The Band Ghost Smut - Tumblr Posts

Swiss Ghoul (Ghost) 18+

I realized a while ago that I always shoulder shimmy whenever I hear a song with a particularly good beat (usually Hispanic music lol), so it was about time I wrote something about Multi.

Warning: The reader has night terrors. I don’t have night terrors myself, so I apologize if I portray it incorrectly! +SMUT.

Edit: I’m adding smut at the end of this...don’t know why. This would be the first time writing something so explicit. So, 18+ 18+ 18+!!!


Every night, you’d get these horrible night terrors.

It started when you were a young, after your parents died. You’d always cry or scream in your sleep. You went to the church’s Priestess for help, but she told you that there was nothing she could do. You prayed to your lord every night, hoping that he could take away your suffering. He never answered.

Eventually, almost a week of screaming every night, it was decided to move your room to the most secluded part of the abbey. You didn’t blame them. You were sure you’d get tired of listening to your screams every night too.

You knew everyone felt sorry for you, but you didn’t need their pity. You just wanted one good nights sleep...was that too much to ask?

In your room, no human could hear your screams. No human. But unfortunately, the Ghouls could. Curse their super hearing...

The Ghouls didn’t have to tell you that they could hear you, you could tell by the way they looked at you with pitiful stares every time you’d pass them in the halls in the mornings. You felt so embarrassed... 

The worst part for you was everyone in the abbey treating you like you were made of glass. You had lived with night terrors for so long now that you knew how to make sure that you didn’t get hurt. You did not need their help with that.

After one practically awful incident, you grew more and more careful of how you slept. It was when you were living in foster care, about a year after your parents died. You had already dealt with the night terrors, but that night, you got hurt. You don’t usually remember what happens when you have these episodes, but your foster parents told you that you flailing around so hard that you fell off your bed, hitting your head on the bedside table in the process.

You had to deal with the risk of getting concussions after that, and ever since you’d make sure to wherever you slept was basically safe enough for a child.

After becoming a Sister of Sin, the night terrors mellowed out for a while, but it didn’t last.

You sighed, pushing your fork around, some scrambled eggs and a sausage being the only thing left on your plate. You looked around the mess hall, it was pretty empty. You were usually one of the first ones to arrive for breakfast since you rarely got your full eight hours.

Even if the night terrors were detrimental to your sleep, you were still thankful you didn’t remember them. But ever since you got hurt, you’ll admit, you’ve been afraid of sleeping. Nowadays, you get about four or five hours every night at the most.

You suddenly think back to a psychology class where your teacher said that lack of sleep can cause early deaths and heart attacks...oh well.

“Good morning, Y/N!” Swiss’ voice called out, making you drop your silverware in shock.

“Morning.” You sighed and yawned.

“Sleep well?” He asked, making you glare at him. He grinned nervously, knowing full well of your predicament. “Bad joke? Sorry...”

Being annoyed, you still chuckle. “It’s alright.”

“Gonna eat that?” He asked, pointing at your neglected eggs and sausage.

You smiled weakly, and pushed the plate over to Swiss. “Knock yourself out.”

Swiss licked his lips in anticipation, a puddle of drool already pooling on the table. He grabbed your previously held fork and stabbed it into the greasy piece of meat. He lifted up the impaled sausage and brought it to his mouth, only to bite the bitter metal of the fork.

Swiss whined and looked around for the culprit of his stolen breakfast, only to see Dewdrop already scoffing it down. “Hey! That was mine!” Swiss fussed.

Dewdrop grinned and sucked off the leftover grease that coated his fingers. “You don’t eat sausage with a fuckin’ fork. You were basically asking for it to be stolen.”

“Civilized Ghouls use their manners!” Swiss growled.

“Swiss, when has Dewy ever been civilized?” You chuckled, making Dewdrop narrow his eyes at you.

“I told you not to call me that, brat.” He growled.

“Ha! You’re calling me a brat?!” You laughed loudly.

“You wanna meet your maker early?!” Dewdrop shouted.

“Ugh, children. Stop fighting!” Aether said suddenly, sitting down beside you, opposite of Swiss, making you feel quite protected from Dew’s empty threats.

“She started it!” Dewdrop pointed a sharp claw at you.

“If you wanna get technical, it actually Swiss that started it.”

“What?!” Swiss squeaked.

Dewdrop suddenly grinned evilly. “You know what, you’re absolutely right.” He said, Swiss immediately begging for his life before Dewdrop tackled him to the floor.

You and the rest of the Ghouls watched in amusement as Dewdrop and Swiss wrestled each other on the floor, Aether enjoyed his breakfast while watching the show.

“Hey! Hey!” 

