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Those Summer Nights ~ T.H

Those Summer Nights ~ T.H

chapter four: tell me more

Synopsis: you don’t like the new camp counselor, but he really likes you

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Those Summer Nights ~ T.H

Week 3

On your daily walk around the campgrounds while your campers ate lunch, Jesse ran up to you and Tom. Tom was less than happy to see him ever since the lake incident, but you had decided to let that be water under the bridge.

“Hey. I’ve been looking for you.” Jesse smiled as he looked at only you. Tom tightened his jaw and stepped closer to you as he shot daggers at Jesse.

“You have?” You asked.

“Yeah. I wanted to see how your first few weeks of camp went.” He said and gave your arm a gentle punch. Tom let out a less than subtle sigh and rolled his eyes.

“Other than drowning, I would say it went pretty well.” You replied, making Tom smirk.

“It’s been great for me too. Y/n has been showing me the ropes. She’s an excellent counselor.” Tom said as he put a hand on your shoulder. Jesse glared at Tom’s hand before giving him a fake smile.

“I’d love to hear all about it.” Jesse returned his attention to you. “Can we grab dinner tonight?”

“All of us?” You asked and gestured to Tom.

“I was thinking just me and you.” Jesse replied before giving Tom a smug look.

“Oh. Okay. Sure.” You shrugged.

“It’s a date.” Jesse smiled at you as Tom rolled his eyes. He was about to walk away but stopped to pull something out of his pockets.

“Oh, and one more thing. Walkie talkies. We’re giving them to all the counselors now. It’s for safety.” Jesse said as he handed you and Tom a walkie talkie.

“Okay. Thanks.” You said as you took the device.

“Yeah. Thanks.” Tom nodded curtly, never letting up on his glare.

“Counselor Y/n! I need help!” A camper called from the door of the mess hall.

“Coming!” You called back. “Excuse me for a second, boys.”

Tom and Jesse watched as you ran to help the camper. An awkward silence fell into place as Tom and Jesse exchanged awkward smiles.

“Hey, do me a favor?” Jesse spoke up.

“Yeah. Sure.”

“Stay away from Y/n.” He narrowed his eyes. “I don’t know what your game is but she’s mine.”

“Perhaps you haven’t met Y/n. She isn’t anyones.” Tom chuckled as he stepped up to Jesse.

“I’m serious. You think you’re all charming and cute because you’re new? Well I’ve known Y/n for years and we’ve built up quite the connection. Shes had a crush on me since she was a camper here and I know you see that. The girl is mine. So back off.” Jesse said as he pushed Tom a little.

“And what if I dont?” Tom shrugged as he came right back.

“Then you’ll regret it.” Jesse said lowly and shoved Tom harder. Tom looked down at his chest, where Jesse’s hands had been, and laughed a little.

“Did you just shove me?” Tom asked.

“Yeah. What are you gonna do about it?”

“Nothing. Since I’m not 8.”

“Psh.” Jesse scoffed. “You just don’t want to start a fight you know you won’t win.”

“Oh, I would absolutely win.” Tom said simply. “But that’s not the point. The point is, I’m not gonna fight you for Y/n.”

“Because you know you’ll lose.” Jesse said and gave Tom another shove.

“Look, Jesse.” Tom sighed. “I’m sorry that you’re such a little bitch that you have to threaten me because you know at the end of the day you’re nobodies first choice. But you don’t need to take that out on me. I had no control of how much of a little bitch you actually are. It’s probably your daddy’s fault as I imagine he’s a little bitch too. All I’m asking is you keep in mind that Y/n a smart girl. She can make her own choices. If you feel so threatened by me that you need to tell me to back off, that’s on you.”

“Hey guys.” You said as you ran back up to them. Tom and Jesse stepped apart but never dropped their angry glares.

“Woah. What did I miss?” You laughed awkwardly and looked between the two of them.

“Nothing. I’ll see you tonight.” Jesse winked at you before walking away. Tom rolled his eyes and started to walk back towards the mess hall.

“Did that really just happen? Did Jesse just ask me out?” You smiled in excitement and grabbed Tom’s arm.

“I think so.” He faked a smile as he replayed his conversation with Jesse in his head.

“He’s never done that before. I always thought he thought I was too young for him or something.”

