G:smut - Tumblr Posts


pairing— jeon jungkook x reader  genre/warnings— crack, halloween costumes gone wrong, smUT, FLUFF SOMEHOW IDEK ANYMORE words— 6,406

Hooking up with the guy you’re neutral towards isn’t how you expected your night to go, especially dressed as a pumpkin…

— author’s note: lowkey am questioning myself after this one… but thank you @keehyung for giving me the idea—although I warped it so much haha. For reference, Jungkook is wearing this…hot, right? 


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Ooof this series was fricken good

instant gratification (m)


fuccboii jk x cheerleader! reader ft sex in an instant photobooth

7k, smut

WARNING: this is just pure smut no plot whatsoever lmao and it’s filthy as hell read at ur own risk

01 | 02 | 2.5 | 03 (complete)

11.57am [Jeon Jeongguk]: Quad. Now.

The brevity of his text should annoy you, but it only ignites a desire that burns insistently till it’s quenched. With your screen brightness turned down this low, it should be hard for anyone but you to decipher the words on your screen, but you still jump in surprise and guilt when your roommate, Sejong taps you on the shoulder.

“Hey, don’t forget practice is at 12.30pm today, don’t be late!! Coach already seemed near the end of her rope the last time and the team sure as hell doesn’t need her cracking down any harder. Got it?” Sejong might be your dearest roommate, but as captain of the cheer team she definitely takes her duties very seriously.

Swallowing back nervous laughter, you attempt to flash her an easy smile. “Yes, I promise I’ll be there on time!! It won’t happen anymore, I swear.”

You quickly stash away your phone in your bag and finish adjusting your knee socks before standing and bidding her a hasty goodbye.

“Wait, you’re leaving now? There’s still like half an hour before we start!” Sejong narrows her eyes at you just as your hand lands upon the door handle. Even facing away from her you can feel her scrutinising gaze on your back, and your urgency to leave the room increases.

“Uhh… yeah, you said my splits needed some work last time right? I think I’m gonna go in early and get some practice in.” To your own ears your excuse sounds flimsy and coupled with the slight tremor in your voice, you’re almost definitely sure that Sejong will call you out.

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; Hoseok x Reader

; Genre: Fluff, smut

; Word Count: 13.2k

; Warnings: Oral sex (receiving), penetrative sex, dubious use of a champagne bottle

; Synopsis: A summer vacation in the Mediterranean is the idea of heaven for many people. Sun, sand and azure sea as far as the eye can see. But what happens when a chance encounter results in you basking in a very different kind of sun?

; A/N: Major thanks to @yminie for the beautiful moodboard ;-; but seriously…how could I NOT write a summer vacation fic for Hoseok with that pic??


For hundreds upon hundreds of years, the Mediterranean has been at the centre of trade and life for those living around its warm, azure waters. From the Egyptians who had worshipped their gods of the deserts to the Greeks who had prayed for their sea god to give them calm seas for travel.

Underneath the cerulean waves lay the remnants of cultures that had risen and died, from the Romans to the Phoenicians and more. The rise of empires, the fall of civilisations, the wars that humanity had wreaked upon itself over millennia; the Mediterranean had borne witness to many things.

And now, it was bearing witness to your excited ramblings to your best friend through a smartphone. The tiny device was pointed at your face, giving you a perfect view of her exasperated expression while you happily spun around, giving her a front seat view of the spectacular and awe-inspiring sight of the Greek island of Santorini.

You’d spent the past hour slowly climbing the, frankly ridiculous, number of stairs that had been carved into the island a long time ago. There had been the option to take a donkey, but you’d felt that you couldn’t possibly use a donkey without feeling guilty.

It was 34 degrees right now and looking at the poor things made you want to wrap your arms around them and lead them into some shade. So instead, you’d clambered up the steps by yourself and had spent five minutes practically lying on the floor while feeling like you were dying.

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Orectic (M)

Orectic (adj) - ‘of or concerning desire or appetite’ 

Pairing: Hoseok x hybrid!reader

Warnings: Gratuitous, tooth-rotting fluff.  Smut; kissing, fingering, dirty talk, unprotected penetrative sex, ?breeding kink if you squint hard enough.  

Word count: 21K

Thank you @yminie for my beautiful moodboard!


“It’ll just be for the week, and it isn’t like you guys haven’t spent any time together by yourselves before!”

It’d seemed like a harmless enough request when Jung Hoseok’s sister had first called him to request he come play sitter for the week; an opportunity to make some quick, easy cash during the winter months when attendance to the dance classes he taught inevitably started to wane.  

“C’mon, it’ll be fine!”

