Htf Goretober - Tumblr Posts
goretober - my sketchy ideas (oc edition)
> Crystal

Something happened that triggers Crystal and causes her powers to go out of hand, main inspiro for this would be land of the lustrous horror fanarts, main color would be cerulean blue with an accent of slight pink and cyan, there would be many sparkles and sprinkles yass
> Scissors

Snippy, 4 scissors in the composition (stabbed in the eye, one about to snip his ear, other for his tounge, one embedded on his cheek), very limited painterly colors for this one
> Teeth

Unreone highlight featuring her sneks taffy and hunny, lmao why does she looks like a muppet here, very sharp teeth will look at national geographic 3d model for shading her scales or some shyde
goretober - my sketchy ideas (htf prt 1)
> Nosebleed

Lammy in a childlike clothing, smiling eerily to the viewer while nonchalantly wiping some blood, Mr Pickels is crawling at her left shoulder, left hand would be holding an axe, i might add a corpse behind her
> Gnome

Flaky looks so distress, this is just a hunch but the cause of this extreme emotion might be the fact that the xenomorph lookin ass garden gnome bursts out of their chest, there would be a lotta splashy blood
> Fruits

Pfft my notes says fruity toothy, lower torso is separated from the body, it looks like a watermelon yum, pink and lime would be the main color pallette for this, i may or may not change the limbs to banana for lols, i may or may not change the pupils to a citrus fruit for lols
> Hands

Handy is vomiting a lot of hands, wow he's finally got too much of what he wanted, yall know The Thing from the addams family? yah thats the main inspiro for this one
goretober - my sketchy ideas (htf prt 2)
> Dissection + Candy gore

Nutty, guts converted to candies, intestines becomes a gummy worm, first pov, the squirrel is tied up and the candies inside his upper torso cavities are bouncing
A scalpel is drawn at the right side, 3/4 body is seen in the composition
> Burning

Giggles in a witch costume, bounded to a stick, half bust, half of the face will be charred black. right eye is melting
> Decapitation

Mime, calling back to the Out of sight Out of Mime ep, must modify nose in ibis since it was suppose to be circular, the head is set on a table surrounded by chunks of meat, The Mole is behind and could either be holding a tongs or knifes
So far, I have 21 sketches prepped up for Inktober
Today i finished the second batch of sketchies aaaaa time to write out my plans for em ehhsjsosppssl
HTF OC Edition A
HTF prt 1
HTF prt 2
HTF OC Edition B
HTF prt 3
HTF prt 4
So yeah, as you can see
I have so many ideas yet so little resources to execute them
But heyyyy one day all of these shyde will be digitalized
For now
Im just gonna hold unto these extremely vivid and graphic visions in my head of the polished version
I could only stay sane that way
goretober - my sketchy ideas (oc edition B)
> Wax

Oh nooo Shichi is melting! Vaguely gets inspiration from that scream painting. This will have two versions: one in broad daylight, the other in darkness with some parts of it having a neon glow. There would be some splatters of neon paint. She died by getting poured by hot wax. Some art student thinks it is just a neat masterpiece tho and decided to modify it and further sculpt it. Her body is elongated like a worm. Eugh
> Eyes

Omniel but OM completely inhabitates Niel's body like a foken parasite it actually is. For the digital version, im gonna add a lot more eyes than what is seen here. ***Want a break from the ads? (Proceeds to break your mind)***
> Letters

Death recreation of Giggles' death in the Valentine smoochie. Amora is never supposed to be a yandere but lets make her one for haloween bwuahahabah
goretober - my sketchy ideas (htf prt 3)
> Glitch

Ohmygosh rember Pibby????? Yah i always wanted to draw a fanart but like never find a chance to do one so Im gonna do it here. Cuddles is force opening an elevator and his hand is grabbing the viewer. The screen will be filled with so many noise and static, enough for a nutrition filled breakfast. I'm gonna look up tar for reference in coloring the ink
> Plant