You all looked to see Sister Imperator storming towards the group, a spray bottle in hand. She quickly sprayed a still fighting Dew and Swiss with water, forcing them to break apart.

“You Ghouls are supposed to be at practice soon! Copia is gonna waiting!”

The Ghouls suddenly remember that they had to go on tour soon, frowning when they had to leave you alone. But shooed them off anyway, you didn’t want to be the cause of their possible punishments for blowing off work.

“We’ll hang out later, okay?” Swiss smiled at you, showing his pearly white teeth, water still dripping off his silver mask.

You nodded and smiled, but frowned as soon as his back turned and headed off to the studio where they usually practiced. “Y/N,” Sister Imperator said, “can I talk to you?”

You held your breath for a moment, nervous about the grim look on her face, but you answered anyway. “Yes, of course, Sister.”

Sister took a seat where Aether previously sat, and put a gentle hand on your shoulder. “Your terrors haven’t stopped.” She stated.

You furrowed your eyebrows. “H-how...?”

“The Ghouls.” She answered. “They haven’t been getting much sleep lately. The band is suffering because of this. They just can’t focus on their music due to lack of sleep.”

You looked down embarrassed. “Sister...I’m-”

“I know it’s not your fault, dear. But...” She sighed. “It needs to stop or else they won’t be tour ready.”

Your heart almost stopped. “...are you kicking me out?” You almost cried.

“No, no, no!” She said. “Not permanently.” You nodded tearfully. “It would only be until they go on tour, dear. I promise. It’s just...they need their sleep to get the most out their practice time.”

“I understand.” You said, your voice barely passing a whisper.

“You won’t be homeless. We’ve already set up a living arrangement with a member of the church that’ll be happy to house you for awhile. Okay?”

“When do I leave?”

“Anytime tomorrow.”

You bit your lip to keep it from trembling. “Okay...I’ll go pack now if that’s okay with you Sister.” You said and got up without waiting for an answer.

You dug your nails into the soft material of your habit, willing yourself not to break down on your way to your room.

The waterworks started flowing at soon as you closed your door, throwing yourself onto the familiar comforting feeling of your bed, remembering that you wouldn’t have this bed until you got back.

It made you cry for hours, until you fell asleep...

You suddenly gasped awake, quickly trying to escape the claustrophobic feeling you felt around you. “Hey, hey, hey...shh...” You heard.

You looked up, and quickly realized who the voice belonged to. “Swiss...” You smiled, but Swiss didn’t smile. He looked worried. “What?”

You tried to sit, finding it difficult when you suddenly felt a sharp pain in the palms of your hands and forearms. You hissed in pain and looked at your arms. They were covered in scratches, and your palms had deep crescent shaped indents in them, all bleeding.

“Y/N...” Swiss frowned. “We got to take you to the infirmary.”

“No, no.” You groaned. “It’s okay. I have a first aid kit in my closet. Bottom shelf, I think.”

Swiss immediately rummaged through your closet and pulled out the kit, bringing it over to you as you sat up. “Does this happen often?” He asked while take out some antibiotic ointment.

You sighed. “Not really. I usually don’t hurt hasn’t happened in a long time.”

“I didn’t know it could get this bad...” Swiss gently took your arm, uncapping the tube. “I’m sorry.”

You smiled. “It’s not your fault. If anything, I’m the one who’s sorry.”

Swiss briefly gave you a confused look, continuing to treat your self inflicted wounds. “What do you mean?”

“Sister...she told me I’ve been keeping you all awake because screaming. You Ghouls have always had better hearing than humans.” You laughed nervously.

Swiss’ eyes darkened. “She told you that?”

You nodded. “Practice hasn’t been going very well for you guys.”

Swiss sighed and shook his head, starting to wrap your hands with gauze. “I...yeah, it’s true. But it’s not your fault!”

“You’ve lost sleep because of me! How is that not my fault?”

“You can’t control what you do in your sleep, Y/N.”

“I have to leave tomorrow.” Your statement made Swiss halt his actions. “I have to stay at a Clergy member’s house until the band goes back on tour.”

“Fuck that.” Swiss suddenly said, making you blink in shock. “I’m not letting you leave.”

You chuckled bitterly. “It’s not like you have a choice.”

“I don’t care. You don’t deserve to be kicked out, even if it’s temporary. because of something you can’t control. I will go on strike, hell, all of us will.”

“Swiss...” You tried to scold, the determination in his voice making it hard for you to crush his hopes.

“Nope. Shut up.”

“Swiss.” You laughed.

“I’ll talk to Sister Imperator. I’ll convince her to let you stay.” Swiss said, looking you in the eyes. “Okay?”

You sighed in defeat. “...okay.”