Sitting was probably the wrong word for it, anyway.  You weren’t so much a pet; his elder sibling had always been very firm on that matter from the very second she’d first brought you home. You were a companion, a confidant - a best friend who just so happened to be blessed with pointed feline ears, a sleek, silken tail, and a propensity for jumping three foot in the air whenever you turn around to find a well-placed snake-come-cucumber that Hobi may or may not have planted there a few minutes earlier.  

Yes, you may have a complete and utter dependence on your guardian to keep a roof over your head and food on the table, but that’s not your fault.  And it’s not as though his sister is wrong; the two of you do get on.  

Well… at least these days you do.  

When the two of you had first met over a year ago you’d been incredibly wary of him, to begin with; almost to the point where you’d visibly flinch whenever he dare address you or if he ever sat just that little bit too close.  Your history hadn’t been disclosed by the shelter when his sister had offered you a home, but it didn’t take a genius to take a guess as to why you might be so nervous at having an unfamiliar male in your home.  

While the practice has recently been made illegal, sexual exploitation remains a grotesque and unfortunate reality for all too many hybrids since they were created less than half a century ago, and it’s something you’ve remained resolutely silent about regardless of the gentle questioning Hoseok’s sister has put you through.  It breaks his heart to think that that might’ve been something that you’d had to face in the past, but if it was something you’d been subjected to, you sure as hell don’t seem about to admit it.  

So, without a legitimate excuse with which to refuse his sister’s pleading request, Hobi finds himself agreeing to keep you company for the coming week ahead.  It’s been a while since you’ve seen each other so he knows you’ll probably take a little while to warm up to him again, but that’s ok; he’s always been the patient sort.  There’s always the catnip he’s stashed in the bottom of his overnight bag, too, should the situation ever be so dire that it’s needed.

The journey to his sister’s place doesn’t take too long - half an hour, give or take - and along the way Hobi isn’t ignorant to the lift in his mood with every mile that passes.  He’ll never say it out loud, but ever since his old housemate Yoongi moved out (a convenience thing, rather than any ill-feeling between the two of them) the apartment has felt far too quiet.  It’ll be nice to have someone to spend some time with; something to break up the monotony of his ever-present thoughts.  

Index finger pressed firmly against your doorbell, Hobi’s narrow hips swing from side to side at the tinny salsa tune he hears coming from the other side of the door to signal his arrival.  There’s a bright smile on his face by the time his sister answers, and when he opens up his arms to her, pulling her into a tight hug, her answering smile is just as wide.  

“Jiwoooooo!” he gushes as the familiar scent of her hair floods into his nostrils.  She smells safe - she smells like home - and Hobi finds himself lamenting it having been so long since the last time he came around.  There’s really no excuse; not when she only lives over the other side of town. “Still just as pretty, I see,” he admires as he pulls away, patting her cheek, and as she grins back he bends to pick up the overnight bag he’d rested down by his feet, stepping over the threshold.  

“Ever the charmer, ‘Seok,” she replies with a fond roll of her eyes, pushing the front door closed behind him, “How’s that working out for you?  Lured any poor, unsuspecting women into your clutches lately?”  

“Not since Soo-In, I’m afraid.”  Hobi laughs gleefully at the expression of disgust that contorts his sister’s features at the mention of the night he’d managed to successfully seduce one of her friends - much to her horror at the time.  “I must’ve lost my edge.”  

Secretly, he’s worried that he might have.  He hasn’t slept with anyone at all since then, and six months is starting to feel like an awfully long time…

“We can but hope,” she snarks, one perfectly sculpted eyebrow raised as she snatches Hobi’s bag right out from his hand and deposits it at the bottom of the stairs before sweeping past him and into the living room.  She grabs a jacket hung on the back of one of her soft, crushed velvet armchairs (Hobi’s always thought they’re hideous, but then who is he to talk about good taste?) as she goes and promptly folds it into away her own suitcase, unzipped and hanging open upon her coffee table.

“So, New York, huh?  You excited?”  He watches her pack, stowing away all the last few essentials she’ll need for the trip she’s barely stopped talking about since she found out she was going just a short few weeks ago.  Folding his arms, he notes the time on his watch; she needs to leave soon, or she’ll be late for her flight.  Typical Jiwoo, always cutting it fine.  

“You have no idea,” she grins maniacally, pausing with her case half zipped up, one sleeve of something hanging out the side, “People are actually gonna see my designs, Hobi.  Finally!  Important people!”

“So I hear,” he smiles back, and underneath his crossed arms he feels his chest swell with emotion, “Proud of you, sis.”  

“I know.”  She stuffs the sleeve back in and hurriedly seals the case the rest of the way, patting it firmly once it’s done.  “Maybe when I’m a famous fashionista you might actually listen to some of my tips.  God knows you need them.”  

