ultram0th - UltraM0th's TF Stories
UltraM0th's TF Stories

🔞Here's some stories and pics from around the Internet that involve TF, either made by others or myself. (If you see your work on here and would like it removed, please message me and I will do so immediately!) 🔞Asks/Requests are currently paused.

309 posts

Hey There I Was Wondering If You Could Help Me Out. I Always Been Too Lazy And Shy, I Was Wondering If

Hey there I was wondering if you could help me out. I always been too lazy and shy, I was wondering if you could help me be the confidant, driven, hardworking been in and outside of work, cocky man I’ve always wanted to be.

Shy and lazy? I feel that on such a personal level...

Luckily for you, I have just the trick. Go ahead and close your eyes, and we'll transport you somewhere...

You open up your eyes and are shocked at first to find yourself in the middle of a gym locker room, with a handful of naked musclemen standing around you. Their muscles glisten underneath the bright fluorescents of the locker room, making their musculature pop even more noticeably.

Before you can ask what's happening, you finally feel the immense weight on your entire body. You look down at yourself and hold back a loud gasp at the sheer expanse of muscle that you now possess.

Your body is now massive, looking like it should belong to a competitive bodybuilder. Everything about you was huge. Your arms were so large that they hung akimbo at your side, your biceps resting atop flaring lats. Your pecs were so heavy and cumbersome, feeling enormous and swole as they protruded far out in front of you. To act as a counterbalance, your glutes had expanded to a large degree, looking more like you were smuggling two soccer balls in your pants.

Your inspection was interrupted when you began to realize that the rest of the musclemen in the room were still staring at you, a hungry gaze int heir eyes.

On instinct, you felt yourself start to flex.

Without a thought on your side, you flexed your massive biceps, making the large muscle curl up with power, ellicitng cheers from the other men. You bounced your huge muscletits, letting the large mounds bounce up and down, jiggling with every movement.

You stayed there in the locker room, showing off your muscles for every guy who would look, a cocky smirk on your face the entire time. And you loved every second of it!

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More Posts from Ultram0th

1 year ago

Kevin Jonas's New Career

Kevin Jonas's New Career

“Good afternoon, Mr. Jonas,” the hypnotherapist, Blue, greeted the hunky singer.

The former boy band member entered the small office and took a seat on the offered sofa. When he sat, his thin t-shirt clung to his chiseled, smooth chest, allowing the hypnotherapist to view his toned body that had helped him gain scores of adoring fans. “Oh please, you can call me ‘Kevin’,” Kevin Jonas smiled, flashing a cute grin at Blue.

Blue simply nodded as he sat down across from the singer, his notepad in hand. “Alright Kevin,” he smiled, hiding the devious glint in his eye, “why don’t we start with why you’re here?”

The stud cleared his throat, running his hand through his curly hair. “Well,” he began, his baritone audible in his manly voice, “I think I’m ready for a new career path. I mean, I’ve been a part of the Jonas Brothers for years, and while I love it, I’m ready to see what else is out there.”

Blue hummed to himself.  “And what do you think is stopping you from taking that leap?”

The singer bit down on his lower lip in thought, leaning back into the sofa. As he moved, his tight shirt strained against his smooth muscles once more, illustrating his dedication to his body. He worked out religiously, aiming to get a toned, more athletic aesthetic that many of his fans could drool over. They loved the clean, good boy look that he oozed with ease— toned muscles, smooth baby face, and an all around happy-go-lucky attitude.

It was no wonder why he’d stayed in the boy band for so long; he was perfect for the part!

“I think it’s just been all I’ve known,” Kevin admitted, shrugging his shoulders. “I’ve gotten too comfortable with it that it’s hard to leave.”

Blue nodded, encouraging the singer to continue.

“I mean,” Kevin huffed, an annoyed tone in his voice, “no matter how much I try to branch out, all people see is that clean cut, Disney singer. I’m ready for a change.”

Blue’s smirk took over his face, and he had to shield it behind his notepad before Kevin could notice. “I think I have an idea,” he mischievously said as he snatched his pocket watch out of his pocket. “Now, just watch this watch with you eyes only as I swing it back and forth. And concentrate on the sound of my voice

Kevin did as he was told, his eyes following the gentle swaying motions of the watch—

Blue snapped his fingers. “You still with me, Kevin?” he asked, yanking the singer out of his daze.

Kevin jerked back in the sofa, shaking his head a little as he struggled to regain his bearings. He glanced at the clock on the wall and was amused to see that an hour had already passed, meaning that the hypnotherapy really must’ve been a success. He didn’t remember a single thing! “Whoa,” was all he could manage to get out, still trying to wrap his head around the quick session. Despite it just happening, Kevin could not recall a single detail about what Blue had told him while he’d supposedly been under. No matter how hard he strained his brain, the last thing he could recall vividly was staring at the pocket watch, and that was it.

“This concludes our first session,” Blue smiled warmly. “I’ll see you next week for our second session. In the meantime, if anything comes up, please give me a call.”

