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Ultrakill3-2 - Horse Girls Make Do - Tumblr Blog
i think we should all start using arabic words and phrases more often because its a beautiful language and also theres not really. english equivalents that have the same vibes
theres also the comedy potential of it. you guys dont know the joy of having your muslim friend text you "hopefully the racists in our city will all get sick and cant go to the protest" and you, as a pasty white guy, responding with "inshallah they get covid"
its a one hit KO every time. its fucking hilarious. theres no english word that has the same effect.
he also once texted me that he got over a mysterious illness he came down with (i think? i cant remember the exact context) and i responded with "subhanallah he is cured"
again, one hit KO. he lost his shit.
what im saying is we gotta normalise arabic. its just a language like any other, and it has some great words. its just like saying "thank god" or whatever, but theres so much variety and nuance. its beautiful
Aching in Ireland, while my Broken Heart is Held Hostage with my Family in Gaza
Before the ongoing horrific genocide in Gaza, I happened to be a PhD student at an Irish university collecting data for my research from universities in Gaza. Little did I know that being a student at an Irish university would be my only way to be saved from the horrible war. I was lucky and privileged, unlike my helpless family trapped in Gaza. Four months and a half into the war, my Irish supervisors and my family insisted that I should seize the opportunity to evacuate to Ireland while I still could.

Setting foot outside Gaza felt like leaving hell and entering a whole new world. People walk carefree in the streets not fearing being killed by an airstrike! They go for a run in the morning and walk their dogs! They go to school and work and live a normal life I had been deprived of for so long! I see people talking and laughing and cannot help but have the daunting thoughts that the next airstrike could kill all of my family members in Gaza.
A horrible mixture of fear, depression, survival guilt, and agony engulfs me and paralyzes my entire life as I watch the news while being far away. Just a couple of days ago, 100 innocent people were killed in a school in Gaza where people sought shelter. I saw pictures and videos of people carrying the burned meat of their family members instead of whole corpses. Could our world be more evil, insensitive, desensitized, and cruel?

My heart skips a beat every time I hear that the neighborhood where my family has been displaced was bombed! What if they are running out of luck as I write these words and the next indiscriminate bombing will end their lives?! Therefore, evacuation is a dire need and a matter of life and death at this point as the genocide and massacres continue unabated.
I am desperately trying to protect my family from this genocide just as you would do if you were in my place. I plan to evacuate them to Egypt as a first step in the hope of reuniting with them in Ireland where we can have a dignified safe life together away from the missiles, bombs, corpses, diseases, polluted water, and pain of loss. We love Gaza more than anything in the world, but I can not accept carrying them as burned meat in plastic bags like I see all the time in the news and social media.
Please find it in your heart to help me save my family by donating, reblogging, and sharing.
Note: Vetted by:
1. @el-shab-hussein and @nabulsi # 151 on the spreadsheet of Vetted Gaza Fundraisers List]
2. @riding-with-the-wild-hunt Here .

if it doesn't sound fetishistic to say you're attracted to people with long hair or freckles or wide hips or dark brown eyes that look almost black, then it shouldn't sound fetishistic to say you're attracted to fat people. If it's not inherently a fetish to say you like people with sculpted backs or toned arms or six packs or small breasts or a coke bottle figure, then why would it be fetishistic to like a soft face with a double chin, or a round stomach, or big legs rippling with cellulite or stretch marks on rolls. you can find a fat person attractive. you can love the way their cheeks press up to meet the corners of their eyes, or the way their arms look, or the way their love handles spill out of their clothes. you can just. like fat people. you can say you like fat people. do you ever think how strange it is? how someone may think you're some sort of "perverse" weirdo for just...liking a body? how strange it is to put these precursory disclaimers of "not to be weird, but", "I don't mean it in that way, but", "I'm not a chubby chaser, but", or "I know it's kind of problematic, but..." could you imagine if it was any other body?
"not to sound like a muscle gain fetishist, but I love women with athletic bodies. It might sound weird, but I love short kings. I don't mean it in a weird way, but I love girls with hip dips."
It would seem strange. unnecessary. one may even assume there is some sort of guilt or fear you're hiding because it's normal to have things you like. it's normal to find certain things cute, hot, sexy.
you can sexually desire fat people and enjoy that they are fat. you can do that.
also, if you genuinely have a fetish (or deep sexual attraction if u for whatever reason are uncomfortable with the word fetish) for something that is found on larger bodies (bellies, fupas, thighs, underarms with fat/breast tissue in them, sagging breasts, big arms with skin that wobbles, cankles), or for a bigger body in and of itself (because I know some of y'all still want to sever yourselves from this), there is nothing wrong with that. people have fetishes for hands and teeth and earlobes and kneecaps and butts and shoulders and calves. what makes their thing any more acceptable than yours? there is nothing wrong with being aroused by bigger bodies.
please do not add tags and reblog this with "except when such and such is involved". I am not bringing those situations up for a reason. do not attempt to pivot this post into a thinkpiece on the objectification and/or abuse of fat bodies, ESPECIALLY if you yourself are not fat.
this is coming from the perspective of a Black person. Namely, a Black Nigerian-American person. Where I come from, there is a cultural, pre-colonial practice of gaining weight (and yes, particularly getting fat) to accentuate beauty. my body was handed down to me lovingly by my ancestors. i love my fat.
and if you love it too, that's okay. β‘

