Tiny Cock - Tumblr Posts

"You ever seen biceps this big, Little Guy?" Matt teased, flexing his bowling ball sized bicep and shoving it into the smaller bodybuilder's face. He couldn't fight the large smirk on his cocky face, knowing deep down that his win was practically guaranteed since he easily outweighed every other competitor.
"...yeah," the smaller bodybuilder muttered, his eyes honing in on the small bulge in front of Matt.
The skintight pink posers easily showcased just how little the superheavyweight bodybuilder's manliest muscle was. Thanks to his massive amounts of fans and online followers, everyone knew of the imposing muscle man with the tiny cock. The other men in the gym where he worked out would sometimes gain a sneak peek of Matt's small dick, shocked speechless at the two inch nub and marble-sized balls that the stud possessed, looking all the more hilarious attached to such a hulk of a man.
At first, Matt was beyond humiliated at the thought of people seeing his microdick, but in the end, that only pushed him to grow his muscles all the more bigger.
The large Matt saw his competitor's line of sight and snorted. "May be small," he countered, "but I'm bigger where it matters." He leaned forward and performed an impressive most muscular pose, loving the look of dread on the other man's face; and not at all bothered by how tiny his bulge looked as it was thrusted forward by his wide thighs.
(This was from a deleted request where an anon wished to swap bodies with someone else because they were, "Short and blonde")
Blonde? A little on the short side?
Okay, I got it. Lemme just snap my fingers and… *SNAP!
“And next to the stage: The Welsh Dragon! Flex Lewis!” an announcer bellowed through a speaker system, and you heard a roaring thunder of applause emanating from what you deduced must’ve been a sizable crowd.
At first you were confused as to where you were since all you saw was a blinding light for a second. However, you felt your legs moving forward, propelling you closer to the source of the sound. Something was off about your walk. You could feel your thighs rolling around each other as you moved, making you waddle. There are also something else off about your gait that you couldn’t quite pinpoint. You felt so heavy with arms colliding with lats and your front seemingly weighing you down.
Eventually your eyes adjusted to the light and you found yourself standing out in front of a large crowd on a stage. Flickerings of lights danced around, indicating pictures being taken. Your heart raced in your chest and you frantically looked around before you spotted a large screen behind you, one of the ones that concerts utilize to showcase a larger picture of what’s onstage.
You spotted the image of bodybuilder Flex Lewis looking panicked on the screen. His eyes were wide and he was looking around the stage as if he were lost. His massive muscles were pumped to perfection; his huge pecs protruded off his chest invitingly and his biceps glistened underneath the lights reflecting the posing oil he was covered in. Then it dawned on you.
Whenever you moved, Flex Lewis moved.
Your jaw dropped (Flex Lewis’s image doing the same), and you raised of both your heavier arms above your head to form a double biceps pose. The crowd went wild as you flexed the giant arms that you now possessed. You stood in place as you registered what had happened, that somehow you’d managed to swap bodies with world famous bodybuilder, Flex Lewis.
A wide smile formed on your new face and you strutted further out onto the stage to show off your vast form to the numerous spectators who all cheered with every pose you performed. You bounced your massive pecs and turned around to show off your large, globular glutes.
“It looks like Flex has definitely packed on some serious size!” the announcer commented.
You leaned forward and performed a most muscular pose, feeling so incredibly turned on as the crowd went crazy. You even eyed a cute photographer who winked at you as you posed, and you began to consider inviting him back to yours/Flex’s hotel room after the competition which you were sure you’d win. Then you’d let him feel up every inch of your massive, bulky body.
Basking in the joy that your new life was bringing you, you positioned your bulky arms behind your head and performed a front abdominals pose.
The hot photographer’s eyes widened and he raised his camera to take a quick picture, a devious smirk forming on his face for some reason.
“Uh oh,” the announcer said, trying to hold back a laugh, “it looks like not everything about Flex Lewis had increased in size.”
You jerked back in confusion, dropping your arms in wonder as the crowd started to erupt in laughter. More lights flickered as your picture was taken some more and you grew confused as to what was happening. Just mere seconds ago, everybody was lusting over your broad form but now they were laughing and making fun of you.
“Folks,” the announcer chuckled, “let this be a reminder that roids shrink your junk.”
The laughter in the crowd grew in fervor and intensity.
“What the hell?” you asked aloud, hearing your new accented voice for the first time. You turned your head to look back at the screen that showcased your new, confused form. The screen had zoomed in on your body, more specifically the shimmery green posers that you wore. They were skin tight and traveled down low to form a hilariously small bulge at your groin.
You loudly gasped and looked down at yourself, paling at the sight of your pathetic bulge that barely tented your posers. With a shaky hand, you pulled the top of the posers away from you, and had to glance over your bulging pecs to gain a view of what you were packing.
Nestled in the green posers was a puny one-inch nub of a cock that was couple with tiny balls that were close to your body, no bigger than jelly beans.
“Holy shit!” you panicked, turning bright red when you registered all the flashing lights from the cameras that took pictures of a horrified Flex Lewis checking out his micro-dick onstage. Sure you were now a sexy bodybuilder who many muscle-lovers lusted over, and your muscles were so huge and manly that your size dwarfed most men, however, your cock was now so tiny that it was comical being attached to any man, let alone such a massive muscle frame.
You covered up your minuscule bulge with a beefy hand, able to conceal it entirely with just one paw. You hurriedly rushed offstage, your face red hot with embarrassment. The roaring laughter was still heard from the stage.
“Poor micro-dicked Flex Lewis left the stage and is hereby disqualified!” the announced boomed over the speakers. “How embarrassing.”
Even your fellow competitors laughed at you as you shoved your way past them. Their posing pouches were all stuffed to capacity with their meaty cocks. All the while, you hid your pathetic nub from sight, humiliated beyond repair and knowing that you’d managed to ruin Flex Lewis’s bodybuilding career. You just hoped that he was having fun in your smaller body that had a much larger cock.
Flex Lewis 4/4

"The water's just really cold," the embarrassed stud told the mass of onlookers who gawked at his large and small form.

"There's so many of those muscled up himbos showing off their large cocks online; but I have a larger following because guys are really interested in the muscle stud with a microdick."

"The best part about having a two inch cock is that no one can tell that I'm hard when posing," the bodybuilder told the interviewer.

"Small? Look at the size of these muscles! Oh-- that wasn't what you were talking about?"

This poor musclestud spends a fortune on custom posers since the usual XS-sized ones are too big in front.

