welcome to my wasteland of BTS trash Jung Hoseok biased so you'll find a lot of that here
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Fic Rec #7
Fic Rec #7

I’M BAAACK! The second I got out of my entrance exam, I went for a quick holiday lol. I truly don’t know how many fics I read in the meantime (probs not much) but It’s been a long time since I posted out a new fic rec post. So here we go!
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More Posts from Unintentional-bts-trash
freaking love a good hogwarts au !!!!
accio | jungkook (m)

A/N: got this idea from here! Check this out, it’s such a wonderful compilation of prompts & I plan to use so many of these :)
Genre: Hogwarts!AU, fluff, and SMUT holy shit SMUT (I enjoyed writing this a liiiiitle too much oopsies)
Word Count: 6,988 (once again, oopsies*
Summary: A food fight broke out in the middle of dinner one night. And, needless to say, being Prefects, you and Jeon Jungkook stepped up and stopped the fight - but also found yourselves covered in dungbomb residue and food afterwards. Also, there was an issue. There was only one Prefects’ bathroom…
*quick note: “accio” is the summoning spell, for those who aren’t familiar with harry potter spells; and (F/N) stands for friend’s name.*
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merry kissmas

➯ You’ve had a crush on the handsome elf working at Santa’s house since the day he started working across the mall from you. When he asks you for help to shop for a girl, things go a lot differently than you thought they would.
pairing: hoseok x reader
genre: retailchristmas!au, fluff, drabble
wordcount: 3.6k
“You better watch out. You better not cry. You better not pout, I’m telling you why!” You smiled to yourself behind your sandwich as you watched the colorful elf start a new song with the children waiting in line to meet Santa. The children joined in eagerly, laughing and clapping at the elf’s antics as he spun around while singing, throwing in a few dance moves to make his performance more entertaining.
There was only 2 more days left til Christmas and this would be one of the last nights Santa’s house would be open in the mall. You were already feeling sad about it. Not only because Christmas, your favorite holiday, would be over soon, but because you wouldn’t get to see your favorite Santa’s helper anymore.
You took another bite of your lunch, your eyes tracing the elf’s movements several feet away as you remembered the first day of the season when Santa’s house opened across from the store you worked in. You were working as a greeter that day, standing near the entrance of the store to try to draw in customers. The handsome guy with the dyed red hair, bright smile, and dimples instantly captured your attention as he walked by and you’d felt excitement surge through your stomach when you saw him go into the employees’ locker rooms. When he emerged dressed in a myriad of red and green, complete with tights, a floppy hat, and ridiculous curled-toe shoes, you’d almost lost it right in the middle of assisting a customer. The handsome guy dressed in some of the most stylish clothes you’d ever seen was working as one of Santa’s elves? It was too ironically perfect.
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Fic Rec!

Oh man, alright friend get ready bc this one’s going to be a long list! but if you exhaust this list, you can check out my fic rec tag for more recent recs!! (if you’re on mobile you’ll have to scroll to the bottom and click specifically on the fic rec tag! sorry tumblr mobile is a lil spotty) Aite firstly, my holy trinity:
@deerguk // @ggukyng // @gukvory Sillage is just *heart eyes* but srsly she has a ton of other fics that are complete masterpieces as well like A Ticket to the Sun and Slip Through The Seams so check out her whole masterlist!
@inktae Pretty sure Blue Orchids is considered a classic like am I right or am I right? Also First Light is another one you should definitely check out. Just such a talented writer you have to read everything she’s ever written ok?
@jungblue If you read bts fics and you haven’t heard of Future Hearts yet like go check it out right now. Also, check out her whole masterlist while you’re at it! (she’s so talented, I cry every time I think about her writing)
These 3 are just… how do I put it into words? They’re just legends.
Alrighty now on to some other talented writers whom I admire! (in no particular order)
Love At First Touch by @bagelswrites This one is an OCxJimin and it’s on AO3 but you guys have to have to HAVE TO read this bc it’s so good (thanks @roseok for recommending this one to me bc i love it)
Fall For You by @kimvtae Fuckboy Jungkook yassss plus her writing style is beauts! and I love how Jungkook was portrayed throughout the whole fic (’: also please read Diamond in the Rough bc it’s a masterpiece I swear.
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Your Biggest Fan