This time it’s Hobi’s turn to fondly roll his eyes.

“Anyway, the fridge and freezer are fully stocked, all you gotta do is get stuff out in the morning to defrost and try to make it through the week without giving yourself food poisoning.”  She hauls her case off of the table with a groan and it thuds heavily on the hardwood floor as she sets it down.  He dreads to think how much she’s paid for the extra luggage allowance… “There’s plenty of fish, plenty of lacto-free milk - but you don’t need to worry about that.”  

Nodding, Hobi unfolds his arms and takes a glance around the room at the mention of your rather specific dietary needs.  It wouldn’t be the first time he’s not noticed you when entering a room; sometimes you sit so silent and still that it’s almost as though you’re not really there until you chose to reveal yourself.  He swears you do it on purpose, actually, just to watch him jump and shriek when you suddenly appear, an amused little smile tugging at your lips as he clutches his chest in fear.  

“Speaking of; where is my ward?”

“Kitchen,” she replies shortly, exhaling a sigh, “She’s busy doing that whole ‘cold shoulder’ thing she always does whenever she knows I’m going away.”  

“Oh.”  Taking a few steps forward, Hobi’s able to lean forward to peer round the door to the kitchen which stands slightly ajar, and through the gap he can just about make out your stiff form sat at the kitchen table, back straight and pen in hand.  

“Ah, she’ll be fine,” his sister dismisses with a wave of her hand, and as her hand passes her face Hobi notices her eyes suddenly widen as she catches a glimpse at the time.  “Hooo shit.  Will you shove this in the car for me while I say bye?  ThankyouIloveyou,” she gushes, thrusting her suitcase towards him, and like the obliging younger brother he is Hobi does as she asks, lugging her case out onto the drive and stowing it away in the ridiculously small trunk of her equally ridiculous car with an exaggerated groan.  

By the time he finds his way back inside and into the kitchen, his sister’s whole torso is wrapped around you from behind, your face almost entirely obscured by the blanket of long, black hair that surrounds you.  

“Gonna miss you,” he hears Jiwoo say, squeezing you in her grasp as Hobi watches you attempt to huff her hair out from your face in a series of heavy, exasperated exhales.  

“You better,” comes your snarky reply, and after a moment more your pen is begrudgingly laid down and you’re squeezing his sister’s forearm as you quietly insist that she fly safely.  When Jiwoo releases you, standing straight, Hobi’s is both surprised and oddly moved by the glassiness he sees in your eyes when they dart his way, your lips parting, embarrassed at being seen in such a way.  He wishes that your spine didn’t stiffen again so suddenly on seeing him, or that your tail didn’t immediately increase in size where it hanging through the slats of the kitchen chair on which you sit, glossy fur standing up on end.  

It’s only a temporary reaction - he knows that - but it still kinda hurts.  

“Hey kitkat,” he smiles, raising one hand in a lame, gentle wave that you slowly return, bottom lip caught between your teeth as you nervously look him up and down with eyes that are just a tiny bit too large for your face.  He’s been calling you by that nickname for almost as long as he’s known you, and though you’d initially bristled on hearing it, Hobi couldn’t help but notice over time that a light blush that had started to colour your cheeks whenever he’d say it; a sweet little glimpse at the softness that lays underneath your somewhat frosty exterior.  

“Hello Hoseok,” you answer softly, and oh, Hobi had forgotten the way the hairs on the back of his neck always stand up whenever you say it that way.  You’re the only person in his life who ever, ever addresses him by his full name, and if he’s honest with himself, he’d happily keep it that way if he could.  

Neither of you says anything then, after that, and in the seconds that follow Hoseok’s sister looks back and forth between the two of you, curiously chewing her bottom lip“Well,” she announces to break the silence, walking from the space she’d occupied behind you to approach Hobi instead, her arms held open wide in invitation to a parting hug, “I’ll just leave you two chatterboxes to it, shall I?”  

“Love you,” he mumbles into his sister’s hair, embracing her with all the strength he can muster.  He may be the younger sibling, but he’s always been fiercely protective of his big sister, and he has a sneaking suspicion that no matter how old they get that’ll always remain the same.  “Have fun, alright?”  

“Oh you bet your ass I will,” Jiwoo grins as she extracts herself from his arms.  She looks between Hobi and you, frowning slightly when she sees the way you’re shyly staring down at the crossword puzzle you’ve been working on for the majority of the morning rather than at her brother stood opposite, a pen in your hand and your pointed ears flicking anxiously this way and that.  “You two will be ok, right?” she checks, and Hobi gives her his best, most reassuring smile.  

