multifandom - 22 (minors dni) - I write sometimes

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Hello! If You Still Take Requests May I Ask About Colin Ritman X Reader Story ? You Can Use She/her But

Hello! if you still take requests may I ask about Colin Ritman x reader story ? You can use she/her but they/them are also fine with me :) so the reader just started their career as an author and artist, they have published their first comic book that’s getting pretty popular in the uk and for now Colin is one of the biggest fans of the plot , art and in general the comic itself… He throughout the time also got a bit of interest and crush on the reader while watching interviews and videos of them on tv. You can think of how they met and what happens later on in the story! idk,,, I just thought it would be super cute and fluffy story but I’m literally so bad at writing haha,,,

Of course, sweet Anon! We love Colin love🥰

Warnings: Fluff. Just pure fluff is all I have to offer here.

2.9K Words🤙🏻


Your nerves were on fire. Your palms were sweaty, knees weak, and your whole body felt heavy. Standing on the side of the set, just out of sight of the various cameras that were pointed at the host of the show, waiting for your cue to come on. You just hoped you didn't throw up your mom's spaghetti all over your nicest sweater you wore for this specific occasion.

You were invited to be interviewed by one of the talking shows in your country to talk about your latest comic book that was published. Your career had only just started to take off, you never thought you'd be so popular, much less get invited to talk on national television. It all felt so surreal, you had to pinch yourself several times just to make sure you weren't dreaming.

"And with their latest comic in their horror mystery series that's flying off the shelves in almost every store in the UK, here with us today is the amazing: Y/n L/n!" The announced grinned widely and ushered you out from behind the curtain, the lights hitting your face as soon as you walked to him, a grin similar to his on your face, albeit a bit more nervous.

You tried to calm your rapidly beating heart as you took a seat in the seat next to him, crossing your legs and waving to the live audience as they cheered. "Thank you, thank you!" You chuckled happily.

"Okay, first off, when you first started your career as a comic book maker, did you expect to ever be greeted with such excitement?" He pointed to the audience, who started to cheer just as loudly as before.

"Uh, no!" You shook your head, a blush dusting your cheeks as the audience kept cheering, the host having to tell them to quiet down so he could talk.

"Well, obviously, the people love you!"

Yeah, the people did love you, but it seems one did more than the usual fan. The infamous Colin Ritman took an interest to your work, long before you were actually paid attention to, long before you were asked for interviews or brand deals. Colin had been paying attention to your work from the beginning. He had always been a comic book fan, a hobby he never really had time for anymore since working full time at Tuckersoft, but he worked hard to make time for you.

When it came to other things he was a fan of, and there weren’t that many, he almost always separated the artist from the work. He learned that most celebrities were dickheads and weren’t worth obsessing over, he didn’t understand it anyway. But then you came along and…well, he might’ve changed his mind a little bit.

He didn’t know where it even came from, the sudden weakness, as he viewed it. It’s not like you looked like an angel or anything spectacular. You were just a normal human being, with an incredible mind and artistic expression. He never even sought out to obsess over the newspapers to see if he could find a photograph of you. He was just sitting in his flat one day, the telly on just as background noise as he worked on a game, and you came on screen. One of your first interviews on live television, and he couldn’t look away for even a moment.

Colin had never felt starstruck before, but seeing you on screen in that moment, he thought that it would be the closest he’d ever get to the feeling. He found your nervousness endearing, it didn’t seem fake or overplayed, you looked genuine; and genuineness was a rare attribute in most artists, if not most people in the world. After that, he always made sure to read the tv listings or papers to see whenever you were scheduled to be interviewed or anything in the like. He couldn’t believe he had an actual infatuation with a person he’d never met. And neither could his boss, who made sure to tease him about it every chance he got, which was a lot because for a boss the man never actually seemed to work.

After over a year of having this admiration with you, Colin almost jumped off a balcony when he heard that one of your comics was being chosen to be made into a video game. The paper didn’t say which company it would be, and that immediately made Colin furious because he knew he was the best game programmer and he’d actually do your work justice better than whatever arsehole would be making it.

Colin’s furious thoughts came to an abrupt end when Mr. Thakur snapped his fingers in front of him. “Mate, get out of fantasyland. We’ve got a new client, or should I say, you’ve got a new client!”

Colin furrowed his sharp brows in confusion (and annoyance) at his boss’ declaration. “I don’t take clients.” He stated starkly.

“Well, you do now.”

“No, I don’t. Unless you don’t want this new game to be out by the time you want it, I’m not taking on any other projects.” Colin huffed in frustration.

