon. I really hope you enjoy!😊

Warning: NSFW


Every day after school, you’d always hang out at Roman’s place. You both were basically attached at the hip after dating for a few months.

In terms of privacy, Roman had a lot more freedom when it came to having girls over. Whereas if Roman were to come over, your parents would force you to keep your bedroom door open. It wasn’t ever ideal for a new passionate relationship, especially when it came to Roman’s sexual appetite.

You loved Roman’s mansion compared to your much smaller house. You loved hanging out with Shelley, and Letha if she came over. But spending lazy days with Roman is what you loved the most.

Roman was currently sitting at the floor of his bed, his eyes trained on some video game. You were laying beside him on your stomach, legs swaying behind you and your hands holding up your chin.

You were a bit bored, Roman usually had his attention on you whenever you came over and you were starting to feel needy.

You sighed heavily when Roman made a pretty clean headshot in the game, the boredom starting to hit you like a tank. “Roman...” You whined.

“What?” He asked, keeping his focus on the television screen.

“I’m tired of watching you play this game, maybe we could do something” You asked seductively.

“Eh, maybe after this round.” Roman said absentmindedly, making you huff in frustration.

You rolled over on your back, staring up at the ceiling, listening to the gunshots and explosions in the background.

Then, you got an idea. You could almost see the imaginary light bulb going off above your head.

You sat up, scooting closer to Roman. As he was about to kill another enemy, you playfully shoved his controller, making him miss.

Roman grunted in anger when he realized he missed, looking over to you with a glare only to see your innocent face. “Y/N...” He said lowly.

“What?” You asked happily.

“Think long and hard before you something like that again, got it?” Roman said and went back to playing the game.

You didn’t know what it was, but seeing Roman mad just did things to you. You wanted more.

You shoved the controller again with a force that actually knocked it out of Roman’s hands, landing on the floor with a thud. Your stomach dropped, you really didn’t mean to knock it out of his hands. Oops...

For a moment, Roman just stared at his empty hands, his jaw clenching. You slowly got up from his bed and put your hands up in surrender, trying to hide a smile. “Roman, I swear, I didn’t mean to do that.” You tried not to giggle.

You let out a shriek when Roman suddenly got up and tried to grab you, but you dodged and tried to run to his bathroom. But you weren’t fast enough.

You let out another yelp as Roman wrapped his arms around your waist, lifting you up and throwing you on his bed. He quickly pounced on top of you, lifting your arms above your head and pinning them there.

“Didn’t I say, think before you act?” Roman glared.

“Maybe.” You sang and giggled.

You winced slightly when Roman tightened his grip on your wrists. “What am I gonna do with you?” He hummed, wearing a soft smirk.

You smiled, leaning up and planted a light kiss on Roman’s plump lips. He let go of your wrists, bringing one of his hands to gently grip your jaw and the other grabbing underneath your knee.

Roman slowly guided your legs apart, laying himself in between them. He leaned down and kissed you, placing his hand behind your head and gripping your hair slightly.

You moaned softly when you started to feel Roman thrust against you, his hard on creating a pleasant friction on your core. “This is what you wanted all this time, huh?” Roman whispered.

You only moaned in response when he thrusted harshly. “Yes, Roman.” You whispered, then kissing him passionately. “I need you.”

“Your wish is my command, princess.”

Roman didn’t waste any time, roughly taking off your shirt before taking off his, revealing his lean figure. He got off the bed for a moment to pull off your jeans and walking to his dresser to get a condom.

You sat up, hastily removing his belt and undoing the button and zipper on his pants. The large bulge in his briefs making your mouth water in anticipation.

Roman quickly kicked off his pants, getting back on top of you to kiss and grind against you. You lifted yourself up slightly to allow Roman better access to remove your bra, him immediately kneading the soft, tender flesh.

You sighed in pleasure when Roman started trailing sloppy kisses down your neck, stopping to suck your hardened nipples one by one. Then continuing to kiss down your torso until he reached the waistband of your underwear.

Roman kept eye contact with you as he carefully pulled your underwear down, tossing it to the side.

Roman brought his head down, licking in between your wet folds, making you feel lightheaded. He situated himself comfortably between your legs, starting to lick and lightly suck on your clit and placing his middle finger at your entrance, slowing pushing in.

“Roman...” You moaned, trying not to close your legs due to the intense pleasure.

Roman kept at your most sensitive spot for a few minutes, already feeling close. Roman had a very talented tongue that you appreciated greatly.

Your moans started to escape your mouth more consistently, feeling your core heat up deliciously. But then Roman pulled away, his chin and nose slightly glistening with your slickness. “Don’t want you to cum just yet, babe.”

Roman pulled his briefs down, his cock finally springing free. You watched as he put a condom on, keeping the intense eye contact with him as he got back on top of you.