Kevin graciously thanked Blue before leaving the office, his head held high as he headed to his car to drive home.

As he walked, Kevin began to tug at the collar of his t-shirt, all of a sudden feeling a little warm. The singer cocked his eyebrow in confusion since it was a cool, overcast day; yet, he couldn’t help but feel uncomfortably warm and a little constricted wearing the tight fabric. He tugged at his shirt collar, trying to get any minuscule semblance of relief in the odd rising heat. Kevin swore that his skin even started to itch, further increasing his discomfort. Even worse, the slight breeze that filtered in through the parking garage made the legs of Kevin’s pants billow and flap, making the singer feel as if they were too big for him.

He knew that it was ridiculous, but when Kevin glanced in one of the car mirrors, he swore his clothes looked way too big for him.

“Did I really leave the house like this?” Kevin blushed as he examined his oversized attire. Despite having on expensive, brand-name clothes that typically showcased his muscled body in a modest manner, he couldn’t help but view them in a different light now. Whereas his pants normally seemed to fit his toned legs nicely, he couldn’t help but notice how they were too baggy in the seat, making his butt look flat and unimpressive. Worse was that his shirt, which normally tastefully showed off his pecs and biceps, appeared more akin to a circus tent due to how loose it seemed.

Without thinking, Kevin tore his shirt away from his body, allowing his bare chest to be on full display. He knew that walking around shirtless in the parking garage was outside of the norm, but he couldn’t deny the rush of relief that crashed over him due to having his chest exposed. The cool air brushing over the pert nipples felt right, and Kevin smiled as he continued towards his car.

Once he was seated in the driver’s seat, the singer couldn’t resist tearing his pants away from himself, feeling leagues better just sitting in his boxers.

As he drove home, a small part of Kevin said that something was off, but he ignored it and instead focused on the road ahead. It wasn’t until he was stopped at a red light that the stud realized that he’d been massaging his smooth pectoral with one hand while driving. He blushed a little bit when he noticed, but his blush deepened when he saw the man in the car next to him staring.

The other man smirked back and gave an approving nod, even going so far as to lick his lips hungrily.

Out of instinct, Kevin gave his nipple a pinch and his jaw went slack as he moaned. His cock started to harden and it tented out his boxers, bobbing in the air in front of him—

The car behind Kevin honked as the light turned green.

The singer snapped out of his daze, his heart racing in his bare chest as he continued to drive home. He tried to wrap his head around what had just happened. Given his good boy aesthetic, he never in his life would have ever considered showing off in traffic, let alone to another man. Still, his cock throbbed with want at the recent memory, and his nipples burned with want. Every so often, during his drive, Kevin’s free hand would rub his pecs and thumb his hard nipples.

This continued until Kevin finally reached his house and parked in the garage. He was slightly relieved that he was finally home and no one could see him in his horny state, but another growing part of him couldn’t get over the flash of excitement that he’d felt when the other guy had seen him playing with his pecs. At the thought of it, his cock throbbed even more and began to leak precum.

Kevin did his best to ignore his throbbing member as he began to walk around his house aimlessly
 or at least he thought it was aimlessly, until he snatched up a trash bag. His limbs seemed to move on their own accord, and it took Kevin a while to realize what he was doing. 

The first thing the hunk did was go into the bathroom and throw away every single razor that he owned. He cocked his eyebrow, wondering what had possessed him to do that, but the more he tried to think about it, the more a thick fog seemed to filter in through his brain; and instead of thinking about maintaining his boyish charm and friendly good looks, his mind was bombarded with mental imaged of manly body hair.

His cock throbbed even more.

Next, Kevin tossed all of his pricey colognes and deodorant into the trash bag. Manly musk and smelly pits invaded his brain, and Kevin couldn’t resist lifting his arm and shoving his nose into his hairy pit, taking a large whiff. Only he was disappointed when all he smelt was the chemicals of his deodorant, making him frown. He couldn’t wait until he radiated manly musk.

His cock throbbed again.

Finally, Kevin waddled into his bedroom, his hard cock bobbing in front of him with every step. The first thing he did was rip open the closet doors. He began to snatch up all of his button down shirts, shoving them into the trash bag with an almost giddy excitement. Every single article of clothing that was deemed as too loose or too modest was thrown away, leaving only a few t-shirts that were a size too small and some workout shorts. To these, Kevin took a pair of scissors and trimmed them, making them even smaller and much more revealing. The entire time Kevin worked, he couldn’t help but smile at the thought of wearing such slutty and revealing clothing while out in public, his hairier chest and musky pits on display for all to see—

“Ughh!” Kevin bellowed loudly as his cock erupted, shooting a large load into his boxers. His pecs heaving as he tried to catch his breath, Kevin looked down at the stuffed trash bag and then towards his cut up clothes, and he couldn’t help but blush for the millionth time that day.

He imagined himself strolling around town wearing next to nothing, his body on display as he showed off like some dim, jockbro slut. And what was even stranger was that that thought didn’t cause any sort of humiliation, but instead sent an excited thrill through Kevin, making his cock rocket back to life in a snap.