Guess which one's the bottom of the group?
31 Days of Derek Hale
Day 02: Microdicked Bodybuilder

Info │ 01 │ 02
“Derek?” Stiles called out as he wandered through the crowded backstage. He and Derek had been investigating a trickster who was making trouble in Beacon Hills. For some reason, the trickster had decided to hide out at a bodybuilding competition. Wanting to expel the mischievous creature from their territory, Derek and Stiles had decided to ambush the trickster at said competition.
However, due to the large crowd of muscled up, barely clothed men, Stiles lost sight of Derek and the two had gotten separated.
“Derek!” Stiles yelled out again, scanning the crowd for his boyfriend. He’d wandered backstage where a lot of the large musclemen where working out to get one last pump before they hit the stage, their massive bulk only clothed by the skimpiest of posers that were available.
The small human was at least half the size of the men backstage, and he drooled over a few of their vast forms… and a part of him secretly wished that Derek would look into bodybuilding.
“Stiles!” Derek’s deep voice bellowed out, making Stiles perk up.
“Derek? Where are you— holy crap!” Stiles gasped the second his eyes landed on his boyfriend.
Or what used to be his boyfriend.
The Derek that stood before Stiles was nearly three times his normal size. All of his muscles had been crazily inflated to rival those of the other men. Derek’s legs were so thick that they pushed against each other and caused him to stand almost bowlegged. His waist was thick, his abs visible yet slightly distended to show off the beginnings of a sizable roid gut. Pecs were so large and cumbersome that they blocked Derek’s view of anything below them. His shoulders were much broader than they should’ve been, and the arms attached to them were thick with muscle and they rested upon flaring lats. Derek was clad in just pair of posers like every other bodybuilder backstage. His was a silver pair that slipped between his muscled up booty, while the pouch concealed his meager meat.
Stiles nearly chocked on his breath at the sight of Derek’s tiny junk that created a small bulge that rested in front of the new bodybuilder’s wide quads. It was hilariously tiny, looking way smaller than it should’ve been.
“Derek!” Stiles gasped, unable to take his eyes off of his boyfriend’s big/small physique. “What the hell happened to you?!”
Derek only gave an uncharacteristically wide smile as he lifted a dumbbell with one hand, the motion causing his bowling ball-sized biceps to flex with masculine power. “I’m getting my pump on,” he grinned before scrunching up his eyebrows with concern at the look of Stiles’s frantic expression. “What’s wrong? Is someone bothering you?” At that, Derek bared his werewolf fangs and let out a low growl as he puffed out his massive pecs with power.
Derek took a protective step towards Stiles, wrapping a thick arm around the small human’s waist.
At first, Stiles was so turned on that he swooned and couldn’t help but rest a hand atop Derek’s inflated chest, noting that it was slick with posing oil. “Um, n-no,” he stammered, “it’s just that… you’re huge!” He gestured at Derek’s blown up body with exasperation, unable to grasp why Derek wasn’t freaking out.
Derek’s serious face fell and he grinned widely again. “You’re just noticing?” he guffawed, letting go of his boyfriend’s waist to lean forward, forming a most muscular pose. The muscles in his arms and chest popped spectacularly, bulging with such raw power that Stile grew hard a little.
At Stiles’s awed expression, Derek straightened up only to throw both of his huge arms above his head to form a double biceps pose.
“I’m gonna win first place,” he beamed with pride. “No one’s muscles are larger than mine!”
“I, uh, I see that,” Stiles drooled, feeling incredibly turned on by how large Derek was. But that also alerted him to something else that was drastically out of place. Stiles lowered his voice as he whispered to his boyfriend, “B-but your cock is… uh—”
“Two and half inches?” Derek said loudly, almost with pride. “Who cares about that little thing when I have an almost eighty inch chest?” To illustrate his point, Derek bounced his muscletits, the large mounds lifting and slamming back down onto his chest.
“I mean, I guess it is hard to argue with that…”
“And besides,” Derek chuckled, leaning in closer to Stiles so that his nearly flat pouch rested on his leg, “it’s better this way since no one else can tell that I’m rock hard as I pose for you.” Derek swiveled his hips, grinding his tiny nub against Stiles.
It was difficult to tell due to its pathetic size, but Stiles was able to feel that Derek was rock hard. His small cock barely tented out the pouch of the poser thanks to how little it was, but Derek didn’t seem to mind at all.
Before Stiles could try to argue some more or try to convince Derek to find the trickster to reverse whatever spell it had obviously cast upon him, the PA speaker blared out: “Next to the stage is newcomer Derek Hale, competing in the Super Heavyweight Division!”
Derek perked up, excited. “Wish me luck!” he gushed, leaning in quickly to peck Stiles on the cheek before waddling away towards the stage entrance. His thighs were so thick that they rolled over each other, seriously hindering his movement. For a moment, Derek paused and cocked his eyebrow in confusion, feeling like something was wrong.
However, he turned back to glance at Stiles and couldn’t resist flexing a large bicep for the smaller man. The way Stiles’s eyes widened caused his cocklet to go rigid, throbbing with want. However, it was nearly swallowed by his inflated thighs, barely noticeable as he waddled out onstage to flex for the cheering crowd.

Damn! Max's quads are so big that they near engulf his tiny package!

Vojta blushed as the audience began to snicker at the mini bulge in front of him. "It's not small!" he tried to bellow. "I just really pumped up my quads, and it's making it look small by comparison!"
But a keen eye could easily see the rigid, pert two inch nub tenting out his micro poser.
Testing a New Supplement

Here's a fun story I wrote for a contest on Gayspiralstories. I didn't place, but it was still fun to write! I'll have to write some more!