You bit your lip and moaned as he inserted his cock inside you, slight pain mixing with pleasure as he stretched you.

Moans from both you and Roman echoing around the room as he thrusted into you, heavy breaths mixing with each other’s. The soft moans from Roman making you closer with every thrust.

“Fuck, Y/N...” Roman groaned, his eyes rolling to the back of his head, signaling that he was close too.

Roman placed his hand on your throat, squeezing gently, making the buildup to your orgasm even more intense.

Roman’s other hand that was brought down to vigorously rub sloppy circles on your sensitive nub is what pulled you over the edge, crying out as the heated waves washed over your entire body.

Roman kept his hand around your throat and placed the other beside your shoulder, trying to keep himself steady as he thrusted faster to chase him own release.

After a few more harsh thrusts, Roman groaned loudly as he stilled, his seed spilling into the rubber. He pulled himself out of you and collapsed beside you, both of you breathing heavily.

“Sex is much more fun than some video game, right?” You teased.

“Fuck, yeah...”


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Do u do smut ?

I mean, yeah. I'm not very good at it though lmao. But I'm willing to write whatever😊

Send Me Requests! (If you want👉🏻👈🏻)

I’m in a bunch of fandoms so it’s hard to keep track of them but I’ll try my best to list them. I have phases where I’m interested in writing for different fandoms, depends on the day really, but...

I’m comfortable writing for:

Daniel Brühl's characters (expect the N*zis)

Mostly any character from The Maze Runner series, including any other Will Poulter characters

Mostly any character from The 100, including other Richard Harmon characters

Eddie, Nancy, Robin, or Steve from Stranger Things, including other Joe Keery characters

Mostly any Marvel character (more inclining to write for Bucky tbh)

Draco and only Draco from HP

The band Ghost, the era 4-5 Ghouls or Cardinal Copia (never the people behind the masks. that’s a big no-no)

Oscar Isaac’s characters (haven’t seen all his movies though)

Adam Driver’s characters

Owen Teague’s characters

Roman Godfrey or Peter Rumancek from Hemlock Grove

Mostly any character from Attack On Titan

Any Evan Peters’ AHS characters (except Kai)

Connor, Gavin, or Kamski from Detroit: Become Human

Tom Holland’s Peter Parker

And probably a bunch more but those are what come to mind. Just whatever you see me write, I probably will write a request for whoever that character is. I am an AFAB and I identify with my assigned gender but I will still write for Gender Neutral or Male readers if it’s requested.

I don’t really have any rules for requests, just make sure you tell me what your preferred pronouns are for the request, and whatever other defining features you wanna add is fine too.

One thing though: ...I hate kids most of the time and I have major daddy/mommy issues, so I don’t really like writing the dad/mom!characters (like if so and so character became a parent with reader fic). I’ve written them before and it’s super hard to do when I’m not in it 100%. Ya know? So you can request them but I can’t promise I’ll write it. If a really good parent fic is what you want, maybe ask someone else🤷🏻‍♀️

And in terms of smut, I’m fine with most kinks but I might not be that educated on the specific kink. I will not, however, write scat, waterworks, or ddlb/ddlg/dmlb/dmlg.

Anyone can send me any story requests though, I just might not be in that specific fandom.

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How It Should’ve Ended (imo)

I hated the ending of 7x13 of The 100 so much that I’m retaliating and rewriting the ending cause I don’t even care anymore. RETALIATING ! ! !


Pointing the gun at Bellamy was a split decision action for Clarke. All she wanted was the book. All she wanted was to keep her daughter safe.

“Don’t make me do this...” Clarke begged.

Bellamy stared at Clarke with tears in his eyes, widening in shock. Was the woman he loved really threatening to shoot him? After everything they’ve been through together, she couldn’t possibly...

“You’re not going to shoot me, Clarke...” Bellamy said and glanced over at the glowing green wormhole to another planet. “The bridge will should go...” He didn’t want her to go though...

“Not without that book.” Clarke said.

“Look at yourself.” Bellamy started. “What you feel right now, the need to protect someone you love so badly, you’re willing to kill your closest friend. Someone you trust, who’s telling you that the fate of the human race is at stake. All that suffering can end. Madi’s suffering too.”

He looked down at the leather covered book in his hands, so tempted to just give up and hand it over...but he knew he couldn’t do that. Not after what he saw in that cave. “I have no choice but to share this...”

“I can’t let them hurt her.” Clarke cried.

“This is how we do better. This is the only way. I’m sorry...” Bellamy whispered and turned to another disciple, beginning to hand over the book. “We need to keep this safe for Cadagon.”

Clarke placed her pointer finger over the trigger, ready to apply the right amount of pressure that would release the bullet to end Bellamy’s life.

Is she really going through with this?

Shots rang out...but none of them hit Bellamy.

Instead, she shot every disciple that was in the room, shocking even Bellamy.

