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665 posts
That Moose-like Cryptid...
That Moose-like Cryptid...

This was the link given to me:
Feel free to do this challenge too! Just pick a video and redraw your favorite character/oc in the scene~
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And this wouldn't have been made if I didn't join HTF amino. The Toothy Outfit Challenge was a blast. This was my first post on that platform :DDD

Let Me Silence You

what the WHAT. I GOT NOTICED!? You cutta be kidding me, this must be an axe-ident! Rel-axe, I'm just joking. "Cut it out?" Oh are you axe-ing me to stop with the puns? How wood you stop me if I don't-

Based off of this scene from the ep "Invasion of the Bunny Snatchers". It's when his clone had an axe in his hands, the clone said "What's up doc?" Bugs was shocked, the clone swings the axe but missed Bugs. Then he ran out of his hole screaming, but the clone didn't stop swinging until he broke the fourth wall and said to the viewers: "You know something folks, this is the scariest part of that picture!"
I can't tell if it is or isn't worth it to make this thing...meh! I guess I am stuck with both. I used Nutty's False Alarm ep form for this meme.
Feel free to ridicul-
Feel free to say what ya think down the comments~!
Time Taken: 3-4 hours
Programs Used: FlipaClip, IBis Paint, Power Director
bish i dont need ur onipn
I'd be adding more details and background later on but for now, hav a sneaky peek of what's to come 0wo

Aren't You Glad to Have a Boyfriend Like Me?

Time Taken: 42 hrs 14 min (on/off)
Program Used: IBis Paint
Word Count: 4133
She beamed as I present to her my gift. An expensive perfume that she saw on a shop five days ago. She is squealing in delight at the second she recognize it.
"Oh my gosh! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! I can't believe that you manage to buy it~
How could I even return the favor?"
I laugh at how cute she is being right now. Little did she know, I did not even spend a single cent to get it. Wait...no I actually have. Just not mine.
"Don't worry, Giggles. To see your smile is enough for me to say it's worth it."
Nice, that's a smooth one Cuddles. My remark brought a blush on her angelic face. She then pulls me into a hug, something that I expected to get but could still appreciate.
"Aww, this is why I love you my fluffybuns. I'm so glad to have a boyfriend like you!"
I smile as I pat her head. Her wonderful scent wafts in the air as I caress her soft, pink fur. Oh how much I wanted to stay like this forever. However, a ring destroys the moment.
Both of us stop and look at each other. Withdrawing, she apologize and picks up her phone from her shoulder bag. I watch her expression change from bright to neutral and then grim.
"I know I understand...I will be there as soon as I can."
She ended the call.
"Something's wrong?"
She looks at me with guilt in her eyes. I could tell that she wanted to stay a little bit longer but the call has given her a reason not to.
"I am so sorry Cuddles but I have to go. The nurses who are suppose to work right now got into an accident and Lumpy couldn't handle it all by himself at the hospital. I guess I need to start my shift early."
What a bummer. Her shift is supposed to begin five hours from now. Despite feeling unpleasant, I manage to keep my cool.
"Ah don't worry my love. I understand. Just call me when you need a backup."
"Oh Cuddles. The world will be a better place if critters are as understanding as you. See ya later then. I love you!"
She pecks me in my cheek and runs toward the location of a bus stop. I truly adore her. Cupping my hands around my mouth, I shout out my response.
"I love you more!"
She turns around and copies my volume.
"I love you more than anything!"
Oh Giggles, my love for you is so much that I'm willing to do anything for you...
I wave my hand at her as she runs away. I did not stop until she is out of my sight. I sighed and walks away. I guess I have to continue my mission early too.
Pushing the boulder away from a certain spot, I stoop to pull the hidden latch, opening the entry to a bunker.
Jumping down, I swiftly takes my bag full of supplies and a vacuum cleaner. I also wear the "job outfit" that I borrow from a certain friend that must not be named.
After climbing up the ladder carrying my props, I close the hatch and push the boulder back to its original place.
As I stroll towards the house of my next target, I found myself recounting the moments I accomplished my first goal. It was...exhilarating. The adrenaline I got is much more than the one I have while skydiving.