“Course we will,” he enthuses, directing all the positivity he can muster your way and smiling even more broadly when you meekly return it, tail swishing gently behind you from side to side, “Right, kitkat?”

“Sure.  Right.”  

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Carnival Rides (M)


→ Pairing: Seokjin x reader

→ Genre: Fluff, smut, summer carnival AU

→ Word Count: 11.4k

→ Summary: Working at your parents’ funnel cake stand during the summer sounds like a decent enough gig. But you didn’t quite plan for the exhausting heat or the cute gelato guy who would make it his mission to get you to like him. Warning: This ride will get you wet!

→ What to Expect: car sex, a little bit of public indecency (again), unprotected sex (wear condoms pls), and bad puns

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A Taste So Sweet (M)


→ Pairing: Hoseok x reader

→ Genre: Smut, fluff, bartender AU

→ Word Count: 9.6k

→ Summary: In an attempt to find a boyfriend, you agree to go on a series of blind dates that turn out to be hilariously disastrous. Striking up a friendship with the cute bartender is your only reprieve from the horrible dates, but after a while you realize maybe the one for you has been in front of you the entire time.

→ What to Expect: Smut, fluff, friends to lovers, dirty talk, edging, oral, rough sex, dom!Hoseok, bratty sub!reader, aftercare, lots of alcohol, and some really shitty blind dates.

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Tasty Tryst (M)


Summary: Selling preserves at the local farmers’ market has its distractions when your vendor booth is placed next to the one belonging to the young strawberry farmer who’s been sweet on you for years.

Pairing: Taehyung x Reader

Genre: Smut, Fluff

Word Count: 9,643

Warning: StrawberryFarmer!Taehyung, foodplay, sexual themes, profanity

Series: Working Man Bangtan

A/N: Just in time for strawberry season.

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Caro’s Recs: Sub!BTS x Dom!Reader


Extended, revised, updated! And very 18+, this is smut only. Mind their warnings and respect the work. Give it up for these amazing writers everyone. They’re out there doing the most 🔥


Protégé by @baeseoul (sub!Jungkook x dom!Reader)

Waiting Game by @versigny (sub!Yoongi x dom!Reader)

All That Is Gold by @kingdomtae (sub!Taehyung x dom!Reader)

Bound For Life by @versigny (sub!Jin x dom!Reader)

Wrapped around your finger by @minigguk (sub!Namjoon x dom!reader)

Shutter & Shiver by @hwasaek-seoks (sub!Jimin x dom!Reader)

Late by @yminie (sub!Yoongi x dom!Reader, dom!Yoongi at the end)

Call Me Mistress Series by @jeonjagiya (sub!BTS x dom!Reader)

Go With It by @joonbird (sub!Namjoon x dom!Reader)

Discipline & Punish by @chinnychimchim (sub!JK x dom!Reader)

Yearn For Me by @sue-bts (sub!Jimin x sub!Jungkook x dom!Reader)

Role Reversal by @sseudanym (sub!Hoseok x dom!Reader)

Guided by @sugasgrowl (sub!Kook x dom!Reader)

Brat by @littlemisskookie (sub!Yoongi x dom!Reader)

SSC Service by @onetimerodeo

Kookies and Cream by @wildernessuntothemselves (sub!Jungkook x dom!Reader)

Mine by @astraljhs (sub!Hoseok x dom!Reader)

Baby Boy by @littlemisskookie (sub!Kook x dom!Reader)

I’m Your Good Boy by @an-nova (sub!Hoseok x dom!Reader)

Pet/Slave Namjoon Drabble by @dom-joonie 

Baby Boy by @craft-rose (sub!Kook x dom!Reader)

His Purity by @taetae-tea (sub!Jimin x dom!Reader)

A Sweet Favor by @softjeon (sub!Kook x Reader x Girlfriend)

Feather’s Edge by @hobigolightly (sub!Jin x dom!Reader) [short]

Innocence by @sue-bts (sub!Jungkook x dom!Reader)

A helping hand by @faeriejoon (sub!Namjoon x Reader)

So Art Deco by @noir0neko (sub!Yoongi x dom!Reader)

Good Boys Last Forever by @sugaminxx (sub!Jin x dom!Reader)

Ma'am by @rude–jude (sub!Jimin x dom!Reader)

Part 5 of Entanglement by @drquinzelharleen (sub!Namjoon x sub!Jin x dom!Reader)

My Puppy by @solastia (sub!Taehyung x dom!Reader)

Spice It Up! by @aiimaginesbts (sub!Husband Jimin x dom!Reader)

Baby Boy by @lizardsocial (sub!Jimin x dom!Reader)

Conditioned by @noona-la-la-la (sub!Taehyung x dom!Reader)