“How old is he anyway?” Tom wondered.

“Like 29? That’s not too weird, right? Lots of couples have age gaps.”

“You’re a couple now?” Tom laughed shortly as he gave you a look.

“I’m just saying.” You playfully rolled your eyes. “If he asked me out, it might lead to something more.”

“Do you want it to?” Tom asked quietly as he feared for the answer.

“I mean, I’ve liked him since I was a camper here.” You shrugged.

“That’s kinda gross.” Tom grimaced. “He’s known you since you were a camper and now he’s asking you out?”

“It’s not gross. Don’t damper my excitement. I was just starting to like you.” You teased Tom, making him smile a little.

“I thought so too.” He said under his breath before going into the mess hall.

That night, you got ready in the bathroom while your campers ate dinner in the mess hall. Tom’s leg bounced in anxiety as he waited for you to finish. Finally, the bathroom door opened and you stepped out in a lavender colored sun dress.

“How do I look?” You asked as you finger combed through your hair.

“You look beautiful.” Tom said genuinely, still in awe from the way you looked. He unapologetically looked you up and down as you smoothed out your dress.

“Aw.” You smiled softly. “Thanks.”

“You look really good in that dress. It’s a really nice color on you.” He continued. “I’ve never seen you in something other than cargo shorts. Even when we were campers.”

“You’ve only known me again for a few weeks.” You reminded him as you applied some lipgloss. Tom smiled sadly as he watched you layered on the shiny gloss, knowing it might end up on Jesse’s lips at some point.

“Still. You look amazing.” He said softly, all traces of his normally cocky self gone.

“Thank you. It’s also Jesse’s first time seeing me in something other than cargo shorts so I wanted to make a good impression.” You said as you took one last look in the mirror.

“You definitely impressed me. But I think you look beautiful in anything. The first time I saw you in pajamas, I felt my heart stop.” Tom gave you his signature smile and patted his chest.

“Such a flirt.” You chuckled.

“Such a beautiful girl.” He said genuinely. You and Tom made eye contact and let it linger. You were excited about your date with Jesse, but you couldn’t help but wonder about Tom. He looked upset and you had a feeling it was because of your date with Jesse. He’d really changed the past few weeks and you’d grown to like the guy he became.

“Are you sure about this Jesse guy? You said you’ve known him a long time. Isn’t it a little weird that he just decided to ask you out now?” Tom asked without meeting your eyes.

“I don’t think it’s weird.” You shrugged. “He was probably just nervous before.”

“Maybe. Or maybe it had something to do with us.”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean you’ve been going to this camp for years and the summer he asks you out is the summer I show up. The timing seems a little too coincidental. Do you think maybe he got a little jealous of our relationship and stepped in?” Tom asked as he got off the bed. You frowned and took a step back, not liking what Tom was suggesting.

“Tom, you don’t know me and Jesse. We have history. I’ve always liked him and I think he likes me too. This has nothing to do with you.” You said as you stepped back into the bathroom.

“I feel like it does. I think he got jealous that you and I got so close and he’s trying to take you away from me.”

“Um, he can’t take me away from you. I’m not yours.” You said and smiled tightly at him in the mirror.

“Don’t get mad at me. I’m expressing concern as your friend.” Tom said as he leaned against the bathroom doorway.

“We’re not friends.”

“Oh, so we’re back to you pretending that you hate me? I thought we got passed that.” He said as he gave you an unamused look.

“I’m not pretending. I’m just setting the record straight. I think you’re the one who’s jealous.” You replied as you turned around to face him.

“I’m not trying to pick a fight.” Tom told old you. “I’m just trying to look out for you. You shouldn’t go on that date. I get bad vibes from Jesse. I don’t think his intentions are what you think they are.”

“Tom, you don’t even know him. What’s makes you say that?”

“He threatened me.” Tom admitted. “He told me to stay away from you.”

“Now you’re just making stuff up.” You laughed and walked past him.

“I swear I’m telling you the truth. He said I would regret it if I didn’t back off.”

“And I’ve been telling you to back off since the day we met.” You reminded. “Maybe Jesse was just sticking up for me.”

“Why are you getting so defensive? Jesse is bad news. Trust me. I’m just trying to protect you.”

