He/Him • #1 media consumer • deep state sleeper agent • Holding onto Anything
74 posts
Unethicalbagel - Bagel - Tumblr Blog
if I was God I’d probably create more high altitude cloud formations that set off nuclear early warning systems. so y’know;, if kate bush could get me in contact with Him that’d be great

who told him to do that

it’s cal!
"its a texas chainsaw miracle"

God the world is awesome
girls tonight we are going to stay up all night connecting the dots
why is privacy so eroded. I get treated like a nutcase if I say no, I don't want strange companies taking pictures of my home and putting them online for maps or whatever. I don't want to be in the background of your tiktok, and I think it's weirder for you to assume I'm okay with it than it is for me to politely ask you to refilm it so my face isn't in the frame. I don't enjoy handing my employer a list of every online account I have and feeling under surveillance when I'm just shit posting or sharing pictures of my cats or garden harvest. I don't want to hear your private calls on speaker on the bus, esp when the person on the line doesn't know you're broadcasting their words to strangers. I don't want an algorithm guessing what will piss me off the most so I spend more time online, engaging with shit I don't want to see or hear out of outrage. I don't want any of this. it's total ass.

he'll hold your drink (what a cool guy)!
I'm sending neutral vibes DIRECTLY to the person reading this. you should feel nothing

💐🌹🌺 he brought you somethin. :)
I went to a taylor swift concert once and it was mostly ok but there was one standout moment where they brought a red pulsating jewel on stage. Taylor said it was called the heart of Ozymandias. She kept inviting people on stage to touch it and every time they did they would turn into sand and blow away. And people just kept going up and touching the thing.
hi margaret, i hope this email blows your tits clean off
"the world isn't kind" ok??? Much more importantly are you?????
This too shall pass but like holy fuck
kinda weird that consciousness is a single stream. might need to change that

for day 3 of @hiddencircus 's event
Circus or Retro Tech
please like/rb if you use/save!
In this house we stand for the flag

And kneel for the

The cuties!