“Fuck that, Ritman. This one is more important. It has the potential to really boost our popularity.” Not important? Not fucking important? Colin has never wanted to go off on his boss more than he did in that moment. I’ve spent hours upon hours trying to make this bullshit game for you and taking my personal time to try and make it work and you have the balls to say that it’s not fucking important, is what Colin wished he could say without getting fired. Honestly, he could’ve probably found a company that would’ve treated him better. But today was not that day, he just had to suck it up and entertain whatever bullshit project his boss would thrust upon him unfairly.

“Fine.” Colin sneered. “Who’s this sod of a client anyway?” As soon as Colin said those words, he almost had the breath knocked out of his lungs.

“Colin, may I introduce to you the one and only Y/n L/n.” Mr. Thakur continued to drone on with the introduction, but Colin couldn’t even hear what all he was saying. He couldn’t believe that you were standing right in front of him, he must’ve been dreaming, he had to have been. He quickly realized he hated feeling starstruck, it made him hyper aware that he must’ve been acting like a lunatic just staying at you but there was nothing he could do to stop himself. Not until his boss snapped him out of it of course. “This is our new client, we’re going to be making a game out of their comic books!”

Ah, so it was Tuckersoft. How did Colin not even notice that the company he worked for would be doing this? He was usually dismissive but he thought he’d at least have heard the excited whispers around the office. Maybe it was supposed to be really secretive. Mr. Thakur was excited about it, and Colin couldn’t help but to be as well even though he didn’t show it outwardly. He really hoped you didn’t hear him call you a sod client…

“Nice to meet you, Mr. Ritman.” You smiled widely, holding your hand out to shake his hand.

“Colin.” He said bluntly, a little too bluntly, clearing his throat subtly. “Just Colin is fine.” He shook your hand, trying not to feel gross about thinking how soft your skin was. Mr. Thakur side-eyed Colin, clearly noticing the slight tremor in his voice because since when was Colin ever nervous about anything? But thankfully, for once in his life, Mr. Thakur kept his mouth shut. 

It was surprisingly difficult to listen to anything anyone had to say as your team discussed the elements that they wanted incorporated into the game. Colin hated it, he hated this whole situation, he hated how excited he felt to be working on a game specifically for you. Much of Colin’s whole personality was strictly indifference, so being excited for anything was rare. It seemed like the concept was pretty decent, but if you had any sort of control of what you wanted, then of course it was going to be good.

Colin, being the talented designer he was, was always allowed to work from home, and this was no exception. The only real issue was that you would be working with him from whenever you had the time, to overlook everything and give any notes if you felt like it was needed. You had no game designing experience, but it was going to have your name on it so Colin supposed it was warranted. He just hoped he wouldn’t be too distracted with you looking over his shoulder.

It was only a couple months into the job that you finally had free time to go over to Colin’s flat to check in with his progress. He felt obligated to clean his place spotless, well, as spotless as he could with all the stuff he had. He felt like he should be somewhat presentable, even though he’s never felt the need to make any sort of effort for anyone. Another thing he hated was how nervous he felt about you seeing his progress, he wanted you to be happy with it, he didn’t know if his ego could handle you hating it in any way.

Colin lightly slapped himself as he heard you ring his doorbell, hyping himself up to be cordial as best he could. “Colin, hi!” You smiled sweetly as soon as he opened the door, already feeling his heart hammer inside his ribcage.

“Hi…” He coughed, “Uh, right, come in.” He stood aside to allow you to walk through the door frame, cringing at himself for the first time out of many that day he assumed. God, if he could just get over himself. But something you said quickly made him feel like a deer in headlights.

“You have my comics!” You pointed out with a happy grin. 

When Colin was frantically cleaning his flat in preparation for your arrival, he forgot the most important part he needed to tidy up (and hide): your various comic books that were scrawled over his coffee table. He was so used to reading them on his couch in the mornings he never even thought to hide them. “Uh, bought some, to get a feel for your style.” He stuttered, thankful he came up with a logical excuse even though it wasn’t articulated as smoothly as he wanted it to be.

“Oh, well, I appreciate that! Did you like them? Or did you just look at the art style?”

“I skimmed through it.” He lied more convincingly the second time. “I will one day though, just have to focus on this game for now. As you already know.”

“Yeah, yeah, of course!” Goddamn it, why did you have to be so nice? Why couldn’t you have just been an asshole? It sure would be easier to pay attention to the work instead of constantly stealing glances over at you. But unfortunately, that’s not how the next few months went.

It wasn’t bad, per say. Just more than a little awkward from time to time. Colin was severely unsociable as it was, but you just cranked that up to eleven once you started spending more and more time with him. Colin never thought he’d want to have more social skills, but that was before he met you. Now he just wished he could get a proper sentence out that could make you smile, even just a little bit. The only smiles he got from you was when you saw his progress, which was nice but it wasn’t the same as it would be for him to make you smile himself.

