unanchored-ship - Manuel Gomez Pedraza Stan
Manuel Gomez Pedraza Stan

Silly history and science addicted artistShe/her but I really don't care | Ace forever!!!If ya don't like, don't stick around!

789 posts

An Ms Painted Silicon. (they/them)

An Ms Painted Silicon. (they/them)

an ms painted Silicon. (they/them)

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More Posts from Unanchored-ship

1 year ago

7 11 17 for either helium or someone from cannibal au

7. Helium hasn't changed much at all, actually! I've always seen her as an aroace and being calm and closed-off most of the time. Something more specific to my current Helium would probably be her obsession with keeping the *entire* noble gas group free of bonding with the other elements, demonstrated by one of her rare outbursts at Argon in this post. I don't really have a reason as to why she's obsessed with this idea yet so there's room for lore :O She's fine with being around the other elements though, just hates it when one of em brings up bonding. Her old design isn't very different either, I just changed her dress a little and gave her earrings!

11. Lets just say Elder William loves using a knife. Like, your average sized kitchen knife. For everything. Cutting someone's head off? Saw through that neck using your tiny, probably unsharpened for the past week knife no matter how long it takes or how loud your meal screams ๐Ÿ‘

17. This one is also answering Sheep's Ask :) William in the cannibal au(now known as the Family Feast AU) has gone through some mild-extreme-ish stuff(compared to what I've done to other folks). Like forced cannibalism and being forced to watch/participate in torturing someone. No specific events yet but the intensity of the torture greatly varies so image what you will :P He may go through more as I develop the story but we'll see.

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1 year ago

ur doodles have better lineart than my finished works

A doodle of Miku (top half, shoulder to head) looking at the viewer on a piece of small paper

Doodling Miku on unused flash cards

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1 year ago
I Drew 2 Charleses...

I drew 2 charleses...

the lineart on the miku one was fun to do :3 (dont mind the shading I did that because cool)

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1 year ago

i tested the waters. its cold :,(

it gets like that sometimes

it'll warm up from time to time :>

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