True, I felt remorse and a tiny bit of guilt after doing it but I'd be lying if I say I regret everything. In the end, watching how that pedobear mofo suffers from my own paws is satisfying, and that's all that matters.
Critters tends to underestimate me since I'm just a kid in their eyes. Yeah I admit that I'm immature most of the times, but that doesn't mean I'm incapable of doing serious stuff. I watch enough movies and documentaries to say I know a thing or two with slaying rivals creatively.
It all starts with swaying the prey. Luring him is unsurprisingly not that hard. I just have to send him pictures and epic one liners on his inbox at that stupid dating app and boom! Charmed. He's willing to meet me at a specific, secluded place only me and him know. Never suspecting anything for a bit. He's like a really dumb fish who suddenly bites the bait despite a hook sticking through it!
As the fool arrived at my rented apartment room, he did not see the lover of the girl he always flirts with. Instead, he sees a purple female bunny wearing a cute outfit named Toodles who is infatuated with him. I let him in and offer snacks and tea, which he blindly accepts. As he eat, we talks just as the way we do in our chat.
I remember how he makes that disgusting face at me that he dubbed as his "fierce and flirty look" from time to time.
I am keeping myself from puking at the moment as he leans forward with that breath, asking me for a dance.
Despite feeling unpleasant, I manage to keep my cool. I did not become the best actor in drama club for nothing. I have to convince him that my character is so into him. So I did what I have to do in my script.
I pull him even closer, catching him off guard and making the pathetic asshole blush. This malicious pervert flipping blush! I can't even express my repulsion against this filthy degenerate.
"Maybe I would if you finish your tea~" I muttered in perfect, feminine tone.
Oh I just really smile as I saw that he finally ingested the damn fluid into his system. He, however, thinks it's because I fell in love with him. He drinks the whole cup in one go!
He was extending his hand out to me, about to say something, but found himself unable to do so. Or do anything else at all. His hand trembles before he collapses to the floor. I giggled as he flops like a fish. His mouth is gaping as he try so hard to breathe. He looks up at me with utter confusion in his eyes. Can't talk dirty now that you're paralyzed huh sicko?
"Nothing personal Disco. It's just that I heard that you're really messing around this town. You're pretty famous for being a headache for everyone. Now, let me tell you something. This is for harassing and killing every girl you encountered ~"
I grab the kettle and pour its boiling hot contents on his chest. Oh how euphoric it was to see him writhes in pain. The scent of his burnt flesh fills the room. I was grinning ear to ear as I watch in fascination how the tea spreads all over his fur.
"And this is for assaulting my brother's girlfriend, Giggles~"
I suddenly smashed the kettle on his crotch. He would be wailing in pain at the time if his throat isn't numb. All that came out in his mouth is pitiful gurgles as he pees on the floor. I move and stand besides his ugly face. My entire body is quivering in excitement and rage as I clutch on the shattered kettle tightly.
"And this is for killing her with a fucking kettle you ignorant pimp~"
And with that, I found myself bludgeoning the shittyhead over and over again with a kettle until he resembles a squashed tomato. I keep bashing on his shattered skull even after he stopped twitching. Finally, I stepped on his heart with my heels to satisfy my ears with that squelching flesh. Then, I went to the bathroom to shower the dye away. It takes me four hours to remove the fake color entirely off my fur. Of course, I did not leave without taking his wallet.
It's been three days since the incident and I haven't seen him around, which is a good sign. What I've done is super effective. I think after all that, he wouldn't bother Giggles anymore. Heck, I am confident enough to say that he wouldn't even dare to look at any girl ... hehehe ... look. Something that my next victim couldn't do. That makes everything easier.
I found myself on front of the house I seek. I casually walk towards the doorstep and press the doorbell.
Now I would have skip Mole over since the idiot mistaken Lumpy as Giggles on their blind date. That means, my motivation of killing him is not jealousy if that's what you're thinking. No. It's something deeper than that.