I wanna recreate that Petunia fanart I made. My style now is less anthro and leaning more to chibi proportions after all. Theres gonna be more thorns and petal in the actual digital version.
> Sign

Sniffles missed the sign! Therefore, he accidentally step an ant. To teach him a lesson, the mother ant makes sure he wouldn't ignore the sign and actually stop on the spot. The little ones proceed to sing a happy tune about the importance of reading signs. If I find a motivation to, i will put a background filled with cardboard cutouts of buildings and cars.
> Emetophobia

Y-you okay bud? Are you sure you still want to proceed? I mean taking a rest is also option tho, you dont have to catch the two if you really can't. I will not see you less of a hero if you just take a moment to recompose yourself. N-no? You wanna proceed??? O-okay uhhh just uhh do what you think is right then.
goretober - my sketchy ideas (htf prt 3)
> Vampire

Vampy Lumpy 😍😍😍
I mashed up All in Vein and I Get a Trick out of you. Holy flocks of sheep, we got a magician vampire in our hands. Now all the blood in his acts make sense.
> Snail

Cant pick between these two reasons of Disco Bear turning into snail: he either bought and eat a very sussy lookin snail for a diet ORRR he stepped on one and get karma like that one Junji ito manga yass. Im gonna scale up the canvas so I can draw the shell. Of course its gonna be filled with a lot of details more and pay more attention to it than the energy i have on keeping up conversations with friends.
> Bloodbath

Read Em and weeeeeep!!!! Pop is holding a shovel. His eyes are locked on the horrible thing that is on his ceiling. His heart is pumping wildly as he muster up the courage to say a single word... "S-son?"

> Possessed
Day 1: HANDS
Oh no, does your throat feels ticklish recently? How troublesome. Hopefully it's not another case like that of Handy's. I would've said he needs a hand, but he already have too much with him.

Day 2: CANDY
"So... you just ate all of those candies? At the dark alley? Behind the experimental facility?????"
"Ehheeeheeeheeeheee, yea yea! Whoever dump them are reeeeally stupid! It was sooooooo sweet, I think my organs are infected ahahahah"
"sigh, lay down on the table over there..."

Day 3: Contortion
The crowd is murmuring amongst themselves when the overhead lights begin to dim, signifying the show will start soon. The volume of the chatters gradually hush down, save for a couple of voices seated at the front row.
"Have you heard? Mime's been learning a new trick for tonight's show."
"Yea, 'course I did. Everyone's been hyping it up. I do wonder what that is..."
As if on cue, walking to the center stage is the purple deer himself. Critters couldn't suppress their cheers and applause. How could they? Posters and word of mouth made it seem that tonight's circus act is gonna be the night they won't forget!
Something... is off though. It's not the fact that he doesn't seem to have any props with him. He is a mime after all, pretending to use invisible stuffs is his talent. No, that's not it. Despite the excited exclamations of the crowd, Mime is non-reactive. The way he brings this unsettling air, walking forwards with that unfocused stare. His silence had never been this eerie and infectious until this very moment.
Tension rises as Mime takes his time to walk to that singular spotlight saved for him and only him.
Odd. He simply stands and smile to the crowd. The silently freaking out crowd.
"Is this a joke?"
One of them blurted out, unable to bare the scraping tension. This is followed by a collective variance of chuckling. Although the laughters spent are expected to alleviate the unease, the atmosphere that the deer have established remained stiff and cold.
... okay, his stillness have gone far too long that it is starting to feel silly. Maybe this is a joke. The new act for tonight is... no act! Mime seems to have done everything already to entertain them so the newest thing he could do is simply nothing.
But just as the audience begin to accept this and calm down, a bone-chilling snap echoes through the air, causing a collective gasp from the crowd. Mime's body contorts into a particularly gruesome shape. The crowd is stunned into silence, with some even gasping or screaming.
As the audience sits in awestruck silence, Mime's body contorts and twists into seemingly impossible positions, his long limbs bending and twisting in unnatural ways. The cracks and pops of his bones echo in the silent hall, but the crowd remains utterly transfixed, unable to look away from the hypnotic display of contortionism.
A few disturbed souls manage to stammer out some words of disbelief.
Violently, he bends backwards, his hind legs and arms folding into knots that would break any normal deer. Screams shatter the deafening barrier. Audiences collectively wince seeing his head rotates mechanically to the full range of his neck.
Squeamish. Revolted. Sickish. and Restless.
These words barely convey the intensity of their feelings seeing the erratic movement of Mime.
Mime pauses and turns to face the crowd with a terrifying grin. His eyes gleam in the darkness, filled with a cunning glint unlike anything they've ever seen before.
After an uneasy silence, Mime suddenly stops moving altogether, leaving the audience in a state of panic. The crowd begins to push and shove each other, struggling to get away from the scene.
As they make their way out of the chamber, the audience is met with a chilling realization: that smile made this night something they will never forget.