“So, what is this exactly?” Viktor asked as he examined the pink capsule pill that was handed to him. It looked like an ordinary pill from any generic vitamin store, but it was allegedly some sort of miracle drug on the cusp of a science breakthrough.
Ethan adjusted his thick-rimmed glasses as he animatedly gestured at the pill. “It’s the latest and greatest in pharmacology,” the nerd explained. “I’ve been working day and night all year to develop this drug. It’s a world class steroid that will help guys build mass, almost instantaneous.”
“‘Instantaneous’? Bullshit,” Viktor scoffed as he studied the pill some more.
When Viktor’s college roommate, Ethan, had eagerly rushed back to their dorm to announce that some members of his biology department were assisting with the development of the new miracle steroid supplement and needed volunteers (paid volunteers), he’d immediately brought a prototype over to Viktor.
Viktor practically lived in the gym, perfecting his body so that he could maintain his position as the star player on the college baseball team. His body was blessed with toned and impressive muscles, and Viktor loved to show them off. He frequently wore tight shirts that displayed his chiseled pecs, and form-fitting jeans that cupped his toned butt and allowed a sneak peek at his sizable bulge. The jock was a total hunk, and Viktor knew it. And he absolutely used his good looks to his advantage, earning himself a reputation as a total ladies’ man on campus, sleeping his way through sororities left and right.
Viktor was known as a total alpha.
It was ironic that he’d gotten stuck with Ethan as a roommate.
Ethan was a total nerd, through and through. The short, skinny dweeb was so utterly tiny, and he wore thick glasses that made him look all buggy. It was obvious that the little guy had a thing for his hunky roommate; and despite having zero interest in guys, Viktor would sometimes tease the little guy by walking around their shared dorm in nothing but his boxer briefs, letting his chiseled pecs be on full display for the nerd to drool over.
Even now as Viktor held the little experimental pill in his grip, he was clad in just his mesh shorts, having just returned from the gym. His pectoral muscles were pumped from chest day.
Ethan shrugged his narrow shoulders. “That’s why the biology department’s paying you thirty dollars, to find out.”
“True,” Viktor hummed. “Thirty bucks is thirty bucks.”
Viktor popped the pill into his mouth, swallowing it down dry.
“Great!” Ethan virtually cheered. “Now all we have to do is monitor and record the results. How’re you feeling now?”
“I feel fine,” Viktor snorted, rolling his eyes at the nerd’s eagerness. He couldn’t help but chuckle inwardly at the thought of some sort of brand new steroid promising results in a few minutes. If anything, he figured he’d just get a minor stomach ache later in the night. “Maybe I got a placebo— UUGHhhh!”
Viktor felt all of his powerful muscles tense up at once, making it look like he was flexing. His body felt really warm, as if he’d just finished a marathon, sweat starting to drip down from his pores in a snap. However, the jock’s attention quickly became alerted to the fact that his impressive seven-and-a-half inch cock rocketed straight to attention, tenting out his gym shorts noticeably.
At first, the stud blushed at being rock hard in front of the small gay guy, but his mind was quickly overcome by a heavy haze of lust. His cock throbbed and ached for release, and Viktor could barely control himself, instinctually reaching down to tear his shorts away so he could take care of it.
Ethan chuckled as the large, alpha stud jerked himself off. Viktor wanted to bark at him and tell him to go away, but he was far too concerned with what he was starting to feel— or what he wasn’t feeling. No matter how hard or long he tugged on his hard cock, he couldn’t feel the regular jolts of pleasure emanating from it.
Viktor grit his teeth as he jerked himself off, but he was getting nowhere near climax. In fact, he could only feel his sexual tension starting to build, his knees weakening and his heart racing as he grew desperate to get off. He even knitted his eyebrows as his throbbing cock elicited zero sexual responses.
“Uhhhh, what’s happening?” Viktor whined, his voice cracking as his cock continued to spasm.
“Just relax,” Ethan said, his voice low and calculating. “You’re a part of a medical science breakthrough.”
Viktor’s face was cherry red as his large bicep flexed with power as he jerked his hard cock, all to no avail. He then winced when he felt his other muscled arm moving on its own accord, without any thought of his own, reaching around himself to his backside. His eyes widened when he felt one of his thick fingers pausing above his tight hole.
“OOOhhhh!” Viktor squealed with pleasure as he inserted a finger inside. His toes curled and his eyes rolled back as he fingered himself in front of his roommate. Viktor had never been penetrated before, and while he maintained the slightest coherence to be begging himself to stop, he’d never felt such pleasure. Viktor’s embarrassment was quickly clouded over as the stud heatedly fingered himself, adding another and then a third one, his mouth wide open as he loudly moaned like a needy slut.
Waves of pleasure crashed over the moaning jock until he could feel a sort of pressure starting to grow inside of him, getting larger and larger until it felt as if a bubble burst.
“GGNnnuuaaa!” Viktor cried as he came, his thick cock spasming as he blew his load all over his muscled chest. His fingers still securely lodged in his ass, Viktor’s massive pecs heaved as he tried to catch his breath after possibly blowing the largest load of his life. “What the fuck was that— uuughhh!” He tensed up, his cock shooting straight up and blowing another large load, his muscles twitching with masculine power as he came.
“It’s working!” Ethan exclaimed excitedly.
Before he could ask what the nerd had meant by that, Viktor felt his impressive muscles tense up as he seemingly was stuck in a perpetual orgasm. His cock kept throbbing and cumming, shooting load after load as the stunned college jock moaned loudly with each burst. Viktor looked down, his face beet red from humiliation before going ghostly white when he noticed something horrible.
Every time his cock blew a load, it grew smaller and smaller. It was still rock hard, but as it throbbed and came, it got yanked further into his body, getting tinier by the second.
“Wh-what!?” Viktor sputtered as he came and reached down at to grab at his shrinking cock, but then he felt something else behind him.
As he shuffled his feet, Viktor felt an unknown jiggling sensation emanating from his backside. The panicked stud looked over his broad shoulder and gasped loudly as he witnessed his proportional butt shudder and pull away from him, growing larger and rounder with each passing second.
“What’s happening to meeeee?” Viktor moaned as he kept cumming, panicking as his cock shrank and his butt grew, all the while the other man kept eying him hungrily as he changed.