On the other side of this coin, Mr. Thakur hounded Colin every chance he got. Every time he could get a word in about how he needed this game to be perfect in every way or any minute flaw, he never hesitated to pester Colin about it. It was getting on his very last nerve and the only time he could get a moment’s peace was when he was with you.

Colin still couldn’t believe how angelic you seemed. You were his complete opposite and yet, he found you incredibly enjoyable to be around. You never got frustrated, at least not with him. Any error or bump in the road of making your game never seemed to get to you. You were so patient with everyone. He’d never admit this out loud, but Colin admired you. He also never thought he’d be scared to speak his mind.

It took longer than expected, but Colin finally made you laugh one night. It took him completely by surprise too. The two of you had a couple drinks after you convinced Colin he needed to give his eyes a break from staring at a screen all day, and you both were just sitting on the floor against his couch, sharing stories and opinions, just trying to get to know each other. He told a dumb joke, a dark one at that, so you could imagine his surprise when you broke out laughing. Full on, deep from the belly laugh. Maybe it was the alcohol, maybe it was because of how late into the night it was, but Colin knew he would remember that laugh forever; especially the look of embarrassment on your face after you couldn’t stop laughing.

Then the late night drinks became a regular thing, so regular that Colin thought about prolonging finishing the game just so he could see you almost every day. But of course, there were deadlines and the game was so close to being done that he could see the finish line. He couldn’t do that, not to you. You were so excited, you loved everything about it, praises spilling from your mouth before it was even done. He couldn’t possibly prolong it without feeling like an absolute knob. So he completed it, before the deadline with the finishing touches and all; but it made him feel so sad.

Colin didn’t want whatever the two of you had to end. He wanted to continue that…partnership.

It was at the game release party at the company that he finally got up the courage to ask.

You were wearing a cheesy Christmas outfit, to match the theme of the party since the game came out around then; bright red with white puffballs down the middle to mimic Santa, he hated Christmas but it looked good on you. You were smiling ear to ear as the reviews started pouring in from the presale testers, encouraging everyone and anyone to play the game because they thought it was so well done. He couldn’t help the warm fuzzy feeling that rose in his chest as you wiped away happy tears from your cheeks.

As the party died down and everyone started to leave, Colin knew this was his last chance to talk to you. Everyone was talking to you throughout the night, wanting to give their obligatory two cents, not allowing him a chance to even congratulate you. So he finally let out a relieved sigh as his coworkers started to head home. “I barely saw you tonight.” Colin spoke with a chuckle as he went to stand next to you by the windows that looked out on the city, all brightly lit up with red and green and the slightest hint of snow starting to dust the rooftops of smaller buildings.

“I know!” You grinned exhaustedly. “I’m still not used to people wanting to talk to me all the time.”

“Well, I just wanted to congratulate you on the oncoming success.”

“I should be the one congratulating you, are you kidding me? You’re the one who made this possible. You did the work, my name is just attached to it.”

“Give yourself some credit, you had the concept. You could’ve found any other prick to make the game for you.” Colin blushed.

“I couldn’t imagine anyone else doing it.” You spoke softly, looking down on the city to distract yourself from your quickly heating cheeks as Colin gave you a look of admiration.

“You know I…” Colin hesitated, taking a deep breath before continuing, “I was actually a fan of yours, before you came to us.”

“Wait, really?”

“Yeah. I was just too much of a coward to actually admit that. All those comics of yours you saw in my flat months ago, had them all long before you came along. Pretty embarrassing, right?”

“No, not embarrassing at all!” You smiled, nudging his side with your elbow. “You could’ve told me, I would’ve been flattered. I am now.”

“At first, I felt like we may have gotten off on the wrong foot. But then it was just so easy to be around you, like, we had always been friends, if that’s not weird of me to say.” You shook your head, gesturing for him to continue. “With the game finally over and done, I don’t want to go back to never seeing each other again. I know it’s just been a partnership but…I want to be more than that. Friends, at the very least.”

Colin’s heart flipped in his chest as he saw your soft dreamy expression, your eyes practically pleading with want as your breath caught in your throat. It was a sight to behold, the view almost pushing him to do something about it, though he would wait for you to respond. But the sight of you licking your lips before speaking was testing his self-restraint. “I would love to have…more than a partnership.” You spoke meekly, looking up at him through your lashes with a smirk.




short n' sweet. hope that was fluffy enough for you lmao

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More Posts from Ultraintrovertedgryffindor

Okay now I wanna write that into a fic I think it would be so funny for aemond to get a dose of his own medicine. He’s be like 😳😳😳. The way I see it is that if you don’t want to be scared of someone, just scare them back even more. Maybe I’m fucked up, maybe it’s the mental illness, who knows? 😂 either way itd be hilarious cause that dude needs to get knocked down a few pegs despite the fact I love him so much

Dude, do iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit!!! Reader gonna be like Cassie in Euphoria

Okay Now I Wanna Write That Into A Fic I Think It Would Be So Funny For Aemond To Get A Dose Of His Own

Aemond, thoroughly horrified: That's not something to be fucking proud of, Y/n!