Good Boy by @btssmutgalore (sub!Jimin x dom!Reader)

@babyboyjeonggukie’s Masterlist (all sub!BTS)

Sub!Jin Drabble by @sinmins-kitten 

Sub!Jin Snaps by @bangtan-boys-texting

Aftercare Scenario by @youxidol

Visualizing sub!BTS with gifs by @taetae-tea

NSFW Headcanon for sub!Hoseok by @lewdlyoongi


Chimchim’s Noona by CountYoongula (sub!Jimin + sub!Yoongi x dom!Reader)

Overpowered by CountYoongula (sub!Jimin x sub!Yoongi x sub!Hoseok x dom!Reader)

It Was Always You by Deckyleaf (sub!Jungkook, BTS’ Manager OC)

Silk, Skype and Strawberries by Sexinthelounge, Babygirl, QueenieBabygirl (cam boy sub!Jimin x mommy!Reader)

Beautiful, Dirty, Rich by orphan_account (fem!dom x Bangtan)

Working Out The Kinks by coffinkicker (sub!Jungkook/sub!Jin x mommy!Reader)

Queen by sue_bts (sub!Taehyung x queen!Reader)

Home To Me by sue_bts (sub!Jimin x sugarmommy!Reader)

Colors by sue_bts (sub!Taehyung x sadist!Reader)

Teething | Teething 0.2 by sue_bts (bunny Hybrid sub!Jungkook x mommy!Reader)

Pastel over Porcelain by sue_bts (sub!Yoongi x mommy!Reader)

Finally by sue_bts (sub!Jungkook x dom!Reader)


Would You Rather Quiz by cutieseok (with crack questions, too)

BTS dancing blindfolded at Idol Party

Stay tuned for further revision and categorizing. I will add more, especially in the A03 section. Until then, enjoy the reading cubs. I love you so much 😌 


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01 | bookmarked ; kth


warnings ↠ voyeurism, exhibitionism, light breath play, praise kink, impregnation kink, dom/sub themes degrading, oral sex, fingering, cum play (?), alcohol use, drug mentions

member ↠ kim taehyung (college au)

genre ↠ smut, fluff 

word count ↠ 9.9k (one-shot)

summary ↠ your hours at the library studying and slaving over organic chemistry homework become a bit more bearable when an angel visits your table. one small favor for your friend and suddenly, the angel doesn’t seem so sweet. 

a/n ↠ i’m going to hell in all religions and i’m not even sorry. seriously, this fic is soley bc taehyung can either be an absolute cutie or he is coming for my throat. there is no in between.

p/s ↠ i brought out my organic chemistry notes for this and i am hoping to god that i don’t sound like a fucking idiot :(( anyway this is a mess i’ll clean it up tmrw

chapters ↠ 01 | complete!

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See you soon (M,F) - Kim Seokjin


See you soon (M,F) - Kim Seokjin

hi! can i request a smutty/fluffy seokjin fic where the reader and he have just decided that they’re going to try for kids, so they celebrate by fulfilling that agreement? thank you so much!

Word count: 2k

Summary: Jin wants to impregnate you, again.

Genre: smut, fluffy as hell, 180% fluff

Warnings: incredibly, sickeningly fluffly smut

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Pink Panther (m)

Hybrid AU Pairing: Jin x reader Rating: Explicit  Warnings: Graphic descriptions of sex, oral sex (female receiving), impregnation kink, unprotected sex, dirty talk  Word count: 13K 

Below is the belated birthday fic I wrote for my precious @rbuns!  I hope you like it, bra, and I’m so sorry it’s so late *squishy hugs* <3 <3 


“Oh pants!”

Scrambling to catch the pen that’d leapt out of your hand at the sudden call of your name, your eyes dart across your crowded desk to the red, blinking light of the intercom which had just spoken to you so abruptly.  At least you presume that that’s what it is that’s flashing at you so; it’s a little difficult to tell underneath the stacks of paper that lay so haphazardly around it.  

Pen now safely tucked behind your ear, you actually have to resort to rising up out of your chair in order to find the damned thing, your heart fluttering nervously as you hastily try to remember which button it is that you’re supposed to press to reply.  You jab at the largest one, hoping for the best.

“Y-yes, Mr Kim?”  

You can’t remember the last time your boss communicated with you via anything other than email - apart from perhaps the odd pleasantry as he’s breezed past your desk on his way in and out of the office at each end of the day - so it seems only fair for you to lay the blame for your rustiness with the intercom system solely on his broad shoulders.

“Can you come in here for just a moment, please?”  