“I don’t need you to protect me. You’re not my boyfriend!” You shouted in frustration. Tom took a minute to let that sting him before responding.

“I…I know that.” He said quietly. “But we-“

“There is no “we”, Tom.” You groaned. “I told you a millions times. This is never going to happen. Just give up already.”

Tom opened his mouth but quickly shut. As hurtful as that was, you were right. You weren’t together and he technically had no reason to be mad about you and Jesse. He knew he wasn’t your boyfriend, but he thought the moment you shared after the drowning incident at least took him out of enemy territory.

“Fine. Yeah. Sorry. I’ll back off.” He nodded and looked down at the ground. You immediately felt guilty for yelling at him and felt your shoulders slump.

“Good. That’s what I want.” You lied and folded your arms.

“I’m gonna take a walk.” Let you finish getting ready.” Tom said without meeting your eyes.

“Thanks.” You smiled and tried to get him to look at you, but he kept his eyes down. Tom left without another word and you felt your stomach sink like a rock. You looked down at your dress and sighed. You didn’t feel pretty anymore. You felt as ugly on the outside as you did on the inside.

Meanwhile, Tom was trying to blow off some steam as he walked around the campgrounds. He said hi to some campers near the campfire and wiped some s’mores off their faces before walking behind the mess hall.

“Oh. It’s just you.” Jesse rolled his eyes when he saw Tom.

“What are you doing back here?” Tom asked.

“It’s the only place I get cell service. I’m trying to call my girl.” Jesse mumbled as he typed away on your phone.

“Wait, what?” Tom raised his eyebrows. “You have a girlfriend?”

“She’s not my girlfriend. She’s just my hookup for when I’m home, you know?” Jesse smirked before going back to his phone.

“I thought you liked Y/n.”

“I do. That’s why I’m taking her out tonight. 8 weeks is a long time, man. I need a little action.”

“No, I thought you liked Y/n. Are you just using her for hookups?” Tom asked angrily as he stepped closer to Jesse.

“Yeah. Why?” Jesse snorted and looked Tom up and down.

“You can’t go on that date with her tonight.” Tom said lowly.

“Oh yeah? And and not?”

“Because she likes you for your personality, which I have yet to see, and you don’t feel the same. She doesn’t know you’re just looking for a hookup.”

“Well she’ll find out soon enough.” Jesse smirked and went to walk away.

“You can’t play with her feelings like that.” Tom grabbed his arm to stop him. “You have to tell her what your intentions are before you take her on a date.”

“Does it matter, Tom?” Jesse rolled his eyes.

“Does it feel like a party everyday, Jesse?” Tom matched his tone.

“What?” Jesse wondered.

“Call the date off. Now.” Tom said as he gripped his arm harder.

“Dude, did you forget who you’re talking to? I’m your boss. And I can do whatever I want to whoever I want. And right now, I want Y/n.” Jesse replied as he pulled his arm away from Tom.

“I’m gonna tell her.” Tom warned. “I’m gonna tell her that you’re just trying to use her.”

“Go ahead. I heard your little fight when I walked by your cabin. She’ll never believe you.”

“You… might be right.” Tom admitted. “But I’m still gonna try. I really like her and I’m not gonna let you hurt you. She deserves to be taken out on a nice date by a nice guy. Not manipulated by someone she thought she could trust. You don’t deserve her. And you never will.”

“What, and you do deserve her?” Jesse snorted. “You’re not that different from me. You’re just as much as an asshole as I am.”

“Whatever man.” Jesse scoffed and walked away. Tom gave him one last glare before going back to the cabin. When he walked in, you had your back turned with something in your hands. When you heard him come in, you turned around and moved what you had in your hands behind your back.

“Hey.” He greeted you with a sad smile, unsure if you were still angry with him.

“Hey.” You said softly.

“Look, I know you’re mad at me but-“

Tom was cut off by you rushing into his arms. You pressed your face against his chest and hugged him tightly. Tom stumbled back a little in surprise before wrapped his arms around you.

“Woah. Hey. What’s going on?” He asked in a soft voice as he stroked your hair.

“Your walkie talkie was on.” You told him, voice muffled from his chest.

“Oh no.” His eyes widened. “You heard all of that?”

You pulled away enough to look at him but kept your arms around his torso. Tom thought you would be upset, but you had a grateful smile on.

