be gay, do crime

47 posts



Hey there! Welcome to the infirmary! Really quick while you’re here, what district is this again? Ah never mind, I’ll figure it out. Feel free to take a seat while I get everything sorted in here. Fair warning however, I haven’t exactly nailed the ‘sewing limbs back on’ thing, so if thats what you’re in here for it might be quicker for me to just send you to respawn.

Hey There! Welcome To The Infirmary! Really Quick While Youre Here, What District Is This Again? Ah Never

(OOC under cut)

Yo, I’m @underisntavalible, this is an ask blog that i made to help me conceptualise a TF2 au where me and my irl’s get isekaid into 197fuck New Mexico and picked up by the Blu team, so original I know. This was also made to get me to draw more frequently and hone my craft a bit more before I go to college.

I have a tendency to specify things that really don’t need specification, if I do so in a post please call me out on it.

Anon magic is allowed and encouraged.

NSFW is mostly prohibited, sex jokes are fine and gore is expected but I am (as of writing this) still a minor, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

If I haven’t responded to your ask, please don’t send it over and over again, I’m either busy with other things and am getting to it, or I do not feel comfortable answering it.

Probably going to be interacting with other tf2 ask blogs a LOT, you have been warned

Critiques are always appreciated, but please give actual criticism and not “your art looks weird, fix it”

I am very much not a medical professional, if you ask me for medical advice I’ll do my best to answer with what I know but please take my words with a cup of salt and go to a real doctor.

That being said


ask away ig

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