Palestinian Students - Found in the Friends School Collection
Hi, I hope you're doing well. β€οΈ I'm writing to you with full of hope to help me and my family. My family is in a very danger situation due to the ongoing war, and I've launched a GoFundMe campaign to save them. π’ Could you please share my campaign post from my profile? Each share could be a lifeline for my family. π Feel free to share it in any other social media platform if you would like. Our campaign has been verified by operation olive branch, and is entry number 26 in their Master List on their spreadsheet. From the bottom of my heart I want to thank you in advance for all of your support and kindness.
My Family in Gaza: Stuck in a Vicious Cycle of Pain, Displacement and Death
I experienced the traumatic experience of displacement four times with my family in Gaza before I was evacuated alone to Ireland with the help of my Irish college.
No words can describe the fear that engulfs us when we see thousands of leaflets in our sky dropped from Israeli warplanes ordering us to leave for other places that are just as dangerous. It is a tedious and terrible process of packing everything we need, begging bus drivers over the phone (mostly with a feeble phone signal) to come and pick us up at any cost. Unfortunately, displacement and running from death became the daily routine of adults and children alike in Gaza.

When displaced, sniper bullets and indiscriminate heavy bombardment are not the only risks that face my family and other people. Another life-threatening problem facing people in Gaza is the sewage flooding the streets of Gaza after Israel deliberately destroyed most of the infrastructure. This led to the spread of fatal viruses and diseases like Poliomyelitis as announced by the Ministry of Health in Gaza.

It pains my heart that my beloved city Gaza has turned into an apocalyptic ghost city where innocent people, children and adults, are indiscriminately killed daily. It is shocking to see this becoming normalized and the extent to which the world has become desensitized. What happened to humanity and human rights?! When will we see a ceasefire and be able to hug and reunite with our families?! When will we wake up from this never-ending nightmare?

The Lifeless corpses of innocent Palestinians decompose in the streets of Gaza and under the rubble. These bodies become food for stray dogs. I wonder what hopes and dreams the person had before he was killed. Did it hurt? Was he scared? Was it fast or painfully slow?! Does he/ she have children? Does his/her family know?! Was he/she unlucky to be in the wrong place at the wrong time?! Most importantly, how does one decide what is a wrong place and a wrong time to be when every place and every time in Gaza is wrong?! Survival is nothing but a matter of luck in Gaza.
Imagining that this could be the fate of my family makes me go insane with heart-stopping fear!
With the increasing escalation in the region, hope for a ceasefire in Gaza fades away and I have to live every second of every day with the haunting thoughts that my family could be the next to leave this cruel world brutally. Therefore, I am exerting all efforts to get them out of Gaza and hopefully reunite with them in Ireland where I am continuing my studies.
I cannot do that without your help. Decide today to play a significant role in saving my family in Gaza including many children with a prosperous future ahead of them.
Note: Vetted by:
1. @el-shab-hussein and @nabulsi # 151 on the spreadsheet of Vetted Gaza Fundraisers List]
2. @riding-with-the-wild-hunt Here .
Please Donate, Reblog, and Share everywhere.

