unsureofwhathappens - Unsure of What Happens
Unsure of What Happens

If you are looking for my BTS only blog: BTSNoonaSquad  '89'er! (Meaning, born in 1989.) I have no idea of what I want to do with this... I realized when follow people, it shows this page which used to be something else. Ha.

162 posts

Drabble 01/04/2022

Drabble 01/04/2022

My Four Random Words:





Go back to college they said. You can do it they said. What they didn't say was even though you have matured and have experience now, is that lectures were still just as tiring.


How long have you been wanting to yawn but know it would be complete obvious if you did so? How much did you have to suppress the urge to just lay your head down because honestly, you are a working adult and these shifts are starting to truly wear you down.

This has to be inhumane!

"This is important history here," the gentleman up front stated before he fixes his glasses. "It is constantly being mistold. Everyone has accepted one way - one version of this story. And it is the version with the 'Happily Ever After' ending. And it just truly isn't correct. How can we learn how to counter? How is Belle alive to this day? What do you mean you don't know what I am talking about? If you have watched Beauty and the Beast by Disney, you think you know the tale.

But you are completely misinformed."

You sat up again. Truly, how people don't know the truth and assume that the happy story is the correct story. How are they able to just... function? They must be confused when they talk to someone who's ancestors are some of the real house servants who lived with 'the Beast'.

And you hear this lecture time and time again. Yet there is always that person who speaks up, tries to correct, and then is flattened when the professor has to show how they are wrong and in so many ways.

And he always does it with that sigh.

Fairy tales really happened, but not quite like everyone expected. Some of the story tellers edited slightly to suit what they wanted, but for the most part, a lot of it contained crucial information.

But only more recently have people realized the truth and accepted it. Only more recently has the 'Fairy Tale' World allowed the rest of the world to actually see them, learn about them, and show them the truths behind EVERYTHING.

You think people would eat this information up. But no, they are so set in their happily ever after for everything that it has taken nearly shaking sense into the 'normal world' for some of it to get into their thick skulls.

And this is why it is boring. Once he starts getting to the real stuff - able to get past this beginner phase with basic information, that's when it gets good.

It just takes far to long to GET THERE.

More Posts from Unsureofwhathappens

2 years ago

Going to try to write again...

And I am going to work on my BTS Beaty and the Beast-esque type story. I have two versions I started ages ago. One is a more 'does the fairy tale thing' that I based off of my original B&B rewrite that had all original characters.

But then I also have this ... more modern version? I am a little intrigued at my brain at how it came up with this and wondering if I should just continue down that path-

Or just completely start over. I mean, it is possible, not against it. I cannot help but wonder... Hmmm...

3 years ago

Drabble 02/08/2022

She put her ear to the door, trying to overhear what was going on. Normally she wasn't one to eavesdrop but there was something weird here and she needed to know if she was safe or if an escape plan was needed.

Because this was clearly not what she originally signed up for when she was asked to attend to this estate's library.

"... can't hide it for much longer," the female stated.

She thought for a moment. There weren't too many females here, was it the young woman Mulan. She remembered that conversation because she had grown up watching that movie and hearing that tale -

But that was a thought for a different day.

"Then what do you suggest," an exasperated adult male asked. "She is important to all of it working. Without her, we fail and we will never get the truth out. And that means LIVES Mulan."

First - confirmed female voice. Second - what?

"I know," Mulan replied, tried to keep quiet. "But I am also terrified. What if it doesn't work - should we not let her know?"

"You want to risk the life of the others," the male said. There was shuffling and a possible sniffle. "They all deserve their truth and freedom."

Another pause. "Okay, we keep as we are, and pray she truly is the one we have been waiting for. For everyone."

That was enough. She needed to back away. She was not in danger but not needed. But she felt a drop in her stomach. Because there was no way that she was the one they wanted or were waiting for. Couldn't be. She didn't want to let them down, but what is she to do?

She needed to figure out what was going on and who they were waiting for. But she knew she could not be blunt about it.

She took a deep breath and headed back to the library. That was why she was here, and that was where the answers lay. She would no longer hesitate or just dally. She was terrified of the monster that seems to appear in there from time to time but someone always came in time to rescue her and bring her to safety.

And the monster seemed to never show itself when others were there. The inhabitants of this estate always seemed to come when she needed them most. So she would have to keep the faith that they would or would come if called.

Someone needed her to do her job so she could get the RIGHT person there. And she wouldn't let them down.

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3 years ago

Commenting fanfiction is the easiest thing in the world once you start doing it. 

2 years ago

... So I just found out I have "questions asked" and one of them was such a sweet message and I feel horrid that I didn't see them until now!

3 years ago

Drabble 01/05/2022

My 4 Random Words:





"So, you're telling me -"

"This is your SEA of expertise!" The laughter that followed was met by your shaking head. Did he just laugh at his own joke? Was it really a joke though?

"I... I don't think-" you start.

Jin wipes his eyes and waves away what you were trying to say. "It counts. You understand, it's allll good. Now," he says as he claps his hands together excitedly and rubs them, "we can get down to business!"

You shake your head, the small smile of acceptance trying to pop out. You really did enjoy being paired up with Jin. He had his moments of brilliance that others didn't appreciate. He was an excellent partner.

"Okay, how much do you remember about 'The Little Mermaid,'" you started, as you grabbed one of your older notebooks that you had used to jot information and details in.

"That it has a sad ending," he answered immediately.

"Well, depends on how you see it," you state as you flip through the pages. "It could-"

"Wasn't it supposed to be some sort of religious type feel or meaning to it? I mean, point taken," he states, giving you a face that you knew all too well.

"Yah yah yah, but there is more here that we can use to locate the what really happened - what the truth is and not that ending that the fairy tale author gave it."

"Hans Christian Anderson," Jin stated. You looked at him once more. "The author that wrote the version you're thinking of. Hans Christian Anderson."

You gave him a look of relief. "Oh thank god! We've worked on the stories he has told before! So we know what to look for when he took his things into his own hands and spun the tale how he wanted it and broke off from the history!"

Jin looked proud. "Great place to start from! Now, share your notes of brilliance woman! We need to figure this out quickly!"

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