Swiss finally finished treating your wounds, and put the first aid kit back in the closet. “Move over.” He ordered when he got back over to your bed.

You were confused but listened anyway. “What time is it?” You asked.

“Hmm, about ten.” He said and sat beside you.

You frowned. “You should probably leave then.”

“No, I’m staying with you.” Swiss said, making you blush. “If you want that it. Maybe it’ll sleep better?”

“Swiss, I don’t wanna hurt you.”

Swiss giggled. “I don’t know if you remember, but I’m a Ghoul babe. You’d have to be really freaking strong to even leave a scratch on me.”

You giggled. “Okay then. Fine.” You said and snuggled up against Swiss, finding his muscular body quite comfortable.

“I’ll make sure you don’t hurt yourself again.” You heard him whisper before his warmth lulled you into a deep sleep.

The next morning, you woke up still in Swiss’ arms. You found it surprising that you hadn’t scared him away. You looked up to see a sleeping Swiss. His mask was slightly crooked, showing a tiny bit of skin underneath. You smiled when you heard his soft snores. You always found him adorable.

But you frowned, remembering that you had to leave the abbey had to leave Swiss.

You reached up and gently poked his jaw, him groaning in reply. “Hmm?”

“It’s morning.” You said softly, looking back towards your window that had sunrays shining through.

“Oh, really?” Swiss yawned, finally opening his eyes to look at you. “Guess what?”

“What?” You smiled.

“You didn’t scream in your sleep.” He smiled.

“Really?” You almost shouted, making Swiss wince slightly.

“Mhm, you didn’t even more around that much. You mumbled a little, but other than that, you pretty much slept like a baby.”

“Huh...that’s odd. I mean, it’s great but still, kinda odd. That doesn’t usually happen. I guess that means the others Ghouls finally got some sleep too.” You laughed.

“Oh, don’t worry about them. You should be focusing on yourself.” Swiss snuggled into your neck, the cold metal raising goosebumps all over your body.

“I have to leave today...” You frowned. Swiss stayed silent, not loosing his grip on you. “Swiss...”

“I told you I’d take care of it.” Swiss said, slightly muffled. You sighed and decided to sit up, making Swiss groan. “No, come back.”

“I have start packing.” You started to get up but Swiss grabbed your wrist, pulling you back down and looking at you with an intense glare.

“I told you, I’d take care of it.” Swiss said and stood up. “Stay here. Don’t fucking leave.” He ordered.

You rolled your eyes and fake saluted him. “Yes, sir.”

As soon as Swiss left your room, you started packing your suitcase. It’s not like you didn’t trust Swiss’ abilities to talk his way out of any problem, but talking to Sister Imperator was a whole other thing. She wasn’t one to take anyone’s shit, so that was worrying.

You didn’t exactly know how Swiss was going to try to convince Sister, but you hoped he could anyway.

Meanwhile, Swiss gathered up his fellow Ghouls and explained the situation. Dewdrop made the mistake of joking around that he wouldn’t mind if you left, making Aether slap the back of the head.

But they all agreed to help out, quickly going to Sister Imperator and successfully convincing her to let you stay.

You however decided to change out of your habit, not really thinking you’d have the need to wear it in your new temporary home. It felt like you were being put in foster care all over again...

You swiftly removed your habit, neatly folding it and placing it on your dresser. You picked some comfortable clothes and briefly wondered if you should take a shower. But before you decided, Swiss barged in through the door without knocking.

You squeaked and quickly got underneath your bed covers, hiding your half naked form. But it was too late, Swiss was already wearing a smirk. “Oh, learn to knock, will ya!” You blushed furiously.

“Sorry.” He laughed. Yeah, he obviously wasn’t sorry.

As if he wanted to make you more embarrassed, he sauntered over and sat in front of you. “Swiss...” You whined and sighed.

Swiss smiled, looking over to your open suitcase and frowned. “You were packing?”

“...uh, yeah.”

“I talked to Sister Imperator. She said you could stay.” He said, still frowning.

But you grinned. “Oh, really?! That’s...Swiss, I don’t know how you did it, but thank you! I’d totally hug you right now, but well, you know.” You giggled nervously.

“Y/N...” Swiss said lowly. “Didn’t I say that I’d take care of it?”

“Uh, um...” You stuttered, suddenly nervous by Swiss’ gaze.

“Use your words, babe.”

“Uh, yeah. You did say that.” You sighed.

Swiss moved closer to you and placed a gentle hand on your knee. “So, why is it that you’re packed, huh? Did you not have faith in me?” He pouted.

“N-no...I didn’t have faith that Sister would be convinced.” You chuckled.