Viktor’s ass ballooned out from his back, defying gravity as it blew up. It jutted out at a near ninety degree angle from his back, forming a perfect shelf. The cheeks bounced and jiggled from every slight move that the frantic stud made, sending bolts of electric pleasure straight to his cumming cock. Even his thighs packed on a little meat to accommodate the increased weight at his backside, growing closer together as they constantly rubbed against one another, forcing his tiny cock out front and center.
His butt grew so large that his fingers were forced out of his hole, not able to reach, and the growing sexual tension-fueled pressure inside of him grew to obscene levels, making Viktor desperate to feel stuffed again.
“Uuughhh!” Viktor shrieked as he blew his final load, left spent and gasping for breath as he rested a hand against the wall. His mind tried to piece everything together, but all he could seem to really focus on was the unsettling feeling of emptiness that his giant bubblebutt felt.
“It worked!” Ethan victoriously cried, eying the microdicked, bottomheavy stud with a devious glance.
With a loud gasp, Viktor was finally able to recompose himself, his mind filling with panic over his mysterious transformation. He mobbed past the smaller man, rushing down the hallway. His gait resembled more of a waddle with his thickened thighs, and as he moved, the stud winced as he felt his massive, new cheeks bounce and roll over each other. What was even more alarming was how each movement of his massive ass sent shockwaves of pleasure straight to his small cock, which was still rock hard.
“Fuck!” Viktor shouted when he confronted his new form in the bathroom mirror.
His ass wasn’t just big, it was enormous! Viktor’s face was stark white as he examined his new physique. His butt had inflated to such large proportions that he could see the sides of his rounded cheeks from the front. His muscled torso kept its same size and shape, his massive pecs looming over a trimmed waist that then widened out to a giant pair of cheeks that were about the size of beach balls. No matter how impressive his pecs were, no matter how cute his smile was, and no matter how round his biceps were, Viktor knew that his giant bubblebutt would now forever be the focus of his body. As he turned to and fro to examine his new body, his huge ass bounce and jiggled, seemingly in constant movement.
The former alpha frowned when he saw the tiny one inch nub that his cock had become. It was still rock hard, but it was barely noticeable at its new size. Out of instinct, Viktor reached down and grabbed it, only able to hold it with his thumb and index due to how small it had become. It was embarrassingly tiny.
“What’s wrong, Stud?” Ethan asked as he walked up to him, enjoying how the larger man shuddered when he ran an admiring hand over his cresting ass.
“What— how— why?” Viktor sputtered as he tried to piece together what had happened to him. He knew for a fact that no one would ever look at him the same, that he’d immediately lost his alpha status thanks to the small cock he now possessed.
“You just helped with a scientific breakthrough,” Ethan told the bottomheavy hunk. “We were developing a supplement to see if we could turn the biggest, manliest jock into a musclebutt slut.”
Viktor’s eyes widened at what he heard. “Wh-what?”
“Just think about it: you are Exhibit A now. You’re proof that the straightest alpha male can be turned into a needy bottom who is built to bring pleasure to other men. That massive booty of yours is the perfect cushion for an alpha male to dominate, and that tiny cock of yours will make sure that all of your pleasure receptors are in that big butt now. See? You’re now the perfect bottom!”
Viktor’s pecs heaved as he tried to process what he’d just learned. Not only had his cock shrank and his butt inflated, but apparently the drug had also turned him into a needy bottom slut.
The jock looked over at the nerd beside him, the air in his throat drying up. Despite his panic, Viktor couldn’t help but notice how cute Ethan looked with his soft brown hair and little dimples. He felt a slight pressure in his crotch and looked downward, expecting to be hard. His little one inch cocklet looked unchanged, yet when he reached down and felt it, Viktor paled when he realized that he was in fact rock hard. He was just too small to notice.
But the throbbing in his tiny cock paled in comparison to the deep hunger that he felt in his inflated butt. The jock shuffled his feet with want, every shift and ripple from his booty making his nub throb even more. An intense itch formed deep within his inflated ass, and it grew with such fervor that he could barely think about anything else.
“What is it?” Ethan smirked, noting Viktor’s pained expression.
Viktor’s face burned bright red, and before he registered it, he heard himself blurt out, “I need you to fuck my slutty butt!”
“Well, go ahead and get to the bedroom then,” Ethan hummed.
On cue, Viktor hurried out of the bathroom towards Ethan’s room. His face was bright red due to the nonstop jiggling from his big butt and the absent sensations from his crotch, but his desire to get stuffed overtook it all.
The jock threw himself onto the bed on all fours, arcing his back and shoving his bubblebutt towards the nerd.
Viktor let out a low bellow as the other man entered him, moaning as he began to pick up speed. His inflated butt rippled as he thrusted himself back, sending massive shockwaves of pleasure throughout him, making his bulky muscles twitch. The entire time, his tiny cock uselessly sputtered out an embarrassingly small amount of cum.
His massive bubblebutt elicited nothing but pleasure, and before long, Viktor basked in the glow that getting fucked by the other man gave him. He couldn’t stop the slutty moans from escaping his lips, and the jock shoved his face down into the pillow as he flexed his cheeks, eagerly milking the nerd’s cock.
Ethan tensed up and came; and as he was filled, Viktor’s eyes nearly rolled to the back of his head. He struggled to catch his breath as his entire body tingled, feeling electrified.
Steadily, as the sex-driven fog cleared from his frazzled mind, the shock of his transformation settled in.
“Ohhh, you can’t leave me like this!” Viktor begged, pawing at his pathetic nub and wiggling his hips, his massive butt jiggling wildly.
“Don’t worry, Vik,” Ethan cooed, “the supplement should’ve made it so that you’ll love living your new life as musclebutt.” To prove his point, he roughly swatted the jock’s enormous cheeks.
“Ooh!” Viktor squeaked as his microdick spat out a meager amount of cum.
-- -- --
“Ready?” Ethan asked, dressed up in a suit that made the normally geeky young man look handsome. He peeked behind the curtain, marveling at the large crowd of people from the scientific community who attended the symposium.
Viktor swallowed loudly as he shuffled his feet nervously, his tiny nub throbbing as he examined his roommate in his black suit. “Um, I guess so,” he muttered unconvincingly.
The smaller man mock frowned. “What’s wrong, Big Guy?” he asked, placing a sympathetic hand on Viktor’s broad shoulder.