FUN FACT: All that started by being inspired from thisisisisis



Day 3: Contortion
The crowd is murmuring amongst themselves when the overhead lights begin to dim, signifying the show will start soon. The volume of the chatters gradually hush down, save for a couple of voices seated at the front row.
"Have you heard? Mime's been learning a new trick for tonight's show."
"Yea, 'course I did. Everyone's been hyping it up. I do wonder what that is..."
As if on cue, walking to the center stage is the purple deer himself. Critters couldn't suppress their cheers and applause. How could they? Posters and word of mouth made it seem that tonight's circus act is gonna be the night they won't forget!
Something... is off though. It's not the fact that he doesn't seem to have any props with him. He is a mime after all, pretending to use invisible stuffs is his talent. No, that's not it. Despite the excited exclamations of the crowd, Mime is non-reactive. The way he brings this unsettling air, walking forwards with that unfocused stare. His silence had never been this eerie and infectious until this very moment.
Tension rises as Mime takes his time to walk to that singular spotlight saved for him and only him.
Odd. He simply stands and smile to the crowd. The silently freaking out crowd.
"Is this a joke?"
One of them blurted out, unable to bare the scraping tension. This is followed by a collective variance of chuckling. Although the laughters spent are expected to alleviate the unease, the atmosphere that the deer have established remained stiff and cold.
... okay, his stillness have gone far too long that it is starting to feel silly. Maybe this is a joke. The new act for tonight is... no act! Mime seems to have done everything already to entertain them so the newest thing he could do is simply nothing.
But just as the audience begin to accept this and calm down, a bone-chilling snap echoes through the air, causing a collective gasp from the crowd. Mime's body contorts into a particularly gruesome shape. The crowd is stunned into silence, with some even gasping or screaming.
As the audience sits in awestruck silence, Mime's body contorts and twists into seemingly impossible positions, his long limbs bending and twisting in unnatural ways. The cracks and pops of his bones echo in the silent hall, but the crowd remains utterly transfixed, unable to look away from the hypnotic display of contortionism.
A few disturbed souls manage to stammer out some words of disbelief.
Violently, he bends backwards, his hind legs and arms folding into knots that would break any normal deer. Screams shatter the deafening barrier. Audiences collectively wince seeing his head rotates mechanically to the full range of his neck.
Squeamish. Revolted. Sickish. and Restless.
These words barely convey the intensity of their feelings seeing the erratic movement of Mime.
Mime pauses and turns to face the crowd with a terrifying grin. His eyes gleam in the darkness, filled with a cunning glint unlike anything they've ever seen before.
After an uneasy silence, Mime suddenly stops moving altogether, leaving the audience in a state of panic. The crowd begins to push and shove each other, struggling to get away from the scene.
As they make their way out of the chamber, the audience is met with a chilling realization: that smile made this night soemthing they will never forget.