“Hmm, I suppose I can understand that.” Swiss said, moving even closer to you and placing his hand on your cheek. “Guess you’re stuck with me now, huh?” He smiled.

You suddenly became aware of how close he was to you when you felt his warm breath on your face. He would not stop looking into your eyes. You glanced down at his lips, feeling the urge to taste them.

Swiss smiled and leaned in, the cold metal of his mask hitting your face first then his soft lips.

You almost moaned at the pleasant feeling. You always had a soft spot for the charismatic Ghouls, now, you were finally his.

Slowly but surely, you started to feel the fabric of your duvet slid off your body. “Is this okay?” Swiss whispered.

You nodded rapidly, wrapping your arms around his broad shoulders.

As soon as you gave consent, Swiss ripped off your coverings. Moving closer to you, he rubbed his large hands up and down your thighs. You could already feel yourself become slick with excitement.

Swiss brought a hand up to your underwear, delicately moving the article of clothing out of the way. You gasped when his cold fingers started moving in between your folds. “You’re so wet for me already, babe?” He grinned beautifully.

Swiss then inserted a finger into you, pumping in and out at a rate that made your head spin. You panted and tangled your fingers into his hair, placing the other hand on his bicep to try and steady yourself.

You moaned in pleasure when Swiss added another finger, then rubbing tight circles on your aching clit with his thumb. “Fuck, Swiss...”

Feeling a little guilty that you were getting all the pleasure, you brought your hand down from his head to palm his hardening length through his pants. “Eager, are we, Y/N?” Swiss groaned, throwing his head back slightly and chuckled.

With Swiss’ consistent pressure on your clit, you felt yourself getting closer and closer to the edge. Quick shocks of intense pleasure making your body jolt occasionally. “Swiss...I’m gonna-”

Swiss quickly pulled his hand away, making you whine and almost let out a sob at the loss of contact. He grinned and brought his hand up, licking and sucking you off his fingers. “Can’t have you cumming just yet, babe.”

Swiss stood up from the bed to remove his clothes, taking off his briefs released his throbbing cock, a bead of precum already leaking out of the tip. He then hovered above you, placing himself in between your legs. “Again, you sure about this, babe?” He asked softly.

You almost groaned in frustration. “Yes, Swiss, I’m sure. Now please just fuck me!” You begged.

Swiss quickly obliged, thrusting up into you with a snap of his hips, not worrying about getting you to adjust to his size since you were already so prepared. You moaned loudly, finally feeling him stretching you out. “You feel so good.” Swiss moaned.

Swiss kept up a steady pace, his length hitting all the right places.

From already being so close to your release from his fingers before, you could feel the knot building up inside you once again. “Swiss, I’m so close.” You stuttered.

Swiss nodded and picked up the pace, close to his release as well. He thrusted into you fast and hard, making your tits bounce and your head close to hitting up against the wall. His mouth pouring out delicious moans every time he felt you clench around him.

You soon felt that familiar sensation flow throughout your entire body. The knot in you finally snapping, causing waves of ecstasy to burn through you like lava. You moaned loudly, eyes tearing up and your vision becoming hazy as you rode out your orgasm.

Swiss’ thrusts became sloppy, chasing and finally catching up to you in reaching his own climax. The shots of his warmth filling you up, making you moan in unison with him.

Swiss pulled out of you with a huff, throwing himself beside you and soon wrapping an arm around your shoulder. “Wow...that was-”

“Fuckin’ amazing.” You giggled.


I came up with a really dumb, cheesy title for a Multi Ghoul story. “Shimmying his way into my heart.” But I have no idea what to write to fit that title😂

Also, that was my first time writing smut so I’m sorry if it sucked. The cringeeeeeee 🙈

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Dom Aether (Ghost) - 18+


Okay so, I told myself that I would never post smut on this account, with story or just pure filthiness. But here I am, horny and slightly high. I hate myself🤡

Keep reading for garbage. (18+ 18+ 18+ ! ! !)


You were currently on your knees, naked, only a thick black collar around your neck and some leather handcuffs that could be considered a sort of clothing.

Aether stood in front of you, holding a little remote for the bullet vibrator stuffed inside you.

It felt like hours you were stuck there, having to suffer the teasing of the vibrations stimulating your core. Every time you almost hit your peak, Aether would lower the intensity of the device, making you whimper in frustration.

You just wanted to cum, that’s all you wanted, all you could think about. But Aether was making that quite difficult.

Aether once again pushed the button that put the vibrator on its higher setting, making you gasp loudly and squirm around, feeling almost overwhelmed by the sensations.

You moaned, feeling the sparks of an orgasm bubble up inside you, only for Aether to turn the device completely off and wear a smug smirk when you let out a sob.