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Debt To Be Paid - Aemond Targaryen

i thought, what if I was in this situation what would I do? I thought, maybe if I had balls of steel I could give Aemond what he wanted. That sprouted this fucked up piece of fiction. Basically Reader replaced Lucerys

Warnings: body horror, mutilation, eye loss, sadism, blood, pain kink, knife kink, incest, noncon grinding, think that's it? If it wasn't obvious, MINORS DNI. There's not really smut but it's still very explicit.

1.7K Words🤙🏻

part two can be found here


Debt To Be Paid - Aemond Targaryen


You froze as you heard that familiar low voice call out, a fearful chill running down your spine that made you hesitant to turn back around to face him.

You knew this had all been a mistake, ever since you arrived. As soon as you saw the she-dragon, Vhagar, sitting outside the walls of Storm’s End, you knew that you should’ve hopped back onto your hatchling of a dragon and went back home to Dragonstone. But you couldn’t do that, not when your mother counted on you for your support. You had to see this through.

But the Lord Borros had all but humiliated you, insulting you and your mother, the rightful Queen. And your uncle, the prince, decided that your failure in gaining an ally for your mother wasn’t embarrassing enough. No, he saw this chance for revenge right there in front of him and couldn’t help himself but to take it. So, reluctantly, you turned back to face your uncle to anxiously await whatever he now had in store for you.

Your uncle as always looked at you in something akin to disgust, like you were a bug that needed to be squashed underneath his boot. But there was always a rage right behind that disgust, just below the surface, almost invisible to an untrained eye. Ever since you took his eye all those years ago, you had become well accustomed to his gaze fixed on you whenever you both were in the same vicinity. You hadn’t seen him since that last feast with the late King, clearly still sore and vengeful, insulting you and your brothers calling you bastards. Something was different then, an expression on his face that you couldn’t quite place even when you tried. A look he had given you, especially when you tried fighting back after he pushed your older brother to the floor that night. You had quickly given up trying to understand your uncle, he was too mysterious and aloof to understand.

“Princess Strong.” Prince Aemond spoke with a ghost of a smirk on his lips, keeping his predatory gaze fixed on you as you took a couple steps forward with a scowl. “Did you really think that you could just fly about the realm trying to steal my brother’s throne at no cost?”

You scoffed quietly, your heart hammering in your chest before you spoke your mind foolishly. “The throne was already stolen, my prince,” Usurper, “by your family. If you are looking for a fight, I’m afraid I must decline. I came here as a messenger only.”

Prince Aemond sneered, a growl bubbling in his throat at your insolence, also amused that you think you would last even a second into a fight. You probably wouldn’t even be able to unsheathe your sword in time. “No,” His voice boomed, reaching up and removing his eyepatch, revealing the bright blue sapphire in his empty eye socket. “I want you to put out your eye, as payment for mine.”

You inhaled sharply, your eyes almost immediately glazing over in fear, but you didn’t allow anyone to see it. You held your head up high as your uncle removed his dagger from his sheath, tossing to the floor that slid halfway to where you stood. “One will serve. I would not blind you.” He hummed in amusement at your shocked expression. “I plan to make a gift of it to my mother.”

You looked down at the knife in terror, your hands shaking at the thought of going through with it. You had prayed to the gods every night that this wouldn’t be your penance. You had hoped your guilt and broken nose that night would have been enough. The Queen Alicent had almost had her justice that night as well if it weren’t for your mother protecting you. Maybe this was always meant to happen, maybe this was the gods telling you that it was finally time to pay the price for seriously harming a member of your family. You knew you couldn’t hide from your guilt forever, you knew you couldn’t keep getting away with it. What would happen if you ran away yet again? It would just keep prolonging the inevitable.

“I will have your eye or your life, dear niece.” Aemond growled dangerously.