His obliviousness and idiocy is what ticks me off. He killed my precious girl by literally stealing her heart with a freaking stick. Then he just throws it in a filthy thrash bag like it was nothing. Oh how much I wanted to punch him square in the face when I see him pries the door open. But I didn't.
Sounding lanky and awkward, I announced my assumed identity.
"Randell of Happy Tree Cleaners, leaving your homes squeaky clean. Our company is very sorry since we couldn't send Petunia today. However, I am here to take her place. I hope you wouldn't mind, sir."
"Oh. Of course I wouldn't mind at all lad but I think you came pretty early."
Feigning confusion, I responded to him in a shameful tone (which I applaud myself for such a convincing performance).
"Oh I truly am sorry sir. I'm still new to the job and kinda not listening to my superior when she's passing the information over the phone..."
"Ah a newbie. No, don't worry at all. I actually admire you! Working so hard, always ready to face the task at hand as immediately as possible. You're also modest. You remind me of myself back in my younger days..."
Then a long time was wasted for his flashback that I could not see. I really hate delays but I'm not rushing so I let him do his thing.
"Oh silly me. What am I thinking letting you stand outside for so long! Come, enter my humble abode young one."
I thanked him as I went inside. The contents of my shoulder bag clatters against each other for every move I make.
As he leads me to the room he thought I'd bother to clean, I am appreciating the edginess of the vacuum's flexible hose that I'm holding. I am very proud to say I assembled it myself. I have tried it on cows and boy the precision of the cut was just fascinating. I left a clean hole through the chest of the dumb animal.
My eyes are locked on his back as he talks about taking pictures of a case that an evil mouse wanted or something like that. His keys are jiggling as he unlocked the door to his kitchen. He turns around to face me.
"-anyways, here we are in the kitchen, Early Randell. You may begin your "germ extermination," as Petunia put it."
"Oh, only she could do that sir. I have a different method and it's called "trash assassination."
"Really? Sorry to break it to you son, but I believe there's no such thing that's present in this room. There is just dust and dirty dishes."
"Excuse my language sir, but I could see one standing out in the middle of the room."
"Oh my, that must be the apple that I lost a while ago. Could you please take it out?"
"It's my pleasure to do so. After all..."
In a second, I thrusts the vacuum hose on his chest. It delights me how its end easily punctures through his clothes then his flesh. The idiot didn't react at first and only notice what I'm doing when I successfully take his heart out.
"The only thrash I see in this room is you. P.S. I know what you've done to Giggles. I'll come back if you repeat it again..."
He actually tries to escape but oh its just too late.
Resistance is futile after all, no matter how much you struggle old guy.
A few seconds pass before his body finally went limp. I smile as I let go of the vacuum hose.
Whistling the theme song of this town, I grab his filthy organ off of my vacuum. I take a moment to observe how it weakly pulses on my grasp. I find it fascinating that this thing is still beating despite its raptured state.
Then I pick the note I left from and continued whistling. I dump his heart into the thrash bag filled with decomposing materials and feces. If you're wondering where the heck it came from, its hidden inside the vacuum.
Of course I didn't want his heart to rot alone so I let his body join in. It's hilarious that his body would regenerate in there. Imagine respawning covered with shit.
I take out something out of my shoulder bag. Opening his fridge, I start lacing his food with cyanide. The medicines in his cupboard also get the same treatment. A sprinkle for this, a bunch on that and I'm done.
An hour was spent of taking care of the evidence. Cleaning is boring and tiresome but I have to do it. After disassembling the vacuum, disposing my outfit, sanitizing the floor and taking a bath, I went out of the house. I casually dump the garbages in the bin and then I take my leave. Two down, few more to go.
Up next is Flippy. He may seem to be an invincible rival but everyone have Achilles's heel β and I'm about to strike it. Wait, I'm not literally saying my target is the tendon at the back of his foot. The point is I know his weakness and its pathetic.
Currently, I am on my way to the psycho's location. My ears are flattened on the side of my head because of the hood of the black robe I'm wearing. My smiling skull mask is partially obscuring my sight. I am holding a blowgun disguised as a trumpet.