Day 4: Gnome
Flaky rushes behind what little there is left of the ship. The rise and fall of their chest frantically switch to and fro. Flaky caress the gnome in their hand, humming a lullaby to dull the clashing altercation at the other side.
"They've alll gone mad, I tell ya! It's just youu and mee in this arctic hell, Old Man Mc'gnomish. G-good thing we're BOTH loyal, right? We would NEVER turn on each other like that! We're sooo much smarter than anyone here ahahah."
Twitching, the red porcupine let out a hysterical laughter, holding their lightheaded head to catch breath. Flaky looks down to their nonverbal companion only to find it to not be in their hands anymore.
"Old Man Mc'gnomish??? Wh-where have you gon-"
Their last word is grossly interrupted by a piercing sensation to their back, accompanied by a messy squelch. Blood rises up to their throat as whatever it is that stabbing them painfully forced its way through their spine then ribs. That horrible stinging pang in their chest could only get worse as the unseen culprit clawed their organs away. Flaky could only gape their mouth, gurgling the warm dark fluid instead of screaming as intended.
Tearing through their skin is a red orange hat, followed by a pair of green eyes. Throwing into that mindbreaking amalgamation of anguish is the ticklish effect of its beard. It bares its razor-sharpteeth stained with blood and organ bits.
'Fu- t-traitor-' are the last words on Flaky's mind as their view dimmed to nothingness...

Day 5: Nosebleed
"Uhhh Lammy, there's a bit of red on your..."
"Ah sorry, I'm on my period."

Day 6: Glitch
The flickering lights cast long, distorted shadows on the walls, making it difficult for her to see. Her breath came in short, terrified gasps as she ran down the corridor, her small feet taking quick steps. The tune that had haunted her for so long was playing again, a harbinger of the monster she was running from.
There was no point in trying to find anyone alive in this corrupt world, she thought, as the twisted creature she once called a friend pursued her. The fact that he was also a rabbit only made it more hurtful. As she made a sharp turn, her heart skipped a beat when she saw the elevator at the end of the hallway was open.
She stumbled over piles of rubble and wooden planks, her agile feet the only thing preventing her from being crushed. His voice, twisted and distorted, echoed in her ears with his constant humming. She barely made it into the elevator in time, slamming the door closed just as the monster's face loomed close to hers.
She leaned against the wall of the elevator, trembling and tears filling her eyes. She couldn't even hear herself think over his humming, let alone make a sound. Suddenly- cReeeakkkkkkdd, his yellow paws squeezed through the seam in the elevator door.
She couldn't move as his distorted smile flashed in the dim light of the elevator. His voice sing-songed in her ears, echoing off the walls of the small space, "Let's be happy togetherrr!"

Day 7: Fruit
Toothy grimaced at his pain. As he looked at his reflection in the mirror, he felt a twinge of regret in his heart. Why did he have to take that bite from those seemingly innocent fruit seeds? Why did he have to tag along with Cuddles in the first place? If only he could turn back time and undo his reckless decision.
The pain in his stomach grew stronger with each passing moment, as if it was a warning of what was to come. He gulped down a glass of water, hoping it would alleviate the burning sensation. Little did he know that it would only trigger the beginning of his transformation.
His teeth felt strangely sensitive as he gripped his jaw, trying to ease the unbearable discomfort. But as he pressed his tongue against his teeth, he let out a scream of terror. His teeth were morphing into berries before his eyes.
The sweet fluid filled his mouth, causing him to gag. A sudden sharp pain spread through his jaw, sending him rolling on the floor in agony. His legs twisted and turned, changing shape into different fruits.
He watched in horror as his right foot transformed into a bundle of bananas. The sensation was beyond anything he had ever experienced. The pain was excruciating, causing his eyes to well up with tears. He screamed as his left foot turned into a bunch of grapes. Blisters formed on his left foot, as if his life force was draining away.
The pain only intensified as his lower torso shifted into a watermelon. His insides roiled painfully, as if he was being ripped apart. Toothy wailed uncontrollably as his tail transformed into an apple.
When he looked for help, all he saw was Sniffles, standing over his paralyzed body, smiling that sinister smile.
"You shouldn't have messed with my stuff," the scientist whispered, as if he were speaking directly into Toothy's mind.