“What’s happening to me?” Kevin panted, running a hand over his sensitive chest.

[Two Weeks Later]

“Welcome back, Kevin,” Blue smiled warmly as he greeted his patient into his office.

The newly transfigured Kevin Jonas sauntered into the hypnotherapist’s room, his head held high as he basked in the warmth that having another man’s eyes on his form brought him. Instead of the clean cut, good boy next door looking guy that had been at the first session, a new man entered.

Kevin wore a tiny tank top that was two sizes too small for him, and the bottom part had been cut off so that it ended right above his navel. Speaking off, Kevin had quit his shaving routine, allowing his chest hair to grow out more, the wisps of manly chest hair covering his entire torso. His fuzzy pecs were barely contained in the small tank, and when Blue stared more, he could make out the large nubs pressing against the tight fabric from where Kevin had pierced his nubby, sensitive nipples. He wore tight spandex shorts that showcased his thick hairy thighs and his impressive bubble butt. Speaking of, Kevin must’ve been hard at work at his at-home gym because his butt seemed to be a bit rounder and firmer, as if he’d been hard at work trying to look bigger. The large bulge in the front of his shorts was noticeably hard, and Kevin kept adjusting it as he entered the office, his hand seemingly constantly fondling himself under the other man’s gaze, making himself get even harder.

Kevin wore a cocky grin that was framed by the manly scruff on his face, particularly his new mustache. Instead of looking like a heartthrob from a boy band, Kevin now looked like he’d been ripped straight out of some porn site.

When he sat down on the couch, Kevin folded his arms behind his head, letting his hairy pits be on full display, his manly musk permeating the room.

“I see you’ve been doing well, Kevin,” Blue smiled, his eyes running up and down the singer’s new hairy body. “Tell me, have you still been feeling trapped in your career?”

Kevin shook his head, one of his hands still kneading his hard cock as he spoke. “No way,” he laughed, his voice having a deeper and slower quality to it. “I’ve already made up my mind to quit that stupid band.”

Blue couldn’t fight his smirk. “Oh?” he pressed. “And what path have you decided to take instead?”

Kevin mindlessly scratched at a hairy pec. “I’ve been thinking about streaming,” he said, leaning back further into the couch cushions. “I can just play some video games while I flex for people online. I figure for every sub I get, I’ve just flex my tits for them.”

To illustrate his point, Kevin made his hairy pecs bounce up and down, loving the action even more with Blue watching. Plus, the sensation of his shirt rubbing up against his hard nipples made his cock start to leak precum into his shorts, forming a wet spot in the front.

Blue nodded and hummed. “I’m happy to hear that, Kevin,” he commented, feeling a little mischievous spark, “but just to doublecheck
” Blue snapped his fingers.

Immediately, Kevin jerked back in his spot on the couch, looking as if he’d just been slapped. His eyes went wide and a rush of humiliation crashed over him as the realization of what he’d been doing over the past two weeks dawned on him.

The first thing that struck Kevin the most was the musk that wafted off of him. “Wh-what?” he panicked, lowering his buff arms and staring down at his altered body. The stunned singer paled as he glanced at his large, hairy pecs and his pierced nipples. His fingers accidentally grazed one of his hard nipples, and he had to stifle a moan as his cock throbbed like crazy in his tight shorts. His face went cherry red as he vividly recalled himself sauntering into the hypnotherapist’s office, wearing next to nothing and looking like some hairy jockbro slut who was super musky. “What the hell happened to me?!”

“I helped you figure out a new career path,” Blue simply stated. “You were tired of the boy band scene, so I thought that a new change of pace would do you well.”

Kevin gestured down at his altered form. “So you turn me into this?” he spat. “What the hell am I even wearing?”

“You can take it off, if you’d prefer?” Blue suggested.

“I’m not going to take
” Kevin trailed off as his arms moved on their own accord, grabbing the bottom of his tank top to tug it off. He tossed it to the floor, and despite the panic coursing through his veins, he couldn’t deny the spark of excitement he felt over having his hairy chest exposed. It became clearer to him that even though he’d been made aware of what happened, he was still under the influence of Blue’s hypnosis.

“See, Kevin?” Blue said, his smooth voice making the singer squirm in his seat. “I’ve made it so that you’ll love living out your life as a slutty cam boy. It won’t be so bad, right?”

“‘Not so bad’?” Kevin repeated incredulously. “Look at me!”

“I am looking at you, and there’ll be a lot more guys who’ll look too,” Blue explained. “We’ll set up an OnlyFans account to tie into your streaming career. That way, you can totally immerse yourself into your new career path. You’ll love it, trust me.”

The thought of having tons of guys watching and looking at his altered body as he showed it off made Kevin’s cock throb even harder. Kevin was aware of everything he was doing, but he couldn’t stop. Plus, he couldn’t deny that he liked it.

Blue walked forward and grabbed both of Kevin’s meaty, hairy pecs. He groped the large muscle mounds and ran his fingers through the new hairs that covered them. Kevin tried to hold back a moan over the sensation of another man playing with his sensitive chest, but he couldn’t prevent the low slutty noises from escaping his mouth. 