The former college jock blushed as he stared at the mirror that was placed backstage. Instead of wearing a suit like the nerd, Viktor had been instructed to wear his jockstrap… and nothing else. The usual cocky stud used to have absolutely zero problem with showing off his muscled body, and he could vividly recall peacocking in the gym with his massive chest muscles on full display for all to gawk at. However, now he felt incredibly exposed and humiliated.
His enormous bubblebutt protruded out the back of the jockstrap, being lifted slightly by the constricting straps. Instead of looking confident, the jock looked hesitant to parade around with his beach ball sized rear shifting and bouncing behind him. Still, no other pair of pants would fit him, leaving him wearing next to nothing and just letting his big booty be on full display wherever he waddled. Worse was that the front pouch was loose and baggy, illustrating how much the hunk was lacking.
“Um, n-nothing,” Viktor relented. It’d been three weeks since his transformation, and although he was still horrified over being turned into a slutty, microdicked power bottom— he was still incredibly turned on. Night after night, Ethan or one of his old teammates from the baseball team would take turns fucking him. Although he’d hated having such a big booty at first, Viktor’s massive cheeks brought the jock nothing but pleasure, and he even began to look forward to getting fucked, eagerly awaiting the next time a thick cock would be deep inside of him.
Even now, his little nub was rock hard and barely even tenting out the front of his jockstrap, just from noting how cute Ethan looked in his suit. That familiar needy sensation formed in his ass, and Viktor wondered if they had time to squeeze in a quicky before Ethan needed to go onstage.
Ethan checked his watch. “Whelp, it’s time for me to go out,” he said. “I’ll call you out in a sec.” He playfully swatted Viktor’s bubblebutt.
“Ooohhh!” Viktor moaned, shooting a meager load into his jockstrap. It was nothing like what it used to be, but the stud still panted as he tried to catch his breath, feeling tingles on his inflated butt from where the other man had touched it.
The crowd erupted into applause as Ethan walked up to the podium. After tapping the microphone, he began to speak:
“Good evening esteemed members of the science community. For years, us nerds and small tops have been typecasted as bottoms. But no more. Gentlemen, I am here today to declare that we have successfully created a new supplement one-hundred percent guaranteed to turn the biggest, most cocky alpha male into the neediest buttslut around. May I present, Exhibit A!”
That was Viktor’s cue.
After taking a deep breath, Viktor waddled out onto the stage.
The crowd erupted into loud cheers and awed gasps as the bottomheavy stud waddled out towards the podium. The whole time, Viktor’s face burned with humiliation and he felt as if he’d burst into flames at any second; however, his little cocklet throbbed with intense want as he moved. His massive bubblebutt shifted and jiggled behind him, many of the men in the crowd whistling at him in a catcalling manner.
Ethan smiled warmly at the altered jock and then continued. “Our new supplement will increase the libido of the male, as well as the size and sensitivity of his glutes. It also programs him to respond sexually to any male stimuli. And in order to solidify his status as a bottom, it will cause the phallus to reduce in size by upwards to ninety percent.” He turned to Viktor. “Exhibit A, if you may.”
Viktor’s face looking like a tomato, the jock hooked his thumbs into the straps of the jockstrap and tugged it downward.
The crowd marveled at the jock’s one inch microdick, and despite how humiliated he was, a bead of precum was already starting to ooze out Viktor’s nub.
Viktor glanced out over the crowd, realizing that everyone in attendance was male. Immediately, his nub throbbed even more and he couldn’t help but flex his massive butt with want. He was embarrassed and wanted nothing more than to hide somewhere off stage, but another part of him instantly began to fantasize about getting his big butt stuffed full of cock after cock— from every guy in the audience. He was so caught up in his horny daze that it took the jock a moment to realize that he’d been massaging his inflated cheeks with both hands, unable to stop even when he became aware.
“And for those of you who are more chest guys, we have been trying to develop a supplement to suit your needs. Exhibit A was given a dose this morning with his morning coffee,” Ethan explained.
Viktor jerked back in shock at what he’d heard. “Wait, what— uughhh!”
Vitkor spasmed and felt as if his chest were on fire, like he’d just finished an intense chest day at the gym. His nipples tingled, and then the bottomheavy jock’s jaw dropped as he watched his pecs begin to inflate and round out. The muscled mounds grew outwards from his chest, obstructing his view of anything below them. His nipples even increased in size, inflating into large nubs that stuck off his muscletits tantalizingly, looking more like thumbs.
“Oooohhh!” Viktor squealed as he came, his cocklet shooting out a tiny amount of cum for the entire audience to witness. The now curvy stud paled as he poked and prodded at his muscletits, embarrassed to find that his enlarged chest also elicited the same pleasurable sensations as his massive ass.
The crowd once again cheered as they admired the curvy jock with large pecs that protruded off his chest like a shelf, nearly swallowing his neck; and an even bigger butt.
Viktor knew that the college jock with the proportional body that women lusted over, was gone. And in his place was a curvy, microdicked powerbottom who begged for cock on the daily. He paled at mental images of himself strutting around the gym with a massive butt and humongous pecs… but then he thought about all of the handsome jocks on his baseball team. A lot of them had large muscles as well, and even larger cocks.
Viktor’s nub throbbed again as it hardened, and the stud couldn’t help but reach up and toy with an inflated nipple.
“Do you have anything to say, Viktor?” Ethan asked him, a smirk on his face.
Viktor’s brain was taken over with his horny daze, and despite himself, the former jock dropped onto all fours and wagged his bubblebutt towards the nerd. He even noted how his muscletits squished together as he rested on his hands, having to reposition his arms around their exaggerated size.
“Just please fuck me!” Viktor begged, his deep voice cracking by the surge of lust that took over his body. The stud let out a low, bellowing moan as Ethan slid himself inside of his tight hole, almost loving how many other guys were watching the whole ordeal.
His massive booty jiggling and his enlarged pecs bouncing with every thrust, the moaning Viktor basked in the immense pleasure that washed over him in tidal waves. Sure a small part of him was horrified over what he’d become, but a louder part loved every second of it— getting fucked every day and having his body built for nothing but the upmost sexual pleasure.
Viktor loved his massive booty and enormous pecs (and even his little cock), and he knew deep down that he’d need to convince other guys on the baseball team to take part in the drug trials.
But he’d need to have them fuck him before their cocks shrink, of course.