“I did. I heard every word. And it made me realize something.” You told him.

“Realize what?”

“That maybe you’re not as bad as I thought.” You smiled shyly. “You totally defended my honor back there. Even after I yelled at you and didn’t believe you when you tried to warn me about Jesse. I thought you were just some cocky womanizer, but now I’m starting to think you’re actually a pretty good guy.”

Tom looked at you curiously, trying to see if you were serious or not. He’d been trying to convince you that he was a good guy for the past three weeks. Somehow, the conversation that you were not supposed to hear was the thing that persuaded you.

You noticed that Tom was lost in his thoughts and smirked a little. You placed your hands on his chest and smoothed out a wrinkle in his shirt before looking up at him.

“And maybe,” you began, “you’re a pretty good guy who would make a pretty good boyfriend.”

This brought a smile to Tom’s face. Now you were speaking a language he could understand. He gently rested his fingertips on your waist and tilted your chin up to look at him.

“I wouldn’t be a good boyfriend, love. I’d be an excellent boyfriend.“ He smirked.

“Then show me who you really are. Drop the cool guy act and the relentlessly flirting and just be yourself. If like what I see, then I’ll meet you by Lovers Lake at the end of the summer.”

“The makeout spot?” His eyes widened.

“Amongst other things.” You shrugged with a coy smile.

“But why do I have to wait whole summer?” He whined. “Camp doesn’t end for another 5 weeks.”

“Are you saying I’m not worth it?” You raised an eyebrow.

“No. I’m saying I want to kiss you right now.” He said, making your smile drop. Your eyes flickered to his lips and you almost gave in but decided to be strong.

“You can kiss me in 5 weeks. If you behave.”

“Okay. I can do that.” Tom decided. “I can wait that long if it means I have a chance with you. I’m gonna use the next 5 weeks to show you how good of a boyfriend I can be.”

“Are you sure you can do it? You’d have to be a gentleman.”

“Darling, please.” He smirked. “I can be the gentlest of men.”

“Yeah.” You matched his smile. “You’ve proved that to me today.“

“I’m glad.” His eyes softened. “All though, I thought saving your life after you drowned would earn me some good guy points. I didn’t realize all I had to do was yell at Jesse. I would I’ve done that on our first day if I knew it would win you over.”

“Well, you haven’t won me over yet, Holland.” You reminded him. “But at the rate you’re going, I say these next five weeks won’t be too bad. Think you can make it that long?”

“For you?” He smiled. “I could do anything.”

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More Posts from Ultravante

2 years ago

the 7 ways he’ll tell you he loves you

The 7 Ways Hell Tell You He Loves You


jj maybank x reader

taglist: @snarkystarkey @sunflowermotel @howdyherron @drew-starkey @maraseavey @outerbanqs @yelyahryan @obxwriterfan @avashroom @rewindlr @raekenliar @imsad05 @ceruleanjj @dolanfivsosxox @heyhargrove @lashtonandmalumsbaby @beautyandthebleh @pancahke @outrbank @johnbsflowr @corleigh @poguemacking @maybe-maybanks @katie-avery @5sos-seavey

a/n: this is unedited, so sorry about the mistakes. i saw a lot of trouble going around with plagiarism on wattpad and i did report a lot of books with stolen fics and props to you guys for getting a few actually taken down!! plagiarism and theft of intellectual property is HURTFUL, writers put SO MUCH into their work, and it’s not so you can get some votes on a wattpad page. also, boys using lovely as a nickname is ;alsdjffenve. 

How long is forever supposed to be? Months? Years, decades, lifetimes? Forever was supposed to be you and JJ. 

Forever feels like the 15 minutes that he’s been fighting you for. 

“Y/n, I don’t get why you’re turning this into such a big deal.” 

“Stop doing that. Stop acting like I don’t get to be mad. I do! I am! You know, you always do this JJ.” “I do not.” “You do. I’m sick of it. I’m- I’m sorry, JJ, but I’m done. I don’t wanna do this anymore,” you sniffle. You refuse to cry. Not in front of him. “We’re going in circles, I really think it’s time to, to just call it quits.” You shrug. JJ is silent. You wait, you yourself need to process what just came out of your mouth. 

JJ is on the couch. He leans on his knees with his elbows and his head is hanging low. He nods. Slowly at first, then quicker. 