“See?” Blue smirked. “It looks like you like it.”

“Mmmm,” Kevin moaned, screaming at himself on the inside while trying to convince himself that he didn’t like it. His cock was leaking precum like crazy now, and he was rendered inert as he was felt up.

Becoming some slutty cam guy wasn’t Kevin’s first choice of a new career path, but he couldn’t deny the fact that his body lit up with electricity when the other man touched him, and he was desperate for more. He unconsciously bounced his chest and lifted both of his arms to flex his massive biceps. His manly musk started to waft out into the small office.

“Smell them,” Kevin heard himself playfully growl, placing a large hand on the back of Blue’s head.

Blue eagerly shoved his face into Kevin’s armpit and took a deep whiff, loving the manly musk that permeated his senses, making it smell like his office was a gym locker room instead. As he sniffed and licked at Kevin’s pit, Blue’s hand reached up and tugged on one of Kevin’s pierced nipples, making the singer squeal with delight.

“Ooohh!” Kevin moaned loudly, his untouched cock snaking out of his tight shorts and bobbing out in the open air.

Blue pulled away and went to his desk where he grabbed his phone. “Let’s go ahead and make your first video, Kevin,” he said. “And just know, I gave you back your awareness, so you’re free to stop at any time you want. If you choose that you don’t want this, then I’ll help you to return to your old life as a member of goody boy band.”

He pressed record and held up his phone towards the altered hunk.

Something clicked inside of Kevin’s brain, and as soon as he realized that he was being recorded, he couldn’t help but show off.

With one hand, he wrapped his fingers around his hard cock. With the other, he began to tug on one of his nipples, moaning loudly as he pleasured himself in front of Blue. He didn’t want to be stuck as some slutty cam boy, but at the same time, he couldn’t ignore the surge of pleasure that took over him. Despite himself, Kevin couldn’t stop fondling his hard cock or playing with his sensitive chest. He even lifted his arm and sniffed at his own pit, moaning loudly as he breathed in his sweaty musk.

“Oh shit,” he bellowed out, “that’s fuckin’ nice. This is what real man looks like.” He gestured down at his hairy chest. “Not some smooth pretty boy, but this is a real fuckin’ man— uuughhh!”

He came and his load squirted up onto his hairy pecs, which heaved as Kevin tried to catch his breath.

“Well, I think this is going to be a great debut,” Blue grinned. “What do you think, Kevin?”

Dazed as he basked in his post-orgasmic bliss, Kevin nodded. “Fuck yeah,” he bellowed, smiling as his hard nipples burned with want again.


“Hey everyone,” Kevin grinned as he sat at his desk set up, with his headphones on. The camera was positioned so that the viewers of his stream could see the background of his office, which was decorated with video game collectables and lit up with a neon motif. The streamer sat bare chested, his hairy pecs clearly the focus of the camera as they took up most of the screen. Thanks to his frequent workouts, they’d packed on some serious size, and Kevin liked to lean forward and have the muscled mounds rest on the desk, showing off how large and cumbersome they were. “It’s your boy, Kevin, here, ready to do another let’s play of the latest PokĂ©mon game.”

As part of his new streaming career, Kevin would frequently play video games shirtless, constantly flexing or showing off as he played— a majority of his viewers couldn’t even recall the game he’d been playing, they’d mainly just watched the horny hunk feel himself up. Every so often, Kevin would bounce his muscletits, tug on his nipples, or sniff at his smelly pits. For those followers who wanted to see something a little more mature, he’d set up his OnlyFans account which attracted scores of followers, eager to see the hot, hairy hunk pleasure himself in front of the camera. 

Kevin had completely gone from a clean cut boy band member to a hot, hairy slut.

“Check these out!” Kevin grinned as he thrusted his chest forward, showing off the shiny silver rings on his nubby nipples. “My boyfriend, Blue, got me these piercings. Fuckin’ hot, right?” He bounced his pecs in tandem, making the silver rings dangle with the movement.

On occasions, his brothers Nick and Joe would try to talk some sense into Kevin, asking why he’d been acting so differently and why he’d quit the band. Kevin would typically just snort at them and call them a bunch of little bitches with how desperately they’d clung onto their shiny Disney appearance. Luckily, Blue had reassured him that he would try to get them to understand his new life

As Kevin played his game on the stream, he would flex here and there, his hard cock hidden underneath the desk. It throbbed with want and the more his viewer count climbed, the more men watched Kevin watch like a heated slut, the more turned on the stud was.

“Ugghhh!” Kevin groaned as he tensed up, his hairy pecs jiggling as he came on stream. The whole time the chat cheered and sent tons of eggplant emojis as the hunk spent his load for all to see.

Kevin loved his new streamer slut life, a dazed grin forming on his face as he tried to catch his breath. “Fuck, that was nice,” he bellowed, already growing hard again as more and more people logged in to watch.