You took a deep breath as you made your decision, trying to clear your mind as you took the short steps it took to reach the dagger on the concrete flooring. With shaking hands, you picked up the weapon, seeing your fearful expression reflecting back at you through the steel, mocking you. You pressed your fingertip to the pointed edge, gasping as the edge easily pierced through your skin, letting you know just how sharp it was. In theory, it might’ve been relatively easy…

You looked back up at your uncle, eagerly watching your every move in anticipation, his expression almost in shock that you were actually considering it. Growing up, you were taught how to fight, how to build up your pain tolerance, but holding the heavy blade in your hand, you didn’t know if you could actually go through with it by yourself. Before you could think over it any longer, you held the dagger outstretched to prince Aemond, holding the blade part in your hand. “I took your eye, uncle, it would only be fair if…” You shuddered, tears coming to your eyes, “if you were to take mine yourself as well.” You felt like you were going to throw up. You couldn’t believe you were about to allow this to happen.

Aemond’s eye lit up, his sapphire glimmering in the candle light and occasional lighting strike, and you swore you could almost see a smile playing at the corner of his lips.

You fought the urge to step back and run away as your uncle stalked towards you, looking at you as though he could easily devour you whole. You shivered as he took the blade from your hand, his skin very briefly brushing against yours. He looked at the blade for a moment with a small smirk. “Although I would’ve rather been entertained seeing you take your own eye, I imagine this would be more cathartic. As you said, niece, it’s only fair.”

You almost let out a scream as prince Aemond grabbed a hold of your shoulder tightly, pulling you close to him, almost touching your chest to his, his eye looking down at you menacingly, savoring your expression and saving it to memory. “As I am a man of mercy, I will allow you the choice of which eye you would prefer to lose, princess.”

“Whichever may please you, uncle.” You stuttered tearfully, not having the strength to be ashamed of crying in front of him.

“You took my left eye, so I shall take yours as well.”

You took hold of Aemond’s arm that was holding onto your shoulder tightly, the other grabbing onto his thick coat, attempting to brace yourself for the oncoming pain you were going to feel at your uncle’s hand. You must’ve surprised him because he stared down at your hands for a moment before looking back into your eyes, his gaze heavy lidded and almost sultry. You would’ve felt the stiff tent in his pants pressing against you if it weren’t for the coolness of the sharp steel lightly pressing against your cheek.

“I’ve been waiting for this moment ever since that night, dear niece. Forgive me for wanting to savor this as long as I can.” Aemond couldn’t keep in the low groan as he stared at your tearstained face; the whole world falling away and leaving just the two of you together, uncle and niece, enemies, and a debt to be paid.

Aemond’s hand on your shoulder traveled up to hold the side of your face, his thumb gently rubbing away a fallen tear, lifting his dagger up to the corner of your lower lid, licking his lips before pressing in harshly.

As you stared in the face of destiny, there was a moment where you thought you would try your best to hold in your screams, but as soon as you felt the blade press into your eye, all those thoughts went out the window and were crushed by the excruciating pain you were now experiencing. Aemond grinned as you didn’t hold back, screaming and sobbing as he cut into your eye socket, careful and not wanting to completely ruin the eye itself. 

Your hands were holding on and digging into Aemond’s coat with a vice grip, unable to control yourself, your body going into fight or flight survival mode and trying its best to get away from the danger. But Aemond was strong, much stronger than you, and it almost seemed like he had no difficulty keeping your head in place to continue mutilating you. It was the most pain you’ve ever felt in your entire life, nothing could compare. Nothing. It was searing, blinding. You couldn’t see anything, even the eye that was still intact wasn’t retaining its vision. You couldn’t even feel anything else. You couldn’t feel the thick, hot blood running down your face. You couldn’t feel Aemond’s hand on your face. You couldn’t feel the rest of your body, your hands were numb and tingling from how hard they were holding on to your uncle. You couldn’t feel Aemond’s hard on that was subtly grinding against you as you screamed and cried. You were thankful you didn’t eat anything before flying to Storm’s End or else it would definitely be coming up.

You heard Aemond let out a prolonged groan then a short breathy laugh as your eye finally came free, slimy blood coating the tiny organ that was cupped gently in his palm. Even when it was over, you felt no relief, all that was left was pure white hot pain. You didn’t even register that you were being held up by your uncle with one hand after the deed was done, your legs entirely gave out from underneath you and you craved the sweet release of death just to be rid of the pain. You weren’t even holding onto Aemond anymore, your arms hanging loosely by your sides.

Only then your vision came back, but now only half of it.

You saw Aemond holding up your left eye in pride, staring at your blood and sweat covered face with an almost impressed expression. “Are…” You tried to speak, but it came out mumbled and shaky, “are you pleased now, u-uncle?”