“Fuckin’ asshole...” You mumbled out louder than you expected, immediately bringing a cuffed hand to cover your mouth in shock.

Aether looked to you with a shocked expression as well, his eyes quickly darkening. “Sorry, what was that?” His gruff voice asked lowly.

You could almost shake in excited fear when you saw his intense, yet playful gaze. “I, uh...” You stuttered.

Aether jerked the leash that was attached to your collar forward, making you jolt towards him. He brought his hand down to grip your jaw firmly. “I asked you a question, doll. Repeat what you just said. Now.”

His demanding voice left you no choice. “I...I called you a fucking asshole.”

Aether let out a satisfied hum and straightened himself out, walking over and sitting on the your shared bed. “Come here.” He said, beckoning you over with his pointer finger.

You started to stand, but Aether quickly stopped you.


You almost sighed, but got back down on your knees, placing the palms of your hands on the floor in front of you.

Slowly, you crawled to your Ghoul, making sure to sway your ass seductively as you did so.

“Bend over, on my lap.” Aether ordered once you made it to him.

You bended over onto his lap as he asked, ass up in the air.

You felt Aether place his larger hand onto your right ass cheek, rubbing soothing circles. “You know what happens when you disobey me, don’t you, pet?”

You whimpered out a small, “yes.”

“You leave me no choice, dear. I have to punish you.”

You could feel yourself clench around the vibrator that was still inside you, excitement filling you as you awaited his punishment.

You let out a gasp when Aether’s hand lifted and was brought down full force to your ass. Another smack made you moan and grip the bed sheets. At the force he was spanking you, you were sure to still have red marks in the morning.

This time, Aether gripped your hair, making the smacks on your ass even more pleasurable.

Aether sounded apologetic when he told you he was going to be punishing you, but his hard on that you felt underneath you told you otherwise. You made sure to wiggle around in between spanks, making Aether groan.

You heard Aether let out a chuckle, shivering when he brought a finger in between your folds. “Wow, my dear. You are dripping. You like getting punished that much?”

All you gave was a moan.

Aether suddenly pulled out the vibrator, exiting your orifice with a such a lewd sound. “Wow, it’s soaked.” He chuckled again.

Aether flipped you over, hovering above you, his thick cock already out of his pants.

“Don’t worry, doll. The punishment’s over. I’m gonna give you what you need now.”


Finally, wrote about my special thicc boi™ 🥵

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Neck of Dew’s Guitar - Dewdrop (Ghost) 18+

I’m really just a heathen for Dew, and I’m not even sorry. Was originally gonna title this “Lick Me Like One of Your Guitar Necks Dewwy” but it’s too long and just awful sooo



(I don’t know if my tumblr is glitching or what, but this is @oldonemaster ‘s GIF)


That fuckin’ brat...

You knew it was a horrible idea to go to tonight’s Ghost concert.

Dewdrop had been teasing you all day, and now he does this shit. Licking the neck of his guitar just to get you all hot and bothered, and it was working just like he knew it would.

You were right at the barricade, forced to witness your partner make suggestive motions with his fingers and tongue.

You squeezed your thighs together instinctively, wanting to feel some kind of release of the throbbing tension that started to boil in between your legs.

You could almost feel the smug smirk he was most definitely giving you beneath his mask, knowing fully well how worked up he could make you.

You huffed, wanting to go to the venue’s shitty bathroom just to relieve yourself. But there were hundreds of Ghost fans surrounding you, keeping you squished up up against the barricade. Plus, Dew wouldn’t treat you too kindly if you got yourself off without his permission.

The throbbing only got more intense as Dew deepthroated his own fingers, tracing them down his body as the instrumental break in the song allowed him to do so.

You tried not to whine as he humped against his guitar, looking straight at you.

Sweet Lucifer...

You almost moaned as the band started their encore, knowing you were just a song away from getting some satisfaction.

As the band bowed and headed off stage, you quickly pushed past all the fans, trying to be polite as best as you could. But man, it was so hard to not shove people out of the way. You needed Dewdrop.

As you entered the green room, the Ghouls were just about to leave. “You better hurry up boys, or else you’re gonna be seeing things you shouldn’t.” Dew smirked.

Swiss gave you and Dew a titillating smile. “I sure wouldn’t mind.” He took a seat on the black leather couch that was placed against the left wall. “Geez, I can smell already.”

“Get out.” Dewdrop growled, showing his sharp teeth to his fellow Ghoul, as he was starting to feel territorial.

Swiss grinned and patted you on the back as he was the last one to exit the room.

“You bitch.” You said as the door finally closed shut.

“Watch your mouth. Naughty girls don’t get to cum, you know.”