“Sure thing!” you agree compliantly, head bobbing up and down to an otherwise empty office, releasing the intercom button only to assault it again a mere split second later with a hastily blurted out, “Sir!” in some poor attempt to claw back any semblance of professionalism.

Honestly, you’d think that after so long working here that you’d know how conduct yourself properly.

Briefly pausing to check your reflection in the little mirror that you keep stashed away in your top drawer for moments such of these you ensure that there are no lingering gloops of mascara in the corner of your eyes, and as you round your desk a moment later, straightening out your skirt, it’s only very narrowly that you manage to avoid snagging your stockings on its pointed, wooden corner.  

You swear you wouldn’t be so much of a bumbling idiot if it weren’t for the fact that your boss, Kim Seokjin, is quite possibly one of the best looking men you’ve ever laid your eyes on.  As someone who’s fairly awkward at the best of times, coming face to face with someone who’d look more at home on the centre spread of a magazine than an office is more than a little problematic, and it’s with a frustrated sigh that you have to turn back halfway when you realise that you’ve left your diary back at your desk, open faced with a half-drunk cup of coffee resting on its pages.  

“Come in!” A voice calls from inside the office immediately after you’d meekly knocked its door, and it’s with a continuing coyness that you push it open and slip inside, shutting it behind you with a gentle ‘click’.  

Seokjin’s office is as dimly lit as it always is whenever you come in here; blinds drawn, no light save the small desk lamp that sits atop his pristinely organised desk and  the faint glow of the laptop computer which illuminates his face.  Your employer doesn’t look up on your arrival but you can tell from the twitch of the rounded ears nestled amongst his pitch black hair that he’s aware of your presence.  

Quietly, you wait for him to finish whatever he’s doing, holding your diary close to your chest and squeezing it as a way to calm your anxiety.  

As a hybrid of one of the most elusive and aggressive big cats of the world, Kim Seokjin has always intimidated you slightly.  You’re not sure where the feeling stems from, as it’s not as if you’ve ever witnessed him acting unpleasantly or unkindly in all the time you’ve worked for him - rather the opposite, in fact.  He’s quite the charmer when it suits him, entertaining clients with his enthusiastic sense of humour and disarming them with his good looks, usually over a lunch or dinner at one of the many fine dining establishments Seokjin so often likes to frequent.  You’ve lost count of the number of times you’ve witnessed him close a business deal before he’s even made a start on his steak; rare, bloody and marbled with thin slivers fat, just the way he likes it.  

But now, sat silently amongst the many potted fauna that decorate and humidify his office, Seokjin’s similarity to the stealthy predator that makes up part of his DNA is all too apparent.  It has you making an unconscious effort not to breathe too loudly; a prey response that comes so naturally that you don’t even realise you’re doing it.  

“Turn the light on, if you like.”  He speaks so suddenly that you almost jump, your eyes darting over to the light switch to the side of you before returning straight to him.  He’s yet to look up from his laptop, his fingers softly tapping on the keys to provide the only sound in the otherwise silent room.  

“It’s alright, Sir, I’m sure I’ll manage.”  The keys fall silent and Seokjin looks up, his eyes immediately finding you from across the room.  You’d think you’d have gotten used to the yellowy green of his irises by now - that they wouldn’t unsettle you so - but they still do.  It’s not so much the colour that stirs a confusing mixture of emotions within you, but more the way they gently glow back at you in the semi-dark; a constant reminder that he’s a creature far more superior and impressive than the simple human-being you are.

“Come and sit, then,” he beckons, gently shutting his laptop with one hand and gently gesturing to the chair opposite him with the other, “You needn’t stand on ceremony.”  Muttering a quiet ‘thank you’, you sink yourself down as delicately as possibly, very aware of the way he’s watching your every move, hands now neatly folded in his lap.  

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Scene (M)

Scene (M)

pairing: taehyung x reader (f), ft. hoseok

genre: smut, college au

warnings: loss of virginity, thigh riding, breath play, nipple play, rough sex, dirty talk, voyeurism, exhibitionism, masturbation

word count: 5k

synopsis; your best friend finds out that you like him while secretly observing as you fuck the resident bad boy on his torn couch.

a/n; this piece was originally published on my abandoned account, indieguk. after deciding on a sequel, i found it ideal to repost part 1 here, labeling the sequel, reprise, as part 2! this is an extended/revamped version.

Scene (M)

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Paper Cranes | Kim Taehyung (M)


PAIRING: Kim Taehyung x F!Reader

GENRE: Fluff, smut, angst. Non idol AU. College AU. Best friends to lovers. Slice of life.