Day 8: Sign
"Maaa, we're gonna be late."
"Hang on, sweetheart, just doin some serious talk, adult to adult."
"Ma, let it slide, he already learned his lesson!"
"Ain't no way I'm gonna do exactly that! Listen here young man, rule followin's what keep this cursed town together for generations. If giant fools like you can't even follow the simplest, single word directions, law abiding folks like us are gonna get inconvenienced!"
"Ma are you done yettt?"
"Just a little bit more earful honey, erhem. If you're gonna turn back time again, you better be mindful of those around you. I don't care how urgent it is, you should still follow the law so no one will get hurt, alright? Blink twice if you understood."


Day 9: Snail
Whistling, Disco Bear is just another face in the street, with music in his soul and groove on his feet. His attention is quickly grabbed by a sharp "Psst!" Turning to the dark alleyway is a stand filled with beauty products and goods. Standing behind it are Lifty and Shifty. The twins, who normally sold shady items like "magic" beans, insisted this particular product would be the miracle for his beauty to become flawless. Disco Bear's eyes light up as they tell him its effects. It's just what he's been looking for! Without a second thought, Disco Bear hands over the money and scoops up the cream in his hands. He then went on to his destination.
That evening after his dance rehearsals, Disco Bear applied the snail cream to his face, feeling the strange and slimy substance as it spread across his bear skin. He notes how he never heard of the brand before. Still, this doesn't stop Disco Bear to stare at himself in the mirror, admiring the results of the snail facial cream. He couldn't believe how flawless his skin looked, the once wrinkly fabric of his body now smooth as butter. He felt as if he had transformed into the most beautiful being in the world, a dazzling disco ball shining brighter than ever before. At first, nothing seemed unusual to happen. He danced in front of the mirror, admiring his handsome face, as the cream began to dry.
As the cream seeped into his skin, he felt a burning sensation spreading across his face. His heart pounded as the pain intensified, and his vision started to blur. As much as the music is fun to dance to, it is not enough to distract him from the needle-like sensations. The burning sensation continued to expand, eventually reaching his forehead and his arms that he is forced to stop the speaker. It was then that Disco Bear noticed something strange happening.
Suddenly, his skin started to stretch and become sticky, as if he was turning into a giant, rubbery slime. He looked into the mirror and his heart sank as he saw his face begin to twist and contort into a grotesque mockery of itself.
In horror, Disco Bear watched as his once handsome features slowly melted into a mess of slime and goo. His eyes, once bright and full of life, were now two black beads of a snail's foot. His nose and mouth fused together, leaving a single black hole in the center of his face. He opened his mouth to scream, but no sound came out. The pain was so intense that he lost his awareness of the world around him.
As Disco Bear tried to move, he felt his limbs twisting, bending, and writhing like a snake's. His muscles and ligaments were becoming soft and fluid, unable to support his body weight. The snail cream was turning him into a real life snail! He wasn't sure what to do other than scream in agony, feeling the transformation happening to him like some kind of awful nightmare.
As the transformation continued, Disco Bear was becoming smaller, his body becoming more streamlined like a slug's. He couldn't even move, his body was glued to the floor. He felt his eyes were being covered by a layer of slime, and he couldn't see anything. The only thing he could hear was his own heartbeat in his ear. Even his iconic afro had flattened into soft, gray feathers.
Disco Bear let out a shrill, high-pitched screech as he struggled to escape his new form, his once powerful voice reduced to a high-pitched whine. Silently, he cried as he realized he was trapped in this form forever, doomed to live out the rest of his days as a slimy, disgusting snail, unable to dance or enjoy his once-glamorous life.
• • •
"'We're actually in our 40's' my rump. Still, I couldn't believe he fell for your stupid persuasion" Shifty says, counting the heavy cash on his hands, finding its texture satisfying on his paws.
"If it works, it works. Kinda pity him actually. That guy's really desperate it's sad," Lifty said as he catalogues the content of their van. His brows furrowed seeing the bottle of "facial cream" filled with water that was supposed to be with Disco Bear.
"Uhhh... bro, I think we gave the guy the thing that Sniffles ordered for..."
Shifty stopped his counting to let his brother's words sink in. Upon realizing how grave their mistake were, Shifty could only say his own name in response, minus the fourth and sixth letter.