Clarke couldn’t kill him now. She’s never been able to even think about killing him, the thought of losing him too painful. Even when he threatened the lives of the entire human race almost two centuries ago, she couldn’t make it a kill shot.

She couldn’t kill the man she loves.

Clarke stormed over and forcefully took Madi’s book out of his hands, Bellamy didn’t even put up a fight.

“I knew you wouldn’t shoot me...”

Clarke glared up at Bellamy. To anyone else, he would’ve successfully pulled off a poker face. But seeing him close up, he was wearing a ghost of a smile. That was enough to make Clarke slap him.

Bellamy didn’t even have time to register the stinging sensation in his right cheek before the sensation was replaced by another one, a rather pleasant one.

Immediately after slapping Bellamy, Clarke placed her lips on top of his roughly. Her sadness and frustration from his newfound beliefs releasing through the passionate kiss.

Bellamy reciprocated immediately, almost like he was being controlled by some other force that made him act impulsively to fulfill his desire that he knew he shouldn’t be feeling.

For years, both Clarke and Bellamy have dreamed of this moment. They’ve wanted this for so long, but have always been too afraid or the universe somehow managing to split them apart.

But not now.

Clarke pulled away first, finally coming back to her senses and remembering she was limited on time. She looked up at Bellamy, almost blushing when she saw his intense affectionate gaze.

“Snap out of this deluded fantasy you’re living, Bellamy. Do something like this again...I will kill you.”

Bellamy frowned when he saw Clarke lift up the butt of her gun and brought it down harshly on his head, making him fall over on his side.

Bellamy watched the love of his life from the floor as she disappeared into the anomaly.


Hate. (wrote this while listening to death metal.)

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Tsundere(?) Dewdrop


I’ll gladly admit, joining the Clergy was one of, if not the best decision I’ve ever made.

I was a college dropout, my family and I were basically estranged due to my heightened curiosity towards Satanism. 

I was an outcast. No home. No friends. No hope for the future.

Then I happened to stumble across the church, and they welcomed me with open arms. Everyone. And I had never felt such a place of belonging. It was so intense that I cried.

I had finally found a home.

Then a week went by. Then two. Then a month. And now, being part of the ministry for almost two years now, I have never felt more happy in my entire life. These people treated me better than my own family ever did, and I was so thankful.

Since I was the newest member, and slightly younger than the rest of the Sisters of Sin, I was basically treated like a baby. The Clergy, especially Sister Imperator, was always checking in on me. Always making sure I had everything I needed, that I was healthy and happy.

Honestly, it got a bit annoying. I loved it at first, always feeling so important. But then it became a slight annoyance. Like one of those waiters who asks how your food is too often.

But thankfully, after my one year anniversary at the ministry, everyone finally dialed down. Well, almost everyone.

The members of the band project seemed to have a small fascination with me. Specifically, some of the Ghouls. Swiss and Aether.

I always supposed it was because I was new, and they liked new people.

That fascination quickly turned into over-protectiveness once I got to know them and told them my story. And I’ll spare the gory details about my previous home life. Too depressing.

Soon it became a habit of the Ghouls to hang out with me sometimes when they weren’t busy being on tour and all that.

It was endearing when the two Ghouls started referring me as “sorellina,” which meant little sister in Italian. And when I asked them how they knew the language, they replied with, “when you’re stuck hanging out with the Cardinal for months on end, you pick up a few things.”

I really tried not to play favorites, but between Swiss and Aether, Swiss and I undoubtedly had a stronger connection. We had many things in common surprisingly, despite him being a demon and me being a human.

Rain was pretty friendly with me occasionally. We’d probably be closer if he wasn’t so shy, but I didn’t want to force him to be friends if that’s not what he wanted. And Mountain...he kinda keeps to himself. He’s not rude to me, but he’s not exactly social. Neither were the Ghoulettes.

Dewdrop on the other hand was a whole ‘nother story. He wasn’t exactly hostile, but he definitely not friendly.

Anytime we’d cross paths, he would almost always glare and I’d sometimes hear a quiet growl from underneath his mask. If I was reading a book in the ministry’s library that he also wanted to read, he wouldn’t hesitate to snatch it right out of my hands. Sometimes leaving light scratches from his claws. If I were to retaliate in any way, I’d get a spew of harsh words thrown at me.

What confused me is he didn’t act this way when I first joined. He was nice and interested in my story. We were actually friends. So, I just didn’t understand what I did to him. I always try to be nice to everyone, so what could I have possibly done to make Dew so mean to me?

Swiss and Aether were no help at all. Sometimes they’d just say that’s how Dewdrop is, but I couldn’t help but take it personally.

After another less than pleasant encounter with Dewdrop that might’ve involved him spilling water all over me on purpose, I was determined to know what his problem was.

I was going to get answers, today.