Anyway, for those who don't know what the flipping pants a blowgun is, it's a long narrow tube that shoots out an arrow or dart when someone breathes into it quickly and forcefully. Its content is not a dart though. It's peanuts.
Leaping few minutes forward, I am waiting at the entrance of an alleyway. My clothing blends well in the darkness. Flippy is visiting his psychotherapist and any minute now, he would leave the building and take the path in front of me.
Flippy... he is once my bro. He used to be the man I looked up on since he is serving the military from the age of 15. I thought he was cool but what he have done states he is far from that. We accepted him in our town and boy do I cursed the day that we did.
Turns out he gains an alter ego from the war who is a sadistic, bloodthirsty demon. Giggles and I have suffered hell from his paws. Now, it's payback time.
My thoughts were silenced by a voice whose source I'm too familiar with. As he walks into the desired spot, I blow the trumpet the hardest I possibly could. He screams, obviously surprised. Wasting no time, I push a certain button which allows air to pass through the blowgun. I watch a couple of peanuts shoots straight into his throat at bullet speed. All of this happened in just two seconds.
It seems that he didn't notice what just enter his mouth since he is busy catching up his breath. He looks stupid with his pupils dilated in fear. I toss the trumpet on the ground and run into the alleyway. He follows me, trying to match my speed. Amusingly, his body did not react instantly as I expected. Maybe it's because the number is fewer than the ones he ingested at the party.
"Darn it kid, why did you-"
It's not too long before he falls because of the tripwire I set up earlier. As I hear a dull thud, I turned around and smile.
He is groaning as his lips inflate. Multiple zits appeared on his face. His allergy reaction has rendered him immobile. I take out a knife from my shoulder bag, making sure he didn't see it.
His paws are trembling as he tried to stand. I am towering besides him when his limbs puffs up like a balloon.
"Something's wrong?"
Listening to his whimpers, I could tell how much he is suffering as his body painfully swells. I smirk as I kicked his ass hard, making him squeak in pain.
"You know you deserve it, Flip. If you can't handle the consequences, then you shouldn't have done these..."
As I said that last word, I throw photographs down for him to see. He knows he's to blame for all the mangled corpses in it. In the middle of it all is Giggles with a rose puncturing through her head.
I am overjoyed when I hear him cry. Oh the taste of victory is truly sweet. As time passes, he looks like a balloon animal more than anything. His arms give up since it couldn't support his weight anymore.
He mumbles something that resembles to an apology, which is empty since I've heard him say it countless times.
"You could only pay for your sins with death."
Desperate to live, he tries to drag himself forward, hoping he could move away from me. It's amusing that such an indestructible beast lives inside this wimp. We both know that those stubby fingers never help him in this situation in any way. It only makes him more pathetic.
I then dug my dull knife into his back and watch as his skin bursts. His body contorted as unimaginable pain washed over his body.
"What? You say you want more?"
I poked his shoulder with the tip of my blade and it explodes. The walls are painted by its disgusting contents. It's like I'm playing with a living bubble wrap.
"You like pain right? Don't you enjoy this? Huh? Huh!?"
I found myself caught in a frenzied mood of hacking and slashing. His body is constantly receiving new, multiple wounds. His ugly face is squeezed against the asphalt road. His head is twitching every time I plunge my weapon into his body.
For the final act, I hit the top of his head and zip his skull open, splitting his brain apart.
Panting heavily, I laugh. I've done it! I've defeated the unstoppable force. I stand to observe my work.
I turned around and meet the eyes of a preschooler dropping his lollipop. I could tell that he was about to take my trumpet when he saw something in the darkness moves. I guess my robe is really black. Imagine a floating skull smiling down at you.
He backs away as he saw the blood dripping from my gloves. I wave hi to him and he runs away. Yep, I just scarred a child's life forever. I have a pretty good feeling that he's gonna have nightmares about a skeleton and a trumpet tonight.
Welp, time to dispose this body. Good thing there's an incinerator conveniently placed at the end of this passage.
Dragging Flippy by his foot, I hum the coffin meme tune to myself. He's not that heavy anymore since chunks of his flesh pops like a bubble earlier. Scrapes form on his skin as I pull him.