Precious contributions under cut:

Day 9: Snail
Whistling, Disco Bear is just another face in the street, with music in his soul and groove on his feet. His attention is quickly grabbed by a sharp "Psst!" Turning to the dark alleyway is a stand filled with beauty products and goods. Standing behind it are Lifty and Shifty. The twins, who normally sold shady items like "magic" beans, insisted this particular product would be the miracle for his beauty to become flawless. Disco Bear's eyes light up as they tell him its effects. It's just what he's been looking for! Without a second thought, Disco Bear hands over the money and scoops up the cream in his hands. He then went on to his destination.
That evening after his dance rehearsals, Disco Bear applied the snail cream to his face, feeling the strange and slimy substance as it spread across his bear skin. He notes how he never heard of the brand before. Still, this doesn't stop Disco Bear to stare at himself in the mirror, admiring the results of the snail facial cream. He couldn't believe how flawless his skin looked, the once wrinkly fabric of his body now smooth as butter. He felt as if he had transformed into the most beautiful being in the world, a dazzling disco ball shining brighter than ever before. At first, nothing seemed unusual to happen. He danced in front of the mirror, admiring his handsome face, as the cream began to dry.
As the cream seeped into his skin, he felt a burning sensation spreading across his face. His heart pounded as the pain intensified, and his vision started to blur. As much as the music is fun to dance to, it is not enough to distract him from the needle-like sensations. The burning sensation continued to expand, eventually reaching his forehead and his arms that he is forced to stop the speaker. It was then that Disco Bear noticed something strange happening.
Suddenly, his skin started to stretch and become sticky, as if he was turning into a giant, rubbery slime. He looked into the mirror and his heart sank as he saw his face begin to twist and contort into a grotesque mockery of itself.
In horror, Disco Bear watched as his once handsome features slowly melted into a mess of slime and goo. His eyes, once bright and full of life, were now two black beads of a snail's foot. His nose and mouth fused together, leaving a single black hole in the center of his face. He opened his mouth to scream, but no sound came out. The pain was so intense that he lost his awareness of the world around him.
As Disco Bear tried to move, he felt his limbs twisting, bending, and writhing like a snake's. His muscles and ligaments were becoming soft and fluid, unable to support his body weight. The snail cream was turning him into a real life snail! He wasn't sure what to do other than scream in agony, feeling the transformation happening to him like some kind of awful nightmare.
As the transformation continued, Disco Bear was becoming smaller, his body becoming more streamlined like a slug's. He couldn't even move, his body was glued to the floor. He felt his eyes were being covered by a layer of slime, and he couldn't see anything. The only thing he could hear was his own heartbeat in his ear. Even his iconic afro had flattened into soft, gray feathers.
Disco Bear let out a shrill, high-pitched screech as he struggled to escape his new form, his once powerful voice reduced to a high-pitched whine. Silently, he cried as he realized he was trapped in this form forever, doomed to live out the rest of his days as a slimy, disgusting snail, unable to dance or enjoy his once-glamorous life.
• • •
"'We're actually in our 40's' my rump. Still, I couldn't believe he fell for your stupid persuasion" Shifty says, counting the heavy cash on his hands, finding its texture satisfying on his paws.
"If it works, it works. Kinda pity him actually. That guy's really desperate it's sad," Lifty said as he catalogues the content of their van. His brows furrowed seeing the bottle of "facial cream" filled with water that was supposed to be with Disco Bear.
"Uhhh... bro, I think we gave the guy the thing that Sniffles ordered for..."
Shifty stopped his counting to let his brother's words sink in. Upon realizing how grave their mistake were, Shifty could only say his own name in response, minus the fourth and sixth letter.