Kevin Jonas's New Career

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1 year ago

Found this Part 2 of one of my old stories from my old Tumblr. Happy to have found it!

Ryan Terry Prepares For The Bodybuilding Competition - Pt. 2

“Ryan Terry Prepares for the Bodybuilding Competition” - Pt. 2

Part One

– – –

Winner: Ryan can’t stop flirting with the other bodybuilders

Bodybuilder Ryan Terry stalked back onto the gym floor to finish his workout, feeling energized by the protein shake the gym employee had given him for free. His heart beat a little faster than it had been as soon as he was surrounded by his fellow bodybuilders, and he felt himself getting a little frisky.

Ryan decided to head towards a weight pile to work on some bicep curls. He caught his reflection in one of the gym mirrors, smiling when he saw how pumped up he looked. He’d packed on some serious muscle in preparation for tomorrow’s competition, looking bigger than ever.

He approached a vacant bench and started to bust out some reps, really getting into it as he grunted loudly with every rep he performed.

“Hey, Man,” he heard one of his fellow competitors greet him.

Ryan looked over his broad shoulder to see Derek Lunsford waddle over to start performing some bicep curls of his own. He was a friendly bodybuilder and he and Ryan were cordial with one another, often having small talk during workouts or behind the scenes at competitions.

Ryan smiled back and felt his heart start to race even more for some unknown reason. “Hey there
” he greeted back with a wide smile, “

Ryan jerked back and wondered why he’d just referred to Derek as a stud. Sure he was friendly with the other muscle man, but he’d never called him by such terms.

Luckily, Derek laughed it off as he took the empty bench next to him. “Thanks,” he chuckled. “I mean, I have been putting on some serious gains.” He flexed a large, bowling ball-sized bicep to illustrate his point. “I’m pretty sure I’m gonna come in first this year.”

Ryan Terry’s eyes bulged at the sheer expanse of Derek’s bicep. It was massive and oozed such masculine power. Best of all was that Derek had yet to shave his body, so it was covered in dark, manly hair.

Ryan meant to offer a genuine congratulatory comment on Derek’s progress, but as soon as he opened his mouth, he heard himself utter, “Damn Daddy, that’s some serious size you got there.” Again, Ryan winced at what he said, having absolutely no intent on saying anything like that. However, it was as if his mouth moved on its own accord without any thought on his end.

“Uh, right,” Derek mumbled, cocking his eyebrow at his buddy.

Ryan dropped his dumbbell and flexed his own massive bicep, rivaling Derek’s size. “I got some gains of my own though,” he smirked. “See this huge, sexy muscle right here?” He felt himself lean forward and seductively lick his huge muscle, maintaining eye contact with the shocked Derek. Ryan inwardly screamed at himself the entire time. He had no idea why he was acting the way he was right now, and although he could feel and hear everything he was doing, he had no control over it. It was as if he were a puppet and someone else was controlling him. Still, Ryan was horrified at his actions, tasting the saltiness of his sweat as he licked his bicep.

“Um,” Derek wondered aloud, “I think I’m good on arms.” He quickly stood up and hurried away from the weight pile, leaving a humiliated and confused Ryan in his wake.

“What the fuck was that?” Ryan hissed to himself, seemingly able to control his words when he was by himself. He’d never once flirted with a man like that before. The straight stud had never even been so outlandish with a woman. Yet, he’d brazenly licked his bicep like some muscled up stripper on stage. He rubbed at his face in a panic, trying to come up with a reasonable excuse for the weird way he’d just acted around Derek Lunsford. He put the dumbbells away and hurried off to the treadmill, figuring that a run would clear his head. Plus, he could just put in his headphones and ignore everyone else as he ran.

As he rushed towards the treadmills, Ryan was oblivious to the smiling gym employee who eagerly watched the scene unfold before him.

When he reached the treadmills, Ryan took the one on the far right. He got on and began to punch the buttons on the machine, starting to set it to a slow job to begin.

When he looked over at the occupied treadmill at his left, he saw bodybuilder Nick Walker running, trying to get some final cuts in before tomorrow’s competition. He was running without headphones, watching one of the TVs. As he ran, the man’s pecs bounced with every step, and since he was shirtless, Ryan got a full, uninterrupted view of the large muscle mounds.

Again, Ryan felt his heart speed up and even felt his cock start to twitch, further worrying him. He shook away his discomfort and smiled back at the other man when he grinned at him.

“How’s it goin’, Ryan?” Nick asked him.

Ryan felt his cock practically leap when the muscle man addressed him, which was thankfully concealed by his gym shorts. As soon as he felt his lips start to move, he was already pleading with himself to be quiet. However, such was not his luck.

“I’m doing great,” Ryan heard himself say animatedly. “I’ve been workin’ a lot on building up my muscle. Check it out!” He felt himself turn around and tug on the front of his shorts to make the material go tight against his large glutes, which he promptly flexed for Nick to see.

Despite Ryan screaming bloody murder inside his head, Nick laughed at him. “Yeah, pretty impressive,” he chuckled in a low, manly voice.