You bit your lip, not allowing yourself to make a snarky comment like you usually did during foreplay. Dewdrop hadn’t let you cum in a week, and you felt like you were going to go feral if you weren’t allowed any longer.

Dewdrop raised a brow, stepping closer to you. “Wanna cum so bad that you don’t even talk back, huh?”

“Dewwy, please...” You whined pitifully.

Dewdrop hummed in amusement, the sadism in him wanting to prolong your pleasure much longer, but the desperate look in your eyes made him feel guilty for making you wait for so long.

“Tell me what you want.” Dew said softly.

“Touch me, please.”

Dewdrop brought a hand up to your face, slowly trailing down to your neck, then collarbone. The coldness of his fingers creating pleasant shivers down your spine. You sighed in pleasure when he cupped your breast harshly, kneading the flesh while his other hand kept trailing down to the waistband of your shorts.

Undoing the button and zipper, Dewdrop slid his hand in with ease. You moaned as he started to run his fingers up and down your folds, already slick with anticipation. “Wow...” Dew mused. “You must’ve been suffering out there.”

You nodded rapidly and gripping onto Dew’s bicep, suddenly feeling lightheaded when he slowly started to run lazy circles on your sensitive nub. “Don’t worry, love, your suffering is at an end now.”

Dewdrop removed his hand, only to more easily bring you to the couch. He quickly pulled off your shorts and underwear, not even caring to remove anything else and even his own clothing.

Dewdrop immediately buried his face in your pussy, you letting out a loud gasp as he started licking in between your folds vigorously. “Dew, fuck!” You cried out.

You could’ve sworn you saw stars as his tongue started focusing on your clit, the sensation almost too powerful as you writhed around, Dew having to hold you down as you bucked against his face.

You didn’t even bother to hold in your moans, Dew’s mouth working wonders on you, not that he would let you keep quiet anyway.

Dew never once pulled away from you, to the point you looked down just to see if he was breathing. He was already looking up at you hungrily, his pupils blown wide as he watched you squirm in overwhelming pleasure. The sight alone could’ve tossed you over the edge.

You held onto the couch tightly as Dew inserted two of his fingers inside you, your knuckles turning pale as you moaned his name.

Tears quickly came to your eyes as you felt the pleasure quickly increasing in intensity, the burning feeling that pooled at your core as you were coming closer and closer to that peak you’ve so desperately craved to hit for a week now.

Dew’s mouth and fingers never let up up as your moans started to turn into high pitched squeals, finally, a powerful orgasm hit you with the force of the devil himself.

You cried out loudly, your moans almost sounding like cries as you rode out he burning waves that always left you breathless.

You felt Dew’s hand come up to your face, wiping away the many tears that had fallen down your face due to his talented mouth.

“Feel better now?” He smiled sweetly at your blissed out expression.

“Do you even need to ask?”


ahahahahahah, I wanted to write “yeeted of the edge” so bad! lmaohahahaha sorry. and god, it was about time to write some smut for my favorite gremlin boy...ugh, i feel awkward ignore this

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No thoughts just Rainsmut from ghost

Don't know if this was a request or just a lovely thought but yes, the answer is yes. Wooo, had dust off the cobwebs in my brain for this one *cracks knuckles* This is fem!Reader too, hope that's okay

Warnings: SMUT (MINORS DNI), Rain is a shy boi turned soft dom boi, oral (f and m!receiving), biting, scratching, marking, blood, fluffy aftercare (more for Rain honestly even though he was the dom lmao he needs reassurance)

2.2K Words🤙🏻


You never expected to find love in your life, not to any human, especially not to a demon. But becoming a Sister of Sin took you on a path that still manages to shock you, including how you felt towards a specific water Ghoul. 

Everyone told you that having a Ghoul as a partner could have its…difficulties. 

In the past, relationships between a Ghoul and a human would not last long, and the end usually was not pretty. You heard stories of blood, violence, and death. Some Ghouls had the tendency of getting territorial of their mates, often picking fights with other Ghouls if they even had a suspicion that one of them was interested. In rare instances, some Ghouls would even kill their mates, though not on purpose. So you would’ve had every right to be more than a little hesitant in being with a Ghoul. 

But you knew Rain wasn’t like that.

Typically, the water types were less aggressive and more reserved than the others, often keeping to themselves, staying out of trouble, and never really picking fights unless they felt threatened. But they were still demons, they still had an aura of danger surrounding them,  they could still annihilate a human if they ever felt like it. But Rain never gave you that vibe that he was even capable of such acts. He made you feel safe, comfortable. He was protective, but not in an overbearing type of way. If you were around any other Ghouls, he’d always be by your side watching over you. He was sweet, and you couldn’t see a world where he’d ever hurt you on purpose.