Day 10: Vomit
Splendid lays on the ground, his body wracked with nausea and pain. The blue squirrel's body shuddered with each wrenching heave, his eyes closed tight as tears spilled down his cheek. His once-proud blue fur was now tarnished with his own vomit. He looked up at Splendont, trying to find some glimmer of humanity in the villain's eyes, but all he saw was hatred and disgust.
Splendont looked down at Splendid, his expression clearly indicating his disappointment in what he had become. "How mighty the hero have fallen..."
Splendid tried to speak, but the only sound that came from his lips was a weak, wheezing cough. Splendont's expression softened slightly, and he knelt down beside Splendid to listen to what he had to say. "How?" Splendid managed to croak out.
Splendont stood up, a self-satisfied expression on his face. "I did your job and handled those raccoon brothers," he said with a smirk. "Must say my apologies for I did get overboard with them."
Splendid's heart sank at Splendont's words. The twins had paid the price for his failure. He felt a wave of guilt wash over him, along with the pain from the torture he had endured at Splendont's hands. And yet he couldn't even grieve properly with his weakened state. His fur peeling off with second passing. The burning pain of his injuries is just too much to take.
"Foolish of them to think I'll spare their breaths for giving up the info about your weakness," Splendont spat out, his tone dripping with malice. "And to think it was just this green rock."
He held up the Kryptonut close, a small green rock surrounded by that sickly green glow. Splendid couldn't even respond, his heart pounding with fear and dread. Seeing this further Splendont's repulsed expression.
"Seriously, you disgust me," Splendont hissed, his eyes narrowing into slits. "You don't deserve to be the original."
Splendid lay in a puddle of his own vomit, his tears of anguish mixing with the acidic liquid. He looked up at Splendont, his eyes pleading for mercy he knew would never come. He felt the tears streaming down his face, mixing with the vomit that covered him. Splendid tried to speak, but he couldn't find the strength to form a single word. He could only watch as Splendont grabbed a chunk of his hair, his red eyes blazing with fury and hatred.
"Remember this day, Splendid," Splendont loomed over him, his face etched with disgust and disappointment, "For the world will acknowledge me."

Day 11 & 12: Bloodbath and Possession
Pop stood beneath the ceiling, eyes riveted to the macabre sight above him. The ceiling was covered in blood... blood spilled during the thing's latest feast. Frozen in fear, his heart pounds loudly in his chest as he witnessed his son's new form. The once sweet, innocent Cub has been taken over by something beyond his comprehension of evil. Cold sweat break down his neck, making Pop shiver uncontrollably. He only have himself to blame for this.
He held the shovel closer to him, trying to find some comfort in its sturdy form, but his mind was racing with images of what his son had become. He watches helplessly as his sweet baby is twisted into a monstrous shape, the tentacles squirming like snakes. Its razor-sharp teeth rattles - craving; there's that insatiable hunger to it that makes Pop's own teeth grind in fear. He wants to run, to scream, to do something, but his body remains paralyzed.
"Son?" Pop asked, his voice cracking with both fear and sadness. He couldn't bear the thought of his own flesh and blood turning into such a monstrous creature.
Cub turned its head towards Pop, and Pop felt his blood run cold as he saw his son's face. The tentacles spreading out from Cub's neck moved erratically. Pop felt a wave of nausea wash over him. Slowly, the thing that painfully settled in his son's body spoke in a deep, grotesque voice.
the 'Cub' snarls, its words filled with an otherworldly hunger.
Pop can only back away in horror as the possessed Cub rises to its feet on the ceiling, its body contorting in unnatural ways. He doesn't know what to do or where to go now. As the thing starts to charge forward, he prays for this nightmare to en-