vacuian-demon - Holding the line!
Holding the line!

Independent, clearly canon divergent and 🔞 rp blog for a RWBY faunus OC from Vacuo. Heavily headcanoned and canon divergent based character.

451 posts

Lance Tried Not To Look, She Knew He Was In Heat And He Wanted To Just Dive In, Take Her In His Hands

Lance tried not to look, she knew he was in heat and he wanted to just dive in, take her in his hands and fuck her stupid. But he was working.

This was many years after returning home, he was rewarded with a great wife and a desk job for the army of vacuo- his children leading two of them. He hardly had to work now.

Here he was in his office, in heat, and had baby feaver, wanting to have a 4th child with Sothis, and with her doing this he wanted to 'correct' Her.

"Honey, Please! I am trying to sign off on this paperwork." He cleared his throat pretending he wasn't flustered.

Sothis Leaned Over The Desk And Pretended To Occupy Herself With Organizing The Books And Papers. But

Sothis leaned over the desk and pretended to occupy herself with organizing the books and papers. But with her position, and her unmodestly short dress (it was a borrowed shirt), just beneath the hem of the dress was a hint of purple lace. She even swayed her hips a bit. Innocently.

Sothis Leaned Over The Desk And Pretended To Occupy Herself With Organizing The Books And Papers. But
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More Posts from Vacuian-demon

5 months ago

It’s Sinday! Send dirty anons for my muses to answer to!

5 months ago

send ⚔ to walk in on my muse training

5 months ago

🍎 。:*• ─ SEXY ABC.    ›    ( a list of questions, from A to Z, to help develop some headcanons about our muses. most questions are nsfɯ, so please make sure you’re not a minor and read at your own risk ! )

send a pairing + one or more letters for some headcanons regarding our muses’ sex life !

A ─ After care. Do they take care of each other after sex ? How ?

B ─ Breeding. Is this one of their kinks ? Do they often have unprotected sex ? Have they ever had any pregnancy scares ?

C ─ Condoms. Do they use them ?  Do they have a preference ( color, flavour, etc… ) ? Have they ever had an accident ?  Would they continue anyway, if they’ve forgotten/run out of them ?

D ─ Dreams. A wet dream my muse has had about yours, and whether they’d want to make it come true.

E ─ Experimenting. Are they willing to experiment new things ?  Is there something they’d like to try with their partner, but haven’t had the chance yet ?  Any experiments gone wrong ?

F ─ First time. How was their first time together ?  Was any of them nervous ?  Did it live up to their expectations ?

G ─ Games. Do they play any games involving sex  ( like adult board games, throwing dice to decide what’s their next position, engaging in roleplay, food play, etc… ) ?

H ─ Humour. Are they the kind to share a laugh during sex ?  Has something funny already happened to them ( breaking the bed, one of them falling off the couch, funny noises, etc… ) ?

I ─ Infidelity. Has any of them ever cheated on their partner ?  Whom have they cheated with ?  If not, is it something they could do ?  If yes, have they told them or has the other found out ?  Could they forgive and forget ? 

J ─ Jewellery. Do they own any sexy jewellery  ( like butt plugs with rhinestones, piercings in intimate areas, cock rings, collars, etc… ) ?  What do they think about it ? 

K ─ Kissing. How important are kisses in their relationship ?  Any favourite kind of kisses ?  Do they have any rituals involving kissing ( never leaving for work without kissing the other, always sharing a kiss goodnight, etc… ) ?

L ─ Lingerie. Do they enjoy wearing it and/or seeing their partner in lingerie ?  What kind of lingerie do they find the sexiest ? Any other clothing they love seeing their partner in  ( like grey sweater pants, wearing nothing but an apron, really short shorts, etc… ) ?  Do they often wear what the other likes, just to please them ?

M ─ Masturbation. Do they engage in it ?  Together or alone ?  Do they enjoy watching their partner masturbating ?  Do they use any toys, or just their hands ?

N ─ Nudes. Do they send them to each other ?  Do they save them on their phones ?  Do they keep them to themselves, or do they show them to their friends ?  Have they ever sent one to a wrong number ?  

O ─ O’clock. What time do they usually have sex  ( mornings, late at night, during lunch break, etc… ) ?  Are they usually in a rush, or do they take their time ? How about on weekends / holidays ?  

P ─ Public. Have they ever done it in public ?  Were they caught ?  Do they have a favourite public place to do it ?

Q ─ Questions. Is there anything they’d like to ask their partner, but never had the courage to ?  Any questions they’d rather avoid ?  Do they discuss everything as a couple, or are there any taboo themes ?

R ─ Recording. Have they ever filmed themselves having sex ?  Did they watch it together afterwards ?  Has anyone else seen their videos ? 

S ─ Spanking. Is this one of their kinks ?  If yes, who’s the spanker and who’s the spankee ?  Any favourite positions ?  Do they use just the hand or any other spanking implements  ( like the paddle, belt, whip, hairbrush, etc… ) ?

T ─ Turn ons & offs. What do they do to turn each other on ?  Is there something the other does that turns them off ?  Have they told them about it ?

U ─ Unusual. What’s the most unusual place they’ve had sex at/in ?  Was it a good experience ?  Would they repeat it ?  Is there an unusual place they’d like to try ?

V ─ Video call. Have they ever shared a sexy moment with each other during a video call ? What were the circumstances ( long distance, trying to cheer up/tease the other while at work, etc… ) ?  Did they enjoy it ?

W ─ Walk of shame. Has one of them  ( or both )  ever done a walk of shame  ( trying to leave the place the other shared with roommates/family members unnoticed but being caught ) ?  How was it ?  What were the reactions ?

X ─ X-rated. Do they watch any x-rated movies ( porn ) ?  Together or alone ?  Do they have a favourite type ?  Do they try to reenact them afterwards ?

Y ─ Yucky. Is there something they find particular disgusting or unpleasant in regards to sex ? Something they’d absolutely refuse to do, even if the other really wanted it ?  Have they already denied the other some kinks because of this ? 

Z ─ Zones. What are their most erogenous zones ?  Does their partner know all of them ?  Do they make sure to stimulate each other in said zones ?

 :* SEXY ABC. (a List Of Questions, From A To Z, To Help Develop Some Headcanons About Our Muses. Most

☕️ ㅤ

5 months ago
The Vacuain Demon's Sexy Pinup!

The Vacuain Demon's sexy pinup!

Happy Sexual sunday gang.

art by Dreamie

5 months ago

Nonsexual acts of Intimacy - Select from the following for my muse to respond to...

♔ : Finding your muse wearing their clothes

♕: Holding hands

♖: Having their hair washed by your muse

♗: Your muse falling asleep with their head in my muse's lap.

♘: Cuddling in a blanket fort

♙: Sharing a bed

♚: Head scratches

♛: Sharing a dessert

♜: Shoulder rubs

♝: Reading a book together

♞: Caring for each other while ill (specify which party is which)

♟: Patching up a wound

♤: Taking a bath together

♧: Your muse playing with their hair

♡: Accidentally falling asleep together

♢: Forehead or cheek kisses

♠: Your muse adjusting their jewelry/neck tie/ etc.

♣: Back scratches

♥: Your muse crying about something

♦: Slow dancing