va1armorghu1is - 🌼Délicieux 🌼
🌼Délicieux 🌼

Hablo español pero como aquí todos hablan inglés, vamos a hacer como que yo también (?) Hello There

364 posts

Va1armorghu1is - Dlicieux - Tumblr Blog

6 months ago
"It's A Girl.""Leia."
"It's A Girl.""Leia."
"It's A Girl.""Leia."
"It's A Girl.""Leia."
"It's A Girl.""Leia."

"It's a girl." "Leia."

6 months ago
Cal's Eyes Appreciation Post! Brought To You Because Of @animatedjen's Incredible Photos + Timelapse

Cal's eyes appreciation post! brought to you because of @animatedjen's incredible photos 👏 + timelapse cause some of you guys asked for a face process!

6 months ago
Factor H Kamino clone scientists believed that, theoretically, all clones would develop identically physically, mentally, and emotion-ally. As the Kaminoan project to develop a massive clone army ad-vanced, however, clones started Thul Fain to spontaneously exhibit their own individual characteristics. The puzzled Kaminoan scientists labeled this quirk of development Factor H for "human." They viewed all divergence as negative, since they expected their clones to be perfect copies of one another, and decided to recondition the entire batch. However, Jango Fett pointed out that in the case of clone commandos, "The sum of the parts makes the whole stronger." Indeed, commando squads that had distinct personalities performed better in the Killing House and in other critical test situations. The bounty hunter knew instinctively what the scientists couldn't grasp: The best soldiers are brothers ... not clones. The Kaminoans relented, and development was allowed to continue.
But for all that, we must expect a certain number of aberrant behavioral events in units approved for deployment to the customer. Some of Jango's independence and defiance will surface, as it is buried too deeply in the genome to extract without eliminating the qualities we value. And some of our units will display other quirks, as Factor H asserts itself. Jango insists these displays of individuality and unpredictability will make our units more effective, not less, and I agree. Factor H may be frustrating to those who track aberrance rates, but I predict our combat trainers will find a strong correlation between deviations from behavioral patterning and effectiveness on the battlefield. I should also like to address a final point of contention, one I thought had been put to rest during our reviews of the initial Fett prototypes. This, of course, is the question of why these clone units were not engineered to be sterile as per standard procedure. The answer goes to the heart of why Factor H cannot and should not be eliminated. Two recent human projects - the miners created for Tarshan Ring Excavations and the infiltration squads requested by the Lords of Purala IV - began with trials of sterile clones, as requested by both customers. In both cases the clone prototypes displayed much higher rates of mental instability, poor unit cohesion, an inability to adapt and think creatively, and decreased aggressiveness in battlefield sims. A number of corrective measures were employed - synthetic hormones, rewiring cortical pleasure centers and dietary additives - but all cases improvement was minimal.
The clone commandos in particular showed a surprising amount of divergence in thought, personality, and general psychological makeup. Early on, the young clones were grouped into "pods" of four brothers. These groupings exaggerated existing traits, as the brothers would settle into distinct roles, like pod leader, second-in-command, and rebellious upstart. Following initial flash-education, the commando pods were assigned training sergeants, men and women handpicked by Jango Fett himself, from the ranks of the disbanded Mandalorian mercenaries. It wasn't long before the pods began assimilating the characteristics of their training sergeants. Some clones even adopted the particular accents of their instructors, while others, curiously, developed accents similar to Jango's Concord Dawn inflection. The sergeants, in turn, often encouraged clone differentiation by giving them unique nicknames. But the Kaminoan scientists viewed all divergence as negative. They expected their clones to be perfect copies of one another. They wanted to recondition the entire batch. However, Jango quickly pointed out that in the case of the commandos, "The sum of the parts makes the whole stronger." Indeed, commando squads with distinct personalities performed better in the Killing House and in other critical test situations. The bounty hunter knew instinctively what the scientists could not grasp: The best soldiers are brothers...not clones.


Sources: The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia, Star Wars: The Essential Guide to Warfare (Author's Cut), Star Wars: Republic Commando Designer Diary

6 months ago
MAKE ME CHOOSE @the-mother-of-lions Asked: TODOBAKU Or Sukugo?
MAKE ME CHOOSE @the-mother-of-lions Asked: TODOBAKU Or Sukugo?
MAKE ME CHOOSE @the-mother-of-lions Asked: TODOBAKU Or Sukugo?
MAKE ME CHOOSE @the-mother-of-lions Asked: TODOBAKU Or Sukugo?
MAKE ME CHOOSE @the-mother-of-lions Asked: TODOBAKU Or Sukugo?
MAKE ME CHOOSE @the-mother-of-lions Asked: TODOBAKU Or Sukugo?

MAKE ME CHOOSE ↳ @the-mother-of-lions asked: TODOBAKU or sukugo?