That sent a shiver down Ryan’s spine and his cock was now painfully hard, at full mast. “Well, if you think they’re impressive now,” he teased, “just wait ‘till you take a ride.” He glanced over his shoulder and gave the other man a playful wink. His stomach dropped when he saw Nick look uneasy and look away awkwardly.

“Uh, sure
” he mumbled.

Ryan, begging with himself to stop, turned forward to face the other bodybuilder. Despite his inner humiliation and horror over his uncontrollable actions, Ryan didn’t show any of it outwardly. His sexy smirk stayed glued onto his stubbled face. He felt himself puff out his chest, his nipples poking against his tight white tank top. His muscled arm reached upward and he began to playfully flick one of his hard nipples, sending electric shots of pleasure straight to his throbbing cock.

“If you’re unsure, then maybe I can convince you,” he heard himself purr, feeling his tongue flick out over his full lips at the end of his statement.

Nick just shook his head as he laughed uncomfortably, putting his earbuds in.

Ryan gave up on trying to run on the treadmill, opting to end his workout for the day. He rushed towards the locker room, his beefy hands clapped tightly over his mouth out of fear that his body would mutter something else flirtatiously, all the while, his hard cock bobbed in his shorts with every step.

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1 year ago

Thank you very much for your time. (takes a sip of the tea) ummm bitter, is it orange tea?

So if you don't mind, let's start (takes out a notebook)

All cases have things in common.

1. who are mostly, if not completely, always men. Is that true? (sorry, I don't want to sound rude)

2. How often do you usually have these kinds of interactions?

3. Are they always people with the physique of athletes to bodybuilders or are there usually other physical types?

4. Are you able to say the age range of the victims?

5. After what happened, have any of the victims contacted you again?

(after you answer)

And the last and most important question, how do you do it? I want to and don't come and tell me that you are actually a fantasy entity or a demon of pleasure because then I will think that you are crazy (don't take it seriously, it's part of the setting).

Part 1

Yes! It is orange tea!

That's quite the palete you've got! I like to serve this one to my guests, mainly because I like the way it looks. See?

The color is deep and bronze, kind of like posing oil.

But if you're not a fan of orange tea, I can make you something else? I have blueberry? Or if you don't like tea, I have soda that's really fizzy?

I'll let you think it over; but in the meantime, I'm glad to assist your investigation in anyway I can. Let's look at those questions. Hmmm...

Yes, my, *ahem, abilities only seem to have an effect on men. It's just the way the magic works, but it's all good since I find it more fun that way. (No worries, I didn't find this rude at all!)

These sort of interactions can only be described as random, at best. Sometimes I will see someone out in public who I think will be fun to mess with, or who deserves a little shake up. And sometimes people will come to me, asking to be changed or asking for a little fun for their friend... or revenge for an enemy.

Body types are also random. I will admit that about 90% (or more) of the men who are affected tend to have an athletic or bodybuilder physique. However, I have had experiences with skinnier guys, larger men, shorter men, etc. I have no preference and I will help/change anyone who comes to me... but I will admit that I specialize in growth surrounding the glutes and pectorals.

18 and up, period. There's no leeway with this, at all. I do have a softer spot for older guys, though, so I love to have daddies who are in their late forties, early fifties come to me for experimentation (or to add to the daddy population).

I've been contacted a few times by men who have been changed. It's usually from the ones who've asked me to change them themselves, and they are always grateful. Although, sometimes a guy who's been changed thanks to the whims of another has not contacted me yet, probably because they tend to get distracted by their new bodies to keep looking.

How do I do it? I need a picture/video to start with. From there, I can alter it or create a scenario around it, that will in tune come to fruition. I suppose this could classify me as a sort of magical creature with properties similar to Venomoth...

Thank You Very Much For Your Time. (takes A Sip Of The Tea) Ummm Bitter, Is It Orange Tea?

Don't laugh.

Would you like a demonstration? I can prove it, if you show me a picture (no explicit nudity please, just so I can post it lol). It can be of you or maybe one of your buddies?

Or the guy who sent you here...?

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1 year ago

My favorite sports team is the South African Springboks and they just win the Rugby World Cup. I’m not a great player but do you think that you could make me a big hot world class rugby player to join the team?

My Favorite Sports Team Is The South African Springboks And They Just Win The Rugby World Cup. Im Not

(I really don't know a thing about rugby... lol)

Sure thing!

Imagine that you wake up one morning, and immediately feel the foreign sensation of muscle rubbing up against muscle the second you sit up. You would look down at your larger athletic form, impressed by the sheer size of your new muscles that exude masculine prowess.

However, you also smell that strong musk that is wafting off of your muscled body in waves, smelling as if you'd just finished an intense workout or won a hard-earned match.

You shower, noting how different it feels to have your fingers run over the new curvature of your pecs, biceps, and ass. But even after cleaning yourself off and using scented body wash, you still reek of musk.

No matter what you do, your big, buff jock body smells of manly musk. Especially whenever you flex your massive arms, forming a double biceps pose-- your hairy pits emanate a string musky odor that you can't resist taking a big whiff of.