hold on hold on wait a minute

(HE/HIM) ππ
On the Same Planet but in Different Worlds: Gazans are Humans Too!
Allow me to point out some of the blessings that people, unlike those in the strange scary world of Gaza, are inclined to take for granted and rarely do they reflect on:
Plenty of food, vegetables, and fruits.
Electricity 24/7.
Drinkable water 24/7.
No horrifying sounds of explosions, no head-splitting buzzing of Israeli drones in their sky, and no scary shaking of their houses because of the continuous bombardment.
No fear of ending up buried under the rubble of their cozy beautiful houses.
No scary thoughts about getting killed in an airstrike before drifting off at night.
Access to quality education for them and their children.
A plea from one family to another: kindly help me get my family to a safe place before I lose them forever. The situation in Gaza only moves from bad to worse. My family is stranded in the most hellish conditions ever, so I am dedicating to helping them evacuate to Egypt as soon as possible.
Join me in securing a dignified safe life for my family and a prosperous future for the children who have been deprived of education for a year.
Even worse, it seems they won't receive any education for another year at least as the ravaging cruel war continues and most Schools have been viciously and devilishly destroyed. Your support is a lifeline for my family and a chance for a better future for them. It is just too early for them to depart to heaven!
Please donate, reblog, and share.
Note: Vetted by:
1. @el-shab-hussein and @nabulsi # 151 on the spreadsheet of Vetted Gaza Fundraisers List]
2. @fallahifag here # 4 on the list.
3. @riding-with-the-wild-hunt Here #5.

@riding-with-the-wild-hunt @ibtisams @vakarians-babe
@sayruq @fairuzfan @sar-soor @fallahifag
@ficsforgaza @aria-ashryver
@el-shab-hussein @taamarrud @humanvoicebox @plomegranate @queerstudiesnatural @commissions4aid-international @nabulsi @stil-lindigo @soon-palestine @communistchilchuck @palestinegenocide @northgazaupdates2 @northgazaupdates @ghost-and-a-half @kyra45-helping-others @kyra45 @commissions4aid-international @feluka @sayruq @nabulsi @occupationsurfer @elierlick @evelyn-art-05 @bibyebae
@7amaspayrollmanager @humanvoicebox @kaapstadgirl
@dimonds456-art @communistchilchuck
@palestinegenocide @ghost-and-a-half
@kaapstadgirly @annoyingloudmicrowavecultist
@marnota @toughknit @flower-tea-fairies
@thetitancurse @vivisection-gf @communistchameleon
@raelyn-dreams @troythecatfish @the-bastard-king
@4ft10tvlandfangirl @awetistic-things @gentl3m4n
i never puppy bores when i do my puppy chores!!
i wag my puppy tail when i check my puppy mail!!
im always happy looking when i do my puppy cooking!!!!

is it just me or did this happen a lot
(this doesn't have anything to do with punkitt but this doodle style is inspired by her horsecomix so @punkitt-is-here hi)
This is my home Which was destroyed by the accursed occupation yesterday I'm not sad about the stones I'm sad about the memories I hope this damned war ends πππ