Prince Aemond smiled. “Oh, my dear niece, more than you could ever know.”


my first thought was: Storm's End but make it romantic cause I'm mentally ill...if you can even call what I wrote romantic🙈 (it was to me cause like i said, i'm mentally ill)

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After reading “Debt to be paid” i have some thoughts. Imagine if reader was just fucking crazy and when aemond told her to take her eye out, she’s like okay bet and gouges her own eye out without even flinching and then hands it to him with a smile on her face. I think aemond would be like “mark me down as scared AND horny”. I’m all about the shock value so that’s probably what I would do in that scenario (it’s the mental illness lmao)

We stan the mental illness lmaooo. That would be hilarious honestly. I definitely wouldn't be able to do that, I have a very very low pain tolerance when it comes to my eyes and I'm already near sighted so i'm basically blind already, I wouldn't be able to give up my eye willingly, no matter how delicious Aemond is😂 Besides, I will take any chance to be even remotely close to that dude and I like the intimacy of being physically hurt by someone🙃

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🎶✨when u get this, list 5 songs u like to listen to, publish. then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers 🎶✨

Christ, just 5? There's like 12 songs that are stuck in my head every single day. God uhhhhh,,,guess I'll just list the ones I've been listening to repeatedly this week

Through the Flames by Lacuna Coil (just that whole Black Anima album really)

Custer by Slipknot

Sleepwalking Past Hope by HIM

The Loch Ness Monster by Pow Pow Family Band

Dead Butterflies (Abbey Road Version) by Architects

Jesus. The songs I listen to change every day lmao but those are the ones this week I guess

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hi ! sorry to bother you , but do you mind doing a trick smut ? ( the owen teague character from black mirror ) it could be anything but yk just some sweet stuff , him being a dork and teasing the reader . and if you want just a little bit of drugs involved

Aw, no bother at all, lovely. Yes, of course! I've never gotten an Owen Teague request before so this got me excited lol

Warnings: SMUT (MINORS DNI), breaking and entering, drug use (coke, specially), oral (f!receiving), fluff, and I'm probably supposed to say don't do drugs so...Don't Do Drugs™ Just Say No™

2.4K Words🤙🏻


You bit the dead skin off your fingers as you watched Trick climb over the fence of some abandoned water park, claiming that it had been that way for years and no one was guarding it anymore. He kept telling you that it was safe to explore, but you still felt your heart threaten to beat out of your chest as he encouraged you to follow after him.

“Come on, Y/n, no alarms have gone off yet!” He called out beyond the fence with a tired grin.

You looked back and forth between him and the bright yellow no trespassing sign, groaning as you finally made up your mind. “Fine. But if we get caught, I’m saying you forced me.” You started climbing the chain link fence as Trick giggled maniacally.

“That is technically what I’m doing, yes.” You playfully punched his shoulder with a huff as you made it over the fence. “Chill out, babydoll, it’ll be fun. Live a little.” He took you by your hand and ran off, leading you deeper into the park.

Despite being in constant anxiety that the cops would suddenly show up and arrest the two of you, Trick actually got you to have some fun.

“Woah, this pool is just filled with rain water.” Trick called out, beckoning you over to where he was. “Should we?”

“Uh, no thanks. It’s freezing and I’d rather not be soaking wet.” Trick only smirked mischievously at you. “No.” You scolded, but his smirk grew wider as he turned to you. “Ryan, no! Ah-!” He moved so fast there was nothing you could do. He grabbed you by the hips and pushed you as hard as he could into the pool, freezing water enveloping you whole. “Dick!” You gasped as soon as you resurfaced, only to get the water splashed back into your face as he jumped in after you.

“Woo! That just wakes you up, doesn’t it!” He laughed.

“Jerk.” You splashed him as you pouted, goosebumps raising all over your skin. Trick swam closer to you, pulling at your waist. “No, nope.” You tried swimming away but he already caught you, pulling you to him and wrapping your legs around his torso.

“You’re cute when you’re mad.” He teased, lightly kissing your nose. “Wow, you’re so cold.”

You scowled. “Oh really? I wonder why that is.” Trick smiled as he grabbed your face, pulling you close and passionately kissing you as you both floated in the water. You moaned as he grinded your hips on his, an aching arousal starting to develop and you could feel his smirk as he noticed. “This doesn't mean you’re forgiven for pushing me in here, jerk.”

“I’m sure I could remedy that, dolly. Want me to prove it to you? It’ll warm you up too.” You gasped quietly as one of his long fingers ghosted over your pussy, mentally cursing your clothes that clung to you.

“If it gets me out of this disgustingly cold pool, then yes.”

You and Trick couldn’t leave the park quicker, desperate for each other and desperate to get your soaking clothes off. It was hard enough to climb over the fence in the first place, it was even harder now that you weighed even more with all the water drenching your clothing.