I really hope you enjoy your new life as a big, muscular, musky jock!

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1 year ago



@writer-ofstuff Thank you so much! ❀

-- -- --

“Of all the places to search for a trickster,” Derek annoyedly huffed, “we have to scope out some crappy reunion?”

His boyfriend, Stiles, shrugged his thin shoulders. “I guess even tricksters had to go to school, too.”

The alpha werewolf rolled his eyes as he stomped up the steps to the gymnasium where music blasted out of. Wanting to go incognito, Derek had begrudgingly dressed up in a suit so that he could look like he was attending his own high school reunion, despite the fact that he loathed the thought of ever stepping foot into a school at all. Meanwhile, Stiles was all smiles, dressed up too and ready to look like it was date night.

The two walked inside and were instantly greeted by someone standing by a table. “Welcome to the tenth year reunion!” he warmly smiled at the two before scrunching up his face in confusion. “Oh, I don’t think I recognize you, sorry!”

Stiles paled as he tried to come up with a lie, and Derek could hear his heart speed up. 

The werewolf looked down at the table in front of them, seeing the array of name tags on it. He spotted one and snatched it up, peeling the back off of it.

“You don’t recognize
 Gilbert?” he asked, slapping the name tag onto Stiles’s chest, trying to hold back a chuckle.

Stiles just narrowed his eyes at his boyfriend.

The guy behind the table perked up. “Oh Gilbert!” he beamed. “Wow, you look great
” He trailed off, his gaze fixating on Derek for a moment before perking up. “And oh, I didn’t know that you were coming too. Let me make you a name tag.”

Before Derek could ask, the guy scribbled down a name on a blank sticker and placed it on the front of Derek’s suit.


“Welcome, Chad,” the guy smirked at the werewolf before turning his attention to the other couples who entered.

Derek and Stiles walked away from the table and towards the gymnasium entrance.

“Damn it,” Stiles frowned. “Why do I have to be ‘Gilbert’, and you get a manly name like ‘Chad’? Let’s switch!” He tried to grab the name tag off of Derek’s suit, but he couldn’t get it to peel off. “It’s really stuck on there

"Damn it,” Derek muttered, annoyed that his suit was probably destroyed thanks to some crappy sticker. However, something else caught his attention and he cleared his throat. “Um, hey Stiles, does my voice sound

Perhaps it was due to the blaring music over the speakers, but Derek could’ve sworn that his voice had more baritone to it. Due to his status as an alpha, his voice was regularly deep and commanding, but now it had a certain quality to it that made it sound like it had a much more masculine bass.

“I don’t think so?” Stiles wondered, having trouble hearing clearly with his human ears. “Should we leave?” He briefly worried that his boyfriend wasn’t feeling well.

Derek shook his head. “No, let’s split up and search for this trickster,” he said in his deeper voice. “Call me if you see anything
 Gilbert.” He smirked at the way Stiles frowned.

“Yeah, yeah, Chad.” Stiles disappeared in the crowd of people dancing and drinking in the packed gymnasium.

As Derek walked Stiles walk away, his eyes couldn’t resist honing in on his boyfriend’s firm butt. The way the cheeks shifted as he walked away caused a stirring deep in Derek’s loins, and the werewolf blushed as he grew hard in the middle of the crowd of people. Luckily, his tight pants kept his boner shielded, so Derek stayed determine to hunt down this trickster and kick him out of his territory.

Derek shoved his way through the crowd of people, sniffing at the air as he tried to catch a scent.

“Move!” he growled at one guy as he shoved his way past, no longer able to doubt that his voice was indeed deeper. It had much more bass than it should’ve, making him sound almost like a stereotype of a superhero.

He rubbed at his throat, as if he could fix his voice, but his eyes widened at what he felt.

Derek had shaved before leaving his place, all to play the part. Therefore, his throat and lower jaw shouldn’t have been covered in thick stubble. Even more was that Derek couldn’t help but gasp when his fingers ran over his jaw. It felt wider than it should’ve been, like it had even squared off a bit too.

“What the hell
?” Derek trailed off, trying to wrap his head around what was going on.

He continued to push his way through the thick crowd of people, feeling increasingly uncomfortable. As he moved, Derek felt as if his clothes were getting tighter by the second. He knew that thought was ridiculous, so he tried his best to ignore it. However, with every step he took, his pants constricted his legs, and his shirt was unbearably tight. His arms felt as if they were being squeezed by his sleeves, and he feared that if he took a deep breath, his shirt would rip to shreds.


The top few buttons of his shirt gave way, flying off.

Derek looked down in confusion, his eyes widening when he saw that his chest somehow jutted further away from his torso than it should’ve. As impossible as it seemed, it was as if Derek’s pecs had somehow inflated, increasing their rigid roundness; and he could make out two bumps where his nubby nipples pressed noticeably against his straining shirt which struggled to remain intact.

“What the fuck?” Derek wondered aloud, noting that his voice was definitely deeper now.