He just read the "WARNING: SHRINKAGE MAY OCCUR!" label on his new protein powder. Oops.

I hypnotized Ryan Terry so that he'd wear tiny posers at comps instead of trunks... and now everyone can see how tiny the hunk is. But his new instructions made it so that he loves it! The hunk can't stop showing off his microdick!
Josh's Tiny Problem

New bodybuilder, Josh, has an issue with his big dick always getting hard while he poses. Luckily, his coach has a solution to turn his big problem into a really tiny problem.

Josh had a problem. A pretty big problem at that.
The up and coming muscle stud frowned as he examined his impressive physique in the posing mirror. The hunk had spent years building up his musculature so that he could have the perfectly round biceps that were the size of bowling balls. The large pectorals were large and looming which were capped with nubby nipples that were pointing downwards. His thighs were thick which turned his walk into a powerful muscleman strut as they rolled over one another with each step. His huge glutes protruded from his lower back tantalizingly. He built his online career on working out and showing off his big manly muscles, all for his followers to gaze at in admiration— that, and his youthful face also scored thousands of admirers. Josh’s size easily rivaled that of several competitive bodybuilders, hence the twenty-one year old stud decided that it was time to finally make his debut. His corner of social media was a buzz with the prospect of Josh’s first competition, of which many believed that he would take First Place.
However, as Josh’s eyes ran over his large physique that was pumped and ready for him to hit the stage, they zeroed in on his stuffed blue poser that did absolutely nothing to hide his throbbing eight inch cock.
That was Josh’s problem: Whenever the stud flexed his massive muscles, he got rock hard without fail.
The faint mic checks from the stage echoed out, letting the embarrassed stud know that he’d have to go onstage soon. The weight of his problem was starting to really weigh on him, making his heart race and thereby making his cock throb even more.
Josh had first encountered this issue when he’d begun to post some flexing videos on his Instagram. The mere second he’d formed a double biceps pose for the camera, and his large arms bulged with masculine power, his thick cock had rocketed to life in an instant. He’d had to delete the video, believing that had just been some sort of fluke. However, after having taken care of his throbbing member, as soon as Josh had tried flexing again, his cock was hard all over again.
Although the young man considered himself straight, he couldn’t deny that there was something extremely hot about flexing his massive muscles and displaying how much larger he was than the other men in the vicinity. At the gym, Josh would have to be careful not to flex a bicep or bounce his muscletits in the mirror, otherwise his cock would harden and noticeably tent out his shorts. It was a purely uncontrollable phenomena too. No matter how much he tried to fight against it or force himself to think about something repulsive, the exact millisecond Josh flexed his muscles, he could feel the blood rush straight to his cock as it began to throb. It always left the stud red in the face as he’d embarrassingly have to cover his hard cock and excuse himself from the gym floor to take care of it. It had gotten so bad to the point that Josh could get off just by flexing in the posing mirror in his bedroom, his cock shooting a fat load just by having the stud performing a most muscular pose. Despite this, the stud was relatively modest and dreaded the thought of being hard in front of a crowd of people.
Josh never thought that the day would come when he would resent his eight inch cock and large balls. His package definitely never left one of his girlfriends angry, but for the stud, there was no hiding his monster package. Even when he wasn’t hard, Josh’s thick thighs thrusted his bulge front and center, which would leave him looking like he was the biggest man on stage— both in terms of muscle and dick size.
Of course being a professional bodybuilder was the ultimate goal for Josh, but the stud couldn’t help but worry about the prospect of himself popping a boner on stage as soon as he struck a pose.
“Fuck, what am I gonna do?” the hunk hissed to himself as he stared at his throbbing member that was trapped within the tight confines of his blue posers. The material was skin tight, doing absolutely nothing to conceal the large cock from view. The obvious answer would be to wear posing trunks, but the stud didn’t want to cover up his sizable quads that he’d spent so much time working on.
The stud paled at the thought of his hard, eight inch cock bobbing in front of himself while on stage for everyone to see. He knew he’d get disqualified and then his bodybuilding career would be over before it could even officially begin.
“Are you making any progress in there, Josh?” Josh’s manager, Ivan, asked as he entered into the backstage area that was separated from the rest of the contestants by dividers.
Ivan was a retired bodybuilder who had allowed his enormous muscles to be accompanied by a thick layer of fat as he’d stopped competing. The result was a big muscle bear of a man, complete with a hairy chest that was almost always barely covered by a string tank top and the tightest shorts that showed off his own sizable bulge that was clad in a small jockstrap. The older man took one look at the crestfallen Josh, and then noticed the way the young man’s posers were stretched to the max around his hard cock.
Josh had the wherewithal to try to cover up his cock, but his eight inches was so hard that his hands struggled to conceal it in its entirety. His handsome face turned cherry red, although it wasn’t quite discernible given his posing oil.
Ivan nodded. “Still having trouble with that little problem of yours?” he chuckled, gesturing at the way the young man tried, and failed, to cover himself.
“It’s not funny!” Josh protested, even stomping an annoyed foot which caused his toned glutes to bounce a little from the movement. “How am I supposed to compete if every time I flex, I get hard? The judges are gonna think that I’m some kind of horny freak!”
“It’s not that bad…” Ivan tried to say, but at the same time he knew that all eyes would be on Josh’s cock instead of his hard-earned muscles if he went up on stage now.
“‘Not that bad’?” Josh balked, flexing his glutes to prove his point. As soon as his ass moved the slightest bit, his cock throbbed once more. This time, though, his dick managed to tear through the tight confines of his posers, bobbing out in the open air freely. “Damn it!” The hunk grabbed at his hair in frustration as his hard cock wagged in front of his muscled body.
Ivan bit down on his lip in thought before perking up. “I think I have an idea,” he said before he rushed over to his duffle bag that was in the corner of the room. His walk resembled more of a waddle due to his large size, and when he bent over, he let out a huff as he maneuvered around his rotund musclegut.
When he returned, the muscle bear held a small pink, capsule pill in his large hand. “Here, swallow this and it should help you out,” he told his frustrated client.
Josh didn’t have time to ask what the pill was for. He assumed it would act as some sort of relaxer and help keep him flaccid while on stage, so he eagerly swallowed the pill dry.
He didn’t have to wonder long because the pill didn’t take long to take action.
The first thing that Josh noticed was a tingling sensation that took over his hard cock and dangling balls. His still hard cock throbbed again, and Josh felt all of his large muscles flex in unison as he blew his load.
“Uughhnn!” Josh loudly grunted as his cum shot out and coated the posing mirror in strands. The young stud barely had enough time to blush at the fact that he’d unleashed his load in front of another man before the tingling sensation in his package strengthened.
The young man looked down at himself and over his bulging pecs he paled as he saw his cock twitch before steadily starting to pull inwards.
“Wh-what?!” Josh panicked as he clutched at his shrinking package, his stomach dropping as he could even feel his balls gradually get smaller and pull up to his body. He winced as he felt his big, manly cock getting smaller by the second as it shrank in his grasp. Worse was that his pecs and biceps pushed against one another, and the tinier his cock got, the harder it was to maintain a grasp on it.
Finally the tingling subsided and disappeared altogether, leaving the panting stud standing in silent anticipation.
