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Underoos-webs - Everything Multifandom - Tumblr Blog
i was kind of hoping dean just needed glasses
I just really want an episode of Supernatural that’s like Blues Clues
Dean: Dammit Sammy where’d it go?!
Sam: I don’t know, Dean. [To camera] Hey, did you see where the ghost went?
Sam: [pointing in the wrong direction] this way?
*long uncomfortable silence*
Sam: there it is! [shoots ghost with rock salt] Thanks for your help!
I need to say a few things.
First of all, I can’t believe that people would hate on Haz like they are. He has done nothing deserving of the hate he is getting.
Next, I’d like to point out that most of the posts I’m seeing–and even those that I’ve reblogged, I’ll admit–are looking at pictures of him and talking about how precious he is and how could people hate on that.
I have just a bit of a problem with that. I know people aren’t intending for it, i know that most of these people fully and completely respect Haz for everything he is. But I feel like it’s extremely important to recognize the real reasons that all the hate is unwarranted.
People keep saying that Haz is using Tom, that he wouldn’t be anywhere without that friendship and that he’s milking it for all it’s worth.
Tom got lucky and hit his big break. This is true, simply fact. That’s what the acting world is, it’s a gamble and everyone knows it. The chances of making it big are minuscule. But Haz has been working so hard to get where he has. This man was in Brit School. You can’t say that he was copying Tom when they hadn’t even met until then. Haz was already aiming to act before he knew the person who’s now his best friend. He started a theater company with his friend at the age of 18 to try and get himself an agent, once he had graduated. He is working to get his name out there.
Harrison has so many aspects to him and his character that need to be recognized, outside of just being the friend and assistant of Tom Holland.
He is not just a pretty face to look at.
He models, he costarred in Vent. He is a brother and best friend and uncle and son. He is worth so much more than people give him credit for. So all of you haters can take about a million step back because honestly? None of us want to hear that shit.
Thank you.

If you’re seeing this I’m probably dead from laughing too hard

#chris evans #in where he is actually steve rogers
RDJ delivers a real bionic iron man arm to a kid 😍👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

Me: Dean’s back, Jack had a self confidence boost, and Cas wants a father-son-bondimg hunting trip! Life is great!
Supernatural writers: Also Jack is coughing up blood

Dean: I stopped listening after you said we need a plan.
Au Bobby: ???
Sam: you see, not winging it isn’t exactly, what they… do.
Jack: then what is it that they do?
Castiel: kick names. Take ass.
Dean: Yeah—
reblogging for the last comment
I love this photo of Tom Holland because he looks like a kid that’s been listening to his racist relatives argue over Christmas dinner for the last half hour:

rt if youre not ‘the real fan of marvel’ cause you dont fucking condone pedophilia & incest and you’re disgusted by it

i want a COOL ASS identity reveal please

#we don’t deserve him

Dean Winchester + favorite undercover looks
i really can’t believe im still in this pjo hell after almost a decade but like is there anything more iconic than the pjato series and the way percy jackson has brought greek mythology to the forefront of children’s literature, as well as revived it for a new generation, like no i really don’t think so
Marvel offered a grief counseling at Comic-Con for traumatized fans after Infinity War
And look at these amazing posters they have at the venue.

These would really sell if they release it in the market. The posters are all amazing and beautiful.

tom holland is a cuddly bitch tell ur friends

personally I like to think steve’s birthday isn’t actually July 4th but someone asked him when his birthday was when he was doing his little show tour thingy and he just said it as an accident and/or a panic response in a bid to seem even more patriotic and everyone believed him and now it’s like 100 years later and he’s too deep in the lie to back out now bc he knows all the avenger’s would fucking publicly roast him if he admitted july 4th wasn’t actually his birthday- like he would literally never live that down- so he lives his life in fear that some bitch ass historian is gonna find his birth certificate and expose him

Happy birthday, Harrison
some of y’all are so disrespectful smh. it’s time for y’all to grow up. y’all call yourselves fans of tom, but we all know (not having a personal relationship w/ him) that tom would never condone this behavior. it probably freaks him out that there are some fans of his like this. to those who are like me on this app and across the world, and to those who actually respect the actors and actresses that are in the movies we all love, thank you. it means a lot to even me knowing that there are people who actually respect HUMAN BEINGS. no one should have to tell you respect a fucking human being, it’s a thing you should already know from common fucking sense
Me @ the Tom Holland “fans” that bullied Sebastian Stan and Anthony Mackie at comic con:

peter retaliating against “baby monitor protocol” by changing the names of Tony’s Iron Man protocols
“hey FRIDAY, zoom in on that building over there”
“Old Man Bifocals protocol activated, Boss”
“what the fuck did you just say to me”

Happy 22nd Birthday to the most adorable, inspiring and a known meme, Thomas Stanley Holland!!
[June 1st, 1996]
thor coming to earth and calling peter ‘peter starkson’ reblog if you agree