https://ko-fi.com/unreone ♥︎ 🇵🇭 ♥︎ 21 ♥︎ She/They 🦖 local dinodemon blanchead 》 OC and AUs ASKS OPEN PLS ASK ME AAAAA《 🪄 HTF Pamaypay since 2009
665 posts
DAMN This The Last Time Ive Drawn Flaks Onfg
DAMN this the last time ive drawn flaks onfg
Up next goretober art: gnome

Did you know that Flaky got Alektorophobia?
It's the fear of baby chicks and this could be observed in the episode A to Zoo.

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Day 4: Gnome
Flaky rushes behind what little there is left of the ship. The rise and fall of their chest frantically switch to and fro. Flaky caress the gnome in their hand, humming a lullaby to dull the clashing altercation at the other side.
"They've alll gone mad, I tell ya! It's just youu and mee in this arctic hell, Old Man Mc'gnomish. G-good thing we're BOTH loyal, right? We would NEVER turn on each other like that! We're sooo much smarter than anyone here ahahah."
Twitching, the red porcupine let out a hysterical laughter, holding their lightheaded head to catch breath. Flaky looks down to their nonverbal companion only to find it to not be in their hands anymore.
"Old Man Mc'gnomish??? Wh-where have you gon-"
Their last word is grossly interrupted by a piercing sensation to their back, accompanied by a messy squelch. Blood rises up to their throat as whatever it is that stabbing them painfully forced its way through their spine then ribs. That horrible stinging pang in their chest could only get worse as the unseen culprit clawed their organs away. Flaky could only gape their mouth, gurgling the warm dark fluid instead of screaming as intended.
Tearing through their skin is a red orange hat, followed by a pair of green eyes. Throwing into that mindbreaking amalgamation of anguish is the ticklish effect of its beard. It bares its razor-sharpteeth stained with blood and organ bits.
'Fu- t-traitor-' are the last words on Flaky's mind as their view dimmed to nothingness...

Day 2: CANDY
"So... you just ate all of those candies? At the dark alley? Behind the experimental facility?????"
"Ehheeeheeeheeeheee, yea yea! Whoever dump them are reeeeally stupid! It was sooooooo sweet, I think my organs are infected ahahahah"
"sigh, lay down on the table over there..."

Imma draw mime next for my third day of goretober and i was researching for anatomy poses and stuff as always

Day 3: Contortion
The crowd is murmuring amongst themselves when the overhead lights begin to dim, signifying the show will start soon. The volume of the chatters gradually hush down, save for a couple of voices seated at the front row.
"Have you heard? Mime's been learning a new trick for tonight's show."
"Yea, 'course I did. Everyone's been hyping it up. I do wonder what that is..."
As if on cue, walking to the center stage is the purple deer himself. Critters couldn't suppress their cheers and applause. How could they? Posters and word of mouth made it seem that tonight's circus act is gonna be the night they won't forget!
Something... is off though. It's not the fact that he doesn't seem to have any props with him. He is a mime after all, pretending to use invisible stuffs is his talent. No, that's not it. Despite the excited exclamations of the crowd, Mime is non-reactive. The way he brings this unsettling air, walking forwards with that unfocused stare. His silence had never been this eerie and infectious until this very moment.
Tension rises as Mime takes his time to walk to that singular spotlight saved for him and only him.
Odd. He simply stands and smile to the crowd. The silently freaking out crowd.
"Is this a joke?"
One of them blurted out, unable to bare the scraping tension. This is followed by a collective variance of chuckling. Although the laughters spent are expected to alleviate the unease, the atmosphere that the deer have established remained stiff and cold.
... okay, his stillness have gone far too long that it is starting to feel silly. Maybe this is a joke. The new act for tonight is... no act! Mime seems to have done everything already to entertain them so the newest thing he could do is simply nothing.
But just as the audience begin to accept this and calm down, a bone-chilling snap echoes through the air, causing a collective gasp from the crowd. Mime's body contorts into a particularly gruesome shape. The crowd is stunned into silence, with some even gasping or screaming.
As the audience sits in awestruck silence, Mime's body contorts and twists into seemingly impossible positions, his long limbs bending and twisting in unnatural ways. The cracks and pops of his bones echo in the silent hall, but the crowd remains utterly transfixed, unable to look away from the hypnotic display of contortionism.
A few disturbed souls manage to stammer out some words of disbelief.
Violently, he bends backwards, his hind legs and arms folding into knots that would break any normal deer. Screams shatter the deafening barrier. Audiences collectively wince seeing his head rotates mechanically to the full range of his neck.
Squeamish. Revolted. Sickish. and Restless.
These words barely convey the intensity of their feelings seeing the erratic movement of Mime.
Mime pauses and turns to face the crowd with a terrifying grin. His eyes gleam in the darkness, filled with a cunning glint unlike anything they've ever seen before.
After an uneasy silence, Mime suddenly stops moving altogether, leaving the audience in a state of panic. The crowd begins to push and shove each other, struggling to get away from the scene.
As they make their way out of the chamber, the audience is met with a chilling realization: that smile made this night something they will never forget.