“Go ahead,” Ivan said, crossing his big arms over this beefy chest, “let’s see it.”
Josh shot him a glare before taking a deep breath, his broad shoulders rising and falling with the action. He removed his shaky hand and paled at the sight before him.
His cock had shrunk to such a severe degree that Josh couldn’t even see it by looking down at himself because of his pec shelf. Instead, the young stud had to look into the posing mirror at his brand new nub. Given that he was freshly shaven everywhere for the competition, the lack of pubes did nothing to help his new tiny cock look any bigger. Instead, a little pinky-sized dicklet barely protruded out from his groin, and a little set of balls that were able the size of small grapes were tight against his skin. It was package that would look tiny on anyone, but on Josh’s broad 220 pound physique of pure muscle, it was hilariously miniscule.
Josh had to force himself to look away from his microdick that he now possessed, his heart racing in his muscled chest. “What the fuck did you do to me?!” he shouted at his manager. “I’m fuckin’ tiny!” He gestured wildly down at his nub with shaking hands, unable to fully wrap his head around the fact that his cock had somehow magically shrank in a matter of seconds.
Ivan dramatically rolled his eyes. “I solved your problem, Josh,” he grunted as he waddled forward and grabbed the waist of the young bodybuilder’s poser to tug them back up.
Josh felt his face grow warm as he blushed even more. The blue poser that had been skin tight and tented out by his previously eight inch cock was now way too big in the front. The back still cupped his bubblebutt expertly, yet the front pouch was loose and baggy now. The stunned hunk couldn’t help but turn to the side and move back and forth a little bit, seeing how the loose fabric would bunch up and ruin the look that he’d wanted to achieve.
“Yeah, those posers are way too big for you, Stud,” Ivan mock-frowned, voicing what Josh was thinking. “Let me see if I have a smaller pair for you. Go ahead and take those off.”
Josh could vaguely make out the muffled sounds of the announcers telling the audience that the competition was about to start; and despite his panic, he still found himself listening to his manager and dropping his posers to the floor. His blush deepened as he moved, that absent sensation of his thick cock dangling between his legs a harsh reality of just how tiny he now was. His nub barely moved and was so small that it didn’t hang low, and instead it stuck straight outwards atop his tiny balls.
His manager lumbered back over with a few pairs of posers in his mitt, and he held them out as he thought about which one to choose. “Go ahead and flex for me, Stud,” he ordered.
In his daze, Josh still managed to place both of his hands on his hips as he formed a front lat spread, displaying just how broad he was. Just as before, the sheer moment the stud flexed, he felt a throbbing down in his cock. Unfortunately, unlike before, Josh’s new nub barely grew at all as it got hard; yet, he felt as if it throbbed even more, like he’d never been so hard in his life.
Ivan leaned forward, holding a measuring tape in his paws. He couldn’t hold back a chuckle as he read out the new measurement of Josh’s shrunken package: “Looks like you’re topping out at 1.5 inches.”
Josh couldn’t believe his ears. His cock had really been reduced by six-and-a-half inches all because of some mysterious pill that his trusted manager had given him. His tiny nub still throbbed and the stud couldn’t resist reaching down with a tentative hand, shuddering as soon as his fingers grazed his tiny cock. He had to grip it with his thumb and index finger due to how small it now was, that simple touch shooting tidal waves of pleasure throughout his body that made his large muscles twitch with want.
“Yeah, that’s a side effect,” Ivan snickered as he finally settled on a black pair of posers. “Apparently all of the nerves that were in your big cock are now all compacted in your tiny one, so your little clit is gonna be super sensitive.”
To illustrate his point, Ivan reached over and began to rub Josh’s tiny nub with his hand, grounding the small organ against his palm.
As soon as there was contact with his sensitive member, Josh had to reach out and place a hand on Ivan’s beefy shoulder in order to steady himself. Shock waves of pleasure rippled through the microdicked hunk, causing him to curl his toes and roll his head back.
“Ooohhhh fuck…” Josh moaned out as his manager played with is tiny cock. The hunk usually wasn’t so vocal whenever he got off, but he was seemingly unable to stop moaning as he was felt up.
On instinct, Josh threw both of his massive arms to form a double biceps pose—
“OOOOhhh!” Josh squealed as he came, his tiny balls only managing to create a few droplets of cum.
As the young bodybuilder panted and struggled to catch his breath, Ivan went ahead and maneuvered his stiff legs into the black posers, tugging the small piece of fabric up his wide thighs.
Although his body was still buzzing from his recent sexual release, Josh still groaned as he saw his new posers. There was barely any fabric whatsoever; so little that “Thong” might’ve been a more appropriate word for the article of clothing. The back of the posers slipped entirely between the stud’s cheeks, covering none of the large bubblebutt at all. Instead, there was a little triangle of fabric right over his crack, resembling a whale tail. Worse was that the front pouch was a size XS, cupping Josh’s dicklet and tiny balls with expert craftsmanship. It was a perfect fit, and the black fabric popped noticeably against his pale skin, perfectly detailing just how tiny the hunk now was.
The meager bulge in front of the young man’s posers was incredibly small, and it was nearly engulfed by his thick thighs. Ivan affixed the button with his competitor number on them, and Josh’s heart dropped when he realized that the button was way bigger than his poser’s bulge.
“Aww, look how cute the little guy is,” Ivan teased. “It’s a good thing that these little pills cause permanent changes. I think this is a great look for you.”
“P-permanent?” Josh repeated, his stance a little wobbly as the weight of this realization crashed upon him. The stud had built his career on his physique, and now that he possessed a little microdick, he knew that he would have to carve out a new niche for himself. No longer would he be known as the online stud with a body and muscles to die for, but he’d now be known as the muscleman with the really small cock.
For some reason, he felt his heart race at that last thought. He didn’t have time to question it before the loudspeakers blared out.
“Or next competitor is Number 96: Joshua C., coming in at 5’7” and 220 pounds,” the announcer said, which was followed by a roar of applause.
“—and 1.5 inches hard,” Ivan added, giving the young bodybuilder a playful nudge. “You better get out there, Stud. Your debut starts now!”
Josh took one last look in the posing mirror, steeling his nerves as his eyes could’t help but hone in on the tiny bulge in the front of his posers. He loudly gulped but still waddled out from his section and onto the stage, his heart racing in his huge chest the entire time. As he moved, he couldn’t help but note how weird it felt to not have a big pouch nestled in front of his quads.
Josh stepped onstage, seeing that the venue was packed with scores of people who were no doubt eager to witness his bodybuilding debut. He also knew that, because of his frequent promoting on his social media platforms, that a good chunk of the audience was comprised of his own followers— all of whom would know that his bulge was significantly smaller than it should’ve been.
Thanks to the posing oil, no one could see how bright red the stud’s face was turning with humiliation. He could see that the giant screen at the back of the stage showcased close up video footage of himself as he waddled towards the center of the stage, the camera focusing in on how small his bulge was.
A few gasps and giggles were audible from the crowd as Josh’s thighs swallowed his junk as he moved, his massive form a stark contrast from his tiny package.
Still, this was supposed to be his moment. Hence the stud took a deep breath and placed both of his hands on his hips as he formed a front lat pose. His lats flared widely and his tiny bulge was thrusted forward by the movement.
On cue, Josh felt an intense throbbing sensation in his crotch as he got hard. He expected the worse as he held his pose, but he didn’t hear any indication that people knew. The hunk turned around to form a rear lat pose. He had a flash of embarrassment at how the thin posers had left his ass virtually on display, which was now being shown off to the crowd; however, that feeling disappeared when Josh took the time that he had facing away from the crowd to look down at himself.