The werewolf shoved his way past the crowd of people, having to adjust his stance due to the increased weight at his chest. He was forced to draw his shoulders back, which only shoved his inflated pecs out into the air even more. And the more he moved, the more he noted how his thighs seemed to roll over one another in a manner they never had before. 

Derek stumbled a little, feeling like his gait was entirely thrown off. The room spun for a brief second, and when he regained his composure, he couldn’t help but feel like something was really off.

He was on the taller side of the spectrum; but when he’d first entered the gymnasium, he’d been able to see the tops of the other patrons’ heads, but now he felt as if he completely towered over them. The coolness he felt over his ankles alerted him to the fact that his previously fitted pants now felt more like tight capris, and his shirt had become untucked. The bottom of his skintight shirt now stopped above his belly button, looking like it was a cut-off.

Derek quickened his pace and bolted into the bathroom, which was thankfully vacant. After locking the door being him, he looked into the mirror and couldn’t hold back the loud gasp at his altered reflection.

Derek was huge! He must’ve grown at least a foot taller, based on how short his clothes looked. And speaking of his clothes, they barely fit over his inflated muscles. It looked as if he’d gained well over fifty pounds of pure muscle. His arms bulged in a way they never had before, splitting his sleeves at the seam as they flexed with power. His already broad shoulders were much, much wider than they should’ve been, looking like the werewolf would have to go through any standard-sized door sideways now. His pecs were enormous, looking like large slabs of meat that jutted off his chest. They tore his shirt apart, his nubby nipples exposed out in the open for all to see. His legs had even gained some serious size, his thighs pressed tightly together as his quads inflated. His butt even looked bigger too— not like a power bottom’s, but more so like he didn’t neglect Leg Day.

And Derek couldn’t help but stare at his altered face in awe, noting how much wider and bigger his jaw looked. It was comically squared off, and covered in thick, manly stubble. A dimple had even appeared on his chin, and Derek ran a disbelieving hand over his jaw in wonder.

“What the fuck’s happening to me?” he asked, noting his deep baritone.

Derek felt his larger chest itch and as he scratched it, the werewolf felt little hairs start to sprout over his skin. He watched in the mirror in wonder as his chest hair grew in, thickening as it covered his larger pecs and chiseled abs.

And despite the panic he felt over what was happening to him, Derek was extremely horny.

The longer he stared at his warped reflection, the more turned on he felt. Despite himself, Derek couldn’t resist bending over and forming a most muscular pose that he’d seen bodybuilders do during competitions. His massive muscles flexing in unison caused audible rips to echo out in the small bathroom, and what was left of his shirt split down the middle, exposing his inflated, hairy chest. He could feel his cock harden in his tight pants, snaking down one pant leg, looking much longer and thicker than it should’ve been.

A knock at the locked bathroom door jolted Derek out of his daze.

“Derek!” Sitles called out, sounding concerned. “I saw you run in here. Are you okay?”

Out of instinct, Derek immediately rushed over to the door and unlocked it just so he could yank the small human inside, before slamming the door and re-locking it.

After regaining his bearings, Stiles looked up in awe at his warped boyfriend. “Chad?” he asked in disbelief before flinching. He cleared his throat and tried again. “De— Chad? What the hell? Why can’t I call you ‘Chad’? I mean, your name is Chad. What
?” His face grew red as he tried to call Derek by his name, seemingly unable to do so.

The way his boyfriend looked flustered made Derek’s heart race in his beefy chest, and he cleared his own throat.

“Um,” he bellowed out in his masculine bass, “my name is D— er, Chad.” His eyes widened as he stared back into the mirror, honing in on the name tag affixed to his destroyed suit.

Derek envisioned himself going through Beacon Hills, his massive muscles and over-exaggerated masculinity on display for all to see. He looked like a caricature of some kind of superhero, with a large jaw and hairy muscles— and he was so incredibly turned on.

His gigantic, lengthened cock sprung out of his tight pants, hardening to its new length of eleven inches, looking as thick as a beer can, with balls the size of oranges. It rose in front of the stunned werewolf, throbbing with intense want, a horny cloud shrouding over his panicked brain, making it impossible to think of anything else but his cute boyfriend.

“It must be the trickster!” Stiles gasped loudly as he put the pieces together. He grabbed onto Derek’s large arm and tried to lead him towards the door so that they could leave this cursed reunion and figure out a way to fix him. “C’mon Chad!”

Derek/Chad didn’t budge, only one thing on his mind. Instead, he reached out with a muscled arm, easily picking up Stiles and tossing him over a broadened shoulder.

“Calm down, Little Man,” Chad bellowed in his deep voice, puffing his hairy chest muscles out with power, “just let Daddy here take care of things.” With his hard cock bobbing in front of him and his bare, hairy muscles on full display, Chad exited the bathroom with his boyfriend in his clutches.

As the two exited the gymnasium, Chad noticed the guy at the table in front flash him a thumb’s up. For a brief second, he thought it was odd, but he quickly ignored it and focused his mind on fucking his boyfriend senseless tonight.

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