7 months ago
Fallen Angel

Fallen angel 🔥

7 months ago
Passing The Baton

Passing the baton

7 months ago
BD-1 | Jedi Survivor

BD-1 | Jedi Survivor

7 months ago
(Commission For @/ Maskemane On Twitter) Cal Kestis And Kanan Jarrus

(Commission for @/ maskemane on Twitter) Cal Kestis and Kanan Jarrus ☀️ 🌙

8 months ago
I Never Posted The Full Version Of My Piece For @forcefatalezine ????

I never posted the full version of my piece for @forcefatalezine ????

Anyway Cere’s story is so powerful and I really wanted to capture that.

8 months ago

Originally drawn for the Todokats seasons event, I bring you a silly little comic about two dumb boys in desperate need of better communication skills

Part 1

Originally Drawn For The Todokats Seasons Event, I Bring You A Silly Little Comic About Two Dumb Boys
Originally Drawn For The Todokats Seasons Event, I Bring You A Silly Little Comic About Two Dumb Boys
Originally Drawn For The Todokats Seasons Event, I Bring You A Silly Little Comic About Two Dumb Boys
Originally Drawn For The Todokats Seasons Event, I Bring You A Silly Little Comic About Two Dumb Boys
Originally Drawn For The Todokats Seasons Event, I Bring You A Silly Little Comic About Two Dumb Boys
Originally Drawn For The Todokats Seasons Event, I Bring You A Silly Little Comic About Two Dumb Boys
Originally Drawn For The Todokats Seasons Event, I Bring You A Silly Little Comic About Two Dumb Boys
Originally Drawn For The Todokats Seasons Event, I Bring You A Silly Little Comic About Two Dumb Boys
Originally Drawn For The Todokats Seasons Event, I Bring You A Silly Little Comic About Two Dumb Boys
Originally Drawn For The Todokats Seasons Event, I Bring You A Silly Little Comic About Two Dumb Boys

Preorders for this book are open until February 15th at my Ko-fi shop! If you fancy yourself some good old misscomunication with a happy ending Tdbk story definitely check this link out 🧡💙

9 months ago
9 months ago
EMMA D'ARCY Ph. By Sarah Piantadosi For ES Magazine (May 2024)
EMMA D'ARCY Ph. By Sarah Piantadosi For ES Magazine (May 2024)
EMMA D'ARCY Ph. By Sarah Piantadosi For ES Magazine (May 2024)
EMMA D'ARCY Ph. By Sarah Piantadosi For ES Magazine (May 2024)
EMMA D'ARCY Ph. By Sarah Piantadosi For ES Magazine (May 2024)
EMMA D'ARCY Ph. By Sarah Piantadosi For ES Magazine (May 2024)
EMMA D'ARCY Ph. By Sarah Piantadosi For ES Magazine (May 2024)
EMMA D'ARCY Ph. By Sarah Piantadosi For ES Magazine (May 2024)
EMMA D'ARCY Ph. By Sarah Piantadosi For ES Magazine (May 2024)
EMMA D'ARCY Ph. By Sarah Piantadosi For ES Magazine (May 2024)

EMMA D'ARCY — Ph. by Sarah Piantadosi for ES Magazine (May 2024)

9 months ago
Emma D'arcy As Rhaenyra Targaryen House Of The Dragon: 2.01 "A Son For A Son"
Emma D'arcy As Rhaenyra Targaryen House Of The Dragon: 2.01 "A Son For A Son"
Emma D'arcy As Rhaenyra Targaryen House Of The Dragon: 2.01 "A Son For A Son"
Emma D'arcy As Rhaenyra Targaryen House Of The Dragon: 2.01 "A Son For A Son"

Emma D'arcy as Rhaenyra Targaryen — House of the Dragon: 2.01 "A Son for a Son"

9 months ago
Sol And Osha In First Episodes

Sol and Osha in first episodes

9 months ago

for @iftheresaproblem-whatever

For @iftheresaproblem-whatever
For @iftheresaproblem-whatever

you opened the box and now you have to put up with my bullshit mwahahah 💜

9 months ago
10 months ago
Kesett Nation Are We Alive Heres Some Heres Some Food

Kesett nation are we alive… here’s some… here’s some food…

10 months ago
Cal Kestis Week Day 6: A Different Choice

Cal Kestis Week day 6: a different choice

had to join cal week for at least one day!

(donation doodles! // tip jar)

10 months ago

Best Pilots in the Rebellion

Best Pilots In The Rebellion

I actually had this sketched out last year but I had the drive to finish it once I saw Omega’s canon adult fit ✋🏼😭. Ideas are starting to really flow so you’re gonna see more of me 💋

10 months ago
I Like To Believe Tech's Always Watching Over Omega As She Flies Among The Stars

I like to believe Tech's always watching over Omega as she flies among the stars ❤️‍🩹