With a heave and a ho, to the furnace he go. Don't forget the knife and the costume~
I just finished disposing my stuffs when my phone plays that special ringtone. Picking it up from the shoulder bag, I greet my precious Red Ribbon.
"Heya Giggles~ How are you?"
My expression shifts from bright to grim when I hear her weakly whispers that one word.
This was followed by a thunderous crash and a white noise. My heart sank deep into my guts. Running out, I only have one thing in mind β save her before it's too late.
I'm not really paying attention so I collided with someone riding a bike. As my butt hits the ground, I groan.
"Gah! What are you thinking running into me like that- Cuddles?"
Looking up, it's my best friend, Toothy. As he help me stand up, I quickly steal his ride.
"What in the-"
"Sorry Toots! Emergency, I'll return it later."
Huffing and puffing, I pedal like my life depends on it. Cars are beeping as I zoom by them. I've taken sharp turns and gave heart attacks to crossing pedestrians. I didn't even bother to stop when the traffic light is red. The only thing I care about right now is to get to the hospital as soon as possible.
Smoke is rising from the horizon. It didn't take long before the building came into my view. My heart skips a beat as I see its remnants. My blood runs cold as a thought of her crushed body appears in my head.
I am preventing the tears that is burning my eyes to fall. I hop off the bicycle and run closer. I keep telling myself that I'm not yet late.
Broken glasses are scattered around. Shattered walls are laying against each other. I found an opening and force myself to fit through it. As I successfully did, I start searching for any sign of her.
I am frantically shaking the doorknobs when I heard her voice screaming for help. It sounds faint, which means she's far from were I'm at, but at least I know her direction.
I crawl under a fallen pillar then run to a door I haven't check. As I press my head against it, I hear her whimpering. I started to charge myself against it, my new attempts stronger than the last one.
Hang in there, Giggles...
Out of nowhere, something crash which makes the earth trembles. I press my ears against the door again. She's not making any sound anymore.
This prompts me to try harder. Adrenaline is coursing through my veins as I imagined the worst possible scenario. The door slammed open with the force I've applied. I can't help but stumble forward a little bit after that. There she was, six feet from where I am. I could not believe my eyes for what I'm currently seeing.
The Golden Idol is laying on the floor, crushed into dust. The crying face of my love is kissing the guy I assume is responsible for the damage of the cursed figure. A sun ray, originating from a huge hole at the ceiling, illuminates the spot where the two are standing. Her hands are around his shoulder. Giggles withdraw and mouthed the words "Thank You" to Splendid.
My whole body is trembling in rage. When did we kissed like that? Oh right! When we're fucking dead. I clutch something from my shoulder bag. I coughed loudly, announcing my presence.
The two turn to my direction. She gasp. She's saying words but I could not understand them. A plain smile is painted on my face as I quickly walks towards them. I brush pass the girl who turns me crazy in love.
Splendid chuckles and spreads his arms, expecting a hug. That's exactly what I give him...with an extra stab on his chest with my kryptonut dagger.
He's lucky because I'm not gonna do what I have in mind for him. He kneels and screams as his body quickly degrades. I snap to Giggles with a huge smile on my face...
The grasses sway with the wind. The view of the sunset in this spot is truly romantic. I sigh as I look into her eyes.
"I'm so glad that you could understand me, Giggles. I've only done all of that because of you. Now, nobody would ever bother you and we can stay like this forever~"
I smile as I pat her head. Her wonderful scent wafts in the air as I caress her soft, pink fur. Oh how much I adore her cute face.
"I know you didn't expect me to forgive you after what you've done. That's just how much I love you. I will do anything and everything just to make you smile."
I touch the spot at the end of her lips and help her to smile. After all, she couldn't done that all by herself in this state. I smiled as I remember what she said to me this morning.
"Aren't you glad to have a boyfriend like me?"
Since I turned Cuddles into a killer, does this story counts as a creepypasta?
Writing this is a doozy so I hope you like it the same way that I make it. Write your thoughts down the comments!