“Okay,” he sighs, “You’re right. You’re right.” You nod, relieved that he agreed with you. A bigger part of you was upset that he agreed with you. It would’ve been nice if he had put up some kind of a fight. 

“So, uh, I’ll go.” “Yeah.”

You collapsed onto the couch, rubbing a hand over your face. A brightly colored magazine was open on the coffee table in front of you. Cheetah printed bold letters spelled out a headline: 

The 7 Ways He’ll Tell You He Loves You.

Talk about bad timing. You flipped the cover back over it. 

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2 years ago

sweet apple biscuits


pairing: jungkook x reader

genre: angst, ‘orange’ au

word count: 15.5k 

a/n: inspired by the anime 'orange’ which made me cry like a little bum. ALSO! make sure you look at the dates to not confuse yourself in each transition. it’s ordered in dd/mm/yy and the italics are what’s written in the letters. this took me awhile to write, but it’s finally here- so please enjoy ok goodbye. 

summary: a story about someone who receives letters from themselves ten years in the future and asks them to fix all their regrets and save a particular boy.

“Hold him and love him. Tell him how you feel. Tell him how much he means to you. And whatever you do, never let go of him.”

Sweet Apple Biscuits


Life was never how you would plan it and you knew exactly that.

They say that life is unbearable if you make it unbearable- and as half of that statement is true, half of that statement is life on its own having a way of unravelling itself before you. As if it were knots to seams to threads- life had untied itself in an inevitable way, you could no longer complain anymore.

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2 years ago

something to hold on to (myg)


❦ word count. 17.7k ❦ genre. parent fic, fluff, angst, a bit of boob action ❦ warnings. illness, mention of hospitalisation, mention of minor character death, yoongi is kind of a dick sometimes, accidental(?) flashing ❦ summary. it’s not that you don’t like your job. on the contrary, reading bedtime stories to a certified little princess is something you still can’t believe you get paid to do. it’s just that between all the school runs, snow days and secret second hot chocolates before bed, you may fallen a little too hard for those dimpled cheeks and gummy smiles…. worse still, you’ve fallen for her father too.  ❦ a/n. merry christmas everyone!! this fic is a collaboration with the wonderful @underthejoon​ @kpopfanfictrash​ @suga-kookiemonster​ @junghelioseok​ @bendthekneetobangtan​ @lamourche​ and @hobidreams​. it’s late, lame and cheesy (and probably under-edited) but I like it that way. I hope you’re all having a fantastic holiday, wherever you may be <3 

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2 years ago

VOGUE | myg


summary: you’ve always said that fashion is meant to push the limits of art, but no amount of swarovski crystals could ever prepare you for the latest assignment your manager has lined up for you: design a dress with none other than min yoongi, the evil genius that stole the show from you during paris fashion week, to be displayed in a showcase in milan.

{enemies to lovers!au, fashion designers!au}

pairing: min yoongi x female reader genre: fluff, comedy, unresolved romantic tension, angst word count: 42k warnings: alcohol consumption, cliches, this is basically every fic of mine rolled into one 42k package a/n: finally !!! she’s here !!! god i have been working on this fic ever since the beginning of april. she’s my baby and the love of my life, and almost my worst nightmare. also, please please please let me know if you are having problems reading, liking, or reblogging this fic. i will do anything i can to fix it. otherwise, please enjoy this absolute behemoth of a fic.


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2 years ago

41.  “Dance with me.”

59.  “I’m still sore from last night.”


ceo!yoongi x reader

w.c: 1.6k

warnings: a little suggestive if you like squint, sweet teeth numbing fluff

note: please please let me know your thoughts, it helps me out a lot. Also send in a drabble request hehehe.

masterlist || drabble game


Yoongi loved mornings. 

Yoongi loved mornings more, now that the two of you had finally moved in together after years of dancing around the subject. He loved waking up next to you, with your face buried into the side of his body and your tiny snores escaping your dry chapped lips, echoing against the eggshell walls of the room. He loved the way the thin rays of the morning sun peek through the slits of the blackout curtains. The light dancing against your body, illuminating all his favorite features. Which was all of you. He loved the way you would stir, and he would race against time to shut his eyes before you could catch him starring at you. 

You always did. 

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