The two of you had been together for a few months now, but you still did nothing more than kiss. It was frustrating, and it had to have been difficult for Rain too. For some people, that contact is a need and a lack of that made you more irritable. You knew how skittish Rain could be, and you absolutely did not want to pressure him into doing anything he wasn’t ready for. But you were so desperate for his touch and you didn’t know how long you’d be able to last.

You wanted to be with Rain intimately, but you just didn’t know how to bring it up without spooking him off. You were aching and needed him now, but him being off in a touring band caused some unwanted distance between the two of you, so you were just going to have to handle it yourself like you always had to.

You exhaled a shaky breath as you removed your habit, laying on your bed with your legs slightly spread. You imagined Rain looking down on you, eyes dark and narrow behind his stage mask, a bulge prominently poking through his tight black jeans. You imagined his soft voice telling you what to do, forcing you to obey his every command. You slowly trailed your fingers down your body, running along your lace lingerie, tentatively journeying down until your fingers felt the heat that was radiating from your already sopping wet cunt, begging to be touched. 

You were a second away from reaching your aching nub until the door to your bedroom opened suddenly, a grinning Rain entering the door frame. But he quickly froze as he realized what was happening, his grin falling off his face and his eyes widening in shock as your half naked form. “Oh, fuck-! Uh, I’m sorry!” He covered his eyes and quickly closed your door, leaving you flushed and disheveled.

You put on a robe and walked out, finding Rain with his head in his hands in your living room. “Rain?” You called out softly, taking cautious steps towards him.

“I am so sorry, babe. We, the band, we got a few days off and I wanted to surprise you but…oh god.” Rain’s ears were flattened back, his tail actually tucked between his legs, coiling around his leg tightly. He sighed. “I didn’t mean to…walk in on you like that, I promise.”

You gently took a seat next to him, reaching up to lightly rub his back. “Hey, it’s okay. I mean, you did really surprise me.” You joked, smiling when he managed a nervous chuckle, his body untensing a little. “Coulda joined me, you know?” You said, in a split second decision, wondering if testing the waters was a good idea in the moment. You felt him tense up again beneath your hand, almost regretting your words until you noticed a slight bulge in his pants, not unlike the one you saw in your fantasy. “I mean, don’t you want to, with me?” You asked, feeling a little insecure.

Rain furrowed his brows and sat up more straight, taking a hold of your hand. “Of course I do, it’s just…you’re human. You can…break.” You don’t know why his choice of words made you clench, a sharp pang of desire shooting straight through your core. “I don’t wanna hurt you. Dewdrop almost killed his mate during…you know. I don’t want that to happen to you. I couldn’t live with myself.”

“You’re not Dewdrop, Rain. You’re not like that.”

“He wasn’t like that either until it happened.” He frowned.

You could’ve whined. You were so needy. You understood his apprehension. It made you nervous too, but you loved your demon and you wanted him badly. “I want you, Rain. You want me too, I know you do. But…I understand if you can’t. But there is nothing you could do to me that would make me love you any less. You could never hurt me.”

Rain inhaled sharply, his hands tightening into fists as he smelled your arousal. It could’ve driven him mad. He saw how your thighs pressed together, how your teeth nawed away at the dead skin of your lips, how anxious your expression was. You looked to be in pain, and that pained him. “If we do this…you have to promise me, if I get too rough or do anything that you don’t like, you stop me. Whatever you have to do.” He spoke seriously, his pupils dilated until you could barely see his iris’.

“Yes, Rain. Just please, touch me.” You begged, opening one of his fists and bringing the palm to cup your sex, gasping as the much needed contact. You heard him audibly inhale, a soft purr rumbling in his chest. “Feel how much I want you? Feel how wet you make me?” You whispered.

Rain growled as he surged forward, capturing your lips in a heated kiss, teeth grazing against each other’s and pushing your tongues to meet. You moaned in his mouth as he started playing with your clit through your underwear, the fabric practically ruined with how soaked it was. “I didn’t realize how good you smell like this, baby.” Rain purred, trying his best to maintain his composure while he pushed the robe off your shoulders. “Bedroom. Now.” He ordered, leading you to the bed hastily.

You sat on the bed with a glazed over look in your eyes, your ears perked up at the sound of Rain’s belt buckle coming unlatched, the leather sliding and making a slapping sound as he removed it and tossed it to the floor. You could feel your mouth watering as he started to unbutton his pants. “You look so gorgeous like that, sweetheart. You wanna suck my cock, hm? Your mouth is already halfway open.” You could only nod as you finally started to see the side of Rain that you’ve been dreaming of. 