WARNINGS: Explicit sexual content, unprotected sex (stay safe!), so much fluff you might pass out


DESCRIPTION: It is said that if someone folds 1000 paper cranes, they will receive one wish. Kim Taehyung has been folding you paper cranes since he was six years old. He won’t tell you what he’s going to wish for once he reaches his goal, but even into your twenties, all you know is that he’s been wishing for the same thing every time.

You’re six years old when you receive your first paper crane from Kim Taehyung.

Your first year of elementary school is almost over—there’s only two months left until summer break, and you’ve been counting down the days until you are finally free to wake up as late as you want and play with your friends until the sun goes down.

That’s also why it strikes you as odd that there’s a new transfer student, his newly assigned seat right beside yours, being introduced to the class. His eyes are big and wide underneath a fringe of dark brown hair, and he’s cute in the way that all kids are cute—with rosy cheeks, big ears, and a shy demeanour that tells you that he would most likely rather have stayed at his previous school.

After a brief introduction of Hello, I’m Kim Taehyung, he shuffles over and takes his seat. He doesn’t really look at you, keeping his head down as he pulls his notebooks from his backpack. You see that the margins are covered in doodles, little cartoons and make-believe stories etched onto every far corner of the page.

You open your mouth to introduce yourself, but the sound of your teacher’s voice has you facing the blackboard once more. You try not to think too hard about the new boy sitting beside you, gently humming to himself as he doodles butterflies in an open meadow.

At recess, you’re playing with a few friends, doing cartwheels and rolling around on the grass. You’re giggling with your friend, Chaeyoung, when you hear a ruckus happening not too far away.

“Hey! Please, no, give it back!”

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Flight 18


Summary:  Korean Air Flight 18 leaves daily from Los Angeles traveling to Seoul.  You’ve taken this flight before, but this time you’ve got an irritating passenger in the neighboring seat.  Little did you know that he would end up giving you the ride of your life.

Wordcount: 9500 ish.  This was only supposed to be a small drabble, but I got carried away.

Warnings:  Sex sex sex!  Oral sex for everybody.  Finger banging.  Penis in vagina. Sex with strangers! Sex in a bathroom so if you are germ phobic, good luck with that.  Also, dirty talking vulgarity galore.

Notable:  It’s Hoseok y’all!  So you can stop nagging me about how I don’t have any Hobi fics!


“See something you like?” The man sitting across from you at the boarding gate stretched out his hands and spread his knees further apart, as if inviting you to take a closer look.

“I… I’m sorry.  I was just zoning out.  I didn’t even realize I was looking in your direction,” you lied.  

“Uh-huh.  Sure.  Tell yourself whatever you need to, “ he replied with a smirk.

You ignored him, raising the book you had been reading higher, covering your face in an attempt to hide your embarrassment.  The truth was you had been staring, but not because you were attracted.  Instead you were appalled that anyone would show up to an airport dressed like that.

This guy, whoever he was, had shown up to the airport wearing shorts that appeared to be nothing more than a pair of gray sweats that had been cut off at the knees and a denim jacket that he had only bothered to use two buttons to close.  He had on no shirt underneath and with his jacket being barely closed, a large portion of his upper chest and his abdomen were visible.  His sweat-shorts were hung low on his hips to make sure the waistband of his Balenciaga underwear was visible for all to see.  A hat kept his hair completely covered – the only modest thing about him.

To think that guy would presume that you might be looking at him because you found him attractive was laughable.  He looks like the kind of guy who got kicked out of his apartment for not paying rent.  Probably couldn’t afford rent because he wasted all his money on stupid designer underwear.  His landlord probably kept the rest of his wardrobe as collateral.   

You stifled a laugh, amused by your own thoughts on why this stranger showed up to the airport looking like that.  Attracted to him? As if.

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wall to wall (m.) 01

↳ in a pornographic movie, refers to a series of sex scenes with no plot.


⇁ female reader x hoseok 

⇁ smut, porn star!au

⇁ sex work, insecurity, jealousy, slut shaming/objectification (not the sexy kind), role played scenario that includes: d/s dynamics - dom!hoseok, porn star level dirty talk, stuff that should never happen in a kitchen bc hygiene, daddy kink, impreg kink, rough sex, spanking, a lot of finger sucking, this fic is a poor attempt at social commentary

⇁ 22.5k

Temporary popularity is the biggest threat to your career right now. Without a solid core fan base you’re doomed to be forgotten. If not now, then in a month or two, and if not then, surely by the end of the year. That’s how quickly the adult film industry cycles through their actors, especially when you’re a woman. Your agent comes forward with a proposition to help put you back on the map.

