unreone - We Smiling Our Friends
We Smiling Our Friends

https://ko-fi.com/unreone ♥︎ 🇵🇭 ♥︎ 21 ♥︎ She/They 🦖 local dinodemon blanchead 》 OC and AUs ASKS OPEN PLS ASK ME AAAAA《 🪄 HTF Pamaypay since 2009

665 posts

Nephelle Is Not A Threat As Long As She Is Inside Crystal's Headband

Nephelle Is Not A Threat As Long As She Is Inside Crystal's Headband

Nephelle is not a threat as long as she is inside Crystal's headband

However, if the headband ever breaks, this banshee can escape and de-linked herself from Crystal ô^ô

Her attacks are directly caused by her mouth and voice (screech, wails, death song) so if you wanna fight her, better prepare some ear plugs

or to lessen the risks of it being taken away, make yourself deaf xD

To repel her, pour salt on your location. Feel free to throw salt at her and she'll evade ya like oil to water

Her weakness is flame-forged iron. Doesn't matter what form it takes, be it a sword or a bread molder, she will be harmed by it

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More Posts from Unreone

1 year ago

Scratching noises of thoughts swirls messily in his mind. Staring blankly at the campfire, his surroundings pale to the harsh colors of his silent musing. His nose scrunched up, his expression could barely convey the exact intensity of his feelings. Is it of self-hatred? Is it of shame? Labels doesn't matter since it's obvious how much it is taking a toll on his heavy heart.

Although his senses are dulling, the new weight on his paw isn't mistaken to be nothing. Without raising his head, his pupils dart to the face of which the hand belongs to.

"Your cup is still full, you barely take any sip from it. Are you good?"

'I'm everything else but good', the dishevelled mess in his mind promptly replies. He opens his mouth, only to realize how much strain it would take to talk without choking.

Instead, he opt to smile thinly. Nodding, he manually crinkles his eyes and briefly raises his brows. On hindsight, he should have just nod, that's a poor attempt of mimicking an 'all is right' smile.

She tilts her head, her eyes are enough to tell that she isn't buying it.

"You know, if you keep letting whatever it is that is bothering you fester, it will only get worse. Come on, I'm here to listen."

He flinched at the word 'fester'.

He opened his mouth, wanting to retort at first, then he notice how she can't be easily swayed. Sighing deeply, he shifts in his seat, undoing his slouch.

"I... I don't even know where to begin."

"That's alright. Pretty hard to talk about unorganised thoughts so suddenly. Maybe... you could begin with what's bothering you the most."

Silence reflects his hesitation. What is the root of his internal discomfort? He worries that he is stalling too much but her patient smile gives him reassurance. His gaze gradually diverts away from hers to look at the crackling warmth of the campfire. He is ready to answer now, just couldn't bare to hold more eye contact.

"This body... it feels like... all the blood it have shed never left me. It's stupid to say out loud, but it feels like there's a permanent stain on my fur... always there to remind me of the atrocities it have commited..."

His expression grow dimmer as he mutters his last words, trailing off. She notices how tightly he is clutching his cup on his other hand. He is ready to get lost in his own head again until he feels the gentle squeeze of her paw. His half-lidded eyes widen a bit when hearing her next words.

"Sorry to say dear, but the stains never leave but only fade."

Chills run straight down his spine. Is this his fate then? He is ready to justify such self-inflicted punishment but she continues.

"One day, you may forgive yourself... but until then remember – faded stains aren't dirty."

His grip on his cup loosen. A subtle smile emerges from his lips. Not of genuine happiness but a flicker of a hint of some sort of comfort. Despite his eyes showing no emotion, his mind starts to consider her kind words.

"Thank you," he whispers, the corner of his eyes stinging at her kind words.

He realizes that he may not be ready to forgive himself just yet, but he feels a small sense of comfort knowing that she is there for him, and that he's not alone in his struggle. As the fire crackles softly in the night air, he takes a deep breath and lets out a sigh. For the first time in a long time, he feels a glimmer of hope.

Kind Words At Late Night Group Therapy

kind words at late night group therapy

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1 year ago


Like what places she must be at, who are the critters she hangs out with, or hobbies she enjoys or stuffs she's trying to figure out or-

she doesn't really like, do anything

she gets up (she can't really sleep) most the time with shifty so she can have SOME kind of affection or touch (since she only has touch since and like the most faded hearing. like literally over 99% deaf) she's there for god knows how long, even after shifty just LEAVES, she has nowhere to be since they can't have a corpse working. she spends most her other time with lammy (and sometimes flaky) because lammy makes her feel good(ish) though she's rotting. lammy likes doing witchcraft and stuff with mime, so that could count as trying stuff and figuring it out? that's really about it, you can see why she's too sad to be silly now

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1 year ago
Why Im Getting The Vibes That The Crossover Is Going To Be About Sniffles Doing Ssomething (maybe An

why im getting the vibes that the crossover is going to be about sniffles doing ssomething (maybe an invention or a dream) that teleports his partner, his dearest friends and the only person he would let spit in his mouth and then swallow it (splendid) into his fave game/show? just think about it, he isnt that popular (as seen in the mondo's fave character torunament) so why he is playable and pop isnt as he is going to star the episode that is going to advertise the dlc? think about ir and tell me your thought im willing to listen it

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