Hey guys, I've added the google doc where me and Nairuz have been compiling the vetted fundraisers all on one list that can be easily updated and seen by everyone. I think it's faster than the system I had going before.
Go check it out, I've added 13 links in the past hour.
hey, have you heard of the Kids Online Safety Act (KOSA)? it's a law that's been introduced to the US senate a few times now, and it's coming back. here's the most recent version of the bill.
wel, what would KOSA do? it's goal is to "protect children online", as the name would suggest, by having online content algorithms changed in the US. it'd also make it illegal for social medias and "addictive" internet feed to notify you at night or during school hours. the billmakers like to depict it as saving teenagers from body images, substance abuse , addiction and the likes, but it's not.
what KOSA aims to do is to shield children and teenagers from progressiveness. this law will create censorship for every single marginalized community, including POC, LGBTQ+, and women. this law is pure censorship and only aims to create less transgender folks in this "free" america.
i urge you to fight back. censorship laws are already being passed everywhere in america, and there is a very real chance this can be passed as well. if you value freedom on the internet, and especially if you're LGBTQ+, please take a moment to visit these links.
stopKOSA.com lets you sign a petition easily and directly call your lawmaker's office.
omarsbigsister's linktree has a script on what to say, as well as many resources on KOSA. (go check out @omarsbigsister on tiktok, she has good input on KOSA and is cool!!)
faxzero.com lets you fax your representatives FOR FREE 5 times per day.
while you are here, don't forget your daily click!
It seems like people really don't know why Palestine gets 'special' treatment (i.e. more observation and abuse) by the U.N. Just a reminder that the U.N. was created to destroy Palestine and ensure the zionist occupation's existence. I'm sick of hearing 'why does the U.N. only talk about Palestine', 'why does the U.N. not care about anything else', 'the U.N. is antisemitic for focusing on Palestine', 'Palestinians are the U.N.'s welfare queens' (the last one in disparaging comments about UNRWA). The U.N. was literally created to legitimize the destruction of Palestine in pursuit of a new form of united Western imperialism.
The first act of the U.N. general assembly was to destroy Palestine in 1947 with its illegal 'Partition Plan' that no Palestinians ever accepted. The U.N. is responsible for the destruction of Palestine against our wishes. The U.N. is responsible for the statelessness of 7 million Palestinians, many of whom can't even fill out official forms because it's illegal to put 'Palestine' as your country of origin.
The U.N. relegated us to this status as their first act of international law. Don't forget it.
Perisex allies: stop this shit
CW: intersexism
Came across this infographic during some google image searching and I'm still kind of a state of despair about it because it's not just offensively wrong about what intersex is, it was used to teach university students about queer issues:

Alt text: LGBTQIA+ are defined one by one. Intersex is defined erroneously as "These are people who were born with genital organs of both sexes (male and female). It is a genetic condition."
It's one thing for your rando perisex person to be getting this wrong on social media. It's another thing entirely when it's professionals getting this wrong in an educational setting. π© And that this infographic appears in a peer-reviewed publication. π©
It's even worse to know the students that were taught with this infographic were medical students, who will be the ones traumatizing intersex people for decades to come π©
It's so wrong in so many different ways:
Intersex is not limited to people with genital differences. Most intersex people have intersex variations that are not apparent at birth, with puberty being the most common time of life for variations to present. Many people find out in adulthood having no outward physical differences.
Of the intersex people with genital differences, they do not have two sets of genitals. Most genital differences are still recognizably female or male (e.g. spadias), and those who have ambiguous genitals have one set.
Intersex is not "male parts + female parts" or even "intermediate male/female parts", it is an umbrella term for anybody whose primary/secondary sex characteristics don't line up with what is expected for male and female bodies. Some intersex variations make women look more feminine, or make men look more masculine.
Defining intersex by genital differences doesn't just exclude most intersex people, it also sets the tone that we are defined by our genitals. To be publicly intersex is to have non-stop DMs about your genitals. This sort of framing sets up openly intersex people for invasive questions and harassment, and it keeps large numbers of intersex people from coming out.
Many intersex variations do not have a known genetic basis. Many intersex variations are caused by exposure to certain hormonal levels in the womb. Certain medications when taken during pregnancy can trigger intersex variations.
While bodily variation is necessary for being intersex, the social experience of stigma, discrimination, isolation, hyper-medicalization, and hyper-sexualization are all just as much a part of being intersex.
π£ Perisex allies: this is shit you can stop. When you see other perisex people parrot this sort of misinformation, correct them. Direct them to look up resources written by actually intersex people.
Here are some starter resources to give:
Intersex explained by Hans Lindahl
Media and style guide by IHRA
FAQ by intersex-support
A recent post I did compiling information for trans people who want to be better intersex allies

alt text: pink image with white text saying:
Masking is Resistance
Based on additional discussions with disabled and immunocompromised Dykes in the community and in the commitee, and in response to the recent statements of governor Kathy Hochul and mayor Eric Adams supporting a ban on masks in our state, we have updated our 2024 masking policy for the march:
The 2024 NYC Dyke March will be a fully masked march.