The hunk felt a foreign sense of relief for the first time in a while when he registered that, although he was rock hard, his dick was so tiny that it barely created a tent in his posers. Thanks to his weird quirk of getting turned on by flexing, Josh’s cock was still throbbing like normal, albeit a bit more thanks to how sensitive it now was. But it was barely visible.
Josh turned back around and moved to a side chest pose. His biceps and pecs inflated with power as he showed off his musculature, his cocklet throbbing even more as he showed off his muscles. As he moved to the other side, he stole a glimpse of himself on the large monitor, elated that his hard, tiny cock wasn’t visible to the crowd whatsoever.
Now Josh’s heart raced in his muscled chest for an entirely different reason as it dawned on him. Sure he had a really tiny dick, but now no one could tell that he was rock hard as he posed onstage.
Josh’s handsome face broke out into a smile that was alight with zeal. The muscle stud threw his arms up into the air as he formed a double biceps pose, his cocklet throbbing with the motion as he flexed. He was deeply turned on as he continued to flex, moving from pose to pose as he showed off his hard-earned muscles.
The crowd could pick up on the change in Josh’s mood, and they began to cheer more and more as he posed.
Josh held his head up high as he flexed, feeling more turned on than ever. Never before had he ever felt so aroused, not even with one of his girlfriends or even posing in the mirror at home. Nothing compared to the feeling of showing off his massive, manly muscles for all of the guys in the crowd to lust over. He flexed his big, round muscles onstage, basking in the light over how much guys cheered for him. Even more was when Josh flexed his glutes for the men, loving every second of it.
Deep down Josh knew that his life was now changed forever. Thanks to the cockshrinking pill that Ivan had given him, gone was the modest stud who would flex on camera and get off on it in secret. In his place was now a brazen horny, microdicked bodybuilder who flexed and showed off his muscles live onstage, the action feeling a million times better than sex. All of his previous anger and humiliation from having his cock shrunk disappeared, leaving the hard stud preening. Even more surprising was that Josh felt himself having the time of his life, loving the fact that he was hard onstage in front of so many people. He found himself desperate to do it again.
At the end of Josh’s posing routine, he leaned over and formed a most muscular pose. His thick arms flexed with power as they bulged. His massive pecs felt so heavy and large as they pumped up for the crowd. This ultimate pose ended in Josh twitching onstage, and he had to bite down on his tongue to prevent his moan from escaping his lips as he came in his posers.
The microdicked stud panted and gave a dazed smile as he basked in the post-orgasmic bliss that flexing onstage had given him, his load so tiny that there wasn’t even a wet mark visible on his slutty posers. Still, despite how tiny his load was, Josh still felt as if he’d just blown the biggest load of his life, unable to ignore the excited tingling he felt. Already, he was looking forward to the Pose Off portion of the competition where he’d get the opportunity to flex next to other bodybuilders, showing off for musclemen up close and personal.
His nub throbbed in anticipation.
He gave a wave to the crowd as he left the stage, loving how much they all cheered for him. The bass-filled noise let Josh know that it was majority men in the crowd, which made his heart race even more for some reason.
Josh waddled backstage, seeing that Ivan was waiting expectantly for him in their section. The older man clapped him on the back excitedly.
“You killed it out there, Stud!” Ivan cheered. “How do you feel about your bodybuilding debut?”
Josh mulled over the question seriously.
His dick was tiny, but he’d just won over the crowd at his first bodybuilding competition. That, and he was able to not be the laughing stock of the bodybuilding world because of how he’d always get hard while flexing. The more he thought about it, the more he realized that Ivan had been a genius for giving him the cockshrinking pill. Josh couldn’t wait to get back to the gym and work out some more, eager to grow his muscles bigger and bigger so that he could flex and show off onstage again. All the while, his tiny cocklet would be rock hard and shooting load after load into his skimpy posers. Yet, because of how small his microdick was, no one would be able to tell that the young bodybuilder was practically masturbating in front of everyone.
It’d be his own little dirty secret.
“I feel great!” Josh honestly answered, feeling so intensely horny as if he hadn’t just gotten off a few seconds ago. “I can’t wait for the next competition!” Ivan couldn’t see it, but Josh’s 1.5 inch dicklet was already hard and throbbing with the prospect of flexing in front of all of those men again. It was so small that it barely grazed the pouch of the slutty posers he was wearing, which would definitely become a stable of his wardrobe; and not just at competitions, but everywhere!
“There’s no need to wait for the next portion,” Ivan hummed, a knowing hint in his voice. “Why don’t you give me a quick, private posing session, Stud?” He sat down in one of the chairs that was backstage, crossing his arms in front go his hairy chest expectantly.
Josh’s face broke out into a cocky smirk and he hooked his thumbs into the strings of his posers, tugging them down to the floor. His tiny cock sprang free, already at its full length of 1.5 inches and totally clashing with the young man’s massive muscles. Still, Josh thrust his hips forward proudly, shoving his microdick out front and center. His little nub was swallowed by his thick thighs as he waddled forward.
There was no sense of embarrassment this time, just an immense sense of lust as the older man watched him show off. As he posed and moved, he could feel his large muscles bulging, and having the other guy watching him made his nub throb even harder than usual.
Josh playfully turned around and flexed his glutes for Ivan, his cocklet leaking precum from the action. He wiggled his hips and made the globes jiggle, which was an unknown instinctual action that made him cock his eyebrow at first. But he couldn’t deny that he loved it, so he did it once more, turning back around to crunch his abs and make them pop.
Ivan enjoyed the show from the microdicked muscleslut that had been molded out of a big-dicked jock, even more so when he coyly glanced at the pill bottle that read out UltraM0th’s Cockshrinking Formula! New Pill Form! Side Effects include permanent drastic penile shrinkage, and uncontrollable arousal around men.
“You ever seen a guy this big?” Josh teased as he continued to flex, making his muscles bulge with immense power… but as soon as the words left his mouth, he felt like they weren’t right. He shook his head and his smirk grew. “You ever seen a guy this small?”
He gestured down at his nub that throbbed the more Ivan admired it.
“I sure haven’t,” Ivan grunted. “You’re the smallest guy I’ve ever met. All of those big muscles, just to be paired with such a puny clit dick.”
Josh continued to smirk as he moved to a front thigh pose, the pose forcing his meager package front and center. It was hilariously small and could barely be seen. But Josh loved that! He felt so turned on by showing off how big and small he was.
“Uughhnn!” Josh tensed up as his tiny cocklet let out another load, the third one in such a short amount of time. Despite cumming so frequently, Josh felt like he could go for another round immediately. The tiny drops of cum landed on his abs, looking like a little puddle.
“Thanks for the show, Stud,” Ivan mused. “You better get back out there soon for the group posing.”
Josh loved what he heard and couldn’t resist forming another most muscular pose, the new muscleslut hard instantaneously all over again. He happily rushed back onstage amid the other musclemen and began to flex, easily outmuscling every other bodybuilder. Yet, every single man onstage had a much larger packer than he did. The new Josh didn’t mind though.
Josh loved being a massive bodybuilder, but he loved having a tiny dick even more!

This stud was so tired of his big dick always stealing the focus away from his massive muscles. Thanks to UltraM0th's Cockshrinking formula, that's no longer a problem for him.
"I love my tiny nub!" he proudly proclaims.