Hablo español pero como aquí todos hablan inglés, vamos a hacer como que yo también (?) Hello There
364 posts
Va1armorghu1is - Dlicieux - Tumblr Blog

"It's a girl." "Leia."

Cal's eyes appreciation post! brought to you because of @animatedjen's incredible photos 👏 + timelapse cause some of you guys asked for a face process!

Sources: The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia, Star Wars: The Essential Guide to Warfare (Author's Cut), Star Wars: Republic Commando Designer Diary

MAKE ME CHOOSE ↳ @the-mother-of-lions asked: TODOBAKU or sukugo?

Fallen angel 🔥

Passing the baton

BD-1 | Jedi Survivor

(Commission for @/ maskemane on Twitter) Cal Kestis and Kanan Jarrus ☀️ 🌙

I never posted the full version of my piece for @forcefatalezine ????
Anyway Cere’s story is so powerful and I really wanted to capture that.
Originally drawn for the Todokats seasons event, I bring you a silly little comic about two dumb boys in desperate need of better communication skills
Part 1

Preorders for this book are open until February 15th at my Ko-fi shop! If you fancy yourself some good old misscomunication with a happy ending Tdbk story definitely check this link out 🧡💙

EMMA D'ARCY — Ph. by Sarah Piantadosi for ES Magazine (May 2024)

Emma D'arcy as Rhaenyra Targaryen — House of the Dragon: 2.01 "A Son for a Son"

Sol and Osha in first episodes
for @iftheresaproblem-whatever

you opened the box and now you have to put up with my bullshit mwahahah 💜

Kesett nation are we alive… here’s some… here’s some food…

Cal Kestis Week day 6: a different choice
had to join cal week for at least one day!
(donation doodles! // tip jar)
Best Pilots in the Rebellion

I actually had this sketched out last year but I had the drive to finish it once I saw Omega’s canon adult fit ✋🏼😭. Ideas are starting to really flow so you’re gonna see more of me 💋

I like to believe Tech's always watching over Omega as she flies among the stars ❤️🩹