Rain beckoned you to sit on the edge of the bed, removing the rest of his clothes and taking his hard cock out of the confines of his pants and watching your expression as you finally saw all of him. “Is this what you were thinking about before I came home?” He asked darkly, gently caressing the back of your head. “You touch yourself to thoughts of me?” You nodded weakly, your mouth filling with saliva as your lips finally came into contact with the head of his cock.

Rain groaned loudly as you took him in your mouth, slowly bobbing your head and moaning at the taste. “Oh, sweet Lucifer…” He cursed, reaching down to unclasp your bra and to lift your chin, biting his lip at the sight. Tears in your admiring eyes, drool running down your chin and onto your tits, all for him. The view could’ve made him come right then and there. But he wanted you to feel good too.

You gasped as he tore you away from his dick, having you stand up as he sank to his knees, his own expression needy and glazed over as he ran his claws up your thighs, forcing goosebumps to form along the path. You quickly stepped out of your underwear as he pulled them down, him grabbing the back of one of your thighs to bring your leg to rest on his shoulder. Rain licked his lips as he finally saw the full glory that was your pussy, your arousal coating it and your inner thighs. He had never seen such a pretty sight. 

You let out a cry as Rain dove in, lapping up all your wetness and going to work right away. His long tongue poked and prodded at your tight entrance, undulating against your folds in such a way that you almost saw stars. “So sweet.” He growled, moving to focus on your clit, using his forked tip to rub on either side of the little nub. You tried not to scream, your legs threatening to give out just from the pure pleasure Rain was giving you. It was hard to focus on anything other than how his tongue was making you feel. But then it all came to a stop unfortunately, a loud whine escaping you as Rain rose to his feet with a shiny nose and chin. “I could do that all day.” He chuckled, but instead of doing just that, he pushed you gently to lay on the bed with your legs spread.

“Please, Rain…” You begged, arching your back so your chest could touch his, reaching out to hold onto his shoulders. “I need you.” And without warning, Rain entered you, almost immediately filling you to the brim, the head of his cock grazing your sweet spot already. “Fuck!” You moaned, wrapping your legs around his torso as he started to thrust into you.

“You feel so good.” Rain panted, a thin sheen of sweat already building on his forehead. “Fuck, you feel so good.” He whimpered, the sound driving you wild.

Rain buried his head into the crook of your neck, holding onto your shoulders with a vice grip. You felt multiple sharp stings as his claws extended, digging into the soft flesh, but Rain didn’t seem to notice, too lost in the feeling of you. It surprised you to find that you enjoyed it, the pain only amplifying the pleasure you already felt. The pain brought you closer to the peak you so desperately wanted to reach, you didn’t even notice you were clawing him right back. 

“Fuck, Rain, I’m so close!” You cried, attempting to meet his thrusts from underneath him, but Rain suddenly had a vice grip on your hips, pushing them down and pistoning into you even harder. “Oh, god-!” You threw your head back, unable to do anything but just take it, the pleasure rendering you useless.

The final straw was the new pleasurable pain you felt in the hollow of your neck, sharp fangs breaking your skin and sinking in, marking you in a way that just felt so right. It hit you like a train, knocking the breath out of your lungs, and then you let out a loud strained moan as you came around his cock. “Yes, yes, yes.” Rain whispered as his thrusts became sloppy, licking up your neck and stilling, his cum spilling inside of you as he whimpered.

You whined as Rain pulled out of you, flopping down beside you in exhaustion, a blissed out expression on his face. But his face quickly furrowed in concern, finally taking notice of the droplets of blood that slowly leaked out of your claw and bite marks. “Oh fuck, baby, I hurt you. Shit, I know this would happen. I never should have-”

“Rain, Rain!” You quickly interrupted before he had a full blown panic attack. “You didn’t hurt me, my love.”

“You’re bleeding.”

“I…I liked it.” You felt your face heat up at the admission. “It felt really good.” You chuckled giddily, and Rain relaxed a little but you could still see him beating himself up about it mentally. “That was the best orgasm I’ve ever had.” His eyes lit up at that, allowing himself to smile proudly at himself.

“Really?” He asked timidly, causing you to nod with a tired grin.

“You made me feel amazing. Only you, Rain. I knew I could trust you. If I didn’t like something, I would’ve told you. I promised, remember?”

Rain pulled you into his chest, wrapping his arms around your shoulders and holding you close. “Thank you.” He whispered sleepily, happy purrs rumbling in his chest, making it very difficult to stay awake.

You gave Rain a soft kiss on his chin as he fell asleep, his comfortable hold on you and purrs lulling you to sleep right after him.


rain is baby

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