UnlikelySolution's Danny Phantom/Fan Character blog I post a bunch of Danny Phantom/AU's & Fan Character's here. Hi, c: Im UnlikelySolution , but you can call me Unlikely, Solution, Sol, Phantom. I keep an eye on the following tags #UnlikelyPhantom #UnlikelySolution #BusterAU
193 posts
I'll Take A Look At The Sites
I'll take a look at the sites
but i'll make some more designs before I post anything.
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Haven't been drawing anything for the longest because of lack of inspiration/motivation. So I decided to finally draw a thing. Idk how Busters hair works anymore.

This was originally going to be Demon Dean... But my hand slipped & hoodless Clockwork popped out. Eyebrow game is strong in this one.

Fun lil Redraw I decided to work on of a drawing I've done sometime around April 2013