Trick opened the back of the van and quickly ushered you in, pouncing on you as soon as he closed and locked the doors. “Ugh, god, I understand your annoyance now. So much harder to get these damn clothes off.” He chuckled as he tried peeling his shirt off with great difficulty, the collar getting caught on his head.

“And you have no one but yourself to blame.” You threw your own shirt at him, hitting him right in the face.

He pulled the wet shirt off with a faux offended expression. “How dare you!” He gasped dramatically.

“Me? How dare you!” You yelled back, pushing him on his back and straddling him, making sure to grind your hips down on his hardening cock as you kissed him, hearing him groan and feeling the vibrations tickling your mouth.

“Wait!” He pulled away with a smile. “You know what we should do?”

“Oh god, what?” You said in frustration.

“Drugs.” He lifted his eyebrows playfully before he crawled to the front of the van and came back with a little baggie full of white powder.

“Seriously?” You snickered.

“I’m super serious. You wanna try it? You don’t have to though, obviously. But I will see you as a scaredy cat.” He teased, but you knew he was only joking around. You knew he’d never pressure you to do anything.

You bit your lip in thought. “Okay, fine. I’ll try!” 

You watched as Trick lined up a few lines of powder neatly on a book he had laying around in the van, his face in full concentration, using his pinky to wipe away any excess and licking it off. “You wanna go first or…?”

“You should probably go first.” You giggled nervously, watching him quickly snort up the powder with a rolled up dollar bill intriguingly. He groaned as he tilted his head back, sniffing a bit more before handing the bill to you. 

“First thing, make sure not to breathe out when you’re lined up, or else you’ll blow the powder everywhere. Just go for it really, hold one nostril closed and tilt your head back after so it doesn’t fall out if you didn’t get all of it.”

“What if I sneeze?”

“You won’t sneeze.”

“What if it hurts?”

“It doesn’t.”

“What if-”

“Babydoll!” He interrupted with a laugh. “You’ll be fine, I’m right here.” He reassured, gently rubbing your back as you bent your head down to inhale the drug.

You did as he instructed. You just went for it, inhaling the whole line. He was right, it didn’t hurt, it was just a bit uncomfortable. It tickled as it entered your nose, making you cringe. It smelled sweet, but it tasted bitter as it started to drip at the back of your throat. “Ugh…” You wriggled your nose as your eyes watered, causing Trick to chuckle. “Don’t laugh at me.” You whined. “I don’t feel any different.”

“And you won’t, not immediately,” He kissed you, “but you will. Lay down.”

You exhaled shakily as Trick hovered above you, trailing sloppy kisses down your body, squeezing your bra covered breasts as he made his journey down until he got to your jeans. You both laughed as he struggled to get them off along with your underwear, the water making the material like a second skin. “Fuck…” You moaned out as he buried his face in your cunt, lapping up all your wetness and pushing his tongue into your entrance.

“Best part of my fuckin’ day.” He moaned, licking and sucking your sensitive clit. “I’m sure you’re warming up now, right, babe?” He chuckled, pulling you as close to him as humanly possible, resting your thighs on his shoulders. You moaned loudly, arching your back as he focused on your clit, your body buzzing with oversensitivity, but you couldn’t get enough of it. You could feel your heartbeat thrum in your chest, and you felt so restless. You wanted more, you needed more. You needed him inside you.

“Fuck me, Ryan.” You whined, rutting against his face as he kept going faster. “Please.” He finally stopped as he heard your begs. “I feel so hot all of a sudden.” You panted.

“Are you okay?” He asked as he removed his pants, settling in between your legs, but still waiting for your okay.

“Yes. I just need you.” You brought his face down to kiss you, tongues dancing with each other roughly before you pulled away with his bottom lip in between your teeth.

“Think you’re feeling it now.” He smiled, helping you remove your bra, your hardened nipples practically calling out to be touched. You hummed blissfully as he latched onto one of your nipples with his mouth, trailing up to kiss you once more before finally bringing his cock to your pussy.

You sighed out as Trick rubbed his dick in between your slick folds, the head of his cock bumping against your throbbing clit before he finally sunk into your cunt, stretching you out deliciously. He moaned roughly as he felt your walls clench around him as he went deeper and deeper into you, slowly pulling out slightly before sinking in further. 

You took deep breaths to try and relax yourself so you could take him fully, his girth making you struggle. Trick brought his thumb down to lightly rub your clit, eliciting a moan from you as he was finally able to bottom out, filling you to the hilt. He grinded against you until you were ready for him to thrust, the tip of his cock hitting the ends of you, the feeling making your eyes roll to the back of your head. “Fuck, you’re so tight, babydoll. You still feel like a goddamn virgin, even after all this time.” Trick chuckled darkly, starting to thrust in and out of you slowly.