↳ or, my contribution to the lights, camera, action collab : )

part 01 | part 02


author’s note | inspired by the piece ‘slut-shaming: pornstars are humans too’ & the life after porn documentaries on netflix. thank u to jordan, eva, amy, venus, addie and lu for being a part of this collab !! *inserts a million heart emojis and a big fat NUT emoticon*

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The Freaks (m) (Harry Potter!AU #4)

The Freaks (m) (Harry Potter!AU #4)

> genre : filth, fluff

> pairing : jung hoseok x reader (f)

> words : 5.4k

> warning : unprotected sex (stay safe kids, but they’re wizards so u know they take care of those things), derogatory terms

> Jung Hoseok (Hufflepuff, 7th yr) is a freak and a pervert. He spends his whole time in Hogwarts between intensive sexcapades with you, his girlfriend, and intensive research in magic to find new ways to spice up said sexcapades. (public sex, use of magical sex toy, anal, mention of cum play…)

/The Harry Potter!AU Masterlist/

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delicate. (m) | jhs

Delicate. (m) | Jhs

+ pairing: hoseok x reader + word count: 26k + genre: frat boy au, friends to lovers au, friends with benefits au, fuckboy/fuckgirl au, romance, smut, some angst ❝ after being effectively dumped by your fuck-buddy, your attention is unexpectedly drawn towards your womanizing friend and fellow dance major, hoseok. breaking his golden ‘no sex with friends’ rule is easier said than done, but you soon discover that there is a delicate line between friendship and love. ❞

+ warnings: somewhat of a slow burn?? explicit smut, hoseok is dom for about five minutes, some use of pet names during sex sprinkled in there, accidentally more plot than sex, some angst throughout with mention of self-esteem issues + note: reposted from my old blog! and a part of the beta tau sigma collaboration (link on masterlist!)

Delicate. (m) | Jhs

In the great scheme of things, you were a good person. You were decent.

Okay, so you weren’t that good. But you had morals. Most of the time. Okay, you didn’t have those either, but there was one thing you could safely say was true about your glowing reputation, and that was, that in all your twenty-two years of life, you had never begged for sex. Never, not once. Not even while drunk.

This fact was what had you so surprised at your current predicament. Though you had questionable morals, values, and an unnaturally high amount of self-esteem, you were a pretty good egg. You’d never cheated, never lied, never stolen. You were okay, almost a model student. (Almost.)

So, you wondered to yourself, as you sat hidden in the pitch-black closet of one of your closest friends in nothing but a few scraps of material you called lingerie, what the fuck were you doing?

Now, to avoid further confusion, let’s start at the beginning. Or, at least three weeks ago…

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Of Lace and Lust | KTH {M}

Of Lace And Lust | KTH {M}

friendship rule number one: don’t imagine how amazing your best friend’s cock would feel inside you. except that’s all you can think about after accidentally discovering taehyung’s kink for panties. specifically, the lacy ones you’re so fond of wearing. 

pairing: taehyung x reader genre: smut, fluff, a sprinkle of angst words: 11.8k contains: college au, roommate au, childhood best friends to lovers, underwear kink, masturbation, fingering, oral (f), condomless sex, so much softness, light dirty talk, definitely too much plot

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power up (m.)
power up (m.) pairing: kim taehyung x reader warnings: public sex, exhibitionism, verbal humiliation(?), dirty talk, hate sex(?), rough sex,

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The Text

The Text

A/n: I don’t know if she wants to be tagged but this is a commission for a lovely friend of mine. I hope she likes it. 

Summary: You’re fine with just being friends with Taehyung….until you get the text, that is.

Warnings: Jealousy, possessiveness, vaginal fingering, mentions of sex, a little filth, a little feelings, reader;’s friend is me but listen it was a specific request

Word Count: 2094

The text you receive from the man you’ve had an on again off again sexual relationship with for months is a peculiar one, as they go.

You’ve gotten a few interesting ones over the past few months, some nearly incoherent when he’d gone out with friends, but they’d all had a common thread: sex.

Although you’d entertained the idea of something more, especially in the beginning, after time when he’d never seemed to want anything more, leaving early in the morning after a night together and maybe a couple breakfasts or lunches, never anything that could be considered a date.

You’re not even friends, exactly, more like… acquaintances with benefits.

You’re fine with that. You really are. Mostly.

Maybe sometimes you watch the line of his jaw when he’s sleeping, count the eyelashes across his cheekbones, but in your defense, he’s ridiculously handsome. Taehyung is friendly and affectionate after sex and before, but he’s that way with everyone, all his friends and even acquaintances that he’s fond of, you know it doesn’t mean anything.

Does your heart skip a beat when he calls you jagiya casually, when he catches your waist as you walk by, presses his face into your stomach and hugs you? Maybe.

But it isn’t what that smallest part of you hopes it could be, and you’ve accepted it. You think.

Until you get the text.

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