Pairing: HoseokxReader
Genre: Smut, plussize!reader, college!au
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction and purely for entertainment. It is not meant to label or reflect the members in any way. The events within are fictitious.
Summary: The runner of a nsfw blog, you’d never expected to run into a follower. You’re a dirty secret they kept to themselves. Then you run into Jung Hoseok, a frat boy and your biggest fan.
Eight months, two weeks and three days passed since you and Eric split. It’d been rocky for you at first. You’d grown used to Eric’s presence in your life for the past two years. You had something to do on weekends, someone to run errands with and talk to everyday. Every day started with a ‘morning beautiful’ text and nights ended with kisses on your doorstep. When you’d finally had enough that minor happiness crumbled. Even now, you somewhat missed his goofy smile and lame jokes. He’d always cared, comforted and adored you. A generous and considerate person, he never complained about your moodiness or small spurts of frustration. You’d never met anyone like him before Y/BFF/N’s party. He hadn’t been the most attractive, but he’d made you feel special once.
The things you didn’t miss often crept back up after. You didn’t miss his subtle manipulations and passive aggressiveness. Rather than encourage you to go to the gym and eat healthier, Eric fed you more. Your friends told you that happened in relationships since you went out so much. But they didn’t get it. Someone like you can’t afford to gain more weight. Whenever you expressed this, Eric merely said, “Yeah. We’ll go to the gym (insert day long from that moment) when I’m not working.” A part of you hoped it was because he didn’t care how you looked or perhaps liked your “curviness”. You knew better. Eric was older than you, desperate for love, and settled for the first girl who came along. He’d taken you as is…
As long as you obeyed him. He never said it out loud. He never made mention of it in conversation, but you knew. Eric wanted a housewife. He wanted a girl who’d cook and keep his house in order, whilst caring for the children. He wanted a woman who’d submit to him whenever he wanted, which explained his many tantrums whenever you refused him. You didn’t have the heart to tell him the truth: he sucked in bed. Lacking arousal each time, every thrust pained you. You’d walk to the bathroom with that familiar ache between your legs; sometimes you got an infection from the copious amount of lube he used. He never kept attention on you long enough, but expected lengthy blowjobs from you. You did try guiding him, but it’d be gone by the next time. If he’d been someone else, you’d tell them. But with Eric, you kept your silence. He was so sweet and loving of you, you couldn’t tell him the truth. It certainly didn’t help whenever he mentioned your other lovers. They’d hadn’t been much good either, so you didn’t see why he cared about out-doing them.
All you had now was your blog. You’d set it up around the time Eric left and didn’t think anything might come from it. A Not Safe for Work blog, you’d started out reblogging porn gifs, videos and stories you’d written. Then one night you took a bold step and posted a picture. Leaving out your head, you showcased the new pink lingerie set you’d bought but never used. Suddenly, a flood of comments rolled in afterwards. People from everywhere wrote how much they loved your body and photos. Naturally a few creeps came with it, but otherwise their comments uplifted you. For once you didn’t feel gross or undesirable. People made it very clear how gorgeous they thought your body was and what it did to them. Some even offered you money for private camera sessions or your used panties.
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my writing.
I decided to use a mobile masterlist which is hopefully friendly to cellphones and which I will frequently reblog. I wish you a happy reading time and have a good day!

genre | college au. summary | she is called a whore, a slut. jeongguk is called the most gorgeous young man, a dandy little fellow. and both do the same: fucking around. warnings | cursing, mentions of alcohol and drug abuse, quarter-graphic smut. word count | 5968. link | daab.

genre | agent au. summary | “all my intel said you’re not meant to be back until next week and I’m using your flat as a sniper nest to kill a bad guy. this is awkward.” warnings | mature content, mention of death, swearing, graphic smut. link | isom 1. isom 2. isom 3.

genre | brothel au. summary | a nightly visit to the beast’s cave which involves silk, a sense for novel, and no clothes at all. warnings | graphic smut, mature content. word count | 2407. link | seoab.

genre | badboy au, gang au. summary | she doesn’t know him but the hazard growing around him like a freshly watered bush was definitely something she noticed about jeon jeongguk. warnings | mention of drugs. link | cktc 1. cktc 2.

genre | pharaoh au. summary | in the hot south there was, searching for concubines, a man as powerful as gods and he wants her. wanings | objectifying women, racism, mature content, graphic smut link | asott 1. asott 2.