I nervously adjusted my Grucifix that was around my neck and tried hyping myself up while walking down the halls of the ministry in search of the smallest Ghoul.

After searching around, I finally found him.

He was in one of the halls talking with Rain, making me more comfortable with confronting him with a Ghoul who actually liked me beside him.

My determined footsteps toward the two Ghouls echoed, making them turn their horned heads at me.

Rain’s eyes widened and looked down and he started fiddling with his thumbs, a pretty cute sight. But Dew, his eyes narrowed and his tail started thrashing back and forth.

“I need to talk with you, Dewdrop.” I tried to sound as stern as I could.

“I don’t want to talk with you.” He slightly growled.

“Why? Why are you so mean to me? We used to be friends! What the hell did I ever do to you, huh?” I raised my voice.

“I suggest you watch your mouth, Y/N. Leave, now.” He threatened.

“No! I’m not going anywhere until I get answers!”

“I said, leave!”

Suddenly, I was on the floor, bleeding through my clothes. Dewdrop had clawed me on my upper arm, through my sleeve and deep in my skin.

I looked up to see Rain panicked and Dewdrop backed up. He looked angry, but not at me.

The fire Ghoul quickly retreated, leaving Rain with me.

The shy Ghoul carefully helped me up and walked me to the infirmary, constantly asking if I was okay on the way there.

But unbeknownst to you, Dewdrop retreated to the library and immediately cursed himself for letting his temper get the best of him.

Ever since you joined the ministry, Dewdrop the prettiest human he ever laid eyes on. He loved being your friend. He loved getting to know you. Then he started developing feelings, and he wanted to be with you. But instead he couldn’t help but act like bratty child.

Apparently, word traveled fast in the ministry, for Swiss and Aether barged in and immediately started fussing at Dew for hurting their friend.

“You idiot! When you like someone, you don’t slice open their arm like a piece of ham!” Aether yelled.

“I was angry, okay!” The fire Ghoul yelled back. “She just kept asking questions...”

“Because she thinks you hate her!” Swiss voiced.

“But I don’t!”

The three Ghouls were then kicked out by the librarian because they were being too loud.

Swiss sighed. “You gotta make this right.”

Dewdrop nodded. “I know. Shut up.”

Admitting that he’s wrong was something that didn’t come easily to Dewdrop, but he knew that if he was going to have any chance of being with you, he had to bite the bullet and just apologize.

He also didn’t want Aether and Swiss to strangle him in his sleep...

He got some strange looks from some Clergy members for the way he was muttering to himself more and more the closer he got to you room, reminding himself that he likes you and doesn’t want to hurt you again. He just needs to control his temper.

Dew’s heart involuntarily started beating quicker once he was outside your door. He raised his fist to knock, but he hesitated.

He sighed. Come on, get it together, he told himself.

He finally knocked and anxiously waited for you.

When you opened the door and saw Dewdrop, you quickly tried to close the door. But the Ghoul put his foot in the door, not allowing you to close it.

“I’m not gonna hurt you.” He quickly called out.

You sighed and slowly opened the door all the way.

Dewdrop clearly saw the white bandage that was covering half your upper arm, a deep red slowly coming through, feeling even guilty than he did already. He saw the fear in your eyes that was directed at him, giving him the motivation to get his apology out in the open sooner.

“Y/N, I’m sorry for hurting you.”

You scoffed slightly. “Right...”

“I mean it. I just...when you ambushed me, it just made me angry. I didn’t mean to lash out.” Dewdrop looked down in shame.

“I just don’t understand. Why do you hate me?” Your voice trembled.

Dew looked up suddenly. “I don’t!” He raised his voice, immediately muttering out an apology when he saw you flinch. “I don’t hate you.”

He blushed furiously, but he was thankful his mask covered it. “I...” He huffed. Come on, just say it. “I like you. Okay? I just didn’t know how to act around you. At first, I hated that I liked you, so I was mad. But now, I realize I don’t want to be mad. I just want you.”

Your jaw dropped. Out of everything he could’ve said, you were not expecting that.

“Well, say something.” He tried not to raise his voice.

“Firstly, thank you for apologizing. I can tell that it’s not easy for you, which makes it even more more meaningful to me.” You smiled shyly.

When he saw you smile, Dew’s tail started twitching from behind him, interested in what you were going to say and really hoping that you didn’t hate him for acting so immature.

“Secondly, I’m really flattered. I never expected you to feel this way.”

Dewdrop frowned. “You don’t like me that way, do you?”

“I didn’t say that.” Dew’s ears perked up and tried not to smile. “I’ll admit, I’ve always been attracted to you. Even when we were friends. But I was kinda preoccupied trying to figure out why you didn’t like me.” You chuckled.

“Well, I promise from now on, I’ll never treat you that way again.”

“I’ll hold you to that.” You smiled.


Sorry for the sudden POV change. Oops.

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