Trick’s pupils were blown wide as he looked down at where the two of you were conjoined, smirking at the sight of his cock glimmering with your arousal, leaving thin trails of stringy slick every time he pulled out and coating his pelvis and your inner thighs. “Shit, you’re so wet. Can you hear? Can you hear your pussy singing, baby?” He cooed, thrusting faster and deeper, the slapping of your damp skin against one another's reverberating around the inside of his messy van.

“Fuck, Ryan!” You cried out as his cock kept hitting that sweet spot inside you over and over again. “You feel so good.” You whimpered, lifting your head as you felt something tickle on your chest. “What-?”

Trick had poured a line of coke onto your tit, holding one nostril closed as he snorted up all the white powder from your skin, holding his head back and looking up towards the van ceiling as he moaned loudly, his thrusts slowing as he focused on sniffing all the contents down. He smiled widely at you, leaning down again to lick up all the residue on your breast and pulling a nipple into his mouth, licking and sucking until you felt the nipple go numb from the drug. “Feels so weird.” You giggled, pulling at your nipple and feeling barely anything.

“Here.” Trick moved for you to straddle his lap, dipping his car key into the little baggie of powder and offered it up to you. You mirrored his smile as you allowed him to put the key up to your nose, his pointer finger pinching your other nostril shut and watched intently as you sniffed up the drug with a groan.

You cringed at the tickly intrusion, the taste bitter as it dripped down your throat once more. “I don’t think I’ll ever get used to that.” You swallowed harshly, rubbing away the leftover powder that didn’t make it into your nose.  

Trick kissed your cheek with an amused smile. “Well, you never have to take it again then.”

“I didn’t say I never wanted to.” You smirked, slowly moving your hips against him, causing him to groan quietly, his pupils almost completely taking over his bright blue iris’. “You’re so pretty, you know?” You kissed him passionately, his slightly cold hands running up your back and causing goosebumps to raise all over your skin. “You fuck me so well.” You whispered in his ear, following that by biting his earlobe gently.

“Oh yeah?” He panted. “Compared to who?” He teased, knowing fully well he’s the only one you’ve ever slept with.

“No one.”

“Exactly, and that’s exactly how it’s gonna stay. Okay, babydoll?” He growled, flipping you over on your back, pinning your wrists above your head as he licked and bit the sensitive skin of your neck, forcing you to stay still as you couldn’t help but squirm. You opened your mouth as Trick brought up his fingers to your face, licking and sucking on them until he pulled them away and started to rub your clit in between your bodies. “I can feel how close you are. Can you come for me, dolly?” He panted, thrusting into you as fast as he could.

You cried out, clinging to him, your grip on his shoulders sure to leave bruises the next morning. “Oh god…” You moaned, your legs shaking as they tried to stay wrapped around his hips. “Oh fuck, I’m gonna come, baby.” You almost hyperventilated, a strong and intense tidal wave of pleasure knocking the breath out of you, a strangled groan escaping your lips as you finally reached that peak. You were sure the drug had something to do with how strong it was, you could honestly say it was the best orgasm you had ever had. “Fuck…”

Trick throbbed and pulsed inside you, his moans getting louder and louder, signaling that he was close too. “Tell me you love me.” He moaned, his thrusts speeding up if that were even possible.

“I love you, Ryan…so, so much.” You repeated back to him, your eyes spilling over with your overstimulated tears.

“Say you’re never gonna leave me.”

“I’m never gonna leave you. Never ever.” You spasmed, another orgasm taking over your body out of nowhere, your words jumpstarting your nerves and allowing you one more. “Fuck, I love you!” You cried, your walls clenched down on him harshly, causing him to grunt loudly as he stilled inside you and letting out a breathless moan as he finally came, releasing and painting your inner walls with his cum.

Trick sighed heavily as he pulled out and laid beside you, grabbing you and pulling you close so that your head rested on his sweaty chest. “That was amazing…” He chuckled breathlessly. “We should fuck on coke more often.”

“And after being high on the adrenaline of breaking and entering, of course.”

“So you’re saying we can do this again?”

“No, no, no-”

“Too late, I’m already planning it in my head.”

“Are you even sure there’s anything in that pretty little head of yours after fucking me that hard?” You teased, eliciting an oversensitive gasp from him after running your fingers up his cock.

He scoffed with a smile. “You are evil. I could ask you the same thing.” He tried to reach for your pussy but you quickly stopped him, grabbing his hand and pushing it away. “You’re only proving my point.”

“Oh, do shut up.”


baby boy trick, he deserved better☹

and like, I tried coke last month and it didn't even do anything? either I didn't take enough or it doesn't work on antidepressants. oh well. don't do drugs™

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